Moving on Up an... Out Pt. 04 - Final


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I felt the thick phlegm and saliva coat my shaft as I pulled back and out. She gasped, wheezed and sputtered rolling to her side as I gave her a moment to recover. I watched that mess coat her face as she wiped her watery eyes. Her skirt was past her ass now. I re-positioned her as she breathed heavy stroking my shaft. I nudged it against her lips and she opened her mouth, placing her hands on my hips. I thought that was the end of this but this woman was strange herself.

I slid in until she pushed back, her legs parted as she struggled, I slapped her mound, commanding her to move her hands. She muffled a yelp and hunched down into the leather sofa. I think she liked this abuse.

I had slid back a little and stroked her panty clad cleft, which was quite moist now as I made short strokes in her mouth. I made a quick lunge in to watch her back arc back off the couch as she began gagging again. When I slid out I stroked her cheeks tenderly wiping some of that mess on her ample breasts asking Jackie if she was alright. I could feel her body trembling.

"Did you come?" I asked, tenderly stroking her face.

I received a whispered 'Yes' and a nod has she recovered. I moved back into position, repeating this again as she accepted me willingly. This time I pushed her hands away to the sides as I stroked my shaft in and out then I tore her delicate panties off. I pushed in deeper until I felt her gag, I inserted two fingers into her wet tunnel and stroked. I knew what I was going to do next would have to be quick, very quick.

Jackie squirmed on my fingers having an orgasm, I gave her another tap on her mound and she hunched down in the couch with a muffled wail. I quickly inserted two fingers back in her tunnel as I pushed my cock deep as I dared. She arced her back and thrashed and struggled. I pulled back as she came again gasping for air.

I took Jackie from behind, finishing by spewing across her face and breasts. I told her she had to wear that home, she had a mischievous smirk on her face as she said 'Why of course'. This woman had a definite kink to her, maybe even her husband also. I checked my phone for messages or missed calls, nothing there, but a new video, I sneered bringing up the contact and hit send, turning off my phone. Cynthia didn't say a word when she came home, but she was very submissive that night. She did ask if I felt better now after she had seen that new video. I told her 'I believe so' just before I ravaged her like I did Jacklyn. Cynthia definietly enjoyed receiving that as much as I enjoyed giving it out.

Chapter 47

I was finding out the strange things in life. My wife wasn't the conventional type of wife one would expect, she had hidden secrets. Twenty years ago I would never have dreamed my life would go in an adultery and B&D area. Cynthia and I agreed to a divorce, we just never left each other. Mentally that freed us both from much inner guilt when things happened. We made a rule that neither one us could do anything with out the other's knowledge or involvement. I knew it was strange but it was for me, more than Cynthia, if we were going to continue I wasn't going to be left out or in the dark again. I guaranteed her she would be gone if that should ever happen.

We delved into her inner lurking's, going to a few swinger parties. I found women amaze me, I watched at times as the 'Studs' would try to, 'fuck'em down', only to be sent to the corner too spent. Cynthia sent a few there.

I met a woman one day who at one time was an intern where I had worked, she had a kink. She invited Cynthia and I to a private club it was one of the very few times we went to it under invitation only.

Cynthia seemed to enjoy the B&D thing on rare occasions, with very lite S/M thrown in like pinches or spanks. I was there just as an observer, although at home I was the master later on.

I watched as that Master would keep edging Cynthia, then give her a spank and pinch as she was bound over a small table. I watched as her legs would tremble wanting release as he kept bringing her to the brink then stopping. If Cynthia begged she would get spanked and dominated harder. When she was finally allowed her orgasm she nearly passed out with spasms and jerks, as a little puddle formed on the floor. She looked a mess, her make-up streaked and smeared as she groaned there was a round of quieted applause.

When she came back to reality two men stepped up and took her, one oral, one vaginal as they seesawed into her orifices. Cynthia was a willing partner in this by displaying her orgasms. They removed their condoms and spewed their cream on her face and body. By the time the Master was finished with my love she was exhausted and dazed. I took a trembling and messy Cynthia home to clean her up as her Master requested, he wanted her to see herself.

Cynthia was invited back at a later date if she so chose. I asked if she would like that and received a maybe. I was surprised at how calm and disengaged I felt about all of this, being divorced yet still together.

Chapter 48

Cynthia and I had made some weekend trips to Wolf Den as I call it now, just so she could see what it would be like living there. She met Georgie one time, that was like water and gasoline meeting, waiting for a spark. May be my idea was a bad one, but I felt I belonged at Wolf Den. Away from that insane world we call today's society, here was where I would finish out my life. I was hoping my alpha love would join me there.

I was washing up from mowing when I heard the other tractor come to a stop. Georgie came up and hipped checked me to move me, giggling, so she could get to the outside wash basin.

"Get out of the way old man, let a real.. work horse, in here." Georgie said, chuckling.

I started to push her head under the high faucet. We heard a call out that dinner would be on the table shortly.

"Damn I need a shower first, I stink. You don't smell to fucking good yourself stud." Georgie said, giggling.

I looked at her and raised an eye brow, she began shaking her head backing away with her hands held out. I moved quickly to grab her shirt pulling it up over her head locking her arms as she squealed. I picked her up and moved the few steps to the outdoor shower, I pulled the lever. Damn! that water was cold, we both caught our breath. Then she started in cursing.

I peeled off her shirt then the rest of our clothing has she swatted at me. We showered fast as we washed each other giggling and laughing. We headed for the cabin for dinner our arms wrapped around each other's waist, naked as the day we were born.

We were shivering when we got to the door in the slightly warm mild spring weather. Cynthia and Jasmine came out the door with robes scolding us.

"You two trying catch fucking pneumonia!" Cynthia screeched.

"We were stinking ass fucking dirty." Georgie said, through her shivers.

Cynthia held the heavy robe and slid it over me. Jasmine did the same for Georgie, but with a little rub on her stiff nipples. Georgie slapped her hands and scolded her. Jasmine smiled, saying 'Maybe some day, or night'. Cynthia slid her hand inside of my robe grinning as I told her food first, game play later. It appeared this might work out after all.

Chapter 49

We had been at Wolf Den for a few years now. Things in all of our lives had changed, Samantha and Jayla were taking care of the health club/spa now. Justine had finished college and was taking care of the Volkov Properties investments. Samantha was engaged to be married, so to speak, not sure where that was headed. Justine was staying free and single right now, like Georgie, he had a crushing blow in loving.

I sat there in the sofa alone after dinner staring at the logs as the flames danced. I sipped on a wine thinking where my life had traveled, all the twists and turns. The successes and the losses, the divorce. The words 'You saved me' ran through my head. Yes, I had saved them, I had been there at the right time and place. I love them all, just in different ways.

Cynthia was the first, at that college party when things went out of control. Cynthia held the first of my love, she was my alpha. Georgie, that was a strange one, right place at the right time. Jasmine wasn't really a save, more of a 'bringing in' to this weird ass 'wolf pack'. JJ said it best, we all just matched up, drifting through life, loving in our own ways. Georgie and I had never had sexual relationship before until I needed saving that night. Now we were bound together enjoying each other's pleasures with the understanding she could drift away at anytime, but I don't think she was going anywhere. That brought a night to mind.

Cynthia, after everyone's night of drinks, had managed to seduce Georgie one night when Jazz was away. I was feeling a little dark in nature that night. I played the Master scenario on Georgie, I had her on her back while she gave me oral sex. I took her to brink of orgasm a few times, then I pinned her hands. I slid in her mouth deep making her squirm a little. Cynthia saw her opening and dived in between her legs clamping down on Georgie's labia and clitoris sending her over the edge almost immediately.

I watched Georgie's eyes roll up as she moaned out 'Fuck me baby, Fuck me please'. She was riding wave after of wave as Cynthia started entering fingers in her tunnel. Cynthia had four inserted, stretching Georgie, when she looked at me and smiled, adding her thumb with the fingers.

I moved behind Cynthia sliding my shaft in deep as she gave out a grunt when Georgie did a half set-up panting and staring, at Cynthia wide eyed. Georgie's hands reached for that intruder between her legs when Cynthia did something causing Georgie to slam back down on her back lifting her body off the bed. Cynthia latched on to her clitoris, Georgie screeched out almost like in pain before collapsing groaning and moaning as pelvis undulated in bursts. I could hear the squishy sounds of Georgie's sex as I picked up a faster pace. Cynthia was soon climaxing as she drew both hands under herself for support, as we both climaxed at the same time.

I watched Georgie curl into a ball in spasms and jerks, soon I heard a whimper. Cynthia reached out to stroke her thigh and Georgie swatted at her hand like swatting at bees and then burst into tears. Cynthia tried to cuddle her and received a 'Don't touch me you fucking bitch!'. I gathered Georgie up in my arms as she cried.

She finally calmed down enough to find she had never experienced sexual ecstacy like that, it upset her because it came from a woman. The whole situation over whelmed her mind and her sexual beliefs and identity as a woman.

We all got passed that, now around Wolf Den Georgie would accept the ladies loving advances, even giving in rare occasions.

Chapter 50

"Hey wolfy, baby, you okay?" Cynthia said, as she ran her fingers through my hair and nuzzled my neck smiling snapping out of my thoughts.

I smiled at her and chuckled as I watched the other two gather around. Georgie on one side Cyn on the other Jazz sitting on the floor between my legs. I heard the back door slide open as Aliyah and Dorathy came inside.

"Are we late for" Aliyah said, to our giggles at her innuendo as she looked at us.

Dorathy spoke next saying don't move, she stepped in front of us and snapped a picture.

"I have plans for this one." she said.

Dorathy and Aliyah had moved to Wolf Den also. I wished Helen was still with us, that was the reason I built the other cabin. We all miss that little dynamo, Dorathy and I mostly. I have a small urn setting on the mantel, Dorathy keeps the larger one.

Dorathy did a painting of the three us super imposed on a three wolves nestled together. She painted a later one of our pack gathered around a fire with every one superimposed on a wolf pack denned up like in their lair.

Aliyah and Dorathy moved in together as roommates. Aliyah had taken a liking to Dorathy and Dorathy to Aliyah. Dorathy made Aliya feel wanted and cared about in a platonic way and vice versa. I am surprised Aliyah never found a man for herself. Some were interested but she managed to push them away, it was like she needed them when she needed them and that was all. Now she had one when ever the need arose.

"Ya, I'm okay, just lost in my thoughts, sweety, reminiscing is all." I said, as I gave her a loving kiss.

"Hmm, good thoughts, I hope." Georgie said, then forced her way in for a kiss. I think she wanted to force Cynthia out of her alpha position, I gave a little chuckle. Those two ended up in a little passionate kiss just then, I felt Jasmine stroke my inner thigh. Aliyah was getting a look in her eyes too as Dorathy giggled shaking her head.

Chapter 51

The children all came to Wolf Den one weekend, Justin arrived in a Lamborghini Aventador. Well that caused a quite stir in Georgie so those two were car dealing all day. Chevy and WolfMistress were parked along side each other as Georgie and Justin talked their car things. I walked up behind them as Georgie leaned in and gave Justin quite the kiss. I smiled as Georgie saw me and reddened.

"You're on lady! I will give you directions to the track. WolfMistress will put Chevy in his place." Justin said. "We will put that old beater to rest."

"Careful son, Chevy may have some secrets..." I said, as I chuckled.

Justin had taken off running with Georgie close behind, I knew Justin could win the foot race as he let her catch him laughing. She managed to drag him down and straddle him in the grass. She pinned his hands over his head and he quickly flipped the tables on her, but she scissored him with her legs. He looked in her face and leaned down as she try to buck and dislodge him. He kissed her with a lust as I chuckled, Georgie quit struggling.

"Get a fucking room! will ya! " Samantha called out from the cabin, as she laughed.

I was sitting at the fire pit staring in the fire in the evening darkness, thinking of the days events and the fun it held. Cynthia came over and knelt beside me laying her head on my lap. Soon the rest joined us as we chatted and laughed, having a good time, life was good.

I noticed that when Justin came over Georgie gave up her chair to him taking a position like Cynthia. Georgie glanced at me only a moment before staring in the fire, I could see it as Justin stroked through her hair. They were about ten years apart. Jasmine joined Cynthia along side me, as Aliyah and Dorathy sat close to one another. Samantha and Little Sam, my little shadow, sat close to Grandpa and Grandma, Samantha had married but divorced already.

"Helen, I think saw this coming young volk, the volcha'ya staya grows with the little volchiy shchenok." Dorathy said as she smiled.

Justine like on a cue howled at the full moon with the rest of us joining in even little wolf joined as we giggled and howled repeatedly, not long after we began drifting in doors.

That night I didn't have my 'regular crew' to sleep with, just, LittleWolf and grandma. I'm sure no one sleep alone, that night if they even slept.

Things were right with the world that night, and I prayed for a long time to come it would be so. I guess I got my wish, 'All I ever wanted, was to be someone you loved' little did I know it would be a 'they'.

The End


I did find Cynthia had lied to me about that Hen's party, she remembered 95 percent of it all. That is what brought on the divorce, the lying about it. The lying for so long trying to convince me other wise she wasn't a willing participant.

Justine and Georgie became husband and wife with that came along two grandchildren rather quickly. Samantha finally remarried a nice, good young man and they have a baby girl. Aliyah and Dorathy are still at Wolf Den, but Jasmine has been back in 'civilization', as she calls it, more often. She will come spend up to a week with us, sometimes with an accompanying friend.

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gasperguy69gasperguy6911 days ago

Was very hard to follow along on this rude!

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny5 months ago

That at first had potential but then it was all over the place...then by the end he didn't even have a code, or rules, it was just a free for all? Who or what was Helen? Why put up with Cynthia's bullshit? All of it so much but not much substance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really liked the story and gave it a high score, but the grammar errors and mis-use of words was off-putting. I am not a Grammar Nazi, but good writing requires proper use of the language.

JH4FunJH4Funover 2 years ago
One of the bad series for me (2 stars)

I read the whole series. This story is just a waste of time. I was hoping that it would improve along the way. I gave it 2 stars.

I did see some good spots through out the series. There were interesting points about how men and women view the relationships in their lives. I really liked that not everyone in the story was either a dick or angel. It made the series realistic.

I also agree with the emotional ties between multiple persons of both sexes. This includes that of love for more than one person with it all being true and honest emotional and faithful to each. Even though society as a whole does not accept these views. I believe the story as written was just to complex for most readers on a site such as .

I do think your complexity in stories is unique and is worth the exploration in your future stories. While I may not agree with it I am just one reader with my own personal likes and views on what I look for in a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very mixed up. A wolf pack as an analogy is fine but the details must match.

muskyboymuskyboyover 3 years ago

Wrong category and a total mess. Very difficult to follow. Apparently the guy ends up alone with a cheating wife living in his house? Girlfriend fucks and marries his son? They all live happily ever after??? So bad.

great lovergreat loveralmost 4 years ago

I agree with the other reader. This last part needs to be rewritten and needs to link with the first three parts of the story.

great lovergreat loveralmost 4 years ago

Did this story get confusing in the last segment?

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 4 years ago

I just don’t understand divorcing, but staying together. She kept lying, could never be trusted. Hell, I don’t keep friends who lie. So a life partner who lies? No way.

On another note, there’s a lot of inconsistency with the som’s name. Justin is a male’s name; Justine is the female form. Gotta get some proofreading help.

Flar1958Flar1958about 4 years ago

Its not a good final. Too confusing. Nothing near the first 2 parts. Maybe to rushed and to onesided to please BTB fans. He hide in a cabin his wife knew nothing? To drink and think about suicid? You did in the other parts a good job but this one is trash! I suggest to rewrite this part because us readers have to follow the story and not left behind confused.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Should have cut off contact with them all except his kids and Aliyah and Dorathy.Cynthia and Jasmine are just common sluts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wait.. wait

Waited till the end before commenting.

Not all bad, but the dialogue and.. everything just got all sowed up in a bag with a ribbon.

A brown ribbon. The typos and (dis)continuity caused this to be scored low.

Not really up to scratch!

Rob5373Rob5373over 4 years ago
I agree with Anon

It was all over the place. No continuity or story development. Sorry 1* is all I can do.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 4 years ago

Yeah gotta agree, characters and full plot are a bit swirled for me too... our hero is now alone, sad for him

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A total mess of epic proportions

I'm still not sure who did what to whom? I know that Georgia is a girl. That's about it. Badly written.

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