Miracle Cream Ch. 04


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"I know, sis," Cory grumbled as he blew out a sigh.

"So why are you looking up '32 street rods?" Dayana asked out of the blue, flashing him a knowing smile as the left side of her head rested on the backrest.

"Snooping, I take it?" Cory retorted.

"No, but you left your computer on one day, and you have a printer, and I needed to use it," Dayana stated like it was nothing out of the ordinary. "I thought your car craze was over when you put those pipes on. Please tell me, you aren't looking to start another one, at least not this soon," Dayana pleaded, not eager to drop a few grand all the time when Cory wanted something for the Mustang.

"What? No, nothing like that," Cory said, waving off her plea.

"Then tell me why," Dayana said, getting his attention when Cory looked out the window.

"Well, told you about how Mom drives and what she said to me that night," Cory stated, going over the highlights of that night as his sister nodded along. "This is purely selfish reasons I'm doing this, but I was thinking of getting Mom; it's for both of them, but Mom mainly, given what she's like. Thought we could get her one, so she's not hurting my baby," he said, lightly patting the steering wheel. Seeing his sister snort and roll her eyes at that.

"But you know, Mom, she isn't going to go for some two-seater."

"I know why I talked to Greg about it, just to get an idea and to see how much they wanted for them. Don't get me wrong, they're cool cars, just not something Mom would drive. So that's why I was on that website, looking through the ones that the car dealership had. Found one where it appears to be large enough for all five of us to fit in. Might have to get it repainted," Cory said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"What do you mean, repainted?" Dayana asked in a curious tone.

"It's some god-awful orange color. Already talked to Greg about getting it painted, said it's fine, so thought I'd help him with it if that comes to pass," Cory said with a gesture of his hands.

"Can I see it?" Dayana asked, sitting up in her seat. Knowing Cory was thinking of something big, so it had to be an anniversary present for their parents. If it was for them, then she didn't mind dropping the money. She didn't mind his hobby, and she knew how his relationship with Greg had helped the both of them. She just didn't want to be spending that kind of money after he had just finished with his Mustang. Further down the road, say two or three years, sure, she'd be happy to go with him wherever and pick out a new car for them to work on together.

"It does look like a car from that time," Dayana admitted as she watched the little video they had on it. The interior did look nice, "You aren't going to change this, are you?" she asked, pointing at his screen, seeing him shake his head.

"No, just the paint."

"Good, because Mom would kill you if you ruined something so sweet-looking," Dayana stated with conviction. She really did like the interior; it was stunning, in her opinion. "How much were they asking for it?"

"Forty-thousand, that includes shipping it here; then I was thinking if you agreed to it, once the paint was dry, you drive this home, and I'd pull up in it since Dad was the first to drive this car," Cory said, laying out his plan to her.

"So, getting back at Dad, huh?" Dayana asked in an amusing tone.

"Of course," Cory chimed in.

"So, I'd rather not use the savings we have; we might need the cash we have on hand for emergencies," Dayana mumbled as she tilted her head back and pondered on the problem. Knowing they had about a hundred grand in their bank account, and they had another half a million in stocks they held so they could liquidate them if something major happened. "But if we sell off some of the stocks... we can always buy back what we sell," she said, getting behind Cory's plan. "When do you think you can buy it?" Dayana asked, knowing it would take a few days to get the money deposited into their account.

"Well, the guy, Tim, he's the one I talked to; all he said was they just needed a thousand to hold the car for us until we got the financing," Cory stated, going over what the man had told him, seeing his sister absorbing everything.

"Well, we don't need that, but you go call him, and put the money down, tell him it might take a week for the banks to transfer the funds to the account, then we'll do whatever we need to do to get it here. Granted, their anniversary," seeing the surprise in his eyes when his eyebrows rose, "isn't till January, but no telling how fast that car would be gone. So I take it you were thinking of having the car shipped to Greg's just to keep them in the dark about it?" Dayana asked, seeing Cory nod. "I know Dad is going to love it, Mom will probably flip out, and we'll have to bail her out for all the speeding tickets she's probably going to have."

"Probably," Cory nodded. "Oh, did I tell you Greg's got a girlfriend?"

"What?! No, you didn't?! Have you met her?" Dayana asked in excitement.

"I have," Cory spoke, "she was the doctor that wrapped up my ribs, and when my stitches came undone that one time," rubbing his hand along his stomach, remembering how close he felt to dying that day.

"Really?! How long have they been together?"

"I guess about a year now, or somewhere around there," Cory said, thinking back to that day.

"Wow, good for him," Dayana nodded, pleased that Greg was moving on with his life due to the pain he's dealt with for so long. She was very happy for the two of them. She hoped it lasted for them.

Cory's and Dayana's conversation came to a close as Cory sat up in his seat, as a group of people just walked up that gravel road. Looking at his sister, telling her someone had to come around, seeing the shock in her eyes, telling him this was the first time she had seen anyone at the place. He could tell they were just as shocked as they were to see them there as the two groups just stared at one another. Tapping his sister's left leg as a lone man started to walk towards them, telling her to buckle up in a hurry as he returned his seat to its normal position.

"Frist off, really nice car; second, who are you, and why are you on church property?" the elderly man asked in a polite tone.

"Please, forgive us; I didn't know this was church property when I first found this place," Dayana stated, sticking her head out the open passenger window. "I just found this place so peaceful when I just need time to myself, and I thought this could be a good place for my boyfriend here to contemplate on the problem that was plaguing him," she said, lying her ass off. Wondering if she was going to Hell for this.

"Ah," Dayana watched the man's mood brighten, "I can understand wanting a clear head when making some big decisions," nodding, his silver strands of hair sat close to his head as he did, "but I'm going to have to ask you to leave, this is a private event we're holding..."

"No, we totally understand; sorry for the intrusion," Dayana said, hoping that the man and the others could forgive them for momentarily halting their ceremony.

"Go with God," the man uttered before departing back to his group. Looking back when the engine turned over, the days of his youth flared in his mind as he heard the exhaust coming out on the side of the car. Noting the inch of chrome that jutted out from the skirt that rested below the right door. Remembering his own Mustang he once had before, he wrecked it doing something very foolish. Turning his attention back to his parish as Cory idled down the gravel road before the trees hid his car from view.


That Sunday...

"Do I need to look this dressed up for a simple party?" Cory grumbled as Dayana fidgeted with the collar of the shirt he was wearing.

"Hush, you, the father, should look suited to hear the news of his children; you aren't even wearing a tie, don't see the hubbub about it," Dayana stated in a tired voice as she brushed the palms of her hands along his pectorals as she backed away. "Plus, if they didn't want you there, then they wouldn't have told you; you were expected to attend. Now, the most important thing, how do I look?" Showing off the soft pink cream blouse she was wearing as she drew Cory's eyes to her legs showing off her black slacks. She's known he had a thing for her legs, and she was going to show them off as much as his eyes could take. A confident smirk rose the corner of her lips at how his eyes ran down her legs and settled on her ass as she turned and led him out of his room.

"When you get back, we'll discuss decorating your brother's room," something she had to relinquish to Jairo for him to agree to carry Cory's baby, "then I'll show you how well I handle a stick," Celeste purred, leaning against the wall outside his room that led down to the ground floor.

"Oh?" Cory uttered, noting the baby bump that her hands laid on.

"Mmmhmm, the girls will be done with the decorating by the time you get home, and your brother is going to need to feel his big, strong brother's hand within it," wondering if her son was prepared for how she got when she was pregnant, "you two be safe, and have fun," Celeste uttered, pushing herself off the wall. Sensuously showing her son the body that would be wrapped around him the moment he stepped through the door. The pads of her fingers alluringly ran along his jaw as she swayed her ass for her son's view alone as she sauntered to her bedroom.


"So glad the two of you could make it," Alice greeted joyfully as her eyes fell upon Cory and Dayana - namely Cory. Now that it was official, her mind drifted back to the days she's spent pleasing that cock of his. Plotting if she could get Zack to agree to another child just so she could have that moment again. She knew they could never move. Could never leave the State. Not if she wanted to feel that rod deep back in her heat. Pushing it deep into the back of her mind, knowing her lusting after Cory wouldn't do well for her marriage.

"Come on back; we have the grilled fired up," Zack said, waving the two of them to join them and their family in their backyard.

"I do appreciate the two of you looking the part; the father should be respectable when letting the world in on the gift that has come into this world," Alice said, smiling warmly at the two of them. "Dayana, you have to tell me where you got that blouse. It looks stunning on you," she praised as her eyes took in the detail of the shirt. Noting how Dayana shot Cory a look as she took her by the arm, just like how it always was before the bump in the road.

"Thanks, it's this little store; what I mean is, it's this little brick space jammed in-between these two larger ones in the MacGyver Square what used to be downtown back in the twenties," Dayana stated, wondering if Alice had chosen to offer an olive branch to mend their friendship. "You'd miss it if you didn't know where you're going."

"Then maybe you'll show me the way then?" Alice asked with a knowing look that meant - shopping?!

"Love to Alice, they do have a section for expecting mothers, if that would interest you," Dayana informed her.

"It does," Alice nodded.

"Cory, is it me, or does your car sound louder?" Zack asked, looking over at what he hoped would be a friendship, yet he could take being an acquaintance.

"Oh, yeah, nice, right?" Cory gloated with a cheeky smile. "Me and my friend Greg put them on; we had to redesign the exhaust to put the skirt on and used the existing pipes to do it. I so wasn't about to put a lift kit on it," he said, pulling up a picture he had taken of it the moment they were done. "Had to buy another can of paint, but cheaper," Corry stated, seeing Dayana nodding along.

"Damn, do like how an inch of that chrome juts out, letting the paint just play along it. Were these installed before the show?" Zack asked, salivating at the work Cory had done to his Mustang. "We'll talk cars later; come, there are some people I want you two to meet.


"How long do we have to stay here?" Cory whispered out the side of his mouth as he leaned into Dayana.

"Let's give it another thirty minutes," Dayana responded, feeling the leers of the people around them as their hidden questioning looks taunted them behind their masks of civility. Patting Cory's left arm slyly, pointing to Zack as they were staying out of the way, relegated to where all the other kids near their age gathered to keep out of their parents' way. She ignored the leers of the horny teenagers that couldn't take their eyes off of her. She had to nudge Cory once or twice when one of their female members caught his eye.

"Everyone, can I have your attention!" Zack called out after they all had eaten and had their cake. Repeating the words when there was still a mumbling from the crowd until one of Zack's nieces had stopped the music, which, as you can expect, got their attention. "Thank you, Naomie," he said, nodding his thanks to his seventeen-year-old niece.

Dayana's heckles rose as she nodded and how the girl looked at Cory. Although Cory's attention was on Zack, not the girl, which she was glad for, eyeing the girl as she walked off to where she didn't know or care, as long as she stayed away from Cory. Nevertheless, the look she was giving Cory had her curious. Watching how Alice joined her husband when he waved to her. Snuggling closer to Cory, noting the sad looks on the teenager's faces.

"Everyone, I know you all know Alice is pregnant, now don't look at me like that, Aunt Bev," Zack intoned as his aunt rolled his eyes at him. "What none of you know is that on Friday, Alice had her first ultrasound, and the miracles of joy never cease. We learned that Alice is having twins, twin boys in fact," he said, smiling at their shocked faces, all except two before his family shouted out in joy as they rushed to ring them in. Nodding slyly to Cory and Dayana as they rose their hands in goodbye before they headed off to his car.


"Still can't believe you're doing this?!" Zoe said in awe as she, Cassy, and Dayana all stood off watching as the woman prepped Cory to get his tongue ring.

"I'm a father now; I have to show my kids that a man sticks to his word," Cory said with all the bravado he could muster at the moment. "What you should be more concerned about is how Cassy had this all set up so quickly," he stated, eyeing his sister.

"Oh, I've been planning this for two months," Cassy said seductively as she leaned over the woman's shoulder that she trusted enough to pierce and tattoo her more private areas.

"I knew those peace talks were a ruse?!" Cory joked, trying to stall this as long as possible. However, as the woman attached the needle to the gun, he knew there was no going back.

"Oh, don't you worry, Cory; once the swelling in your tongue goes down, you know what's going to happen, don't you?" Cassy purred lustfully as she rose to her full height.

"Save me," Cory whispered to the woman, who just chuckled. With trepidation sticking out his tongue as the woman asked. Gripping the hand-rest of the seat as the cold needle punctured his tongue, then that same horrible pain on the left side of his tongue as Cassy had told her friend to give him the venom piercing.

"Mmm... yes," there was no mistaking the wanton lust in Cassy's eyes as she held Cory's chin in her hand as she tilted his chin upwards, "I'm going to be sure to give this tongue the proper workout once you're healed."

The End...

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servant111servant1114 days ago

Unfinished… bizarre but interesting.

5 stars

AardieAardie10 days ago

I kept hoping that he would save himself but he is clearly doomed to being used by people that still care little for his feelings. I don’t recall the saying that Cassy got to pick the tongue ring or that he ever had to go down on her ever again. For that matter, what were they suddenly spending money to move Zoe and Cassy into their basement suite. How evil is a mother that unilaterally decides to get pregnant just to entrap her own son in sexual servitude? He should just take all that money and leave town in his car.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I keep coming back to this story hoping for more. What about his mother's new car, the children he is going to have with his family. So much more to come, please!!!

kdeville87kdeville874 months ago

good story but do Dayana and Cory ever have kids and what about the rest of the women in his life.

H2OwolfH2Owolf4 months ago

Love the story series definately a 5. Really should continue this story here or on patreon.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story to read throughout. But. What a crap ending. Surely there is a follow-up as others have asked for. All those loose ends need to be sorted out.

DuncanitaDuncanita5 months ago

Yet again, another story that isn't finished...😔 still 5 stars...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


To see I wasn’t the only one that’s reread this 3 times! I too have several unanswered questions. Did the parents get the 32? What happens when Cory graduates? How is it when there’s a newborn in the house? How do the basement shenanigans play out? There’s a lot of art laying on the table.

MasterJerryGMasterJerryG6 months ago

This is my third time reading this series and still love it. I do wish there was a follow up. What with mom knocked up sisters wanting to be. The birth of the twins, Cory's future after do the girls move on or stay the course? So many questions going unanswered. Well written and still a joy to read.

Gadf77Gadf776 months ago

I really loved this story. But I do want to mention a couple of things. One is how atleast 2-3x you started the build up to a hot scene but then weirdly cut it of. Cory's unexplained moodswings at times. Plus during the last chapters it was too much about cars and barely any sex. And it could use a spellcheck. Still, great story and I wish there was more 😊👍.

ArtnxsArtnxs7 months ago

Hi, rly love this serie, Cory sufer alot but try to get up and forward his life, dont like the betrayal, if are from his mother, Zoe or Cassi, all good, but form Dianna, mas this let a biter on lips, and the way they get him to fuck and preg could be avoid, but this is your history so you are on command, I repeat, rly love this serie, some point I dont agree but dont lesser you work, i want to ask a chp 5 if possible, with core and his sisters life over the uni and after.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Again, why is angry about his sister cheating on him and then he's ok with it. If this supposed to be fantasy, at least put a bit of realism into the cheating part. No one in there right mind would be ok to be cheated on with, Dayana did cheat on Cory willingly and out of revenge and Cory is ok with it, yeah, he let some random girl suck him off, still he didn't do it willfully. I can't connect with Cory, he should know that he's being very much manipulated by everyone.

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