Lies, Sex, and Hidden Cameras


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"It's me, dummy!" Bridget exclaimed with a hearty laugh.

"What the hell were you doing!?" Shane asked exasperated.

"Watching you sleep," Bridget said simply. "It was very sweet and peaceful, which is more than I can say about every moment since you woke up."

Shane finally started to feel his pulse slow down again. "Sorry, it was just...unexpected."

"That's okay," she said. "Although, I'm a little disappointed that my face scared you as much as it did."

"Oh, well...I mean, it is pretty dark in here. What time is it anyway?"

"7:45," she answered.

"Wow, I slept a lot today," Shane said as he turned on a lamp.

"Yeah, well your body needed it after last night. You got my note, I presume?"

"Yes I did. Thank you so much for looking out for me. That was...sweet."

"Any time." They stood and looked at each other briefly. There was a definite electricity between them that had never been there before, and they both knew it.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Shane asked.

"Now? But it's almost dark."

"I know, but I've been cooped up all day and could use the fresh air. Come on, we live in a safe neighborhood."

Bridget shrugged. "Alright, lemme go change first," she said. "That'll be a good chance for us to talk about a few things that happened last night, anyway."

"Things that happened last night?" Shane asked, pretending not to already know what she was talking about. "What exactly did happen last night?"

Bridget chuckled lightly. "Let me change first, then we'll talk," she said as she left the room. Shane went ahead and opened up the live session for his viewers, making sure to turn the living room camera on so that he wouldn't have to do it when they returned from their walk. He also went ahead and turned the camera on to his cell phone and stuck it in his pocket. His viewers wouldn't be able to see anything during their walk, but at least they'd be able to hear the dialogue.

When Bridget came back into the living room, Shane immediately fixated on what she was wearing. He didn't even bother to hide the fact that he was clearly looking her up and down.

"What!?" she asked with a huge smile. Shane just looked at her for a moment longer. She wore a mint green sundress with a floral print. It was cut about halfway down her thigh and hung around her shoulders with thin straps. Most noticeably, it revealed a considerable amount of her cleavage, which Shane was having a hard time not just straight up leering at.

"," he said finally. "You, uh, got nice and dressed up for our walk."

Bridget looked herself over in a nearby mirror. "I'm not dressed up," she said. "Just because a girl wears a dress doesn't mean she's dressed up. I'm dressed comfortably, is all. Look, I have on sneakers and everything." She extended her foot out and swung it back and forth. Shane glanced only briefly at her shoe, then let his eyes travel slowly up her leg. He wondered desperately what she wore underneath that dress.

"Ah," he said, "my mistake. You do indeed look comfortable."

"Good," she said. "Ready?"

"Yep, let's go," he said.

The temperature outside was perfect for a walk. It was warm, but there was a nice light breeze. Shane and Bridget walked slowly along the sidewalk that looped around their neighborhood, comfortably silent for quite a while.

"Thought you said this would be a good chance to talk about last night?" Shane asked after several minutes of quiet.

Bridget inhaled deeply and slowly let out her breath. "Yeah," she said calmly, "I guess we should. It's just so nice and peaceful out here."

"We can wait," Shane offered.

"No, let's just talk now," Bridget countered.

"Okay." They walked for another minute or so without either one of them saying anything.

"Listen," Shane finally said, "I was pretty wasted last night, so if there is any particular event that occurred that you feel needs addressing, you're gonna have to bring it up. I'm kinda clueless as to what happened." That obviously wasn't true, thanks to the recording, but it was true as far as Bridget was concerned.

"What exactly do you remember about last night?" she asked slowly.

"Well, let's see," Shane began. "I remember eating pizza and drinking my delicious wine. I remember it was my idea to do karaoke, and I went first and sang a shitastic rendition of my favorite Pearl Jam song. Then I remember you singing something...but I don't know what." Shane stopped to consider how much more he wanted to say. He was curious to see how forthcoming Bridget would be on her own about what happened.

"That can't be all, right?" Bridget asked. Shane looked over at her and noticed that she had a slight look of worry on her face.

"No," he continued. "I remember some more, bits and pieces mostly. I know we danced together...a lot. And by dance, I mean...I basically felt you up while you moved to music."

"Right," she said. "That you did. Do you remember anything more specific? Maybe anything about, ahem, the state of your penis as we danced?"

"You mean the fact that it was at full attention?" Shane asked.


"I do remember that, yes."

"Okay, cool." Bridget paused briefly before continuing. "So how do you feel about that?"

"You mean how do I feel about how hard I got for my sister last night?"

Shane heard Bridget gulp loudly. "Yes," she said shakily.

Shane took a deep breath. "Honestly," he began, "I feel very much okay with it."

"Oh," she said.

"Is that okay?"

"That is definitely okay."

"Good." He looked over at his sister. "How do you feel about it?"

"You mean, how do I feel about the fact that I was pushing my ass into my twin brother's erection and grinding my crotch on his thigh?" she asked casually.

"What!?" Shane called out, playing dumb, but knowing full well that she had done that.

"Oh yeah, that happened," she said.

"Jesus," Shane said. "Really wish I could remember that."

"Things got pretty heated for sure," Bridget said.

"I'll say," Shane said. They walked a little further in silence before Shane spoke again. "You never said how you felt about it."

"I didn't?"


"Oh." Bridget went quiet again for a moment before continuing. "I feel like...I wanna do it again sometime."

"Oh?" Shane said.

"Yeah. Sans the Jimmy's wine, of course."


They walked along a little further before coming to the end of their neighborhood and turning around. As they turned back, Shane casually reached down and took his sister's hand in his. She looked down at their hands, then looked up at him and smiled.

"We're out of our goddamn minds, you know?" she said.

"Oh, totally," Shane agreed.

As they walked back to their apartment, Shane suddenly remembered a promise he had made to pencildick$teve quite a while back, and figured now was the perfect time to address it.

"Hey, Bridget?" he asked.


"You remember that talk we had last summer? About our, um, sexual experiences?"

"Of course," she said.

"We revealed to each other that we were, uh, both still virgins."


"Has, um...has anything changed for you since then?"

"Um, only a little bit," she answered.

"Oh?" Shane asked, his heart racing.

"Yeah," she continued. "I mean, I'm still a virgin, but I did have this one encounter with a guy."

"Oh, I didn't know about that," Shane said, his palms getting noticeably sweaty.

"Yeah. We were dancing and he basically was dry humping my ass. Then I turned around and rubbed my pussy hard into his leg. Almost came, too, before the drunken buffoon fell over an ottoman."

Relief washed over Shane, and he laughed heartily. "You really had me going for a minute there," he said.

"I know, I could tell by your sweaty hand," she said. "So what about you? Still got your v-card, too?"

"Yep," Shane said honestly. "I think I've always been too busy hanging out with you to really care much about meeting anyone."

"Jeez, well I'm sorry for taking up all your precious time!" Bridget said jokingly.

"I'm not," Shane replied, giving her hand a firm squeeze. They walked the rest of the way back in a perfect silence.

"So whatcha wanna do?" Bridget asked as they walked through the door to their apartment.

"How about a movie?" Shane suggested.

"Ooh, can we watch The Polar Express!?" Bridget asked excitedly.

"The Polar Express? What are you, 8 years old? Anyway, it's June!"


"You can't watch a Christmas movie in June. Besides, I kinda already had something in mind."

"Oh yeah? What?"

Shane froze. He had taken the suggestion from skinwich earlier about the brother-sister romance movie to be the perfect thing for that night, and knew that was what he wanted to watch with her. But he hadn't put any thought whatsoever into how he was going to present the idea to her. He suddenly realized how strange it would be for him to randomly suggest a French incest film out of the blue, and to his sister of all people. He really wished he had put more thought into this plan.

"Um," he began slowly, trying his best to think quickly, " know how I've always been kinda into the French culture and everything?"

"No," Bridget said quickly, shaking her head back and forth.

"You know! Like...I've always said how cool it would be to visit France."

"Lots of people think it would be cool to visit France."

"Right. Well...anyway, I was randomly looking through some suggestions for French films to watch, and a few of them stood out to me."

Bridget was looking at him like he was strange, and honestly, he felt very strange in that moment. "Okay," she said slowly. "Go on."

"Uh, one in particular is this drama romance type thingy. A boy and a girl in love, but they can't be together and...well, dramatic things start to happen."

"Why can't they be together?"

Shane paused briefly before answering. "They're...kinda related," he said finally.

A look of shock appeared on Bridget's face. "Related!? Like how?"

"They have the same parents," Shane said slowly.

"You mean...they are brother and sister?"


"Is one of them adopted?"


"So, full on-?"


"Wow," Bridget said, trailing off briefly.

"We can watch something different if you want-"

"No, I wanna watch this!" Bridget interjected. "I just...I didn't know they even made movies like that."

"Maybe they're just a little more open-minded in Europe than we are here in the states," Shane suggested.

"Yeah, maybe," Bridget agreed. "What's it called?"

"Marguerite and Julien," Shane said. "It's actually based on a true story from the 17th century or something."

"Are they gonna it in the movie?" Bridget wondered aloud.

"I don't know," Shane said as he sat on the couch and grabbed the remote. "Let's find out!"

Shane sat on one end of the couch, expecting Bridget to sit directly beside him as she had done in recent nights. Instead, she kicked off her shoes and laid down on her side, facing the television, with her head on the other end of the couch. She plopped her feet comfortably in Shane's lap. Shane looked sideways, hoping to be able to see up her sundress, but the material draped perfectly so that he couldn't. Or perhaps imperfectly, from his perspective.

The movie was a little hard for them to follow at first. It was all in French, of course, so they were having to read subtitles as it went. It explained a backstory of how close the brother and sister were as children in the beginning, but were eventually separated when the boy went off to boarding school.

"Imagine if Mom had tried to send one of us to a boarding school when we were kids," Shane said aloud.

"She'd be staring at the business end of a temper tantrum!" Bridget exclaimed.

"Well put," Shane agreed.

Shane saw that Bridget had been intermittently looking at her phone. "Are you still good to watch this?" he asked.

"Oh yeah!" Bridget responded, looking back at him. "Sorry, my friend just keeps texting me. Boy drama, I guess. But I'm loving this movie. It's very raw. And very...taboo." Hearing Bridget use the word "taboo" sent a jolt throughout his body.

The movie had reached a slight lull, so Shane took a moment to pull his own phone out and discreetly check his chat. There wasn't a whole lot going on in there, but he was very happy to see that everyone was present. Meaning, of course, that everyone had paid their money.

"Did I just pay $1,000 to watch someone while they sit and watch a movie?" dirtydave47 had typed at one point.

"Quit your bitchin'," skinwich had said.

"You could totally slide your hand up her dress right now, sharkpanties!" jizzbucketmagoo suggested.

"Perhaps a little foot rub would be a better place to start," said dickorydoc09.

"Agreed!" skinwich typed.

Shane took their advice and nonchalantly placed a hand on his sister's ankle. He glanced sideways at her to see if she had any kind of reaction to that, and was happy to see that she didn't. He moved his hand down so that his thumb was on the bottom of her foot. Very carefully, he began to move his thumb up and down her foot, being careful to only apply minimal pressure.

"Whatcha doin'?" Bridget asked without taking her eyes off the movie. Shane stopped immediately.

"Oh, sorry," he said. "I was so caught up in the movie I didn't realize what I was even doing."

"It felt nice," Bridget replied, still not looking at him.

"Oh," he said. She wiggled her foot just a little bit, which Shane took as a silent cue for him to continue. He did just that, this time not being as cautious. He took both of his hands and placed them on her foot again. He rubbed his thumbs deeply into the arch of her foot, eliciting a small moan from Bridget. For the next several minutes as the movie went on, he absentmindedly alternated between rubbing both of her feet, every now and then hearing an appreciative noise escape her lips.

The movie progressed kind of slowly. The boy returned home as a young adult, not having seen his sister in years. There was a definite heat between them though, one they were not being very careful about hiding.

"Their parents are going to notice that they're in love if they aren't careful," Bridget said out loud at one point.

"You think they're really in love?" Shane asked.

"Definitely," she said. "It's super obvious."

Later in the movie, the siblings were able to steal away from a dinner party and be alone for the first time since the brother had returned. They resorted to playing a game from childhood where they tried to give each other goosebumps. The brother started off by sucking on the neck of his sister.

"Well that's an interesting game to play with your brother," Bridget said out loud. "Can you imagine?"

Hell yeah, Shane thought to himself.

As they watched, Shane noticed that not only was he starting to get a little turned on, but Bridget had noticeably began to squirm a little herself. The scene in the movie shifted to the sister sucking on the toes of her brother. As they watched that part, Shane lightly moved his fingers around each one of Bridget's toes, one at a time. He looked down to see that, ironically, Bridget herself had started to develop goosebumps on her own legs.

The movie jumped briefly back to the dinner party, where people had grown suspicious of the sibling's absence and decided to go looking for them. When the movie went back to the brother and sister, the girl was half naked. Her brother sat behind her, running his fingers along her bare back. In tune with the movie, Shane took his own fingers and bravely began to explore a little further up Bridget's leg. He lightly traced around the area above her ankle before moving his fingertips up to her calf. He stole a glance at her face as she continued to watch the movie and saw that she was biting down on her bottom lip. Still on her side, she had lodged one of her hands comfortably in between her bare thighs. She was slightly spiraling her hips around as Shane continued to move his hands along the lower part of her legs.

Just as Shane had decided to move his hand up to her thigh, the siblings in the movie got caught and the scene ended.

"Damn," Bridget exclaimed in a whisper, briefly halting her movements. Shane decided to put a pause on touching her any further in hopes that the heat in the movie would pick up again later. He liked mirroring the movie siblings, and got the feeling that Bridget enjoyed it too.

"Liking the movie still?" Shane asked.

"Definitely," Bridget replied. She took her foot and moved it around in his lap, locating his fully erect cock. As she squeezed her toes against his shaft, Shane eyes grew wide, and he feared that he would just cum right then and there. "And I can see someone else is enjoying it, too," she said as she placed her foot innocently back where it had been.

The movie progressed, but Shane found it increasingly difficult to pay attention to the plot. He saw that the parents had once again found a way to separate the brother and sister by marrying off the girl to another man, but any other details were lost on him. He checked chat once again to see hundreds of comments that had been made.

"She nearly gave you a foot job!" mantitties2 had typed.

"You're almost there, Shane..." hawtchawcol8 said.

"Make your move!" otis789 had written.

"Need the right moment, guys," Shane typed quickly. "Hang tight."

"Her foot on your dick isn't the right moment?" dirtydave47 said.

Shane let his hand rest on Bridget's leg as the movie progressed. From the corner of his eye, he saw her reach over and scratch her thigh just under the hem of her dress. In doing so, her dress was lifted slightly and allowed Shane to just barely peek underneath it. He had to physically stop himself from releasing a moan of pleasure when he saw that she was wearing that same pair of light blue panties she had been wearing that fateful day in the kitchen many months ago. He wanted to push his hand up her dress right then and there, but continued to wait for the right moment.

He also began to wonder if she had realized what she'd done. Did she know he could see up her dress really easily? Had she "scratched herself" on purpose just to make that adjustment? Whether she had or not, he felt that the moment he had been craving for so long was almost there.

They sat in silence as the movie went along, finally reaching a part where the brother rescued his sister from the man she had been forced to marry. She had not been willing to submit to her husband sexually, not even a single time, so he had grown abusive and dangerous. In an overly dramatic fashion, the brother fought the husband off while he instructed his sister to flee back to their parent's house. The girl left by boat in the dead of night and finally made it back to her old bedroom, unsure of the fate of her heroic brother.

Shane felt Bridget tense up just slightly when the brother was shown scaling the side of their parent's house in an effort to sneak into his sister's bedroom through her window. Shane moved his hand slowly up her leg some more, resting it on top of her thigh. Bridget moved her hand from where it had been resting between her legs and grabbed onto his hand. At first, Shane feared she was telling him to back off, but instead she held tightly to his hand, still resting it on her bare thigh.

In the movie, the brother climbed in through the window quietly and went over to his sister's bed. They didn't really show much, but the boy lay on top of his sister, did a little adjusting, and slowly entered her, the only clue to this being the labored breathing and the look of ecstasy on the face of the girl. They made love slowly and passionately, breathing heavily and quietly the whole time. In a matter of seconds, however, they both came and the scene was over.

"Oh no!" Bridget cried out, squeezing Shane's hand tightly. "You don't think that was it, do you? Do you think there will be more?"
