Lies, Sex, and Hidden Cameras


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"Oh I was satisfied alright," baconcheeseboner typed. "I was satisfied real hard."

"Any chance that we could watch it again some time?" wetnmild asked. "I know you can't just give us access, but maybe you could play it on your computer and share your screen with us?"

Shane thought for a moment. "You know, wetnmild, that's actually a pretty great idea. I won't even charge you guys anything extra for it. How about tonight at midnight? We'll just use this same link again."

"What about the live stuff?" hawtchawcol8 asked.

"She's gonna be out with friends tonight, so you guys won't miss anything, I promise," Shane replied.

"Good," hawtchawcol8 said.

"Shane!" Bridget suddenly called out loudly from somewhere else in the house.

"Hang on guys," Shane said to his viewers as he minimized the chat window quickly. Moments later, his bedroom door burst open and in came Bridget, looking furious.

"What's up?" Shane asked cautiously. He had never seen such a dangerous face on his twin sister before, especially not directed at him.

"You were recording us?" she asked shakily, tears in her eyes as she held the hidden camera up beside her face.

"I-" Shane stammered, "I didn''s not what you think, Bridget! It was only-"

Before he could even register what she had done, the camera was already in the air flying towards his face. He had no time to duck and received a blow from it directly above his eye.

"Aaugh!" he cried out, bringing his hand up to where the camera had just struck him. A small trickle of blood had already started to leak out of the wound. He was too focused on the pain in his face to realize that Bridget had moved across the room right beside where he sat, and before he knew it she was raining blows down onto his head and his back.

"You perverted fuck!" she cried out as she wailed upon him. Shane leaned forward in an effort to remove his face from her line of fire, covering his head with his hands. "How could you do this to me!?" she screamed. She reeled back and hit him one more time, particularly hard, on his upper back, then stormed out of his bedroom.

An intense ringing flooded his ears. He removed his hand from where the camera had hit him and stared at the blood on his palm. He almost felt like he was in shock as his body and mind finally began interpreting the physical trauma he had just received. He numbly turned towards the camera on his computer, not really sure what to do next. He could see a little bit of his reflection in the plain black background of his computer screen. He just sat there and stared at himself for a while, trying to come to his senses. Then, with a shaking hand, he calmly brought up the chat window he had just been using and, ignoring the messages that were pouring in from his viewers, he closed it out.

Shane stood up out of his chair and slowly made his way into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and stared blankly into space for a while, still not sure what to do with himself. He could feel the warm wetness on his shirt from the blood that had slowly continued to leak down the side of his face.

Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw movement at the entrance to the kitchen. He snapped his head to the side and saw Bridget standing there staring at him. He watched as she moved across the room in front of him, grabbed a towel that was draped across the kitchen sink, stuck it briefly under some running water, and then sat down beside him.

"Jesus Shane, I didn't mean to throw it that hard," she said as she patted his face with the towel. She examined the wound for a bit while she cleaned him up. "I don't think you'll need stitches," she said, "but you should hold this towel tight against your eye for a bit."

Shane did as she had asked, staring at her in disbelief. She looked at him and smiled sympathetically. "I'm sorry, Shane," she said sweetly. "I had to make it look believable though. Otherwise the viewers wouldn't have bought it." She sat down in his lap, straddling and facing him. "Let me make it up to you, sweetie," she said softly just before leaning forward and pushing her warm tongue into his mouth.



"Shit!" Shane called out as he slammed on his brakes. He had been driving home from a long day of college classes and had come very close to running a red light. An angry mother in a minivan glared at him as she made her way carefully across the intersection.

"Sorry!" Shane mouthed as he waved at her. He rubbed his eyes and slapped himself in the face lightly a few times.

He wasn't tired, just incredibly distracted, just has he had been for a while. He wished it were something as trivial as school that kept making him lose his focus. That would be a normal kind of problem, one he could deal with easily. Instead, the thing that was on his mind all the time was his incredibly inappropriate attraction to his twin sister.

It didn't help that before he had seen her in her underwear he was already kind of obsessed with the idea of two siblings doing it. He wondered if he would have ever made the connection to bring that obsession into his own life had he not accidentally seen Bridget's gorgeous ass only barely covered by those sexy light blue panties. In the end, he decided, it didn't really matter. "What's done is done," he said aloud to himself for the hundredth time in the past few weeks, trying to wrap his head around how he was feeling.

He pulled into his designated parking space at the apartment he and his sister shared, got out of the car, and made his way inside. As he usually did when he got home, he kicked his shoes off, got something to drink from the kitchen, and immediately made his way back to his bedroom.

"Hello, brother," Bridget said, spinning around to face him whilst sitting in his computer chair.

"Jesus!" he said, jumping a little. "You scared me!"

"I can see that," she replied.

"What are you, some sort of James Bond villain?" he asked. She just shrugged. "What are you doing in here anyway?" he asked.

"I needed to print some forms off for school," she said. "Hope you don't mind that I used your printer."

"Not at all," Shane said as he sat down on his bed.

"It was weird though," she said. "When I printed off my stuff, I didn't realize that you had this odd, shiny thick paper in the paper tray. What is this, for printing off photographs or something?" Bridget held up her forms that she had printed on the shiny paper.

"Uh, yeah you can use it for photos," Shane said, feeling his pulse slightly start to pick up.

"Hmm, okay," she said. "What did you use it for?"

"Oh, was for a project I had in my art class recently."

"I don't remember you mentioning an art project."

"Well, I had an art project," he said, wishing the moment would end.

"What kind of project?"

"A collage."

"A collage?"


"What were the instructions?"

"Instructions?" Shane replied, inwardly starting to panic.

"Yeah," Bridget continued. "Were the instructions something like 'everyone make a collage of pictures of your sister in her bikini!?" Bridget asked angrily as she tossed the photograph of herself onto the bed in front of Shane.

Shane froze and stared at the picture that had been thrown in front of him. He couldn't bring himself to look up at Bridget, at least not yet, so he just kept his eyes on the photo.

"Here's what I'm gonna do," Bridget continued. "I'm going to leave you alone for a bit while I go be by myself and cool off. I'm kinda pissed right now, as you can imagine. Tomorrow, we're gonna have a little chat about this, and you can tell me all about it. You're my brother and I love you, so I know you have a very good reason for doing this. I'm just not in a position to hear about it just yet." Shane watched out of the corner of his eye as she left his room, shutting his door behind her.

"Fuuuuck," Shane cried as he fell backwards on his bed. He stared at the ceiling, inwardly hating himself for what he had done. Panic slowly started to seep in. He had no idea what he was going to do, or going to say, that would ever explain why he would have a sexy picture of his sister secretly hidden in his room.

Hours passed as Shane continued to lay on his bed, not having moved so much as a limb since she left his room. He had run through scenario after scenario of things that would justify why he had the picture, but upon closer examination, each one just simply wasn't going to work.

"Aha!" he exclaimed, suddenly raising himself out of his bed. He left his room, went immediately across the apartment to his sister's bedroom, and knocked on her door.

"It's not tomorrow yet, jackass," he heard her say from the other side of the door.

"I don't care, open up," he said. "I don't wanna wait until tomorrow." He heard movement from inside her room and then her door opened. She stood there in a camisole and pajama pants.

"Should I cover myself up?" she asked as she turned and sat down on her bed. Shane decided to just move past that.

"Look," he began, "the reason I had the picture of you is because, like I said, I'm making a collage. Only, it's not for art class. It was going to be a surprise for you, Mom, and Dad. Just a bunch of little photos of all of us all pasted together, you know?"

"That wasn't a little photo, Shane," Bridget said. "That took up the whole page."

"I was going to cut it from from the shoulders up," he replied.

"What about the other pictures?" she asked.

"Haven't printed them off yet."

"When were you going to give it to us?"

"Next time we were all together."

"What's the occasion?"

"Random act of love."

Bridget squinted and continued to look at him suspiciously. Finally, she spoke. "Okay," she said simply.

"Okay?" Shane repeated hopefully.

"Yeah," she continued. "I've heard what I needed to hear."

"Oh," he said. "Well...good." He turned to leave.

"What about the incest porn in your computer's search history?" she asked before he reached her doorway. He stopped and slowly turned back to face her.

"What?" he asked quietly.

"After I found the photo, I checked the history of your web browser and saw that you've been watching a lot of incest porn, Shane."


"I was wondering if you were going to actually tell me the truth," she interrupted. "Now I have my answer." She stared at him as he stood there, not sure what to do with himself. "If you're not gonna properly explain yourself, then get out," she continued.

Shane almost turned to leave, but then stopped himself. "I don't...I don't just generically watch incest porn," he began.

"Oh?" Bridget asked, sounding mockingly intrigued.

"It's more specific than that."

"Do tell," she said. Shane stood and thought about his words, not having any idea how to progress from there.

"Like I said, if you can't tell me, then you can just-" Bridget began.

"Give me a second!" Shane interrupted. "I'm in a very awkward spot here, okay? Just give me a chance to find my words." Bridget sat back on her bed and folded her arms, making a point of showing that she would wait for him to talk. Shane finally decided to sit down on her floor, making himself as comfortable as he could before continuing.

"I'm attracted to you," he said, looking up at his sister. Her face immediately changed to one of shock.

"You...what!?" she said in a panicked whisper.

"I'm attracted to you," Shane repeated. Bridget started looking around randomly in her room, clearly unsure of how to respond.

" long?" she asked.

"I don't know...a few weeks?" Shane said.

"A few weeks!?" Bridget repeated dramatically. "How...what, you just randomly started feeling this way? Just woke up one day and decided you had a thing for me?"

"No," Shane said simply, feeling a strange sense of calm come over him. It was terrifying, no doubt, telling her all this. But at the same time, he felt a huge weight being lifted off of him, and had no reservations of just telling her everything at this point.

"A few weeks ago I accidentally saw you in the kitchen in a t-shirt and your underwear," he explained. "It was earlier in the morning than I usually wake up, so I assume this is something you might do a lot of mornings knowing that I'm not gonna be up for a while. But this particular morning I just happened to see you. Ever since, I...I can't get you out of my mind. You're...kinda all I think about."

Bridget just stared at him, mouth agape. " mean, you like me?"

"I mean...I've always liked you," Shane said. "You're more than just my sister, you're my best friend. It's just now that I...find you attractive all of a sudden. It's kinda like you feel when you have a crush on someone, I guess."

"Oh my god," Bridget said quietly as she looked around her room. "So you saw me and then, what, just started looking up incest porn?"

"The other way around, actually," Shane explained. "I became infatuated with incest porn months ago. But like I said, though, it's not just 'incest porn'. I'm only into the, uh...sibling stuff. No mothers or uncles or grandparents or anything like that."

"Yeah, that would be weird," Bridget said mockingly. "So what, you finally figured out you have a sister of your own you could perv on and fill out your sick fantasies?"

"It's not like that!" Shane protested. "I didn't plan this, Bridget! I would have never thought about anything like this with you on purpose. It just sort of happened in a way that...well, I just can't help how I feel!"

"And the picture?" she asked.

"What about it?" Shane asked.

"You printed that off so you could...," Bridget said, trailing off. "I'm guessing you look at that while know." She made a pumping action with her fist.

Shane just looked at her and shrugged. "What do you want me to say, Bridget?"

Bridget looked away from him quickly, keeping her arms folded tight against her body. They sat in silence for a while. Shane figured he had said what he wanted to say at this point, and it was on her now to respond.

"Here's what we're gonna do," Bridget said after a painfully long silence. "Let's not speak for a little while, or interact in any way. I have some things to sort out."

"Okay," Shane said quietly. "Take as much time as you need."

"I just...I can't believe this, Shane! I'm your sister!"

"I'm aware," he said. Bridget laid back on her bed and turned away from him. He took this as his cue to leave. As he went to shut her door, he turned back towards her.

"Hey Bridget?" he said.

"Hm?" she grunted, not facing him.

"I'm sorry," he said simply as he left her room.


The next few days were very strange and awkward for Shane. He didn't see much of his sister, and when they did accidentally bump into each other in the apartment, out of respect, he turned and went the other way. He had never gone so long in their whole lives without speaking to his sister, and he found that he missed her presence deeply.

One Saturday afternoon, Shane woke up late as he normally did and made his way into the kitchen. He was surprised to see Bridget in there sitting at the table. She had her laptop in front of her and was reading something. Her back was to the majority of the room, so Shane decided he felt comfortable enough to be in there for as long as it took him to scrounge up some food and take it back to his bedroom. As he made a sandwich, he couldn't help but glance over at Bridget from time to time. He noticed that there was a large body of text pulled up in front of her on her screen, but he couldn't tell what it was exactly. Just seeing her, though, being in the same room with her, made him long for her company all the more. Finally, just as he finished making his sandwich, he decided he couldn't take it anymore and spoke to her.

"Whatcha reading?" he asked tentatively.

"Not yet," she said simply. He decided that was fair and took his sandwich into his room.

The next day he had the same experience. He went into the kitchen in the early afternoon to find Bridget sitting exactly where she had been the previous day, again reading something on her computer. He respectfully kept his silence as he got some food and drink, although he took his time in hopes that she would decide to talk to him. Finally, when she hadn't so much as glanced away from her computer, he left.

The next several days were the same for him. When he'd wake up, whether on the mornings that he had class or in the afternoons on days he didn't, she was there. He started to suspect that she was doing it on purpose. She knew his schedule, and if she really wanted to, she could've avoided him and stayed in her room.

Finally, one afternoon as Shane stood in the kitchen heating up a frozen meal in the microwave, Bridget spoke to him.

"This brother-sister stuff is way more widespread than I thought," she said from out of nowhere, still not looking his direction. Shane's heart skipped a beat, not only because she had finally spoken to him, but also because of what she had said.

"Huh?" he said, wishing that he had come up with a better reply.

"There are a LOT of people out there that are turned on by the idea of siblings hooking up," she said. "I had no idea..." She trailed off and focused in again what she was looking at on her computer screen.

"Oh," Shane said. "Um...yeah, there's all kinds of, uh, content out there about it."

"You ever read any of these stories?" she asked.

"Stories?" he repeated.

"Yeah. I mean, I know you've been looking at sibling porn, but I didn't know if you had ever read any of the stories that had been written about it."

"You mean like real stories?"

"Well, I mean, they're fiction, if that's what you're asking. But there are websites with a whole genre dedicated exclusively to incest erotica. There's mother-son, father-daughter, cousins, uncles and name it."

The timer dinged on the microwave indicating to Shane that his food was ready, but he ignored it. Instead, he cautiously made his way over to Bridget and pulled up the chair next to her.

"Is that what you've been reading every day in the kitchen that I've come in here?" he asked.

"Yeah," she replied. "Well, I mean, just the sibling stuff. I don't think I care much to look into the rest of it."


"Well," she said, turning to look at him for the first time in over a week, "after our talk, you know, I was very...confused. Not angry, just...I didn't understand how you could ever feel that way about me. Or hell, how you could ever be turned on by the idea of ANY brother and sister fooling around. But I love you, and from that love I started to try and understand it. So I did some research and discovered that you're not so crazy and perverted after all."


"Well...I mean, maybe you are a little bit crazy and perverted. You actually have a thing for your sister in real life."

"Right." Shane felt his face turning red. Thankfully, Bridget had looked back at her screen and didn't seem to notice.

"But I've been on this website a lot this week," she continued, "and I've read story after story after story about siblings hooking up with each other, and I've gotta say...I think I kinda get it."

"You do?"

"Two people who have known each other all their lives engaging in forbidden acts of love...I'm not gonna lie, it's a little bit of a turn on."

"Ah," Shane said, not wanting to say much for fear of scaring her off of the subject.

"Have you ever read any of these stories?" she asked.

"No, I've only ever watched the videos," he admitted. "Not much of a reader, you know?"

"You should give them a chance sometime," Bridget suggested. "They're pretty hot. Well, some of them, at least."

Shane gulped loudly. "Can you make a suggestion?" he asked cautiously, fearing that any second she was going to turn and laugh in his face and reveal that she was just playing some sort of cruel joke, and he was a disgusting freak and should just go away and die.
