Love Eternal


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"Dilan!" Deborah screamed snatching her towel from the rack and quickly covering herself up. "Get the hell out!"

"Sorry! Wait! This is my house! What the hell are you doing in my shower in the first place?!" Dilan asked, through the closed door.

"Dilan I promise to tell you everything. I swear! Just let me get dressed first, okay?" Deborah said, burying her face in her towel. Embarrassed that her brother walked in on her and saw her naked. "Wait?! Did Dilan get hard? Because of me?" Shaking her head at the thought, that was impossible. "Why would he? I'm his sister after all."

"Dilan?! Dilan?!" Deborah called out as she walked down the stairs once she had donned her robe over her bra and panties.

"In my living room," Dilan said, emphasizing the word my. His hand covering his lap, he still couldn't clam himself down enough for it to go away.

Deborah took a deep breath as she saw him sitting on the couch. She wondered why his arm was in a sling. She hadn't noticed it when he was in the bathroom, her mind was just too in shock at her own brother staring at her in the nude. "So... Hi." Deborah felt like an idiot. "Who the fuck says hi after that!" she berated herself.

"Umm... hi sis," Dilan said, looking anywhere but his sister. "Why does she have to be so gorgeous?"

"Wait... is he blushing? He so is!" Deborah giggled in her head. "Okay... so..."

"Why are you here?"

"I left Nathan," Deborah said, in a cold matter-of-fact tone as she sank down at the other end of the couch. "Come on you big goof look at me," she said, nudging him with her foot unaware how her panties were showing. Arching an eyebrow when Dilan began to turn his head only to turn away from her.

"Once you cover up," Dilan said, waving to her robe.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry Dilan. I didn't know," Deborah said, snatching her robe closed. Her cheeks heating in the fact that she had flashed her brother twice in one day. "Some reunion!" she thought to herself.

"So what happened?" Dilan asked, keeping his face placid, something he's grown to master during his time in undercover. He had no wish for her to know he still was in love with her. He couldn't take her rejection again.

"I found him in bed with another woman when he was supposed to have picked up Ben and Lisa from preschool two months ago, your nephew and niece," Deborah said, when he had a blank look on his face at the mention of them. "You would know that if you called your sister some time. So anyway he went crazy right after thinking he could force his way into Mom and Dad's place," her eyes flickered down noting how his hand curled into a fist, "only to be met at the end of Dad's gun. They thought it would be best if I stayed here. I asked the neighbors if I could park my car at their place, so Nathan won't know I'm staying here. I had to put a restraining order on him when he came barging into my shop, another thing you missed since you don't call," Deborah said, with a warm smile. "He tried to manhandle me in front of everyone. He won't try that again," she said, with a devious smile.


"Oh, I just creamed him in the balls with a 27mm wrench," Deborah said, throwing a few punches. "Is he checking out my breasts?" she asked herself. "Nah can't be, I must being seeing things."

"So... where have you been all this time?" Deborah asked, leaning forward lightly resting her hand on his forearm. "Why don't you call me?"

"In Europe mostly," Dilan said, aloofly.

"Doing what?"

"Working for the FBI and Interpol," Dilan said, ignoring her second question.

"Really?! You're a cop..."

"Federal agent," Dilan corrected.

"Right... Got some identification Mr. Special Agent?" Deborah asked, in a teasing manner.

"In my bag," Dilan said, trying not to watch how those legs of hers looked as her robe opened as she lifted herself off his couch.

"So you going to tell me what happened to you?" Deborah asked, as she brought in his bags. Unzipping the side pocket, "Well damn, you weren't joking," she whistled as she held both of his identifications in her hand. "Where's the gun?" Deborah asked, worried about her kids safety.

"In my gun safe, of course."

"So spill," dropping the badges on top of his bags, "what's wrong with your arm?" Deborah asked, crossing her arms below her breasts.

"Got shot..."

"Oh my god, how?" Deborah gasped bolting over to the couch.

Sitting far too close to Dilan's liking, the smell of her shampoo filled his mind with thoughts that were best left buried. His heart fluttered as those eyes of hers gazed at him waiting for his answer. "I need to change my..."

"No! Tell me now!" Deborah said aggressively, her hand taking hold of his bicep. Noting how it wasn't as boney as it was when he was younger. Wondering what else about her brother had changed over the years. Her eyes moving along his face, not seeing the boy she once knew. She had gathered that much from the photos at her parent's home, yet to see it in person was another thing altogether. "Come on Dilan, we used to be so close. You know you can tell me."

"I was undercover," Dilan said, breaking his sister's gaze only to be brought back by her delicate touch.

"Okay, why were you undercover, and did anyone know in case something happened to you?"

"Dad knew. I told him not to tell anyone," Dilan said, trying not to linger on the shape of her pale pink lips.

"Why? Why? Why?"

"To keep people from talking, the people I'm after are very bad people. The lowest of the low, even most criminals despise these creeps," Dilan said, feeling his skin crawl at the amount of time he's had to spend with them.

"Okay... just who and what were you after."

"I was trying to bring down this international pedophile ring... but it went sideways as you can see," Dilan said, nodding to his shoulder. Seeing her hands flying to her mouth to contain her gasp. "We caught a lot of small fries but the ring leader and the lieutenants are still out there." Pushing himself up off the couch with his good arm. "Now I really need too..."

"I'll help you!" Deborah said, leaping off the couch. "You certainly can't change that shoulder bandage on your own," she said, snatching up his bags.

"I know I took your room, I'll move my stuff out once I get home from work," Deborah said, as they walked into Dilan's bedroom. "I just kind of have this thing going with your shower head," she joked as she placed his bags down on his bed. However, she did use it to get herself off since they came to live at his place. "I just hope you'll let me use it still."

"Sure. I'm only here for a few months."

"Define a few?" Deborah asked, arching an eyebrow.

"As soon as I'm healed and given a green light to return to duty I'll be back tracking them down."

"But... surely you have someone... Oh," Deborah muttered as her brother shook his head.

"Easier this way. No girlfriend to worry about while I'm under."

"That must be lonely Dilan," Deborah said, watching as he pulled one of the bags towards him.

"Maybe," Dilan said, while quickly added to himself. "Why do you care you are the one that called me a freak."

"Take off your shirt."


"Come on," Deborah said, trying not to roll her eyes. "How else am I going to help you, blindfolded?" she asked, chuckling lightly. She kept her surprised gasped from escaping her lips as his shirt rose over his abs. "Dilan you didn't tell me you got shot here too?!" Deborah said worryingly, as her hand rested on his left hip. Biting the inside of her cheek as her thumb brushed along his sex line. Her eyes glanced up; her hands quickly helped ease the strap of his sling over his head.

"You didn't ask," Dilan said, as his sister slid his shirt over his head.

"Well..." Puffing out her cheeks, placing her fists on her hips once she tossed his shirt onto the bed. "Are you injured anywhere else?"

"No, it's just the two holes in my body. Maybe I can play connect the dots soon," Dilan joked.

"This isn't funny Dilan, your hurt and I would never know," Deborah said, sadness filled her eyes as she looked at her brother. "You stay right there, and I'll get some antiseptic," she said, patting his right pectoral muscle. She tried to be strong, tried to hold back the tears, yet as she walked into the master bath she felt those salty droplets clinging to her eyelashes. "Why? Why doesn't he talk to me? I'm his sister?! I would be destroyed if I found out he was dead," she sobbed into her mind. Wiping the evidence away as the medicine cabinet closed. "Relax Dilan," Deborah said sweetly, when she noted how the muscles in back tensed up.

"Easy for you to say, you aren't being touched by the person you've been in love with for so long," Dilan said to himself.

"This might be a little cold, so no jumping okay. I don't want you tearing a stich," Deborah said lovingly, as she lightly pressed the sterile pad against the wound while she insured that the adhesive sides stuck to his body. "So who shot you?" she asked, as she stepped to his front. Gently peeling off his old bandage, seeing a light tinge of blood on the pad. Hoping that it would stop on its own.

"A cop," Dilan said, plainly. Looking around to his right just not at his sister.

"A cop shot you?" Deborah asked, perplexed.

"In his or her defense they didn't know I was one of the good guys."

"Is that what you meant when you said it went sideways?" Deborah asked, as she tore open a new bandage. "So... what are you going to do now?"

"Hide out. Heal. And hope my cover wasn't blown."

"And if it was? What then?" Deborah asked, as she applied some antiseptic to the pad of the bandage.

"Interpol will probably send me back to the FBI. I'm no good if word gets out that I'm a Federal agent."

"Does that mean you'll come back home if it was?" Deborah asked, her eyes flickering up as she applied the bandage.

"Worried I'll kick you out?"

"Well... maybe, Ben and Lisa love it here. It's a quiet neighborhood, they've made some friends since moving in, and I feel safer knowing that I have people looking out for me and the kids," Deborah said, wondering why he won't look at her. Why those eyes of his always dart away from hers? "You don't mind if we stay do you?"

"N... No," Dilan sighed.

"I promise we won't get in your way," Deborah said, peeling off his shoulder bandage. "Now I have to go get the kids up, and their breakfast started. You have eaten haven't you?" she asked, once she had replaced his old bandage.

"No, I'm still on Budapest time," Dilan said, offhandedly.

"Was that where you were when you got shot?" Deborah asked, knowing she was going to have to take care of his wounds. She didn't want them to get infected even if her brother huffed at the chore. At least then she knew he would have to talk to her.

"Yeah." Her eyes ran down his body as he gingerly eased his left arm into the sleeve of his shirt as she stood in the doorway of his bedroom. How it tore at her heart that her brother hid so much from her.

Dilan breathed out a tired sigh as he begun to unpack his bags. He was frozen in his tracks as he pulled open the drawer of his dresser. His mouth was dry, the kid's voices could be heard from down the hall, his breath stilled as his eyes gazed down at her sister's rather sexy underwear.

"Dilan?! What... Oh god!" Deborah rushed in quickly slamming the drawer closed as her children giggled in the doorway. "Dilan could you..." Feeling her cheeks rapidly heat as her ass pressed against the dresser. "Maybe wait till later to unpack?"

"Afraid I'll find your..." His eyes glancing down at the kids then back to his sister. "Toy?"

"Dilan!" Deborah gasped in shock. Her face burning at the first time she had seen real humor in his eyes. "I'm so not going to answer that!" she said, turning her nose up.

"I guess I'm just going to have to search my room then."

"You wouldn't dare!" Deborah huffed.

"In here," Lisa said, interrupting them as her little hand patted the bottom drawer.

"Lisa! No, don't help your uncle!" Deborah screeched as she plucked her daughter off the floor. Smiling as Lisa giggled as she held her daughter close.

"In there huh?" Dilan asked, as Ben nodded. Jerking back when a bare foot kept the drawer closed. His eyes trailed up that smooth leg, up her chest, those eyes of hers staring down at him menacingly.

"Don't make me have to hurt you little brother," Deborah warned. She so didn't need him to know that was where she kept her dildo. She had no idea how the kids knew. "You're already injured enough as it is."

"Consider me warned," Dilan said, tugging on the handles, teasing his sister. "Why does she have to be so cute when she does that?" he asked himself as Deborah puffed out her cheeks.

"That's what you get for trying to uncover a woman's unmentionables," Deborah huffed. Although a little worried when her brother winced in pain as he tried to stand. "You..."

"Give me a minute, I'll be fine," Dilan grunted through the pain.

"Okay, who wants Cheerios?" Deborah asked, lightly jostling her daughter.

"Me!" Ben and Lisa both answered

Dilan collapsed on the floor of his bedroom as the Cheerios chant filled his home. "Fuck! Fuddy Fuck!" Dilan cursed in his head. Pulling his bag off from the bed he, could feel his mind going blank due to the pain as his hand fumbled for his pill bottle.

"Dilan!" Deborah raced back up the stairs. A look of horror played across her face as her brother's face had an ashen look to it. "What's wrong...?!"

"Pain... bottle," Dilan wheezed as he tried not to black out. Deborah dug franticly through his bag looking for it. The pills jostled in the plastic container as she fumbled to open it. Watching as her brother swallowed two of them without any trouble.

"Mama is he..."

"Don't worry baby, your uncle will be just fine," Deborah reassured them, as Lisa and Ben stood in the doorway. She sure did hope so.

"I don't know... I did just get shot," Dilan mumbled as he rested his head against his bed.

"What do you mean, they couldn't have released you if this just happened?!"

"Had to keep my cover, had to be whisked out of Europe. Had to..."

"Dilan!" Her hand flew to his neck, sighing when she felt his pulse. "Don't you ever do that to me again!" Deborah whispered as she pressed her forehead against his temple. "Don't you dare scare your sister like that again," she murmured as her hand gently stroked her brother's passed out face.

"Mommy... Is he going to be okay?" Ben asked, in that child-like voice.

"Yes baby, he's just sleeping right now. You're uncle has had a very long day," Deborah said, wiping her cheeks.

"He sleeps on the floor?! Can I?" Ben asked, tilting his head.

"Of course, you can't, you little bogger!" Deborah said, chasing her son out of the room.

Dilan's eyes fluttered open after forty-five minutes. He saw a shadowy figure in his doorway. His hand instinctively reached for his gun.

"Barbara!" Vlad called out as he hurried to his son's side. "I heard; did you complete your mission?" he whispered as he heard his wife's footsteps.

"No... failed. Sometimes the good guys are idiots," Dilan muttered.

"Sometimes they are," Vlad agreed. "Can you stand?"

"I think so," Dilan muttered. Biting down his pain as his father helped him to stand.

"Dilan! Oh my god what happened to you?!" Barbara asked, as she ran into the room.

"Got shot... Ow, ow, ow," Dilan hissed as his mother hug him hard. "Mom!" he gasped as she slapped him.

"Don't you ever, ever, ever make me worry like that ever again!" Barbara nearly shouted as tears of happiness were in her eyes.

"I'm a wounded man here..."

"What you get for making us all worried," Deborah said, smirking over the rim of her coffee mug.

"Traitor," Dilan grumbled at his sister as his mother led him out of the room.

"Now you sit right there, and you tell your mother why and how you got shot, while I make you something to eat," Barbara said sternly, as she pushed her son into the kitchen chair once they'd all entered it. Ben and Lisa were in the living room watching TV before they went off to preschool. "I wish we could burn those disgusting pigs at the stake!" she spat as she whipped up some quick eggs for her son. "I told you this would happen when you took that job at the FBI, didn't I?!" Barbara stated as her right hand rested on her hip as the egg covered fork pointed at him in her other hand.

"Yes Mom," Dilan said, trying not to roll his eyes.

"Don't you take that tone young man. I'll put you over my knee and give you a few pops," Barbara said, with a half-smile. "So tell me baby," she said, placing his plate before him once his eggs were done. "How long are you staying this time?"

"Until I heal, go through the evaluation at the bureau, so about a couple of months," Dilan said, scooping up some eggs onto his fork. He didn't have an appetite, yet he knew if he ate some his mother would be somewhat happy.

"So when are you going to give me grandbabies?" Barbara asked, with a mischievous light. Smiling as Dilan choked on his food.


"What?!" Barbara said, innocently.

"Can we not talk about that?" Dilan whispered.

"You're twenty-eight Dilan you aren't getting any younger. It's time for you to settle down and start a family," Barbara said, nodding her head like that was the end of the conversation.

"You must of have dated while you were over there?" Deborah asked, joining in on her brother's discomfort.


"So then there must be someone that caught your fancy," Deborah said, smirking into her cup.

"No, not one," Dilan muttered.

"Why not?" Barbara asked, glad for the backup. Vlad normally just sat back and silently laughed as she pestered her son about his love life.

"Mom! Come on, please just let it go," Dilan pleaded.

"Nope. Not happening Dilan, I've lost ten years with you and I want to know everything," Deborah said, sitting up straighter in her chair nodding to her mother.


"Don't get me involved in this," Vlad said, with a twinkle in his eye.

"So spill little brother," Deborah said, poking his arm with her fingernail, "why haven't you gotten married yet?"

"Because the woman I love doesn't want me alright! Happy now!" Dilan shouted tossing down his napkin onto his plate tired of being asked the same damn question over and over again whenever he was in town.

"Dilan! Come back!" Deborah called to him as he stormed off. "Why did his eyes glance to me when he said the word love?" she asked herself. "Surely he couldn't be talking about me could he?" Sinking back into her chair trying to remember something that her mind simply didn't have access too. Pondering when or if her brother told her that he loved her. Racking her brain until some of her drunken memory flared to life. All she could recollect was the word freak and the look on her brother's face. At the time she was hammered but knew how to keep from showing it, and she was a crude bitch when she was drunk. How she wished she could remember the rest of that night.

"Deborah!" Dilan yelled angrily as he stood in his empty garage.

"Oh shit!" Deborah quickly set down her mug and got to her feet.

"What the hell did you do to my car?!" Dilan growled as he stormed back into the kitchen.

"Don't get mad, I had it towed to my garage," Deborah said, with everything going on she totally forgot about fixing up his Mustang.

"Why?" Dilan asked, trying to keep his temper in check. He knew it needed work; the clutch needed to be replaced. A tune up, and he had bought the racing parts not that he would just so he could get every ounce of power he could from that 5.0.
