Lies, Sex, and Hidden Cameras


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"Let's see," she said, focusing on her computer screen. "Let me check under my favorites."

"You made an account with that website?" Shane asked, feeling very shocked.

"Yeah," she said. "I wasn't going to at first, but after the first few stories, I figured it was the best way to keep up with things that I liked."

"Wow," Shane whispered to himself.

"Surprised?" Bridget asked, glancing sideways at him.

"To say the least," he said. "Mostly just relieved. You know, that you at least kind of understand where I was coming from."

"Yeah," she said. "Here's one called 'Brian and Janet'. It was the first one I read and by far my favorite."

"What's it about?" Shane asked excitedly.

"It's about a brother and sister named Brian and Janet," she said flatly.

Shane rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the clarification," he said sarcastically.

"Just read it tonight or something," she said, shutting her computer. "I think you'll enjoy it. It has a lot of nice buildup."

"Buildup?" Shane asked.

"Yeah. It paints a story first, and you come to feel attached to the characters throughout their journey before it gets into the, uh, hot lovin'. Some of the stories I've tried to read get straight into them fucking, and while I'm sure lots of people like that, it just doesn't do it for me as much."

"This is crazy," Shane said, more to himself than to Bridget. "I've already sorted out specific things you like and don't like about...uh, incest erotica, and just a few days ago it wasn't even a blip on your radar!"

"I know," Bridget agreed. She paused for a moment before continuing. "You got any more of that porn on your computer?" she asked abruptly.

Shane's eyes almost popped out of his head. "You mean the, uh, sibling porn, yeah?" he asked.

"Of course," she said.

"Yeah," he said tentatively. "I mean, it's not 'on' my computer, I just go to the websites and watch it."

"Oh," she said, looking around the room awkwardly. "You, uh...wanna show me some of it?"

Shane thought his heart was going to jump up into his esophagus and choke him. "Do you it together?" he asked slowly.

"Yeah," Bridget replied, looking at him uncertainly.

"Um, yeah we can do that," he said. "Do you want to do"

"Now works for me," she said with a shrug.

"Okay," Shane said, looking around uncomfortably. He glanced down at her laptop. "Wanna just pull it up on your computer?" he asked.

"Let's just go to your room and use your computer," Bridget suggested, keeping a firm hand on her closed laptop.

Shane looked at her knowingly. "Feel weird about tainting your computer with searches of incest porn?" he asked jokingly.

"Well, honestly...yeah," Bridget said with a smile.

"Fair enough," Shane said. "Okay, well, let's go then!" He got up and led the way to his bedroom. When they got there, Shane took a seat in his computer chair and Bridget sat on the bed behind him.

"So...I guess I'll just go to a, uh, website then," Shane said awkwardly.

"Okay," Bridget said, rocking back and forth nervously as she sat on the bed.

"So, have you ever watched any kind of porn before?" Shane asked as he made his way to the website.

"No," Bridget said simply.

"Really?" Shane asked. "Nothin'?"

"Not really," Bridget said.

"Oh." Shane had already gotten to the website, but was hesitant to proceed forward from there. "So...can I ask you a question then?" he said cautiously.

"Sure," she said.

"What do you use when know...?"

"What do I 'use'?"

"Yeah. Like, what do you look at?"

"Well who says I even do...'that' all?"

"Doesn't everybody?" Shane asked.

Bridget shrugged. "Maybe," she said. "But to answer your original question, I usually don't have to use anything. I can just...think up stuff in my head."

"Like what?" Shane asked enthusiastically.

Bridget smiled sheepishly. "None of your business, pervert!" she said jokingly. "But I can assure you that I've never used a picture of you in your swim trunks, if that's what you're wondering."

"Well, not yet anyway," Shane said playfully.

"So what do you search for exactly when you're looking for these videos?" Bridget asked, changing the subject.

"Um, well...I just type in things like 'brother and sister fucking', 'sibling sex', stuff like that," he replied.

"Oh, okay," Bridget said. "Didn't know if you ever tried to find any twins or anything. You know, given that we're twins, and all."

"I've tried," he said. "Most of the twin stuff out there is just two girls. Which I enjoy...but only sometimes."

"Gotcha," Bridget said.

"For now, I'll just type 'brother sister sex' and see what comes up," he said as he typed the words.

"Oh my gosh!" Bridget exclaimed suddenly. "There are literally thousands of these videos!"

"I know," Shane said. "It's a very popular thing to be into these days, as you've already discovered for yourself."

Shane scrolled for a while, looking for the "right video", whatever that meant.

"Uh...this one okay?" he asked tentatively, pointing to one with a still shot of a blonde girl licking the tip of someone's dick.

"Big sister licks brother's lollipop," Bridget read aloud. "My god, that's so cheesy! Just say she sucks his dick!"

"Want me to find a different one?" Shane asked.

"No, we can start with this one," Bridget. "She's pretty cute. And I like how you've chosen a blonde girl. Have a type, don't you?" Shane looked back to see her flipping her blonde hair purposefully with her hand. He smirked and clicked on the video.

"Jeez, they just get right into it, huh?" Bridget said as the video began with the girl already energetically sucking the guy's cock.

"Sometimes," Shane said. "Other videos start off with them kissing at first."

"Do any of them start off by the people, like, introducing themselves or something?" she asked. "I'd like to know a little bit more about the owner of the cock that's being sucked, and the girl who's sucking it."

"," Shane replied. "They typically just get into it."

"Hmm, it would've been nice to see some buildup."

"Like your stories?"


Shane took a moment to let it sink in that he was watching porn with his sister. He hadn't really been all that turned on by the content of the video, but thinking about his twin sister sitting right behind him was really doing it for him.

"Could we try a different video?" Bridget asked after a couple more minutes.

"Sure," Shane said. He went back to his search results and pulled up a second video. It started off with the man and woman sitting side by side and looking into the camera.

"What are they doing?" Bridget asked.

"Probably interacting with people who were watching live when this video was made," Shane said.

"People do this stuff live?" Bridget asked.

"Of course," Shane replied. "The people in this video probably made decent money doing it, too."

"What!?" Bridget exclaimed. "People get paid to have sex on the internet?"

"Of course!" Shane said. "Don't be so naive, Bridget. Porn is a huge industry."

"Yeah, I know about porn, but these two look like they're just in a bedroom or something. They don't look like porn stars."

"Well, they aren't technically, I guess. But I guarantee you there were people paying them when they made this video. Like I said, they probably got paid really well, too."

"Wow," Bridget said. "But wait...this is supposed to be a brother and sister video, right?"

"Yeah, that's what it said," Shane said.

Bridget stared intently at the screen for a while. Then, all of a sudden, she got off of Shane's bed and stood beside him, leaning over to look closely at the computer screen.

"They don't look anything alike!" Bridget exclaimed. "You don't think...would they lie about being siblings just to squeeze more money out of people with a fetish?"

"Of course they would!" Shane said.

"So they aren't actually brother and sister then?" Bridget asked.

"I seriously doubt it," Shane said as the couple in the video began making out.

"Oh, well...find us a different video where the couple are actually siblings then!" Bridget requested.

"Um...huh?" Shane asked.

"I don't wanna watch a fake brother and sister, I wanna see the real thing!"

Shane paused briefly before responding. "Uh, Bridget?" he said.

"What?" she asked as she took control of the mouse and started looking for another video.

"Bridget...none of the couples in these videos are siblings," he said slowly.

Bridget stopped and looked at Shane.

"What?" she said slowly.

"None of them are actually brother and sister," Shane repeated. "People who upload these videos just title them as such in an attempt to get more clicks. I mean, maybe a tiny tiny tiny percentage of the videos out there are actually siblings, but how would anyone ever know for sure?"

Bridget backed away from the computer slowly and sat back down on the bed. "Is that legal?" she asked quietly. "Isn't it false advertising or something?"

"Yeah, not a real problem in the porn world," Shane said. "You see a video advertising that the girl just turned eighteen...she's likely in her late twenties. You see a video about a girl being filmed by a hidden camera...she probably knows about the camera. The titles of the videos just give the viewers something extra to think about as they watch."

Bridget looked genuinely offended. "I feel so cheated!" she said. "I this even hot to you? Watching people you know that aren't actually brother and sister?"

Shane shrugged. "You remember when we used to watch wrestling when we were younger?" Shane asked.

"Sure," Bridget replied.

"We knew it was fake, right?"

"Of course."

"We still liked it though, didn't we?"

Bridget thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess. But still...I just don't understand the draw of this. You want to watch sibling porn, right?"

"Well...yeah," Shane said.

"But you know that when you click a video that says 'sister fucks her brother' that it's a lie. And yet you're still turned on?"

"I just have to use my imagination," Shane said. "Yeah, in the back of my head I know none of these people are related, but I can pretend they are."

"Isn't that frustrating?" Bridget asked.

"Like you wouldn't believe," Shane said with a nod. "But what choice do I have? There aren't very many brothers and sisters out there actually hooking up. Even if there were, you think they're uploading videos of themselves to the internet?"

Bridget sat still and quiet for a while, looking around the room at random. Shane watched her as she did, soaking in her beauty. She looked deep in thought, so much so that he felt perfectly safe to steal a glance at her chest. He was very thankful he had because, upon first look, he immediately noticed that her nipples were very hard and poked through the material of her shirt. When he looked back up at her face again, she was staring right at him.

"Oh!" Shane said suddenly. "You got real quiet, so I just-"

"I need to know," Bridget interrupted, apparently unphased by his gawking, "are you serious about how you feel about me?"

"I...what do you mean, am I serious?" Shane asked.

"I you really have feelings for me?" Bridget asked quietly. "Like real feelings?"

Shane stalled for a moment. "I...yeah Bridget, I do," he said.

"Is it just physical?"

"It's everything," Shane replied. "I mean physical, without a doubt. But it's so much more. You're, like, my favorite person in the world. If I didn't have any friends or family I'd be okay as long as I still had you. And I felt all these things anyway, you know, before all the...inappropriateness. But everything has been amplified to, like, the hundredth degree since...well, you know. I'm freakin' crazy about you, Bridget."

Bridget smiled sweetly at him.

"You ever pay for any of that live sex?" she asked candidly from out of nowhere.

"Wha...?" Shane asked, feeling very confused by the sudden change of subject.

"People in those live sessions," Bridget continued. "You ever watch them? Pay extra to see certain things?"

"Well...yeah," Shane said reluctantly.

"How much have you paid?" she asked.

"I don't wanna say," he said.

"Oh don't play shy now, Shane. Now that we've watched porn together and you confessed your attraction to me, there's no need to hide anything else."

Shane sighed. "Fine," he said. "There were a couple of times where I paid...a hundred bucks in a single session."

"Jeez!" Bridget exclaimed. "Do Mom and Dad know where you're spending all the money they've been giving you for food? No wonder you have cheap frozen meals most of the time!"

Shane rolled his eyes. "I don't do it often, just when I'm feeling particularly frustrated by...lack of quality content."

Bridget nodded. "I get it," she said. "Can you bring up one of those live webcam sessions for me?"

"Sure," Shane said. "A, uh, brother and sister themed one, I presume?"

"Of course," Bridget confirmed.

"Even though you know it's gonna be fake?" he said.

"Even still," she replied.

Shane did as she requested. It took a little while to find one that was live, especially given that it wasn't even night time, which was when most of these sessions were going. Nonetheless he was able to track down a live "brother and sister" webcam show and joined.

"Here ya' go," he said, scooting his chair back a little to give her a better view. Much to his surprise, and pleasure, Bridget hopped out of bed again, but this time she plopped herself down directly onto his lap and took control of his computer.

"Wow!" Bridget cried out. "There's like more than 30 people watching this! Have they all paid money?"

Shane was having trouble focusing on what she had just said given that her ass was pressing down firmly on his slowly rising dick. "Uh, no not necessarily," Shane replied after having to replay her sentence in his head in order to comprehend it. "A lot of them are probably tipping them little bits of money at a time. Some of them may also choose to pay for a 'private room' of sorts, where they'll get to see more stuff."

"Interesting," Bridget said, seemingly deep in thought. She adjusted herself in his lap in a way that made her butt grind into his cock. Shane couldn't help but start to have a reaction, and wondered at what point Bridget would notice her twin's dick pushing into her.

"Again," Bridget continued, "I will point out that these 'siblings' don't look anything alike. Hell, they're not even that attractive." She put her hands on his knees and pushed her butt deeper into his lap, seemingly on purpose.

"Yeah, well the number of people out there willing to get naked and fool around on live webcam is probably pretty small," Shane explained as Bridget sat still once more in his lap. "And the number of those people who are going to be hot is even smaller."

"But still," Bridget continued, "look how many people they have watching them!"

"I know," Shane said.

"I mean, we're way more attractive than them," Bridget said.

Shane froze, not sure what Bridget was getting at with that last comment.

"True," Shane said slowly.

"What if you had a pair of real life, good looking people on a webcam?" Bridget asked, mercifully getting up out of Shane's lap. He quickly took a moment to hide his erection before Bridget turned back around to face him.

"Well, that happens all the time," Shane said.

"Yeah, but not porn actor attractive, just...I don't know, 'regular person' attractive."

"There's lots of that out there too, Bridget."

"But what about a brother and sister?" she asked, sitting back down on the bed and facing him.

"You mean a pair of really attractive people claiming to be brother and sister?" Shane asked.

"No, I mean a pair of really attractive people who are ACTUALLY brother and sister," Bridget said. "How much money do you think they could make?"

"An actual brother and sister on a live webcam?" Shane asked, still not sure where she was going with this. "I would they prove it?"

Bridget shrugged. "Let's just say they could, for the sake of argument. What do you think they could make?"

Shane shook his head. "I don't know...probably a lot."

"I paid a hundred dollars in one session where you knew they were lying about being siblings. Imagine what you would've paid for real siblings?"

"Again, that begs the question: How would I know they were real siblings?"

Bridget stopped and thought for a while.

"What if there was this guy," Bridget began, "let's call him...Shawn. What if Shawn had a way of collecting an audience and secretly filming himself trying to seduce his sister, let's call her...Barbara. He could just film regular, day to day interactions with her and slowly start to prove to his audience that Barbara was, in fact, his sister."

Shane considered that for a moment. "I suppose he could accomplish that," Shane said. "But then what?"

"Then he seduces her, of course!" Bridget said.

"But what are the chances that Barbara is going to have any desire to hook up with her brother?" Shane asked. "I mean, it's crazy enough that a guy would be into his sister. Although I can relate, obviously. But then for Barbara to actually reciprocate his feelings? I mean, how likely is that?"

Bridget stared at Shane for a long while before speaking. "The chances are slim, I'll give you that," she said. Then she smiled at him purposefully. "But it could happen, right?"

Shane gulped as he looked into his twin sister's eyes. "I suppose," he said quietly.

"Wouldn't you think there'd be some people out there that would pay crazy amounts of money to see that?" Bridget asked.

"Given that they are both attractive and that Shawn would be able to prove the sibling relationship...yeah, you'd probably be right," Shane agreed.

"And the viewers could really get to know Shawn and Barbara," Bridget continued. "Really form a connection to them. Wouldn't that be so hot if you could watch their relationship blossom? Don't you think that would drive the price up even more? I mean, the buildup would be magnificent." Bridget trailed off and stared randomly into space.

"You really think the audience would have the patience to wait that long for sex?" Shane asked. "I mean you're talking days, probably weeks of seduction."

"Would you wait for that long?" Bridget asked. "If Shawn and Barbara were the real thing?"

"Yeah, I would," Shane said without hesitation.

"Others would too," Bridget said.

"But if Shawn is secretly filming all of this, how will he guarantee that he can, ah, seal the deal?"

"Well, he and Barbara would have talked about it beforehand."

"So she would know about it?" Shane asked.

"Uh-huh," Bridget said.

"But the audience would think that she didn't," Shane said.

"Correct. So he knows the seduction would work because she told him she was into it, but from the audience's perspective, she has no idea what's going on."

"Why wouldn't Barbara and Shawn just be up front with the audience from the beginning?" Shane asked. "Just prove they're siblings, then just do it on camera. Wouldn't that still be hot?"

"It would," Bridget began. "But isn't it more exciting the idea that you're watching someone get seduced? You're watching someone who has, theoretically, no idea that you're watching them? Hell, you mentioned that earlier as something people search for on those websites."

Shane thought for a moment. "Yeah, that is pretty hot," he agreed. "I guess that would add a fun layer to the whole experience."

"Ooh!" Bridget continued. "Imagine if they were both virgins, too! And they talk about it on camera so the viewers know, and then the audience would get to see both of them lose their virginity!"

Shane's eyes were huge with excitement. He was finally fully understanding what Bridget was leading up to, and he was ecstatic about it.
