Miracle Cream Ch. 03


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"What hon... what're ya doing?" Cassy asked in a sexy purr when she turned back around, noting how Zoe was still bent over her eyes level with her sex.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Zoe inquired, rising to her full height, noting how Cassy had already pulled up the style and her size on her phone as she did.

"More like show you, kind of the reason I've been moody, shut up," Cassy quickly said when Cory cast her a look. "It's why we haven't... you know," she whispered, stepping closer to Zoe. "So how about we leave these two to do... whatever, and I'll show you, hmm?"

"Sorry for blowing up like that, Cory," Zoe said, quickly scooping up Cassy's clothes. "But there're matter's that I must attend to." Leaning into him, pressing her lips against Cory's ear. "Give it to her, Cory. It's something a girlfriend should wear," she whispered low before dragging Cassy off to her room.

"Cory, just what kind of girl were you going to give that to?" Dayana asked, stepping into his room and closing his door behind her. "And why didn't you give it to me? I love Vivienne's Closet of Corsets?!"

"Can we not talk about that, please? I've mentioned her enough already in one day. She doesn't need any more recognition than she's already received," Cory said bitterly.

"You really liked her, didn't you?" Dayana asked; her bookbag slipped from her shoulder before finding its home on his floor as she neared him. "Shh, I understand; I won't ask about her," she said, sliding into his lap. "She doesn't matter anymore, she's your past, and I'm the present and future," Dayana cooed in a loving tone as she softly caressed her brother's face. "Cory, your girlfriend is sitting in your lap, aren't you supposed to do something?" she asked in a coy tone. Her lips had been aching to feel his ever since they left this morning for school. She was so thankful that their afternoon classes got canceled. Hers due to her Professor's wife going into labor and Zoe's had to attend a doctorate panel. Otherwise, she would have so been yearning for this all through her class. Pressing herself tighter against him, sensuously tasting the man she was in love with. Her eyes flew wide when her hand rested over his right, not feeling that cold metal of his splint. "Cory?! Does this mean... does this mean your finger..."

"Have to take it easy 'til Thursday 'til the doc can get another x-ray, but yeah, don't have to wear it anymore," Cory stated, seeing the growing smile on his sister's lips.

"Then that means I can finally do this," Dayana said, gently plucking his hand off the armrest and bringing it up to her left breast. "Feel it, Cory, feel your girlfriend," she purred in want as she placed his palm against it. The moment his hand touched it, she felt a spark, a spark she hadn't felt with anyone before. Telling her that she had chosen correctly even if it was wrong in society's view. "Oh, Cory, yes, fondle it," she whispered, tilting her head back enjoying the feel of her brother's hand. "I've been waiting so long for this moment," Dayana sighed in happiness.


"Why shouldn't I?" Turning her chin towards him, a warm, loving smile appeared on her lips as she gazed at him. "I feel the touch of my boyfriend on my body," her breath shuddered when Cory tweaked her nipple, "why wouldn't I be happy just to feel it, hmm?" Dayana asked, guiding his hand down her body, spreading her legs, resting his hand over her mound. "When you're the only one that's ever going to get to fuck this again. Told you, Cory, we are going to be together for a very long time. So... do you still have that teddy?" she queried in a sly tone.

"Was wondering when you were going to ask. You might want to get up," Cory said, lightly rubbing on her clit. Listening to her deep rumbling purr that told him she wanted more, yet she did want to see that teddy.

Dayana watched how he was rummaging through the items he had stored on the top shelf of his closet. That was until her brother pulled out another black box with the same silvery letters that she was very familiar with. Grinning in her mind at the folly of whoever the woman was that lost out on this.

"I don't know what the big deal is..."

"Vivienne's Closet of Corsets is a very big deal, Cory, especially if you're on a budget like college students and still want to feel sexy," Dayana said in a sisterly voice.

"So, I take it you have a lot of their stuff?" Cory asked, handing the box to her.

"Yes, but never a teddy. That's something a boyfriend should get for his girlfriend," Dayana said in a sly tone as she ran her hand over the top of the box. Knowing she was going to cherish this teddy, knowing this was the first step in truly cementing their relationship. Tonight would show the world who she belongs to even if they didn't know it. Walking over to her brother's bed, gently laying the box on it, and pulling off the lid. Her hands flew to her face, covering her mouth, muffling her gasp as she stared down at the translucent white flowery designs that dominated where it would sit over a woman's breasts, knowing it had to be from the same style that Cassy was wearing given how the teddy looked similar to it. "Cory?!" Her voice trembled as her eyes fell onto her brother.

"What did the moths eat it or something..." Cory was nearly knocked over due to the force of the collision of his sister's body into his when she embraced him hard.

"It's so beautiful?!" Dayana whispered into his hair as she held her brother against her. So very happy that that girl did not get that teddy. It seemed to her she was destined to get it in the end, or that's what she was going with, and no one could change her mind on that. "Cory?!" His name left his lips in a bashful whisper when she felt his right hand taking hold of her ass. "You like that ass, don't ya li'l brother?" Dayana purred in a seductive tone with a smile to match it. Her eyes widened then narrowed at the soft spank he landed upon it. "You might get a surprise later tonight when we get back from the party," she said, getting another toe curling kiss in before she plucked the box from his bed and sashayed towards the door. "My date better look outstanding; he should want to impress everyone that I am his woman," Dayana stated, peering back at her brother before she opened the door and left his room.

Cory just stood there, unsure what to make of all this, as he ran his hand through his hair. Grinning at the fact he could now do that without his splint getting caught in his hair. Looking over to his still open closet, his eyes falling on his black, silk Tommy Bahama shirt he hasn't worn for some time. The last time he did, his date wasn't all that spectacular, and after that, he wasn't all that interested in a repeat performance. Walking over to his closet bringing his shirt up to his nose, wrenching his head back when he smelled the mild staleness and mildew of the fabric given how long it's been sitting. The hangers resounded off the wooden pole they hung on as he slid his clothes to the side, looking for the pair of Dickies flex relaxed fit pants he would always wear with the shirt. Knowing if it smelled like that, then his pants would too, given they both had been hanging in his closet for the same amount of time. Tossing the items onto the bed, then headed back to his closet and pulling out his nice pair of black men's Oxfords dress shoes. If he was going to be her date, and if his sister was so adamant about being his girlfriend. Then it seemed to him he just couldn't show up underdressed, now could he?

"Dad?" Cory called out as he ambled down the stairs, ignoring the sounds he heard coming from behind Zoe's closed door.

"Something wrong, Cory?" Jairo asked, quickly bolting into action.

"No, just need some help," Cory said when he stepped onto the ground floor. Seeing the relief in his father's eyes that he didn't have another setback.

"Sure, son, what do ya need a hand with?" Jairo asked, eyeing the clothes that were draped over his son's arm and the shoes that dangled from Cory's fingers.

"Well, you and Mom told me not to do my own laundry anymore... so could you like wash these for me?" Cory asked, holding out the clothes that lined his arm. Seeing that smile appearing on his father's face remembering that day. "Also, I can't really put a shine on these shoes with just one hand," he said, holding them up.

"Ah, sure, Cory, that'll be no problem, come on," Jairo said, not hiding his mirth that his boy was asking him for help when Cory hadn't done so in so many years. "So... what's with the outfit?" he asked, reading the tag on the shirt, so he didn't ruin it. He didn't want to upset his son if he just tossed it in and started the machine.

"Got a date," Cory said in a shy tone as he looked away.

"That so?" Jairo mused as he turned the knob on the washer to the delicate cycle. Seeing his son slyly nodding that he did. "Well, then I best make sure you got a mirror finish on those shoes, huh?" he spoke, peering over at his son with a warm smile on his lips. Very glad that his son trusted him enough to help him prepare for his date. Something his own father had helped him out with when he too started dating. Hoping that this would lead to more chances to grow closer to his son, to mend the rift he and his wife had unwittingly caused. "Now, while that's going, let's go get those shoes of yours sparkling, huh? You know your grandfather helped me out when I was just a boy going out on my first date," Jairo said, laying his arm along his son's shoulders as they walked towards the stairs.


"Cory, come on, let's get your bath done so we ladies can hog it before we leave," Cassy said with a wide grin on her lips as she stood in his doorway.

"Alright," Cory muttered, pausing his game, knowing there were only three hours left before they left to go to this party of theirs. "So, did Zoe like the set?" he asked as Cassy led him to the bathroom he shared with his sisters.

"Not telling," Cassy cooed from over her shoulder with a wide smile on her lips. "You know I'm going to miss this," she stated as she was washing his back.

"Really? Kind of weird how you enjoy washing my butt crack," Cory joked, feeling the playful slap on his right shoulder.

"Don't be gross?!"

"What, thought that was what you were into, Pixie," Cory replied, his chuckle echoing off the bathroom walls.

"You know if I didn't know better, I would say you liked me," Cassy taunted as she soaped up his ass.

"Same could be said with all 'em rude remarks levied at me. Makes me wonder if you aren't yearning for something, maybe something long and hard, hmm?" Cory countered.

"Shut up," Cassy stammered, feeling her face growing hot, knowing that was true.

"Kind of makes me wonder why you want to keep me single when you're dating Zoe. Methinks you just want it all to yourself, huh?" Cory teased, turning around so she could wash his front and wash his hair last which Cassy always did. "I think you do since you can't pull your eyes away from it," he said, watching how ripe Cassy's face was getting when it was true her eyes were on his cock.

"Can't help it, Cory," Cassy pouted, hating that he constantly was right when he called her out. No, not that he was right. That would just be petty. It's just it sort of felt like Cory knew her like a boyfriend would know his girlfriend with the way he came back at her.

"Can't help what? The rude comments or the fact you haven't taken your eyes off of this?" Cory inquired, giving his hips a little shake, causing his manhood to sway. Wondering if he could hypnotize her with the way those eyes were following it. Cory's deep lime green eyes held mirth in them when Cassy placed her hand over his mouth to stop him from talking.

"I think you just like showing it off to me. I think you just want me to drop to my knees and suck this cock off. Why else do you always get hard in my hand when I wash you?" Cassy asked, noting how his hands moved and the look in his eyes that silently told her: 'I'm a guy; it likes what it likes.' "Maybe my reasons are selfish for wanting you to stay single. Maybe you're right in that regard," ignoring how Cory's eyebrows rose in his mirth at that, "that doesn't mean I don't want to see you happy. You are my friend, you know, as annoying as you can sometimes be. Yes, you are annoying," she spoke, remembering the conversation they had when they were at his doctor's office to see if his staples could come out. "But you do have your moments. So if the time comes when you do happen to find yourself a girlfriend, I promise I will back off totally. As much as I will miss this thing," Cassy sighed as she caressed his cock.

"Do you want to shave?" Cassy asked as she dried him off.

"Yeah, you think I'd go out looking scruffy?" Cory answered from the depths of the towel.

"Okay, where do you keep your shaving cream?"

"Cabinet below the sink, otherwise they will just use it all to shave... well, you know," Cory said as Cassy carefully dried his chest. "How's it looking?" he asked when she was examining his wounds.

"You're healing nicely; I was very worried for a while that you would pick up an infection with that large of a wound."

"You know, if you keep playing with them like that, I'm counting it as foreplay," Cory uttered sinfully as she cradled his balls.

"I might let you," Cassy shot back with a coy smile on her lips as she ran the towel down his right leg. "Too tight?" she asked in a warm tone as she wrapped the towel around him, to which Cory shook his head. "Okay, where do you want me to apply it too?" Nodding when he showed her where to apply the shaving cream on his face. "You don't shave upwards?" Cassy inquired in a quizzical tone as she watched on. She's never seen a man shave before, not her father nor her stepfather.

"No, you go with the grain, not against it, or you'll get razor bumps," Cory said, repeating what his father had shown him when he was eight, standing at his parent's bathroom sink watching his father shave. He had tried the other way just to see if it was just an old wives' tale; however, at least to him, it proved to be true. He couldn't say with other men; he just knew if he went against the grain, he would get bad razor bumps in return.



"Hey," sticking his head into his parent's bedroom, "mind if I use your bathroom for a minute?" Cory asked, seeing how his mother was folding and putting away hers and his father's clean clothes after dinner.

"What's wrong with yours?" Celeste asked, slyly noting the attire her son was wearing.

"Zoe and Cassy are hogging it, or would you rather hear their screams as I barge in there? I can do that, ya know," Cory stated, pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

"No, I'd rather keep my eardrums intact," Celeste answered, fighting back her smile. "So your father said you had a date tonight. Is that why you're all dolled up?" she asked as she folded Jairo's shirt and placed it on the stack that was currently growing.

"Yeah." Celeste heard her son's voice from the depths of her bathroom.

"And why have I never seen such an outfit before?"

"Do I have to remind you of the past five years?"

"No... but why do you get dressed up for Dayana? Huh?" Celeste spoke, letting him know she knew who his date was with.

"Aren't you like married? I know you are, since Dad is downstairs, sounds like you're jealous," Cory retorted as he styled his hair. "So, are you telling me I should go out looking like a slob?"

"No, I'm not saying that?!" Celeste stammered, feeling her cheeks heating when her son asked that. It was just wrong that Dayana got the whale she's been seeking since she has become sexually active when she knew firsthand how well she could and would always please it. "Just that, what about me?" she pouted, knowing this would end her access to his monster.

"What about you?"

"If you and Dayana start dating, then that means I'll..."

"Is that what you're worried about?" Cory asked, appearing in the doorway of the bathroom with his shirt buttoned and his hair spiked and gelled in a way that framed his face rather handsomely.

Celeste's head nodded vehemently, feeling her nipples hardening at how handsome her son looked just standing there. A little jealous that her daughter was getting the unicorn she's sought after all these years.

"Dayana's already given me the go-ahead to keep fucking my sluts. You are my slut, aren't you?" Cory asked with a cocky grin on his face. Again, he was met with his mother's vehement nod, causing her long sandy blond hair to bounce wildly against her chest. "Then you don't need to worry," he said, wearing a smirk as he walked out of his parent's bedroom.

"We'll be ready in ten minutes!" Zoe cried out as she and Cassy raced to her room, knowing they spent far too much time in the bathroom. Was it her fault that she couldn't keep her hands off her woman's pussy? Zoe didn't think so.

"Cory, head downstairs, please?!" Dayana called from within her room as she inserted her left silver hoop earring into the hole in her earlobe. She wanted to make that jaw of his drop, and she knew the dress she was wearing would do just that. It was a dress she had been saving for a special event, and she couldn't think of a more wondrous event than the first date with her boyfriend.


"Just do it!" Smiling when Dayana heard Zoe backing her up.

"Fine, fine." Biting her lip, hearing her brother's grumble as Dayana heard him leaving his room. Her hands moved quickly as she put her blonde hair up into a french twist. The pad of her finger trailed lightly down the loose strand of hair she left free to draw her brother's gaze to her face. Her Baja Bound, coral pink colored lipstick glided along her lips as she stared at herself in her mirror. Knowing she could kiss him as much as she wanted without worrying about it smearing. Applying a light blush to her cheeks, and all the other products she normally wore when dolling herself up for a date. She walked out of her room with a minute to spare, only to see Zoe and Cassy leaving her room.

"Are you trying to give Dad a heart attack?!" Zoe exclaimed as her eyes ran down her sister's body.

"Damn, Dayana?! Where the hell did you pull that dress out from?!" Cassy asked, wearing a form fitting black dress complimenting Zoe's tight midnight blue one.

"Oh, this old thing," Dayana smirked confidently at the looks on their faces as she walked past. "It's been hanging in my closet, just never saw a need to wear it until now," she mused, seeing how Zoe's hand shot to Cassy's eyes, covering them knowing how the waistband of her white thong showed half an inch above where the lower half of the dress rested on her hips and showed how that triangle patch led the viewers gaze downward to the exposed part of her ass that the open back of the dress displayed a large percentage of her skin. Given how her top was more like a bra only covering Dayana's breasts, causing the sides of Dayana's 32Bs to be shown given how the thin straps rested lightly on her shoulders with only a two-inch strip of the same material connecting the top and the lower half of the dress together. Her fingertips danced lightly along the handrail that was connected to the wall of the stairwell. Dayana hoped it would get the same reaction out of Cory as it had with her sister and Cassy. Her heart was racing; her nerves were on end as she neared the ground floor. "Cory? Are you by the door?" Dayana called out to him.

"Where else would I be?" Fighting back her smile at his reply as her white heel touched upon the ground floor. How her eyes shone, her heart fluttered, a sensuous smile spread along her lips at how those eyes of his ran up and down her body. The way his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water when Cory just stood there speechless, exactly what she was going for. Watching how his eyes dropped to her hips as she sauntered to him, her hips swaying alluringly as she did, knowing where his hands would always be, either beside her, in front of her, or behind her making her scream. Her eyes ran along his gelled hair, something she didn't know he did; she liked it. It made her eyes linger on how handsome her brother had gotten without her even noticing. Down his Tommy Bahama shirt, his black Dickies pants, her eyes shot up, arching an eyebrow at how well dressed he seemed to be. Knowing he had done so for her and only for her.
