My First Year with Austin Ch. 12


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"I mean, he did mess up your world."

"She. The baby is a girl."

Jasper took a more serious tone than his usual.

"But you still want to be with Austin, right?"

For the first time, I seriously asked myself that question.

Jasper did not ask if I was in love with Austin, which I was. He did not ask if I was forgiving him, which I may. He asked if I wanted to be with him.


That was a harder answer to give.


Day 21

Austin and I had been on edge for about three weeks when our fight ended.

We were doing pretty fine that day. We fucked twice the night before and Austin was really supporting me on my writing, which I thought was really cute.

The fight started for a silly reason. But it escalated quickly.

Mrs. Smith, the neighbour, complained about the noise we were making, (i.e. both the sex and the arguments we were having), and Austin made a remark which did not sit well with me.

"This is something I'm not going to miss next year, that old brat!" He said with a grin.

"So, this is decided then. We're moving out next year?"

Austin was taken aback.

"Well, yeah... We've talked about it."

I was reaching my breaking point and for the first point, I was able to pin-point what my issue truly was with my boyfriend's behaviour.

"No, Austin. YOU have talked about it. You have decided. I did not have a say in the conversation."

"I thought you were fine with it. I..."

"I have a job, here. A life!"

"A job? You're working at a gay bar."

That one hurt.

"That's very nice of you, Austin, to always diminish what I do."

"I'm sorry, Ty. You know that's not what I meant."

"What did you mean, then? That my life is so pathetically empty that once YOU decide to go somewhere, I should just be happy to follow you."

"Damn it, Ty. I'm just saying that working at the "Man Cave" is not really a solid career path. I'm sure there're tons of bars on the East-Coast!"

"You really don't hear yourself sometimes. Your condescending tone."

"What the hell do you want me to do? We both knew we were supposed to stay here for just a year. I'm not changing any of our plans. And you know the situation is different, you cannot keep resenting me for it! You cannot be mad at me for wanting to be near my daughter."

"Being mad? I feel like I'm being very understanding here! And, of course, I get that you want to go live near her! That's the problem, Austin. I really do get that you need to be close to your daughter and wife! I'm just starting to wonder if I should go with you."

Austin started to pace around, which was never a good sign.

"Tyler, how many times will I have to tell you that I want you to be there with me?! I don't see my life without you. Why is it so hard for you to believe? I chose you!"

I laughed sarcastically.

"You really don't get it, don't you?"

"Get what?"

"That this is not about YOU! Not everything is about what YOU want, what YOU have decided. Are you so full of yourself that you cannot consider that I may not be willing to follow you! That maybe, I'm no longer the Freshman boy who is ready to do anything to be with you?"

"I'm telling you, Ty. We can make this work."

Austin tried to hold my hands but I pushed him back.

"What if I don't want to? Have you thought about this? I trust you, okay. When you say that you love me, I trust that. But what if I don't want to be with someone who has a kid? What if this is not the life, I had planned for myself?! I have not signed-up for this. When you gave me your big love declaration after prison, there was no baby, no wife, no ex-wife, it was just us."

Austin was clenching his fists.

"Here we go, then! You regret choosing me over your prison boyfriend, Kurtis? Because everything is not exactly as planned, because I am not your perfect image of a boyfriend, you want to go back."

I was so frustrated by this point.

"Really? This is what you think? I don't care about Kurtis! I have not talked to him in months. And I did not choose you... It was..." I had to choose my words carefully. "Austin, I have been in love with you for eleven years. ELEVEN YEARS. Of course, I wanted to be with you over anyone else!"

"Wanted? Like... In the past?"

His voice was breaking.

"This is not about Kurtis; this is not even Cassie or the baby. This is about you and I. This is about me worrying for your sick mother for weeks! This is about the way you lied to my face, again and again! This is about the fact that you think you can act shitty towards me, make-up stories, and still, take decisions for the both of us without consulting me because you are so sure that I would always be there for you."

"Come on, Ty, just listen to me..."

"No, no... The worst part is, you're right! The minute you call, I come back. You can pounder about your future, living with your wife for days, and the moment you whistle back, I'm here. And it's just a given for you!"

We were both crying.

"Tyler, please."

"I am done with that, Austin."

I knew I was right but it was still a crazy difficult thing to say and an even harder decision to make.

"What do you mean, you're done?"

"Aust, I love you more than anything in this world, but I cannot let my love for you make me miserable."

"Babe, don't say anything you would regret."

"I've been unhappy for weeks now and things are only getting worse and... I... I simply don't need this in my life. I cannot be anxiously waiting for the moment your wife is going to call and you'll have to rush towards her. Maybe that's selfish, but I need to be my boyfriend's priority."

"Ok, Ty. I understand. I... I guess I have not realized how it's been for you. I'm sorry. Truly. I should have been more considerate about your own feelings. And I'm sorry that I lied. But I'm sure we can work things out."

"I'm the one being sorry, Austin." I took a deep breath. "I don't think I have the energy to try to make this work... I... I'm gonna go now."

Austin tried to hold me back while I packed my things, but my mind was made up.

We needed to take a break.

I left for Janice's place that evening. I knocked at her door around midnight, only a couple of days before her wedding.


Night 21

Richard and Janice were both very welcoming despite the situation, and immediately, they set me up in a nice guest room. They even cooked me a very late dinner.

I was very hungry. A weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

"We barely ever use this room so you can stay here as long as you want." Janice told me.

I thanked her. I did not know what I would do without Janice in my life.

I spent most of the night crying, rehashing everything which had happened since the college reunion.

Until something happened which made me stop crying.

I threw some of my clothes in a large cabinet and something fell off my head. It almost broke my neck and I was stunned for a few seconds.

My day of luck, right?

It was a large black bag. I picked it up from the floor to put it back.

While I was about to close the zipper, something inside of it caught my attention.

A green fabric.

A cape.

I should not have looked in, I was a guest in a friend's home, but I did (sue me!). There was not only a cape. But a mask too.

I was distraught because of the recent events so my brain took a little while to process what I was seeing.

It looked like a super-hero outfit.


A "Robin" super-hero outfit.

And there, under the cape, a couple of jockstraps. A green leather one and a golden one.

"Ah." I audibly gasped.

I had to sit down on the bed.

There were a couple of dildos hidden in the back of the bag.

No way.

My hands were heavily shaking.

I opened-up the app on my phone. I looked for the Masked Hunk's profile.

I mean... Richard had the same body shape but...

I could barely type his name on the search bar, I was shaking so much. The good thing was, I was no longer thinking about Austin and my break-up!

The Masked Hunk was sucking on the dildo on a video, the very same I was holding in real life...

But there was something even more telling.

How could I have not seen this before?

Those lips on the video... Those were Richard's lips. No doubt.

Janice was about to marry a Pornstar... and she had no freaking idea!



And guys, this is how we conclude Part 1 one of this story! Who is ready for the second half?! This is only the start of the twists and turns to come...

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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

You’re very good Thomas_Lodge!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

❤️❤️❤️ YESS! Want more 😍

Exluke1Exluke18 months ago

I hear you Thomas_Lodge and thanks for your response! Am I remembering another story as far as Austin and Tyler ruling out kids or marriage. When asked about it at the reunion (I think) they don’t deny marriage, right? I feel like Austin even back in college wanted kids and a traditional life. Heck I think it was part of the reason why he said no to seriously dating Tyler with the thought of it potentially going somewhere. So I’m just surprised Tyler seems surprised. I definitely get that he doesn’t get asked early on, but if I we Austin I would want to process it and develop a rough plan of how the new family member (which he will want to know and financially support), can fit into their lives once they move back East as they had both already agreed to. I’m not criticizing your writing, just Tyler and his allowance to Janice to whip him up and into crisis so easily. Janice is sure now going to find out what “living in a glass house “ feels like and that long term relationships are not easy. It’s a good segue to her humility hopefully.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Somehow, Austin (not surprisingly) fathering a child with his ex-wife wasn't as disheartening as it would have been, had Austin been actually hiding an affair with another man, and as a "submissive" bottom. Having a child with your ex-wife wasn't the end of the world, but hiding it from your man and making up alibis certainly wasn't the best way to build trust during the beginning of a relationship. Even so, I wasn't as mad with Austin (I LOVE HIM) as much as I was frustrated with Ty. C'mon man, were you mad that he had a child or that he lied about it? I feel like Tyler was just finding an excuse to actually "give up" on their relationship and this was the perfect ammunition. Like a preemptive heartbreak. Because he was pretty uncertain with their relationship from the beginning, whether it was he felt like it was too good to be true or he was actually holding out for someone.

That ending though... Tell me Ty is gonna go straight into adult industry now that he's single right? On the bright side, now we can actually call Austin a "daddy", lol ;)

- Brandon.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Oh no, I wanted Ty and Austin to be together. But wow what a twist!!!!

canndcannd8 months ago

Week now he can blow up her life like she did his with the news about austin. I dunno. Austin Wad wrong to lie and I'm glad he is letting him know he don't be a lap dog but i feel like Austin really does love him. He's taken the right steps and what he says to Martin was really sweet. But i think ty needs to figure out what he wants. Did he love Austin or was Austin someone to hold onto coming out of prison? He needs to work thru that.

Thomas_LodgeThomas_Lodge8 months agoAuthor

I like how you (@ExLuke) see the nuances of the situation.

It is certainly not a black or white thing.

I would say that this fight between Ty and Austin goes back even further. I think Ty has always felt like he could give up everything to be with Austin (his first college boyfriend, Kurtis after prison), and there, he mostly felt hurt that Austin did not even consider that Ty may not want this life.

I think it is realistic for Tyler to realize: shit, my boyfriend is going to be a dad, this child will be part of my life, do I want this? And even if I want this, is Austin even considering how my whole life is changing too because of this information?

They have 12 more chapters to sort it out!

Exluke1Exluke18 months ago

Honestly, Janice has not helped Tyler with all her anxious suspicions. Yea Austin freaked out and went back but he honestly needed some alone time to process the initial news too and he made up an excuse. He never chose anyone other than Tyler but having a baby is a big deal— insurance, last name, custody, etc. I don’t blame him for wanting to get it sorted better so Tyler would be less anxious if Austin had a reasonable plan when he told Tyler about the surprise baby news that could work possibly. Brainstorming ideas is not wrong.

Austin and Tyler had planned in fairly good detail that they both wanted to move back home after LA, Tyler for his brother and nephews. Austin did assume that Tyler hadn’t changed that desire or plan and could have told him about the baby sooner but he Loves Tyler and that should be enough especially since they had said maybe to adopting kids in the future if recall. Or never ruled out kids If they became a long term committed or married couple. So I guess I feel bad for Austin mostly right now that the love of his life is pushing him away right now.

CaramelunicornCaramelunicorn8 months ago

So, Tyler doesn’t get his happy ending?

remy247remy2478 months ago

Oh wow! Not prepared for that. Can’t wait for the next chapter. It seems so long between them even though it is only a week. Please keep them coming (cumming). 😀

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