Longwood Third Hunt


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"Janet, sometimes you are the oddest gal, still I reckon we may as well see just how good Cherokee are at attacks." Grin at Dan.

"Dan, Cherokee are best, only need me to do attack." Sergeant and Dan swat on head.

"Ach lass that's not happening."

"Did not think it would, as said easy slaughter. We shall stop here and make vittles then move on. If naught else would show reinforcements where to go."

Dan sighs then nods so we move away from the dead to find a spot to make camp. Since the snow is rather sparse around we don't need to clear it away. Dan and sergeant instead pull down what we need to make supper. Sarah and I get to do the fire.

"What am I doing for this slaughter?" Look up at Sarah then shrug while pulling out matchstick to light the wood.

"Not rightly sure, you have rifle if want to shoot. If not reckon you shall keep the horses company." Sarah sighs and nods.

"Reckon I'll stay with the horses."

Nod and then take a seat since the fire is lit and need to do vittles. Sarah joins me and we just look at what we have.

"Not really wanting a stew." Snort and shake my head.

"Should have learned how to do round eye vittles long time ago. Perhaps tear up the coney meat, add bacon and put in tortilla." Sarah doesn't say anything a short spell.

"Well not bad, perhaps add tater, we can shred it." Look up at that, don't remember packing a shredder.

"We have a shredder?" Sarah nods and smiles.

"Took one from cookie, they have eight in the kitchen at the fort."

Smile at that so we set about to shred some taters and get the meat torn up. Spend a spell just cooking that, since have a second pan I make up tortilla when that is about half done. Bacon, tater, and coney meat cooking is good smell. Dan and sergeant sit close to us to smell the vittles better would reckon.

Once we finish everything up get to show Sarah how to do wrap. She like this and we both finish up quick with two for all. Sit next to Dan and get look at when hand over his plate.

"Why two?"

"Cause we go for slaughter instead of roll so when finish shall need roll." Dan snorts.

"So you still use the roll after to keep calm?" Lean in to Dan and look up.

"Work so far, asides that you are good at the roll." Sergeant, Sarah, and Dan snort then we all fall to on our vittles.

Once we finish the vittles we fall to on cleaning the plates then packing up what we took down. Pinto give snort when we get to putting back on horses. Apparently they fell asleep so pass out licorice to all and apologize. Gets me nuzzled a few times, rather think the horses like me. Then we get on the horses and I get to guide.

Reckon the camp is not all that far, mile at most I set us off at an angle. On the way I hope the reinforcements can find us, we are not going fast so less of a trail to follow. Do know we will leave prints, take hard ground to not leave imprint of horse shoe. Just don't know if we will get warrior or just soldier, order aside it is possible they will not send Apache.

Not long after we set out I make out light in the distance. Campfire along with lantern which gets me to giggle.

"Proper camp for enemy territory." Look over at sergeant and shake head.

"With light behind the soldier they are prime target to be shot outside of light. Bow would be good to have for this."

"No bow so if we shoot one the whole camp knows where we are." Dan says getting me to giggle.

"No Dan, we can split up, one shoot get attention then fade away, another shoot and fade so they are scrambling all over camp." Sergeant sighs and shakes his head.

"Unless they are all buck recruits they would have a zone assigned to watch, no scrambling."

"Suppose good I never try this afore. Would have employ the shoot and fade."

No more talking so I lead us around to a good spot to look over camp and out of light. We dropped off horses a spell afore getting to final spot. Sarah stay with horses and promise sergeant to lay down to not be shot. At least hopefully not be shot so we move up to spot I reckon is best to look at camp and hunker down.

"Less than score would reckon." Sergeant shakes his head.

"There are tents set up, what we are seeing is the watch. There are more in bed." Swat sergeant and look around a little.

What can see says the watch is not good, there are men every twenty or so feet, likely more. Can see in all six men, reckon another four at least hidden by the tents. The lanterns and fires are lighting up around quite well but the around is only twenty feet past the camp. The watch stands next to a lantern so can't see a thing outside the light. Can throw a knife and kill at that distance.

"Can take down one with a throw knife." Dan shakes his head.

"Hard to do without alerting the others." Dan has point, and would get the rest up though there is one thing.

"Sergeant, does the watch stand there all night?" Sergeant shakes his head.

"Be replaced about midnight." Well this is good.

"So if we wait for midnight have soldier just sleep and soldier just up?" Sergeant nods then shakes his head.

"The watch replaced would undress then lie down, take about ten minutes." Nod and smile.

"So we wait for that or the Apache." Dan and sergeant trade a glance.

"What do we do if the Apache come?"

"We do my first idea, most knife can be thrown since balance weight. Throw knife is blade heavy."

Dan and sergeant don't seem to want to argue that so we settle down and watch. Sergeant after a while pulls out a pocket watch so swat him for not mentioning afore. Spell longer both Dan and sergeant are drooping, I roll my eyes but let them drift off. Only need one aware of things at the moment.

Course Dan and sergeant are not the only ones drooping. The watch are drooping as well, then realize they have chairs to perch on. If that is not the oddest, need men aware to protect camp, but give them chairs to sit on. With a grin I creep closer, not at the soldier closest, go two past him where we are supposed to be coming from.

Takes a long spell but get close enough so pull out Bowie and dart up to him. He never twitch until hand over mouth and Bowie sinking into chest. He starts a little, and eyes wide but shortly droops. Once he is slumped and not breathing, quite dangerous spell waiting for, I work Bowie out then move away from camp and back to Dan and sergeant.

Once am back to them am met with twin glares, reckon they could see me doing that. I just grin so they shake their heads.

"Janet honest, would like to put you over a knee." Sergeant nods along to that.

"Ach lass know the feeling, if any woke while you was doing that."

"Have Colt, throwing knife, and once out of light can simply drop behind bush and watch them stumble past if leave camp."

"Not sure which is worse, she can do that or that she is right on not spotting. Course once the watch change the whole camp stay up." Dan sighs and shrugs.

"Reckon to not matter, they will be scared at first but after a spell will droop again." Sergeant nods and shrugs.

"This is one piss poor watch."

"Sergeant if round eye attack camp they would use rifle or pistol. No real need for watch to be awake." Sergeant shrugs at that.

"If good soldiers come up on camp they would move up and use knife like you did lass. Once they get the watch they would take knee and shoot." Dan looks about then sighs.

"Janet, you best do that one or two more times, make them wonder where we are." Look over at sergeant to get nod so hop up.

Creep up on the closest soldier then think better of and go over one. Creep up on him slow like afore hopping up and pulling out throw knife. This one goes in head under chin with twist to make sure. He not even twitch more than once so reckon this is a proper method. Creep away from camp then move over farther.

Third soldier is far enough would reckon so creep up on sly. When am getting close he stirs, not aware yet but getting there so hop up and dash. His eyes open when hand go on mouth then knife in throat. Squirms a bit and honest, am very nervous for this since not silent. Finally he settle then droop his eyes close most of way in the process.

Look at knife to find bloody so ponder wiping clean, then have other idea. Creep over to the next man and put knife in his hand. Also make sure to put blood on him so look like he did to round eye. That done creep away from camp then make my way over to sergeant and Dan.

"What did you do?" I'm beaming now.

"Left bloody knife in life soldier hand, and put blood on so round eye think soldier do." Dan and sergeant snort then trade glance.

"Reckon would work since they are to be jumpy." Dan nods.

"Do wish we had tomahawks, could use those on some." Shake head.

"Stupid round eye ignore what in front of them, injun heathen so no do. The last of the first group figure sergeant shoot him twice with rifle from different direction." Sergeant sighs and shivers.

"Remind to never make you mad at me lass." Just giggle a bit at that.

"Sergeant fear the Apache on mad, they will attack most anything near when mad. Cherokee are feared by Apache since when our tribes come near the Cherokee set up scouts, Apache come they no return." Sergeant gawks a short spell.

"So Cherokee don't get mad?" Nod then shake my head.

"Cherokee get mad, they don't attack anything, they get mad they remove what mad at." Dan nudges sergeant.

"McCalbane." Sergeant sighs and nods.

"Captain told me about what happened. Made sure to know to not write down but vicious not seem a strong enough word."

A shout comes from the camp so we shush and pay attention. Plenty of yelling and some running about. Then there is talking and a shot rings out, the soldier I gave knife to is dead would reckon. Course the soldiers then spread out, first thing they do is remove the chairs. Then they stand there peering out at the night.

Would giggle if we are not to be quiet, then hear an owl call. Reckon little chance of an owl out here, they prefer to use the town buildings. Which means we got Apache here so hop up and trot toward the owl call and give my own. Short spell later the Apache appear, not really going on sly, they just were not easy to see at first.

Look about and smile since they have Winchester, the short rifle mostly but is good. Also have some nervous soldiers, look them over and aside one they are young. Same with Apache, aside Elan they are all young.

"Elan bit young to get blooded." Elan sighs then swats on head.

"All from my tribe, was supper there and as far tribe we not asked to help marshal." Nod and look about again.

"Can all sly and shoot?" Plenty of nods to that.

"We are taught still, and all have gone on hunt afore." Nod and smile.

"Is fine, sergeant and husband are crouched behind bush that way, you Apache go on we shall talk plan there." Elan nods and leads the young warriors off toward Dan and sergeant so turn on the soldiers.

"You soldiers stay here." Glances are traded then the one not young steps up.

"Supposed to stay with, we are not on reservation." Shake head.

"Soldiers in camp there decide injun are heathens to be slaughtered, so injun shall slaughter." Get a nod for that.

"Reckon best to stay here then, do please leave one alive." Shrug at that.

"Shall ask sergeant on."

"Tell Aengus that Conor still thinks he cheated." Snort and nod then head back to my husband.

Apache are clustered around Dan and sergeant who look a bit shocked on something. Then I join the Apache, Dan look at me then reach over and swats Elan.

"He said you would stay at the horses." Reach over and swat Elan, then swat Dan.

"For say and for believe. Sergeant Conor say he still think you cheat, and think we should leave one alive." Sergeant snorts and shrugs.

"Ach what a whiny loser. As for the alive reckon be a good thought, notice the general in there, has golden shoulders and big hat." Look around at the Apache.

"Think you Apache can manage to not kilt the one?" Plenty of nods and smiles then Dan wave hand.

"What are we going to do?" Look at camp a short spell then smile.

"If Apache can shoot lantern we light up camp then take down those who not die right away." Elan waves his hand.

"So shoot light and set ablaze?" Nod and smile.

"If these warriors can manage shoot lantern." Elan snorts though the rest look a little upset.

"We are not horrible at night attack." Shrug then wave for camp.

"Still not seen Apache night attack."

Elan snorts then heads for camp the warriors following. Admit some look too young for this but of age is earlier than they are. Shall need to ask on why the only unblooded warrior are this young in far camp. Smile when notice Elan is breaking them up in groups of two. There is one lantern they are not setting up at, and none with Elan.

He look back and wave so get sergeant and Dan heading up. We go slower since they are in shoes so noisy. Sergeant I send to Elan, Dan stays with me since we know what we each will do. Usually means Dan does what I do but not always, he does sometimes decide to do something else, like when charge at the bandits.

A thought comes so leave Dan where we decide to be for the lantern and move fast as sly allows to Elan. He watches with an upturn of his mouth, reckon he wants to chuckle. Problem being Cherokee have one set of calls to start and Apache another, I do not know Apache calls.

"Elan, what is call to shoot?" Elan snorts and swats on head.

"Diving hawk." Ponder that for a moment then grin, I have heard a diving hawk cry.

"Am Cherokee, better than Apache." Swat Elan back.

"What is your call to start?"

"We come up with one before attack or just attack at a cry." Elan snorts as I head back to Dan.

"Dan, when I shoot, shoot." Dan nods and shrugs.

"Was the plan." Giggle a moment then do diving hawk cry as pull up Winchester.

The soldiers look up confused for a moment, though the two directly ahead of where we are look at us. No see but they look where the sound came from then I shoot. Dan shoot as well causing the lantern to spew out flaming oil as it wobbles about. Both soldiers are lit on fire and are screaming, the screams are joined all around the camp.

Apache had opened fire with us so all lantern are wobbling and spewing flaming oils. Plenty of soldiers are on fire now and the dashing about is igniting the tents. Look about at the dashing burning soldiers and can't help the smile. They think injun can do nothing right, and are dying to injun it is in the right.

"Let them burn."

I yell out so we all kneel there watching the soldiers burn, some try rolling on ground to put the fire out. Others grab up buckets that seem full of water or other liquid to douse in. The few who manage to get the burning oil off are shot. A few of them I take pity on and shoot afore dead, Dan does the same.

Finally the soldiers are all dead or passed out while burning so we advance on camp. The general has not made an appearance so we need to find him. Elan comes over as we reach the tents, what remains of the outer tents.

"How do we get the general out?" Look around and sigh then brighten.

"Grab up the burning men and toss at tent or find a torch." Elan nods and turns until grab arm.

"All are blooded?" Get a nod and smile.

"So long as do thing that kilt others they are blooded. General will survive unless need shoot." Nod and smile.

"Bid them spread out and knock down any that come out of tent. May be soldier and Apache still alive though reckon they are laying about somewhere." Elan nods and frowns then turns and goes.

Dan bends down at the corner of the charred tent we are next to and comes up with bit of wood. He finds some cloth and wraps it around the stick then we go find a lantern. Find a lantern with some oil inside so we upend to get out the oil. Oil comes burning but does collect on stick in cloth so call that a right proper thing.

Holding the stick Dan leads me farther in to the camp to the first whole tent. He lights that while I go stand by the entrance. Tent burns a bit until the flame are on top and the tent is lit up so look inside. There is chest so go in and try pull out since the tent will collapse atop. Dan comes and helps so we get chest out just a short spell afore the tent falls.

Move on to the next and have help from two Apache. Both are beaming so swat both on head and point ahead to entrance of tent. Dan lights the tent and we join the Apache, after spell of no come out look in and have two chest this time. So we all go in and pull out chests, then leave tent to fall down with chests in front of.

Third tent the Apache go by entrance and we light then get shot at. The first shot goes for the burning stick, right where burning so Dan drop and we drop to ground. Then there are more shots go above us, some are above, others go other directions would reckon. Then there is some whimpering inside and the man in there tries to run.

Apache trip him right up then roll him over. He stare up at my Colt and am beam, really want to just shoot him now. Instead I just keep beam and point Colt at face, he just stare at Colt. Dan whistles so we get joined by sergeant rather quickly. He just look down at the man a short spell and starts laughing getting the man to look at him, then back to me and actually sees me now.

"Get the fool injun thing away from me. Not even worth keeping one as a pet." Snort and shoot to right of man head then point second Colt at him.

"Apache and Cherokee took down your camp. Only need one Cherokee, figure on being nice to Apache since they are neighbors of my town. You are alive because being nice to soldiers, if had my way would do all the torture not been able to do yet, there is plenty." He snorts.

"Please like some filthy savage can do anything."

Grin at him then shoot in both shoulders. He is screaming now so shoot in the legs, the Apache are hooting at this. Then I hop on chest and pull out Bowie.

"This was inside one of your soldiers, twisting for answers. You heard the screams, shall take great pleasure in doing same to you. Sergeant only want alive, not say how long you life. Reckon can two stab and twist, would leave you life for two, three day. Would not enjoy the life but would be life as sergeant want." He is sweating now but still find doubt somewhere.

"Soon as am up and with pistol heathen you will die." Snort and get up to put foot on hand.

"This hand hold pistol how?" I ask then crouch and shove Bowie through hand.

He screams and curls up soon as I let him, Dan also come over and pull me away. I pout since enjoying this, is something round eye deserve. Dan shakes me so look at him and remember not all round eye deserve. Drop Bowie and rush to Dan to sob, forgot that am married to round eye, have two wonderful sons from round eye.

Dan not say anything, just holds and we rock a little. After spell and cleared throat pull back to look at Elan and sergeant.

"We have him trussed up, just have difficulty. The horses with these men panicked at the fire and shooting so we have our horses with Sarah. Need get the general back to the fort, and we have checked the chests, many contain the orders we found on the dead soldier. All signed by this general, also found a number of dead injun, most are not from this reservation. So need pass information up and honestly hope that the generals do something. Reckon no official release on this, that one like as not get hung and officially die of illness." Nod and look up at Dan.

"Do you reckon pinto carry us both?" Dan snorts.

"Reckon have to, don't think he would part with you." Giggle at that then recall the throw knife left with soldier.

"Dan, need buy new throw knife, reckon new Bowie as well. Also owe two penny to Claire, did not have enough for the chocolate." Dan snorts and shrugs.
