My Housemaid, Maria - Saturday


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The first thing I brought out was a bottle of wine wrapped in a thermal sleeve. This was a great trick used by the deli to keep chilled wine cool on hot days. I pulled out the bottle and opened it as Maria grabbed a couple of glasses from their spot in the basket lid. "Cheers, babe, he's to putting on a show," I said with a laugh, and we both took a sip. The basket held so many delicious delicacies, a long baguette with herbed butter, four different types of cheese and three types of crackers, some excellent prosciutto and other slices of deli meats, and both red and green grapes. It was the perfect feast after our energetic activities of the morning. We sipped our wine as we fed each other; one of us always seemed to be touching the other somehow. Finally, we were both full and getting sleepy.

I suggested we move the blanket into the shade and have a nap. We both had dried off by now, slipped on some clothes, and lay down. We faced each other and kissed briefly before closing our eyes and drifting off. We were only asleep for about thirty minutes when I woke up to whispering voices. I nudged Maria as I sat up and looked toward the voices. It was the couple from earlier in the day back again.

"Good Afternoon, folks," I said, and they jumped and turned towards me.

"Oh, we are so sorry; we thought you had left and wanted to go for a swim." The man said.

"No worries, we were just napping after eating," I responded. This caused the woman to blush and cover her mouth. I grinned, knowing just where her mind had gone. "You're welcome to go ahead if you don't mind us being here as well; you did no need to run off this morning," I added.

"Oh God," cried the woman, and now they were both beet red in embarrassment.

"We're very sorry for spying on you, but it was so erotic, and we couldn't tear ourselves away from watching." Said the man as he calmed down and became more comfortable about the situation.

"Well, no harm done, and it was a turn-on for us as well, especially when you started having fun yourselves." I laughed. This had them both blushing again.

I got a swat on the arm from Maria at this point. "Stop teasing them, babe, and stop being rude. Hi, I'm Maria, and this is Paul; you are welcome to sit with us if you like." Maria said as she sat up and waved.

The woman responded as they moved and sat on the soft mossy grass. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Skye, and this is my partner, Sunny; we didn't think anyone knew about this little piece of heaven. We usually come here once a week in the good weather and have never seen anyone else until today."

"This is the first time I've brought Maria, I used to come here, but it must be at least fifteen years since my last visit. It hasn't changed much, and I'm glad it is still nicely hidden." I said. Some older park rangers know about it but want to keep it a secret so it doesn't get overrun and ruined. One of them was a college friend, so I was fortunate enough to be let in on the secret. Sadly I lost touch with him after my wife passed. "How did you stumble on this place?" I asked.

Skye smiled and said, "Was his name John?" Seeing the shock on my face confirmed her suspicions, and she continued, "He's my uncle; he retired last year and is now hiking the Appalachian Trail. He hopes to complete it by the end of September if all goes well."

"That is John all right; never happier than when he is outdoors." I laughed. Then I remembered that we had put on a show for his niece and blushed furiously.

Maria noticed my discomfort and spoke up. "Why don't we let this couple have some privacy, babe, it has been a wonderful day so far, but we need to get cleaned up better and get some groceries in for dinner tonight."

We both stood up and gathered our blanket and an almost empty basket. I asked Skye to give John my best regards and to get in touch when he finished his trek. She agreed and said she hoped they weren't chasing us off. I shhh'd that thought and wished them a fun afternoon as I grabbed Maria's hand and walked out of the clearing and down the overgrown path. As we went out of sight of the pond, I stopped and pulled Maria close. Leaning down, I kissed her, putting all my love into it. As we broke the kiss, we rested our foreheads together momentarily. "Thank you for such an amazing experience, baby. This place has always had a special place in my heart, and I thought it would always be just an old memory, but now I have new wonderful memories that I will cherish" Maria kissed me again but remained silent as we stood face to face. "I'm feeling my age right now, babe, those two are only a few years older than you, and here I am, an old man; why are." At that point, Maria put a finger to my lips.

"Paul, I am exactly where I want to be. I am not some love-struck teenager, I am 21, and you are 44. Yes, there is an age gap, but it is not an issue with me. I have always been attracted to older men and, most particularly you. Ever since you interviewed me for the job as your housemaid, I have wanted our relationship to be more than it was. "Please don't tie yourself in knots. We don't have to rush into anything after a day and a half." She finished. Maria then grabbed my hand again and pulled me down the path. We eventually reached my car and loaded everything in the back seat. After we got ourselves buckled, I turned to her and gave her a smile and a nod. We were lost in our thoughts and remained silent most of the way home as Maria connected her phone and put some upbeat music on. I would return the picnic basket to the deli on my way to work on Monday, and Giuseppe would clean it and have it ready to fill for the next loyal customer.

As we pulled into my driveway, Maria was ready and rushed to the front door, yelling for me to shower and get dressed for a night out. I grabbed the blanket to throw in the laundry and headed through to open door. I heard Maria as she entered the spare bedroom and closed the door. The bathroom wasn't as nice as in my room, but, it still had a bathtub and a separate shower. I closed and locked the front door and headed to my room by way of the laundry room.

I heard Maria filling the bathtub as I closed my door and couldn't help but fantasize about sharing a bath with her and sitting behind her, kissing her neck and nibbling on her ears. Letting my arms encircle her, one hand moving to her small breasts to tease the nipples as the other wandered down between her legs and teased her pussy. I closed my eyes as I sat on the edge of the bed, letting the fantasy develop.

Maria lay back against me, moaning at my touch. She covered my hands with hers, guiding me and letting me know how to give her the most pleasure. I pinched one nipple as she pinched the other; she guided my fingers between her lips and placed them at the entrance as she rubbed all around her clit. I slid two wet middle fingers into her as my index and pinkie held her lips open. I had just the right angle to rub my fingertips against the front wall of her pussy as my palm pressed down from the outside. This seemed to have the desired effect as Maria began to squirm. I hooked my ankles over her legs to stop them from closing as her hands went to her breasts. My free hand went to her neck, and I let my fingers close just tightly enough to let her know I was in charge of her orgasm. I could twist my hand so my thumb could tease her clit as I slid my fingers in and out of her pussy. Maria's moans rose as I slowly brought her to the edge and then over. Her body went rigid for a moment, and then she sighed and lay trying to catch her breath.

At this moment, I came out of my dream and realized I had created such a vivid fantasy just sitting on the side of my bed without ever touching myself; I was rock hard and on edge. I shook my head, stripped off my clothes, and headed for the shower. I decided I would start with a cold shower to calm down and then went about getting thoroughly clean. Looking in the mirror as I dried myself, I decided I needed to see my barber for a haircut and beard trim in the coming week. I couldn't do much about the salt and pepper colour, but I could keep it tidy. This was one of the perks of owning my own small architectural business. I could disappear for an hour mid-week, walk the half block to my barber, and return before anyone missed me.

I grinned at my reflection, thinking about how I was doing this, so I looked my best for Maria. I turned to the bedroom and dressed, putting on a nice button-down white shirt and navy khakis and slipping on a pair of blue boat shoes. After another check in the mirror to ensure I was presentable, I headed to the kitchen to grab a lemonade before sitting on the sofa to await Maria. I asked Alexa to play some instrumental as I closed my eyes and relaxed.

I must have fallen asleep for a few minutes as I awoke and opened my eyes. Maria was standing in front of me. She wore a tight black corset skirt ensemble with lots of lace and laces that gave off a distinct steampunk vibe. Her jewelry was also Steampunk influenced; the necklace had a front piece full of gears and wheels in the design, as did the earrings she wore. A large silver ring adorned each hand with what I thought were opals prominently displayed. She wore black leather low-heel ankle boots with laces on her feet. I was struck dumb by the new look. She wore a soft black leather bandana hat on her bald head to complete the look. It was an outfit Maria was comfortable wearing, but I had not seen this side of her before, and I was intrigued.

"What do you think, babe?" Maria asked as she stood confidently before me.

I walked around her, fully taking in the view before answering. "Maria, I am amazed; you look stunning. You look sexy yet strong and not to be messed with. I love it. We do, however, have an issue. I look like a typical boomer and totally at odds with your Steampunk look." I laughed, pulling her to the floor-length mirror by the front door to stand beside her. She laughed at the image we presented.

"If you wear that black leather jacket when we go for groceries, it won't be as bad. I wanted to show you this outfit to see if you might be interested in attending a Steampunk event next weekend. We can find some clothes that would work for you on Monday after you get home. I only have classes in the morning on Mondays." She said as she turned and gave me a scorching kiss.

I pondered her request for a moment, but the kiss made it easy to decide, and I nodded before we kissed again. After we moved apart, I went to get the jacket out of the coat closet and grabbed my keys as we headed back out to my car. We spent an hour stocking up on groceries and wine at the local grocery store for the upcoming week. Fellow shoppers sent many looks our way as they took in Maria's attire and our handholding as we shopped. We both chose to ignore them and just went about our tasks. We had decided on fresh pasta with a meat sauce for dinner tonight. Maria wanted to cook for me, and I was not about to argue.

We finished up and headed to the checkout. The young blonde seemed very taken with Maria and her Steampunk look. She asked where she had bought different items and where she could find them. I stood silent as the young woman fawned over all things Maria. I gave her a wink as she looked at me and grinned. As she finished scanning the last item and told us the total, I got out my credit card and paid. I almost laughed when she asked Maria if she would like to go for a coffee sometime. Maria smiled and said she would love that as long as her Sugar Daddy could come, pointing at me as she said it. I grabbed the shopping cart and headed to the car to load the groceries leaving the two women staring at my back and whispering together.

As Maria got in the car, I looked at her and said, "Sugar Daddy?"

She laughed and said, "It was what she was seeing, baby. I'm just giving the audience what they want. (more laughter) She is intrigued, and we are having coffee later in the week. She's a student at the same college as me but is in the nursing program. I'll keep you updated. Do you like the idea of us playing with a third?" Maria reached over and put her hand in my lap at this point and found I was not excited at the prospect. She looked over at me with a curious expression. "What's wrong, Paul? I'm sorry if I did something wrong. I was just messing around."

I began, "There are a few things, Maria; first of all, you are leading her on, which is not cool. Second, at no time did you ask me if I was interested in her in any way. Third, you are referring to me as your Sugar Daddy, which concerns me. Is this what you think our relationship is? And lastly, You alone is all I desire, not as my sugar baby but as my partner and equal." After I finished, I focused on the road as we drove home.

By this time, Maria was softly crying beside me, it tore at my heart, but I had to be clear in my feelings if we would make it as a couple. As we pulled into the driveway, Maria seemed to have gathered herself and put a hand on my arm as she started to speak.

"First of all, please allow me to apologize for my actions. You are correct, it was not cool to lead her on, and I will call her tomorrow and apologize. I would still like to get together with her for coffee as I think she might turn out to be a friend. You are also correct that I did not talk to you about making the offer for her to join us. I assumed the typical male fantasy that all men wanted two women in bed. At no point do I consider you my Sugar Daddy, and I want to make it clear. I will make my way, as I have been doing since I left home at 16 and as I have shown by working for you for the last year. I have never asked you for money other than my wages, and before yesterday have I offered you any sexual favours." She added with a heat that told me she was pissed. "And as to your last point, I, too, want our relationship to be equal, baby, but the truth is that there is a huge age gap, and I have not had the life experience you have had. I will make mistakes like this, and I ask that you think about that before you start reading me the riot act. A simple "We should talk when we get home." would have avoided a lot of hurt feelings and tears."

I sighed and dropped my chin to my chest as I put my hand on hers. "You're right, babe. I got pissed, and rather than deal with it calmly, I lashed out. I am sorry as wetland I apologize. Despite all this, you've given me another reason to be attracted to you. You got upset, and there were some tears, but you stood up for yourself and called me out on my bad behaviour." I looked over at her, turning her chin so we were face to face, and said, "I am falling in love with you, Maria." This brought fresh tears to her eyes as we leaned closer and kissed.

Her hand went to the back of my head to prolong the kiss before she pulled back. She rested her forehead on mine and said, "It is too late for me, Paul. I am already in love with you. Please don't give up on me."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Hey babe!

How are you? How are the 2 cuties? I hope we can talk soon!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc12 months ago

Well written - Guess I need to read Part 1 to get better context. 5* for now...

acguyacguy12 months agoAuthor

This is a response to Seareader. No worries and no offence taken. I reread this story 4 times and missed the little mistakes each time until I saw it posted here. I am still trying to navigate this website's editing function for stories already posted. I want to give readers something they can enjoy without those little errors that get in the way of continuity. Thanks for the comments.

SeaReaderSeaReader12 months ago

Just saw your own editing comment, now I (cringe) feel a little sheepish about my comment above. Please read it hearing a friendly, sympathetic voice of one who is trying to whisper, "I don't know if you caught these tiny things..."

Sometimes (like every day) today's technology makes not-quite-everything easier, and then conspires with too-short time to sabotage our best efforts and intentions.

You're doing fine.

Keep it up!

SeaReaderSeaReader12 months ago

As I say in my comments for part 1, I love these two stories! You've got me on your side.

So here's three typos that slipped through in this story:

There's "bite" where it should be "bit".

"wet land" where I'm sure you meant "well and"

And this, probably a Verb improvement without the tidy-up, because time:

"...but eventually, my stomach started decided growl."

I know, picky, picky, but you show such (appreciated!) care throughout the stories so far, I thought you'd want to know.

As stated before, I really like what you've written here, I like reading about love that grows from friendship or other relationships, rather than quick pickup whambam thank you ma'am grinds. And I appreciate your respect for your readers, evidenced in excellent grammar, vocabulary, variety of word selection, easy reading rhythm, and complete avoidance of porn cliches and shortcuts (her massive 44DD's, my nine inches of steaming sausage...).

I just like your writing, and look forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing it here!

HOG57headHOG57head12 months ago

Don’t let the would be nit pic your work. This is a good start to a story. I hope you continue. Thanks for sharing

acguyacguy12 months agoAuthor

I need to apologize for the poor editing. I am still new to this and have not yet found an editor to catch my many errors. Editing software does not seem to be up to the job it.

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