My Boys Ch. 02


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We all gathered in my parent's sitting room. Mark and I were together. Tim thought it would be best to stay home, and we agreed. We knew some flak was going to come his way as it was. He didn't need to be there to be blamed for what was about to happen.

Everyone was smiling and looking to us to share our joyous news. "I'm glad you were all able to be here. Brie and I have some news to share with everyone." Mark started the conversation.

"Oh, I bet you do." Mark's mother was extremely excited. It was to be her first grandchild. And potentially her only since Steven, Mark's brother, had just come out as gay the year before. He didn't have a partner at the time, and the future of his family descendants was still up in the air.

"Okay, here are the ultrasounds, everyone. We would like you to..." I stopped for dramatic effect, "...introduce you to your...grandson." The squeals of joy drowned out the other noises in the room.

"Do you have any names picked yet?" Again, my mother was one of the prudent ones.

"Yes, we've decided to name him James Mark Davis after his father," I announced.

Mark jumped right in to head off any questions. "I didn't want a junior." Everyone seemed happy with his quick explanation. The truth was that we wanted to honor both men who would raise this child. We chose James because it was both of their middle names. Tim insisted on Mark for a middle name to honor his biological father. I agreed, and together we convinced Mark to go along. He was still a little shy about taking any credit for the child because a part of him felt ashamed and guilty. In the end, the three of us had concluded that it was best for everyone.

We allowed the parents to toast and share cake for about an hour. Tim's idea was to allow them a celebration time and then break the news of our divorce separately. We discussed the timing of the news at length, but this time it was Mark who put his foot down and decided it was best to do It during this visit.

"Brie, did you guys have other news to share?" I think my dad caught onto our nervousness. He guessed that we had another secret to share. When we said yes, he gathered everyone in the room again. This time it was Mark who shared. Taking my hand as we sat on the couch together, he began.

"On this joyous day, we have some somber news to share as well. Brie and I have filed for divorce." The room exploded with questions and sounds of people holding their breath. "Why?" was the most frequent question.

"Does this have anything to do with Tim?" Mark's father was straight to the point. Mark looked at him sternly.

"No. I'm not proud to share this, but I haven't been faithful to Brie during our entire marriage." He took a breath as we surveyed the faces. I caught Mark's mom giving his dad a death glare, silently screaming there was more there that needed investigation. "Actually, during our entire relationship. I've never been faithful, and it finally took its toll on our marriage."

"Mark and I have discussed this in detail, and we feel this is the best decision," I broke in.

"I'm traveling more, and it isn't fair to Brie. Plus, I've used the time to see other women." He really shut them down with his bluntness. I was surprised by how open he was about it all. I mean, it wasn't a lie. Just had to be very embarrassing to admit those things out loud to people who respected him.

"Is the baby yours, Mark?" We all looked at Mark's mother in shock.

"Mom! Yes, James is mine!" Mark stood as he addressed his mom. "Don't ever ask that again." She retracted into her chair, trying to hide from the group.

"What happens now?" my mom asked, wanting to move past the awkwardness.

"Well, we have an offer on the condo. I've helped Brie buy a home near Manhattan Beach. It's five bedrooms with a 'Mother-In-Law' apartment above the garage that I will rent from her, so I'm close to James when I'm in town." We had no intention for Mark to live in the apartment. He was going into the room next to James'.

"What's Tim doing?" Mark's dad again.

I stepped in to share our current story. "Tim will also be renting a room for the moment. We decided on this location as a real estate investment. It's expensive, so I'll need some help with the mortgage initially. I'll also need help with the baby. Tim will be helping me with James when Mark is traveling." Each parent had a dozen questions. Most around how we would share raising the baby and why was Tim going to be involved. Mark had to get frank a few times and shut down potential arguments.

It was general bedlam. Much as we expected.

I think the biggest concerns were from Mark's parents. Naturally, they were concerned about seeing their potentially only grandchild. With us separated, would they have an opportunity to bond with the child? Mark and I repeatedly tried to alleviate their concern, but our assurances weren't enough.

A couple of hours later, we decided we should head back home. I felt attacked. I felt that Mark's folks hated Tim and me. Much of the blame was placed on Tim even though the divorce was their son's idea. We explained that several times.

After the long drive, we arrived home, and I immediately crawled onto the couch with Tim, where he wrapped me in those giant arms and just held me. I cried. My hormones were out of whack, and the heightened emotional strain had taken its toll. He adjusted to the loving husband role very quickly. It was like he was built for it all along.

Life moved along. We sold the condo, and we all moved into our new home. Of course, it was just a few blocks from the ocean and Tim's waves. All my stuff went into the master bedroom with Tim's. It made me a little sad to watch Mark put his stuff in the larger guest room with its own ensuite bathroom. For me, it signaled the real end of our marriage, and I could see it in Mark's face as well. For brief moments, I considered calling the whole thing off, but then I would see those eyes. My Timmy's eyes, so bright and hopeful of a future with me, his one and only true love. My heart would swell with love for that man, and the sorrow would dissipate. Then Mark would be gone.

Mark laid out the terms of our divorce. He was generous with child support and proposed rent. I told him it wasn't necessary, but he insisted. We did add a clause. If Mark's income were to diminish by a certain percentage, we would revisit the agreement and adjust child support. Again, this was Tim's idea to make sure his friend was not taken advantage of.

I was getting huge with the baby, but that didn't stop my boys from bending me over every chance they got. The sex continued to be wonderful, though the pattern changed. I spent one or two nights each week with Mark, and I woke up with Tim most mornings. Mark's traveling limited our visits, though, and I usually made sure I spent the night with him before an extended trip.

Tim was doing well. He had advanced in his union and was making great money, though he occasionally worked some long hours. He and I had settled into a wonderful partnership. I always knew he was intelligent and caring. As he revealed more of himself to me, I fell more deeply in love with him. Each day and every day, I was convinced I had made the right decision.

The divorce was winding down when I felt contractions, and my water broke. I had begged Mark not to leave that week, but he put his work ahead of us. I knew his work was important, but I was still disappointed that he didn't reprioritize for the birth of his son. A friend was staying with me during the day. She rushed me to the hospital after calling Tim. Tim hurried to the hospital and was there before we were. I'd never seen fear on that big man's face before, but it was present that day. He called Mark and forcefully told him to get home, which he did. Tim was present during the birth; I was so thankful for his emotional strength during the birthing process. Tim also called both sets of parents and had them start their way to the hospital. Damn, I loved that man.

We got settled after bringing the baby home, and Mark's mother offered to come to stay with me to help. Tim insisted I accept the offer; I didn't want to. She moved into one of the spare rooms, and I soon became grateful that she was there. She had had time to get accustomed to the new future.

"So, Brie, how are you guys working through the divorce?" Mark's mother, Karen, had been in the house long enough to notice something was off even if Tim was sleeping in Mark's room since Mark went back to work up north as soon as James was born. He was planning to stay in the apartment when he returned, not to give away our secret.

"You know, it's not easy. Especially with James in the real world now." I was trying to be evasive.

"I can only imagine." She was rocking her grandchild. "You know that Tim doesn't have to sleep in Mark's room. He can move back in with you." I damn near dropped my glass of water; she was so matter-of-fact. "Oh dear, it was just a matter of time before it all comes out. Was the real reason for the divorce that Mark was unfaithful?"

I slumped into my recliner and just stared at her. I felt it was time, to be honest, so I explained everything to her. I held nothing back as I described how the three of us have been connected since our early school days.

Karen studied me for a long time before she spoke. "He does come by it naturally. John has had his share of affairs over the years. I put up with it because he always promises to stop, and he does each time for a while. I should have left him, but I never had my own life, so I felt trapped." She looked out the window, deep in thought. "I wish he would have been man enough to realize what Mark did and offered me the option you had. I figured you and Tim had a sexual relationship for a while, but I didn't know to what extent.

"Are you happy, Brie? Do you think this is the best option for you? Mark and little James?" I've never seen this side of Karen before. I was shocked.

"I do." Though I did have doubts. So far, it seemed like everything was working to my advantage. "I truly love Mark. I always have and always will. I also Love Tim. He is a good man and is willing to commit to me only. I still have a relationship with Mark, but he is more of a boyfriend now than a husband."

She nodded along with me, "I'll never understand you kids. You three were always a little different. I guess I'm not really surprised." Again, we paused for a moment. "Do you think you guys will allow me to spend time with James?"

"I'll tell you, Karen, if Tim has anything to say about it, you may have more of a relationship with James than if I were still married to Mark. It was Tim who made me agree to have you stay here even if it might blow up our current situation." She had a slight look of surprise when I said that.

"Okay, I'll gladly accept your relationship as long as you guys keep me involved." She looked down at that precious little boy. "Will Tim allow Mark to be his father?"

"I think Tim will force him to be more involved than you think. Tim wants his own biological children, but I think he will love James if only because he is a part of Mark and me." I also looked down at my son. "The two of them together make the perfect man, have no doubt that the two of them will make the perfect father."

Karen and I continued to be honest and open with each other. She helped me move Tim's stuff back into our room which confused him when he got home. At first, he was uncomfortable showing me affection around Karen, but over time, he relaxed. The three of us settled into a routine.

Since Mark had not been home the entire time, he wasn't aware of our new normal. He was also shocked at how well his mom accepted the situation when he came home a couple of weeks later.

I was saddened on the day I received notice that the divorce was final. I was also relieved. A month later, Tim proposed to me. I know he wanted to take me on a romantic trip to make it a big gesture, but that wasn't in the cards for a new mother. We started to take a walk at sunset along the beach when Mark was in town to watch James as he slept for an hour or so. During one of these walks, Tim knelt in front of me and produced a beautiful engagement ring.

"Brie, I've loved you for as long as I've known you, and I hope this isn't too soon, but..." I saw the nervousness in his eyes. I knew this was the moment. I'd been practicing my 'Yes' for weeks now. "Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes," I whispered. It came out nothing like I had practiced or the way I thought it would. I wrapped myself around my Timmy. "Yes, a million times yes, Timmy." I breathed into his ear. We had to wait another couple of weeks before we could consummate our engagement. We made plans, and eight months later, we said "I do" to each other at a beautiful beach wedding on the Mayan Riviera.

Mark stood in as Tim's Best Man, and I had my lifelong friend join me on my side of the ceremony. My parents came down for the weekend to take care of James for us. Everyone went home that Sunday night as James, Tim, and I spent our honeymoon week in an all-inclusive resort. It was strange to have an almost one-year-old with us, but I'm not sure Tim wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Karen came down in the middle of the week for a couple of days to watch James so Tim and I could take some excursions, but mostly we jumped each other's bones in our cabana.

Almost two years to the day, we welcomed Timothy James Gallows, Junior, to our family. I finally had my Timmy back.

A few years later, my father, being the tax attorney, came across a small manufacturing business in LA that was struggling with welding and assembly processes. He offered to make Tim a partner in the business if he would be willing to work it from the ground up and make it successful. Tim had graduated from a local college with his business degree and was ready for the challenge. Starting on the floor, he learned the business and within a year, was leading it as its president. At first, the pay was less than he made as an ironworker, but it was a lot less hazardous. I'd become attached to the big lug and was happier knowing he was safe. After two years, he was pulling in a mid-ranged six-figure salary. We were happy.

Then little Miss Avery Louise Gallows joined our family. James had his father's smile, and Timmy had his dad's dark hair and complexion. Avery had those beautiful, expressive hazel eyes.

Today is James' eighth birthday. All his parents and grandparents are present in our backyard for the celebration. Tim and I are looking forward to a Caribbean Cruise to celebrate our seventh wedding anniversary during the summer break when the kids can stay at Grandma Karen's.

My mom was busy doing Avery's hair as Mark's father and mine joined Mark and Tim around the grill. Mark has been dating a woman ten years his junior and seems ready to settle down. She's sporting an audacious ring, just Mark's style.

I can feel myself getting the tiniest bit jealous and upset. My first thought was, why couldn't Mark have figured out his life with me. Then I remember that it doesn't matter. I have a fantastic life, a husband who lives for me, and three children who don't know the mistakes I've made. I relax and remember the good times.

It's been three years since I last spent a night with Mark in the condo he bought about that time. We really had drifted apart in some ways. Tim and I kept adding kids, so Mark felt it was time for him to move on.

John and Karen Davis were able to have a special connection with their grandson, James, mainly because Tim allowed nothing else. James knows who his father is but calls Tim "Dad" just as he does Mark. It can be confusing at family gatherings, but it seems to work best since Mark is rarely home anymore. James has naturally adopted many of Tim's personality traits. Mark loves James, but as I feared, Mark just wasn't cut out to be the caring and supportive father Tim is. Oddly, this doesn't seem to bother me as much as I had dreaded. All the kids know that Mark and I were once married. They don't know any of the other unpleasant details. Mark asked me once if I regretted anything, and I truthfully answered, "No." His smile, his wonderful sexy smile, told me that he didn't either.

Tim just caught my eye. Even though he is older, he is still built like a tank. He doesn't surf as much as he used to, but he gets out whenever he can and is currently teaching the boys how while Avery and I go to watch and support them. His scars have mellowed in the past thirteen years. Those eyes haven't. I can feel myself getting wet just looking into them and thinking about what he'll do to me later tonight.

Tim nudges Mark, who looks at me as well. I tilt my wine glass, and they return the gesture with their beers. My boys. My men. I still love them both as much as I did all those years ago. I know that I would never change a thing.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Only a cuck would enjoy this

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This stupid story is why I wont read any of your other stories.

Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright6 months ago

That is the stupidest shit I've ever read

mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago

No es lo mío, gracias por nada

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 1 year ago

Really great story!

Seems likely to be somewhat true, maybe.

BehindbluisBehindbluisover 1 year ago

You got a lot of criticism from some of the comments. I thought I could see a lot of real life tendencies in the way some acted and the plot played out. I thought it was a good story. Thanks for the read.

Ocker53Ocker53over 1 year ago

Sorry couldn’t finish reading it⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent storey, so well written, I could feel the emotion. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Crazy. Interesting but lots of internal contradictions in the characters. Mark is a narcissist and is self absorbed but somehow gracious and magnanimous to sacrifice his personal happiness and marriage for Tim and Brie. Huh? He wants a kid to leave his mark (pun intended) but is best man at Brie's New marriage to Tim. He is now the boyfriend but fades to black and doesn't parent his son. Yet he is selfless about the decision yo divorce. Tim is of course the better fit as a husband but Brie has intense feelings for both though she finally recognizes that Tim is the better husband. It isn't hard to see why she fell so hard again for Tim. But why did she ever really love Mark and his inability to stay faithful. Mark seemed like an egotistical charmer and money maker. I get that he was her natural choice after Tim disappeared but why did a he say in that marriage. It was on-sided open. Wth? Peculiar. Tim is the only one who is blameless except I am stunned he didn't get more possessive after the divorce was finalized. Strange. 5 stars just for the insanity.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 2 years ago

Awful stupid people who play games with parenthood.

TinKitten27TinKitten27almost 2 years ago

Great story, love seeing a happy story involving poly people.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story 🙂 I liked that it has a realistic ending - because most throuples (not all, but most) do fall apart after a number of years.

And it was a beautiful ending, everyone moving on and gently dealing with their feelings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I liked it, I’m generally not into the polyamorous relation stories, but this was nice, it worked for me. Thanks for your time and effort. KS

usaretusaretabout 2 years ago

Very nicely done.

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