Mom's Three Weeks Off Pt. 03


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And then, Jason fell on top of her. Deborah grunted as her hips slammed into the bed and she was now lying prone. But Jason didn't miss a beat, he kept reaming out his mother's pussy like any good son would. His arms came under her and cupped her tits, squeezing fiercely. Deborah whimpered again, but she gratefully clenched her pussy around her son and insistently pushed her hips back into his in time with his thrusts, showing him how much mommy loved his treatment.

"Mom, mom..."

"Oh Jasonnnnnnnmgh!!... sweetie!" Deborah moaned as she felt her son's sweat mix with her own as he kissed the back of her neck.

"Im gonna cum mom!" Jason whispered fiercely. "Im gonna cum inside you and I'm gonna get you pregnant!" He hissed

"Yessss! Yes baby get mommy pregnant!" Deborah wailed, her voice a near screech. And then Jason grunted like an animal and pushed deep, his arms slipping as he desperately pulled Deborah onto his cock. Deborah, right there, loosened her pussy as best she could and pushed back herself, wanting to give her son everything in the world.

At the first splash of hot cum in her womb, Deborah shuddered and her body tried to get away from the massive pulsing cock. But Jason held tight to his mother, one hand on her hips and one hand holding a titty while he jerked his hips, a leg trying to wrap around his mother to keep her still so he could safely deposit all of his nut.

His orgasm seemed to last a long time. For Deborah it felt like an eternity. Stars swam before her eyes, and her blood seemed to be boiling. But all over her body, from her tummy, through her muscles to her skin, hell even her jelly like bones felt the waves of golden pleasure passing through her. Deborah moaned, for that was all she could do, and gratefully gyrated her hips with the little strength she had left, thanking her son's wonderful cock for all that it had given.

As she began to drift of into an exhausted sleep, her son's cock still deep inside of her, still humming with life even though it wasn't cumming, Deborah felt so safe, so perfect. Her last thought was that it had been a very good idea to wake Jason up for one last round of baby making sex. Even if she was already pregnant.

The mother drifted off to sleep with the tiredest, happiest smile on her face. Jason joined his mom shortly after, not even bothering to take his cock out of her. Sadly, it did slip out at some point during their slumber


The next day, Deborah got up early, having some soreness in her vagina from Jason's zealous attack on her pussy the night before. But she loved the ache she felt, it reminded her that she was a mother again.

She woke Jason up as well, telling him there would be no sex until after his graduation when he tried to rub his morning erection all over her in the shower.

"But mom! What if I pop a stiffy while walking up to get my diploma?!" Jason asked plaintively. Deborah shook her head, rolling her eyes even as she smiled. She turned around, facing the spray and washing the soap off of her tits herself; she couldn't trust Jason to do it right now.

"Well sweetie. If you 'pop a stiffy' as you so elegantly describe," she arched an appraising eyebrow at him. "Mommy will know you are thinking of her, and will be very happy," she finished with a smile.

Jason blushed, looking away for a second. "Yea but what about everyone else," he mumbled.

"Wellll," Deborah said in her patient motherly tone while she explained to her son why he wasn't going to be getting what he wanted. "Mommy doesn't know how you hid your 'Stiffys' from everyone else before I started helping you cum," she smiled at him to let him know that she did really appreciate their time cumming together. "But I am sure you can resort to however you hid them back then."

Jason let out breath through his nose in unhappy defeat. "I guess," he mumbled looking at the shower floor past his rigid dick.

"Oh stop moping baby," Deborah giggled as she gently tapped her son's cock with a dainty index finger. It bounced enticingly and Deborah had to stop herself from biting her lip. "Be a good boy for mommy now, and you will get a nice present later." Gripping his cockhead in her hand now, she pulled him close, gently stroking his thick dick. He grunted and tilted his head back. Deborah squeezed his dick and Jason looked back down at her; she was staring up at him with that stern mommy expression again. "Okaaaay?" Deborah asked, her eyebrow arched a little dangerously.

"Okay mom", Jason nodded his head vigorously. At that, Deborah's smile returned in full force and she let go of his dick.

"Good boy," she said as she stepped out of the shower, water dripping off of her gorgeous full figure. Jason whimpered internally but steeled himself. Afterall, the hardest part was over. His mom was only going to put on more clothes at this point, so his eagerness should go down.

Jason got dressed in his gown and Deborah put on lovely black dress that matched but didn't look like it was for mourning. Jason eyed her up as she came out of the bedroom, but Deborah only smirked, putting her last earring in place. "Don't be naughty now and ruin a good thing sweetie," Deborah said with a wagging finger and a smirk. "Otherwise you won't get mommy's special graduation present."

Jason rolled his eyes in exaggeration and Deborah laughed at his expression. Taking his arm in hers, she led them to the car and got in. The drive to the school wasn't long. Deborah gave Jason a big hug, holding him for longer than any other mother and son she saw around, before sending him off with a very chaste kiss on the lips. She knew it was risky, but she thought her boyfriend deserved more than a kiss on the cheek.

Deborah found Chelsea in the auditorium and they sat together. They chatted amiably as people filed in, finding their seats. 5 minutes before it was about to start, Deborah's ex-husband, Jon arrived. Deborah looked at her husband for a few seconds, caught trapped in her head for a moment as she realized, with surprise, that she didn't feel the anger anymore. All that resentment that she had been holding up inside of her had always flared up in the past whenever she had seen him. But now, when she looked at his pompously smiling face and pretentious wave, she just found nothing inside. Turning back to face the front, she smiled to herself, happy in another way she wouldn't have expected.

When she felt someone settle in the seat next to her, she knew it was Jon.

"How's it going little Debbie?" Jon asked, a pretentious joking tone in his voice. Deborah would have rolled her eyes in the past and sighed, but she knew he only did it to get under her skin, and she didn't want to give him the satisfaction. So instead she turned to him and gave her one of her most charming smiles.

"I'm actually doing fantastic Jonathan!" She knew he hater being called Jonathan. "I am doing better than I have in years actually." Jon smiled back. "How about you, how have you been?" Deborah really didn't care how he had been, but it was polite to ask.

However as she did, she noticed a ghost of a shadow pass over his face before his over-charming smile was back on. "Oh you know. Ive been doing well too. Lot of business happening." Jon worked in sales, he had always been good, but he also made big gambles that didn't always pay off.

"That's nice," Deborah said and turned back around.

"How's J been?" Jon asked.

"He's been doing really well too actually," Deborah said, flicking her eyes at Jon. "Excellent actually... even got himself a girlfriend." Deborah heard Chelsea beside her gasp then stifle some giggling and Deborah couldn't help the smirk on her lips.

"Well good for him, bout time he started taking some interest in chasing tail." This time Deborah could not help her slight frown.

"He may be your son too, Jon, but I've made sure that our boy does not 'chase tail.'" He has been nothing but a gentleman and the lady he asked found no reason to say no." Jon almost rolled his eyes, but was smart enough to stop himself.

They continued to talk for a little while, staying to more pleasant topics, and Deborah, completely unintentionally, made Jon laugh a few times. However once the ceremony started, they, like everyone else, quickly quieted.

The list of students wasn't terribly long. Jimmy was near the front and Chelsea cheered when he got his diploma. Deborah clapped her hands respectfully and gave a small cheer herself. When Ellie, the beautiful ginger girl they had sat at prom with came on stage, Deborah looked to her tummy and noticed a slight swell. Immediately, her mind went to the idea that the young girl might be pregnant. But shaking her head, she told herself not everyone in the world was as depraved as her and Chelsea.

Jason was right about in the middle. Deborah couldn't help herself and stood up waving to her son when he came up on stage. Jason looked at her in the crowd and his face split into a beaming grin bigger than the nervous smile he had come walking up with. He even stopped in his tracks and waved back, making Deborah blush and sit down, not wanting to distract him anymore.

"You always did spoil him," Jon said ruefully from her side. Deborah flipped her rich brown curls and sniffed.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about." She didn't look, but she knew Jon was rolling his eyes.

The rest of the ceremony seemed to pass in a blur and soon Deborah was rushing to her son, crushing Jason in a fierce overly long hug. Jason picked up his mom and laughing, spun her around. Deborah leaned back and looked down on her son, beaming down at him. "Mommy loves you so much baby. And I am so so... so so so... so so sooooooooo proud! Deborah said between kisses that she plastered all over her son's face. She had been wearing bright red lipstick and Jason's face was covered in red imprints of her lips. Jason laughed and set her down, Deborah felt a fierce pride and claim over her son as the whole world got to see him marked by her. She smiled innocently and twisted on the spot, even though her panties were gooing thinking about all the highschoolers and their parents wondering who had attacked Jason with kisses.

"Awww, you covered him Debbie!" Jon said exasperatedly. Jason frowned at the use of Debbie, knowing his mom hated it. But smiled for his dad anyway.

"Its okay dad, I don't mind." Looking his mom in the eye he gave her a real smile. "I don't mind at all," he said more quietly. Deborah almost swooned.

Jon talked to Jason for a while while Deborah chatted with Chelsea, both mother's standing under the shade to stay out of the heat.

"I couldn't believe you said that Jason has a girlfriend to Jon Deb!" Chelsea said in a very pleased scandalized voice as she playfully swatted Deborah's arms which were folded under her ample bosom. Deborah smirked despite herself.

"Well, I thought as a father, he should know what's going on in his son's life."

"Mhmmm," came Chelsea's obviously disbelieving hum.

"Oh shut up you!" Deborah laughed, swatting her friend this time, and Chelsea joined her in her laughter.

Jason and Jimmy came back to their moms, giving them kisses on the cheek. The two couples talked for a bit before promising to meet up soon and parting ways. "Did you say goodbye to your father?" Deborah asked Jason as they walked to the car.

"Mhmm. He says he'll come by sometime in the summer to visit."

"That's nice," Deborah said with a forcefully cheery voice.

"Yea I suppose," came Jason's noncommittal reply. Deborah smiled at her son and squeezed his hand.

"Debbie! Deb can I get a word?!" Jon was walking over briskly.

"Here, why don't you start the car sweetie." Deborah handed Jason her keys and walked back to meet Jon halfway.

"Of course. What did you want to talk about?" Deborah asked, puzzled. Jon looked slightly nervous but he forced a smile.

"Well. I just thought it was nice of us to sit together as parents and stuff. It reminded me of the good ol days," he gave her his most winning smile, but Deborah frowned quizzically. Jon hurried on. "I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe... give it another shot. Go on a date this weekend or something?"

Deborah stared at her ex-husband for a second, disbelief written all over her face, and she couldn't help herself. She let out a bark of laughter and had to cover her mouth, though her sides still trembled. The hope that had been on Jon's face slid away quickly. Did he actually think he was going to get a second chance because of a mediocre conversation?! After he had cheated on her and abandoned her and Jason for some young floozy. Thinking, Deborah guessed it must have not worked out so well with said floozy.

"Oh i'm sorry Jonathan," Deborah said warmly, finally managing to control her laughter. "But no, I am afraid I'm spoken for. I've already got a boyfriend."

"Well who is it?" Jon asked somewhat offendedly.

Deborah smiled warmly at him. "That's none of your fucking business," and she turned on her heels, walking away briskly. When she got to the car, she could see Jason watching and figured that he must have seen it all.

When she got in she found she was correct because Jason asked her immediately. "What was that about?"

"Oh nothing sweetie," Deborah said as she buckled on her seatbelt. "You father just wanted a second chance. Asked me out on a date." When she looked over at the incredulous disbelieving look on her son's face, she couldn't help but burst out laughing again, but this time she didn't hold it in.

"And what did you tell him?" Jason asked hopefully, a smile tugging at his lips. Deborah turned and looked at her son with a lusty hunger in her eyes. She leaned across the seat and whispered seductively, her hand palming his cock through his pants. "That this mommy already has a boyfriend!"

Jason beamed at her. "Cool." Deborah rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Yes baby. Very cool, now take us home! Mommy has a present to give you." Jason just smiled and pulled them out of the parking lot.

When they got home, Deborah insisted Jason stay downstairs on the couch while she got his present. Rushing upstairs, she got the small fancy wrapped box, she had wrapped it early this morning, and rushed back downstairs. She came into the living room unable to keep the excited smile off of her face.

Jason grinned up at her as she settled in next to him on the couch, placing it in his lap. "Ooooooh what is it?" Jason asked, lifting it up and shaking the box. Deborah giggled.

"Open it up and find out silly!" Deborah teased. But as Jason began to unwrap the pretty bow, she felt a moment of panic. What if he wasn't happy?! And then, all too soon, the wrapping paper was gone, the tissue paper, and all that was left was the white and pink pregnancy test, sitting there showing the result 'pregnant'.

Jason stared at it for a solid 10 seconds and Deborah felt her heart nearly beating out of her chest. Then Jason looked at his mom, his expression serious.

"You're pregnant mom?" Biting her lip, afraid to speak, Deborah nodded her head. Immediately, she was tackled in a fierce hug, her ears ringing for Jason's joyful exclamation. He was squeezing her and peppering her face with kisses now, though he wasn't wearing lipstick. Deborah began to laugh joyfully and squeezed her son back.

When they pulled apart, Jason looked at his mom with excitement and asked "I'm gonna be a dad?"

Deborah nodded. "Yes you are. A daddy." She whispered. Jason closed his eyes, a look of pure contentment on his face as he smiled and drew in a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, he had tears in them. This show of emotion hit Deborah and tears immediately sprung up in her own eyes.

"Oh baby!" She said in a quiet voice as she reached out and pulled her son back into a hug. "Mommy is so happy that you got her pregnant," Deborah whispered fiercely, crushing Jason. Jason squeezed back.

"Me too mom.... Me too.... And you're going to be a mom again!" Jason said, pulling back.

"Ugh... And a grandmother," Deborah said sounding displeased. Jason said nothing, but when Deborah looked back at him, he was staring at her with a deep hunger.

"That's... so hot mom," he whispered. Deborah blushed and felt her arousal rise sudden and fierce.

"Yea. You like the idea of making your mommy a grandma?" Deborah asked defiantly, tossing her long luscious hair. Jason smirked and crawled towards her, pushing her dress up past her hips; he was pleasantly surprised to find that his mom wasn't wearing panties. Deborah bit her lip and lay back on the couch.

"Yea mom. I do." Jason said simply as he shucked his pants. Deborah felt giddy.

"Well... why don't you show me... daddy," Deborah tentatively ventured, seeing how her son would react. Jason paused for a moment, his dick hovering over his mother's adorable little bush.

"I'm not a dad yet... mommy," Jason paused at the last, before finishing grinning and Deborah beamed lustily at him. Grabbing his hot cock, she slotted him at her entrance and was pleased to hear how wet she was when she moved his cock through her dewy folds.

"But you will be soon sweetie... SooooOOOooooon!" Deborah's words turned into a pleased wail as her son's cock split open her piping hot, pregnant pussy.


Hello again reader. Please leave a like or a comment if you feel like it- anytime you read it, even if its been out for a while. I love to see how you guys/girls feel about the stories and what you like best. I try to add a lot of sex scenes since, well, why are we all here lol, but let me know if they work or if they are too much.

This one was my longest upload yet as I just kept adding to it and adding to it, wanting to make sure Deborah was good and pregnant by the end of chapter 3. I will write more Mom's Three Weeks Off chapters as I was rather upset I didn't get to write any sex scenes with Deborah all swollen and pregnant, but probably not for a while. I have to advance the Momma GOAT storyline first since they are a linked timeline.

I was also thinking about writing about Chelsea and Jimmy's story, but I am not sure. I also thought about writing a father daughter story from the perspective of Ellie and her dad. If you like either of those ideas please say so.

Anyways, let me know what you think and thank you for getting this far!

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Ryk_LRyk_L4 days ago

Don’t believe anonymous with this “thesaurus for your birthday”. Your description of the scenes whether sex is involved or not our absolutely marvelous!

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

One of the best stories I've read in a while

all4pam1all4pam1about 1 month ago

I would love to hear about Elli and her dad that would be so hot!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Please, whoever is hiding behind the author's pen, how many times can you use the word 'INSTINCTUALLY', in the one story?

FFS, did you get a new thesaurus for your birthday?

You've definitely overdosed on the adverbs and adjectives, to the extent that your story quickly became very fucking monotonous.

JTSFTJTSFTabout 2 months ago

Please, how will they pull getting married and what will Jason do for college and/or work? Lots of babies and pregnant sex. Ellie and dad definitely! Jimmy and Chelsea at least the ins n outs of arrangement with father

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Can't get for the story to continue I can't wait to read about Jason drinking Deborahs milk for him to take her anal virginity, using toys and ducking her while she is pregnant, I hope all his kids end up being girls so Deborah and listen to them all call him daddy and then Deborah calling him daddy in the bedroom, I think we got enough of Jimmy and Chelsea so they don't need to be continued but would love more mother and son stories especially if it includes multiple women and the mom fucking the 1 son.

WildErotica69WildErotica692 months ago

This needs another chapter for sure, would love to read about them getting married, his mom having his babies and feeding both the babies and him while she takes it hard and long

01Timber6701Timber672 months ago

This needs an other chapter or and epilogue for the unanswered questions in this. First what happened with Chelsea and her husband?? A Jason going to college??


4095113814095113813 months ago

He needs to propose to his Deborah and hold a pleasant beach ceremony on a tropical island. Then we must know the news of her pregnancy and the fun.Don't want others, as long as the mother and son are happy.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

He needs to propose to his Deborah and have a nice beach ceremony on some tropical island. Then we must read about the arrival of her baby bump and the fun with it.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

really keep it up cant wait for them to try to get pregnant again

FutaloveadickedFutaloveadicked4 months ago

Love this story.please continue . The idea of Ellie and his father is fantastic. Would love to see all 3 stories come together.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Way too long and too repetitive

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