Longwood Third Hunt


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"Shall pay what we owe when go in for the knives." Elan clears his throat.

"Reckon you have enough vittles for us? We missed supper." Mind on the matter a moment and nod.

"Pancakes and eggs unless can find least three coney." Elan nods and turns then turns back.

"Tortilla or biscuits and gravy?"

"Three coney enough for biscuits and gravy, take least four for tortilla. We shall go find Sarah then set up camp there." Elan nods and walks away with a whistle.

"Sent a runner for the rest of the lads, they are handling taking the former general over to me Sarah." Nod at that then remember Bowie and turn to find until Dan take arm and hold it up.

"Sergeant picked it up and cleaned what was left on. Reckon have another hunt left in."

"Shall gift to one of the Apache, Bowie good for hunter cut on any animal we hunt." Look at Bowie a short spell then put back in sheath. "Reckon two or three good hunts left in, but shall gift." Dan nods then shrugs.

"With the money we found and gave to them reckon they can afford to all get a new Bowie."

"Will use to get wood for houses, games, and perhaps see about our own library." Look over at Elan.

"Carry bible and round eye books?" Elan nods and grins.

"Also carry our history, some of the chiefs would like to just don't have the money for. Do now so we shall get a library. Some are of the mind to get a mess hall like the soldier." Sergeant snorts.

"Reckon would go over well in Washington, can report you are eating round eye vittles." We all stare at sergeant until he chuckles. "Sorry lass you rub off on a fella."

"Still not getting roll with me." Sergeant snorts.

"Not wanting, have me Sarah and is all the woman I want. Captain has told on and you sound magical, but crossing Sarah for a roll magical or not is quick road to buried." Dan snorts and we all laugh a little.

"Elan perhaps see about doing up more farm land. Would get more warriors working on that. More to sell means more money." Elan nods and shrugs.

"Chiefs in charge so they pick first spend on. Shall mention and perhaps can get the farm going afore the mess hall, more money would allow to afford."

Back to Sarah now so we move to a different spot to avoid the droppings and set up camp. Well we get a fire going then sit around it. Sitting next to a fire realize I am shivering so scoot a little closer. Dan comes with and doesn't say anything, just puts his arm around. Lean on him and shut my eyes, feeling better about things and not all in the same stroke.

Sarah seems to realize something is wrong, she is sitting across from us. The fire is not that high and I'm not that small.

"Janet are you all right?" Sigh and shake my head.

"Reckon seen to many bad people, got a little lost while taking it out on the soldier we have life." Sarah looks at sergeant and he nods.

"Reckon is all perfectly understandable, we found four dead injun, Elan knows two of them, have a dead soldier, the one missing. The soldiers we got rid of all reckon injun are heathens to be wiped from the earth. The general one of them, he was in the war with captain even so this will be kept quiet. Now if captain gets orders to release him reckon we will release and give rifles to the Apache so he doesn't get anywhere." Dan snorts.

"Reckon Janet took from him all that he was, Bowie through his hand." Sarah snorts and nods.

"Hand recovers but never that well. Over the years have encountered soldiers who get shot in the hand, they can't do it anymore. Most become a cook or bartend. Never as big a hole is left as would have from a Bowie."

Sarah looks about when there are two shots ringing out. I just giggle a little, almost same time they find a coney. Ponder a moment on if they shoot same coney then shake my head, Apache are not that bad.

"We are waiting on coney?" Nod and smile at Sarah.

"Elan said they missed supper and almost morning so we shall do vittles and then go. Three coney would reckon enough to do biscuits and gravy, four at least to do tortilla." Sarah nods and smiles.

"I rather liked the tortilla version." Dan snorts.

"Janet almost demands the tortilla version in the morning." Elbow Dan for that though Sarah is giggling.

"Aengus has shared and some of those sound terrible but he smiled so reckon I would as well. Do all of the Apache know tortilla?" Shake my head.

"Not all but many do, Bia does know, and Sylvia if can convince her to come out of saloon." Sergeant snorts.

"Reckon we can see if captain would allow. May not, us soldiers are all about routine." Look about and realize no soldiers with us.

"They know we are eating here?" Sergeant nods.

"They are sitting on the prisoner until we have vittles, then they will have vittles with. He will be left there."

"We know they are not sharing his view?" Dan asks getting me to look at him then sergeant, is a fair question.

"Oi lad, little faith. Conor came for a reason, he knows the trustworthy sorts in that fort. We play poker with the chiefs every few days." Sarah sits up and looks at sergeant, he looks over and shakes his head. "Never for money." Another shot rings out, so reckon on three coney.

"Well can do biscuits and gravy now." Sarah snorts.

"Wouldn't mind having some baked beans in there with the tortilla."

"That does sound good." Look up at Dan and sigh.

"Dan, you are supposed to be all about getting a roll out of your wife." Dan snorts and pulls me closer.

"Do believe getting a roll in my wife is closer to the truth of it. Will as well, but we shall get home first, reckon may as well get home, do a roll then mind the saloon as sheriff and deputy again." Ponder on that a moment then shake my head.

"Reckon shall need to whore when get back, only source of coin for me." Dan sighs then swats me as another shot ring out.

"Only need you to do that a little, we make enough with that." Look up at Dan.

"Dan is nice, asides that getting close to only with husband to try for another babe."

Dan sighs and settles closer to me so we just sit there a spell. Finally some Apache come back with coney so have something to do. Sarah look about then pull out the shredder and taters to shred tater. I reckon is a good addition so she shreds while I skin then cut the meat small. Meat gets tossed in with the shredded tater.

While in between coney to skin and cut I look about in what we have and come up with onion. This get cut up and tossed in so make for good smell. Reckon we all think so since all get closer to fire and what we cook. Sarah looks around and giggles then we set to on making tortilla. The Apache who had returned already whistle to the four directions.

Suppose means the rest are coming back now. We have enough meat with the taters shredded and onion chopped. After a spell we get enough tortilla done up so hand out wrap and the rest of the Apache come back. Another whistle get the soldier to come over so we all sit around the fire eating vittles.

Then comes the not so fun part, get to bring the ruined general over and get on horse. Leave that to the Apache who are not gentle and reckon is in the right on things. Due to this man there are two Apache dead from this reservation along with two others we don't know. I not look at the dead we have so may have Cherokee that tried to walk to another reservation.

Reckon if do ruined general no get back to fort, Dan seem to know this since not let go look. He has looked and swears he doesn't know what the other injun are. Have to allow for this being true, he has seen Cherokee markings. Still there is one thing nagging on me about this so wave Elan over.

"Elan, why would warrior get this far away from fort?" Elan snorts.

"We like to go farther to try for deer. Not always find but happens so long as away from fort. If no deer return with coney." Nod since is good reckon on things.

"Make wonder though, how fort not notice soldier waiting for the warrior." Elan shrugs then whistles at sergeant who comes closer.

"Sergeant how does fort not notice soldier waiting on Apache?" Sergeant sighs then shrugs.

"Depends on how far away they are. Now if they no have fire in camp can get on the close side, glasses only allow seeing up to twenty miles or so. Can notice farther but if there is no flash and not riding we won't see." Elan sighs and shakes his head.

"Reckon need speak with chiefs and captain, need patrol the reservation so lose no more." Nod to that.

"Agree on that, need have rifle, reckon take along soldier so round eye mind the words." Elan nods and looks around.

"Mind on say five warrior." Sergeant shrugs.

"Reckon can allow that."

"Elan make sure they are not all unblooded, uprising called in if they just kill folks." Look up at Dan since he just been holding, reckon on he fell asleep.

"Dan has point, need patrol chief." Elan nods and shrugs.

"Reckon send off those who are not bonded."

All shush then naught else to speak on. Just go along at almost gallop for a long enough spell that I drift off. Been up all night and the day afore, is taxing on a gal with a son as old as the warriors we just got blooded. Not make as old as the mom of the warriors along, but not as young and may provide Dan with another babe.

Wake again when we are riding through the tribes to reach captain's fort. See the Apache about watching with hard faces, we still have ruined general. He is also surrounded by Apache who are calling out to the rest. Reckon on them saying what this man been doing. Would not mind dropping him off horse, even would take part on punishment.

Not that we do, sergeant and Dan must have spoke on matter already. We get the man in to the fort and we all head for captain's office. Look around as get off tired pinto and realize is almost morning, we rode for long time. Makes me wonder on how the warrior got to us so fast and then return with.

Pinto nudge when move past so rub on a bit then pull licorice. Let him eat the one then give second as soldier come over with buckets to give water to horses. Pat him on the shoulder and offer up licorice getting a snort and grin though he does take it. Then we are in office with captain sitting behind desk looking tired.

"Janet sometimes I wish you were better about bringing back dead." Snort and giggle then point at sergeant who is moving ruined general to chair.

"Sergeant and Conor decide on leaving one alive, general who is not warrior was pick." Dan put arms around and just hold as speak on.

"I'm wondering what we do with him." Captain sighs and shrugs.

"Not rightly sure, sent off a telegraph on the matter while you was riding through." I am puzzled on how knew. "Janet a runner was sent ahead, they go around the tribes to not bother since move fast." Captain sighs and waves papers about. "Runner took orders along and general honest I am not sure what to do, tempted to shove you out with the Apache and Janet to find your end. Above would not like but what is right."

"Captain you will let me go and kill that little heathen whore." Dan hold tighter on me while try and pull Colt, captain shakes his head.

"No general I will not, you killed one of my soldiers, makes you Dan's responsibility, he is the sheriff around here. With your war record having you tried and hung for murder will not sit right with folk so asking above. If they have the same answer as you wish you will be let go, right into the Apache. I will simply say I let you go to catch the train and you disappeared." Sergeant snorts

"Am of the mind to let Janet use her Bowie on this here disgrace to see who else has the same thinking. Janet is all set to declare bounty on congress, we may as well give her one on the generals who hate injun for no reason."

"They are heathens to be slaughtered." Look up at Dan and smile, he looks back then sighs and lets go so get in front of general.

"Am whore yes, because followers of your god abused, put with child afore was ready for husband then chain to bed and use aside let up for outhouse. Had need so strong whoring was only answer. See what you followers of god do in his name, and yet, is not in bible to do these things. Says to treat others as you wish treated. Says to gently persuade others to mind the same, there is naught on killing heathens. There is eye for an eye, there not enough of this to you. You not even worth one warrior just had of age ceremony. You only good in war cause fight round eye, injun are better than round eye, should pray we never decide to prove. Am Cherokee Janet, meet bounty on open field, they shoot at plenty, am still here, most bounty are not. Snuck up on your secure camp and kill three soldier with ease, we set up and speak just outside light afore shoot. We here, soldier no here." Pull Bowie and wave around in front of him. "Am of mind to simply use this to make scream until no more scream then end. Captain wish other for you until hear back, so shall hold on to this until am allowed." Get gulp out of the man, reckon he remember the scream pulled out of the picket soldier.

"Sergeant stick him in the stockade, strip of markings. If he return to Washington will not be as general."

Sergeant grins then pulls the man up and drag out of office. Only then notice his feet are tied together. Hand and feet tied, how did he ride on horse unless was tossed over like dead. Dan move me over to sit in chair then heads for the cabinet to get at the whiskey. Captain wants one so Dan make two then sit in other chair and they both raise glass and down.

"Got some pay for you two on this." Look at captain then at Dan.

"There was money in the chests, we are not taking what we found in fissure all went to Apache." Relax and nod then smile since is good.

"Reckon chiefs speak to you on this but Elan wish organize patrol of reservation with warriors. Sergeant reckon one soldier with five warrior patrol reservation to keep this happening again." Captain nods and smiles.

"Good idea, my orders are to keep the tribes from being attacked, no orders on patrolling. Reckon may change with this though if say Apache are doing patrol with soldier escort Washington will let be. Not all of them are mindless on injun like him."

"Surprised he was not looking for black folk as well." Captain sighs and shakes his head.

"He was always speaking against slavery of blacks. This opinion on injun is new and reckon not come to him without help. Finding said help would be why Washington would like to have him I hope." Sigh and shake my head.

"Be nice but reckon not." Dan nods.

"Hate to agree but I see him being taken to Washington for quiet court martial and hanging. Most of us around injun know better, but back east he is still a hero."

"Reckon so, he is still a member of the military so Washington can take control of his trial. Did kill a soldier so is a trial we can do if Washington wishes." Put hand up.

"If they do anything but hang tell me, shall declare bounty on." Captain just look a short spell then snorts.

"Shall write a letter saying as such. Cherokee Janet talking to the newspapers on what the man has done would mean the nation pays attention. Washington would hate that." Dan sighs and shakes his head.

"Janet would not talk to reporters, she would decide is bounty on him and hunt. Trust me is worse than talking to reporters, she think anyone shoot at is under bounty." Swat Dan.

"Dan you said that how work."

"Is when get bounty from Kansas City, actual bounty, your bounty is not unless file complaint with Kansas City or other big law town." Snort at that.

"Dan you forget, am just injun we not covered in laws." Dan looks at captain and both shiver.

"Reckon she has the right on especially back east. Course even if she did and left flyers saying who did the kill and why the rest of the nation would protect her." Captain says as pulls out a sheet of paper then pulls feather pen out of ink bottle.

"Dan, let us go home and help Bonita make vittles." Dan look at then my stomach rumbles so he nods and we get up.

Captain gives wave then goes back to the letter he is writing. Would ask why but know train shall be here just a little after morning vittles. Letters go on train now then get stuck on train after train until at destination. Know that there is wagon that is used to take to town not on train line. Reckon not want to live at town like that now, train stop at town make everything faster.

Back at house find Bonita coming to find who open door. Get smile then drag me with to the kitchen. Look about and no much in meat, but can make pancakes since Dan drop off supplies. So we make pancakes with egg, sunny side up this time so am happy, not make for Dan afore in new house, then we bring out to table.

Not as warm in the dining room so we move Balik and Sashi to here. Chad sitting here already so both are looking at me when we finish handing out plates and sit.

"Janet tell Chad what we did." Look over at Dan and shoot some eye daggers, not touched my vittles.

"Went long way after lost hunt." I say while cutting out bite of pancake. "Found evidence of others go with hunt, found a fissure that contained a soldier and travel bag of money. Found rest of soldier that were not soldier so kilt them off with help from Apache then come back." Finally get to take bite of pancake then ignore while eat, been a long spell.

After a spell Dan nudges and points so twist and look to see Balik rolling over. Watch with beam since son is moving about now and so darling. Then gasp because he got on hands and knees and crawls. Only gets a step and fall over but he crawl so hop right on up and dart over to pick up and hold, bounce around a little.

Dan watches and chuckles, know am being odd but first time have son and get to watch. Everything Balik do is precious to me. Balik gets a little upset so put him back down to work on crawling. I then go back to vittles, since am hungry and he is not.

"The leather on this new set is stretching bounds of propriety." Look at Bonita and well best ask.

"Have there been complaints?" Two shaken heads.

"I want to ask Dolly to make a new set for Bonita." Bonita gets big eyes then looks at Chad, he look back then sighs. "Would like to see you in the same." Bonita looks back at me.

"Is like this so am not warm in summer." Bonita snorts and giggles.

"Reckon the pants would help, Chad leaves me to do the tracking half the time." Chad looks up then at Bonita and shakes his head.

"I do not."

"You do to."

Snort and tune them out, instead enjoy the vittles and look at Balik. My second son but the only son that still needs me. Also first son to Dan and that is important to me. He is my husband and must provide babes for him as often as can. Well that is not a part of the marriage vows, or bondage ceremony but is what I wish to do.

Finish vittles and hear the train coming. Well this is nice, can go meet the train again then realize am still in tracking leather. Dan looks at me then points to our bedroom so I go to put the dress on. Also find the coin bag and pull out a handful of dollars to buy new knife with. Do need Bowie and another throw.

Once am dressed in dress and belt back on along with hat I dash for the kitchen to get coat. Bonita already collected Balik and Sashi to sit in office with her. Fall in step with Dan as we walk to meet the train, Chad already left ahead of us.

"Took some dollars to get new knife with." Dan nods then hands over two pennies.

"Reckon you not recall the owe part so there you go. Also Bonita turn to have Chad alone for supper so we shall eat at saloon and you can whore most of the day if you are of the mind." Smile and lean against Dan.

"You are my first customer." Dan snorts and then recall the Colt on dresser.

"Did you pay for the Colt on the dresser?"

"No we got lucky, that one is a show model, does not work. Andrew had no need for so when asked for one to put there he hand it over." Nod since is good, then thought comes.
