Matt and Zack Ch. 04


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"For how long?" Zack asked.

"As long as it takes."

"What does that mean?"

"For him to break when I know he is done or he says the safe word," Matt responded bluntly.

"How do you know?" Zack was confused.

Matt smirks, "I know." Then he shook his head because Zack gave him a weird look. "I've been working with this person for a while. Even if I was working with a new person, I would know when to stop. Not that I would even dare go to a point where they would want to say the safe word."


Matt was trying to cut the questions off before Zack would have a chance to ask them because he knew what he was going to ask.

"Because they would try to hold out, tell me it's not hurting as bad as it is. If you are watching, you can tell how they react to each whip. The guy I have been working with has gone beyond that. He doesn't want to just be played with. He wants to be punished for something. And we are both physically drained when he leaves here."

"How so?"

"I'm tired as hell, and he is beaten. Plain and simple. I'm not going to lie to you. He has his partner come in to help him leave. Depending on what he wants, we can start soft and work up to chains..."

"CHAINS?" Zack exclaimed loudly.

"Yes, chains, I told you, he wants to be punished. Sometimes, we don't make it that far, but we have."

"How many times have you whipped him with them?"

"Not many, and chains, I won't because he's nearly broke if we make it up to them." Matt shook his head again. "But let's get back to the subject at hand."

"Okay, can we stay together, and can I move in?"

"Do you think that is really what you want?" Matt is not sure that is the best plan.

"I think so."

Matt stared straight ahead of himself for a few minutes. "I don't want to become an enforcer, Zack. I don't want you thinking you are moving in here to get out of being accountable for your actions."

"I'm not. At least, I don't think I am."

"Yeah, that is what I thought. Zack, you have an infatuation for Trevor. Moving in with me is not going to change that. I love you, but if you don't, explore this and find out if you want him. It may end us anyway."


"A month, let's take a break for a month. If you can honestly say in a month that you want me and me only. Then I would love to have you move in."

Matt stood up. He couldn't stand the look in Zack's eyes. Zack quickly got up. "Matt?" Matt turned around, and Zack walked over to him. "No, please."

Matt put his arms around Zack and pulled him into a hug. "I love you, Zack. It's just a month."

Zack nodded his head. He couldn't trust his voice. Matt felt Zack's tears running down his neck before he loosened his hold and turned, leaving his house. Zack doesn't know how he made it the few miles from Matt's house to his. But when he walked in the door, he was a full-out mess.

Matt was no better, but he needed to go to work. When it was time, he got ready and walked out his door to find Frank waiting. "Thought you could use a ride."

"It's just a mile."

"Okay, I don't trust you driving that mile. Have you looked at yourself?"

"Yeah, you're driving all night too."

"No problem."

Once they were driving around Adrian, Frank finally looked over at Matt. "Are you going to tell me anything?"

"He wants to move in. I told him we were taking a break for a month. That I'm not going to be his enforcer."

"His what?"

"I won't keep him accountable; he needs to do it himself. That's one of his main reasons for moving in." Matt responded.

"I'm amazed he's not blowing up your phone."

"He probably is, it's at home."

They turned on to two-twenty-three. "You want some coffee?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, that would be good." Frank went to turn down Division. "If you are going to Starbucks, then no."

"I was going to Panera, just the back way in," Frank responded. "Large Black, or do you want cream?"

"Black. Cream might upset my stomach."

"God, you're getting old." Frank laughed.

"Yeah, I know. Maybe I was stupid for dating someone ten years younger than me."

"No, you weren't. He made you happy, and you love him, Matt." Frank looked over at him.

They got out to go into Panera. It was faster than waiting in the drive-thru for coffee. Frank always likes to look at the pastries when they go in. Matt was filling his coffee at the coffee stations as Frank ran to the bathroom.

Coming back through, Frank saw Trevor and Zack talking in a corner booth. He didn't acknowledge them, and they didn't notice him as far as he could tell. He hoped that Matt didn't need to go to the bathroom. "You ready?"


When their shift was over. Frank dropped Matt home and drove straight to Zack's. He was glad to see only his car in the driveway and a light on. When he knocked on the door, he only had to wait a second before Zack opened it. "That was quick. Oh, hi, Frank."

"Apparently wasn't expecting me."

"No," Zack responded. "Would you like to come in?"

"Nope, what I have to say I can say right here." Frank looked at Zack and shook his head. "I saw you two tonight at Panera. You are glad that Matt didn't. Zack, you're twenty-five, right?"


"If you don't want Matt, tell him. Don't fuck with him."

"I love him, Frank," Zack stated.

"Then what are you doing with the guy in the car that just pulled up?" Frank turned around. "Take care, Zack." He got in his truck and drove back to Matt's to see if he was still up. "Want to drink?" Frank asked when Matt answered the door.

"Way ahead of you."

"So, what do you do to unwind?" Frank asked.

"I have a weight bench and a punching bag."

"Have you ever been tied up to be whipped?" Frank asked.

"Of course, I need to know what it feels like to do it. But if you are asking if I have ever asked someone to whip me to unwind, I would be lying if I said no."

"So, the dom can become a sub?"

"Not easily, but sometimes it just helps to be punished. I know a weird twist. I haven't done it in years. I've only done the punishment for over, shit, like seven years now." Matt breathed in and out. "If you want to play with Julie, I'll teach you, with clothes on. Have Julie come over one day, and we can go through the basics. If you have toys, bring them. I'll sanitize the room for you, show you some basics, and leave the house."

"Really?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, but if I give you access to my room, don't go beyond what I tell you to do. Because you can hurt her."

"I already told Julie about your room. She's intrigued." Frank told Matt as he laughed.

Over the next few weeks, Zack talked with Tervor more and more. Matt saw them more than once, which didn't help Matt's mood much. He was often found in his second bedroom using his weight bench and punching bag. Patty called a couple of times when he was in there. He had been out of breath when he answered, and it threw her for a loop for a minute until he explained.

"Zack's coming out to visit next week. I was hoping that you were coming with him." Patty stated.

"Sorry, Patty. I didn't know anything about it." Matt tried to change the topic. "How's everything out that way?"

"Oh, it's good, nice and warm. Have you talked with him at all these past three weeks?" Patty asked.

Matt exhaled loudly, "No, I've seen him around with Trevor. Not that I've been watching for him, but because I'm on patrol. I don't know why they can't go to Tecumseh to hang out."

"I'm sorry, Matt."

"I'm the one that asked for the break. I could have taken him back without it and dealt with him sneaking away when I was at work. I didn't want to deal with him cheating on me. So I forced him away. But Patty, I'm going to let you go. I need to get ready for work."

"Okay, Matt, have a good night." Patty hung up the phone.

The following week, Patty was surprised when Darren pulled up with Zack and Trevor. They all came through the door, and Patty was stunned. "Hi, Mom," Zack stated when he came in.

"Zack, I see you brought Trevor with you. Do I need to make up the guest room?"

"No, he can stay in the room with me," Zack responded. Patty shook her head and walked to the kitchen. Zack followed her. "What was that look for?"

"You know goddamn well what that look was for," Patty stated angrily.

"I have one more week before deciding," Zack responded. "So why do I have to have Trevor in another room?"

"Zack, you are so stupid. You have ripped Matt's heart out and don't care."

"I have done no such thing. He hasn't seen me and Trevor." Zack responded.

"Yes, he has. You're the fool." Patty looked at her son, and the lights seemed to come on. "Do you think he doesn't drive around Adrian all night long? Why are you two staying in Adrian and not going to Tecumseh, where Trevor lives?"

"I don't know. He prefers coming to Adrian."

"See if after Matt doesn't take you back if he prefers Tecumseh," Patty stated, thinking he probably was doing it on purpose. "I thought when you two first went out, you spent all your nights in Ann Arbor."

"We did, but now we are hanging in Adrian." Zack responded, "It's closer for the both of us."

"Okay, Zachary," Patty responded, and Zack knew his mother was pissed at him.


The chief pulled Matt and Frank into his office. Frank spoke before Matt could, "Sir, you wanted to see us."

"Yes, come in, Officers Surrey and Lane. Please have a seat." The chief had stood for a moment when they knocked. When they all sat, he began again. "I have a special assignment for the two of you. You can turn me down, but I would really like it if you took it. There will be a bonus for the both of you."

"But?" Frank didn't like the sounds of it already.

"But Frank, you will be loaned to another department for six months." The chief continued. "The department owns a house you will stay in together, free of charge. Plus an extra ten dollars an hour."

Frank and Matt looked at the chief, "What's the catch?" Matt asked.

"Well, they put a call out, and it's kind of our turn."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when officers get loaned out, each county takes turns, and we're the county seat. So I need to volunteer some officers. I had hoped you two would do it, and I won't have to order you."

"Six months?" Matt asked. "Frank doesn't have to if they don't need two."

"I can. Where are we going?" Frank asked. "Shit, I could use a break from here; I just will have to take care of my house."

"UP, and we can care for both of your houses while you're gone. Just leave me a key. I'm sure you can return for a weekend or two, but they need all the help they can get right now."

"When do we leave?" Matt responded.

"ASAP, and your bonuses have already started as soon as you said yes." The chief smiled.


The week in Las Vegas went quick. Zack and Trevor had a few disagreements, but they weren't big. They never argued in front of Zack's parents. Returning, Zack stopped over at Matt's, but when he looked in the door, he saw sheets covering all his furniture. He thought that was odd but thought maybe Matt was painting. He didn't see Matt's car, so he stopped by the station to see if he was at work, but it wasn't there either.

When he called, it rang four times but went to voicemail. "Hey, this is Matt; if you are getting this, please leave a voicemail. Can't pick it up; the job won't allow it." Zack wondered if he heard that correctly. His job won't allow it?

"Matt, hi. I just wanted to talk. I stopped by, but you weren't home. Okay, it's just me, Zack."

Matt pulled up to Frank and rolled his window down. "Hey, how's your night going?"

"Probably as good as yours," Frank responded. "I hate college towns. Shit, I hate college towns that are fucking full of kids and snow."

"We're from a college town, just not in the North Pole." Matt laughed, "But yeah, I know, at least most of them are walking."

"I don't know how I would be freezing my balls off." Frank laughed. "Shit, I don't know how they get used to this cold. Some of these fucking kids are wearing shorts." Frank shook his head.

"I know. I've even seen them sunbathing in the snow. I don't know, either." Matt shook his head and laughed. "Guess I better move on. See you at the station."

It wasn't long before they were done with their shift and heading back to the house that the department owned. "I noticed I got a call from Zack while driving around." Frank responded, "he didn't leave a voicemail."

"He did me. I was going to call him back in the morning." Matt walked away and sat on the couch, but he didn't get a chance to sit there long because his phone started ringing. "Hey, Zack."

"Why can't you answer your phone anymore while you're on duty?" Zack asked.

Frank sat beside Matt to listen in, and Matt shook his head. "It's the department rules; they don't like their officers talking on their personal phones while on duty."

"I drove by a cop tonight with their phone in his hand."

"I'm not in Adrian right now." Matt was waiting for the next question.

"What do you mean you're not in Adrian? Matt, where are you?"

"Frank and I've been loaned out to another department in the UP for six months," Matt responded.

"THE UP, FOR SIX MONTHS?" Zack screamed, and Matt pulled the phone from his ear. "What about me, Matt? Did you think about me?"

"Zack, I talked to Patty. I know you were in Vegas. I know who you took with you. You're not thinking about me. So maybe it's time that we made the decision to..."

"Matt, please, not yet."

"Zack, have you talked to me this entire month?"

Zack fell silent. He knew he was wrong, by not texting or calling. It wasn't until this week that he tried reaching out, the one-month mark. "I don't want Trevor. I know that now." Zack's voice was weak, and it killed Matt.

"How do you know?" Matt asked.

"He's not you, Matt. When we were together, we never got into fights. We had been together for over a year, not one fight or major disagreement. With Trevor, it's nightly. I forgot about that when I dated him before. I hate arguing, Matt. I love just getting along, and we got along great."


"I'm truly sorry, Matt, for how I treated you and what I did to you. I know that will not make up for it. But Matt, I love you. I wish you could see how much I do."

"Are you still dating Trevor?"

"No, we broke up when we returned. He said he had enough of me." Zack responded.

"Zack, I'm really gone for six months. I may be able to visit for a weekend here and there, but I'm up here." Matt responded. "We'll be apart for a while."

"Will you wait for me?"

"I'm sure as hell not going to be dating anyone up here, Zack," Matt claimed.

"Do you still love me?" Zack asked.

"I don't know. We have six months to talk." Matt responded. "Zack, it's late, and I'm sure you need to get some sleep."

"What are good times to call you?" Zack asked.

"Between eleven and one pm," Matt responded. "Goodnight, Zack."

"Goodnight Matt, I love you."

Matt didn't say it back, even though he wanted to; he really didn't know if he loved Zack or not at this point. He knew he still wanted him but didn't know if he still loved him.

Frank looked over, "Would you like a beer?"



Zack sat his phone down on his bed. He had to make a plan to get Matt back. He knew he fucked up and needs to make amends. Prove to Matt that he loves him and show he'll never do it again.

So every day, like clockwork, as long as Zack wasn't at work, he called at eleven on the dot. Sometimes, he caught Matt in bed, but they talked, cried, and laughed on the phone.

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BlowPopJBlowPopJ3 months ago

Lord Zach is just a hot ass mess. Claiming to love someone and then cheat and then told to take a break for a month and spent that month with another person who he knows he really don't want to be with. At least his mother has a brain and his dad is just.... idk.

Matt really should just drop his ass

BaladeerBaladeer3 months ago

Have to reflect the other comments. Zack's not worth the time, and Matt has to be severely emotionally stunted to keep going with him.

BeefyhungtopguyBeefyhungtopguy3 months ago

Powerful writing. I get why Zack doesn't want to be in a relationship with Trevor. I'm not clear why he wants Matt... Zack has some maturing to do.

Cane23Cane233 months ago

This chapter has been a torture, so many ups and downs! Just break up already, I've been thinking at the end! Zack is immature brat and Matt is just prolonging inevitable... Zack has to grow up and make some real effort if this relationship is going to have some future. And not just calling and sending massages because it is too little too late for small gestures. Some serious gesture and serious commitment are needed to show he is honest.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Not sure why anyone would be rooting for Matt to take Zack back after all this... Matt deserves better.

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