My Destiny

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New t-girl in my class? I won’t talk to her, but I stare...
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Important, please read: This story is A ROMANCE not a smut story. Yes, it has a lot of hot sex, but if you are not into cheesy sweet romances, it's not for you.

It's also my first attempt to write about a trans person, as I usually write gay stories, so please forgive my inadequacies. Be merciful :)

WARNING: The story includes CHEATING! Not between the main couple, but on a different person - but nevertheless, if you hate cheating - this story will upset you! It's not for you, as cheating is a main plot here...

All characters are above 18+


Tara transferred to our school for our last, senior year. Something that people rarely do, but according to her, it was her parent's decision as they moved from another city.

I remember the day she came to our class. Mrs. Daniels introduced her first, and after that Tara went to sit down... just by the desk next to me, as it was the only one unoccupied.

As she was closing on the desk, her eyes met mine. It was... weird.

I remember something literally like a little hot spark going over my spine.

I shivered, almost like I saw my destiny in front of me, but I forced myself to lower my head.

She sat down and that was it. Our first interaction.

During the next hour, I could catch her subtle yet persistent gaze directed toward me. I felt an unusual thrill, and a wave of curiosity.

But her interest in me soon disappeared...

Because during the break my new girlfriend, Maya, stood up and came up to me, giving me a pretty obvious kiss.

I noticed Tara's reaction.

She quickly lowered her head, hiding a saddened face, and... for the next few weeks she rarely looked at me at all...

She wasn't pretty, but she was somehow different, and I found myself staring at her secretly when I was sure nobody would see it.

My girlfriend and I - we started to date at the beginning of this school year, and I was pretty glad I managed to secure her, as she was considered a school hottie. So, it was a boost for my ego.

I could say, she was my trophy girl, and many guys were congratulating me on dating her.

I didn't love her, but I was stupid enough to continue our relationship even though it quickly became pretty obvious that it had no future. We didn't have good chemistry, and she was going to a different college after summer break anyway, so we were dating pretty much just out of convenience.

With passing weeks I got a bit more bold in darting my gazes at Tara. They were also more prolonged.

I became a bit more reckless and got caught by her a couple of times. At first, I pretended it was nothing, a random gaze, but with more similar 'accidents' it was pretty hard to act that I didn't look at her a bit more than I should.

There were even moments when I didn't take my eyes away even if she looked at me also. And it was she, who had to turn her head away.

At the beginning of December, I went down to the school cafeteria and found a new situation.

My girlfriend was sitting with Tara by the table, obviously waiting for me. A bit surprised and unsure, I approached them, gave a kiss to Maya and said a pretty stiff 'hello'.

I was kind of sure Tara told on me, and I was to be scolded. But nothing like that happened.

Tara just responded to my greeting. She had a bit of a strange voice, quite low-pitched, but I didn't pay attention to it.

"What's up?" I asked and Maya answered quickly.

"Listen, I wanted to invite Tara during the weekend as she wants to join Chess Club next week and I wondered... maybe we can practice with her a bit? She was a part of a similar club in her previous school."

I gaped at her.

Wow. What a weird arrangement... Yep, Maya and I were both members of Chess Club, but did it mean we had to suddenly practice with Tara?

Why did she ask for that anyway...?

"Yyy... okay," I muttered with a bit of surprised grimace on my face.

"Thanks," Tara responded.

Tara and Maya started to talk casually about classes and assignments. I listened to them but not very attentively, as I was pretty uneasy. I was somehow still afraid Tara would say something along the lines of: 'Maya! Do you know that your boyfriend is ogling me all the time?!'

So maybe now I would say a few words about how both girls looked as it was very intriguing why I even got interested in Tara.

Comparing Tara to Maya probably wasn't fair.

They were such a contrast...

Maya was born as a first generation child of immigrant parents from Mexico and had this gorgeous black, lush hair, caramel golden skin and black eyes with natural, long eyelashes.

She was a true beauty, and all guys in school envied me. She was also pretty smart and a good student, although she was a bit boring for my taste and talked too much about irrelevant topics like... her Instagram. Her account had a quite big fan base.

Our sex life was pretty much non-existent, I wasn't even sure why. There was just... not that much of a chemistry between us.

Maya didn't need much makeup to look stunning. The only imperfection she had was her body. Very slim, almost thin, flat chest and bony ass. She was vegan and was on a very strict diet that she was intensely promoting on Instagram.

She also liked to jog, which made her body burn out all the excess fat, if she even had such a thing... as she was 90 pounds.

Tara was a total opposite of Maya.

Some would say, she was... walking imperfection. But curiously enough, her imperfection kind of... fascinated me.

She was tall for a girl with her 5'9'', and not so slim - to be honest...

Not overweight - but she had some amount of fat deposited all over her body, like a 1-inch layer covering her shapes in equal proportions, making her look very soft in overall.

She tried to hide her figure in baggy, dark and dull clothes, but I saw it pretty clearly.

Her breasts were probably around the B or C cup.

But what was her best asset was... her ass. She had a pretty fat, protruding ass with a prominent lumbar lordosis. I stared at that ass sometimes. Okay. Pretty often.

When she walked, or bent somewhere I just stared. It was stronger than me.

Tara's hair was naturally red.

It reached her shoulders, but it just kinda hung there, without any attempts to make something of it. Slightly curly strands fell on her pale face that had some freckles and a pretty thin half-heartedly applied layer of concealer that only covered her cheeks and not the forehead, which looked kinda funny - like some failed attempt of doing home makeup, under the guidance of somebody's blind aunt. Yep. I'm just being honest.

Her eyebrows had a pretty thick line made by some black pencil eyeliner. She also did eyeliner around her eyes, but as she didn't put too much mascara on her eyelashes, so that thick eyeliner alone - made her look a bit like a street mime.

She had a rather big nose, a bit aquiline, and the only part of her face that could be considered objectively attractive were her lips.

They were really full, almost too big, but... it couldn't be too good, right? Her upper lip seemed to be bigger than her lower lip and I stared at them, sometimes deliberating whether they were natural or filled. I overheard some guys and girls calling her Trout Mouth.

Maya was convinced that they were, in fact, augmented in a bad procedure as they appeared to be swollen and just too big.

But I kind of glanced at them in sick fascination, noticing how plump and smooth they seemed.

Overall, she was not very attractive and obviously not well groomed. She took care of herself but... in an unskilled way.

I truly didn't know why despite all these imperfections I still liked to stare at her.

But I did. She fascinated me, but I had to keep it a secret.

Looking back on it now, I was far too judgmental on her look, but what can you expect from a teenage boy yet to know love?

As we parted ways after lunch, I thought long and hard what to say, and finally went with: "It's a pity that this girl just can't put her style together."

Maya rolled her eyes.

"Not every girl has to be perfect, you know? Some need more time to find their style and what suits them. I will help Tara a bit, I think she could use a few tips."

I hesitated and added - to up my game:

"For sure she could. So people wouldn't run screaming, seeing her." I smirked, even though I wasn't that eager to run away from Tara myself...

But it was a reverse psychology thing, and I needed to do that.

Now Maya knew I wasn't interested in Tara, and it was supposed to stay that way.

"You are such a superficial jerk, Ridley!" she said but smirked at the same time...

Yep, my strategy worked. She had no clue...

"Guilty as charged." I smiled.

And... that's how Maya took Tara under her wings, and started to spend more and more time with her.

That way, I was also bound to spend time with Tara also, but I wouldn't say it was a hardship.

That meant lunches together, hanging together after school, going back from classes together - as we all lived in a walking distance from the school building.

At least I had more opportunities to stare.

And Tara knew about that. She just knew I was staring, she was catching me all the time but... but pretended it was... nothing, I guess.

That weekend we played chess for the first time, and it was actually supercharged.

Tara and I were the first to play. We also talked for the first time, and she seemed intelligent and kind person. Maya was with us only at the beginning and after that, she sat in front of the TV.

I decided to just blatantly stare at Tara, not caring if she was uncomfortable.

Our gazes regularly met. And she... was slightly blushing. I let my gaze roam over her body. She had a pretty clingy sweater, and it seemed she had no bra... I could see the very subtle outline of her nipples. I fixed my eyes on that, and she knew it, but she did nothing about it.

On top of that Tara turned out to be an excellent chess player, and we were head-to-head in a statistic of winning and losing.

One day it was me, the other - Tara. But I never give up, so the ritual of coming to Maya's house on the weekends had become a regular thing.

I got to respect Tara's talent and, as it soon turned out to be - she was also good in programming (as I liked it too), so we had quite a lot in common.

During weekends at Maya house we did other things too, of course. We were also watching TV series and playing video games, sometimes going for a walk by the nearby lake.

I liked spent my time in Tara's presence.

It went like that for... months.

I was trying to avoid speaking with her while being alone for some reason - but some things I just couldn't avoid.

Tara lived four houses from my house, so there was a problem in the morning, when I was going to school I regularly met her.

I was pretty nervous about that, looking around, hoping she was not here...

But she always was!

Our convos were pretty stiff then, as if lack of Maya's presence changed something between us, made us more tensed. I was praying she wouldn't touch the subject of my stares. We typically talked about some chess strategy, or home assignments.

Never a personal topic.

She was always kind and gentle, and she was a good listener, never interrupting. Her presence would be quite nice, besides the fact, I was constantly afraid she would touch the topic of my stares.

I started noticing one more thing.

Her very, very subtle attempts to have some form of physical contact with me. I was actually convinced at the beginning it was only an accidental, random touch.

For a couple of weeks I was ignoring it, not thinking much of it. But my perspective changed after Maya's parents received a few movie tickets for free as they were working in some marketing agency. And she said we should all go. So... we went to the movie theater, all three of us, as we kinda became this three-person weird 'couple'.

I figured Maya liked to have Tara around as she looked like a movie star on the plain background of a less attractive not-so-shapely girl.

So, it happened I was in the middle, between two girls for the reason that Maya needed to be closer to the exit side because she needed to go to the restroom like... every one hour and Tara didn't share this characteristic, so she sat down on the other side of me.

From the beginning of the movie I felt something peculiar. Tara's arm was pressing on me rather strongly, and it didn't have to, really. It was like she was making some kind of statement. I didn't push her away, but after some time I decided to put my hand on the armrest that separated our seats. It was sort of a test, if she would do something unexpected, I guess.

After a couple of minutes of just sitting unmoved, I felt something. At first, I thought it was accidental again. But it repeated. My fingers were kind of hanging from her side, even if the movie screen was very bright, they couldn't be seen from Maya's side.

My heart sped up, as I was sure now, that it wasn't an accident. Her fingers grazed my fingers again... Slower now, the move almost... sensual?

My fingers were still hanging to her side of the armrest, and she had her hand on her thigh that made it easy for her to just play a bit with my fingers. And she did. At one moment she slowly inserted one of her fingers in the natural curvature my palm created when hanging loose. So I reacted. I caught it, in a way trapping her index finger in my grasp.

I felt weird... so surreal, so... uneasy. It became obvious now, we couldn't pretend there was nothing between us. Because something was.

But what?

Suddenly, Maya stood up, whispering she was going to the restroom. Tara and I were left alone, and I decided to look at her. In the flickering light coming from the screen, her face was pale and her eyelinered eyes stared intensely at me. We were locked like that for a moment, and she slowly leaned toward me. Very slowly, as if giving me time to react. I stayed unmoved. Her lips finally grazed over my lips. They were soft and tasted like strawberries. I closed my eyes and... didn't back out.

She pressed her lips a bit more and opened them slightly. I was still frozen, and didn't respond to her action, but she did even more... I felt the warm, wet tip of her tongue trying to gently get between my lips. I let her... a bit, parting them unhurriedly. I felt her tongue on my own, rather still a bit lazy and passive, but the feeling was so nice I kind of... opened my mouth a bit more and responded more lively... Our tongues were now slowly, almost leisurely rubbing over each other.

Some noise could be heard near the exit and we both almost jumped to the back. But... weirdly enough I was still holding her finger in my grip.

Doors opened and in the dim light Maya went back to her seat. Luckily, she couldn't see us because the doors were in the back part of the room.

I stayed literally paralyzed the entire movie screening time and my hand was still holding Tara's finger. I let it go only the moment "The end" was shown on the screen.

We went back to the parking lot, and I was glad I had to first drop Tara at her house and drive further to the condo where Maya lived, as I was afraid of staying with her alone.

From this moment on I started to also drive to school even though it was a ten-minute walk. My father was a bit surprised why I needed gas money all of a sudden, but he didn't ask.

I just couldn't be left alone with Tara. I was afraid of what I could do...

I didn't want to be that son of the bitch that cheated, but there was also another reason. As the senior year was ending - we all were about to split up anyway (all going to different colleges) and probably never see each other again, it wouldn't be wise to start something.

Meanwhile, Maya was constantly working on Tara's style and within these months she improved a lot. She was not so eager to change too much but slowly, and surely Maya convinced her to change.

I was even surprised that the results were so good. First, the makeup got so much better, more subtle and more fitting for her type of face. Then, the clothes. Maya constantly encouraged Tara to wear something that showed just a bit more skin, especially on cleavage.

"You have more there than me, you can try to show it, girl!" she was repeating and glancing at me "Ridley, what do you think? She has a lot of body to show..."

"Leave me out of it, Maya," I snarled and went back to looking at my phone, ignoring them.

So just a few days before the graduation, Tara obviously decided to get bold enough and showed up in school wearing a shirt with a surprisingly wide cleavage. She seemed very self-conscious about that and was adjusting it all the time, being careful that the cleavage didn't slide down too low, as it had a pretty loose hem.

I noticed that her white, freckle covered boobs were pretty push-upped by her bra. Almost heroically fought the temptation to glance there, but I failed on occasion, and she even caught me staring there once or twice.

During lunch, I looked at her super intensely. She had a much more subtle line of eyebrows now, and thinner line of eyeliner, also more mascara on her eyelashes. She however still had dark pink lipstick that made her lips a bit more... visible than it should.

She also had some nice colorful hair clips on her strands, and overall, she looked like 6.5/10, and not 5/10 like before.

When lunchtime was ending, Tara said to Maya that she needed to take a spare pencil from her jacket, so she was going to her locker.

I decided to take a leak, so we went out together, but some distance away. As she stopped in front of her locker I noticed Terry and Josh, two guys from another class standing there also discussing something and laughing. Josh was, what's worth to mention, Maya's former boyfriend. She passed them, and I was walking behind.

Terry turned his head around.

"Look! Trout Mouth showed some boobs!"

Tara twitched and hunched back.

And Josh, really stupid jerk(and Maya's ex...), added:

"She went full on slut style today!"

"Hey!" I heard myself calling. "Leave her alone, idiots!"

"And what's that to you, Ridley? Protecting your little harem girl?"Josh chuckled.

"Not so little! That one could use some gym to get rid of these love handles!" added Terry.

I grabbed Terry's shirt on his chest and shoved him on his locker.

But Josh grabbed me from behind, and it could pretty fast go south for me as both boys were my size, similar strength, but I felt some weird sound behind me and... Josh fell on the floor, letting go of my neck

I raised my eyes to Tara. She obviously hit him in the head with something, probably books, and it was a pretty hard blow. He looked dizzy.

"What's going on here?!"

The voice of Mr. Calden echoed in the hallway.

Josh used the moment perfectly.

"Ridley and Tara attacked us!"

Well, it was the truth basically. I looked at Tara and she shrugged lightly.

Five minutes later we were in the principal Murray's office, waiting for him and for our sentence.

The silence crept up on us. I was staring at the window, Tara at her own hands. One minute of this awkward silence and she said.

"Thank you for... standing up for me. It was... nice."

I glanced at her. We were looking each other in the eyes for a moment. I noticed she had pale gray irises. They were actually pretty...

I cleared my throat.

"Don't mention it. I hate those two jerks anyway."

"Yep. I hate Josh. He is really a snake," she murmured, glancing at me. "But you still could just walk away. Ignore it. So, that's why I thanked you."

For some reason, I continued to look at her.

"Would you be offended if I'll ask something?"