My Journey of Discovery Ch. 06


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"I understand. I still believe you are being foolish, señorita."

"Perhaps I am. I am thankful you care for me and look after me, Diego. It is nice to know you're my friend. Mistress told me how worried you were for me and said you should be assured immediately I was okay. May I kiss you, Diego, to show my appreciation for your kindness? I would offer more, but I would not cheapen your friendship by offering sex for it."

"Si, I would accept a kiss."

I stepped into his arms and kissed him. "Gracias, Diego, for caring for me."

"De nada, señorita."

"I will make a bargain with you. If the doctor learns anything, I will tell you so you don't worry needlessly."


I went back into the house and told Mistress, Diego was now calm and accepting I was okay.

"The food isn't ready yet. You may want to make some quick notes about your experience this morning."

"It's an excellent idea, Mistress."

I started up my laptop and looked at my journal for awhile. What did I think about my punishment this morning? The first whip was okay. I had no problems with it, at least the number of strokes I received. The paddle was likewise acceptable for ten strokes; hard but bearable. I'd cum while whipped with the tawse, though to what extent the previous devices had contributed to my arousal before the tawse was used was unknown.

It was the primary problem with trying to cram so much in such a short time. It might be better if Mistress had used just one until I'd had enough and done one each day. I might be able to establish limits attached to each device. The cane, as much as I hated the pain and marking from it, I'd somehow managed to withstand eight strokes, but how much of the pain could I attribute to the cane itself and how much to how sore I was before the caning started. If it was applied to buttocks not tested by the four previous devices, would it have hurt as much as it did? The same with the single tail whip. At one point, I thought I could have climaxed if the whip had hit my pussy, but when it did hit my anus, I'd hated it. The whip Lucas saved me from, would need to be tested at some point, or I could simply say no to it now, based upon what I'd observed.

If I was going to be honest about the different instruments, I should do one a day to the limits of my endurance. I would speak to Mistress and the doctor about it. Perhaps it was partly the jacuzzi, partly the cream Lucas used and partly the time elapsed, but I was not in great pain now, two hours after Mistress stopped except I wouldn't let anyone fuck my ass currently. My asshole still throbbed. Even that might be tested further as Lucas hadn't applied cream to it either. He'd concentrated on the welts seen. I started making notes. I was reasonably certain I wasn't a pain slut. Master Lamar had been severely chastising his slave at "The Woodshed" and she'd been loving it. I wouldn't care for it nearly as much as she did, but I might accept it more than I'd expected. Mistress had made me cum when using the crop on me, though she was also stimulating me with the vibrators at the same time.

I also thought about my oral sex with Diego, how I was compared to a whore and how I felt about it. I wasn't angry at Diego, he'd only said no whore he'd ever used had done better. It was an honest response, no matter how it made me feel. I was engaging in whorish behavior. My only vindication was not accepting money for sex, but to one such as Diego, how else would my behavior be perceived. His only experience with my behavior would probably be whores.

Mistress called me to lunch and I was hungry. Whatever else my punishment had done, I'd burned through my breakfast this morning and I was starving. Mistress and Luke ate with me. By the time I was finished, it was time to prepare to leave. I went into the bedroom and put on a lightweight, opaque dress. It had a v-neck and descended to my knees. None of my stripes were visible. There was no bra or panties, but the doctor wouldn't expect to find any if he was familiar with the lifestyle. Luke remained home, only Mistress and myself in the car. She drove. It took about 40 minutes to get there because we couldn't see the closest doctor, we had to see the one in the life.

We arrived and went inside. His staff was expecting us so we were immediately ushered to a room in the back. As soon as the door closed, Mistress told me to remove my clothes.

"Will the nurse report us if she sees me?" I asked.

"The nurse who will see you is the Doctor's sub," Mistress replied. "She won't be surprised by anything she sees."

I stripped off my dress and sat quietly on the table waiting to be seen. Ten minutes later, a nurse came in. Her name tag said Kelly and she was a lovely black woman. She paid no attention to my nudity or the stripes crisscrossing my body. She asked about my medical history, took my temperature, my blood pressure, my pulse, and asked for any medications I was on. The only thing I was taking was my birth control. She left and five minutes later, a man came in and his name tag said Crenshaw. I assumed he was the doctor. Kelly locked the door behind him.

"Mistress Layton, it's good to see you. Since when did you start taking on female subs?"

"I haven't really taken her on, Doctor Crenshaw. I'm giving her a crash course in subservience for a couple weeks. If accepted, she intends to submit to a male out of New York."

"The cruise thing?"

"Yes. You've seen the ad as well?"

"Full page in the Gainesville paper; yes, I saw it. Interesting concept. She's applying?"

"She wants to, but never having submitted before, is exploring what it would be like to do so for a year."


"For her doctoral thesis at UF in Psychology. Wants to understand the mind set and mental state of submissive's from their point of view."

"What's the slave's name?"

"Elizabeth Wilson."

The doctor took a seat on a stool and Kelly knelt down and started sucking his cock. The doctor started talking to me, not really ignoring his cock sucking nurse, but paying more attention to me.

"Miss Wilson, I understand you passed out this morning while undergoing a caning. Is that right?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"What had you done this morning before your punishment. Be specific, give me all the details."

I told him what time I got up, what I had for breakfast, told him about lying down so Diego could fuck my mouth, about my ten mile run. After the run, Mistress suspended me upside down, where she whipped me with a multi-strand whip, a paddle, a tawse, a single strand whip and finally the cane. I had ten strokes with each, all over my body with the exception of the paddle which was applied to my ass and the backs of my thighs and the cane, because I'd passed out on the ninth stroke. I added as much detail as I could remember.

"What have you done since?"

"Mistress put me in the jacuzzi, after which cream was applied to my welts by Mistress's slave. I wrote in my journal, ate lunch, and prepared to see you."

"Have you ever fainted before?"

"Never, to my knowledge."

"How long have you been a sub?"

"Less than a week."

"Had you ever been punished before?"

"Except for forty strokes with a riding crop when I first started and a hand delivered spanking the same night of fifteen swats, no; not since I was a child."

"Was there anything different when you were cropped?"

"Mistress was giving me multiple orgasms with a vibrator."

He wrote down a few notes, pausing momentarily when he had to cum, holding Kelly's head and releasing his seed into her mouth. She licked him clean and tucked his cock away again, then stood up, waiting for further instruction.

"How long after eating breakfast did your punishment begin?"

"It probably took about thirty minutes to put my shoes and socks on, go to the barn and give Diego his blow job. I was running around six or six and a half minute miles for ten miles, so perhaps another hour to ninety minutes tops before Mistress suspended me. We talked for about ten minutes before she started the punishment."

"How do you feel now? Any lingering issues with dizziness, vision, hearing?"

"I feel fine, doctor."

"What about the previous few days? Go back to Sunday."

"I ran a mile race pulling a sulky with a man on it against another pony girl. I fucked Mistress and one of her slaves most of the night, slept late the next day, started a journal on Monday of my experiences. Monday night, I fucked Mistress and her other slave most of the night, up fairly early. Horseback ride, more fucking, an hour of vigorous laps, swimming, out to dinner, more fucking, getting to bed around midnight, sleeping until around 7:30 this morning."

"On Saturday?"

"I started learning to deep throat Mistress's slave, had a double cleansing enema, went to 'The Woodshed' in Orlando where my deep throat training was completed, I had my first anal sex, and my first double penetration with Master Lamar and Master Jack."

"What time did you finish up?"

"It was around four AM when I got back to Mistress's farm."

"When did you get up for the pony race?"

"Around ten."

"Well, you haven't gotten a great deal of rest the last several days although you slept fairly well last night. I want to do a urine culture and take some blood for testing. We'll take a look at your blood sugar and oxygenation. I'm also going to schedule a CAT scan for a week from now when your welts have disappeared, but I suspect your problem is much simpler than that. I just want to rule out some other possibilities."

"What do you think the problem is?" I asked.

"You said the caning was the last thing you were doing when you passed out?"


"I imagine you were pretty sore by then?" Doctor Crenshaw asked. "All the other punishment before, and the cane is a wicked instrument. The worst of your welts here are from the cane." He fingered those on my abdomen and my breast, stroking the nipple as he did so.

"I was and they are," I confirmed. My nipples grew hard as he thumbed it.

"You had already experienced eight strokes to your back and front and Mistress told you the next two were going to be to your breasts. You knew how painful the cane was already and thought the ones to your breasts would be extremely agonizing. I would guess you were holding your breath, gritting your teeth, trying to prepare yourself for the pain."

"That's right, I was."

"And she was delaying a somewhat lengthy time between each stroke to give you time to use your safe word, you said."

"That's correct."

"When you were a kid, did you ever play a party game where one person holds their breath while another person squeezes around their chest until they pass out?"

I thought back through my childhood and remembered a birthday party when I was around thirteen or fourteen where we had done something similar. We'd made three or four kids pass out by doing this until one of the holders didn't believe the guy whose chest they were squeezing was really unconscious and he let go and the kid fell flat on his face and broke his glasses and his nose. The parents put a quick end to our party games after that. They had to take the kid to the doctor and sent everyone else home.

"I do remember something like that," I said.

"I believe something similar happened here. You were holding your breath, pumped full of adrenaline which is normally calling for more air, not less. Your chest may have felt constricted, because you tightened up to receive the stroke. You didn't have enough air and when the cane struck your tit, you screamed, releasing the air you did have. I believe that's why you passed out, and it might have been supplemented by your upside down position, your irregular sleep and possibly lowered blood sugar caused by your run. I'll run the other tests to be sure, but if they're all negative, I'd lay dollars to donuts it's why you fainted."

"That's good to know."

He wrote down a few more notes. I wondered what he'd put in there. Patient passed out while holding breath as she was caned. Has not gotten a lot of sleep from all her fucking.

He finished up and laid the file aside, asking, "Mistress Layton, do you mind if I fuck your slave?"

"Not at all, doctor. Be my guest."

"Ms. Wilson, you'll have to get me erect again."

Being Mistress's slave, I had no choice in the matter of who I fucked. That decision was totally up to her. I had to say I appreciated he was fairly good looking and seemed to have a nice cock, given what I'd seen of it when his nurse was sucking it.

I got off the table and knelt at his feet, pulled out his cock and began licking and sucking it, feeling it grow in my mouth as his arousal mushroomed. When his tool gained the appropriate hardness, he bent me over the exam table and speared my cunt with his prick. Before becoming too engrossed in his thrusting, he directed Nurse Kelly to lie on the table in front of me and pull up her little white dress. I wasn't surprised to find she went without underwear and shaved her cunt if she was his sub. It was my first black pussy and I was curious about the possible differences in taste between her and Mistress, the only other cunt I'd ever licked.

When I swept my tongue up between her folds, she was saltier than Mistress, and there seemed to be dried male semen around her slit. I assumed she'd been fucked today by her Master and he'd left his seed there to dry, so I might be savoring him as well as her. On the whole, I found her taste to be pleasant and she seemed to appreciate my cunt lapping talents as much as Mistress does, as she released shortly after I started and my mouth was flooded with a fresh spate of her fluid. As soon as he'd seen to the needs of his slave, Doctor Crenshaw vigorously attacked my pussy, fucking me hard and fast. Within five or six minutes, I climaxed and my pussy pulsated over his pumping prick. Kelly orgasmed again shortly after, enjoying my tongue lashing. Doctor Crenshaw continued punishing my pussy with his lovely cock. Just as I felt myself cresting again, he jammed himself deep in my cunt and his cock spewed his sperm in my womb.

He left his prick in my pussy, soaking in its warmth and wetness, reveling in my orgasmic tremors until Kelly climaxed again. After her release, he pulled out and made her clean our cum off his shaft, then lick my pussy clean so I wouldn't soil my dress. Her tongue delved deep in my cleft to swirl his cum out. I nearly climaxed again, so thoroughly did she work my cunt, but Mistress stopped her before I could cum. She wanted to get back home and I'm sure watching us fuck had stirred her desire as well.

"Doctor Crenshaw, is there any reason Mistress cannot continue punishing me?" I asked. "I believe I need to experience one device a day for as many strokes as I can tolerate in order to determine where my limits are?"

"Not unless your test results come out different than I expect. I would suggest to you that you don't hold your breath, but continue breathing through your punishment. Panting breaths such as those of a woman going through childbirth might actually help you get through the pain. If you should faint again, she'll have to stop all punishment until after your CAT scan. I don't anticipate it happening if you do as I recommend. I'll also suggest staying away from the single tail and cane until after your scan on Monday at ten AM. Don't use the whip or paddle after nine the night before. They give you the little gowns, but it's possible any lingering marks would cause questions if seen."

"Thank you, Doctor, for everything. It was a good fucking," I said.

"You're welcome. Mistress Layton, what else do you have planned for this slave over the next few days?"

"I'm going to confine her to a cage tonight. Tomorrow will be a slow day. She will probably exercise and if she wants to continue her punishments, I'll probably crop her tomorrow, and whip her on Friday and paddle her on Saturday, giving her an extra day before her scan on Monday. On Friday and Saturday, we'll be going back to 'The Woodshed'. I've arranged a glory hole for her on Friday and a bukkake on Saturday."

I'd learned what a glory hole was from Dina. I had no idea what a bukkake was. It sounded foreign. Apparently, my limited reading hadn't revealed nearly enough about what to expect from submission. I could ask Mistress later. I can't say I enjoyed the thought of a glory hole. It seemed more degrading than what I'd experienced thus far, but if it was in the questionnaire, I suppose it might be something the Master might be interested in.

"None of it sounds too strenuous, so I don't see why she can't participate. I may come to 'The Woodshed' on Friday. Okay, that's it for me. Kelly will take some blood and collect a urine sample. Here's the address of the Radiology lab where she's to have her CAT scan done." He handed Mistress a slip of paper with a small map and instructions.

He stepped out and Kelly locked the door behind him. She collected two tubes of blood and showed me how to provide a clean sample of urine, important because I'd just been fucked and licked, so I needed to wipe, swipe an antiseptic solution, and pull back my pubic lips to ensure the urine went straight from the urethra to the cup without the stream hitting anything else. It was harder than it sounds, though I was successful in giving her what she needed. Kelly thanked me for her three orgasms, then allowed me to dress.

On the way back, I asked Mistress about a bukkake.

"Bukkake is an extreme facial, like what Luke did to your face, although it is performed by multiple men. At 'The Woodshed', there might be anywhere from 50 to 100 men showing up at an advertised event to participate."

"You've advertised the event?"

"Not in a newspaper ad, pet. There will be several posters about the place on Friday night describing the event on Saturday, plus when I requested one of the red rooms, I asked the staff to contact a few movers and shakers of the fetish scene in Orlando and pass the word. The general public in Orlando won't be invited to attend. It's only available to 'Woodshed' members."

"Are you a member?" I asked.

"I am."

"Have you ever taken Lucas or Ranger there?"

"I have."

I was silent for a few minutes. "I won't have to suck the cocks of all the men who cum on me, will I?"

"No, pet. Your cock sucking experience is Friday night at the glory hole. Though you may choose to suck some of the cocks who anoint your face, most of them will be masturbating to completion. There will be too many cocks to suck everyone."

"Why do you think the Master is interested in glory hole or bukkake experience?" I asked.

"It is in the section dealing with humiliation. Some dominants like to humiliate their subs. Both a glory hole and bukkake are very humiliating and humbling experiences when you're forced into them. Since the questionnaire made a point of asking whether the applicant had experienced the two topics, I'm sure he's wondering how much humiliation you're willing to withstand."

"What are the other questions in the section dealing with humiliation?"

"Sex or masturbation in a public setting, punishment in public settings, public enemas or forced to piss in public, golden showers, eating shit or drinking piss, sex with animals, self mutilation; a few others too, I think, though I don't recall all of them at the moment."

"People do all those things?" I asked in wonder, amazed anyone could even consider eating shit or drinking piss, let alone mutilating themselves. Of course, Mistress had already tested my having sex in public places and my punishments thus far had been in the barn, open to the view of her farm staff.

"The world is filled with many strange people, pet."

"You don't intend to make me do all of those things, do you? I'd have to end this now if you did."
