Kink University - Ch. 03

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Lilly meets her very... touchie feelie... new roomie.
2.8k words

Part 3 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/02/2023
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Chapter 3

Daava and I travelled along the dirt road--through the sunny pasture we had seen before. I spotted the occasional small farm, with locals tending to them and waving as we passed by. One of these farmers looked like an imp from the distance--red, horns, small, and with a tiny tail. We saw him corralling chickens as he mounted a slightly larger rooster with a makeshift saddle. Then there was a ten-foot-tall ogre lady tilling a small vegetable garden. Most of the space, however, seemed to be free-roam dairy cows.

"They're cared for by an elderly elf," Daava said, pointing at a slightly bigger barn up on a hill. "She seems nice--at least she sometimes offers water when I pass this way with the robe deliveries.

Oh, that reminded me to ask, "So how does that work? I noticed the person we... met... before had sandals--the same robes and sandals that I found when I woke up."

Daava nodded. "It's an arrangement that is worked out in the truce between our school and her city. No violence between us, no uninvited trespassing, equal representation for winning newbies to our side. And we have to split the chore of supplying robes and sandals to the temple during Admissions Season. That way, you new arrivals don't remain perpetually naked until someone finds you."

"Admissions season?" I asked, confused. Did a god really abide by the academic calendar?

"The university aligns its schedule to the yearly season when Kavtagro sneaks out to the worlds of other gods to bring people here," Daava explained. "Your arrival is actually the latest I've seen anyone appear, especially given that orientation is this afternoon. That's why nobody was there to officially recruit. I was just assigned to restock for the beginning of next season."

I nodded and remembered what the elf had said about other humans. "So... this Admissions Season was in my world this time?"

Daava nodded.

"What about you?" I asked. "Were goblins last year?"

Daava shook her head. "The goblin people have been around for many years. We have our own city of descendants, which is where I was born. I came, uhm, voluntarily last year. But Admissions collected the Gupium last year and elves the year before. Earlier than that... large bats, I think? It's only a two-year stay for most students, so I never met them."

For some reason, she seemed a little embarrassed when she said she had volunteered to study at Kink U. This emotion struck me as odd, since kink was the basis of this entire world. But maybe the descendants still held taboos since they allegedly didn't engage in any of it. It wouldn't be entirely unlike the world I had come from, where sexuality in general was still largely treated as a no-no, while almost everyone did it and everything from religion to the economy, to laws were built around it.

Either way, it seemed like a sore topic for her, so I didn't pursue further. I just said, "Well that's cool... that you knew what you wanted."

Daava looked at me and gave a small smile. She then pointed up ahead, to where we could now see buildings that did not look like farms. "Here we are."

The largest and most noticeable building was another temple--identical on the outside to the one I had appeared in. Gargoyles on the top, polished black stone making up the rest. Outside of the temple there were several cul-de-sacs comprised of seemingly well-constructed wooden huts with thatch rooves.

As we pulled forward with the wagon, we saw a large assortment of humans and... shiny people in a variety of rainbow colors (the guplium I guessed?). They all wore robes like mine and were headed into the temple.

"You should probably run and catch up with them for freshman orientation," Daava said. "Don't worry about me, I know what's going on around here. I'll just pull the wagon into the shop and be a bit late. Hopefully we'll see each other around."

I felt a bit bad at the idea of leaving her to finish the trip alone, but also aware that she was probably right. "Alright... but I appreciate you helping me and... explaining everything to me." I smiled at her.

Daava gave a side smile. "I appreciate you... baffling that city-elf with that thing you did. Now, go on." She waved me forward.

I nodded and began to hustle toward the other students. I wasn't in the worst shape, but not the best either. So I soon found myself winded and sweaty. Great! Late and gross was not how I would have wanted to start any school orientation. Fortunately, when I reached the doors of the temple, I could hear nothing but the chattering of students. It hadn't started yet!

I walked inside. Like the temple I had appeared in, this one was about the size of an auditorium--complete with back rooms. There was writing on the walls, a banner of creatures in various acts of intercourse, a depiction of Kavtagro, and lightning on the ceiling.

What was different was a stone stage here and rows of long benches facing it. It almost seemed like a church--which made the hairs on the back of my neck feel prickly and uncomfortably warm.

The first few rows seemed to be the lower-classmen--mostly humans. The demographics seemed surprisingly split between gender and racial demographics, which made me think that Kavtagro had decided to go for a figurative sampler plate of humans. The upperclassmen were in the back rows. Among both groups, there were species outliers. The first one I noticed was a towering figure who had to sit next to the benches--a person with the upper body of a man and the lower body of a bull. There was also a medusa, a gnome, a trio of pixies, and a few others that I couldn't really see for how they wore their robes.

I looked for an opening among all the chattering students. The back couple rows were pretty empty--minus one human looking lost. They were about my size, which was to say short, and wore a turquoise-colored robe. When they noticed me, they waved excitedly and beckoned me over. Did I... know this person?

I walked over and sat down next to them. "Uhm, hi."

"Hi!" they said in a chipper voice, wearing a bright smile. It wasn't immediately easy to determine their gender--and that seemed to be on purpose. They had short black hair, styled in a fauxhawk, brown skin, and small dark eyes. Immediately, they started talking a mile a minute. "I'm so glad somebody else got here later. I was so nervous that I was the only person not to get here a week ago! My name is Mystery, I go by they/them, I'm from the Philippines. I love, love, love sweets, and... like everybody else here... I am kind of kinky! What about you? Tell me everything!" They took my hand in both of theirs, like we had been best friends all our lives.

Stunned, and not quite ready for all that, it took me a moment to catch up. I said, "Uhm, I'm Lilly. She/her. I'm from the US, I guess... though I spent a lot of time other places. I like, uhm, animals. And food is good too. And yeah... kink." It was odd, confessing that for the first time to another person--especially since I barely knew that person at all--but it certainly wasn't bad.

"Wow!" Mystery said. "It's so cool that we have this translation magic thingy; being BFFs would have been so much more challenging without it."

Instead of asking in my own sincerest confusion about when we had become best friends, I just said, "Yeah, uhm, I guess it really does make it easier. I think there's a word for that kind of convenience, but it's escaping me at the moment."

Mystery seemed to be about to reply when we were cut off by the loud sound of someone clearing their throat. Suddenly, the temple became pitch-black, except for an orb of light--about the size of a melon--hovering over a figure on the stage. We turned to see a large creature covered in brown feathers. They stood on four legs--all ending in black talons. On their face was a glossy, black beak and two brown eyes. Being a low key fantasy nerd, I was pretty sure that this was a griffin.

"Welcome, students," the Griffin said, their voice smokie and calm. "You may address me as Director. I oversee the running of this school. Now, most of you have received introductions over the past week to what life will be like here. For those of you that haven't or who still have questions, our faculty will be here to assist you. For this moment, I would only like to speak my peace to set a tone for the coming semester."

I supposed that I would be one of the students needing to get more info--and I also guessed that Mystery was in the same boat.

"We all know the reason that we have been brought to this world," the Griffin paused, allowing for a few snickers, a cheer, and lots of blushing faces. They did not seem bothered by any of the responses, giving me the impression that he was not one of those faculty types who seemed to have something to prove. When they continued to speak, however, their tone was just firm enough that everyone knew to quiet down.

"It is that you are here at this school, rather than other places you could have gone, which I find far more significant. You chose to limit yourself, to learn a careful way of going about expressing an unorthodox side of yourselves. While you are here, I promise that your school will do all it can to treat you as adults and to maintain your safety."

Just like confessing to Mystery about being... kinky, the way the Director talked to us respectfully and with even a tone of gravity made me feel okay about that side of myself for the first time I could remember. Even after leaving my religious upbringing, where I had policed my own thoughts because I feared a deity reading them and being disappointed or angry, I had never heard of sexual preference treated like this.

It made me wonder... had Kavtagro been right to bring me here? Was he more than just a pervert? It wasn't as if I had left much behind. And judging by the smiling cadences of those around me, nobody seemed too sad to have left their world behind. Of course, it could be as simple a matter of happier people being more willing to get frisky. Still, the question floated in my thoughts.

However, these thoughts were interrupted as I felt my hand--still gripped tightly by my new friend--being placed somewhere tremendously warm. I looked out of the corner of my eye, and saw that Mystery was eagerly listening to the speech while seemingly unconsciously pressing my hand between their legs. I immediately felt a degree of moist heat that I was pretty sure came from a vagina. Ah, the fun of trans for trans. It was always a delightful surprise; there was just never any telling what you were going to get until the time came. It was one of my greatest joys after coming out... but I had not expected to get this information from them quite this soon.

The Director continued. "Our only rule that we enforce with severity is that of consent. Students will only engage in sexual activities with parties who eagerly consent. All students will observe a universal set of safety phrases or "safe-words" for sexual engagement. 'Mist' will mean all is well; 'coal' will indicate that play is getting close to a boundary, and 'flame' will communicate that play has crossed a boundary and must be stopped immediately. There are a set of enchantments on these words, which extend far beyond the school grounds."

I had heard of safe-words before, especially since my particular fantasy kinks involved a lot of power play. I had always thought that red light, yellow light, and green light, were pretty good ones, since they were easy to remember and assign meaning to. But I supposed that would not exactly make sense in this world--since I hadn't seen any cars or traffic lights.

I looked back at my hand--now virtually being sat upon--as Mystery continues to look absorbed in what was happening. Did they really not know? I was beginning to think they didn't.

The Director drew a quick breath and continued through their lecture. "The faculty are here in teaching capacity only. There will be no grades, no failing, and no requirements beyond those of courtesy and safety. You will get out of this experience what you put into it. Beyond that, all rules are common sense and dealt with proportionally and as necessary. In other words... clean up after yourselves, show respect, and let your neighbors sleep at night. You are adults, after all."

The Director paused and raised one of the corners of their mouth while a few people lightly chuckled. They didn't seem to be the most vivacious school director I'd ever heard of, but I gave them props for not figuratively sniffing their own farts.

"Finally," the Director said. "Enjoy this experience as you find fulfills you most. Whether that means exploring your inner self, your path to greatest magical power, or your exploration of pleasure. There are no answers, and we do not expect you all to be academics. Only that you try your best in what you choose to pursue. Now, in a moment, you will each receive paperwork so that we can log your personal information. Alongside will be a short survey that will make your stay more... interesting. Thank you."

With that, the orb of light seemed to blow apart like a dandelion on the wind--dispersing the magical darkness. There came a round of polite applause from the students.

This was when Mystery finally realized where they had put my hand. They released it suddenly, looked at me with big eyes, and mouthed, "I'm so sorry!"

I smiled, waved off the issue, and joined in the applause as an afterthought. It was then that I caught their scent--still lingering on my hand and wafted by my clapping. I tried to ignore it but could not help but inwardly drink in the scent.

My attention was mercifully diverted when the second years began to hand paperwork down the aisles. I watched them in nervous anticipation until I felt Mystery grab my hand again.

"We have to be roommates," Mystery said, their eyes as wide as their smile. "Do you think that will be on the paperwork? It will be so much fun being besties and roomies!"

"I... don't know," I said, still as far behind as ever when it came to keeping up with my new friend. "It would make sense if it was on there."

"Well, if it isn't, I'll go talk to somebody, don't worry. We late-comers have to stick together."

I smiled, a little at their phrasing but mostly that they seemed so excited. I couldn't remember the last time someone was this excited about me. It felt nice.

Mystery then pointed at the end of our row, where a short, pink guplium lady was passing a stack of papers to us. It was my first time seeing one so close--and I noted with wonder that they seemed to be made of mostly transparent liquid! Not only that, but their bodies flowed and rippled like the surface of a lake. Mystery reached over me to take the papers excitedly and thanked the guplium, before they looked at me, blushed, and said, "Sorry for reaching!"

"It's alright," I said and laughed. "I'm kind of excited too."

"Yay!" Mystery said and handed me my stack of papers.

I thumbed through the many pages and saw the great amount of text upon them. I groaned.

Mystery looked at the papers and then said, "A quiz for finding our interests. I kind of thought they were going use some sort of mind-reading artifact on us. Like that book about magical kids written by-"

"That horrid transphobe who first tried to market toward the LGBTQ and ally market with claims at representation, without actually including any in the actual text. Before she switched her marketing strategy so that it was more appetizing to bigots?" I grumbled theatrically to try to avoid making Mystery feel like any of that was directed at them. Though I genuinely found myself a little sore on the topic.

"Yeah!" Mystery said with a sharp laugh. "Not to mention her racist portrayals of non-white characters. So fucking gross."

I smiled--maybe this bestie idea really was for the best. This school, this world, the people... it all kept getting better and better.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Honestly really interesting stuff you got here. Looks like it's going to be fun to read!

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