Magician 04: Apprentice


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Before he noticed, I turned to stare, and said, "Oh! A snack!" then I quickly grabbed his dick to keep him from pulling away, and then deepthroated him. He froze in shock, at my suddenly sucking in his dick, then he finally relaxed and let me have my way. As I bobbed back and forth, I caused my top to open further with all the motion, so that soon, a full breast popped out.

After he came, I licked him clean, then packed him away. "Thanks, Sam, that was a nice snack." I then went back to talking about the project.

A few minutes later, he put a hold on things, and asked, "Helen? What just happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"You just, you know, sucked it all in, like it was ordinary."

"Oh! Well, um, it has to do with my paralysis. Since I can't feel it down there, I need to feel it somewhere, and my mouth is perfect. Plus, guys love sticking it in, since I can deepthroat."

"Doesn't it bother you?"

"What? That suddenly your dick was in my face? Well, I don't know why you put it there, but I certainly enjoyed it. Plus, these summer clothes make me feel sexy, and that, in turn, makes me horny. So, I really did enjoy it."

Later that week, during a private session with another guy, he secretly pulled out his dick while looking over my shoulder. When he asked a question I needed to turn around for, I saw it, and did the same. The next week, it happened three times before Friday. For my presentation on Friday, I had my strappy top on, so I knew the boss would get behind me, and put his hands on my shoulders. When he removed his hands, as expected, both straps came off. But what was not expected, was the fact that as he stood there behind me, I slowly caused his pants to unzip, and his hardening dick to come out.

When he removed his hands and stood to my side, everyone saw his dick. As I turned and saw it, I pounced on it, and everyone watched. As I bobbed back and forth, my top settled lower and lower. When I packed him up, the straps were at my elbows, and the top was around my waist, leaving my breasts on full display. I didn't bother to acknowledge it, and thus, didn't fix it for the rest of the day. Near the end of the day, a guy unzipped in front of me, and pulled out his dick.

I looked up at him, and said, "Thanks." Then I deepthroated him. As I did, I noticed two others were peering around the corner, watching.

The next week, it seemed a guy came by two or three times a day to have me deepthroat him. This was in addition to the daily fingering I got. I monitored the women to see that they were okay with what was happening. After a few days, the one who thought I was bold, was feeling jealous because she didn't have a dick. Looking deeper, I realized she was bi-curious, so I tried to plant the idea of her coming in on Friday with a short skirt and no underwear.

At lunch, I willed her to come by, and ask me about it.

Standing next to me, she asked, "We've seen you gobble up dicks from all the guys here. What's with that?"

"Oh, well, I found I like it, and since I feel nothing below, I use what I have. Why, you jealous?"

"... Uh, a little."

"Would you like me to eat you out?"


"Sure, why not? What's good for the gander, is good for the goose." I then willed her to lift her skirt to give me access.

Slowly, her hands moved, and lifted up her skirt. Soon, it was apparent she had no underwear on, and I dove in. I did what I could to make her come, even fingering her as I licked, and bit her pussy. She was wide eyed at the fact several people were watching us, but she was helpless to move. With my other hand, I held her skirt up. Then she came, and came hard. I think the public exposure is what caused it. When she settled down, I pulled back, and wiped my mouth.

"So, how was that?"

"Um, nice. Real nice." She was clearly embarrassed, and seemed to forget I was still holding her skirt up.

"I enjoyed it also. Here, let me have one last lick." I quickly leaned in, and licked her slit from bottom to top, then sat back and released her dress. Suddenly, she pushed her dress down, even though it already was. Then she ran off. Next week, she asked me to do it again, but she chose a time and place more private.

Three weeks passed, with me getting fingerfucked daily, and giving deepthroats as well. Finally, one of the guys asked for a short meeting with me in private. We went to a conference room, where he said, "Helen, um, I'm not sure how to say this, but I think people are taking advantage of you."

"Paul, what makes you think so?"

"Well, you don't seem too aware of your attire, and where other people are standing."

"I am quite aware of what I am wearing, and usually pretty good about knowing where people are around me. I need to be, to navigate my chair."

"It's more than that. Uh..."

I could tell he was trying to tell me I was flashing often. I concentrated, and focused on what he was thinking. I was surprised there was genuine concern there, about others abusing my 'accidental' exposures. I could also tell he was feeling guilty of presenting his dick to me a few times.

"Paul, people are not abusing me. I know all about my state of undress. You didn't think I could have that many 'accidents', did you?"


"I like sex. I like being the center of sexual attention. And I do like sucking dick. As to being stripped at the pool, I don't mind. Everyone was enjoying my body. Heck, at one point, a man was putting lotion on my breasts, and I let him."

"You knew?"

"Yes, Paul. As for what I wear, and what I don't wear, I know how often others see my naughty bits. I am also aware of being fingered daily."

"You knew? But why?"

"As I said, I like sex. Before the latest rehab, no one paid attention to my body, beyond a 'poor little cripple'. I accepted that, as I thought the same. But at rehab, something happened, and it awakened my sexual nature, and now I can't get enough. I don't think I am a nympho, but I am definitely an exhibitionist."


"Hey, you cared enough to try to help me. That means a lot to me. Last month, my boyfriend and I parted ways. His job took him elsewhere, and we always knew it might not last. We did a lot of exploring my new sex drive, and I learned just how flexible my desires are. I'm not exactly bi, but I don't mind it."

"So, the other day with Sally?"

"Yep. She was troubled at the one-sided nature of my favors. Now, she's not. She's still working out if she wants it, though. That's her decision."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that."

If you want me more than just sucking your dick, just ask. I'll let you suck my nipples, finger me, and come in me, front, back, or mouth."


"We're friends, especially after this talk. I just want you to know, that I consider it friends with benefits. You don't have to make use of it, but if you want it, I'll let you."

"I guess I underestimated you."

"I'm not surprised. I've been actively building up the idea that I am unaware of my body's lack of clothing. And while people should know better, their little brains are overriding their common sense. Even the ladies have bought into it."

"Oh my!"

"Don't tell anyone. I like how they seem so surprised, and embarrassed, when they get away with something, or see something."

"I won't."

"Is there anything else?"

"Not really. I spent hours last night trying to come up with a discreet way to bring up the subject, and you just blew me out of the water with your awareness."

I laughed softly, then said, "Sometimes, that's what happens. Just take your lumps, and move on.... So, then, I'll see you later, perhaps to have sex." I then left. He was blushing, but I think he will get over that.

That weekend, a fair-sized box arrived at my home. When I opened it, there was a suitcase, and a letter. The suitcase was worn, and I thought I recognized it from somewhere, but couldn't recall. Maybe the letter would say.

Dear Helen,

My new job pays better, and I made an investment in my side job.

I bought a new dummy, a "Harvey" model. This leaves me with an extra.

Since you seemed to have picked up a knack for such puppets, I thought

you might like my old model. I also included a book on the subject.


Well, that's why the suitcase looked familiar. I then pulled it out, and opened it. Inside was his old dummy, 'Slappy,' along with his outfits, and other paraphernalia. Tucked in one side was a book, 'Practical Ventriloquism for Dummies.' It even looked like the other 'For Dummies' books.

At first, I didn't think I would get into being a ventriloquist, but then I had a thought. Given how little I wore, and how much I would have to contort to bring the dummy out and put it away, I would have plenty of chances to flash the audience. So I read and studied the book.

The most obvious beginning was to speak clearly while not appearing to move my mouth. Less obvious was speaking in a voice suitable to the dummy. Learning to speak in a male voice without moving my lips was hard. Then came the gags. I needed to build up a repertoire of them, that I could string together into a routine. The book had all sorts of gags defined, so I could see what worked for me.

Given my penchant for display, and desire for attention, I chose 'Slappy's' personality to be a pervert. He would not only check me out, and comment, he would also pull my top out a bit, so he could look. That would also allow others to catch a peek. I decided to call him 'Tom', since he was essentially a peeping Tom. It took over two months to get a voice for Tom, that I could consistently use. And another month to have his mouth move in time to the words, while not appearing to speak myself.

By Thanksgiving, I was ready for an audience. I decided the rehab facility I had been in last would be good. If I made a mistake that revealed too much of me, they wouldn't mind. Likely, they were essentially a captive and usually bored audience, so I would have a fair amount of people watching.

I got a warm reception, and they asked me to keep coming. I gave two afternoon shows each weekend. As I got more comfortable doing the show, I changed one of the gags from Tom pulling my top out a little while he looked down, to, instead, undoing a bow, then pulling my top to look. This meant my top's bow was undone for the rest of the show, and when I would put him away, even more of my breast showed. Later, I switched from a top with a bow lacing the sides together, to a pair of bows on a pair of straps on a loose top. While it usually stayed up for the show, it always fell down when I leaned over to put Tom back in the box. I, however, pretended not to notice.

We had a nice Christmas party at a local hotel. But the next week was the New Year's party. That tended to be well lubricated, and I expected I would find myself 'molested'. I was looking forward to that. Somehow, someone learned I had a little ventriloquism act. They talked me into it, perverted gags and all.

The time came, and I didn't drink any alcohol, as I wanted my act to go perfectly. However, I pretended to slur my speech just a little, to make the others think I was getting drunk. Finally, it was time for the act. I wore a short dress that was backless. It came down halfway to my knees. While not transparent, you could see the shadows of my nipples, and if you looked carefully, you could see I had shaved my bush.

My first trick was getting the dummy into my lap. I did it in such a way, that it caught the bottom of my dress, and pulled it up toward my waist. Throughout the show, I would slightly adjust the dummy, and each time, the hem moved a little higher. About twenty minutes in, came the gag where Tom undoes my bow. It went off perfectly, with a very brief nipple flash before I rescued my top. However, rather than tie it back together, I just lay the two ends over my shoulders. Ten minutes later, I told Tom it was time for him to go to bed. As I leaned over to put him away, I commented on the fact he had a copy of Playboy in the box, but completely overlooked the fact the top of my dress fell forward.

So when I finished packing Tom away, I was effectively nude, with my dress bunched up around my waist. Yet, I pretended to be unaware, and slightly tipsy. At first, several people gathered around me to ask about how I got into ventriloquism. Several times during the discussion, someone sneaked a hand between my legs and fingered me in front of everyone. Later, I asked someone to help me onto the couch, so I could lie back. By this time, I had secretly unzipped the side of the dress, and caused it to catch in the wheelchair. When they lifted me, my dress slid off, and remained in the wheelchair. Now, I was really nude.

Two hours later, the party was ending. Some paid for a ride home, and most of the rest went to a room they had rented. I said I would stay a while. When everyone from the office had left, and only the hotel staff were in the room, I reached over for my dress, and put it on. I then got in my wheelchair, put the dummy's case on my lap, and headed home in my van.

At work the next week, several people complimented me on the pretty dress. They also complimented me on the act, as well. So I decided that I would wear the dress on Casual Friday. But I wore it a little differently. When I arrived, the bow was tied, but two inches further back. This meant the top of the triangular area over my breasts barely covered my nipples, and you could almost see the edge of the areolas when looking from the front. If I leaned forward, the nipples were in full view. Halfway through the late-morning meeting, we passed some documents around. I twisted my body to pass the documents, and this caused both nipples to pop out from under the dress, as I twisted.

When February came around, the office made a big deal about Valentine's Day. We were all asked to wear something sexy. Since it would happen on a Friday, I got a great idea. Okay, I thought it was great. I called Paris to help me find just the right item. We went to the mall, and to the lingerie store. There, I went for a nice teddy. But it was sheer, tied with a pair of bows in the front, and fanned out at the bottom to show off the matching panties. Those tied on each side, and were also sheer. I had fun teasing Paris by having him help me select and try on the outfit. After trying on and selecting the outfit, I called him into the changing room. I had just gotten undressed, and so was naked.

I said, "Paris, you've been such a help, you should be rewarded. So get it out." I willed him to pull out his dick.

As he unzipped, he said, "Sis, someone might catch us?"

"So? At least you won't be having a difficult time standing in public."

"Really, sis?" By this time, it was out and pointed at me.

I said, "Close the door, then come here."

He looked startled, and quickly closed the door. When he neared, I reached out, and pulled his dick into my mouth. I deepthroated him, and pulled his hands to my breasts, one at a time. With that accomplished, I grabbed his balls with one hand to play with them. My other hand was steadying me, or I would have used it, as well. It didn't take him long to come, and I swallowed it all. Then I licked him clean. Lastly, I put it back, and sighed.

"That hits the spot." I looked down, and saw I had a little wet spot. "Looks like I came, too. Uhm... you can let my breasts go now."

Startled, he opened his eyes and stared. Then suddenly, his hands almost exploded off my breasts. "Sorry."

"No biggie. It felt good. Now, I'll get dressed. Feel free to watch."

"No thanks. I don't want another stiffie." He stepped out, but forgot to close the door.

I didn't say anything, but noticing someone peeking through the racks, I took my time getting dressed. Finally, I exited with my selection. I handed it to Paris, and then grabbed the other items to return them to the racks.

When the day came, I left home only wearing the teddy and matching panties. It was freezing out, and several inches of snow was on the ground. When I entered the office, my purse was in my lap, so they didn't see the panties were also see through. My nipples were quite pointed from the cold. But I got a few wolf whistles, and several compliments. Even in the darker areas in the office, you could see through to my nipples.

As the morning meeting was finishing, someone asked, "Um, Helen?"


"Your outfit is very much spot on for the holiday, but isn't it a little too revealing?"

"Yeah, a little. Blame it on the New Year's Eve party."

A number of people, having overheard this, stopped leaving, and stayed listening. I noticed, so I looked at everyone for a brief moment, before continuing with, "It was later on, when I was on that couch. Someone had given me a cookie, and a large piece fell. So I looked down, so I could grab the crumb and pick it up and eat it. The cookie was real tasty. It wasn't until after I had picked it up and eaten it, that I realized that it fell on a bare breast. So I looked down again, and saw that somehow I was naked, and someone had their hand between my legs fingering me.

"I must have been a bit drunk, since this seemed funny, and that I didn't need to do anything, but snigger at my situation. I'm not sure how long I sat there, before someone offered me a dick. I just inhaled it, and enjoyed it. When he came, I swallowed it all, and enjoyed the taste. They left, and I thought some more about my nakedness, but was distracted by another dick. Afterwards, when I looked down, it was a different hand fingering me.

"Strangely enough, I was having a good time at the party. So I decided not to do anything about it. Afterwards, several people visited from time to time, and I enjoyed the conversation. In the days since, I have thought a lot about it, and I realized that being seen no longer bothers me. And I realized that people are enjoying me sexually, both by fingering me, but also by letting me do oral on them.

"When I was first paralyzed, I thought my sex life was over. Now, I know it isn't. So I decided I would wear this naughty outfit. You all like?"

The one in front of me said, "Yeah, it's really sexy." Others nodded in agreement.

At lunch, someone fingered me. But they only moved my panties to the side, and then returned them when done. However, I used my power to pull the bows, and cause the panties to be totally untied. Then I caused the front to be pulled forward. When I wheeled away, my shaved slit was very visible to all, with the panties obviously pulled away. Since I was regularly fingered, I expected people would assume someone else had done the deed of exposing me. By mid-afternoon, the top was untied, and loose. It still covered my breasts, but with sheer material, that wasn't saying much.

Two weeks later, on Friday, we had more snow. On Monday, it was forecast to be cold, so I wore a light coat over a regular top. When I got to the office, it was quite hot.

"Hey, what's up with the heat?"

Andy spoke up, and said, "The system broke over the weekend, and is stuck on high. A repairman is due soon."

"Oh dear. We should open some windows."

"They are already open."

I just sat there, stunned. Finally, I said, "I hope they fix it soon."

About an hour later, we learned the weather forecast was very wrong. A bunch of hot air in a local high pressure zone sat and camped out. We were in for a heat wave. By the time lunch happened, everyone was sweating. At that point, the boss sent out an email:

From: Eric Sampson, site manager

Subj: Heat wave and HVAC repairs

Sorry, folks. It looks like our heater is really broken. The problem lies within the unit, and not the control, so we need some parts. The repairman is expediting them, but they wont arrive until Wednesday. In the meantime, the national forecast has been revised. This heat wave is sticking around a while.
