Love Said, "Hello." Pt. 01


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My butt.

She gently squeezed my butt with both hands, and hissed. I then felt her against me... her breath breathing near my left ear, from behind. I could smell her perfume.

"I will never forget your ass, Mark. Nice one, by the way."

"Thank you?" I comically replied. I heard her giggle.

She continued caressing me across the shoulders and my front, as she did a full circle on me. She stopped to face me. Her arms around my neck... Pressing her tits into my chest, as she looked me in the eye. She kissed me. Pressing herself against my fully erect dick.

"First time with a black woman?" she whispered.

I nodded.

"Well then... a first, for both of us," she replied, with a tilt of her head, and a wicked smile. The words from her lips were lusty and drawn out.

I swallowed. No... it was a gulp.

She pulled on my hand... "Bedroom?"

I pulled on her hand... Leading her to my room.


She had her hand on my waist.

Looking down at our nearly joined bodies. I had my hand on my dick. Touching her wet and slick entrance with the tip.

Her other hand on the side of my chest, she pulled with both her hands, and I pushed forward with my waist.


Her pussy.

Tight and slippery. It didn't escape me, I was now screwing a black woman, for the first time. And... Erotic. Perfect. Thrilling.

As my dick slipped through her silky folds, I leaned forward to place my hands on each side of, and above her head. Hovering above her... kissing her lips.

"Oh My God," she whispered, into my mouth, as her hands took both sides of my face. She gulped air and I wiggled my hips for the first, and second thrust. Her lips sliding across my lips. My hips gaining a gentle rhythm. Her hand came off my face and she raked her fingernails across my chest... Still kissing me. Whimpering and moaning against my lips.

Her pussy clutched my dick and she pulled me into her chest and neck. Wheezing into my ear. My hot breath on her neck, I didn't break my rhythm. Mere seconds...

"Ho---ly...fuck," she whimpered, drawing out her words. "OhMyGod," she whined, as her hand gripped the back of my neck, and her other arm bear hugged me. Pulling me into her chest. Gargling. Whimpering partial words. Syllables, really.

For the next minute, or so... I fought off the urge to cum. Her tight pussy, pulling and tugging, on my intrusion. She whimpered, whined, gasped, moaned and softly howled, during that exquisite time. Mumbling my name, as I fucked her.

"So far, so good?" I asked, in a whisper.

"Yeah," she whispered, in return. "Real good. Is it good for you?"

"Yeah, real good."

I adjusted my position. My hands outside her shoulders. Hovering above her. Her hands began scratching my chest and pulling on my arms. Her pussy humping at me to keep fucking her. I began a gentle fucking rhythm and she threw her head back into the pillow... her eyes disappeared into her skull.

"OhMyGod," she gulped. She refocused on my eyes as I concentrated on her tits.

Dark brown orbs of fluffy flesh, topped by black areola and stiff nipples. Floating gently on her chest, beneath her long braids, in response to my thrusts.


I picked up the pace of my rhythm... slightly.

Allison stiffened. Her eyes widened. She held her breath. She put her hands on my chest and waist. Then... seconds later...

"I think I'm gonna... ...OHFUCKINGGAWD!"

She stiffened beneath me like an unyielding steel rod. Her grip on my forearms. Strangling. Her eyes behind clinched eyelids. Quivering whimpers from her throat. Her pussy tightened around my dick. Her fluffy tits floating across her chest. I struggled to keep fucking her. Seconds later, her pussy relaxed...

Allison let out a sharp yelp and her eyes found my mine. Her eyes...

Confused. Stunned.

She looked toward our joined bodies. I was still moving inside her. She refocused on my eyes and face, as she slipped her left hand toward her pussy. I quickly glanced and she was rubbing her little clit. She reached up and pushed a lock of my hair away from my face. She caressed my cheek. Still... widened eyes of confusion.

Soft whimpers from her throat and lips. Her tits, still floating across her chest, in sequence with my thrusts. Her long hair braids rubbing against her erect nipples.

Still rubbing her clit, she held my waist as she watched my dick fuck her pussy. I watched her tits. Fighting off the urge to cum. I upped my rhythm again.

Then... her throaty whimpers rose a register. Then... In a ragged breath... "Oh fuck." She audibly inhaled a deep breath. She looked at me with those confused eyes. "OhMyGod." Her eyes briefly disappeared into her skull. Another, louder breath taken. A higher pitch in her voice... desperation in her tone... and...

"Oh Baby... ...Holy fuck... ...I'm gonna... ...Yes... ...Yes... ...Yes-ssssss!" Her last affirmation... a screech. Long and drawn out.

She stiffened beneath me again. Her eyes gone... within her skull. Her neck muscles... taut. Her grip on my forearms, firm... fingernails digging into my flesh. Seconds later, she grabbed my neck and back, and pulled me into her chest. Again, desperation in her voice...

"You'reFuckingMeSoGood... ...Please, Mark. Please, don't stop." She was wiggling her pussy against me in desperation. Urging me to continue fucking her.

I adjusted my position with her beneath. I had her in a mummy hold. Pinned to my bed beneath me, her arms against her sides. Her hands on my neck. She could only move her parted legs. From her waist up... Immobile.

Her lips on my throat, my breath into her head. I focused on fucking her good. Swiveling my hips, waist, lower back. Rhythmic thrusting... My knees and feet providing leverage. Slapping my pubis into hers. My dick sliding through her creamy tunnel.

Over the next two minutes, she squeaked and screamed expletives into my throat as my forceful fucking continued. Calling out my name. Pleading with me, not to stop. With each of her desperate pleas, I increased the rhythm. Resulting in louder screeches, yelps, and screams into my throat and upper chest. Her grip on my throat becoming more firm.

I could feel her pussy orgasming. She squealed through two orgasms. Her last scream into my chest, did it.

I had to have my need. I could feel it brewing in the front of my pelvis. I couldn't hold it back.

"Oh Fuck," I whined. Still fucking my sexy lover. My pubis slapping at hers. My need... selfish. I could hear her. But, I don't know what she said. Microseconds... my cum scraped through every nerve along my tract of release. I whined some more...

"Damn... ...Damn..."

The next thing I remember...

Allison was purring beneath me. Whimpering into the base of my throat. I was straining for oxygen, so hard, I feared I would inhale one of her hair braids into my throat.

"Holy fuck," I groaned, as I rolled to my left and off of my, more than excellent, lover.

It was a few seconds before I felt Allison snuggled into my right side... pulling my arm to embrace her back, to allow her breasts to press against my side and chest.

"You're amazing," she whispered.

Still trying to recover my breath, I couldn't offer Allison any words. My brain fogged over from a lack of oxygen. I felt her move, then my condom slipped from my dick. Moist, soft lips and mouth around my semi-flaccid dick. A satisfied hum from her throat. I heard the condom hit the floor. She snuggled into me again and kissed my lips. Offering her tongue. I rolled my head toward her and we exchanged tonsils.

Our kiss broken...

"You're amazing, too, Allison."


I didn't hear from, or see, either Lynn, or Allison during the Christmas break. I did receive a promise from Allison, when I returned her to the dorm.

"Mark. I had fun tonight. An experience I'll never forget."

I took her cheeks into my hands and kissed her on the steps of her dormitory. Three women passed by and giggled as they walked away.

"I had fun, too. You're a great lover, Allison."

"Can I call you?" she asked, as she looked me in the eye. "When I return from the break?"

"I can call you."

She shook her head, and smiled at me.

"If my family knew about you, well... let's just say, they would be none too pleased to know I had a white lover." She paused and pulled me into an embrace. Looking up to me... "Lynn said you have lovers come over to your house. Can I be one of them?"

I kissed her in reply.

And gave her my number.


I made an attempt to call Lynn during the break.

Left a voice message, but I never heard back.

It didn't matter. My sister, and her family, were coming in today to visit for Christmas. Keeping my undivided attention. A week-long stay. Her sons would be staying with me, and her daughter, Lisa, would be staying with her parents, and my parents.

My last day of work before Christmas, my nephews, 11, 8, and 7, were waiting for me on my front porch. Huge and wide smiles greeted me.

"Uncle Mark!" the three screamed, in unison, as I left my truck. Racing across my front lawn to embrace me. We exchanged high fives, and the boys were talking a hundred miles an hour as we made to enter my home.

"Uncle Mark," my nephew, Mark offered. "I learned a new song last week. It's a cool song. The one you sing so well... Runaway."

I chuckled. Briefly. You see. My father's name is Mark, along with my sister's oldest child. It was going to be a confusing time for a few days not knowing which "Mark," is being addressed.

"OK then... after I take a shower, you and I will play it for Grandpa."


I stepped into my parents living room and was greeted with a screech from my 10 year old niece.

"Uncle Mark!" Lisa cried. I knelt to the floor and took her into my arms. Lifting her from the floor with her arms around my neck.

"I've missed you, Lisa. I'm so glad to see you," I whispered, into her ear. I opened my eyes to see my 38 year old sister smiling widely at me. Her coal black, and wavy hair getting a soft and gentle touch of gray. I set Lisa on the floor and my sister steps into my arms.

"Lisa told me last week she's going to marry you," my Laura offered, in my ear... a chuckle. My reply...

"What do you say to that, Laura?" I whispered. "I've missed you."

Laura released me and took a good hard look at me. A smile on her face, of course.

"You look just like Dad, Mark. Look at that photo over there, if you don't believe me."

I didn't have to look at it. I know I look like a youthful Mark Jackson, the Fourth.

The photo...

A black and white photo, of my 20-something father, on the front porch of Old Moses Adams' home. The old black man who taught my father to play the guitar, and to sing. The two men playing guitar and singing in the photo. Mr. Adams, the neighbor to my grandparents' cotton, and soybean farm. My father always referred to him as, "Mr. Adams." I'm told, my Grandmother Jackson took the photo, and gave it to my father. My father has cherished it ever since.

"Mark Five!" my mother called, from the kitchen. "Little Mark! Set the table for supper!"

I greeted my brother in law, Bill Ames, with a firm handshake and a few words, before I entered the kitchen... taking my mother into my arms.


I paused for a moment.

Admiring the scene before me.

My sister on the couch... guitar in hand. My father, and oldest nephew, on chairs from the kitchen... guitars in hand. My mother and Bill, on living room chairs. My nephews, William and James, on the floor, crossed legged in front of my mother. Lisa... smiling widely... sitting next to her mother, patting the seat next to her, for me to sit beside her.

I gently nodded my head in appreciation for the family I have.

Now... before we get started. My brother in law couldn't carry a tune if he needed it to save his life. Poor soul.

As I sat next to Lisa, my guitar in hand, I see James has a tambourine. He's smiling at me like he just received first prize.

"Alright, Mark," my father begins, as he looks to my nephew. "You have a new song, do you?"

"Yes, Sir. The one that Uncle Mark sings so well. Runaway."

"OK, then. You have the lead."

Runaway. By James Todd Smith, et. al. A hit by Love and Theft.

Little Mark hit those kick off licks perfectly.

I came in on the second note with the rhythm. Laura was hitting bass notes to the beat. Dad played harmony. And then... Little Mark...

In his 11 year old, immature, but not so bad voice...

"It's been a long week, I've got a slow leak, in my left front tire..."

As Mark continued to sing, and our sound blending perfectly, I felt...

Like I should be here at this moment.

To see the next generation take root, sprout, and become beautiful. The seed of music my father planted when he met my mother. First my sister, then me. And now, through Laura... Mark Ames.

I was really enjoying myself to see the youth of Mark shine in my parents' living room. Then... Laura, Mom, Dad, Lisa, and myself... the chorus... in perfect harmony...

"And pack my bags, and never look back, run a parallel line with the railroad tracks... Oh Oh..."

It wasn't long before the guitar solo entered. It was beautiful to see Little Mark master the bridge solo on the guitar. I quickly looked to Laura... beaming. Mom, too. Bill nodded his head in approval with a huge smile on his face. Lisa, appearing to enjoy her brother's performance. James gently tapping the tambourine. And Dad...

His eyes closed as he played muted rhythm. Focusing on the sound entering his ears from his grandson's guitar. The brief solo concluded...

"It's crazy, I know, to count on this road and give me what I need..."

Before long... the ending... as a group...

"I'll be a runaway! I'll be a runaway-ayayayayay!"

I hit the ending licks, and final chords.



I quickly looked to my father... looking to his left and smiling widely to his grandson. His thick, slow, and strong Mississippi accent...

"Well, I'd say. You've done well, Mark. It won't be long now, you'll be as good as your Uncle." He turned to my sister. "Mom. Your thoughts on Mark's performance."

Laura... still beaming. "Baby, that was beautiful. Well done. And soon, you will be as good as your Uncle Mark. It won't be much longer. Keep at it, and keep loving, it like your Grandpa and Uncle."

Dad looked at Mark... "Good advice, Mark. Keep at it, and keep loving it."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Oh... the joy in that young man's face to receive the praise and gratitude from his grandfather. I closed my eyes and memorized the moment.

We jammed another 40 minutes in my parents' living room. Then, I saw a 7 year old, slowly fall to the floor and fall asleep. My Mom saw it, too.

"Time to call it, Grandpa. Our daughter's family has had a long day."

I counted my blessings as I carried a sleeping James in my arms, back to my home. William and Mark following me like ants on an ant trail.


Breakfast was at my house.

Laura's family, and my mother and father. I shoo'd everyone out of my kitchen, while I griddled pancakes, bacon, sausage, and eggs. I set the coffee maker in the living room, on an end table for the adults. The toaster on a table just outside the kitchen, with butter and cherry preserves. Self serv.

I soon heard my guitar playing a few catchy chords and some licks I recognized. My father, giving instructions to a young Mark Ames.

Damn. Memories as a child came rushing into my brain. The words of my father, seared into neurons. My fingers pressing strings against frets. Familiar songs, never to be forgotten.

"I wanna help."

I'm shaken from my memories.

"No," I replied, to my mother, without looking at her, while flipping a pancake. "You have Christmas dinner and you won't let me help. Same goes for you at my home." I chuckled to let her know I wasn't serious. She appeared next to me. Staring at my hair.

"You and your father. You Jackson men have the best hair." She dragged her fingers across my forehead to push the hanging lock of hair from my face. "You have the same lock of hair your father had when I first met him. I couldn't keep my hands off of it." She paused and hugged me from the side. "I never imagined having a son with the same, handsome hair." I felt her hand caress my neck and cheek. "You're a good son, Mark. Never any trouble with you. I credit your father for that."

"It's tough to be in the shadow of a legend. Music and... forestry. But, I don't want to be in his shadow, Mom. I broke from college and went in a different direction. To make a living."

"Like a said. Just like your father."

Chapter 6

I called Lynn.

Twice during the break. Both times... voicemail.

It was nice to hear her voice on the recording.

She and I did exchange text messages, but for me. It's not the same.

Hearing a voice. Touching the skin. Admiring the beauty. I missed her spirit. Her always happy, positive attitude.

I was still waiting for that return call.

During the break, I was called out for a Saturday emergency at the University. Power loss in the chemistry building. Complete blackout.

It's amazing the preferred parking I get when there is a problem at the University. Campus Police escort, and everything. The courteous officer telling me to check in at the police station when I'm ready to leave. They know me. I've been here before, plus... the police know my father and mother are my parents. A campus maintenance employee let me into the building.

It didn't take long to find the cause. The main power disconnects to the building were dead on both sides of the switches. Cause? An outdoor, pad mounted transformer, owned by the local electric utility, had failed. The transformer, feeding power to the building.

I called the power company and reported the trouble. Then, I checked the main breakers in the building to make sure they were in good order. Fifteen minutes later, the two man power crew showed up, determined one of the conductors inside the transformer had failed, and went back to their shop to get another one. It took them about 2 hours to remove, and replace, the heavy transformer. It worked perfectly.

Again, I checked the main breakers. Perfect working order, and the chemistry building was back in service. I double checked the main disconnects with a meter to verify proper voltage.

As I left the building, to load up my tools, and test equipment, into my truck, I noticed crowds had been leaving the basketball arena. I suppose, a home game during the Christmas break. It's common for basketball games to be scheduled during the break. Conference games to begin after the first of the year. Just a few days away.

As I grabbed the handle to the door of my truck, to leave, I glanced over the front hood. Among a small crowd still leaving the building...


Smiling. Happy. Cheerful. Pretty.


On the arm of the tall black man, I had seen before. In daylight, I had a better look at him. Clearly 10 to 12 inches taller than Lynn. Very handsome. Smiling to Lynn as she spoke. Erect posture. Confident stride. Clearly happy he had Lynn on his arm.

I released the door handle, put my back against my truck, and crossed my arms. To watch this happy couple walking... about 100 yards away. From my right, to my left.

A memory... Molly...

"Lynn's been seeing him a lot during the week. The look on her face, tells me she's really into him."

And, I hadn't forgotten Molly's comment about a graduate student in the business school, either.

I couldn't help thinking I hadn't received a return phone call from her. I shook my head gently at the thought. Now, she was seeing him during the break, too. It was then...

Lynn and Aaron were about to disappear behind a building, and I saw Lynn crane her neck past Aaron toward me. Continuing to walk, she flipped her head in the other direction, behind Aaron, and looked at me again. A huge smile appeared on her face.