MF Max Intel Ch. 06-10


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Samira then told her, "You are to find all the heads of 24K, force them to transfer all their liquid assets to this account number (she gave the Witch a slip of paper) with the Henry Voss Corporation's interplanetary banking consortium. When they have done so, you are to kill them. When you have finished with this planet, you are to move to all the core worlds, one at a time, and repeat that process."

"You can take the ship you and your troops came here with for transportation. When you have eliminated 24K's top leaders and their underlings you are to begin the same mission with the Minor Empires and the outer rim planets. When you are finished you are to contact me through that account, leaving me a message and we will discuss your future at that time."

"Do you have any questions?"

"Nnnno mmmy Mmmmistressss. Buut wwwhaat of mmmy talllisssmmmannn?" the Witch responded with a voice that sounded as if it was echoing from the depths of hell.

"The Pentacle of Hecate has bound itself to our Witch and is no longer yours. You may create your own Pentacle as well as other weapons as you see fit for your needs. Under no circumstances are you to move against anyone not in the hierarchy of 24K or their children."

"If there are surviving family you are to sell the property assets and leave enough credits with them to see them through productive lives as middle class citizens. Take out what expenses you need to continue your work and deposit the rest into that account."

"It ssshhhall be as you commmannnd, Mmmissstress."

"Go and do my bidding, Slave."

As the Witch turned to leave on her quest, Astrid walked up to her mother. Ingrid was still scared senseless and could not move. Astrid just didn't care and slapped the crap out of her stepmother. She then grabbed her by her Gucci ass collar and looked her dead in the eye. "If you EVER attempt to come after me again, your life is forfeit! Now get out of my sight before I change my mind and kill you right here and now for attacking my REAL family!"

The door of the motor home opened up and Howard walked tentatively out of the door. Mercedes was holding onto him for support. "Oh Howard, our home!"

Everyone turned to see the house fully involved. Joon began to cry and held her mother close, "I am so sorry! We had no idea this would happen! How did Ingrid even know we were here?"

Howard turned a murderous gaze to the house across the street and began walking that way with deadly purpose. Emma, realizing what Howard was up to, looked to the two adults in the house to identify their motives and intents. "They are spies, sent by Ingrid. When the car left it was followed. They knew everything."

Max grabbed Agatha and jumped into the motor home, gently putting the three hands on the floor and starting up the Urban Assault Vehicle. *Paula! Use Hearth to take all of the family to the Deirdre! I am in route as fast as I can get there! We need to clear the area anyway as fast as possible.*

Howard broke down the door to the neighbor's house and having heard what Emma said, knew the two were complicit. He found them in their living room....a minute later he walked out of the house and joined the others. Howard was stone faced and tense with a murderous, controlled rage. Joon and Mercedes knew and didn't ask.

Paula had everyone hold hands and she did her Hearth incantation. They were all instantly transported to the cargo bay. The outer doors and hatches were still all secure; but Joon turned to Samira, "Agatha had a hand on perimeter patrol. See if you can find her, please?"

Paula went with her, pulsing out her senses to find her sister.

Max Intel: Melinoe Chapter 7

Paula was able to sense Agatha's location. Good thing she went with Samira as Agatha was fully enveloped in her nanoweave camo and would have been impossible to find visually. Samira gently picked her up and they went back to the Deirdre.

Walking into the cargo bay, Samira spoke to the family, *We need to get the motor home into the cargo bay and get into orbit ASAP. The group who attacked us knows we are here. If there was someone monitoring from their group, we are exposed.*

Howard and Mercedes were in the midst of their girls and Astrid was apologizing profusely about the destruction of their family home when they had to move as Max began to drive the 40 foot long by 12 foot wide by 9.5-foot-tall motor home into the cargo bay.

It was a tight fit, the bay being 65 feet long, but the bay door was only 15 foot wide and ten foot tall. Max positioned the motor home with its left side against the port side of the bay and 5 feet from the door to the storage room, leaving a 12 foot by 45 foot corridor down the starboard side of the motor home leading to an empty space of 25 x 20 feet in front of the bay door.

Samira and Paula ran into the open space and carefully laid Agatha down on the floor. Howard and Mercedes were confused, not being able to see anything, until Samira began to take off Agatha's nanoweave.

Both parents were wide eyed. Howard said, "I have heard of that stuff but never have I seen it. That is absolutely amazing!"

Max had run up to the Bridge and as soon as Paula and Sam were in, she closed the cargo bay doors from the Bridge station and started a climb, setting the paint to sky on the bottom and sides, until they were in atmosphere. She then changed all the paint to camouflage the Deirdre and they exited the system under stealth to find an asteroid they could hide behind and broadcast a signal to Boggs.

"Mom and Dad, we can debrief later. Right now, I need to get Agatha in bed so she can rest," Joon said as she began coordinated the collecting of the hands of Agatha. Howard grabbed two of the Agathas in the motor home, putting one over each broad shoulder, while Paula levitated the third and Samira cradled the hand on the deck. They walked up the ramps to the CQ and laid them on the bed.

"Dad, Samira, help me get the other hands from the Bridge as well as the coms room and let's get all the hands of Agatha resting comfortably. We can then meet on the Bridge as we sort all this out."


Agatha had just enough time to close up her metal shop before her three hands passed out behind the door on Depot 03.


On Freeport, Agatha was glowing for a moment and Soumii was astonished. When she quit glowing, she asked, "Agatha, are you okay?"

Agatha nodded and said, "sleep," just before she passed out in the chair she was occupying. Soumii got on her wrist comms and called for Mosira, "Mossira! Agatha has feinted! I need your help to get her and her sisters to her bed!"

Within moments the large Drakkar burst into the room, "Iss sshe okay? What happened?"

"Sshe glowed white then said 'sleep' just before she passed out. Beyond that I do not know."

Mosira gently lifted Agatha and walked with Soumii to Agatha's quarters where they found the other two hands. Mosira then assigned two Drakkar to guard the entrance, "No one enterss accept by my or Mayor Soumii'ss direct command."

The two security personnel acknowledged her orders with a nod and took up station as Soumii and Mosira began a bedside vigil.


Agatha was in her small office when she glowed white and just made it to her bed when she passed out. She did not have time to let her caretaker know what was happening, but she knew she was safe and went to sleep. Her other two hands, one with the Razu and one with the Chazi were also being watched over by concerned denizens of Dau.


The First Secretary of the Slarmian Embassy was in the middle of teaching Lakita some of the finer points of diplomacy when she began to glow. "Agatha, are you alright?"

Agatha diminished and said, "Sorry, must sleep. The family was attacked, they are all fine, but I am exhausted."

Lakita caught Agatha as she slumped over and gently lifted her up, taking her to her bed and making her comfortable. Lakita gathered the other hands and did not leave her side.


The family had gathered on the Bridge and Max let everyone know she had to report in before the debrief could start. Everyone found a place to sit, Joon having brought in some extra padded folding chairs, and remained quiet as Max made the connection.


Ms_Muffit has entered dark corners.

BG_Gruff has entered dark corners.

BG_Gruff "Anders! Sitrep!"

Ms_Muffit "We were visiting our parents and Ingrid Komatsu showed up with 50 mercs, at least one of which was from Ghost Protocol. We dispatched them. You will not find bodies as they were burned, bones and all. We also downed four fighters."

Ms_Muffit "There was a true Witch with her as well and in the process of defeating her, a massive power column of light was released which breached the atmosphere. Everyone is okay, but my family home is totally destroyed. Parents will stay with us for the time being before relocation for their own safety."

BG_Gruff "Satellites picked you up leaving the area in a mobile home...and a large portion of your people were seen to just disappear. We have confiscated all the video and warned anyone who saw it, but what the hell is going on Anders?"

Ms_Muffit "My family has developed...Fantasy Class magical powers."

BG_Gruff "What the fuck does that even mean?"

Ms_Muffit "We can give a full debrief in person when we meet. We will rendezvous back where this all started."

BG_Gruff "Meet me there in 24."

BG_Gruff has left dark corners.

Ms_Muffit has left dark corners.


Max sat up and nodded to her parents, "Well, that went over like a ton of lead bricks. Satellite Recon picked up our departure after the energy blast Agatha released. It is all confiscated, but Boggs knows about our magical abilities. We have to go meet with him and 'Nanna' at our secret base. Give me a moment to set the coordinates and we can debrief."

After Max had set up the navigation, the Deirdre swept clear of all the gravity wells and entered hyperwarp.

Howard was first to speak up, "If Satellites picked you up in the motor home, then they saw the ship as well and we are being tracked."

Max shook her head, "Dad, this ship has a full sensor baffling suite which includes energy output and visual tracking. Nothing can track us with it activated...and it is active. We have disappeared from all sensors."

Howard nodded, "So you are still with Ghost protocol?"

Joon responded, "No, dad. We have a new assignment. We are now spies for TFN and we gather intelligence on the Minor Empires. We were given Max's old ship, with some significant upgrades, to enable us to fulfill that role."

"But that isn't all, is it? You had to do something pretty serious to become a knight of the Slarmian Dynasty."

Joon again answered her father, "Yes, we were invited to a political party at the Palace and a powerful faction of dissidents attacked in a makeshift aerial vehicle. Max stormed the thing and disabled it, losing part of her arm and a leg in the process. Agatha used one of her bodies, we call them hands, to heal her but she added some mass and height in the process."

"For saving the lives of quite a few diplomats and political figures, Max was awarded Knighthood and is the only Terran who is allowed to bear arms in the presence of the Grand Potentate."

Mercedes then teared up and demanded to check Max over with her hands. "You seem completely hea...what is that!?"

"Yeah, Mom, Agatha gave me a penis at the request of our wives. It was initially just for fun, but Agatha has been augmenting all the family through me, since I have some of her inside me now."

Mercedes looked deeply into Max's eyes, "Are you still all you?"

Max didn't flinch as she returned her mother's gaze, "Yes, I am still and only all me."

Howard made the connection, "And that is how everyone was given their magical abilities."

Astrid replied, "Yes. Max is of the Warrior class; she can slow down time. She can also hit a target at extreme ranges with pinpoint accuracy and her reaction times are superhuman. I am a Sorceress-Mage and have created all of our magical weapons. Vika is a Rogue-Shaman who has the gift of Portent which allows her to navigate the future. She also can disappear as well as jump her body to anywhere she can see as well as spiritually leave her body and wander around unseen."

Astrid continued, "I am a Sorceress-Mage and am able to make Oricalcum metal which is a magical metal much stronger than the strongest Titanium alloy and absorbs 99.999% of laser energy. I have also made magic gloves that allow Max, Nike, Emma, and Vika to pull their weapons from thin air. Additionally, I can create a shield that absorbs kinetic energy from strikes or force waves and feeds it back to me as energy I can use."

"Paula is a Witch and can push or pull fortune to or from people at will. She can also place a hex upon them which knocks them out. She has a magic mirror which allows her to see any scene in real time through its pane. She can also put a trace on anyone and always knows where they are. You experienced her Hearth spell that can transport her and others to a designated place."

"Samira is a Paladin. She can create hard light shields and has lasers in her arms as well as hidden pistols in her thighs. Nike is a Jinn and can inhabit any form, travel a whole world in an instant, and is basically a fire demon. Her twin, both of whom are blood related to Max, is a Ghost who can do lots of things including fly, move through walls, as well as discern motives and intents."

"Joon is a Bard-Priest and her Deity is called Angharradh, the Goddess of Elvin women who endowed her with gifts of health, music, and diplomacy. She can create a bubble of sanctuary where only those she allows may enter and no harm may come to them; and she can bless others with a healing aura."

Joon added, "Oh, and we are all bulletproof up to and including a 50-caliber rifle and we can all speak to each other using telepathy."

Howard and Mercedes were shocked to their cores. Mercedes asked, "How is this all possible? Mixie! You have biological sisters?"

Max responded, "It is all because I rescued Agatha. She is something called a Star Child by the members of the Minor Empires. She has all our abilities as well as can create new species, ecosystems, planets, even solar systems. She loves us and has given us our abilities as a way for us to protect ourselves."

Howard sighed, "This is a lot to take in. But this doesn't explain why we were attacked."

Astrid spoke up again, "I am very sorry dad, but that was because of me. The woman in the Gucci-flage is my stepmother. My father was a....very....wealthy man and I, along with his sister, got all the inheritance. Ingrid is a gold digger and wants to control me and/or get control of my money and she has been creating a big mess looking for me."

"She hired a group of mercenaries from a crime syndicate called 24K to kidnap me. That Witch we killed was likely going to put me under a spell to allow Ingrid to control me. As a Paladin, Samira was able to bring the Witch back to life and control her instead. We sent her after all the ruling members of this 24K to kill them and seize their assets for our use."

Howard looked at Astrid, "I am glad you did that. I would have mounted an effort to kill them myself if you hadn't. I see now that would have been a mistake on my part. Just one of you here has me totally outclassed."


Simone was now compelled to kill all the movers and shakers in her crime syndicate. She was a senior partner in charge of enforcement within 24K, but she had to do as she was commanded as her life was no longer her own. Fit payment for underestimating her adversaries, she mused. Still, she was alive, and she was set free to do the thing she most enjoyed, killing.

What her Mistress didn't know was 24K was having their tri-annual gathering on this very planet. It was, therefore, easy for her to gather a small force to capture and enslave both Ingrid and her stepdaughter. LOL, the poor fool didn't realize 24K had decided to take all their wealth from them after the kidnapping.

Simone easily recreated a Pentacle to help manifest her powers. It was not nearly as powerful as the Pentacle of Hecate she had acquired, but it would do.

Without preamble, Simone walked into the amphitheater where the gathering was being held and she immediately cast a spell making everyone in the place her unquestioning slave. She smirked at how easily the entire leadership of the most powerful crime syndicate in all of Terran history was so easily subdued.

Simone then commanded through the speakers, "All of you! Get online now and drain all your assets, putting them into account number Lga-98567-0000458sqb-fulmetter001. Do it now! When you are done with that, sell all your assets, set up accounts for your spouses and children if you have any and give them a million credits each to live out their lives in comfort. You will then take the rest of those credits and put them into the numbered account I just gave you."

"When you are finished, come to me and give me all the money you have on your person."

After an hour, the 250 thousand strong leadership of 24K began to line up to give Simone their money they had on hand. After each donation she cast a slow working spell on them with a negligent flip of her fingers letting them return to their seats and die.

Within 12 hours she had killed 250,000 of 24K's leadership class, had deposited around 40 trillion credits into her Mistress's bank account, and gathered over 3 billion credits for her personal use in hunting down the rest scattered throughout this part of the Galaxy.

In less than half a day, 24K was broke and broken with only outlying remnants remaining; and that was only temporary.


Astrid asked, "Where are we headed?"

Joon answered for her Captain-Wife: "We are headed to a deserted but fully stocked clandestine base called Oxbow. It is located in the asteroid belt of the red dwarf known as Proxima Centauri. Very few know of its existence who are still alive. Meeting Boggs is always a sketchy situation, so everyone be on your guard."

Max stated, "We will be there in 20 hours. Mom? Dad? Why don't we get you situated in the guest room. I am sure you need some time to get yourselves oriented to all the shocks and changes."

Mercedes smiled, "That would be wonderful, dear. Your father and I have some celebrating to do."

Howard turned beet red and cleared his throat, "T.M.I. honey."

Joon laughed, "Seems that acorn didn't fall far from the tree as I had the same idea." The whole Bridge erupted in guffaws and snickers.

Howard rolled his eyes, secretly enjoying his wife and daughters enjoying themselves.

Just as they were about to leave the Bridge, Agatha walked in.

"Agatha!" Joon exclaimed, "Are you alright? What happened?"

Agatha nodded with a big smile, "I am fine, all hands are back up and healthy. When Paula opened a portal to divine power using her new talisman, she didn't realize she needed to shut it back down. As a result, the power buildup was going to kill her. I was able to absorb that energy, but it took all my hands to do so safely. Thank goodness she still had enough sense to shut down the portal or we all would have died."

Paula was aghast, "I had no idea how powerful this thing was. I am so sorry!"

Vika nodded, "Paula, you have access to the power of gods. You must learn to use it safely and wisely. While the term 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' is a bit narrow minded, its warning is very appropriate."

Paula nodded. "I understand and agree, thank you for your advice." Paula then asked Vika, "Can I try something? For you?"

Vika nodded, knowing the time had come.

Paula walked over to Vika and laid hands on her head, "By my will and the power of the gods, I restore your Portent in its fullest."