Montana Gold


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She laughed goodnaturedly, now feeling that she was really a part of something that mattered. As the grit and stone flew from the hole, they saw the outline of a flat, partially dry-rotted case. The shapes of dark colored bags filled it from end-to-end.

"Courtney, you uncovered this first. Now pull out one of those bags and let's see what you found, girl."

She gingerly withdrew the old oil-soaked leather, hefting its weight. Something within clinked together. After pulling over a small piece of whitish wood, she carefully poured out the bag's contents; the sheen and beauty of old gold coins glimmered in the flashlight beams.

"Mikasa," called Hayden, "come on down and get a look. I'll take over the watch."

The older woman hopped down, kissed him as she pressed by him in the narrow passage, and with excitement bent over the find. He noted in passing that while she moved rapidly, there was nothing cursory about her warm, moist kiss. Nor was there in her brief cupping of his right breast.

She moved on to the open crate in the dusty floor of the shaft. Courtney gingerly handed her one of the bags, but it made no sound as she lightly squeezed it. Parker cupped her hands as Mikasa poured the contents into the depression. Gold nuggets, rounded, large gold nuggets unlike anything she had ever imagined.

They opened two more bags, one of nuggets and some flakes of gold, the other containing gold and silver coins.

"Hayden, Baby, don't you think we ought to get all this out of here and do our looking back in the camper?" Parker grinned at her lover, both of them bathed in sweat and dirty as two urchins. At the mouth of the mine, Hayden strove to catch any small breeze as he vainly pulled away errant wads of reddish-gold hair sticking to his face and shoulders. He jumped down to their level.

"You're right. Let's open the other two cases...that's what's in these other two depressions here. Mikasa, you and I will get it all out and into the bustle racks on these vehicles. Parker and Courtney, will you dig out the other holes and start helping. Try to pack the load evenly. I'm going to try restoring and covering this entrance so it doesn't advertise that someone's been here."

Chapter 23

Taking Stock

Their trip back to the Peterbilt camper was considerably more uncomfortable because of the extra weight of five boxes of gold. Parker had covered each load with a canvas and secured them with trucker straps. Everyone was grimy, tired, and excited.

Once they'd arrived and ridden the ATV's into the back of the truck, they carried the hoard of fist-size bags of gold into the central room and placed them on the table and floor.

"You know," remarked Mikasa with a sigh of exhaustion, "this is the most exciting thing I've ever done...but I gotta take a bath. I'm a scumbag."

"Let's all do that," added Courtney.

During the next hour the crew trickled back into the large room and took their seats around the table. They all wore shorts, nothing else. But the thrill of what they were about to do overrode their simmering urges.

"Before we get started, I want you to know something, Courtney and Mikasa. Today changes your lives from hardscrabble to opportunity. Each of you gets a share of what we found today. PRISM pays Parker and me pretty well, and we'll keep a few coins. But the lion's share will be divided among what we'll leave for the Montana Historical Society to divvy up, PRISM gets a wad, and you sweet ladies who helped us so much get enough to enable you to do just about whatever you want to."

Courtney's pretty face was streaked with tears as the realization of what Hayden said sank home. Mikasa sat dumbfounded, speechless.

Parker giggled delightedly. "I don't know whether to laugh at you lovely girls with your jaws resting on the table, or grab you and make love to each of you till we get old and gray!"

"Well, while you topless wonders figure it out, I'll divide this haul." As the women watched in amazement, Hayden separated a sizeable portion of the more valuable 1850s and 1860s gold coins for the Montana Historical Society. "We'll ship these anonymously from one of our cover locations to the state. The rest will vanish into the mists of history."

"Hayden, what should each of us do with this? I've never seen so much gold, much less had anything."

"Courtney, if you and Mikasa want to return to Florida and be parts of our team and our erotic programming, we'd really like for you to do so. This is no personal slight to either of and Parker's suggestion is that you allow us to put yours into an investment program managed by one of the best specialists in the country.

"You can live off the interest without ever touching the principal and go on to develop the professional careers you want while you do so. You, Courtney, are safe now and no one will be asking us anything. You'll be effectively cut off from your past except for your Social Security Number. Mikasa, we want you to be with us, too. You like Courtney are a sensuous, exciting and lovely woman."

Parker interjected softly, "I believe you'll experience more of our thinking along those lines in the days to come. The one thing we absolutely insist on is that you wear the lovely and very sensuous, sexually stimulating clothing our company designs. We're known internationally for that. My intimate Italian friend Lexo admits that now all of her 'dollar-bill' skirts come from us."

"I personally enjoy showing myself," said Courtney with a bashful grin. "It excites me. Does your company have any advice on how to dress that way and not get arrested for it?"

"Yesss, it does," replied Hayden with what on his face amounted to a leer. We are experts at helping people know how to expose themselves while being casual and unintentional about it. While we have many reports of enjoyable experiences, we have very, very few about people who have gotten into difficulty because of their public exposure. Including sexual intimacy."

"Parker," Mikasa addressed the gypsy, "when I saw the way you performed and conducted yourself at the restaurant the other night, I realized that I wanted to learn more about how to do that, too."

"Both of you are extremely attractive and sexually arousing woman. I can help you with a lot of your being more erotic each day. And won't it be fun!" Parkers face shone with excitement at the thought of their coming intimacies.

"If you will be so kind...!" Announced Hayden as he began the process of dividing the treasure. He spent the next hour separating into piles the women's parts of Plummer's gold and that which would go to PRISM.

"This will be subject to the assessment of our specialists in Palm Beach, but that only means that they will determine the value of all of this, then ensure that your shares are equally portioned. I can tell that some of these coins are incredibly valuable now while others are simply 'really valuable' by modern standards. I have never seen these small gold and silver coins...must be something special."

"H-h-how much do you guess this is all worth?" asked Courtney timidly.

"Before it's all over, I suspect that it's to top multiple millions. These coins are rare, and the nuggets are of a shape not often seen anywhere. This is going to be one of PRISM's most important finds. It may even rival the discovery and reclamation of the SS Central America that sank in 1857 carrying a cargo of gold that by today's value totaled around $500 millions. All of that still hasn't been recovered."

"Courtney and Mikasa, each of you is going to have well over $15 million dollars each. My hope and prayer for you is that above all, you don't let it change you. Please."

Parker smiled at her lover and suggested, "Why don't you and Mikasa enjoy the rest of the evening, and Courtney and I'll do the same."

"Honey, that may scare Mikasa to death," laughed Hayden, glancing at her.

"Young man, and I emphasize the 'young' part because you are so perfectly delicious...just wait. You just wait. Are you man enough to handle this oriental knockout?"

"Hmm, now that's a tough one. Lemme see...yep, I firmly believe that I can rise to the occasion."

"I cannot believe this lathering of double entendres by my nearly-teenage man," giggled Parker, absentmindedly fingering her nipple.

"I promise to take good care of him," Mikasa assured her, directing a perfectly ravenous look at the redheaded young man beside her.

"Well, as much as I am yours, Golden Boy, Courtney and I have things to attend to. From the looks of the situation, it'll take all night to do so. Hayden, why don't you and Mikasa go do what you'd like to. Courtney and I will take the back bedroom."

Hayden smiled at Mikasa and said with a put-on air of resignation, "She certainly told us off. Guess we have no choice. How about getting dressed and let's take a walk for a while."

"I'd like that very much," she answered quietly. "Give me a minute." She pulled on an oversize tee shirt and a knee-length skirt.

Chapter 26

A Sweet, Quiet Night

Hayden and Mikasa put on light jackets and walked out into the moonlit darkness. He made no deliberate effort to become intimate; rather, she slipped her hand into his and they walked slowly in silence. Each was aware of the other in that very personal way that presages much sweeter and deeper things, but the stillness and their nearness spoke volumes.

"You don't know this, Hayden, but before I met you, almost all my intimate relations have been with women. Their love has been out of this world, and I will always enjoy my lesbian delight. have completely upset me and all my thinking about men."

"How, Ma'am?"

"Please, beautiful man, call me 'Miko'. It's my intimate name, and more than anything this minute, I want intimacy with you. You are three younger years than I am, yet it makes no difference to me. I can't explain that. You aren't anything like the other men I've known. You are courteous, generous, tender, and deeply loving...I can tell that by the way Parker adores you...and I want to know that in my own life. You are far too wise for your age; that arouses me no end. There is something dangerous about you; that reassures me and makes me desire you because I know I'll be safe with you."

He stopped and turned her to him. "You compliment me far too much, Miko. I'm only me, and some people look at me as just a long-haired kid."

Mikasa drew his face to her own and ran her moist tongue about his lips before slipping it into his mouth. He responded immediately though he let her lead in her insistence and heat. He felt her pour her juices over his tongue, lighting a fire deep within his body.

"Hayden, no...don't be afraid to respond to me. I'm ready to fall at your feet, gorgeous man," and she chuckled at the thought. "I want you. I want you tonight with all your strength and softness and...and...," and she trailed off into frustrated silence.

"Shh, Miko. Be still. I need you, also, and I want you."

She unzipped her jacket, exposing the short top that hardly covered her breasts. With both hands she grasped his and placed them on her chest, massaging her nipples with his fingers.

He opened his own jacket and drew her close. "Do you realize how desirable you are? I'm aroused by the shape of your eyes and the creases beside your mouth that prove you smile a lot. Lord, I love those dimples. And Miko, you're not being pushy and too forward. I'll be slow and careful and tender."

"I know that, and it simply sets me on fire, Hayden. I need you inside me...I want to feel your lips on my nipples and your mouth sucking in my whole breast. And don't even consider putting on some hideous latex thing! I need you bare and I need you repeatedly! Am I wanting too much?"

"Not at all, Mikasa. Be still while I hold you and whisper. Not only do we have all night and others to come, but you'll get to know others in our family and our company who will love you, encourage you, and be the most erotic people you've ever met. Parker and I hope you will take a large part in our explicit exhibitionism on-line, our further development of high quality lesbian erotica, and certainly in her and my relationship with you. I know you and Courtney are lovers and that should continue.

"You are a lovely, sensuous, mysterious woman and you touch Parker and me in some very deep ways."

He slowly ran his hands over her body from her hips to her face, gently kissing her neck and ears as he did so. She sighed and rested her head against his shoulder.

"Hayden, will you make love to me out here in the night? If you'll cover me and hold me and warp your jacket around me, I'll be fine."

Hayden opened his denims and withdrew his stem, feeling it harden. Mikasa removed her slacks, then placed her hands on his shoulders as he helped her gently to the ground. As she spread her thighs and thrust one leg on either side of the small tree, he set her down on his shaft and felt her sink to his full length. Her slipperiness indicted her arousal and readiness.

"Oh! Oh, are so huge inside of me. I feel as if I've been staked on some gorgeous telephone pole."

They sat in silence, relishing the sensation of his thick cock sliding into her, spreading her hot, sticky flesh, of her slippery warmth enfolding him in a creamy blanket. With his fingers he tenderly explored the outlines of the heart-shaped sculpted pussy fur artfully surrounding her vagina.

She nodded with a smile, staring at him before she spoke. "Hayden, Parker has already told me that this isn't going to be anything like just a few times for us. I want you to do erotic things to me; arousing, sweet, messy things to me. I want you to spurt your cream on my face...I have no idea why that is so exciting, but it makes me burn inside.

"I want you to do this to me in public places, in full view of others, and I want to be seen. I want people to take pictures of us. I want to get that gorgeous rod so far down my throat that you come out my other end! I want you to fill my mouth with thick oil and then I want to feel it all sticky and gooey on my lips. I want you to make me an incredible, delicious mess."

He stared at her saying nothing as he enlarged slightly at her description of her desires.

Mikasa wanted to move, but he held her in place, seated on his shaft. They could feel their bodies becoming aroused with the sheer pleasure of the still sensations and their thoughts.

"How can you possibly cause me to surrender so easily when I've hated all the men I ever knew? My insides recognize you as if you and I have made love for a century!"

"Oh, help me!" she whimpered in a small voice.

Hayden refused to allow her to move, forcing her to weep with pleasure and cry out again as her orgasm approached without their even having moved. "Please, please give me...give me... me, Hayden. Or lay me down on the straw and leaves and take me apart, but just screw me until I die!"

"Miko, you are going back with us, aren't you? To stay, not merely for a visit."

"Yes, yes, thousands of yesses," she whispered, now controlled by her oncoming train. "Oh, lover, you don't ever have to be concerned about making me pregnant...I've had my female organs removed. I had some early signs of possible cancer last year, and I didn't want to take chances. It was successful."

"Miko, we need you at PRISM. Parker and I and Ashwynde think you'll be ideal to meet and introduce our young people and our adults to the erotic pleasures of what we do. That means knowing them intimately and helping them to be at ease in exposing themselves to others. We'd like for you to help Parker and Ashwynde develop ways for our men and women to bare themselves and to enjoy intercourse at gatherings, in public places, and in sensuous venues that instantly arouse our viewers. Are you interested?"

"Mmm, oh, I go!"

Mikasa longed, even struggled, to move on his cock but he held her in place, forcing upon her a sweet orgasm generated by the sheer thoughts and feel of his stake within her. His burning, slow eruption filled her with sticky cream. She moaned, grasped his breasts, and pulled his nipple rings as their juices oozed from her body.

"Hayden," she whispered, "I'll do and be all of those things, but I want your promise that I can go as far as possible with what I do, be as uninhibited as possible. I want to create a sensuous storm for those young people and adults. I've seen your incredibly beautiful pictures that display everything so clearly. Will you not hold me back...?"

"You and Ashwynde are going to work well together. You know she's our gorgeous tranny girl boss with absolutely no restraints whatever."

"Ohhh, yes! I've seen her photos of business meetings where she shows everything, shopping sprees and parties, coming in to work wearing nothing but a sweater, stay-up hose and stilettos...oh, wow, is she ever uninhibited. I can't wait to meet her. I don't see how you people get anything done."

"You will. And no, no one will hold you back."

"Just look at you, Hayden. You're the meal of erotic thrills. Such a lovely mouth, gorgeous skin...lord, I want to lick every inch of you! I cannot get over the effect your breasts have on me...those fat nipples and rings that jump around. And your stem! Your skin tastes delicious, your cream is sticky and rich and gooey. I need your cum in me. You have no idea how that log of yours feels stuffing my mouth, shoving against the top of my throat. Oh, hell, I know I'm being brash and pushy, so I'll shut up."

"Mikasa, please...," Hayden said quietly, "you're not brash and pushy and I never want you to shut up. You are quite a sensuous treasure, lady. I know you're older than I am, but that starts fires burning in me and in Parker. You have talents we all need, and we want you because you' I know the proof of what I say is in the time and in our deeds. You'll experience an entirely different life with us. It won't be like before."

She stared at him with an unwavering gaze, searching for the slightest sign of the insincerity she known for so long. There was none. Instead, she saw genuineness, appreciation and longing in his eyes and expression.

"Please help me up, beautiful man, and take me to bed. I wish I could express how much I want you to take me apart and eat all my pieces and then put me back together, again." She giggled at the impossibility of the process she'd just described.

"Mikasa...I love that classy name...let's enjoy this night together."

Chapter 27

A Difference In Loving

The two walked slowly to the camper and entered. Parker and Courtney were already in bed; he and Mikasa washed briefly and used the toilet. Then he turned down their bed and motioned for her to lie down.

Hayden gazed at the shape of her slender, smooth body and the way her breasts swayed heavily when she moved.

"Come to me, wonderful boy. These will not get in the way...and see...I'm already dilated for you. It feels as if my lips are vibrating before you take me. God! What is happening to me? I...I...this is so beautiful and hot and just cannot be real!"

Hayden's slow movements and silence amazed her, he was so different from the other men who were like animals in some sexual fit. This young man was powerful, so much so that she could sense it. His hair fell over her, concealing everything but his face. The soft, thick waves...its heaviness, just these simple things enflamed her. He had to be the largest she'd ever seen, not to mention anyone she'd ever had inside of her.

He bent over her, his shaft now touching her abdomen as he moved to kiss her. He flicked his tongue about her lips, then touched each ear with moisture. He whispered something endearing, then he briefly touched each of her nostrils with his wetness. As he licked her lips, she felt him nose into her vagina, press and withdraw very quickly, then gently, slowly drive home to her base.