Miracle Cream Ch. 03


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"Dayana, go change?!" Jairo barked when he finally looked over at what was taking place at the door. "Right this..."

"Hush, Jairo, there's nothing wrong with it; she isn't showing anything off that anyone wouldn't see in a bathing suit," Celeste chided, coming to her daughter's defense.

"But...?!" Jairo uttered in a fatherly tone, gesturing how low the dress sat on her ass.

"It's fine, again nothing anyone wouldn't see if she was in a swimsuit," Celeste said, slyly taking note of how stunned her son was and the pleased look on her daughter's face. Turning her husband's chin away and back to the show, they were enjoying at the moment. She was hoping to have a very quiet night with her husband with all the kids out of the house.

"If you drink, Cory, you drive your sisters home, you hear?" Jairo spoke in a stern fatherly tone.

"Okay." Was the only word that Cory could think of as those dark hunter green eyes of his sister's had him mesmerized. He could tell she was so amused at his befuddlement.

"Now, come on, I know where you'll be sitting," Dayana said, reaching out, turning Cory towards the door as she heard Zoe and Cassy coming down the steps. Hearing her parents telling the two of them to be safe and to be back before midnight as she walked arm in arm to Cassy's car. She was so loving how he was slyly glancing at her as they did. She didn't stop him. Why should she? Her boyfriend could check her out as much as he wanted to.

Cassy kept her perplexed look to herself as she noted how Dayana was acting around Cory. As well as Cory's odd behavior, something didn't feel right to her. Knowing she was going to have to keep an eye on Dayana, seeing how she was the one showing the signs. Cory, at least to her, seemed to be more sneaky about it.

"So, where we off to?" Cassy asked, sliding into the driver's seat after helping Zoe into the passenger seat. Which earned her a flash of Zoe's matching panties, something she was very eagerly waiting to peel off.

"You know where the Phi Beta Chi house is on campus?" Dayana said, seeing Cassy's head snapping up, her eyes staring at her in the rear view mirror.

"Really?! Those girls?!" Cassy quickly turned in her seat to peer at her.

"I'm guessing I'm missing something here," Cory uttered, feeling left out of the loop.

"They're pretty much into Jesus, Cory; you sure that's where the party is?" Cassy asked once again.

"Yeah, been to a few of them," Dayana nodded. "Just because they're into God and all doesn't mean they don't throw a kick-ass party," she said with a coy smile.

"They just don't come off as party girls," Cassy said, turning back around.

"Yeah, I know, that's the way they like it, so their house isn't crashed by the frat boys looking to score, so they only invite people they know, who've been to their parties before," Zoe said as Cassy backed out of the driveway.

"You know this how?" Cassy asked when she pointed her car towards the college.

"Ann's taken us to a few of their parties. They're a little more open behind closed doors than you might think," Zoe said cryptically. Hoping that her ex-boyfriend wouldn't be there, given how that was where she met him in the first place -- at a college party that he liked to use to pick up women.

"Well, if it's as good as you say it is, you'll have to introduce me to this friend of yours, Dayana," Cassy said, smiling at her in the rear view mirror. Not voicing that, she could see how Dayana reached across the seat and took hold of Cory's hand. She suspected Dayana wouldn't have done so if she thought she couldn't see.

"Sure," Dayana answered, looking out the window, making Cassy believe she wasn't currently holding Cory's hand and loving the feel of it in her hand.


"Awful quiet for a party going on," Cassy mused when they pulled along the curb on the other side of the street from Phi Beta Chi sorority house.

"Yeah, their parties might not be loud, but they're fun as hell?!" Zoe said, smiling at her girlfriend. "Plus, it kind of keeps party crashers from appearing if they don't think a party is going on."

"Ah, yeah, that does make sense," Cassy muttered as she cut the engine off. Looking up when her driver's side door opened. "Look at you being all gentlemanly tonight."

"Or I'm just showing everyone I've tamed the Pixie Queen," Cory said, making sure there wasn't a car coming. He didn't want to end up like Greg's son.

"Not on your life," Cassy snorted as she slid her hand into his offered one. Keeping the hem of her dress pushed down as she swung her legs out. Zoe or Cory was only allowed to see her pussy no one else from their school. "But thank you, I knew you couldn't be an ass all the time," she teased, getting an amused grin out of him. It seemed they were destined for a tit-for-tat kind of friendship, something she could live with.

"Cory?" Dayana spoke as she walked around the rear of Cassy's car, slyly waving to him to join her side. "You're supposed to open your girlfriend's door first," she hissed low into his ear.

"Do you want Cassy to know?" Cory shot back.

"Fine, we'll play it safe when she's around, but when we're alone, I come first," Dayana said in a pouting voice as Cassy and Zoe ambled towards the sorority house.

"Alright, alright, geez..." Swallowing hard when that fire in her eyes appeared. "Yes, Dayana, boyfriend material all the way," Cory stated, feeling his sphincter latching down at the look his sister was giving him. Wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into.

"Listen here and listen good, Cory. I do not care what anyone thinks of our relationship. You don't like having to repeat yourself, well, neither do I. So I will only say this one more time. You are my boyfriend. You got that?" Poking him in his chest, "I expect to be treated like your girlfriend as I am and should be treated as; it's hurtful when you open doors for Cassy and not me," Dayana said, softening her tone.

"Yeah, I can see how that would be. That's my bad, sorry," Cory said after a moment of reflection.

"As long as you understand, I don't care what you do with your sluts, but when I get dressed like this, it isn't for anyone else but you," Dayana said, stepping closer to him. "You think some random guy warrants me dressing so hot, hmm? Why else would you dress so nicely if you didn't think this was a date, huh? Stop fighting it, Cory, and just accept the fact that we're together now, and there is nothing you can do to stop it," she said with devilish glee.

"Dayana!" Ann shouted from the steps of the sorority house. Bounding down them, walking hurriedly along the pathway, greeting Zoe... doing a double take at how the woman with her was hanging onto her. She had no idea Zoe was like that.

Cory cast his sister a glance when Ann came into view. He's met a few of his sister's college friends who were mostly the shallow, petty, self-centered type of people who tended to be into their looks far more than their brains. He wasn't expecting Ann to be this slightly chubby woman with raven hair and thick glasses. Not that he saw anything wrong with her, it just took him aback for a moment that his sister wasn't as shallow as he once perceived her to be.

"Told you, Cory, I've changed, with that, means the people I surround myself with. You showed me what you were willing to sacrifice to keep me and Zoe safe from those men. I have to show you that I, too, can make drastic changes in my life to be able to stand beside the man that put his life on the line for me," Dayana said, slipping her hand into his. Feeling how he willingly accepted how her fingers interlaced with his. She knew this was so out of left field for him, yet she was happy that he was willing to try for her. "Hello, Ann," she greeted as she and Ann hugged when she neared.

"I take it this is the 'beast?'" Ann asked, giving Cory a once over.

"The what? Did you go off and give me a weird-ass nickname?" Cory asked, looking at his sister, who just looked away innocently. "You know I much prefer for it to be called the dragon," he stated, putting on airs and sticking his nose into the air.

"Dragon, huh?!" Ann mused.

"Oh yeah, it spits and everything," Cory replied with a friendly smile.

"Yes, Dayana's showed me," Ann muttered, her eyes glancing down, noticing a slight movement in his pants. "I'm Ann, by the way," she introduced herself as she held out her hand to him.

"Cory," he greeted.

"Dayana, can I please, just once?" Ann asked; she's been dying to know what that kind of cock would feel like.

"Umm... I think I have a say in this," Cory said, staring at his sister as she once again looked away. "Would you like it if I promised one of my friends they could feel you up? We'll discuss this later." Seeing the shame flooding her cheeks when he said that. "So you want to feel my dragon, huh? Is that what she promised you?" he asked, nodding over to his sister.

"Sort of, and yes, yes I do," Ann nodded vehemently.

"And you're okay with another woman touching my junk?" Cory asked with a pointed look.

"When I'm the one that said she could... not that I'm saying I'm trying to control you, Cory," quickly adding when that eyebrow of his rose, "then yes, I'm okay with it," Dayana nodded.

"Alright..." Looking down when Ann didn't waste a second as her hand latched onto his covered manhood. "Really? Right out in the open?"

"Why not, it's dark enough, no one's going to see," Ann spoke, running her hand up and down his length, still feeling it growing in her hand. "God, what I wouldn't give to feel this inside of me," she muttered to herself as she felt how thick Cory was. "And you can handle this... dragon?!" Ann uttered, casting Dayana a look.

"Mmmhmm, can't I, baby," Dayana purred as the backs of her fingers brushed lightly down Cory's left cheek.

"Yeah, you do like cumming on it, don't you?" Cory said sinfully, watching his sister's eyes widen when he rolled her right ass cheek in his left hand. Shooting his sister a devilish smirk when he slipped his index finger below the back of the dress and was brushing it along her ass cheek.

"Cory?!" Dayana uttered in a bashful tone.

"What? You said I could touch my girlfriend all I wanted, right? Or were you lying to me?" Cory asked, putting her on the defensive. "Don't you think that's enough?" he inquired when Ann was still rubbing his cock.

"Nah-uh, it'll never be enough with this kind of dragon. I want it to roar for me," Ann purred, only to have her wrist taken hold by Dayana.

"I said you could touch it, Ann. Not jack my boyfriend off," Dayana intoned in a protective tone.

"Sorry, sorry, Dayana, just got carried away, won't happen again," Ann said, backing away.

"It's okay; I know what it's like when it's in your hand," Dayana spoke, softening her tone.

"Oh? What's it like?" Cory asked, seeing the heat flooding her cheeks when Dayana quickly looked away.

"Anywho... we're missing the party," Dayana said, taking Cory by the arm, with Ann chatting along as they approached the front door.

The music was the first thing that greeted them as they entered. Leading Cory around the first floor introducing him to people she knew and introducing him as her boyfriend. Noting the look Cory was giving her when she detailed the night at the beach when they asked how Cory had injured his hand.

"Are you trying to get me eaten?" Cory whispered to his sister at the looks in the sorority sisters' eyes.

"I think you'll survive," Dayana said, moving closer to him. Feeling her body heating when his left hand rested on the small of her back. Thanking Ann for the beer, she brought her as she snuggled up to Cory and saw how she handed Cory a soda since he was driving. After fifteen minutes of standing and chatting away, they were on the move again. Her eyes looked around for her sister and Cassy since they hadn't seen them since entering the sorority house. Wondering what the two of them were doing. "Oh?!" Her eyes lit up when the DJ, who was one of the sorority sisters, announced the new song on the playlist.

Cory was pulled along by his sister as Dayana dragged him onto the dance floor. Arching an eyebrow when she mouthed along to the intro to Lady Gaga's 'Lovegame.' It wasn't the type of music he normally danced to, that didn't mean he couldn't keep up with his sister. Although, when the song got to the chorus, the way she moved her hips and how she rolled her stomach truly hand him enthralled to the point of stupefaction. Nonetheless, he wasn't about to be outdone by his sister. Busting out his best moves, noting how Dayana's mouth dropped open after he came out of his spin, and saw how his pants detailed his dragon as he moved. Knowing where it would be lodged later that night.

Dayana was breathing heavily into Cory's ear as she swayed her ass against her brother's groin. Her back was pressed lightly against his chest, feeling his thumbs brushing along the tops of her hips. Her fingertips skimmed down Cory's left cheek as his lips plucked along her neck. Unaware of a pair of deep glacial blue eyes spying on them from where she and Zoe were hanging out.

It was around 10:30 when a ruckus was taking place. Cory pushed his way through the crowd as he heard Zoe's voice on the air. It wasn't the kind that was filled with mirth; no, it was the tone that put him in the mode to kick someone's ass. A look of fright was in Dayana's eyes as she worried for her sister and what Cory was going to do. She had no wish for Cory to prolong his recovery. He had already done so much for them; Dayana didn't want Cory to stack more on himself. However, that worry was never going to form as Cory and Dayana just stood there in shock as they watched how Cassy was laying down the hurt on someone.

"Don't you ever, ever lay your hand on my girl, ever again?!" Cassy roared as she stood over the man.

"Zoe!" Dayana shouted, rushing over to her sister's side when she saw how Zoe was on the floor holding the left side of her face with the sorority girls ringing her.

"Oh, it's the cheating, lying douche that seems he can't keep his hands to himself," Cory spoke in a dark tone. "That was some awesome butt whooping," he said with a smile on his face, holding out his hand as he praised her. "Nah-uh, where the fuck do you think you're going?" Cory spoke, standing on the man's chest. "You assault my sister, and you think you're walking out of here with your nuts intact?" he asked, ignoring the weird look Cassy was giving him. "Really? You going to leave me hanging like that, Pixie? That's just cold," he sighed, shaking his head as he lowered his hand. "So, you ever play soccer?" Cory inquired with a sinister grin on his lips. "I'll hold his legs, and you go for the field goal." Wondering what was up with her, given how she's yet to utter a word other than to give him that weirded-out look.

"No. It's my field goal?!" Zoe growled when she got to her feet with the help of Dayana and her friends. "Hold him steady, Cory," she commanded. "You fucking piece of shit!" Her legs swung, her foot moving in an arc before landing squarely on the man's jewels. Listening to the man's howls of pain as she hammered her point home four more times. "If I ever see you again, next time I'll use a Taser! You got that, you fucking pig?!" Zoe screamed in the man's face as she held her ex-boyfriend by tufts of his hair.

The party goers, along with the four of them, stood out front of the sorority house as a couple of the guys attending the party physically tossed Zoe's ex-boyfriend off the property. All the while, Cory noted how Cassy was eyeing him and not the show before her.

"You okay, Zoe?" Cory asked, noticing the mark the man left on her left cheek.

"Yeah, just can't believe I bought into his fucking lies." Zoe hissed as she crossed her arms below her breasts.

"Don't worry, hon, I'll make sure that idiot never gets close to you again," Cassy said in a caring tone as she pulled Zoe into her. She just couldn't get what she saw out of her mind. That was not something a brother and sister were supposed to do?! Wondering if she should call the authorities? What then? What would happen if she did? What would happen to her and Zoe? Just what was she to do now that she knew? Then another wave of questions plagued her mind as she slyly glanced at Zoe. Wondering if Zoe, too, had been with him. Her mind flashed back to what her mind had thought days ago.

"Take me home baby; he ruined this night. I need to feel you holding me," Zoe muttered as she snuggled up against Cassy's chest.

"Of course, baby," Cassy said, rocking Zoe in her arms while lightly rubbing her back. She had to confront Cory. There was no denying that she would just have to deal with the fallout and hope and pray that she and Zoe were still together afterwards.

Chapter Six.

"Zoe, what happened to your face?" Jairo asked in a fatherly tone when he noted the large red mark on the side of his daughter's face.

"Who did that to you?!" Celeste asked in a protective motherly tone when she got up from her seat on the couch where she and Jairo had been snuggling on.

"It's nothing; he's not worth mentioning," Zoe said, her face burning at how protective her parents were.

"Don't worry, the fool won't be walking or reproducing anytime soon," Cory said as he shut the door once Dayana entered after Zoe and Cassy. "Should have seen Cassy laying the beat down on the douche. Did not see Pixie having that in her." Shrugging at Dayana when Cassy was giving him the cold shoulder.

"I need to freshen up, but I'll be in there soon to continue our adventures in Wonderland," Dayana said in a loving tone as she and Cory stood in Cory's bedroom. "And afterwards, I'll treat my boyfriend for being so good on our date," she stated in a sultry purr; her fingertips teased his manhood before she sauntered off towards her room.

Cory turned around when his bedroom door slammed shut, and Cassy shoved a chair under the knob. A perplexed look appeared on his face as his fingers stilled as he unbuttoned his shirt. Stumbling to the right, his eyes wide in shock at the unprovoked slap across the left side of his face.

"What the..." Again, his face stung like mad as Cassy's smack landed on his right cheek.

"You sick fuck?!" Cassy hissed as Cory quickly went into a protective stance with his arms up, protecting his head. "How can you do that?! She's your sister! You disgust me?!" she spat in Cory's face when he took hold of her arms.

"Did you enjoy eating the creampies out of Zoe?" Cory gloated darkly.

"Let go of me, you freak!"

"Says the freak that shags whomever and whatever she wants," Cory said, pushing Cassy back to the door of his room. Rolling his jaw to get the soreness out of it.

"How could you force..."

"I've forced no one. They came to me willingly," Cory said with a cocky grin. "Or are you just jealous I can make Zoe howl like you could never..." Bouncing on his feet, deflecting her punches without throwing one of his own. He might be a great many of the things people might like to call him, yet, he wasn't that type of a man to lay a hand on a woman. "Come on, Cassy, that all you got?"

"My name is Pixie?!" Cassy growled, lunging at him.

"Well, why should I call you that? You're the one that came to my room and assaulted me. Kind of puts a stop to one's friendship, doesn't it?"

"I should just call the cops and have them arrest you?!" Yelping in surprise when Cory body flipped her onto his bed. "Get off of me, you sick fuck!"

"I wonder if you're going to call Zoe that too," Cory mused as he tapped his chin in thought as he sat on her chest. "I guess this will be the end of the two of you. Oh well, guess you two have had a good run. Really didn't think this out, did you?" he asked, peering down at her. "Do you really think she's going to stay with you with the names, the assault on me, after tonight?"
