Late Night Hookup Pt. 02


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"Make me cum, pretty bitch... yeah..." she heard as she felt how Darlene's thick thighs were occasionally trembling.

Charlotte wasn't even aware of time anymore, as she was being used like this, being fucked like this. She didn't know for how long Darlene was rubbing her clit on her nose, while she was being fucked steadily, deep in her ass.

"Fuck... FUCK!!" Darlene shouted, as she clenched her thick thighs tightly around Charlotte's ears. She was cumming.

Darlene then finally started to relax, not moving, and just stayed there, as Janice then finally let the strap on slide out of her ass, and Charlotte felt as if her ass was some kind of big, gaping hole.

Then, after what she seemed like a full minute, Darlene then finally climbed off of her, while Charlotte finally opened her eyes again, feeling confused, ashamed, soiled, degraded to her core.

She just lied there on the bed, while she saw how the still completely naked Darlene walked over to Janice, who was just unstrapping the harness she had been wearing while fucking her. Darlene hugged Janice, and kissed her on her lips tenderly, which was an image that would be burned onto Charlotte's brain forever.

"You can take a shower and get dressed honey, it's almost time," Janice then turned her face to Charlotte, right before kissing Darlene again.

Charlotte felt so very awkward, being dismissed like that, as she then quietly nodded, and finally, still somewhat dizzy, climbed off the bed, and finally stood back on the floor, teetering on her high heels as she felt so very tired.

She walked past them, while the two weren't paying attention to her at all, for the first time that night.

It felt as if her ass was destroyed, and the feeling was emphasized with every step she took, as she walked back into the direction where she came from earlier, towards the hallway. Dazed as she was, she tried a few doors before finding the bathroom, and locked the door.

Her legs were still trembling as she stood there for a while, trying to calm herself, trying to breathe slow, through her nose, while she held her hands against her face, as she wasn't even sure what just happened.

Then, longing for a shower pretty badly, she finally sat down on the toilet, lifted her one foot, fumbling with the straps of her shoes to open them, eventually managing to take them off, moving her toes to relax them, before she then took off the black stockings, and finally the garter belt.

Seconds later, inside the shower cabin, with the warm water running over her body from the shower, letting the water run over her face, she calmed down slowly. This had been crazy. This was way, way beyond what she had expected. Way beyond her limits, as far as she was aware of where her limits were. It felt as if what had happened, especially during the last hour, had been a different reality.

She washed her body with the clean cloth hanging over the shower cabin door, but hardly dared to touch her ass even with the cloth, as if she was afraid of how it might feel. But at least the shower freshened her up, as if she was washing off everything that had just happened, so she could be herself again.

While she was still relaxing under the warm stream, she vaguely heard the doorbell ring from the hallway, and heard voices outside the bathroom moments later. She realized that was probably Kath.

Not wanting to let Kath wait for too long, and wanting to go home herself, she then finally got out of the shower, and dried herself off. She grabbed the pieces of cloth that she had been wearing, her shoes, and then, naked, opened the shower door, and returned to the bedroom she had been in with Kath while she had changed into that skimpy hooker outfit.

She turned on the light, and with a feeling of relief because of the fact that she'd be leaving soon, she got back into her regular panties and bra, put on her blue Adidas pants and the white shirt, putting her socks and sneakers back on, and finally the hoodie. She didn't bring a hairbrush, and decided to just put her hair in a ponytail.

Charlotte felt odd as she put the sexy lingerie she had been wearing back in her gym bag, together with the high heeled shoes. As if she was putting her other personality back where it belonged. In the bag.

For a moment, she didn't really know what to do now that she was all packed up and ready to go. Wait in the hallway for Kath to appear? Was it even Kath that had arrived? And if it was, what if they were waiting for her instead? And wouldn't she seem like some weird shy child if she did?

But as much as she didn't want to face those women again, facing her own embarrassment knowing how they had just been treating her, while she had undeniably acted like an actual hooker, she gathered her courage and then walked back towards the end of the hallway, and pushed open the door to enter the kitchen area again, that area where she had been lead into by Kath earlier, topless, guiding her by her nipple and wearing that extremely provocative outfit.

Walking in there now in her casual clothes, she saw the three women, including Kath, standing around the kitchen counter as they had done before.

"There she is, our little star," Kath mentioned, while Charlotte just smiled awkwardly, seeing Darlene sit there in a purple long bathrobe, Janice dressed just like before, both of them glancing at her casually, not even all too interested as they did before.

"Over here, baby," Kath gestured simply, and Charlotte walked towards Kath, who put her arm around her waist, pressing the tall blonde against her, softly caressing her hip over her clothes, while taking a sip from yet another beer with her free hand.

"So how was she, did she do well?" Kath simply asked Janice and Darlene, making Charlotte feel so belittled yet again, while Kath's hand wandered down her ass, caressing her butt softly over the smooth track pants.

Charlotte felt as if she was being judged by a jury, as if she had been partaking in some kind of talent show, while she knew very well how those women had humiliated her so roughly only minutes ago. She even felt nervous about them disclosing the things they criticized her for to Kath, as Kath had made it so clear that she had to go all out.

She saw Janice and Darlene look at each other, as if trying to make up their minds on how she performed, while she still felt Kath's hand softly brushing over her ass, standing next to her as if she owned the pretty blonde.

"Yeah, she was good. Better than that weirdo from last time," Janice smirked, making Darlene actually laugh this time.

"Less whiny for sure," Darlene added.

"She had some trouble talking like she should now and then," Janice then said, her tone even serious, making Charlotte blush awkwardly, remembering so vividly what she meant.

"But overall she was nice. Kinky slut, that's for sure."

"And she's a looker. Those damn legs," Darlene now actually winked at Charlotte, who could do nothing but smile politely, despite her embarrassment.

"And ass," Janice added with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah you had some fun with that, huh."

They both laughed, as Kath then squeezed Charlotte's butt lightly.

"Yeah that's how she usually makes an impression. Rating from 1 to 10? How did she do," Kath then asked them casually.

"I think, hmm... a firm 8," Janice then said, Darlene nodding in agreement.

"If she'd be open to some kinkier shit and learns how to talk, she could get to a 10," Janice added.

Charlotte did her best to hide her embarrassment as she stood there listening to those women talk about her so directly, and in the third person, as if she wasn't even there.

"Well I promise she'll get to a 10 next time, she just needs a bit of extra motivation," Kath then nodded, slightly tapping Charlotte's butt.

Charlotte didn't even want to think about a next time, still buried in shame about everything she did, everything she let those women do to her.

"You want to get to a 10, don't you?" she then asked Charlotte directly, her eyes as sharp and demanding as ever.

"Yeah," Charlotte nodded, as if she was still conditioned to answer immediately, but trying to tell herself that this was all just part of the game, that this was just another one time, kinky experiment.

"Good girl," Kath said as her hand now caressed over the blonde's back, while the two women looked at them, an amused, slightly greedy grin on their faces, as if already looking forward to the next time.

Kath gulped from her beer bottle, and then gave Charlotte's lower back a slight push.

"Give them a nice kiss, we gotta get going."

Charlotte awkwardly then walked up to Darlene, wishing she'd just be taken back to her place already, but trying to comfort herself by the thought this would be the last time she'd see these women.

She leaned down slightly to Darlene, who sat closest to her, and knew very well what was expected, and it wasn't a kiss on the cheek. She leaned towards the older woman's face, and gave her a soft kiss on her lips.

"Mm... see you next time, honey."

Giving her a slight, embarrassed smile, she walked around the counter to Janice, as those women once again didn't make any effort to come to her, just as they didn't when she first entered, to sell herself to them.

She repeated the ritual with Janice, the taller one of the two, and for a second, she thought she should explain that she wasn't actually a hooker, that she was just a regular girl, and that this was just a little adventure, an experiment, and that she wouldn't even return a second time. But that would just cause a scene, and she didn't even dare to speak up like that.

"Bye honey, keep that nice ass in shape," Janice remarked with a teasing grin after she kissed her goodbye as well, and it felt as if those eyes were still lingering on her ass as she finally walked off to Kath.

"Alright baby, got everything?" she asked Charlotte, who nodded.

"Think this one is yours still," Janice then said from behind her.

Charlotte looked over her shoulder, as she saw the woman dangling the black, sexy thong she had been wearing earlier from her finger, before casually throwing it at Charlotte, who just managed to catch it.

"Always the same with those sluts, forgetting about their panties," Kath joked, as the two women laughed out loud.

Charlotte grinned awkwardly, as she held the skimpy thong in her hand, not even taking the effort to put it in the bag. She just wanted to get out of this place.

Finally then, Kath took Charlotte's hand, and Janice slid off her stool at the counter to walk them out.

Not a word was spoken while they walked down the stairs on the outside of the apartment building. Not that Charlotte minded, she was just relieved to be able to breathe in some fresh air.

The two of us got back into Kath's car, Charlotte planting her gym bag in between her feet as she had done on the way over there, and without a word they drove off.

Charlotte was still trying to process everything that had happened, so she didn't mind the silence, as the music played on the car radio, although she did start to wonder what kind of person Kath really was, considering none of this had seemed new to her. In fact, it had seemed that this was definitely not her first time renting out a girl like this.

Then the car took an unexpected turn, off the main road, along a few apartment buildings, taking another turn to drive onto a completely empty parking lot in front of a supermarket.

Charlotte woke from her endless pondering and peeked at Kath, but as always, the expression on her face had barely changed.

Kath stopped the car in the middle of the parking lot, and turned off the engine, after which she switched on the interior light, then looked directly at Charlotte, with that dominant stare she knew so well.

She kept staring at her, without saying a word, making Charlotte feel uncomfortable, not sure if she should politely smile to downplay what she was doing, not knowing at all what was going on.

"Show your ass to me."

Charlotte felt confused, and just kept staring at Kath, not sure what she even meant by that. But it was that tone, that tone that had made her come crawling back and got into yet another edgy adventure with this woman, that made her go along into it.

"Okay, like..." Charlotte answered, feeling insecure about not knowing exactly she expected, as she turned sideways slightly, lifting her butt from the seat, and leaning towards the door on her own side. Silence, again.

"Show your ass to me," Kath repeated simply, coldly staring at her.

Charlotte figured that she apparently didn't do enough, and then, after hesitating slightly, she awkwardly pulled her one leg onto the seat, and bent all the way towards the window, looking over her shoulder for some kind of approval, as her ass was then sticking out towards Kath slightly.

"I can't see your ass. Show your ass to me."

Charlotte responded with an understanding, embarrassed smirk, as it then became clearer to her what she actually meant. Right there in the car? In the middle of that parking lot? But she seemed dead serious, as always, leaving no doubt that that was actually what she was insisting on.

Charlotte reached back, and then, while still feeling somewhat paranoid about people possibly seeing them right there in that car with the interior light on in the middle of that empty parking lot, pulled both her blue track pants and her panties down at once, exposing her ass.

For a few seconds, there was an intense silence in the car, while Charlotte sat there in that cramped position, feeling vulnerable while she was sticking out her bare ass to Kath, as if offering it to her, while knowing full well what Kath was capable of.

Then she felt a sharp smack against her exposed cheek, which had already been abused so heavily that night.

"Is that how I taught you to show your ass?"

Charlotte panicked slightly, and then tried harder by arching her back, bending her upper body all the way down, hunching down, causing her beautiful ass to stick out once more, and just like that, she was offering herself like some kind of slut again.

The silence in the car was nerve wrecking, as she then felt Kath's fingers trail over her bare cheek, and then, to Charlotte's dismay, the finger slid in between her cheeks, and she flinched as Kath's fingertip then touched her still sore anus, causing her head to bump against the car door.

"Oh... you got fucked there good, didn't you. Dirty whore."

Charlotte clenched her fist, terrified of being touched there again, and so deeply embarrassed about Kath pointing so explicitly how she had let herself be used that night.

But she felt a very different sensation, making her shudder as Kath then slid her hand right in between her legs, literally groping her pussy, squeezing it roughly.

"Wider, open wider," she heard Kath's pushy voice.

Charlotte couldn't help but complying immediately, giving Kath even easier access as she was fondled like that, squeezed between her legs like that, hardly able to concentrate as she managed to spread her thighs a bit more in that cramped position.

"You had trouble talking, hmm? Didn't I explain you how to talk to them?"

She felt Kath's hand applying pressure to her pussy, while at the same time hearing that belittling, criticizing question. As if she was reprimanded.

"Hmm...?" Kath continued, taunting her, as she then stuck out her finger, and probed against Charlotte's lips, and before she knew it, she heard the slippery sound of that finger entering her wet pussy, ashamed of that wet sound in the quiet car, giving away her arousal so easily.

"Answer me."

"Sorry..." Charlotte responded, in what sounded like a squirm, as she couldn't believe how sensitive she was to that pushy, dominant Kath.

"I think you need to be trained a bit more, don't you. On how to behave..." Kath continued reprimanding her, as she felt that finger now sliding towards her clit.

Charlotte held her breath before letting out a loud sigh, somehow completely captured by the way Kath was treating her. Once again that woman was able to mesmerize her, even after everything that happened.

"...and to show some respect to me. Don't you."

Kath's finger circled around her clit, leaving a silence in which just Charlotte's quick breathing and the slippery sound between her lips was heard. Charlotte held onto the handle of the door in a firm grip, as Kath then started to rub her clit, so skillfully, making her feel completely controlled, while unable to resist the sensations flowing through her tired, used body.

"Y-yeah..." Charlotte squirmed.

"Are you gonna answer immediately when I text you next time?"

Charlotte felt herself blush in deep shame, as she was then reminded of how she had been ghosting her before, and having that pointed out to her with that finger tauntingly rubbing her clit was so deeply humiliating, and barely believing that this strange mix of shame and guilt was bringing her even closer to an orgasm.

"Yeah I thought so, you slut. You're going to learn how to respect me, aren't you."

Charlotte was panting in that awkward position, while Kath kept talking to her like that, in that controlling voice, able to make her agree to anything at that point.

"Yeah... oh f-..."

Charlotte felt her thighs trembling, as she was caught in what seemed like a trance, yet the words she heard from behind her were hitting so deep.

"H-ahh..." Charlotte then squirmed loudly, held her breath, then squirmed again as her body was shaking, cumming hard, bumping her head against the car door a few more times as she did, in that awkward position, with Kath's possessive hand still between her legs, slowing down how she was rubbing the beautiful blonde's clit.

Then finally, Kath withdrew her hand, giving Charlotte some time to recover. Charlotte was breathing slower, deeply, enjoying the relief of her orgasm. But she wasn't given much time, as Kath already started the car while she was still sitting there, curled like that, with her ass exposed.

Charlotte then awkwardly pulled up her panties and her pants and sat straight onto the seat again, while Kath simply drove the car onto the main street, staring at the road as if nothing had just happened, with Charlotte's face still flushed by her recent, intense arousal.

"Come here," Kath then said, calmly, as she kept her eyes on the road.

Charlotte remembered what that meant from their previous trip, and moved her upper body towards Kath, again in that awkward position. She remembered very well how Kath had taken her ear between her fingers the last time.

Kath reached out to her, her arm around Charlotte's neck, and then found the blonde's lips with her finger, still sticky, Charlotte smelling herself, but she obeyed by opening her mouth, which was exactly what Kath was expecting, and within a split second, she felt Kath's finger enter her mouth.

Charlotte didn't even need an instruction on what to do, even though she felt ashamed of doing it, all by herself, as if she had been conditioned by how Janice had treated her earlier, although this time it was Kath's single finger instead of those chubby fingers Janice had forced in between her lips causing her to gag almost.

She started licking around Kath's finger, without ever being told to do so, as they kept driving. But that was the effect Kath had on her, and she was giving in to it, for the first time without any real reluctance.

The risk of being seen from other cars was lower this time as it was already late, and fewer cars were on the road, but the realization of sitting there next to this woman, tasting the sweet and sour of her own pussy juices made her feel like an actual slut. But she didn't stop. She was pleasing Kath, and as dirty and slutty as it felt, she enjoyed it.
