Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 15


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"You let her talk shit; didn't even stick up for me. Even after all I'd done for you and everything, you just wanted something new; but she wasn't. I can't believe all this smoke for somebody you didn't even really know and I showed you who she was, a liar!"

"My girlfriend; that's who she was Renee."

"You didn't even know her-HOW?!! Tell me how she's your girlfriend and shit? You got all that fucking smoke for me, but not for her!! What makes her your woman, huh nigga?!! Just because something's-NEW!! I'm BETTER than HER in EVERY CONCEIVABLE WAY!! EVERY WAY!! But you say she's your woman, your FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!!!"

"Yeah, Vicky was my girlfriend. We talked it out while we were taking a shower together in my house, you know uh, right after she met my mom with no clothes on; we'd decided we were gonna be exclusive. Hell, I wasn't going to make online porn anymore Renee. I never shot a single frame of her unclothed because she was my woman."

Renee was crying in the backseat, grieving the true death of her ego. I popped my seat belt leaning over finally looking at her sitting there in the buff still exquisitely stunning in every outward way. Her slanted eyes were puffy, nose reddened while her lips glistened with a slight bit of saliva running from the corner of her mouth.

"Ms. Kelly, would you stop filming me?"

She tilted her head to the side sort of shivering, then reached up pulling the wig from her head which in turn caused the glasses to fall into her lap. There was a tiny wire connecting her disguise. Ms. Renee Kelly aka Ms. One aka Infamous Baby Mamma Number Two, didn't mentor no fool.

She looked up at my impassive features seeing herself there for the first time.

Those cat eye glasses were trapped between her pale fists. Renee twisted and snapped them in two tossing aside the brown wig that completed her disguise.

Ms. One died.

"Well nobody's stopping your ass; go be with her then for all I care!" I'd put the car in park but didn't turn it off preferring some music to offset the strained mood between us. I rolled down the back windows halfway.

"Sure Renee, whatever you say." She averted her slanted eyes unable to look at my face.

I opened the door stepping outside taking in the evening air. There was a slight breeze that felt just right as I stripped off my white tee exposing my bare chest. I tossed the shirt on the driver's seat followed by my sneakers, socks, jeans, and underwear. I looked about standing there in the buff beside her car.

"This is the uh, first place I was ever with Vicky; I wanted to share this with you Renee."

"WHY?!!" She sounded agonized as I got into the backseat sitting beside her.

I got comfortable sitting there beside my former mentor and part time lover, just offering my hand. She stared at it sniffling like I was offering some Faustian deal. Sade's "PEARLS" wafted through the car serenading us as she timidly took my hand. I interlocked our fingers staring through the windshield at the night lights.

"Because you are special to me." I answered finally as she started breaking down even further sobbing with true emotion as I watched. This went on for a while in the stillness of the night before she composed herself enough to regard me.

"I -uhm, I feel like I don't know you anymore." She admitted just above a whisper.

"I think we're all finding ourselves out here; maybe that's what life is all about when it's all said and done." I gave her hand a light squeeze of reassurance.

"Who are you?" She whispered.

"The Educated Simp."

This started Renee bawling uncontrollably while I did nothing to comfort her whatsoever. I was numb only registering the warmness of our clasped hands. She was damp and sweaty crying so much that tears were literally dripping off her face into her bare crotch. It was a perfect night for reflection, memories of what was and the hope for a future now aborted.

She eventually settled down a bit but continued crying in silence glancing at my profile.

"Hey Renee?"


"I need you now; will you help me?"

"Anything, what do you want me to do?" She was talking really gently maintaining communication at a whisper.

"I want us to make love here; will you do that with me right now Renee?" I turned finding her staring at me timidly, overtly demure.

She nodded slowly at first but then started to turn until she was kneeling beside me on her backseat. My thumb wiped away some of the running mascara staining her face. I took my time with both eyes then traced the underside of her bottom lip. Her kiss was wet and salty with tears of a broken heart. But we kept at it tongues coiling about as she reluctantly drew back breaking contact.

I went at the side of her neck nipping and suckling it as one of her hands palmed the back of my head.

Renee straddled me cupping both sides of my face kissing me with unbridled passion, humming and moaning into my mouth. My hands were handling her small waist but slid to the upper swell of her butt remaining stationary. She reared back huffing, licking her lips before lunging forward taking my lobe between her teeth.

Again her face appeared looking deep into my eyes finding only pools of darkness reflected back in my corneas. Her nose and cheeks were ruddy as I felt her flower touching my crown. Somehow I knew she wouldn't take the initiative to please herself.

This woman would wait patiently for me to take her no matter how long.

My hands slid up her sides cupping the outsides of her luscious breasts. Renee covered my hands with her own pushing her succulent breasts together. Her eyes fluttered reacting to my thumbs roughly flicking her reddened engorged nipples.

Her chest right above and deep in her cleavage flushed, skin peppered with goosebumps. Her puffy lower lips were cradling the underside of my shaft. I could feel the volcanic heat emanating from her snatch. Renee was pressing down ever so lightly.

Her arm snaked around the back of my head as she pushed a tit between my lips. It became apparent that she was filling my gullet with the buoyant flesh. This sustained lilting moan escaped her lips followed by a series of huffs as I nursed and fed on her breasts independently and in tandem until she couldn't take it anymore. Her sloping mams engulfed my face in a deep hug while all ten of my fingers parted the halves of her abundant derriere until just the head of my cock pushed inside.

Renee loosened her grip staring at me for a reaction and getting nothing facially. I handled her hips more forcefully impaling her up to the hilt on my endowment. A deluge of wetness flushed my lap accompanied by this squishy sound as she creamed all over my prick.

A series of shudders radiated through her body making her tremble in my grasp. Once she was settled, her virtue contracted tightly around my circumference in a way I'd never felt before. This was different from the time she tried her best to turn me out as I lay on the floor of her apartment.

Her face twisted into a grimace ending with a throaty gasp as she went in kissing me again passionately. When she drew backward, there was a web of saliva connecting our bottom lips but only for an instant. I felt her abdomen flex as her lower back arched into me as far as she could push it.

Renee's big pale cheeks flexed on each inward thrust engulfing my full endowment buried deep in her snatch. I was obliged to spread my legs apart resting each behind the front seats. Renee followed my movements in her own way spreading her thighs as she straddled me getting just a bit more depth.

We were well versed in one another's likes and dislikes but Renee was at a disadvantage born of her own self opinion and incessant need to control everything around her. She'd become adept at mimicry on many different levels with a specialty in sexuality. I recalled the refined technique she'd employed on Andre after watching Shawnee please her man, Jaquan.

She was able to bend him to her will turning the urban simpleton to her side with almost no effort. Her intuition sussed out my cousin's need for attention, so she denied it with a perversion of the grey rock technique to optimal results. I presented a quandary in that she'd trained me ostensibly to serve her sexually whether she realized it or not at the time.

Mixing sexual gaslighting with unbridled passion at times left me changed on a fundamental level. Her disdain for the outside world's reaction to her appearance bled onto my psyche for lack of a better term. I wanted to please her to my detriment and she exploited that forged connection.

I hadn't lied to Curtis and his friends, but none of them would likely be willing to put my advice to the test. Renee was even now humping and grinding down on the base of my endowment continuously creaming all over my lap.

Her cries were getting louder, more intense, and throaty as she began to crest. Just when I thought she might break, Renee hugged me tight to her bosom with every bit of strength in her person. Her heart shaped derriere ground and sawed feverishly producing a light clapping sound.

Those slanted eyes were shut tightly, mouth open as she continuously licked her lips moaning loud enough to produce an echo. Her insides were swollen to the ninth degree producing a tight, yet cushiony feel.

She captured my wrists drawing my hands up to her breasts covering them. Her thickened nipples poked my palms as I clawed into her womanly breasts squeezing enough to make them almost glow red in the darkness.

I ran the flat of my tongue up her cleavage suckling her throat traveling upward to her lips. Renee had a knack for making out and kissing that was almost as good as the sex itself. I crossed my arms at the small of her back encouraging her to fuck me as much as she liked.

Her hands touched and ran over my pecs descending to my abdomen, then back to my shoulder blades digging her nails deep. I suddenly wrapped my arms around her torso in a forward facing bear hug driving my prick into her snatch with unbridled savage passion.

There was almost no resistance as she screamed ecstatically shattering into a million pieces. Her chin ended up hooked over my shoulder while the rest of her body stiffened up as she went into the throes of a massive orgasm. I gasped and grunted, then screamed along with Renee as her nails dug trenches in my back.

Then it was over for Renee as her body went slack still impaled full of my unsatisfied member.

But it wasn't over for me.

I reached up encircling her left wrist with my right hand pulling it to the small of her back while my other hand captured a fistful of her flowing black locks. I began driving my prick up into her snatch hard, almost rhythmically taking her to task getting an immediate reaction. A series of throaty gasps and huffs filled my right ear as I bounced her in my lap.

Her distressed cries and whimpers fueled my thrusts as her large sloping breasts bounced in my face. I shifted between folding both arms behind her back and pulling on her hair in the upright cowgirl position until I tired releasing her arms still unfulfilled.

Renee immediately came in making out with me again rolling and popping her hips already cresting through another bout of hysterical bonding. She broke off looking at my face nodding her acquiescence furiously, then flipping her shoulder length tresses over a shoulder wanting me to grab it again. I obliged, but also gathered her in my arms pushing her down on her back fully bottoming out in her snatch.

Her ankles locked in the small of my back, arms wrapped around my torso hands caressing my back as we made out.

She expertly matched my plunging thrusts working her hips wrenching down on my endowment with a snapping motion that felt incredible. Her eyes widened enough that I was able to see the minute vagaries of color in her corneas, then narrowed into slits accompanied by breathy huffs.

I wasn't trying to keep up or impress this woman, just making tragic love with nothing held back. I could feel myself being squeezed and massaged, ground into near nothingness. Renee was giving back, finally giving as much as she took. I felt this woman's redoubled grip on me with her shapely gams.

Even laying on her back, Renee was riding me to nirvana. She was in this for however long it took, both of us intent on keeping up the raw emotion and passion. Her limbs were locked about me in a death grip getting ever tighter as she orgasmed wetting my crotch in fits and starts. Her legs wobbled, ankles unlocking daunting me not as I pounded away at her sweet spot.

My hands framed her beautiful face staring into her eyes watching Renee feeling all of me. The look in them was euphoric and simultaneously crestfallen. I traced her jawline with the tip of my tongue then plunged it into her ear making Renee squirm underneath.

I nipped at her neck biting and suckling on an available shoulder blade before outright sinking my teeth into it while she did the same to my opposing side. Renee reached underneath hooking her fingers over my shoulders from the back arching up into my thrusting pelvis. The wet audible claps were now one continuous sound, her eyes tightly shut feeling everything.

Me, I still had this sort of disconnect.

It was finally dawning on me almost feeling as if I were looking at myself through the eyes of the woman pinned underneath my body. Everything was skewed, out of whack and somewhat disorienting. It felt alien and scared me a little as Renee noticed breathing heavily. I felt her hand caressing the back of my head while the other ran up and down my back.

Our eyes became one as this sublime sheathe of energy overtook me whole.



"Don't look away, its happening." Renee whispered hands framing my face. I was given the impression that she would've forced the issue but slowly drew them away.

"What's happening?"

"I'm doing it finally; I'm walking with you, in you. Oh god, it's true, oh so true." Her words had no meaning for me but her aura was staggering.

I couldn't look away from those cat eyes of hers, the pull becoming magnetic akin to the force of gravity. It felt like a thousand scintillating needles of pleasure were puncturing every nerve ending in my body. I couldn't explain it, but we were merging and I just get away.

"NO!!" I pulled out of her honeypot still unsatiated.

"Wait." Renee whimpered as I unencumbered myself pushing her grasping hands aside wanting release from her embrace.

I hit the door latch letting myself out into the cool night air nude and glistening with sweat. I went on wobbly legs to the edge of her trunk leaning against the car until Renee's head appeared in the back window in silhouette.

My vision was blurred shifting at an angle making me blink profusely. I rolled around walking to the front of the vehicle with one hand tracing the top like a handrail. Renee's door opened as I noticed the damp backseat empty. I pivoted turning at the waist finding her standing in my former spot watching.

"Uh, when I was little; my mother told me that I would know the man I loved truthfully when we "walked" together. I'd see myself through his eyes and he'd glimpse himself through mine. Did you walk with me?"

I didn't answer.

She waited for what seemed an eternity before joining me at the hood of her car.

"Down there Renee." I spoke in the same hushed tones prompting her to look off in the distance towards the back of the dilapidated abandoned housing project known as the Tubman Estates. From our position you could see the street activity and random streetwalkers posted up on the street.

"I don't understand."

"This is where Vicky sold her body; as a matter of fact after you blackmailed her, I almost found out before she confessed. Her cousin ran interference and actually drove me back home to keep the secret. I thought you might want to see this Renee."

"If you want me to look down there, I'll do it; I'll even walk on that street if that's what you're getting at, but just tell me you felt it too."

"I told her I didn't care, but it was too late because she had to go to jail for a bunch of warrants."

"You felt it, right?"

There was another long pause before I looked her in the eyes finding the tears running freely down her face. Renee realized I wasn't going to answer her question.

So unfulfilled, she turned facing the streets below leaning against her car watching alongside me. Every now and then, Renee would sneak a look at my profile.

It was this way as the sun started to rise in the distance. There was a police siren in the distance.

A police car tooled down the street behind the Tubman Estates scattering the homeless, errant sex workers and other criminal denizens.

"Will you walk with me Renee?"

"Yes." She sounded resolved as we slowly became illuminated by the rising sun.

I got dressed and Renee did the best she could putting on the oversized security jacket which covered her body like a minidress leaving her legs exposed from just below the top of her thighs to her bare feet. I had the feeling of waking from a dream as I offered my hand which she took without hesitation.

We walked down the ramp leaving her secured car at the top of the ramp pretty much out of view taking a handholding trek across the large abandoned parking lot. Renee held close to my bicep as we traversed it crossing the street walking on the same side of the street next to the viaduct.

Both of us looked like we'd gone to war. Her eyes were on me the whole time fully trusting as we crossed the street at the back of Tubman Estates. She escorted me around the side of the building to the middle of the block.

We had a seat in front of the mid-entrance. I sat there staring at a very familiar rowhouse with Renee beside me snuggled into my side watching as well. She ran her fingers through her hair, then shielded her eyes from the early morning sunshine as I found my voice.

"Thank you ma'am."

"For what?"

"Helping me make it these last few steps."

"Where are we?"

"Her home, she lived right over there Renee. I remember the first time we met. Later that day I watched her sucker punch her little brother because he was following two close behind her when we were gonna go somewhere. I thought she was a criminal minded asshole, didn't know if I hated her or..."

"Are you gonna go over there and see her?"

"Uhm, kind of."

"I'm sorry for everything; I should've been honest with you even if nothing came of it. Instead of telling you the truth, I let it all slip through my fingers like sand. I'm sorry for not telling you I..."

"No, don't." Her face puffed up a bit, but Renee was all cried out choosing to look away for a while before speaking again.

"I can't stop you if that's what you want. Go, be with her. Be happy."

I facepalmed.

Renee wrapped an arm about my shoulders.

I reached in my pocket removing the envelope offering it to Renee which she took albeit a bit reluctantly.

"What is this?"

"A letter Renee; Vicky wrote it to me some time ago and I found that I couldn't read it. Then later, I thought uh, it was meant for both of us so I want you to read it to me please."

Both of us sat there across the street on the short stoop of the Tubman Estates facing Vicky Stone's abandoned row house. I was silent letting the whistle of the wind serenade my ears in a duet with my thumping heartbeat. Renee Kelly was phenomenally beautiful and gifted, malevolent, flawed and deeply broken. I took responsibility for murdering a malignant part of her psyche but wanted to find out if anything remained to be weeded out like the cancer it had been to this woman.

There was only one way to make sure as she began opening the envelope with trembling hands.


I know you probably don't want to see my ugly face ever again, much less hear from me after finding out my secret. But I wanted you to understand me and see that I wasn't trying to trick you. It's been kind of hard in here and I've been catching some beatings from a few of the girls locked up in here with me. Well, I trashed at least two females before their studs came for me in the shower, but I won't bore you with the details. Ended up getting some extra time on my stay because of it, haha nigga. You know that solitary confinement shit ain't no joke. It gives you time to think about things you did wrong. I thought about you every time they shoved me in there.