Miss Bernie


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Her odor mixed with her perfume was intoxicating. I lightly touched her delicate inner lips with the very tip of my tongue. I traced the wrinkled outer edge of her lips using only the smooth underside of my tongue, just barely in from the tip, to touch the pussy lip.

Then I swabbed the entire area enclosed by her pussy lips with my flat tongue several times. I went in as deep as I could into her dripping vaginal canal. Next I sucked the whole pussy area into my mouth with a lot of suction and slowly pulling back to suck up her sweet juices. Janie was quivering and moaning as her finger tips lightly touched the sides of my head. I trailed my tongue through her pussy when I moved my attentions to her little love button, her clitoris. I let my soft lips push the clitoral hood away from my prize, then slipped inside to grasp the engorged shaft with it's little pearl on top. I rubbed the lower side of my tongue back and forth across the top causing strong shudders and moans of joy from Jeanie. She grasped the sides of my face and pulled me up a little ways. I looked up and saw her smile, "You are so damned sweet, tender, and gentle, you are better than any other girl. I love you Sweetie. FUCK ME NOW, Bernie."

Janie and I sat down the next morning to talk things over. We decided we were heading in a direction we didn't really want to go. We had too many things going on. We decided to stay out of the day-to-day, hands on operation of the Day Care. We discussed the possibility of opening another operation in a new area. There was a new medical plaza under construction on the other side of town. It was going to be huge, with a major hospital as an anchor. We explored the neighboring area and found an ideal place on the main road leading to the plaza. It was another motel. A bit larger than the first Day Care Center and we had it checked out by our advisors. Using our highly successful business for collateral, we were able to buy the place and renovate it. It would be about half again larger than the original day care.

We had thought that staffing was going to be a major problem but it turned out that our reputation was so good that as soon as word got out we were hiring, we had waiting lists of both staff and children. We didn't know that the fact that we were opening in that convenient location was being used as a selling point for the medical businesses in the plaza when they were hiring their own staff.

There were many new Doctor's offices under construction and they and their employees we were on our waiting lists. We accelerated our preparations and had new hires training at the old facility. It looked as if we would be at seventy-five percent capacity when we opened the doors.

Janie and I found we were busier than ever. I sat my wife down one evening and told her I wanted her to have my babies. I thought we were getting too enmeshed in the businesses and that we were both at the ideal age to start a family, if that was what she wanted. She laughed and told me she had gone off the pill a month ago.

I giggled and said, "Why didn't you tell me? I haven't even been aimin'."

"You had better start aiming because I should be ovulating now."

"Damn girl! Call us in sick for the next two or three days, we got work to do." Two weeks later her OB/GYN doctor verified what the IPTs had been telling us, Janie was pregnant. I laughed, "What are we going to tell people?"

Janie grinned, "Bill Baker has been bragging that he was going to be the father when we got ready. Shall we blame him?"

I grinned, then sobered, "Jan will kill him."

"No, I will tell her first. I will say we used AI, Artificial Insemination. He will know he is not the daddy but will probably take the credit for it anyway."

"We can have some fun with this, I need a prescription for some meds that will make me lactate too! My doctors say I should be able to give plenty of milk." We did have fun, Bill bragged all over that he fathered our baby.

A month after our son was born we attended the homeowner's Association meeting for our community. We had heard that a rumor was going around that I was so strong that I must be a male in drag. At the meeting little Mike started to cry. I was holding him and standing talking about a motion before the meeting to require muzzles for all dogs over twenty pounds when they were outside the house. I said, "Excuse me for a second please." I put a towel over my shoulder and opened the top of my blouse. I placed the baby under the towel and he started nursing, loudly slurping. I said, "Now where was I?"

Janie smiled, "You are busy now, I'll finish your thought for you, Dear, please sit down." She took over where I left off, explaining that percentage wise the small dogs under twenty pounds bit far more people than the rest of the dogs. There was further discussion. We advocated a training requirement for ALL dogs, saying that the dog owner must bear responsibility for the dog's behavior.

Lots of the ladies wanted to watch the baby nurse. I didn't mind anyone watching Mike finish his meal. He is a big baby and Janie took over when I ran dry. It just worked out that I was holding him when it was Janie's turn to feed him. That happened every now and then and we always did what I did. If one of us was busy we just let him start with who was holding him or was closest to him.

If it was at night Tyler would wake who he thought was next. If you didn't get right up he would bark loudly in your ear. That always worked. Tyler did not want to leave Mike for any reason. He would go if you insisted, but he would let you know that Mike was his baby and not yours.

I was easier to wake than Janie and ended up doing most of the night feeding. It was heavenly when he started sleeping through the night. I was a bit groggy one morning when Janie said she had an appointment with her OB/GYN doctor for a check up. I stayed home and happily played housewife. I bathed Mike and dressed him, I fed him and changed him again and put him down for a nap. Tyler slept by his crib.

I thought about how long it had been since Tyler and I had had a good run. I couldn't remember when Janie and I had had a good run together. Or when Janie and I had gone to the club, out to dinner, to a movie, had sex or anything.

Mike was sound asleep. Tyler was watching me from beside the crib. I went to the master bedroom and stopped in front of the mirrored closet doors. My hair looked dull and flat. No makeup. A sweatshirt and jeans over flats, Nails and toenails not polished. My shoulders sagged and I had shadows under my eyes. I looked crappy! Who would want a wife like me. I ran and took a shower, shaved all over. I got out and checked on Mike as I patted myself dry. I carefully did my makeup and hair, then slipped into some really tight white Jeans and a tight blue and white striped tube top with detached matching long sleeves. I fixed a couple bottles for Mike and got a baby bag ready. Then I called the Day Care and made some arraignments. I went back to our room and slipped into some white patent pumps with a 4 inch heel. I put on some gold hoop earrings and a heavy gold necklace. A handful of bangle bracelets completed the sexy MILF look I was trying for. Janie walked in and smiled when she saw me, "Hi Sweetie, do you have a hot date later?"

"I sure do, I have the hottest little chick I have ever seen, right in front of me, and I am taking her out for lunch and maybe a movie or shopping."

"What about Mike?"

"Handled! They have a crib reserved for he and Tyler next to the nurse's station."

"Do I have time for a quick change?"

"Very quick, we are meeting Bill and Jan and a couple of their friends for lunch." I changed Mike and put a fresh little sleeper on him. I got Mike and his bag, my purse and Tyler and was strapping Mike in his car seat when Janie joined me. After a stop to drop off half the family at our new day care, we took a good bit of teasing from the staff about the service not being good enough for our own kid, this being the first time we had used it. It was a short drive to the club. Bill and Jan were seated with two men. Janie stopped in her tracks when she saw them. One of the men, very large and handsome, stared at Janie.

He said, "Janie Cooper, I'll be damned, how are you Sweetheart? It must be five years, you look smashing." He pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. He grinned and looked at everybody, "I have loved this girl for years. I don't know how I let her get away."

I was introduced to the other man, Jason Hastings, also large and handsome. He took my hand and said, "Lovely Lady, may I please have the pleasure of this dance. I didn't know what was happening and the next thing I knew I was dancing with Jason and Janie was dancing with the other guy. As we danced he came on to me. The usual old lame lines I had used and heard a hundred times. He asked if I were married, I said I was, and he said, "That doesn't have to stop us from having some fun together does it?" I smiled and said, "Oh yes it does! I am a true blue wife, I can't do that."

He grinned, "Well your friend will soon be gone with Jason, He seldom strikes out. And with one he has had before he never misses, never."

"Was she married before?"

"I don't know but it won't make any difference."

I said, "I am hungry, let's go back to the table." I looked around and didn't see Janie and her friend. When we neared our table I saw Janie and the big guy sitting at another table, he was holding both her hands in his. He was talking and she was smiling. When we got to the table I excused myself and said I had to go to the Lady's room. I went in and sat at a vanity mirror and touched up my face. No sooner than I finished I started to cry. I cleaned up the mess and started over. No good! I cried again, he was a huge handsome stud, I was a small effeminized shemale. Maybe she needed a real man, a stud. The room seemed to close around me. I could hear over and over that he never missed with girls he had been with before. I washed my face in cold water and fixed it again. I forced myself to be calm. I walked to the table and saw Janie sitting very close to her friend, their heads close together. I stopped by our table and squatted down next to Jan and pressed the keys to the van into her hand. I told her I had other things I needed to do and to give the keys to Janie, if she needed them. I stood and walked out of the club. The doorman had a Taxi for me in no time.

I went to the day care and checked on Mike. I hugged him and kissed him, I was crying. Tyler was pawing me, he knew something was wrong. I hugged him too and petted him. I ran out and got the cabbie to take me to the bus station. I got a bus to Charleston, West Virginia.

It was a long, long, ride. I didn't know what I would do when I got there. I had never been so low in my whole life. My face was sore around my eyes and cheeks from all the crying I was doing. I just couldn't seem to stop crying.

In Charleston, I rented a car and stopped at a Wal-Mart and outfitted myself with a few clothes. I drove to my old home place. It was deserted. I sat at the little graveyard and wept for my father and mother. Someone walked up behind me. I looked up and saw a familiar face, I knew it was a sister because it was almost like looking in a mirror, but I didn't know which one. She looked at me for a long time. She smiled and said, "I don't think I know you' but you sure look like a Jenkins!"

I laughed, "I don't know who you are, but I know you are a Jenkins." I looked at her more closely, I said, "Kathy?"

"What? How do you know me?"

I said, "Sit down, this may be a shock to you. I am your little brother Bernard, Berny!"

Her eyes grew huge, "You have got to be kidding, wait, I see it now. What happened, we all thought you were dead."

I told her a brief story about what had happened to me. When she really believed it was me she hugged and kissed me. Then she looked at me and smiled, "You look just like the old pictures of Momma when she was your age. You are a spittin' image of her."

I found out that most of my sisters had moved away and were scattered all over the country. All of them were well and one of them even lives in Orlando, Florida only 75 miles from where I used to live.

She said she had seen my rental car and came over to see who it was. She lives in a doublewide across the road. She is a nurse practitioner at a clinic a few miles away. She was very concerned about how I looked. We drove over to her house and I met her husband. I didn't know him but he seemed quite nice.

She sat me in a chair, she looked in my eyes, took my pulse.

She got her medical bag and took my blood pressure. She looked in my eyes. She asked why I had been crying so much. I told her what had happened. She said, "You have a new son you walked off and left?" She looked at me felt my arms and legs. "How much do you normally weigh?"

"120 pounds."

"Honey, I'll bet you don't weigh 100 pounds. Give me the name of your doctor."

I shook my head. "I'm OK. No problem."

Karen looked at me, "From what you are telling me I think you have a hormone imbalance and it has your mind screwed up. When did you eat last?"

I couldn't remember eating for several days, maybe even longer, I had lost track of what day it was.

Karen was on the phone to Angie, my oldest sister who lived ten miles away. Another sister Donna was twenty miles away. She grinned, "They are both on their way. Now listen to me, I want you to go rest in our guest bedroom until they get here, OK?"

I said "Fine, I could use a little rest."

When I woke up I didn't know where I was. I got up and looked around and remembered where I was. I went out and was greeted by two more sisters. After lots of hugging and kissing I had to answer a whole bunch of questions. One of my sisters said she always thought I should have been born a girl and that I when I became a teenager I overcompensated for my feminine side by trying to be very macho and masculine. She said joining the Marine Corps was an example.

I objected, "Hey, I WAS a damned good Marine, I won medals for heroism under fire. I WAS a man's man. I became a girl to save my life in a witness protection plan." Then I broke down and sobbed. I couldn't stop crying again. I sobbed out how I was not a man nor a woman and that my wife had gone off with a real man. I was in real pain from my breasts and had been milking my- self when it got too bad.

Karen held my face between her hands and told me I was wrong, she said she knew that my wife had to love me. She took a blood sample and had her husband take it to a hospital lab for analysis. She gave me some pills to take and helped get me in bed.

I felt better the next day when I woke up. I had a dream about hearing Mike cry and Tyler bark. I tried to get up to nurse him. I sat on the side of the bed and cried. I missed them so much. I didn't see any point in living.

The bedroom door opened and there stood Janie. She rushed to me and kissed me. She cried, "I love you with all my heart. Please kiss me." I felt a weight on my leg and a warm wet tongue licked my face. TYLER!

Janie pulled me into the living room and brought me some pills and a glass of water. I took them looked around to see Karen holding Mike. I started to cry again and kneeled beside him and kissed his little cheek. He laughed and kicked his little arms and legs, giggling and trying to reach me.

Karen looked up and said, "Bernie, I think you have lots of reason to want to live. You have a beautiful family. It is not hard to see that they all love you very much."

I looked at Janie, "what happened to your boy friend?"

She looked at me, "Who? Robert?" He was never my boyfriend, he was just a good friend. He likes other men. He is gay. He puts on a big act to fool the people he works with into thinking he is a big macho man. We were just buddies in college and we never even dated. I was just hearing all the gossip about my old friends. I missed you and you were gone. I was scared to death, I alerted the agency. Karen called me and told me where you were and she said that she thought you had a serious hormone imbalance. I checked and found you had been sent the wrong dosage the last time your prescription was refilled. We hope we got it in time so there will be no permanent damage to your system."

"Do you mean sexually?" She nodded and I saw a tear course down her cheek.

I laughed, "Hell, I not much of a man anyway. I am a small effeminate sissy boy at best, certainly not a man."

Janie said, "NO! You are wrong. I got a call from the Agency right after you left. The hit on you has been recalled. An informant says they have decided you are dead or retired and are no longer a threat. The Agency says they are not positive, but that you might want to consider returning to your manhood. Bernie do you want to know how I feel about it?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"First, as you pointed out a few months ago, we are not really married; I am paid quite well to do this job. I could take MY baby and go home to get a fresh start."

I felt as if I wanted to die, the tears were welling up in my eyes.

Janie said, "BUT THAT Is NOT WHAT I WANT OR NEED. I want you Bernie, I want my best ever girlfriend, my best ever boyfriend, my business partner, dog trainer, lover and my husband. I love you beyond all reason. I love to set with you and gossip, put rollers in our hair, do each other's nails. I also love it when we have regular sex together and you are screwing me with your delightful cock and at the same time I can play with your sweet lovely breasts, pulling those sweet nipples, and being deeply in love with that man, the father of my baby. I want you to be happy, that is the most important thing in my life right now. I want you to be happy, if you think I can't make you happy, you are free to go find someone who will make you happy. Just one more thing, my love, I will love you as Bernard, I will love you as Bernice, but why? Why can't I have all of you?"

"Janie, this is how I feel, when I was a guy my greatest thrill was to stalk an enemy of my country, in his own place, kill him and get away. As a girl, nothing thrills me more than snuggling with you, Tyler at my feet, and my son suckling at my breast."

I heard a sniffle, I looked at my three sisters, all of them had tears in their eyes. Karen said, "That is the first real sense I have heard from you all day. I am convinced that without the hormone problem, that the tests have verified, none of this would have happened. It is plain as day to all of us that you were never happy as a boy, all your family knew you were a girl inside, and prayed you would find a way to be that girl. You have found a wonderful and beautiful girl who loves you for who and what you really are. If you have the sex change surgery it is chancy about you ever having an orgasm again. Why take that chance. Why fight it?"

My other sisters wiped their eyes and said, "Amen! Brother, Amen! Sister!"

I chimed in with my "Amen!" Then I looked at Janie and said, "Sweetie, will you marry me? We can legally do it here, I AM legally still a man."

Janie smiled happily, "Yes! Oh yes! But it doesn't matter, I AM your wife, I will always BE your wife." If you check the marriage records in Canada, you will find our marriage listed there. Why change a thing?"


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jenellesljenelleslabout 10 years ago

I added you as a favorite a very long time ago. I love a good romance. Being a veteran, I have an understanding of how that can affect you. There was not much about PTSD mentioned which affects most combat vets. He did say he put it in compartments. I also have some knowledge of transgender and I think you did a marvelous job. There does seem to be that niggling little question that bothers many of us about are we doing the right thing. And there are a fair number who decided as he did to stay both male and female.

This is a great story and ranks right up there with the others of yours I've read.

Joscelyn2tgJoscelyn2tgabout 10 years ago
Rarely Do I Find Stories On Here That...

...are this intense, or bring such emotion from within. Can't believe I hadn't found it before, but I'm so glad I have. You've written a story that, while it doesn't reflect my life or history, certainly does reflect most of my hopes and absolutely all of my fears. I don't know how you managed to write from this perspective, but you have accomplished seeing the world from the view of a transgendered person incredibly well. I have owned a companion dog (a sheperd) trained to the level you describe and he saved my life after a drug reaction after surgery. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story, and I will be watching for any new stories from you in future. Cheers! -- Josie

InosolanInosolanover 10 years ago
Lovley story.

Excellently told; very sweet.

Just one minor point - "Columbia" is the capital of South Carolina (I grew u in SC).

"Colombia" is a country in South America.

That's one people get wrong so often; another that's more common in erotica is "discrete" (which means separate) instead of "discreet" (which means having discretion; knowing when to be quiet or to not see something).

I couldn't help noticing - i've worked as a proofreader - but it didn't detract in any way from my enjoyment of the story.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

yes please continue this story

fyrehartfyrehartabout 11 years ago

I enjoyed this story very much. It is different from many of the Transgendered stories here. A good sex story is fun, but this was much more than that. Thanks for the read!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
great story that needs more than 5 stars

I loved the story. I just wish it was a little longer or had a sequel to see what happens to the two main characters. I have read some of your other stories and have to pick some more to read in the near future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great Story

This story had me going from the start. I love the way you worked it to the end. Keep up the good work

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Very strange

This story was way outside my comfort zone BUT the manner and intensity you gave the story kept me reading and before I knew it was on the last chapter. The story has shifted my comfort zone somewhat a for a story to do that speaks well of the author. Thanks for the little journey

PseamanPseamanover 14 years ago
Good to see you back

Another fine tale from one of the best. I enjoyed the evolution of Bernie and how she finally came to find herself. I look forward to more of your stories

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