Michelle Freeman -The Therapist


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"I like the sound of that! Cheers!" Pam offered her glass up and they gently touched and clinked.

"Great, we'll get a couple of mouthfuls of this down and then it's time for the game."

"Oh?" Pam looked on inquisitively.

"Well, I have prepared for the walk the line game."

"As in?"

"I am sure Michelle has done it before with you, as in I have got the shot glasses ready and what I want you to do is walk down the line downing a shot of Malibu at each end. Simples." Miriam grinned and took another slug of her wine. "If you stumble, you need to have two shots at the end of the line!" she grinned and took yet another gulp of her wine.

"Oh, yes I remember, I better visit the little girl's room first, I need to be prepared for this one."

"Great, I will come with you!" Miriam smiled as she got up from behind the desk and followed Pam into the toilet room.

Pam looked awkwardly at Miriam as she pulled her dress up around her middle and hovered over the toilet seat and clearly going commando as Miriam stood with her arms crossed under her chest as she smiled.

"You okay Miriam?" Pam asked as her pee jetted and splashed against the porcelain.

"I've never been better!" Miriam grinned as the pee gushed out the bottom of her skirt and then tricked down her inside of her thighs onto the tiled floor.

"Oh okay, cool!" she said as she tugged her dress down and turned to flush. "Your turn!" she grinned.

"Thanks Pam, I am actually okay now; I will go again in a minute." She replied smoothing her skirt out.

"Oh, right, okay..."

"...so on to Malibu!" Miriam stated as she individually shook her now wet legs.


Miriam gulped her wine whilst looking at Pam "That is it balance using the shot glasses to get to the other end and then top them up, drink, and then return again.

Pam threw the drink down her neck and winced and then slowly walked easily along the line to the chair, she picked up the next shot glass and repeated the process, slowly walking up and down the line, drink, walk, drink, walk and after walking up and down three times the sixth shot at the far end she started giggling losing focus on what she was trying to do.

She swirled around to look and try and focus on Miriam, her eyes were looking glassy. "Am I tinking or walking?" she giggled.

Miriam called out from behind the desk "Pam, definitely drinking!"

"Oh okay!" she grinned and took another shot.

"Right now, come back to the other chair!" Miriam called out and took a large gulp of wine and smiled and watched as Pam wobbled along the line "And drink again!" Miriam said and then also drank.

"Ugh!" Pam said from the middle of the room looking down at the chair.

"Right and again!" Miriam said as Pam slowly turned and made her way along the line stepping off the line, once each side.

Miriam got out from behind the desk kicking her sodden skirt out the way as she trailed her fingers on the desk for support as she made her way around before sighing as she leaned her now wet two toned coloured knickers with a very damp bottom against the wooden top.

"So, Pam, sorry..." She pointed with her glass which the wine sloshed like a tsunami as she unsteadily wavered her hand around "...sorry you wobbled, now need to do two shots!" Miriam smiled as she brought the wine glass to her mouth and carried on drinking as she watched as Pam picked up the two shot glasses in each and with her glazed eyes looked across puzzled. "That's great! Down they go!" Miriam egged her on.

"Yay!" Pam smiled as she looked at the two shot glasses and then quickly gulped down the Malibu wiping her face as she screwed it up as the sweat alcohol burned her neck as it went down.

"Pam, I told you, you would be relaxed!" Michelle grinned. "Now come back down the line."

"Oooh shh..." Pam giggled as she walked off sideways.

Michelle cackled "Pam back on the line, it's a very simple game, drink and walk and drink again." she grinned and gulped down the rest of the wine and noisily licked her lips.

"I am, I am!" she grinned as she staggered sideways towards the toilet room.

"So now on for every step away from the line is shot at the end!" Miriam grinned as she strode over in an arcing route and grabbed the relief crossed her face as she grabbed back of the chair. "You've done a good job, time to top them up!" She smiled as she picked up the bottle and leaned over the back of the chair and liberally topped up the shot glasses. She picked one up and drank it down in one. "Fuck that's sweet!" She smiled, "It needs coke!" and meandered towards the fridge in the corner of the room.

"I am wery much doing this!" Pam stated as she attempted to stagger back towards the chairs.

"Goody!" Miriam smiled as she leant against the wall by the large white fridge. The buzz of being drunk was well in control of her. "Keep going!"

"Ohh this is difficult!" Pam said as she wobbled on top of the line and then tried to put one foot in front of the other but kept standing to the side.

Miriam opened the fridge and looked across and smiled "Another shot." She giggled as she picked up the large bottle of diet coke and then slowly made her way across to the chairs.

"Oh, I am so doing this!" Pam exclaimed as she smoothed out her dress and then shuffled forwards for three steps. "Oh, maybe not, silly line." She loudly giggled as she stepped to the side and staggered away from the middle of the room.

"Just so we are not sick too quickly, please take some coke, it will help!" Miriam stated as she struggled to open the bottle eventually getting the lid off with a pop and as she accidentally squeezed the bottle coke fizzed out over her blouse. "Bloody hell Michell." She shrieked as she put the bottle down and flapped her now translucent white blouse.

Pam stood in the middle of the room with her shot glass in her hand giggling "You okay?"

"Yeah, I will be, Michelle the silly bitch must have shaken the bottle!" Miriam grinned as she slowly undid the buttons and peeled off her top, so she was standing there in just her wet knickers and coke covered blue bra.

Pam downed the shot in one and winced "So what am I drinking next?"

Miriam stood there holding her bottle of coke "Whatever you want." She then chugged down some more non-alcoholic liquid.

"Can we have some music and some tequila?"

"Abshulutley!" Miriam stated as she put the bottle of coke down and migrated across the floor sideways towards the CD- radio player on counter. "Pop?" She asked as she unsteadily leaned on the shelf in front of the machine and openly stroked her soaking gusset for a second with a wicked grin before wiping her hands on her legs and then she turned concentrated on the buttons and eventually got Shakira "Hips don't lie" to blast out.

Miriam tried to wiggle her hips sexily to rhythm to the music she staggered across the floor and her large breasts jiggled and jumped in her bra as she failed spectacularly to keep to the beat. "Let's keep drinking and dancing!" She grinned and picked up the Malibu bottle and took a gulp and then looked at Pam and grinned as she moved her hips to the lyrics of the music. "But first, let's get you undressed too!" she wickedly grinned as she put the bottle down and danced over to Pam and wrapped her arms around the still dressed Pam waist and tried to fiddle with the zip of her dress.

"But I am not wearing any..." Pam tried to say as Miriam pulled down the dress to reveal the naked breasts, Miriam paused to admire them "...knickers!" she grinned as she helped Miriam pull the dress down onto the floor.

"Your fucking gorgeous!" Miriam stated as she wobbled back to the chair and picked up the Malibu bottle and took a long gulp. As the random music jumped to "Murder on the dancefloor" as Miriam started to dance incredibly badly.

Pam bashfully smiled and then relaxed a little and started to bop around the room, her naked breasts and bottom jigging around as she danced naked around the middle of the room.

"Yay, let's get you the tequila!" Miriam grinned as she danced her way to the cupboard.

Pam clapped her hands together and giggled and danced around the chair.


"Shush!" Miriam said as front slammed door shut as outside Brian carefully escorted Pam down the path and inside Miriam swayed into her office pausing to take a gulp straight from the bottle of Malibu and then licked her lips as she looked down at the floor "My very lovely darling babes, your still there!" Miriam announced as she looked down on the floor and then in trying to get down, slid down the door frame and giggled as she landed on the floor beside Michelle.

Michelle opened her eyes and yawned, coughed, spluttered and stretched "Oh fuck, oh hello babes is it time for...err...err?" Michelle scratched her messy mop of hair.

Miriam laughed and then groaned. "No silly babes," she shook her head "Fucking Malibu, ugh I've just done her for you!" She grinned and put down the bottle between her legs, picked up the untouched water glass and took a gulp and passed it back to Michelle.

"Oh, I see my tongue feels crap and I am thirsty, and I am all fat!" She grinned as she tried to shuffle about in her still soaked clothes and pulled her blouse up over her small pot belly and as she squeezed it she giggled again.

"That is all because of our vodka and pizza diet!" Miriam grinned.

"It's nice isn't it, the pizza I mean" she looked vaguely happy. "Is it coming yet?"

"Babes If I can still work the phone, we can order it...maybe we should have salad tomorrow babes?"

"Oh, one of those meat feasts with chicken dippers would be nice and I am still very thirsty!" She grinned hopeful for some more vodka.

Miriam shook her head "Babes, we should drink the rest of the water first!" She said picking up and taking a swig from the Malibu and burping loudly.

"But babes I was good on the vodka?"

"Yeah, I know, but look at you?"

"Yeah, look at you too, you're nearly naked!" she giggled.

"Babes," she shook her head "I am wery pissed wet on wine and Malibu and sticky soaked in cola, and I promise I am never, ever, never, doing it again for you!" She paused, brought her hand to her mouth and burped loudly, then wiped her face with her arm.

"Why, it's so much fun." Michelle giggled as she tried to get up before falling flat on her squelchy ass again and groaned.

Miriam heaved her soaking wet bottom onto Michelle's legs keeping her on the ground and climbed up and shuffled closer to her whilst she looked down at her partner "I love you babes being blasted drunk most nights, but babes..." she leant down and kissed her on the lips. "I really, really do not like it myself." She tried to sound formal, and bent down as passionately kissed Michelle on the lips. She broke the kiss and smiled an evil grin before kissing her passionately on the lips as pee gushed out of her already sodden now dark blue gusset all over Michelle's equally wet legs.


Miriam scampered bleary eyed groaning from the bathroom in just her silk pyjama shorts to the kitchen sink and turned the tap on and tilted her head and guzzled the water lapping up as much as she could, the excess water poured out of her cheeks and into the bowl as she wolfed the water.

"Morning babes!" Michelle called out over the sound of the flush and the splashing water pouring in the sink as she staggered naked into the bathroom and with the door wide open peed forcefully and noisily into the toilet.

Shaking her hands dry in the air she padded into the kitchen and looked at Michelle still gulping water as if her life depended on it.

"Save some for me!" Michelle grinned as she picked up and shook the kettle, nodded and put it down and flicked the switch.

"How the fucks are you okay?" Miriam asked with the water dripping out of her mouth, she wiped it with her arm and held on the counter for support.

"I am..." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, I am never ever covering for you again..." Miriam wiped her face again and groaned. "I just can't drink like you!"

"I would have been fine, but Babes you said it was a sofa day today anyway?" Michelle asked as she got the mugs from the cupboard banging them on the counter.

Miriam winced at the thud, "Yeah, babes, quiet with the mugs, yeah babes?"

Michelle smiled as she poured the hot water in the mugs "Well babes, chill and have a coffee!" she chuckled whilst looking up at the cupboard. "Oh, maybe with a nice pick me up of a shot of Baileys?"

Miriam faux urged "Just the coffee for me!"


Catlin and Tina sat nervously in the chair opposite Michelle, both nibbling at their cuticles as the clock ticked over to four o'clock.

Michelle smiled. "So firstly, thank you for keeping coming back, some don't last the course, I hope you have enjoyed these sessions?"

Both Tina and Catlin nodded their heads. Before placing the hands firmly between their thighs as they silently smiled. Both were sitting there dressed in simple white t-shirts and black leggings as they placed their arms down by their sides.

"This is our final session before you go off to university. So, I am not going to lie to you, we are going to push your alcohol boundaries a little bit. I know you were sick last week after the cigarette, but hey please don't panic, it happens. We will try again this week and I can almost guarantee you will be sick again. But...here is the big but...we are going to have a lot of fun reaching that destination, and we will keep drinking through it! Do you have any questions?"

Tina gently coughed "Is it wise for us both to get sick again? We felt awful last week." She frowned and nibbled on her cuticle again.

Michelle chuckled and leaned forward with both arms on the desk "Ah, the two-day hangover!" she smiled "It does happen, but we had fun with..." she paused and glanced down at her notes "...the twister didn't we?"

"Yes, I guess we did, didn't we?" Tina looked at Caitlin who nodded in agreement.

"So, have you been practicing? Have you found any drinks you like?" Michelle asked as she leant back in her office chair and gently swung from side to side.

"We've been sharing a bottle of wine each night, haven't we?" Tina smiled at Caitlin.

"Yeah, we even opened the second one on Saturday night, didn't we?" Caitlin grinned.

"Well yes, we did!" Tina smiled as she looked back at Michelle.

Michelle nodded in appreciation and clapped her hands together "Great, so can either of you sew?"

"Pardon?" Caitlin stated and giggled.

"Well, I have done in the past?" Tina asked bemusedly.

Michelle beamed "Great!" as she pulled open her draw and pulled out two sets of black leggings and threw them across the desk.

"What?" Caitlin looked on with bemusement holding one set of leggings in her arms.

Michelle nodded "Well, Miriam and I tried to do some exercise for the first time yesterday in years and our fat arses split our leggings!"

"Sorry, you want us to fix your leggings whilst we drink?" Tina asked.

Michelle nodded as she pulled out the bottle of wine from her draw. "Yes, I provide the wine and company, and you can help us?" she grinned as she poured three large glasses of white wine.

"Mum, you are going to need to help me!" Caitlin stated with panic in her tone.

"Excellent!" Michelle stated as she rubbed her hands together and picked up her wine glass.


Tina stood up and unravelled the leggings down "Tada!" she grinned as she praised herself in her achievement.

"Oh Mum, that's not fair!" Caitlin replied as she looked up and picked up the wine glass and took a gulp, placed the glass back on the table and then looked back at her needle still trying to sew the crotch on the leggings.

"Are those the sixteen?" Michelle asked

Tina looked at the label on the inside. "Nah they're the twelves!"

"Great, they are Miriam's..." she winked, "I will try them on!" Michelle grinned as she stood up behind the desk and dropped her linen trousers to the floor as Tina passed the leggings back across the desk. Then fussed Tina into passing the other leggings across as Tina picked up her wine and gulped it down as she watched Michelle huffing as she was tugging at the leggings. She stood up and pulled the far too tight leggings up over her hips, they were stretched to a much fine denier highlighting her bright green knickers through them. "Well done Tina, the hole is holding!"

"There you go Cat, see your old mum can sew!" Tina smiled as she finally sewed the hole up in the other item of clothing.

"Well done!" Michelle clasped her hands together. "So today, as it's the last session with you, we are going to play the scale." She grinned and then tugged again at her overly tight leggings up towards her hips.

"Pardon?" Tina asked looking around the room for piano or musical instruments.

Michelle smiled, picked up her wine and gulped some down and licked her lips "Give me a few minutes to set this up!" and she slid out from behind her desk and headed to the fridge and cupboard, wiggling her hips to a song in her head as she went.


Michelle smiled as she walked back from the shelf carrying her wine glass. "So, are you two ready for the next phase?" She asked as she stepped to the side to show off the shelf with an assortment of glasses.

"Wow, okay, shite mum!" Caitlin stated as she stared at the drinks in order. There was a pint of lager, a large glass of red wine, a small glass of fizzing wine, a glass of triple Malibu and coke followed by two shots of vodka.

"So, the plan is a little race where you start with the beer and the drinks get smaller, but they get stronger, it's a night out condensed!" Michelle grinned.

"Well that's easy!" Tina said, glancing at the clock and then the drinks.

"Right...well, just to make it a little more interesting for everyone" Michelle smiled "No drinks in the toilet room, if you put you drink down to dance or go to the toilet, or be sick or..." she looked at Caitlin "light a cigarette, I will instantly top it back up for you."

"So, finish the drink, then piss or smoke?" Caitlin said as she sauntered over carrying her nearly empty wine glass as she followed her mum and Michelle.

Michelle gulped the rest of her wine from her glass and placed it on the shelf. "So, are you both ready?"

Tina and Caitlin looked at each other and nodded.

"Ready steady go!"


Tina burped and wiped her mouth with her arm. "Well that's the pint done." She smiled as Caitlin finished shortly afterwards.

"Good skills!" Michelle grinned as she twiddled her wine glass between her fingers.

"Mum, come on let's go to the loo now, before we start the wine...otherwise, you know she will top it up!" Caitlin said as Tina reached for the wine glass.

"Nah, come on Cat, we can do this!" She smiled as she picked up the glass and took a gulp.

"Are you sure mum?"



Miriam smiled as she boiled the kettle again watching the screen as the steam and bubbles made the kettle bounce on its stand. Once the lever clicked, she poured the water into the mug and stirred, trying to keep one eye on the mug and the other on bright screen CCTV of what was going on next door. With a splash of milk in the top she hugged the mug and padded back to her chair, she settled down, she clicked on the mouse to change the screen, smiled as she brought the mug to her lips as she settled in to carry on watching the action.


With the toilet door open and cistern hissing and echoing Michelle walked back from the toilet, still tugging at the overly tight leggings against her large muffin top, the crotch of the leggings highlighting her now evident camel toe from tight green underwear. She picked up her wine glass as Tina frowned at them.

"No, sorry Cat, with that dripping noise I can't hold it any longer. I really thought I could hold it, but call it childbirth." Tina squeezed her thighs together