Montana Gold


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Hayden decided that there was no sense in letting everyone else have all the fun. He removed his clothing and casually walked out into the sunlight. A movement of the shades in Courtney's bedroom indicated that she was watching. He liked that.

He stood and stretched in the warm sun, relishing its heat on his flesh. His lightly tanned skin was glassy smooth and so delicious to touch. Hayden used the brush he'd brought with him to carefully work his hair, brushing it until he'd accentuated its waves and it curled about his face. It felt like a glistening, heavy blanket down his back.

The lounge beckoned, so he lay down and smoothed sunscreen on himself, taking time to apply it slowly and deliberately to his swelling cock and his ball sac. Feeling his hands on his shaft brought on a series of warm waves lapping over his mind and imagination. He caressed the electric spot beneath its crown, causing it to harden more. Its head was a smooth, pinkish tan beauty with its mouth now opening slightly.

Having Courtney and probably Parker and Mikasa watching him was erotic also. As he lay on the couch, moving slowly, sensually, beneath his caresses, he felt the burning within that foreshadowed an orgasm. To prolong this delicious eruption he continued smoothing his hands over his body.

He decided to insert and enjoy his thick anal plug, and he pulled it from the small velvet bag in which he stored it. Hayden rolled onto his side, applied a generous coating of saliva onto its steel bulb, and worked it into his anus. The bulbous plug was topped with a smooth round onyx stone. It's pleasing shape had no uncomfortable edges to rub his buns, and it was long enough to protrude slightly from his body. When he felt behind with his right hand he could tell that nearly an inch of the large black stone was outside of his body and visible. It felt sexy, heavy, providing a pleasing stuffed sensation inside his tender hole.

He stood and ambled about the yard, exaggerating his movements slightly to display his swollen cock and his lightly swaying balls. Bending forward increased the heaviness of his breasts and caused his nipple rings to flip about, producing a delightful little electric tingle in the now-firm tips of his breasts.

Hayden straightened and, with closed eyes, thumbed and tugged at his nipples until they stood erect. He arched backward, accentuating his thick shaft, positioning it to stand upright; then he turned away from the camper, lazily crossed his legs, trapping his bulging cock and balls behind them as he ran his fingers through his mass of reddish-gold hair.

After enjoying this sensation, he bent forward to display his anal plug, reached back to turn it within his hole, and then touched his ankles. Finally, he went back to the lounge, lay down, and did a sit-up in preparation for getting his cock into his mouth. He was easily flexible enough, and he moved slowly to bend forward, pulling closer with his left arm and hand using his left thigh as he guided his spear between his lips and swirled his tongue about it.

Clear dew already oozed from its mouth; it tasted lightly salty and though its consistency was that of a thin cream there was no flavor. He drew two inches into his mouth and relaxed, taking time to relish his body flavor.

Thoughts of what he was doing coupled with images of how it looked to his observers triggered a slow yet almost vicious orgasm. He deliberately allowed the first thick jet of cum to strike his face, tracking heavily down his chin and swinging between his chin and his breasts. The remainder of his bursts he consumed, sluicing the thick goo about in his mouth and then swallowing it.

Hayden then lay back and allowed his shaft to soften gently as he fingered the rope of cream now laying on his breasts. He spread it over his nipples and their rings, relishing its slipperiness. He recalled with pleasure the sensation of Mark moving slowly into him during the Beautiful Men shoot when everyone was watching. Parker, Ashwynde, Lauren and the rest murmured with approval as Mark captured him from behind and cupped his boobs.

Hayden could not remember ever having been so sensually, completely possessed. Mark was gentle yet strong as he fondled Hayden's nipples and toyed with their rings. His movements in and out of Hayden's body were slow, deep and expressive of tender passion. He hardened within the youth's tight anal passage, the gel making his shaft slippery and super sensitive to every tightening of Hayden's body.

As he lay in the warm Montana sun, Hayden continued his thoughtful odyssey with Mark on the photo shoot.

Mark's eruption had been hot and sudden. He had expanded Hayden's hole noticeably yet it was not painful. Hayden could almost taste the erotic sensation of having this man inside him as others watched. Mark grasped him in a hug and began thrusting, assured that he could not accidentally pull out before he came.

The sensation of his body filling with a thick, oily, slippery substance from Mark's penetration caused him to swell once more. He was so hard. He gasped at the memory of responding to two deep sexual stimulations at once, Mark's anal invasion and his own blistering orgasm. Hayden sighed with satisfaction.

Mental images of Parker and Lexo strolling around Cannes, France, in micro-skirts so small that their pussies and anal bars were exposed, the knowledge that all three women were watching him now, Parker's on-stage exposure that night in the restaurant...all these combined to deliciously squeeze from Hayden something of a 'dry orgasm,' sweet contractions without loss of cream.

From within the camper and through the screen door came the distinct sound of Mikasa's muted exclamation, "Oh, God! Oh, that is so erotic! Oh, Parker, Courtney, help me...I'm losing it all just watching him. Mmmm..."

There were sounds of the women stirring about as they held Mikasa in her arousal. Then he heard, "Oh, Courtney, honey, you're going to lick me! Oh, baby, that is so sweet...oh, dear!"

Then silence.

He walked slowly to the camper and mounted the steps into the cabin. All three women were naked and in various stages of sexual enjoyment. They stared at him hungrily. He innocently returned their stares and went into his room to get dressed.

Chapter 17

Darkness Arrives

Following their afternoon enjoyments, the group sat around at a light supper talking about what the night held.

"I'm convinced he'll come tonight," said Hayden matter-of-factly. "He's around somewhere spinning himself up into some kind of white hot fury. Courtney, do you think he'll have others with him, or will he do it solo?"

The girl considered the question, then said, "He'll do it alone. He's so proud of the way he's terrified everybody around here. He won't want any witnesses, either, because he's planning something hideous for all of us."

"How do you know that, baby?" asked Mikasa softly, touching her face affectionately.

"'Cause he's such a proud asshole. He really believes that there's nobody like him. In that garbage dump he calls a mind he's some kind of Paul Bunyan. I know he's thinking of Hayden as some wimpy girly-boy with long hair and threat at all. And the rest of us are meat for his grill. He's convinced nobody here is a real threat to him and that he can bash his way in here and terrify all of us...he's right about me, at least," she whispered with shame.

"All right," said Hayden almost casually, "here's what's really going to happen tonight. This isn't going to be any 'fair fight,' first of all. If we go into this planning to fight fair then we've already lost. He can't get near here without our little spies out there warning us."

He laid out his plan. Before they switched off all the lights, he and Parker backed the ATVs down the back ramp and parked them behind the Peterbilt.

When the monster arrived the only lights shining on the truck and its camper were a pair of dim ones atop the center of each side of the body. Good...he could do his work in the darkness or in the light. Didn't matter.

In his belt he carried a hunting knife; in his pocket he brought along a box cutter, good for cutting up the smooth, tender body parts like their faces. They were so weak, they'd gone to sleep and weren't expecting him. The only man around was that sweet, long-haired pussy with the tits who'd staked his hand to the table with a friggin' fork! He could never qualify as a real man if you gave him eternity. Come to think of it, when he beat him unconscious, he'd cut off those nipple rings of his and keep them for souvenirs. Damn! That'll be cool...

His cock was hard just from the thought of the pain they'd have and the fun long overdue him.

At first he'd planned to bring a shotgun and just blow his way into the truck; then he realized that the blast noise would carry too far. He had a better plan to get them out of the truck.

He crept over to the pair of tandem rear wheels on the left side of the truck and slopped a five- gallon can of kerosene over the wheels. They would catch fire with a lot of smoke and really get going before he'd bang on the sides to wake up the little pussies.

He flicked his lighter, touched it to the surface of one huge Dunlop tire, waited for it to catch, and stepped back as the flames licked hungrily up the side of the camper body. Then he stepped back to wait before he began throwing rocks at the side of the vehicle.

In the short time Ralph had left in his life on this earth, he was never certain just what happened next or how. Suddenly the night vanished as the entire area was lit by small flood lamps on the top and recessed into the sides of the truck. The side door opened and he saw Parker, the hairy bitch, standing topless in jeans in the doorway.

As she walked down the steps, she asked, "So, Ralph, what can I do for you tonight?"

God in heaven...she had the biggest tits he'd ever seen.

"Where's that little red-headed cocksucker who attacked me the other night, you whore? And that bitch who calls herself my wife! I know she's in there. Tell her to get her worthless ass out here."

From the rear of the truck a form stepped into the arena of light. "The little redheaded cocksucker? Well, my, my, my, that'd be me," Hayden said in a voice lathered with sarcasm as he pulled an extinguisher from a small compartment beneath the truck and put out the blazing tires.

Already this had taken a turn for the worst. Ralph noted that Hayden had dropped the extinguisher; in the young man's hands was one of those small black machine pistols he'd heard called a 'room broom.' The H&K MP5K, a friend had told him. They were really badass, and suddenly here this kid had one.

"Do you like my lady's tits, Ralph? They're big mommas, all right."

Ralph stood immobilized before the youth with the machine pistol. If he could get it away from him..., and he started to walk slowly toward Hayden.

"You need to understand something, Ralph," remarked Hayden, disturbingly devoid any sign of fear. "If I need a nail file for a job, I always take a chainsaw."

Big Ralph was mentally processing that remark when his body suddenly folded beneath him in a rash of ear-popping jolts as a barrage of electrical bursts overloaded his nerves. Parker had fired both barbs from a taser into his huge frame from behind. They struck him in the middle of his broad, meaty back. Ralph went down, toppling as if he were a felled tree, his muscles jittering, then unresponsive from the electric shock.

Hayden checked the inert body before he released the grips on the weapon and allowed it to swing into position on its sling beneath his right arm.

"Just like Clint Eastwood said, 'A man's got to know his limitations.' Help me zip-tie him, Gypsy 'cause he won't be like this for long," as Parker strode over to the prone form. For once the sight of her breasts bouncing furiously didn't sidetrack his thinking.

"When you double-zip-tie his hands, then wrap another tie around that strap on the inside of his wrists. These things can be snapped if you know how, and we can't afford to have him get loose." He then strapped the man's mouth with duct tape.

When they'd bound Ralph, Hayden brought around one of the ATVs. They called Courtney and Mikasa out of the camper and recruited their help in loading the great body onto the bustle rack behind Hayden's seat. Parker grabbed the tank top that Mikasa tossed her and pulled it on. Although this was work of the most serious kind, the top didn't conceal or support Parker's heavy assets any better than anything else she owned.

Hayden shook his head as she addressed the two women. "Mikasa, Courtney, I want two things from you. First, this evening never happened. You've been asleep with each other, and you both dreamed identical dreams. Second, please go back inside and don't come out. We won't be too long. As Douglas MacArthur stated, 'I shall return.'"

Mikasa and Courtney turned and trotted to the door.

Chapter 18

Taking Out the Garbage

Parker followed Hayden's lead along a winding trail he'd already laid out. It led up the mountain and back into the hills, and eventually she recognized it as the one leading to the sinkholes they'd discovered on an earlier exploration venture.

Their vehicles were almost as silent as if they were walking. Hayden drew up to one of the overhanging brows above a recently collapsed area; several large rocks still rimmed the loose earth. He backed the ATV as close as he dared, then he and Parker pushed Ralph's almost inert body over the edge, followed by several of the larger rocks.

The prolonged slide that followed ensured that what remained of Ralph would never be found, at least in this decade. Hayden turned, silently hugged his lover, then they mounted their vehicles and made their way quietly back down the hills to their campsite.

"Any regrets?" Hayden asked of his silent woman.

"Nope. You got any?"

"Nope," he replied.

They did no rejoicing, contrary to what many of the world's more timid and compliant believe about those who tend to business themselves.

When the law is too weak, too frightened, or too bent into someone's personal agenda, and it ceases to perform its proper function, then nothing remains for good men and women but to defend themselves. This is no time for partying and laughter. Rather, the entire PRISM crew believed such actions were a reason for great sadness, a time when men and women are driven to their last extreme.

Only the night and its canopy of stars splashed across the heavens witnessed what had passed beneath them, and the creation was telling no tales. Ralph had departed the mainstream of life without leaving a ripple.

Chapter 19

The First Gold Strike

After they went inside, Hayden and Parker went to bed. Knowing how she enjoyed it, he brushed her hair out, then gently did likewise to her underarm and body fur. His woman sighed in the semi-darkness. When he finished, she asked him to lie on his back.

She moved above him, brushing out his thick golden waves until they lay in a fan across their bed. Then without a word she picked up his full, soft stem and caressed it, laying it beside her cheeks, enjoying its scent, and ever so gradually moving it closer to her mouth.

As she placed her lips artfully over his crown, dipping her tongue into its small mouth, then coating it with her juices, he gasped lightly and sighed.

"Gypsy, you're perfect. So skilled. The way that feels on my cock is beyond description. It's warm, it's erotic, as if I were eating some incredibly delicious meal that filled my body and soul with sexual heat. Look how you're making me hard!"

"Yes, Golden Boy...I've noticed that you are a whole lot larger than when I first touched you. Can you see how much I have to stretch my mouth open just to get beautiful you inside of hungry me?"

He stared at the large 'O' formed by her lips about his swollen crown. He was wet with her saliva. As he watched, she carefully slid him into her mouth, along the pillow of her tongue, until he felt his crown touch the back of her throat. She withdrew slightly as she almost coughed, then she rested quietly over his body.

In the collage of erotic thoughts that bathed his mind's eye he felt himself stiffen slightly and that delicious fire burned within his hips.

She nodded as he surrendered, and his cream burst into her mouth. Parker opened her lips somewhat, allowing it to dribble out and down her chin. She opened farther, making a luscious, sticky web of white goo that coated her tongue and slid down his penis into his red fluff.

She was a completely beautiful mess, dripping his juice from her lips, coating his cock, and swallowing repeatedly as she challenged him with her dark eyes.

Hayden responded by turning her body over onto her tummy. She raised herself only to arrange her breasts beneath her, then she parted her buns as he bent to lick her hole in its covering of soft fur. After tasting her flavors, he rose, nosed his shaft into her anus, and began slowly thrusting and withdrawing.

His body rebuilt its cream after an hour of his slow, tender and unrelenting invasion. He sighed with joy as he lost himself once more into his woman. She wriggled with pleasure and tightened her muscle about his cock, whispering compliments and little pleas for help as he filled her.

Both plunged into an exhausted slumber, awakening only when a beam of sunlight crept onto their faces. "You owe me a baby, Golden Boy. I want those millions of little tadpoles of your life to at least strike paydirt in me. Let me turn over, Angel."

She did so, and he cleaned off his shaft, then he slipped through the thick fur between her thighs, into her soft, wet flesh. He lost control immediately and filled her pussy, relentlessly driving to his full length within her. He sensed something different about this time with his lover; he could not express it, the sensation was more of an intuition than anything concrete.

When he watched the broad, sweet smile creeping across his gypsy's face, Hayden knew.

"You, my precious young lover and my man, will have made me pregnant with that. Don't ask me how I's a Southern thing...we girls just know. One of those little pocket rockets of yours somewhere in that glorious mess of cream you shot into me just found the love of his life, and he's taking over. OH...this is so gorgeous!" she shouted, laughing and wildly shaking her head.

"Oh, Hayden, my wonderful love, this is joy beyond anything I've known!"

To his utter astonishment, Parker jumped out of bed, threw open the door of the camper and rushed down the stairs to high-step about the yard like some naked drum major before a marching band. She was crying, laughing, yelling and blowing kisses at the young man standing speechless in the doorway. For once in his life, Hayden was genuinely without a single thing to say.

Add to that embarrassment when Mikasa and Courtney appeared beside him, naked, bleary eyed and staring in wonder at the scene before them.

"Hayden, what in the hell is going on out here!" exclaimed Mikasa, a laugh breaking her countenance as she watched Parker strutting across the ground, as naked as the day of her birth. "What in heaven's name did you do to that woman?"

"Mikasa, please just ask her...just...please."

She made her way down the steps and over to Parker, grabbing her in a tight embrace. After a moment of whispered excitement, Mikasa stared up at Hayden and Courtney and said slyly, "Aha! You've knocked her up."

"How are you two so sure?"

"Because, oh, perfectly gorgeous young hunk and man-of-the-hour, we girls just...,"

"...know these things!" finished Hayden with a broad grin.