Love Said, "Hello." Pt. 01


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I drove the three blocks back toward campus... to make the right turn, back to my house. At the stop sign, and my right turn signal clicking...

I saw Lynn.

On the arm of a tall, black man. Smiling that smile I knew well.

Although dark, the campus lighting helped me to see her. No doubt it was Lynn. The man she was with... Taller than me. Way taller than me. He had to be at least six-one to six-three... Gauging Lynn's five-four next to him.

I made my right turn and pulled over to the curb, to stop. I adjusted my left side mirror to watch Lynn and her escort move away from me in the mirror. They were in animated discussion and appeared to be heading to The Lumberjack. I waited... and watched. Adjusting the mirror, as the two continued moving away from me.

He opened the door for her and followed her into the popular campus eatery.

As much as I resisted, that nasty feeling of jealously squeezed my chest. I closed my eyes and willed myself into a civil thought.

After two minutes of torturing myself, for no valid reason... I turned, and spit out my window... Watching it hit the black pavement.

"She's not worth it," I groaned. I closed my eyes to gather my thoughts... Molly and Linda quickly entered. "I have no right to feel this way. I have lovers, and she has lovers." I sat there for another minute... waiting for my heartbeat to calm down. I put the truck in gear and slowly pulled away from the curb.

On the short drive to my home, I convinced myself, someone special would enter my life. Just as it had for Mom and Dad, and Laura and Bill. It was too soon to know if it would be Lynn, or someone else.

To refocus, I sent a text message to my bookkeeper about delivering my weekly expense receipts tomorrow morning. I spent twenty minutes organizing those receipts, the way he likes to receive them.

I sat in my living room and played a few of my favorites songs. Singing to the photograph of my parents, hanging on my living room wall. I took a shower and went to bed.

I had a long drive to Tyler, and a long week of work there.

Chapter 5

Over the next two weeks, I struggled to find a time to see Lynn. Between her schedule, and mine, I managed to get a breakfast date with her on a Saturday morning. She offered to meet me at the popular breakfast restaurant in town... Mike's Pancakes and Breakfast Table. Telling me, she needed to leave afterward, driving to Henderson, to see her family.

I got there first, and when she came through the door, she found me right away. But, I could tell something was different. I stood to greet.

As usual, she was dressed well. Well groomed. Her hair brushed neatly and her makeup applied in the minimal way. Her blue eyes sparkled and her wide mouth smiled. When she stepped into my personal space...

I couldn't help notice her eyes were reddened. As though she had been up all night. She looked exhausted.

"I've missed you," she offered, and then kissed me a quick kiss. "Thank you for inviting me to breakfast. This place is great."

We caught up since we last met.

Her sister... just younger than Lynn. Was playing volleyball for the high school and they made the playoffs. Her brother made the varsity basketball team as a sophomore. And her youngest brother... still in middle school. Awkward, all the time and dorky, sometimes.

I had completed my work in Tyler, the previous day, and I planned to relax this weekend.

I sat there admiring the woman in front of me. Pretty. Positive. Her gorgeous tits inside her thin blouse. A button up front, silky-like fabric. No cleavage to see. But, they wiggled inside the blouse on occasion. I groaned in my thoughts.

I couldn't help but see those reddened eyes, though. I asked her if everything was OK, and she replied, she stayed up late with friends. She would be OK.

But, I wasn't buying it.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just up late, is all. Finals begin next week and I need to focus for the next two weeks. I'm going home to recuperate and prepare." She pushed her empty plate of bacon and eggs to the side, and leaned forward a bit... resting her sexy tits on the table in front of me.


"Do you think, you and I could get together after finals? You know. At your place?" She batted her blue eyes at me.


I nodded. "Sure. Did you have a date in mind? I mean, I would like to take you to dinner, or lunch."

"Call me after the tenth? I'll have a better idea, then."

I agreed.

She kissed me goodbye beside her car and smiled that memorable smile with her eyes and lips. I turned and watched her drive away, and make the corner toward Henderson.

I took six steps toward my truck and I saw Molly Strahan about to enter Mike's. We saw each other at the same moment. We both smiled, to acknowledge each other and... she said something to her girlfriend, who looked at me, and then went inside. Molly met me out front of the restaurant.

"Come inside and have breakfast with me and Emily, Mark. I haven't seen you in weeks."

"Just ate. I'm heading home to catch up on some work in my shop. I'm overrun with used conductor."

"Just a cup of coffee, then. I'm buying."

Molly did look real good in that moment. Skin tight black leggings showing off her slender figure and bubbly ass. An oversized gray sweater shirt with a "cold shoulder" neck. Her black bra strap exposed on the left side. Her new haircut. A long pixie cut. An SFA purple bandana tied around her head... one inch wide. She was looking cute, and "hot."

"I really need to go. Besides, I had two cups earlier and I'm already wired. How about..."

"I come over to your place, this afternoon," she interrupted, as she took my hand and gently squeezed. She looked at me with those lusty brown eyes. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too, Molly. About 1?"


When I opened my front door, Molly fell into my arms and kissed me.

Her lusty kisses always firm up my dick. Knowing what awaits it. Our kiss broken...

"I didn't have plans to come today, until I saw you at Mike's," she offered. Her lusty eyes giving my hair and face a good once over. Her hands on the back of my neck and in my hair. "Before we get started, I have some news about your little freshman."

I didn't expect that comment from Molly. I didn't know what to say.

She grabbed my hand, and pulled me in the direction of the couch. I quickly kicked at the front door to close it.

Cuddled into my side and running her fingers through my hair...

"I thought you might want to know, Mark. About Lynn. I know you have feelings for her. The Gammas, in her dorm, are keeping the girls in the sorority up to date on her." Molly had a serious look to her. "Mark... she's not on birth control. I mean... nothing. You'll be careful, won't you?"

I didn't expect that either. I wasn't too worried, though, because I use condoms every time.

"I have been... condoms. Just like us."

"Good," she slurred, and then kissed me. "Something else, too." She kissed me again, and then stood in front of me. "Mark... not only that. The basketball player she's been seeing? The one I told you about? Aaron Hamilton. Lynn's been seeing him a lot during the week. The look on her face, tells me she's really into him. I've seen the two, often... on campus. Going to his basketball games. And to his rental house. Rumor is... Aaron, and a teammate, have been having a go at her, Mark. At his place, on more than one occasion. She's been seen, returning to the dorm, in a mess."

"OK," I replied. A little taken aback at this news... a rumor. It also... "could"... explain the redden eyes she had this morning. "Geez."

Molly pulled on my hands to stand with her. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me.

"I care for you, Mark. More than I ever expected. I don't want your feelings to get hurt by her, and you don't know why. She dropped one of her lovers, too. He was stalking her. Some sophomore in the business school. But, she found a replacement in a grad student in the business school. Frankly, Mark... she's turned into a little slut. She's not discrete about it, either. At least I'm discrete." She looked at me good to see my reaction.

I waited a moment, or two... "Rumors?"

"Yeah, but when you're seen hanging with more than one man in town, people talk. Especially about her and Aaron." She looked at me... trying to read my thoughts. "You OK? I mean. I can leave, if you want."

"No," I sighed, as I took her into my arms and hugged her close. "I miss you, too, Molly. And... thank you for coming over and telling me this. I suppose I'll take my relationship with Lynn, a little more cautiously." I paused. Briefly. "But... you didn't come over to the house that night when Lynn came with her roommate. To hear my parents sing."

"Oh," she replied, momentarily surprised I remembered. "Uh. Well. I screwed Aaron Hamilton that night."

I arched both eyebrows.

Her arms around my neck... A whisper, just millimeters from my lips.

"An opportunity presented itself, and I took it." She paused and looked as though she couldn't decide something. "And... without going into detail, I can see why Lynn is attracted to him. I've been to his place twice, since that first time."

Molly took my face into her hands, and gave me a deep and thoughtful look. Her whisper...

"Forget Aaron. I really do want you, Mark. But if you'd rather be alone, I understand."

I answered her with a kiss. Gentle. I pulled her into my chest. And, she responded the way I expected her to respond.

An hour and a half later, I left her well fucked in my bed. Asleep. Two rounds. Five orgasms for her, and two for me. Molly can have me standing on my toes, when she fellates me. Damn, she's good. Sex with Molly is always amazing and fun.

I dressed, and went to my shop to get some more old conductor stripped for recycling. Thinking about Lynn and the information Molly gave to me. Hmm. And, Molly screwing Aaron Hamilton, too. Sly fox.

I was out there for about an hour, when Molly appeared at the door. She looked as though she was about to leave...

"I stood outside, watching you for about two minutes. You are so hot in your work clothes. You've got the best ass in town, Mark. No doubt. Hey, I've got to go."

I gave her a brief kiss. I was filthy from the work.

"Thanks for the talk, Molly. It was... what I wanted. I can move forward, now."


Despite the words of Molly, I still enjoyed being in the company of Lynn.

She was easy on the eyes. Beyond pretty. Her blue eyes... hypnotizing. Her wide mouth... sexy. I could run my fingers through her thick blonde hair, for hours.

I called Lynn the next day and asked how she was feeling. And to wish her success for her upcoming finals. She seemed genuinely happy that I called her. Her tone... classic Lynn. Positive. Happy. Cheerful. She asked if she could see me before she left town at the end of the semester. I couldn't turn her down.

We agreed to have dinner at the Lazy Z. After her last final, and dinner afterward, she planned to drive home to Henderson. About 40 miles away, on highway 259.

At the Lazy Z, taco salad for her. Ribeye for me. She was typical Lynn. The Lynn I enjoyed so much. Happy. Cheerful. Always smiling with her eyes and lips. She was happy the semester was over and she was looking forward to returning to her family for the Christmas break. She proudly boasted, she had finished the semester with straight As. I was happy for her, and told her so.

I walked her back to the dorm, but she didn't go inside. Her car was packed and ready for travel. In the dorm parking lot, I received the kiss I had come to expect. Sexy. Meaningful. She held my lips longer than usual, but I didn't mind. She ran her fingers through my hair on the back of my head. Moaning a pleasing moan as she did.

I held my fingers in her hair, too. Drinking in the sensation that transmitted to my emotions. Damn, she's pretty and sexy. Her voice, pleasing. I could listen to her for hours.

"I'm going to miss you," I offered, as we broke our kiss... holding her left hand with my right.

"Me too, Mark. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, OK?"

When she turned to walk the few steps to her car, I groaned in my throat. Her gorgeous ass... wiggling inside her figure revealing leggings. She smiled and waved when she passed me on the sidewalk in her car. I watched her car disappear in the darkness.

I turned to walk back to my truck, but I only got a few steps before Allison blocked my way.


Lynn's roommate. Her arms full of boxes, I suppose were meant for her car.

"Allison. It's good to see you. May I help you with those?"

"Sure. It's good to see you, too, Mark. We haven't seen each other since I was at your house. How's your parents?" She handed over three shoe boxes and I fell in behind her towards her car.

"They're great. Dad has changed his mind about retiring, but Mom is still retiring in May."

Allison stopped at her car, turned to me, and smiled.

"Your parents are so cool. And you, Mark. There's no doubt, you love your parents. I admire that from a man."

"Thanks." I stood there, waiting for her to tell me where she wanted the boxes I was holding. She smiled at me... a little too long. I admired those long hair braids for a moment. They were really... Long. Falling across her shoulders, back, and front.

She turned... unlocked her car, and pushed her share of boxes into the back seat. She took the boxes from me and tossed them on top. Closing the door, she stepped into my personal space.

She looked down and took my left hand in her right. Looking up to me. Smiling. With her big, nearly black eyes.

"You know. Lynn's going to self-destruct, if she doesn't stop seeing Aaron Hamilton."

"I heard about him," I sighed.

"As much as I've tried to tell her, he's bad for her... it only makes her want to be with him more. It's like, he has her, under a spell."

I looked down where Allison was holding my hand. I have to admit. I haven't had a black woman touch me. Not like this. I was eerily fascinated by her touch. Allison is really cute. Pretty even. The dark red lipstick, on her wide lips is... sexy.

Then... she pulled on my hand and I had to step forward... almost touching her. And, before I could do, or say anything, I was kissing her.

I mean... she was kissing me.

It was only a moment or two and she was humming into my mouth. Her tongue slithering through my tonsils.

My dick responded and I pulled on her shoulders. Her arms went around my neck. Her breasts pressed into my chest. Breaking off our kiss, but remaining close to my lips... Allison...

"Lynn talks about you all the time. Sexually, too. Telling me how good you are in bed." She softly whined into my mouth with a follow up kiss. "Do you think?" She paused and looked into my eyes, with a tentative smile.

"You know. Get together sometime?"

"Sure. I... um... I... you caught me off guard, there Allison. I mean. I would like to get to know you. But, I wasn't..." She put a finger on my lips and gently shook her head. In a whispered slur...

"Do you? ... Want to get together? Now?"


The walk to my truck was excruciatingly long.

Damn the campus security rules.

Fortunately, I live only a few blocks from the campus. Eight to be exact.

Eerily... Allison was getting under my skin. This was the first time I had really stopped to admire her. Dark brown skin... makeup to enhance her looks. She did it well. But those thick lips with the dark red lipstick was getting my attention. Sexy.

A bubbly ass with wide hips, slender torso. Figure revealing leggings to her mid-calf. And her tits. Yeah... her tits.

They were big. Bigger than I'm accustomed to, but not massive. I mean... well... let's just say... there is more breast flesh available for one man to handle. But, not enough for two men. One and half men, perhaps. And... she liked to show the top of her cleavage behind her lightweight sweater. The times we've met, that's exactly what she was doing... the cleavage part... and this evening was no exception.

Holding her hand, and she, holding my arm... her hands are silky soft. Thick eyebrows and a wide nose, with large, flaring nostrils. Perfectly proportion to her facial shape, and, with her lightly applied makeup... Sexy. Pretty. The wide eyes were the kicker. The attention getter. Almost black irises.

After ascending the five steps to my front porch, she pulled on my hand, stepped forward, and faced me.

"I have to go home tonight. I have a long drive to Sealy to see my sister tomorrow."

I pulled her into my chest and leaned over to kiss her. Her tongue slithered around in my mouth like a tiny butterfly. A sexy kiss. A very gentle and feminine kiss. She broke our kiss, took my hand and led me to my front door. She stepped into my home first, and... when I cleared the threshold...

She pushed the door closed and pinned me against it. Grabbing the sides of my neck and pulling me to her lips. The soft lamp light, I had on in the living room, gave her skin a unique glow I had never seen. An attractive glow. A few seconds later... She broke our kiss and stepped backward a few steps.

"I want to see you, Mark. I've got to see your body. Off with the shirt."

This is the first time a woman wanted to see me first, instead of the other way around. I unbuttoned my shirt and peeled it from my shoulders and arms.

"Just as I imagined," she whispered. Her eyes drinking in my exposed flesh. "I can't wait to get my hands on your chest hair. Now, the jeans and boots."

Both boots offs, I unbuckled my belt and jeans. Pulled the zipper and raked them to my feet. Again... comically, I struggled to get the leg opening off my right foot. Hopping up and down like a crazed rabbit on my other foot. I heard her giggle. Jeans and socks removed, I stood upright to present myself to my new lover. My first black lover.

I heard her hiss in her throat... her eyes up and down my body, several times. Pausing to glare at the erect bulge in my underwear. I heard her mumble...

"The body of a working man." She audibly inhaled and let the breath out slowly. "Now... the underwear."

OK... this was a little awkward. Stripping in front of a woman who was standing more than half way across my living room... fully dressed. I raked my underwear off my feet and stood upright. My dick... stiff and throbbing, thrashed the air for a moment when freed from my underwear. I stood upright... fully nude.

"Perfect," she hissed. "Just like Lynn described. You even trim it up for a girl, too."

"Umm... a request, from a former lover, when I was 19. She told me to keep it neat for the 'Ladies.'"

She looked to her left, and right, and made for my windows. Adjusting the venetian blinds, so no one could see into my home. Then, lust written on her face, she stepped close, pulled my hand and we stopped in the middle of my living room.

Her eyes locked onto mine, she raised her hand, and caressed my upper chest with her fingers. Her touch sent chills down my spine. Briefly running fingernails through my chest hair.

"I hope you don't mind, Mark," she slurred. "I want to remember this moment for a while. To admire a fine specimen of a white man. Damn." She closed her eyes, briefly, and shivered. "Good looks, smoking hot body, and can sing... perfectly."

She turned her eyes away from me. Looking at my body, as she continued to caress my flesh. I have never had a woman do this before. She briefly looked at me and smiled. A wicked smile? Damn. She turned to my right... dragging her fingers across my upper chest and along my upper right arm. Stepping around me... from behind me, I heard her hiss in her throat.

"What an ass," she whispered. Her fingers still caressing my upper shoulders and back. I felt both her hands caress each side of my back... from my shoulders to my waist. And then...
