Love Said, "Hello." Pt. 01


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She stopped, said a word to Aaron, and then made toward me. Leaving Aaron looking at me in the distance.

I thought my heart was going to stop. I willed myself from those nasty thoughts that were entering my mind and chest. Lynn made that 100 yards, pretty quickly...

"Mark! What are you doing?"

"A service call," I replied, just as she stepped in front of me. I gestured with my thumb over my shoulder. "The chemistry building lost power. It's fixed now."

Damn... she's smiling that perfect smile to me, and it doesn't help that she's smoking hot right now.

"That's wonderful. I suppose you work on Saturdays, on occasion."

I didn't reply. I made a quick glance in the direction of Aaron, and Lynn saw it. Before she could say anything...

"I know about him. Aaron Hamilton. It's hard, not to know, when you live in a small town, with a small university. You should know that, being from Henderson."

She looked down to my left hand and took it in her right. Then she looked up to me.

"Do you want to meet him?" she whispered. I could tell from her tone, she wanted me to say "no."

"I haven't forgotten our talk, earlier in the semester, Lynn. One day at a time. A month at a time, and look at it again at the end of the academic year. You have goals. I remember."

Damn it. She is absolutely gorgeous, right now.

I gave him another quick glance and looked Lynn in the eyes. Those fucking gorgeous blue eyes that sparkle. In the calmest voice I could manage...

"You've been seeing him much more than me, Lynn. I'm not complaining. But I have to tell you. I've had a very hard time getting you out from underneath my skin. Even after knowing you're seeing him, and another man at the business school."

"Mark, let's not do this here. Please?"

"I've called twice, Lynn. No reply."

I saw tears forming.

"I still want to see you."

"And, I do, too, Lynn. My calls to your voicemail, tell you I do." I glanced at the tall man. Still standing in the same place, where Lynn left him. Looking at his phone... At least it looks like he's doing that.

Through her clogged, emotional throat... "I promise to answer your call. Please... Will you call me tomorrow?"

I didn't hesitate.

"I will. But, if you don't answer, I won't call again until the spring semester begins."

"Thank you," she whispered. "I've missed you." She choked on her last two words. Her eyes held mine for a moment, before turning to return to her...


I saw her swipe at her face while walking away. I presume a tear finally fell from her tear soaked eyes.

Still leaning against my truck, I watched her walk away. My mind racing. Blood boiling and I tried desperately to turn off the fire. When she reached Aaron, she grabbed his hands and turned his back to me. Yet, she could still see me. And, she gave me a brief glance. Then, I could see her speaking to him and he didn't seem to be very happy about it. She quickly grabbed his arm, turned and headed in the direction they were going. She briefly glanced at me again before the two disappeared behind a building.


I stood there. For about 5 minutes. Letting the heat dissipate from my blood.

Leaning against my truck and watching a couple walk past me. They both smiled, and I smiled in return. The woman pulled on her man's arm, and stopped.

"Say. Aren't you Mark Jackson? The singer at the Lazy Z?"

"I am," I replied.

She looked at me and then my truck. Her man just looked at me.

"You're an electrician. I didn't know."

"Day job," I mused. "I just finished in the chemistry building."

On the short drive home, an unwanted, sick, and disgusting thought entered my mind.


Likely on her back, by now, receiving the fucking she asked for from her...

Preferred man.


I spent the remainder of Saturday, and most of the Sunday afternoon, removing insulation from copper conductor I had run through the wire stripping machine the last few weeks. Bending and folding the bare copper wire into compact bundles to place into plastic, 55 gallon drums. The same for the plastic and cloth insulation. I then take the drums to the recycling center in Tyler for cash. Bare copper pays well. Based on experience, I'll probably get about $5000.00 in this batch.

I stepped outside my shop and pulled the gloves from my hands. Craning my neck upward into the canopy of the huge live oak tree growing in my backyard. That old geezer of a tree has probably seen a lot. It could easily be 300 to 500 years old. I could hear, but not see, the tiny woodpecker up there... somewhere.

I glanced into the direction of my parents' backyard. Hopeful I could catch a glimpse of them. Nope.

I was filthy. Sweaty. And needed a beer. Something I indulge about every two weeks, or so. I turned, tossed my gloves through the door of my shop and saw them land on the work bench. I took three steps toward the back door, intending to get a beer from the kitchen and drink it on my back porch. On the fourth step, Lynn stepped from around my house and into the yard.


The last person I expected to see. I had planned to call her after I took a shower.

I must have looked surprised, because Lynn began laughing at me.

"I tried calling when you didn't call. And..." She looked over her shoulder and pointed to the front of the house.

"You didn't answer the door, either. But, your truck is here." She took a couple of tentative steps toward me. "Can we talk? I mean. I can come back another time."

There was no way I was going to tell her "no." It's not in my nature to refuse the attention of a pretty woman. Especially this one in my yard, who is smoking hot gorgeous right now.

Skin tight skinny jeans with ankle boots. Revealing a sexy bottom, hips and waist. An off the shoulder, lightweight sweater revealing a bra strap and a purple bandana covering her ponytail tie.

"Lynn. I would be a first class, stupid asshole if I told you to come back another time."

She made to come to me.

"No," I blurted. Holding a hand up to her. "I'm filthy and I don't want to ruin your clothes. Besides, I may give you a disease, if I don't clean up."

She laughed at me. "That's funny."

Jesus. I hadn't heard that in some time.

"So, you've been working in your shop? Can I see what you've done?"


I sipped my beer.

Lynn sipped her iced tea.

We smiled to one another.

"I like your yard. It's beautiful."

"I like the company," I replied, as I drilled my gaze into her eyes.

"Thank you. I'm glad I'm here with you."

Still in my filthy work clothes, I drank in the beauty of the sexy woman sitting next to me on my back porch steps. She turned toward me... a little. Taking a moment before speaking. I could see her eyes wondering my face.

"I don't like how we left one another yesterday, Mark. I never intended to..."

"Bump into a lover, while another lover is present."

I suddenly realized, Lynn and I... it had been weeks since she had been in my bed. So many weeks, I couldn't remember when.

I didn't let her reply.

"He doesn't know about me, does he? You told him we were just friends."

She nodded. Her expression told me she was still thinking about her next comment.

"He wasn't happy when you returned to him. Why?"

"It was nothing."

"Not buying it, Lynn," I replied, firmly. "Look... if you and I expect a chance at a friendship, there can't be any bullshit between us." I tried to pierce her soul with my glare.

She looked down. "You're right." She looked up from her feet. "He was pissed he was missing a game on ESPN."

I wanted to say something. Something that was not very kind. But... I bit the side of my cheek and held my tongue. I turned away from Lynn... I shook my head, in disgust over the answer I just received. I momentarily looked into the backyard across the way. I sipped my beer.

I stood, descended the steps to the yard, turned, and faced Lynn.

"I'm gonna get cleaned up. Then, we'll have that talk you came here for."


I watched the soap suds pooling around the drain of my tub.

Gray, with filth from my body. Swirling around and disappearing into the drain. The warm water from the shower head cascading across my head, and down my back.

I reached for my razor, but paused. To hear the shower curtain open and then close. A warm body caressing me from behind.

I felt like was going to melt and go down the drain with the soap. The sensation of a feminine body against mine. Weakening my knees. Her tits pressed into my back. Her hands cupping my pectoral muscles... pulling me into her, with a hug. Her cheek on my shoulder blades.

"Do you mind?" came a soft voice from behind me.

"Hell no," I groaned. "No sane man would kick a woman from his shower."

I heard, and felt, her laugh.

I turned in her arms and faced her. Her face saturated with water. Her hair swamped. Her body accepting the drops from the shower head. I leaned forward and kissed her.

A sexy kiss. She grabbed the back of my neck to hold me in place. She caressed my stiff dick with her other hand. Sliding her slippery fingers along the length and massaging the end. Slithering her tongue softly through my mouth.

Suddenly... a memory... Molly...

"Mark... she's not on birth control. I mean... nothing. You'll be careful, won't you?"

Right then, I felt something enter the tiny slit of my dick. I broke the kiss, because of the unexpected intrusion, and looked down.

Her fingernail. Gently pressing her index fingernail and wiggling it, ever so slightly... in my tiny slit. My spine spasmed at the sensation.

"Good?" she asked, as she looked up from my dick, to me, with her sexy eyes.

"Hurts a little. But... erotic. I... Gawd..."

I rolled my eyes back as she slipped more of her little fingernail into my slit. I had to catch my balance... placing my right hand on the back wall of the shower. And take a breath.

"Fuck," I slurred. "What the... Damn."

My knees became weak. I looked to her with slitted eyes. Her face. Lusty. Controlling. Her eyes monitoring my reaction. Her other hand cupping my balls and gently pulling them.

"I've never. Oh, Gawd, Lynn. Where?"

Her controlling gaze never changed. Still monitoring my reaction... in a soft, lusty voice...

"One of my girlfriends, does it to her boyfriend. She told me how to do it. I thought I would try it out on you... Mmm.... Do you like it?"

Unfortunately, I briefly thought she may be doing Aaron Hamilton the same way. And, I thought she may have been bullshitting me... with me being the first to receiver her new talent. She just wasn't convincing, in her tone.

Weak kneed and struggling to form words...

"I can't say I dislike it. I admit, it's a new sensation that has me on edge."

Lynn fell into a squatting position in my bathtub, took my dick and guided it to her mouth. In one slurp, she sucked me until I thought my dick and balls would leave my body and fall into her tummy. I was on my toes... balancing with two hands on the back wall of the shower. Thinking any moment would end in an explosive orgasm.

"Holy shit," I croaked. I looked down and my dick had disappeared into her mouth. Her nose touching my well-trimmed pubic hair. I reached down, under her arms and pulled her upright. Without a word, her arms flew around my neck and her tongue down my throat. Tapping at my tonsils.

Mumbling into my mouth...

"I came over here to talk, Mark. But, I spied on you when you were undressing. I couldn't keep my hands off myself, Baby. I want you. Please? Please, Mark... let me have you." Her last few words were a desperate plea.

My dick was so hard, I thought it would rip the skin.

I turned off the water and ripped the shower curtain to the side. I grabbed two bath towels. We dried ourselves in record time. Lynn leapt onto my bed. I grabbed a condom, and knee walked between her legs. I fell to my elbows and began sucking and licking her little clit. She slurred...

"OhMyGod, Mark. Yes, Baby."

She humped her pussy against my lips and face. As though she wasn't receiving enough stimulation. She was pulling and pushing her gorgeous breasts with her hands. Wheezing and whimpering with each lick of her sensitive nub. A minute later, her aroused aroma was entering my nostrils. Flooding the blood in my body. Driving me insane with lust. I couldn't think clearly.

Seconds later, she pulled me off her pussy, pushed me onto my back, rolled the condom onto my dick, lubed the condom, straddled my waist, and glided my dick into her pussy. As she came crashing forward into my chest and shoulders, from my intrusion...

"It feels so fucking good," she wheezed. She quivered in my arms. In my ear... "I just came, Mark. You're so good, Baby." She righted herself just enough to kiss me. Hard. Urgently. Her grip on the sides of my neck. Mumbling into my mouth... "Fuck me. Please, fuck me."

My arms around her to steady her. I fucked upward into her pussy and had immediate results.

"OhMyGod!" she screamed, into my mouth. "Don't Stop!"

For a second, I thought this all may be an acting job. An attempt to keep me in her stable of men. I gave her ass a firm slap with my left hand.

"OW!" she screamed, into my pillow. She righted herself and put her nose to mine as I continued fucking her. Her hands on the pillow on each side of my head. I could see her mouth contorted into an attempt to utter a word. Her eyes began to cross and then disappeared into her skull. Her breath being held.

I slapped her ass again with my right hand. I meant to sting her. She immediately rose to a fully upright, sitting position. Riding me. She quaked and quivered. Holding balance with her hands on my chest. Her tits squeezed between her arms. Her wet, and soaked hair, erotic. I swear, she looked like she was having an epileptic seizure. Her eyes were rolling back.

"HO---LY FUCK!" she screamed. Leaning forward, with her hands on my chest, she lifted her hips up and down... fucking herself with my dick... every few seconds, my dick fell out of her slick tunnel. She urgently guided my dick back into herself... wailing as I topped out in her pussy. Again... she began seizing on my waist. Jerking her hips as her eyes rolled around in their sockets. Her tits quivering on her chest. Desperate, ragged breathing...

"That's three. OhMyGod. I'm so fast with you. OhMyGod! Here comes another one! Yes... Yes... YES!" Her hips short jerking on my waist. Lynn looking down on me. Disbelief in her eyes. "Can you feel me cumming on your dick? Can you?"

The thought of her acting disappeared in that instant. She was cumming on me. Her pussy squeezing my dick. Over and over. And, it was having an effect on me.

I rolled her to my left, flipped her onto her tummy, pushed her right leg into a bent position, straddled her outstretched left leg, pointed the tip of my dick at her dripping pussy, and pushed forward.

"YES!" she screamed, into the pillow. Again, into the pillow... "FUCKME, MARK! FUCK ME OUT!"

I set my mind to dominate her. To let her know I could fuck her as good as her other men. I put my right hand on the side of her head, and my other hand into the small of her back. My huge hand nearly covered the side of her head. I arced my hips and waist with the intent to fuck her good.

With each forward thrust, I had her screaming my name, followed by the word, "Yes!" I briefly feared she would call out the name of her other lovers. I decided, if she did, I would slap her ass as hard as I could, for punishment. I knew my large hands would redden her ass, good. Perhaps for a day, or two, to remind her of me.

For the next minute and a half, I fought off the urge to cum. A difficult thing when I hear...

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" And... "Harder!" And... loud squeaks, wails, howls, whines, whimpers and screams of orgasmic pleasures. Damn, her pussy is tight.

My lungs strained for more oxygen, as my will to fuck her hard and good became more aggressive by the second. My pubis crashing into her gorgeous ass with a crack that echoed from the walls. I counted two more orgasms from her. That was enough, and when that thought entered my brain...

My cum came racing out of my balls and was leaving my body in record time. I whined like a kicked dog. Whimpering as the nerves of orgasm consumed my selfish body.


I collapsed my whole weight on top of Lynn, and I didn't care. My lungs straining for fresh air. I could feel Lynn whimpering beneath me.

Moments later, I suddenly realized that I don't remember being this aggressive with a lover, before. I felt a hand trying to caress my ass. I willed myself into an upright position, held my condom onto my dick and withdrew from a well fucked pussy.

"Damn," I mumbled. "Lynn. You certainly know how to draw out the animal in me."

I didn't receive a reply.

I washed my dick with a wet wash cloth and heard Lynn step into the bathroom with me. Straight to the toilet, she sat down and peed. The sound like a whiz and a firm stream into the pool of water. She briefly smiled to me, then a neutral glare. Her hair a tangled mess. I thought it might take a while to brush out the snarls. It took a while before she finished her pee, so I turned and left for the living room. Completely nude. To close the venetian blinds. It was getting dark. I turned on two lamps. I turned to see Lynn crossing the living room and into my arms. Pressing her breasts into my chest as her arms around my neck. Kissing me. Urgently. Desperate.

Our kiss broken.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, Mark. I've been neglecting you for someone else. I shouldn't."

Tears were now boiling out of her eyes.

"I can't think straight anymore because of him. I don't understand why you're the better man over a shared meal, and in bed, and I can't get him out of my mind."

She released me and fell onto my couch. Her tits wobbling on her chest were driving me mad. I sat next to her. She turned to face me, sitting crossed legged on the couch... sideways, facing me. Her little clit, and prepuce, presenting themselves to my eyes. Fuck.

"I swear, Mark. I think about you all the time, but I can't get him out of my mind to call you."

I'm thinking... this is the first time, both me, and a woman, are naked on my couch, and we aren't screwing each other.

"It sounds to me, I'm in the back of your mind and he is up front, and center."

She blinked at me. With reddened eyes.

"Look, Lynn. I'm respecting your wishes of me you set back in October. Can you say he is respecting your limits, too? I mean. Have you set the same terms with him, as you have with me?"

In a microsecond, I knew the answer.

"I haven't set limits with him, Mark," she said, timidly. Gently shaking her head.

I stood and turned my back to her. For a second.

I swung around...

In a pissed off tone...

"You and I just screwed each other silly, Lynn. I respected your requests of me. I've gone out of my way to see you, socially. To get to know you. You've gotten under my skin, like no other. Yet..."

I turned my back on her.

"Damn it, Lynn," I roared. I paused. Feeling the blood boil in my brain and neck. My fists were clinched. "I'm not calling anymore. Not until you tell me you've left him." I crossed the room and paused. Looking at the portrait of my parents on the wall. Speaking to my parents in that photo...

"He's bad for you, Lynn. You're friends, and others, tell me this. I don't understand why you can't see, what they see."

I turned to face her. She was standing in front of the couch now. Looking like a Venus. With ratty hair. Damn.


Before I could say anything, she was on me. Kissing me. A sexy, just for me, kiss. Her luscious breasts pressing into my chest. On her toes... moaning into my mouth. Her skin silky and smooth... everywhere I touched her.