Kevin's Kitty Rescue Ch. 02


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"Don't be like the others," she whimpered. "He told me this is what you paid for."

"What did you pay for exactly?" Kevin asked Katherine.

"A special unlimited session. It was pricey, but not as pricey as I expected it would be."

Kevin frowned. "Did it say what it was for?"

"It was for fucking me," Easter crawled forward, before kneeling between Kevin's legs. She pulled her breasts free and dropped them into Kevin's lap. "Please, take it out? I'll suck it, then you'll know."

"Know what?" Kevin asked.

"That it's okay," Easter trembled as her eyes widened. "That I want it, so bad."

"What's she saying?"

Easter snapped to Katherine. "How about you?" She chittered. "If you lift that skirt of yours I could... I..."

"Easter?" Kevin asked.

The bunny tilted her head and reached out a paw. Katherine froze as the bunny touched her stomach.

"It's not fair," Easter's lip quivered. "I... I want my litter. Why don't I have my litter?"

"Easter?" Kevin took her by the shoulder. "What's going on?"

"Why are you asking me questions like you can hear what I say?"

Kevin smiled. "Because I CAN hear what you say."

The bunny went from the floor to Kevin's lap in the blink of an eye. Kevin flailed as Easter kissed him hard, invading his mouth with her tongue. Katherine let out a squawk and tried to pull her off, but that just caused Easter to start kissing her instead. When Katherine pulled away, Easter whirled around and pawed at Kevin's pants.

"Take them off! I'll do anything! I'll lick your wife. She can have my face if you just give me my litter!"

"She's not my wife--"

"I'll lick her anyway!" Easter squealed. "Please, just fuck me!"

Kevin took hold of her shoulders and saw her face flash with pain for a moment. That was enough to break her urges for the moment, and Kevin leaned in to look at her arm.

"It's nothing," Easter complained. "Just where he gives me vitamins."

"What?" Kevin frowned and leaned in closer. "What do you mean?"

"Injections. They make me feel good. He gives me pills too. A little one every day, and another one every week. It makes me ill, but he says it helps."

"Katherine, he's drugging her," Kevin mumbled.

"Shit," Katherine started tapping at her watch.

"N-no. He's... he's helping. Let me show you!"

Kevin grabbed her wrists as she tried for his pants once more, and Easter gave him a frustrated glare.

"I'm good," she whispered. "Trust me. I've sucked them before. It'll be good."

"I don't want you to," Kevin said, the first thing that came to mind.

"Then... how about you just fuck me then?" she rubbed her hand between her legs. "I'm already so wet."

"I don't want that either."

Easter frowned. "But..."

"What's your name?" Kevin asked, trying to break her single-mindedness.


"Is that what he always calls you?"

Easter chewed her lip. "When I'm at work he does. At home, he calls me animal."

Kevin frowned. "And what's his name?"


Peter Tanner was sitting at the bar, watching the timer count down on his phone. The couple in with the animal had been going at it for a while. He was annoyed with himself. One of his best clients had come in, and he was having to put the man off for another five minutes. All because he forgot to give her the injection before she went in. Drugs for humans were difficult to get your hands on. But synthetic estrogen for a bunny, to ramp up her sex drive, was an internet click away from being delivered to your front door.

And hey, it was working. That dude with the cats really started something. He found some internet article about the Harkness Test and with a bit of trial and error; he realized she understood him perfectly. Then it was a simple matter to find out what she wanted, and called in a favor from an old friend.

She was the hardest working stripper in the building. She also didn't shy away from the less than legal practices. By charging less than a human girl, she got plenty of repeat business. The dumb little cunt still thought it was about getting pregnant. So far, the pill, which thankfully worked for the animals, was working fine. To be safe, he gave her the morning after once a week. Stupid bitch thought they were vitamins.

"Hey, Peter?"

Peter turned to see one of the security guards had come up to him.

"What's wrong?"

"The cops are here."

"And?" Peter frowned. "This isn't my club."

"They're taking your rabbit."


Kevin had her wrapped in his blazer as he led the hysterical bunny from the room. The pair of officers had arrived moments before, and after the security guard showed them where to go, Katherine had explained the situation. Kevin, to be honest, was surprised that the police had reacted so quickly. The parallels between this world and the one he grew up in had some stark differences. He had to remember once again that animals in this world weren't farmed like they were on the other one. They weren't given rights like most humans, but they weren't treated as poorly either.

Which meant when Katherine called in a situation where abuse was taking place, the police came straight away. With her credentials, they weren't at all worried about stepping on toes when she gave them the order.

With the bunny between them, the police escorted them out. Easter cried brokenly. She was scared, confused, and torn up inside. Part of her knew that she wasn't being looked after. But the ever present heat she was in made her crave the life, anyway. She wanted what she had. And now she was being taken away.


She turned, but Katherine blocked her as the officers stood in the way.

"Hey, she's mine!"

The closest officer looked at Katherine, who shook her head.

"Sir, we are impounding this rabbit. If you have any connection to her, you can provide them to Animal Protection."

"Here's my card," Katherine slipped her details to the man.

"What?" he gaped. "What does this mean?"

"It means we're taking her, and until we know she's safe, you're not getting her back."

Easter turned to face him. She could see the look on his face. The shock, the anger and the rage. But beneath the rage, Easter had a moment of clarity and finally saw the contempt. She wasn't as slow as Peter made her out to be. She was just more forgiving of his faults because he promised her a litter. A pang of sadness hit her when she realized that... if these people were telling the truth, he was harming her. Her own mother had cautioned her about mating. That she would have a large litter. She and all her brothers and sisters were told the same thing. It was the driving force of why she had been coming to this place for months now. Months of men, women and sometimes even the same one, over and over again... for naught.

"I can't be here anymore!" she squealed.

Kevin watched as she rushed for the door, and the two officers, distracted by the owner, didn't have a chance to stop her. With Katherine in her advanced state of pregnancy, it was Kevin that made the first move. He wasn't a runner. Not by a long shot, and with Easter's long, powerful legs, he wasn't about to keep up with her either.

He dodged through the s-bend and spotted the bouncer on his ass where Easter must have knocked him over. The bunny, though, she was in the middle of the parking lot, laying on the road as she sobbed. Kevin rushed to her side and took her by the shoulders.

"I w-wanna g-g-go home!"

"I know." Kevin pulled her into a hug. "I know you do."

"P-please take me h-home?"

"Hey! She's not yours!"

Kevin felt an impact and his face slammed into the pavement. He could hear Easter squealing in fright. Kevin fought back and spotted the bouncer from the front door. The guy was glaring as he raised a fist. Kevin closed his eyes, before--


"I have him!"


"Don't fucking move," the bouncer growled.


"Relax guys," the bouncer got up. "I had it under control."




"I didn't--"


"What the f--"


Kevin pushed himself up as the bouncer writhed on the ground. One officer moved around to secure his legs, while the other brought in cuffs. Katherine was hurrying over while Peter stared in shock from the entrance to the strip club. Kevin tuned all of that out, as he rolled to see Easter trembling in terror on the road.

"Hey now," he crawled over to her. "It's okay. We're safe."

The poor bunny glanced at Kevin and saw his bleeding cheek. Her nose ruffled for a moment before she burst into tears. Everything was all too much for her. The heat, the lies, being taken away and now the fighting. She was cold, scared and could barely concentrate through her mating urges. All she could think about was how good this male smelled, and he wouldn't touch her.

Kevin held her for a moment, while the police dealt with the bouncer. When one of them approached, asking if Kevin wanted to press charges, he declined. He wasn't badly hurt, and the guy thought he was helping. Even if he was heavy-handed and stupid. That at least got him a relieved smile from the man as the officers released him once more. Peter, on the other hand, just looked lost as he watched as Kevin and Katherine bundled Easter into the back of her car.

The poor bunny trembled and shook the whole drive back. Kevin worried that Katherine would take her to the department where she worked. Stick her in one of those horrible cages like she did before they met. But when the highway exit passed by and she was still heading for Kevin's home, he began to relax.

Easter, however, did not. After all the fuss and excitement, she was terrified of the flashing lights on the highway. Usually, she was so tired after a night of work. She slept on the way home and never saw them much. The sound of tires hitting gravel made her wince at the volume, and then they were brought into a large shed.

It was big, empty, and the sound echoed. She could hear snoring and running water. Kevin led her into a small room, though... it was larger than the one she usually slept in. He showed her the bed, how to use the lights and even the source of the water. A pool.

"Do you remember all that?" Kevin asked as he led her back into her room.

"I... how long do I have to stay here?"

Kevin frowned. "As long as you need to. You're not a prisoner, look." He showed her the door. "This doesn't lock. It opens from both sides, see?"

He closed the door, then opened it again. Then he stepped outside and closed the door. Easter squeaked and rushed over, taking hold of the handle, before pulling the door open again. She held it, while staring in shock at Kevin. The room Peter kept her in locked. Once that door closed, it didn't open unless he needed her for something.

"You're safe here," Kevin smiled.

And this time, as Easter cried, it was in relief.

Chapter Three

"Lovely," Kevin smiled nervously as the final member of the class stepped into the room.

It was a larger group this time. They ranged, depending on what exactly he was teaching. The more intimate ones were smaller groups. But this class could be much larger. He looked over the group and smiled. The room was set into tiers, with a padded floor to sit and lounge on with their loved one. There was a healthy mix, too. Men and women of all shapes, sizes, ages and species. Some fluffy, some furry. One, without any pretense of an old joke, was a sheep girl, recently sheared to fit into a cute outfit. There were even a few couples in the mix, too. Human couples, that is, with their pet along with them.

"Now, take a seat. Get settled in. Make sure everyone is comfortable," Kevin instructed as he settled on a similar padded section at the front of the class. "While you do so, let me introduce my companion. This is Lucy."

"You should give me a fake name for these classes," she waved at the class. "Call me something filthy, like cum-bucket, or--"

"Lucy, here is a good example for this class. Because she has some unique tastes," Kevin ignored her rambling. "She makes an excellent example of individual tastes, and why it's so important to understand your partners, and gain consent."

"I'll consent to anything," Lucy hummed. "Just promise you'll destroy me with that co--"

"Even with the ability to hear and understand the surrounding beings, I still take the time to understand each and every one. From asking what they want to eat for dinner--"

"Fresh fruit, drizzled with your seed, leaked from the pussies of--"

"To their generalized, or even quite specific, sexual tastes."

"I'd love to taste it."

Kevin sighed. It was always a mixed bunch with Lucy. She was always a bit over the top. But she'd insisted she didn't want to be intimate before coming to class today. Rather, she watched the bevy of horny kitties take their turns, while refusing any favors of her own. If Kevin had known she was basically edging herself for his class, he likely would have pressed the issue a little harder.

"Today, we are going to sit down. Get comfortable and explore those limits with our loved ones. So please, don't be afraid to ask any questions. You have all been vetted and your partners have given their consent to be here as well. This is a time to learn and explore."

Lucy let out a series of soft whimpers as she lay down before him. She rolled onto her back and spread her legs slightly as she put her arms over her head. Kevin paused for a moment, spotting the collar she had placed around her neck, and wondered for a moment where it came from. The answer was likely Mary. If she bought Sable a vibrator, it wasn't that much of a push to think she bought Lucy a collar. The only other one that wore a collar was Gemma, and Kevin hadn't seen her take it off in a while now.

"Now," Kevin smiled. "Don't think of your companions as lesser. That's the first rule, and one I hope we've all established by now." He looked around the room and was happy to see most of everyone smiling in agreement. "Now, to start off. Our partners can hear and understand everything we say. That is our strength, and our responsibility. Like you would be appalled to discover you were doing something that made them uncomfortable, they would feel the same to you. It's important to speak your intentions clearly and intently. Make your wishes and feelings known."

Kevin looked down at Lucy, who was staring at him with open lust. "Lucy, you are extremely beautiful. And a pleasure to spend time with."

"Noooo," she crooned. "Say mean things. I don't deserve praise. I haven't choked on your cock yet."

Kevin sighed. "Though, to be clear. Like humans, our companions and partners can have varying tastes."

"Like what?" An older woman asked as she sat with a happy looking dog-boy, who was wagging his tail furiously as he leaned against her.

Kevin glanced at the class and saw their open curiosity, but it was Lucy's quiet, "Humiliate me, master," that was the final push.

Kevin swallowed and nodded. "Most of my kitties are lovely, compassionate creatures. They thrive on praise and soft touches for the most part," he said, knowing full well that wasn't entirely the case. "Lucy, though, is another matter."

"I'm a whore," she trembled.

"I don't know if any of you are familiar with the BDSM community," Kevin mumbled slightly. "But our companions can be like that, too."

"Is that why she's wearing a collar?" A younger man asked, while he stroked the neck of a parrot-girl who was clearly loving the attention.

"Yes," Kevin admitted. "Lucy is an odd case, and why she's good for these classes. Being an insect, she has mixed reactions to touch. Her exoskeleton provides feedback for the sensation, but it's mostly pressure. So finding ways to touch her, especially intimately, can be difficult."

"You, without the ability to hear your loved ones speak, need to work out a way to communicate your feelings."

"Like wagging?" someone at the back suggested.

"Yes," Kevin nodded. "But dogs will also wag when they're in trouble, or if they're feeling nervous. It's easy to tell that apart, but what if they're laying down on their back? What if it's in the middle of sex?"

"So, this is where I want everyone to play a little game. It might seem silly, but it promotes trust, cooperation, and it's a level of communication you can understand without me hovering over your shoulder."

Kevin looked down at Lucy, who was biting at her lip, and raised his hand. "We'll do this both ways, so everyone knows what it's like. But I'll start, and you all join in when you're ready." He lowered his hand towards Lucy's stomach and watched her squirm. "Now, she's a little eager, and likely the rest of them will be as well. The tummy is a sensitive area, and it's one most of our companions will only let you touch if they trust you. As for those companions, please take your master's hand, or hands, for the couples here today. And gently hold them as they touch you."

Kevin felt Lucy's fingers close around his wrist, before his palm rested against her hard, chitin stomach. He could feel the swell and fall of her breathing as she held still.

"Just rest for a moment, and then pick a direction. I usually go up, because the ribs can be sensitive. If your partner enjoys that, you can certainly head in those directions. As for your companions, your job is to incentivize your partner. You can't communicate with them, so you need to direct them. If there is somewhere you like, or don't like to be touched, this is a good time to show them those spots. Either by tightening your grip, or pushing their hand away entirely."

"I wish you'd tighten your grip," Lucy whined as Kevin's fingers traced up towards her breasts.

"Now, Lucy, as mentioned, is an insect and mostly just feels pressure. She's almost impossible to tickle and tease--"

"Bullshit. I'm so fucking wet. You've ruined me as a queen. Just a puppet for your co--"

"But that doesn't mean she still doesn't enjoy the sensation of pressure on certain parts of her body," Kevin continued. "While she lacks breasts, she still has a fatty deposit on her chest that resembles them. Beneath the chitin, there is still nerve clusters." Kevin gave one of Lucy's breasts a firm squeeze. Before there was a sharp yowl.

Kevin sprung to his feet as a couple jerked away from each other. He saw the shock on both their faces as he rushed over. A middle-aged man, and his catgirl, a fluffy Persian. While they looked upset by something, they quickly came together as Kevin arrived.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked the cat.

"Something hurt," she frowned.

"Was it your master?"

"Oh, baby. Daddy's so sorry if he hurt you." The man's face twisted as the Persian realized he was upset and snuggled into his side.

"Alright, clearly something happened. This needs to be a learning moment, so he knows what he did that hurt you."

"It wasn't him. I was itchy there, and all of a sudden it hurt when he touched me."

Kevin frowned before tilting his head. "Can you please show me exactly where?"

The Persian nodded and pushed her chest towards him. Kevin, for a moment, thought that perhaps he'd gotten rough with one of her nipples or something. That was until she hefted her breast and pulled some of her fur back.

"Shit," Kevin frowned. "You've got a tick. He must have bumped it and it's in a sensitive spot."

"Baby, no," the man frowned. "I'm so sorry. I should have checked you better."

The catgirl purred at the attention, before glancing at Kevin. "You're not going to take me away, are you?"

"No," Kevin smiled. "I promise, you're safe. Things like this happen." Though truth be told, Kevin was confused about why this tick wasn't humanoid. He'd never seen a tick since coming to this reality. In fact, many of the insects he expected on a day-to-day basis, flies, mosquitos and the like, were still the bugs he remembered. Perhaps it was a queen and swarm situation like with Lucy? "But I will need to take you over to see Mary. Depending on how long that takes, we may have to reschedule you for a different day."