Mistress Elisha’s Toilet


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With the pool of piss now gone, Lauren began to lick at the polished oak like it was the remnants of a bowl of ice cream, ensuring none of the sticky liquid remained.

"I think it's clean...mistress." Lauren's cunt twitched as she spoke the words. She squeezed the gently pulsing vibrator with the walls of her cunt.

"Very very good!" Elisha quickly lowered her hand from her face before Lauren could turn around to face her. "How to reward a good slut like yourself," Elisha wondered, placing her hand on her hip, shifting her weight from one leg to another as she tapped her stiletto heel on the floor. "I know follow me!"

She stood up abruptly and gently yanked Lauren by her wet hair, leading her through the door to the master bathroom. She pushed Lauren down to a kneeling position in front of the toilet before lifting the seat and sitting down.

Elisha momentarily dropped her facade. "Lauren, remember, if anything makes you feel uncomfortable, anything at all, use your safe word. Promise me!" Elisha gazed at her lovingly. Lauren, too intoxicated with arousal to think clearly, managed to regain enough sense to nod in agreement.

With this, Elisha's dominant persona returned albeit less prominently than before. She, too, was navigating unfamiliar territory.

"Let's see what you think of this." Elisha carefully perched herself on the toilet, drawing her legs to her chest and providing Lauren with a clear view of her bare bottom.

Just keep your eyes open, alright?" she said, inhaling deeply. "You seemed to enjoy licking me down there earlier. Let's see if you still feel the same way after this. I'm going to let you watch me shit!"

Lauren fixed her eyes on the center of Elisha's ass. It began to quiver and bulge as she looked on. Soon, a small brown tip emerged from the center of her tightly puckered hole. Transfixed by the emergence of Elisha's waste, she continued to squeeze the vibrator as hard as she could. Though she was close to climax, she fought the urge to touch herself.

While still holding her legs to her chest, Elisha worked one hand down to her throbbing mound and began to play with herself. Eyes locked with Lauren's, she began to moan and writhe in pleasure, losing herself in the moment.

She kept up the pace of her self-gratification as the brown tip blossomed into a thick shaft. She began to move her hand faster as it grew in length. Suddenly her body convulsed in a powerful wave causing her to messily pinch off her log, which fell into the bowl with a loud splash.

Elisha laughed as she caught her breath. "I um, seem to have made a mess! Sorry! Um, would you mind cleaning me?" She tilted her head towards her messy hole.

Despite the vulgarity of the request, Lauren, spellbound, remained kneeling dutifully in front of her, frozen.

"With the toilet paper I mean. It'll be fun!" She nodded to the paper on the roll and shifted weight, wiggling her filthy ass at Lauren.

Lauren remained kneeling, silent. Instead of going for the toilet paper she began to lean closer to Elisha's asshole.

"What are you doing? You're not trying to...taste me are you?" She thought she could see Lauren's head move up and down.

Elisha began to grin as she challenged Lauren. "Are you sure you want to do that?" She raised her eyebrow, her voice a mixture of seduction and domination.

"I think I want to taste you...Mistress!" Lauren's eyes glazed over as she stared at the stinking pit of Elisha's asshole.

Elisha couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Well, if you're sure...a little bit won't hurt right?" With that, she drew her legs up closer to her chest, presenting herself to Lauren. "You may taste me." Elisha held her breath.

Lauren was transfixed on the mess Elisha had made, her mind in a daze. She couldn't reconcile the stunning beauty of the woman before her with the disgusting mess she created let alone her own inexplicable need to get closer to it, to experience it!

The throbbing ache between Lauren's legs left her with no choice. When Elisha asked her to use toilet paper, she could have, but Lauren decided on her own that this was something she wanted to do. Something needed to do!

Elisha began to hum as she relaxed. She returned to the role of entitled mistress she played so well. "You brought me single ply toilet paper slave? I think not. For screwing up so badly, I think I need 'you' to be my toilet paper!" Elisha grinned, her humming growing louder. She winked at Lauren.

Lauren's arousal won out despite her stomach convulsing in protest. She held her breath and before she could decide otherwise, quickly plunged her tongue deep into the center of the foul pit before her. The bitterness was overpowering, and she struggled to keep from retching. She reflexively withdrew her tongue into her mouth, trapping the flavor within. As her mouth began to salivate she contemplated her options for ridding herself of the horrible taste.

This is terrible! Why did I think this was a good idea? Lauren thought as she struggled to keep herself from gagging.

Her safe word flashed across her vision. She thought...Red, Just say red and it'll all be over. I can't do this...But my tongue. It's covered! I can't even say it correctly!

Lauren's mind raced as the bitterness overwhelmed her senses. Spit it out! She won't get mad. She won't punish you! She told herself.

As Lauren attempted to steel herself against the flavor she thought of a second alternative. What if you swallowed it?! That's IS why you wanted to taste it right?

Panic set in as the taste lingered in her mouth, now nearly full with a mixture of Elisha's shit and her own saliva.

No, I'm doing this! I want to! The words were clear in her mind.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and swallowed hard, forcing the vile taste down her throat. As she swallowed, Lauren's mind flooded with conflicting emotions - disgust, arousal, and a strange sense of intimacy all fighting for dominance. Despite the revulsion she felt, Lauren found herself consumed with the idea of having eaten Elisha's waste. Her body convulsed as a powerful orgasm erupted from her pussy, cascading through her entire body. She quickly pushed her hand into her panties to shut off the vibrator still whirring away. She tried to regain her composure, her breathing far from normal.

Lauren couldn't believe she had just swallowed. It wasn't exactly pleasant, but after the fact, wasn't nearly as bad as she had imagined. Perhaps her desire for Elisha had overridden her disgust, maybe it was simply her own arousal. Either way, she had shown her new friend and herself just how big of a toilet slut she was capable of being. Her face reddened in shame at what she'd done.

"Are you enjoying yourself, my dear?" Elisha, breathless at the sight of Lauren swallowing her filth, had calmed down enough to resume playing. "Why don't you stick out your tongue for me? Let me see how much you're enjoying being my toilet paper."

Lauren complied, breathlessly sticking out her tongue to reveal the remnants of Elisha's filth still coating it. Elisha let out a small laugh and reached out to gently stroke Lauren's cheek.

"You're such a good girl, doing everything I ask," she murmured, her voice soft and affectionate. The fact that the girl had swallowed, even a small amount, left Elisha amazed. And she practically begged for it. She CAME from it!

"Don't be embarrassed. What you did was so, so incredibly beautiful. That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen anyone do!"

Elisha wondered to herself as she admired Lauren. She had no idea what shit actually tasted like and truthfully regretted never trying it for herself. In the space of a few seconds Lauren had become far filthier, far dirtier and far sexier than Elisha had ever thought possible despite her years of experience. And she did it so easily. So willingly! So beautifully!

Lauren, unaware of Elisha's admiration, stared at her asshole which was still extremely messy but to her, more irresistible than ever. She considered the reality of what she'd just done, and what it would mean if she went back for more. Her angelic face lit up with her own mischievous smile. The redness faded as she realized she loved everything that just happened to her. Everything! She let out a soft giggle as she pushed her face back into the curves of Elisha's smelly ass. She began to lick, slowly and deliberately at first but was soon lapping like a dog.

Elisha's body trembled with pleasure as Lauren's tongue worked its way over her skin, each lick gathering more of her waste. Elisha knew it probably wasn't healthy for Lauren to ingest her shit like this, but at the moment, she just didn't care. All things considered, it was just a small amount and her willing self-transformation into a scat whore played wonders through Elisha's mind and body. When Lauren paused once again to swallow, Elisha watched in amazement, and then moaned with delight as Lauren continued to lick her clean.

Once she was spotless, Elisha leaned back against the bathroom wall and took Lauren's face in her hands. "You're incredible," she said, smiling down at the girl. "How did I taste? Was it disgusting?"

Lauren's eyes lit up at the words. "Actually, it wasn't that bad...once I got used to the taste," she said, smiling.

"So, if it's not too much trouble, would you mind doing it again? I still need to go, and I don't think I'll ever use toilet paper again! Not so long as I have you!" She had resumed her aristocratic tone from earlier as she spoke. This was now Lauren's show but she was determined to play her part to the best of her abilities. She pulled her legs up to her chest once again and began to strain.

Lauren's eyes widened. As Elisha's hole pulsed, she found herself drawn to it and brought her face closer to the opening.

"What are you doing?" Elisha questioned, again surprised, but also ecstatic as she considered the possibilities of what Lauren might be up to.

"I just thought that maybe if I warmed it up for you again, it might make it easier for you to go," Lauren lied, a playful glint in her eye as she began to lick.

Elisha tried to ignore the desire building in her body as she smiled at Lauren. The girl was a good ass licker and her tongue sent waves of pleasure through Elisha's entire body. Eventually though, she could no longer ignore her pressing situation. "Ok, get out of the way, I NEED to go!"

Lauren didn't move away. Instead, she continued to lap at the trembling orifice, savoring the taste and the smell. Elisha couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

Is she trying to do what I think she's trying to do? Elisha thought to herself.

"What are you doing?" Elisha asked tentatively, her voice betraying her. "Get out of the way so I can shit into the toilet!"

Lauren remained licking at her hole passionately, ravenously.

"Lauren, I told you, I'm going to go again, you'd better move your pretty face unless you..." Elisha paused, feeling a wave of fire wash over her as her suspicions from earlier were confirmed. "Unless you want me to...go...in your mouth?" She held her breath, anxiously awaiting Lauren's response. "No, you can't be serious. No fucking way!"

"Mistress Elisha, do you think I could try, just a little?"

"No, I'm not going to do that. That smear you licked off my asshole was more than enough. I know I say 'eat it all' in my videos but this is real life. It's not going to happen. It's a FANTASY!" She felt herself saying the words yet knew they were just an act. This girl wanted her shit, and she knew she was powerless to deny her!

"Come on. You said you have to go!"

"I'm not going to shit in your mouth. This isn't a video. It's...ok, I'm not gonna lie, it's really hot, but we can't do that! You'll get sick! You can lick it clean afterwards again!"

"What about just a tiny bit?" Lauren looked hopeful.

"Mistress Elisha," Lauren paused, "please?"

"Oh my God!" Elisha was stunned. "I didn't think it was possible. Lauren, did you seriously just say please? For me to shit in your mouth? You just BEGGED to eat my shit. You do realize that right? Hmmm..." Time slowed to a crawl as Elisha thought. She had fantasized about this moment hadn't she? She had dreamed about having a toilet slave but never thought such a thing existed in reality...certainly not a female toilet slave, yet here she was, a beautiful angelic-faced blonde that ostensibly wanted nothing more than to eat her shit!

"Why don't you try and convince me? Tell me why I should shit in your mouth," said Elisha, relishing every second of this experience.

Lauren thought for a minute then spoke. "Remember earlier when you said I could be whatever I want? Well right now, all I want to be is your toilet. I want to feel what it's like for you to push it in my mouth. My toilet mouth. If I came from just licking your ass clean..."

"Ok, start licking me!" Elisha smiled. "I'll think about it."

Lauren's tongue began tracing circles around Elisha's opening, lost in her own world.

Lauren began to lick harder and faster, trying to coax the filth out of her hole. "Come on, wouldn't you like to use a pretty girl like me as your toilet?"

"Oh, don't do that. We can't..." Elisha gasped.

Lauren began to suck at the opening. Elisha couldn't believe her luck. She was going to shit in this girl's mouth and she was going to love it!

"If you keep sucking like that, holy shit. I might actually do it. Oh babe, please stop. Don't make me...I"

Lauren continued to suck on Elisha's asshole.

"Ok, Lauren. I can't believe I'm doing this for real, but here it comes. I'm just gonna go ok? Whatever toilet it goes into is up to you?" Elisha grinned and began to rub her fingers across her clit in slow, deliberate circles.

Elisha's warning was clear, but Lauren remained determined as she sensed the warm, soft excretion begin to emerge.

The bitter tip emerged slowly, and Lauren leaned in to caress it with her tongue. The taste was strong, but she had begun to acclimate to it. She continued to lick, her body heating up. She knew this was wrong, but she didn't care. She wanted Elisha, and she was determined to let her have her way with her. Even if it meant letting her poop in her mouth. Even if it meant becoming her toilet.

"Tick Tock Lauren! It's coming!" Elisha smiled as she began to bear down.

She pulled her tongue back and held her open mouth firmly in place at Elisha's widening opening.

Lauren allowed the thick tube of waste to slide past her lips and into her mouth as Elisha continued to push. Her cheeks bulged as she accepted more and more until Elisha finally stopped.

With only a moment's hesitation, Lauren began to chew the putrid mess in her mouth. She couldn't believe she was doing this, but she couldn't deny the perverse thrill. She let out a resigned sigh, sat back and began to claw at her own sopping cunt as her chewing became more and more enthusiastic.

"Good girl," Elisha murmured, slowly shaking her head from side to side with a mixture of lust, astonishment and admiration.

Lauren took her time chewing the lump before finally swallowing it, feeling a sense of gratification as it descended to her stomach. Her fingers continued to run circles on her clit as she licked the remnants of Elisha's waste from her mouth. She opened her mouth to show Elisha that it was all gone, her face a picture of pure bliss. Suddenly, a wave of pleasure washed over her and she convulsed in ecstasy.

"I can't believe you actually ate it! And it made you...cum again! I thought you would have used your safe word for sure!" Elisha exclaimed.

"I almost did, earlier, when I touched my tongue to your shit." Lauren admitted. Sliding the vibrator out of her swollen hole.

"What made you change your mind?" Elisha asked.

"I'm not sure," Lauren replied, placing a hand on her stomach. "I think once I let you fart in my mouth I kinda lost the right to use it didn't I?" Lauren laughed.

"How do you feel? Are you sick at all?" Elisha asked with concern.

Lauren felt a slight queasiness in her stomach, but she was managing. "I think I'll be okay."

"Good, because I'm still dirty!" Elisha smiled suggestively, wondering how much more filth this girl was capable of.

Lauren let Elisha lead her into the master bedroom and climbed onto the king-sized bed. Elisha then straddled her in reverse, pushing her rear end onto her face. "Don't leave a single stain on this bed," she commanded. As Lauren obediently began to lick and suck, Elisha felt a sudden rumble in her stomach.

"Ummm, you're not gonna believe this but, I think I still have to go."

Lauren kept licking.

I can feel it coming, Lauren. Are you ready for round two?"

"Just kidding." Elisha laughed as she began to lift up from Lauren's face.

Wait," Lauren said firmly, her arms shot up holding Elisha in place. "I want to make sure I fulfill my role as your toilet."

You've had a lot already. What if you get sick and vomit all over the bed? I don't want to deal with the mess. If that happened I'd have to make you eat it again. There's probably more than you think." Elisha's words hung in the air.

"Do you, or do you not have to go?"

"I told you, I really have to go! Some of it might be diarrhea! You're not going to like it!"

"Don't worry about it. I'm your toilet, use me as you see fit. I don't get any say in the matter at all!" Lauren smiled happily.

Elisha shrugged and let out a smug laugh as she settled back onto Lauren's face, feeling the girl's lips form a tight seal around her asshole. Elisha pushed slowly, feeling the warmth of her waste fill Lauren's mouth. She could feel the girl's tongue tracing her sphincter as she pushed a mouthful of mushy waste past her teeth and into her throat. She waited, listening to the muffled sounds of Lauren chewing, before watching with satisfaction as the pretty girl passed her waste down into her stomach.

Though she made no moves towards touching herself Elisha could tell that Lauren was approaching another climax.

Elisha wondered what it would be like to be in Lauren's position, resigned to swallow any and everything her ass could produce. Resigned to being a toilet! The thought sent a chill of excitement through her body and she strained again, feeling her waste being enthusiastically accepted into Lauren's willing mouth. She watched as Lauren gulped it down, her body shaking with intense pleasure. Elisha's finger once again found her clit as she pushed harder, sending a final load of shit down Lauren's eager throat. Her fingers were a blur as she watched the muscles of Lauren's throat contact, her own orgasm cresting as Lauren gulped down her mouthful of shit.

As Lauren lovingly swallowed the liquid waste, her body shook with one final orgasm. She kept her face buried in Elisha's warm crack, gripping her thighs tightly with her arms as the waves of pleasure overran her body and senses. Once the shaking subsided, she resumed licking, ensuring Elisha was pristine. Once she finished, Elisha swung her hips over Lauren's head and turned around.

Lauren smiled up at Elisha and whispered through brown stained contented lips. "Thank you."

As Lauren drove home she caught her reflection in the rearview mirror. She flashed a warm smile and giggled at the sight of her teeth, still lightly stained brown. Her hand gently massaged her stomach where Elisha's waste remained, churning away. Though Elisha had suggested vomiting, Lauren had flatly refused.

She began to hum to herself as she turned into her own subdivision. At only 22, her entire life lay before her. She had no doubt in her mind she'd get to do and be everything she ever dreamed of but for right now, she was happy to be Mistress Elisha's Toilet!

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Grogu269Grogu26924 days ago

Drinking a woman's pee has always been exciting and fun to do for me, but I have to admit that it's only been a fantasy to have her use my mouth for "that". The idea makes me hard but could I do it? I'll probably never know.

The ease with which you let the characters and the reader into this nasty delicious tale is amazing. Dialogue was perfect. Didn't care about her licking her boyfriend's butt but I looked past that. I will read more of your deliciously naughty stories.

Lili9806Lili98069 months ago

Amazing story! So beautiful, hot and sexy. I imagine Lauren a beautiful blond girl who looks like a model and she is tall, 5'10

it was soo good to reading

JackiemichelleJackiemichelle11 months ago

Couldn't stop reading. Hoping I was in her place. I have been a toilet and need to be again. Love your stories

GayKatGayKat11 months ago

Brilliant, Hot and Sexy,,,Yes!


Hallo B D 1994!


You wouldn't believe how many times I have heard, the same complaint, and always from married straight women, "no one has ever used their tongue on me like that before!" my husband won't do that for me, he says it's just too dirty, but his cock and asshole isn't too dirty for my mouth, 😏 hmmm?!

As she paid me, I just shook my head

thinking this woman hasn't a fucking clue about training an inferior male to serve a Superior Woman as a sexual plaything!... Not like another woman does! 😜

Thank-You, 5-Stars and 5-Asshole Licking Orgasms,


The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!

💩 🍸 💩

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

except lauren licking her boyfriend, this is great

PoopyPants82PoopyPants82about 1 year ago

So, like, more? I mean, fuck! This was hot!

FortalezaFortalezaabout 1 year ago

Great story, well written and a pleasure to read.

I sincerely hope that more of your writing ( perhaps part 2) graces this website soon❗️👍

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


OOAAOOAAabout 1 year ago

Congratulations for your first story!!! Very exciting and well written! 5 stars!!!

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