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Not being able to withstand the torture much more, Bri turned around and grabbed the soap. Lathering it up, she slid it through Marty's nether lips. She gave the backside the same treatment then tended to the nipples in the same fashion her tall lover ended with.

After quickly washing the rest of their bodies, they sprinted into the bedroom and pounced onto the mattress, kissing each other with abandon. Tongues darted in and out of each other's mouths, as hands caressed heated flesh, and smoldering eyes filled with passion looked into each other's soul.

Marty slid down the lithe body and placed tender kisses upon reddish gold curls. She then turned completely around and poised her wet pussy over Bri's face. Looking down, blue and green eyes met for a moment before she licked along the cleft between the amber hairs.

Bri's back arched from the mattress. "Oh... god." She pulled Marty's drenched sex down on her face and suckled the wet slick nub into her mouth. Her finger found its way to the tight ring above and slid in effortlessly. She slowly pumped the digit in and out in tune with Marty's bucking hips riding her face.

Blue eyes widened at the intrusion to her ass but she definitely had no intention of stopping it. Feeling that finger in such a sensitive area caused her to react with two fingers shoved into Bri's pussy and the third in her ass. The hips below her tried hardest to grind further onto her mouth. She pushed all three digits up to the hilt and curved the first two up to rub against that special spongy mount.

Bri's orgasm overtook her and she screamed against Marty's wet pussy.

The vibrations brought Marty over the edge with her. She collapsed on her side and grabbing Bri's one leg, she pulled it up so that she could lap at the juices flowing out.

The young woman pulled away, and on all fours she gave her lover a lusty stare.

Marty sat up on her heels and gave her that come hither look with the motion of her index finger. When she moved closer, Marty motioned for her to also sit back on her heels and spread her legs. With one knee in between each other's thighs, Marty entered her lover's slick folds.

Bri followed suit and they begin to slowly pump into each other. She threw her head back when a nipple was suckled then bitten gingerly. Her free hand took purchase behind Marty's head as she pressed more of herself into her love's mouth.

Soon hips were bucking, once again, against each other's hands and they fell over the precipice together. They held onto one another as their bodies shuddered from pleasure until the need to lie down was apparent. Spooned together, they lied with Marty's tight embrace around Bri.

The tall woman kissed her gently along her ear.

"Mmm, I love you." Bri said.

"Love you too."


The cell phone hummed almost inaudibly in the quiet of the campus library. Sitting under the skylight at one of the many tables suited for four people, Bri reached out to grab the tiny buzzing phone vibrating its way across the table top.

"Hello?" She whispered.

"Hi beautiful. Are you at the library?"

"Hi Stud. Yes, I'm working on a term paper." Bri responded in a hushed tone as to not disturb the other patrons studying.

"I just wanted to let you know, if you get home before I do, I'm going to be with Brick. She's been having trouble with her Harley, and I said I'd take a look at it."

"Alright. Thanks for calling. I love you."

"Love you too. Be careful coming home."

"Okay bye." She put down the silver communication device and returned to writing.

About an hour later Bri decided to pack up and go. She walked out into the chilled night air, and pulled her jacket on tighter. At the end of the pathway, she looked down the street hoping a taxi would appear so she wouldn't have to take the bus.

Suddenly a black Jeep Cherokee stopped at the curb. "Bri ---- hey Bri, you want a ride?"

She squinted a bit as she looked into the passenger side window that rolled down. "Derek?" She knew he didn't own a car, and yet the Jeep seemed very familiar.

"Yeah, how ya doing? Can I give you a lift anywhere?"

She contemplated the offer and didn't feel like it would be a good idea with all the trouble she's had with him in the past. "No, it's okay. I'm sure you're busy, and there are a few stops I need to make. So, I'll just take a taxi."

"It's no problem. Let me take you." He said with a smirk.

An eerie feeling crept over her when she saw him look past her shoulder. Before she had a chance to turn around, a hand clamped over her mouth and in the blur of the struggle she was shoved into the car. Looking up, she then saw who the oppressor was.

"Hi darlin. Miss me?" Peter said in a conniving tone.

"What do you want?" she spat out as the vehicle drove off.

"Well I've been missing you Bri. And I was very disappointed in your little display in front of your parents back in November."

Bri fingered her phone hoping that he wouldn't notice. Feeling along the keys, she pressed what she believed to be the emergency speed dial button for Marty.


"Holy shit, Brick, what have you done to your bike?"

The older woman rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled. "Well, I had a problem with these super tall weeds and I didn't see the pond until I was already in it."

"You've got to be bullshittin' me." She crouched down and began undoing the carburetor gasket. Cold grimy brown water seeped out as she popped the top off of it.

Suddenly her cell phone chimed. Digging in her jacket she pulled it out. "Hello?"


"Derek, please don't do this." She pleaded of the driver.

"Oh no, darlin' he's in on it all the way. You see him and I have become good buddies. Lucky I ran into him on campus and that he knew so much about you."

"Where are you taking me?"

"Let's just say we're going to finish what we didn't a year ago. And Derek here is going to help."

Believing that someone was hearing their conversation, she tried to push the issue further. In a sarcastic tone she said, "So how much is Peter paying you Derek? Or is this going to be just a fun fuck for you? Is this what you've wanted? And what do you get in return that you can be proud of? The fact that you get to drive Derek's black Jeep Cherokee?"

The young man looked into the rearview mirror with anger on his face. "You're fucking that dyke when you should be with me. I've loved you forever. But you don't seem to understand a man's love. I know from experience when you always pushed me away, and from what Peter tells me, it's all been confirmed."

"Turn down 52nd street. We'll be at my hotel room in no time." Peter declared.

"What? You're taking me to a hotel?" she asked quickly.

"Of course. That way we'll have some privacy for our play time."


"Hey Marty ---- Marty, what's wrong?" Brick asked with concern and grabbed her shoulder.

She stood there with the phone up to her ear. As she listened, a deep rage rose from the pit of her stomach. As clearly as she heard the conversation, she heard the line cut off.

"Marty, you look like you've seen a ghost."

"Bri's in trouble. I need your help."

"Sure. What can I do? And how do you know? Was that her?"

"I'll explain everything to you on the way. Can we use your truck?"

"Hell yeah, let's go."


"Pull up into here." He said then grabbed Bri to pull her over to him. "Right here. It's room 12 on the second floor." Looking at her, he said harshly, "You pull any shit like screaming and I'll have to really hurt you."

They walked up the metal steps, and from the balcony Bri could see the name of the place. She wished that her cell phone hadn't slipped from her hands and into the back seat.

Inside the room Peter shoved her onto the bed. He looked for the rope he had brought. "Take her clothes off." He shouted to Derek.

The young blond stood there frozen staring into sea green eyes filled with fear. He had not thought about the consequences and the reality of what they were about to do until now.

"Didn't you hear me?"

Derek looked at Peter and said, "Maybe this is not such a good idea."

Peter quickly grabbed him by the front of his jacket. "You listen to me you little shit. You agreed to this and I will make sure you follow through. Is that understood?" The barrel of a black Beretta pistol was shoved under Derek's chin.

He nodded and walked to Bri. Kneeling, he pulled off her shoes and went for the button of her pants without looking at her.

With tears she softly pleaded, "Derek please don't do this."

"Just shut up." He declared as he disassociated himself from the situation.


The silver Chevy truck plowed down the street at full throttle, as the driver zigzagged her way between cars.

"Turn down 52nd street." Marty yelled.

"How do we know which hotel? I mean, I don't know how long it'll take before Smokey finds anything on the info we gave him."

Marty's eyes turned an icy bluish white. "I'm not sure. But we are looking for a black Jeep Cherokee with Penn State plates. I just hope..."

"Hey, we'll find her okay?"

She looked at her long time friend. "Did your brother say he'd meet us?"

"Yep, he said to stay on channel 19, and to contact...."

Static. "Breaker 1, 9, this is Smokey Robinson. Are you there Yellow Ducky?"

"That's him." Brick grabbed the receiver of the CB radio. "Smokey Robinson, this is Yellow Ducky responding."Static.

"Yellow Ducky, I got a location on Peter Jankinson. He checked into the Star Motel at 9:30am this morning."Static.

"Thank you Smokey. Meet us there."Static.

"I'm on my way. Over and out."Static.

Marty caught sight of the motel to the right of them. "There. Turn." She yelled.

Brick parked right next to the Cherokee.

Marty jumped out and looked in the windows of the vehicle. She saw what might be Bri's cell phone on the back seat. "They're here. But where?"

"I'll check at the front desk. You try looking through all of the windows." Brick stated then sprinted towards the main office.

The tall woman sighed in frustration. She suddenly felt a pull up the stairs and decided to go with her gut feeling. Upon reaching room 12 she paused a moment as something gripped her heart. She listened at the door.


"Please.... Please don't hit me anymore." Bri cried.

"What the fuck Peter? Lay off already. She's asking you to stop."

He turned fiery brown eyes on the shorter man. "You're going to take her first. Get your dick out and get going."

Derek's eyes grew wide. He knew at that moment, this was not how he wanted Brianna. Not with all of this pain and shame.

"What's wrong Derek? Now you're going to be a pussy about it? Fine. Then you can watch me." He approached Bri who was tied to the bed spread-eagled and naked from the waist down. Her shirt and bra torn open. He pulled out his cock and kneeled between her legs. In a sadistic tone he commented, "I know you want it --- you fucking slut."

Fresh tears streamed down her face.

Then in the blink of an eye, the door was kicked open. Marty jumped in grabbing Peter by the hair and slamming him onto the floor. The fists flew from each of them. He managed to knock the wind out of her with a punch to her stomach.

She fell back, but in the fury of her anger she went straight for his manhood. Grasping it in her dominant hand, she twisted and pulled until she felt a crunch. He let out a cry like a stuck pig and fell to the floor clutching himself before he passed out. She spun around ready for the other one.

Derek just stood there with his hands up while Brick held a gun to his head.

Marty whipped out her pocketknife to cut Bri loose. She held the small woman firmly to her chest and wrapped the sheet around her body.

Two officers filed into the room pistols ready.

"Hey Yellow Ducky," the tall male officer stated. "You beat me here." He sheathed the pistol. "It's a good thing you wore your gloves while handling what I presume to be the perpetrator's gun. I'll need the culprit's prints on it."

"You taught me well Smokey."

The two women in the corner sobbed in each other's arms.

"I'm sorry baby. I tried to come as fast as I could. I tried..." Marty cried.

"Don't let me go. Please... don't let me go."

"I won't. I'm right here."

"They didn't rape me. You... came... just in time."

The female officer approached them. "I'll take you to the hospital. Do you think you can stand?"

Bri nodded.

"I'll help you baby." Marty commented.

Officer Robinson called out. "I've got an ambulance on its way. Looks like this one is going to permanently miss a part of himself from this day forward." He pointed to Peter who was passed out cold. His limp cock had turned a bluish purple.


Brianna lay in the hospital bed. Marty held onto her hand sitting next to her. Green eyes opened to see the loving face of her beloved.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Marty gently asked.

"Alright. I'm glad you're here."

"She hasn't left your side. Not even to use the bathroom." Brick said from the doorway. "Hey short stuff, ya think you're up for talking? That female cop is in the hallway. She wants to get a report."

"Hey Brick, sure let her in."

"Are you sure you want to do this now Bri?" Marty asked and stood to her full height.

"Yeah, I want to get it over with and hopefully go home with you as soon as possible."

"I would like nothing more than to have you home." She bent over and kissed her forehead.

Brick returned with the officer in front of her.

"Hello Ladies, my name is Officer Kaniki. I was there at the time of the arrest."

"Yes, I remember." Bri responded.

"Would you please tell me what happened?"

"Sure." Bri first squeezed Marty's hand for reassurance and then went on with the story.


Brianna was given a couple of weeks off of school, and did all of her work from home. She sat at Marty's desk finishing up her take home blue book exam for Kelman's writing class. She was finally healed from her bruises and felt like things were returning to normal. She was even feeling amorous today, and hoped Marty would return her affections.

Marty walked in through the kitchen, and pulled a beer out of the fridge. She ran a greasy smudged hand through her short locks and sat back in the chair grateful to relax a moment. She had been working on Brick's bike all morning and couldn't believe her friend let the Harley get into such a bad condition. Now with the shop open, and Brick advertising for her to every dyke who owns a bike or knows people with bikes, she's got a line of Harleys, Yamaha crotch rockets, and Hondas that need to be worked on. "Well at least the work is going to pay well, and I am having fun." She commented to herself.

"Are you on break? Or done for the day?" Bri asked as she walked up, straddled Marty's lap and took a swig of her beer.

A dark eyebrow rose up her forehead. "I think I'm calling it a day. I finished Brick's bike and I'm sure she'll be glad to hop on it again."

Bri ran her hands up and down her lover's chest and saw the nipples beginning to harden beneath the T-shirt. "I've got something you can work on." She took Marty's free hand and cupped it against her sex. She moaned at the touch and leaned into it. She pulled lips together in a lip lock that left them both panting for air.

"I guess I should go take a shower." Marty commented.

"No, I want you just like this. I want you to strap it on and I want it dirty." She led her into the bedroom, and proceeded to remove her clothes as she watched Marty buckle the straps to the double-sided cock.

Marty pulled her pants back up around her waist and knelt on the bed behind Bri. Large hands slid around to stroke the front of Bri's body. She pinched erect nipples and nipped at her neck before slowly inserting the cock.

Bri bent forward slightly and Marty followed. She turned her head around, as far as she was able to, so they could kiss with abandon as Marty reached down to take hold of an engorged clit.

Bri broke away from the kiss to cry out at the contact, and then set the motion of the pumping. "Ohhh... Marty. I love you. God please fuck me."

Thighs slapped against ass cheeks as Marty drove into her sending Bri higher on the plane of ecstasy until she fell over into the abyss.

" Ohhh... g-a-w-d... M-A-R-T-I-N."

Marty quickly followed in joining her lover over the precipice when she heard her name.

Lying on their sides, Marty held her adoringly as the tremors began to die down. She then gently pulled out and removed the apparatus from herself.

Bri rolled over to bury her face in the crook of Marty's neck. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The sun set outside as the lovers worked each other's bodies to a writhing frenzy once again. They knew they had their lives before them and were looking forward to the prospects of each new day.

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UncertainTUncertainT4 months ago

Still an excellent read.

UncertainTUncertainT9 months ago

Love this story.

MfkndragonMfkndragonabout 1 year ago

What is up with all these women having a guys name in your fantasy that alone ruins the story for anyone who has a clue what an actual good story is and how 1 is written

netgnosticnetgnosticover 1 year ago

If her dad's arm is really fractured, there's no way he can wield a baseball bat well enough to threaten an athletic young guy. Otherwise, good story.

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