Korina's Observations


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What I couldn't do, but needed to include, was a man's perspective. Not the numbers. The feelings.

I did just that. I offered a paragraph with contact info and gave viewers a window of five days to respond.

After the five days of submissions I ended up with seventy-six submissions of interest, all of which I responded to with more detailed information. After those further communications I had gotten the field of respondents narrowed down to thirty-eight. Most of them, as I expected, were women that were part of a relationship where they felt there were either insecurities from their male partner, weird or misunderstood fetishes, or just sincere interest in participating in the feedback process. Of the thirty-eight, there were two solo men that just sent dick pics with a few sentences about me being hot and that they would gladly offer me their giant cock. I actually figured I would use the more literate of the two to highlight the sentiments that were offered by a giant dick that believed his giant dick was the end all be all of sexual desirability. Neither of those two respondents were the sharpest tools in the shed based on the written portions of their responses, but one was downright worrisome. I wasn't sure if that poor fellow was smart enough to follow a visual diagram of where to place his pride. It definitely took a few million years for that poor sap to find his way out of the cave.

Of the other thirty-six, they all seemed to be serious and at least moderately detailed in their responses. I couldn't highlight all of them, so I chose four more responses other than Kevin's.

I chose one because of the fact that the man had an actual micro penis. As a medical diagnosis, a micro penis is a penis that is at least two and a half standard deviations below the average. This gentleman was two point eight inches long, which is just at the edge of what is considered part of the medical condition. His girlfriend of eight months is the one who originally submitted an interest. After reading his responses I imagine it took quite a bit of convincing to get him to discuss it. She actually sent a picture of her measuring as proof of his condition.

His personal responses were worrisome. He had never embraced his size and it didn't seem like he would ever be able to. He was not just ashamed of it. He was angry about it. He was openly against any and all humiliation fetishes because he didn't feel like his condition was something to be accepted and then used as manipulation as he saw it in his mind. His girlfriend added some of her own thoughts via a separate email explaining that she loved the guy when he was in public, but that his lack of self confidence in the bedroom was strenuous on their sex life, particularly hers. She was hesitant to offer suggestions to use toys because she felt like she would be patronizing him and making him feel like he was never going to be adequate enough.

I was hopeful but doubtful that she would ever be able to appease his emotions about the issue and felt like this gentleman would ultimately drive her and any future partners away based purely on his attitude and his inability to allow a woman to love him for who he was. As bad as I hate to say this, his words led me to believe that he probably wasn't to that point yet, but that this man was a candidate to become suicidal.

Another respondent I chose to include as part of my thesis was a gentleman whose wife used a chastity cage on him and regularly "cucked" him with other men. She acknowledged in her correspondence that she was a "dom" and that he was a "sub." They had been married for a couple decades and they had been practicing their sexual habits for nearly as long. His measurements were similar to Kevin's and while his fetish certainly fit into the humiliation category, both he and his wife were much more into the most demeaning, almost cruel side of the genre. She kept the key to his cage and only unlocked him to allow him to masturbate whenever the whim struck her. She forced him to watch her have sex with other men, typically with a racial element involved and always with larger men. From his responses he loved it as much as she loved the power she had over him.

Another subject I chose was one of the more fascinating cases I've ever run across. It was particularly interesting that he shared basically the same fetish interests as Kevin. The difference was that this gentleman was just over seven inches long. His girlfriend of two years also sent a picture of her measuring and some of her own thoughts about his interests. As she expressed, I'm not sure if I could imagine telling this gentleman that he was small. I suppose he would have had interest in the fact that I had two previous lovers that were larger than him, but there's no way around the fact that over seven inches just can't be considered small.

He had apparently had similar experiences to Kevin's earlier in life. It is a crazy statistical anomaly for a man as large as him to have had multiple experiences being around other men with larger penises and or being with girls that had previously experienced larger sizes. His current girlfriend had not had any such experience, so her inquiries into this project were much more an attempt at understanding why he would desire such a fetish to be applied to him in their sex life. I felt like she was probably about to become a client.

As for the gentlemen I chose that simply wanted to show off his goods, I chose to highlight the mindset of a typical alpha male that believed that his physical prowess was all that sex required. I couldn't help but reminisce on my own findings about evolution and think, "How did this Neanderthal manage to escape the cave?" He was certainly very large. His unsolicited photos showed a solid nine and a half inches that were nearly as thick as a pork tenderloin. But his written responses told the story about where his blood flowed. "I'd tap that ass. You know you'd fuck this sausage." He even suggested that he could show me the "helicopter," which I can only assume means some version of him whirling his schlong around and around, which of course every woman lustfully dreams of as her ideal foreplay session.

And to think, I chose the literate of those two types of submissions.

All in all, I found that I could sum up my findings in far less than the hundred and forty or so pages of thesis I turned in. Leonard Hofstadter said it appropriately in an episode of The Big Bang Theory, "Yes, but our society has undergone a paradigm shift, in the information age, Sheldon, you and I are the alpha males." The nerds won.

Thank goodness.

I can't imagine the damage done to our species if we were resigned to accepting billions of those Bruiser McEggplants beating their clubs around the walls of the cave.

Unfortunately, that sentence alone wouldn't garner me an "A."

Chapter Eleven - Kevin's Chapter

As you know I had approached Kevin with the idea to answer some questions in a mini-journal. I assured him that no one would ever know it was him and that he certainly did not have to do it.

He did not hesitate to help me out. But he did have a condition. He demanded that I measure him (again) for that part of the response section.

Sneaky bastard. Extorted me for sexual favors.

I can live with that.

"Okay. Haven't I already done that," I asked with a hint of confusion.

"Yeah. I know. But it's hot," he replied.

"How so?" I asked. "I mean, it's not like we don't both know your exact size."

"I dunno. Other than the fact that I know I'll be getting to have sex with you during the experiment I guess I just find it hot that it is so vivid. I mean, if you want to know the truth, in my own head I find it incredibly sexy when the knowledge is so intimate for you. You're looking at exactly what I've got and..." he paused briefly. "It's honestly still an arousing thought from time to time to think about the fact that you've done this with at least two other guys."

"Oh," I began to reply.

"Are those the only other two you ever measured?" he interrupted.

"Ha. 'Only' other two?" I asked. "You know, most women probably never care enough to actually measure any of their guys' penises. I certainly never cared anything about what those measurements actually were. But no, I never measured any other guy. My first experience would not have wanted that. He was embarrassed by how small he was. He wouldn't have wanted me to see the results and he certainly wouldn't have wanted to talk about it. And I only ever gave one blowjob to the other guy."

"How big do you think his was?" he asked.

"You know, I knew you were going to ask me that," I laughed. "He wasn't a lot bigger than you. He may not have even been quite as thick as your head gets. I guess he was probably about six inches. Maybe a little longer than that. But other than him being a dick, I really wasn't turned on by his dick. I didn't like the shape. It had a weird double curve, almost like a kink in a cat's tail, and his head was the thinnest part. It just wasn't what I think of as an aesthetically pleasing penis."

I actually thought this was a good idea. I knew he would enjoy it and I knew I really needed to add a personal and emotional dimension to my thesis. But more importantly, if all it took to make sure Kevin enjoyed a sexual experience was for me to hold a measuring tape up to his penis, that seemed pretty easy to accommodate. Besides, I knew that if I got his dick hard the night wouldn't end up being just about him. But I did want to be erotic about it. I didn't want to just get it done and write it down. The experience didn't matter to me the way it did to him.

I helped Kevin in the kitchen that evening, playing the role of sous chef. We had a sit down dinner with a glass of wine. I got up and stopped him from bothering with the dishes to rub his shoulders. I started to kiss his neck.

"You really wanna get this done quick don't ya?" he joked.

"It better not be quick," I quipped.

He stood up and we walked back into the bedroom. I instructed him to take off my clothes. He did so slowly. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as he slipped off my bra from behind. I thought I looked sexy. I turned further so that I was facing the mirror as he disrobed me. I even made a comment to him, "Look. You have a sexy ass wife," I said softly and confidently. I didn't know where that part of me came from. But I did feel like I looked particularly attractive.

"Duh," he said as he looked me up and down in the mirror. "You're gorgeous."

I adjusted my body back to facing him but still with my neck turned looking into the mirror to keep watching. He grabbed my ass with both hands firmly as he stared.

"You like that baby? You like my ass?" I whispered.

"You're so sexy babe, oh my God," he whispered back.

I lowered myself to remove his pants. His boner sprang out firmly.

"Wow. You really do like what you see don't you?" I asked rhetorically. "Look how hard your little guy is," I teased and gave it a slight touch on the side to make it bob and swing. "Boy-yoy-yoy-yoing." I can't believe I actually made that noise.

"Little guy?" he inquired with a grin.

I chuckled. "You like it," I teased.

He laughed. "Do you?" he asked.

"Like your little guy?" I teased again. "I love it. Look how hard you are! I don't even have to touch it for it to stand straight up!" At this point I was barely using my fingertips to caress the head of his penis. Just my index finger and thumb to tease him.

"Do you like the way I'm touching it?" I wanted to start ramping up the dirty talk. I could tell he was enjoying the scenario.

"I love it," he mumbled as he lightly thrust his hips.

"I love your reactions. Seeing how good this feels for you is making me so wet," I told him.

"Stroking my cock is making you wet?" he asked curiously as if he didn't believe me.

"Of course. I always get wet from playing with you," I stated. "What is it about this that makes you so turned on?"

"I like watching you stroke me," he said. "I love how your fingers feel."


"What else do you like?" I continued.

"I like that you play along with me," he opened up.

"You mean like measuring you so you can see how your little guy stacks up?" I continued the teasing.

He huffed and breathed heavily as his hips continued to thrust involuntarily.

"Are you ready to see?" I asked.

"Will you suck me first?" he asked. He never asked. Of course, he didn't really have to either.

I gave him a couple of deep sucks without bothering to answer him. I teased the back of his head with my tongue. I knew that made him super hard. I wanted him throbbing.

"It looks like you're awfully ready," I said.

"Okay. You can go ahead," he said.

I had a tape measure this time so I could do his girth as well as his length. "Let's see how thick you are first," I said. I measured around the middle of his shaft, "That looks like about eleven point three, eleven point four centimeters. About four and a quarter inches around," I stated.

"Well, that doesn't seem fair," Kevin interjected. "The thickest part of my penis is my head," he emphasized.

"Haha, that's funny," I retorted. "Defensive eh? But fair enough," I admitted.

I wrapped the measuring tape around his swollen head, "You were right. You're about four and three-quarter inches around. Now that is hot. I love how much thicker your head is than your shaft. It's really hot when you get really turned on because it just keeps growing. Mmmm. I love how I can always tell that I am doing something or saying something that you really like."

"Now the length," I said. He was getting incredibly turned on too. His penis was throbbing. I knew all of these comments would be arousing for him, but he looked like he was on the edge of cumming already. I was so wet. I wanted his cock inside me so bad.

"God, you're so turned on by this! It's so hot watching your cock react," I exclaimed. "Can I ask you what it is that you find so arousing about this?"

"It's hot that you know," he was struggling to respond and to keep himself from prematurely ejaculating.

"Know what?" I asked rhetorically.

"How big my cock is," he moaned.

"Well, I wouldn't call it 'big,'" I was tantalizing him at this point.

"What would you call it?" he pressed me to continue the dirty talk.

"It's a nice size," I stated as I gave him a couple of gentle strokes.

"No, no! Don't you dare cum!" I instructed. "I've still got to let you confirm for yourself that you aren't very well endowed," I poked. I knew he wasn't going to last much longer as long as I kept commenting, so I held the base of his penis firmly to trap the blood.

I placed the base of the tape at his base and asked, "Is that fair?" and smiled at him.

"Yeah," he said breathing heavily.

I pulled the tape up directly beside his shaft. "About thirteen point two centimeters. Your penis is just under five and a quarter inches long," I announced. He had started to release some cum but was trying desperately to keep himself from completing his orgasm.

I couldn't take it anymore and neither could he. I hurried up on top of him and slid myself down his shaft and started to ride him with increasing rapidity. "I love how turned on you get. I love that you've embraced your size and invite me to play along with your fantasies."

I could feel him start to cum. I was going to need him to fuck me again later, but it made me happy that he couldn't resist me. I especially loved that I was able to perform the types of things that took him over the edge. It had become quite fun to participate in his "little" pleasures. It got me regular, passionate sex and it made him want me all the time. Getting the sex is great. But every woman will tell you that it is stimulating just to be wanted.

But without further ado, here are my questions and Kevin's answers:

What is your own penis size? And how do you feel about it?

According to my wife, and the measuring tape, I'm just under five and a quarter inches long and about four and three-quarters inches at my thickest point. I know that I am at the bottom of the spectrum of average in terms of length and I now know that I am right at the average in terms of girth.

If I am offering a truthful response I became somewhat ashamed of it after certain events in my life, for a period. And, again, if I am being truthful, I am in what I assume is the very unique position where I have actually seen two of my wife's former lovers' penises.Though my wife and I now have a wonderful sexual relationship that includes a size play and comment/comparison element in many of our endeavors, I was at first pretty embarrassed by how much bigger they were than me. I am still somewhat embarrassed. I know she loves me and I know she loves my penis and I know that I can't control the size of my penis. But there is an unshakeable element of male insecurity still in there occasionally and it can be an unavoidable thought at times, the realization that my wife has seen and felt guys that were significantly larger than me. Women can say that it's all about how you use it all they want and I think there is certainly a lot of truth to that. But I think most men know perfectly well that there is a visual preference, a visual reaction, when they first see a well endowed man and when they first feel the feeling of a penis that takes up more space inside them, that stretches them out and maybe gives them that tiny bit of tolerable and intriguing pain that can add to both physical and psychological pleasure for many women.

The older I've gotten the more okay with my size I get. I mean, I'd rather be bigger like most men. But I'm not bothered by it like I was when I was younger. I think that's mostly due to my wife and her attitude towards it.

If you have a significant other, what do you think she thinks of your penis size?

I'd say she'd say that I was average but a-ffective. And she would say it is sexy. She has said that and I believe she really feels that way.

Were there incidents in your life that brought about insecurities with your penis size? If so, elaborate.

I guess there were several such incidents if I am being honest.

Shwew. Okay. I guess the first time I realized that I might be small was in middle school. I had invited a friend over after a game. After my parents went to bed he scrounged through his bag and pulled out a VHS. He asked me if I had ever watched a porno. I hadn't. He put it in and we pressed play and almost immediately this big black guy pulled his cock out for the girl in the video. Obviously being a porn star, he was very well endowed. I had heard that porn stars were huge, so I didn't really think as much about that, but hormone filled boys being hormone filled boys, I sprang a boner pretty quick and without thinking anything else about the situation of watching this with my friend, I pulled mine out and made a comment jokingly about not being nearly that big. My friend then followed suit and pulled his out. He wasn't as hard as I was yet and it was still noticeably larger than mine. When he got hard he was probably about two inches longer than me.

Being a young boy and seeing the size difference, it was...disappointing. So, I became curious about whether or not that was just a coincidence. I invited a different friend over the next weekend and I ordered a porn movie on my parents' satellite TV. This friend actually initiated and did not waste half a second to pull his cock out. He was probably a little bit bigger than the first friend. The problem in my head at that point was that I had invited this particular friend over because he was a very small guy, so I assumed I would be bigger.
