My Only Talent Ch. 44


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She went to the fridge to get her sandwich and discovered a frosty cold six pack of Hurricane High Gravity Malt Liquor tallboys. She had heard the older girls talk about this stuff. They called it their 'muscle relaxer' and said it let them do things they otherwise would not do. She had finished her paper, so all her work was done, and she decided to have her own little private party. She forgot about her sandwich and grabbed one of the tallboys.

She rummaged through the DVD collection, seeing some new ones she hadn't noticed before. She found one called "My Boyfriend, My Girlfriend and Me" and curled up on the couch in front of the big screen to watch it. She suddenly thought about introducing Sandy to Robbie, and her mouth got dry. She took a pull on the tallboy. It was smoother and sweeter than regular beer and had a fruitier taste. It was very smooth going down. So were the two girls in the movie. They did things Chrissy had never considered, but now could not stop thinking about. She had to stop the movie in the middle to get another tallboy. When the movie was over, her little blue panties were sopping wet, and she suddenly worried about staining the couch. At least it was leather.

She was inspired to find another movie, and another tallboy. When she went through the stack of DVDs again one stood out as different from all the rest. It had a black and white cover, and kind of a retro look, plus a very politically incorrect title on each side. She put it in the player and sat back on the couch to watch. She was surprised to find it was in black and white, but like some of the old Twilight Zone episodes she had watched in her RTF class, it immediately grabbed her attention. She first thought it too was old, but the video was razor-sharp high-resolution quality, just in monochrome. In the very first scene, she recognized some streets as being modern day Austin. What was this thing?

The action soon moved indoors. A blonde named Aggie, in an Aggie baseball cap, took on another woman and two guys and wrung all three of them out with amazing enthusiasm. Chrissy got even wetter and thirstier. The blonde looked familiar somehow. She went to get one more tallboy and put the DVD back on. In the next scene, an even hotter black girl, apparently the star of the movie, met a guy in a wrestling costume in a motel room. He was of average size, but his dick was not! Chrissy was captivated. How big was that thing? She looked at the now empty tallboy can in her hand. It probably was not as big as the tallboy can, she told herself. She held the now empty tallboy up to her mouth, paused the player, and looked at the dick on the screen in comparison to the girls' mouth. It was almost as big around as a regular aluminum soda can, though.

As the scene shifted, she watched the giant white dick penetrate the little black girl, their skins in stark contrast in the monochrome video. Damn, that girl looked full, and very pleased! She had heard the older girls joke about pussies being a 'one size fits all' thing and able to adapt to small or large dicks without any difficulty, but this was pushing the envelope.

She took off her soaked panties and held the empty tallboy between her legs and tried to visualize a dick like that. OMG! But the can was rigid aluminum, and dicks were not. They had silky skin on top, then some squishy tissue underneath that, then got harder toward the middle. And they didn't have an edge like the can but instead had a nice smooth head on them. That would make things easier, she thought. And cans weren't warm, with a nice pulse you could feel in your mouth, either. She was now so wet that anything seemed possible. She never would have thought she could take Robbie in her ass, but now she knew it was a wonderful fit.

On the screen, both Aggie and the black porn star were in the middle of a wrestling ring, with just contrasting garter belts on, loudly challenging a dozen other wrestlers to a "Texas Fuck Match". The filmmaker must have completed extensive diversity training, because the group of challengers included wrestlers of all sizes, colors, races, sexes, genders, and lifestyles, plus the masked and costumed wrestling guy with the amazingly big cock. The two girls took them on three or four at a time, using every orifice creatively. At one point a muscular individual in a miniskirt with either a very small dick or a very large clitoris was shoving it amorously in Aggie's left ear.

Both girls went airtight (Robbie had explained that to her at least, but without mentioning anything about Mei Ling) with all challengers, and the sight sent Chrissy reeling. She was literally going crazy. That big dick looked bigger than all four of her fingers, her own personal record. But then she had never been this wet and relaxed before. She got all four inside faster and easier than ever before and was just about to add her thumb and cross into new and unexplored territory, when the doorbell rang!

WTF! She jumped up and realized her panties were much too wet to put back on! She hid them under the cushion of the couch and pulled her tee shirt down as far as she could. At least it was a longer than average one. Who could be coming to the condo at this hour?

Big Bones Jones had ventured out to Horseshoe Bay this late on a promising but vague invitation from a hot fortysomething cougar he met at a football foundation dinner earlier this evening. He thought he had the address right, but there was no answer at the door. He was already looking forward to some hot sticky mature action, and he didn't want to go gentle into this good night without getting some. Then he remembered that Kevin's dad's condo was nearby. Maybe they had some party action going on tonight. Big Bones had always been impressed with the poontang that Kevin and Robbie seemed to be able to attract.

Chrissy opened the door just a crack, with the little chain thing in place, and peered out, leaning around the door to hopefully conceal her state of undress and lubrication. Holy Shit! It was Big Bones Jones! ESU's most recent first round NFL draft pick. Two of the girls in her house had one of his posters up on the wall in their room where they could both see it from their beds. They said they often dreamed about giving him a massage to help him relax all those muscles after a big game. Chrissy had thought about it too, more than once. What was he doing here?

"Hi! I'm looking for Kevin or Robbie?"

Reflexively she stuck her hand out. "I'm Chrissy, Robbie's friend. Pleased to meet you."

When the door had opened Big Bones got a blast of two of his favorite aromas: malt liquor and wet pussy! Paydirt! There was for sure a party going on up in here. This little dirty blonde looked like one fine spinner, too, and his body was rapidly mobilizing to show her how much he liked her. He put on his best sweet boy smile. He took her little white hand in his much larger black one and shook it, then stroked her palm with his thumb, with no intention of letting go. "I'm always charmed by a beautiful woman! Call me Big Bones. May I come in for a moment?"

Chrissy was charmed, too, and she did not want to seem rude.


My flight back to Austin ran on time, and I got back into my routine in Austin Tuesday afternoon and managed to get back on schedule in my classes. I would not see Chrissy until Saturday.

I had a very tumultuous meeting with Rock Tappert about the NeuroSignal Processing startup problems. I had to tell him I had absolutely zero confidence in the management team that was now in place. I did not think they were worth the salaries they wanted, nor that they would complete the demo on time. He got angry and said, "Well what would you do to fix it, drawing on your vast management experience?"

Now I was pissed, too. "I have precisely the same amount of management experience you do, Rocky Boy! Zero. None of the above. Nada! But I do have an idea of what to do!"

He must have felt really challenged, because he shot back "That would be your second idea in history Roberts! Let us hear it!"

"Let's go to the management team and offer them higher options if they take lower salaries. Take that projection they gave us of sales after the project is done and figure out that the new options deal would make them much more money than the salaries IF they make their projections. That will catch them out! I bet that they will not take that bet on themselves! They really just want to draw a salary."

Rock was silent for a full minute. "Fuck! You may be right! I don't think they will do it, either!"

I was still hopping mad. "Speaking of fucking, I am willing to fuck your hot wife, but only if there is no video taken, and only if Nora and Lara can be there to watch it too! What do you think of that Professor Cuck?"

A dozen emotions played across his face. Then he smiled and hugged me! "That is fantastic, Robbie. I must talk to her, but I bet Veronica will get even hotter if they are there. I think she will love the idea. I will miss having the video, but it would be worth it just to see it happen once. That is so incredibly hot! Veronica will come like a machine gun and I don't care who else watches it fire!

I was stunned. I thought he would turn it down. I hoped he would, anyway. The girls must have known he would love it. I'm not sure I love it. But could I do it? And if I did it, would Nora and Lara then take that as a tacit agreement with their own ideas about such future activities?

I tried to change the subject in my own mind. I worked hard to catch up in all my classes and was already looking forward to seeing Chrissy. By then it would have been three full weekends since I saw her last. I wanted to pick up right where we left off. Sweet, precious little Chrissy!

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Jackspeed2uJackspeed2u8 months ago

I love this story. I read it several times. I’m lucky in that I found it when it had been completed so I could read from go to whoa. I understand that there was years with few if any chapters, also the story is finished or I should say wound up in a rush. Is that a shame? I don’t think so, especially with most multi chapter stories on here being unfinished. So any ending is far far better than just… nothing… silence…

This story probably started as a lark, then got traction and excitement was afoot with the author. With canon being set very early on with absolutely no way of even modifying it the story telling angles would have been tight and thus difficult to plan and it would preclude so many options and methods and so on. So as the story goes on it gets more and more constrained and really the only way to unconstrain it to a degree is to decide on a set or even just a single core character and then kill off or remove with prejudice. The. You don’t even have to follow the ideal and morals or the things they taught you or the activities they got you involved in. Such as Suzanne is gone that way so now Robbie could just say fuck it to running and could also cut Saskia and anything to do with that fitness lab and all it’s people and also just say that any talk of multiple guys for HIS girls is off the table forever. See how that could clean up an entire segment of the story, just gone. Now robbie has free time and space in his life for new people which bring new morals, experiences, activities, expectations and connections. This was essentially done with Dr Lillehammer changing to Red Tappert. Except by keeping Lillehammer he and his wife have to be kept going in the story, effort in writing and maintaining, and Robbie can’t just drop the summer study program that adds years to his degree and separates him from his girls and baby AND NORA OPENLY SAID SHE WOULD HAVE SEX AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER MEN FOR YEARS, then choose robbie. When in relationships and sex which causes oxytocin which is a BONDING CHEMICAL in relation to couples, things change and priorities change very dramatically and quickly. What was deadly important yesterday just isn’t important at all just the next morning! So realistically robbie should have done what the girls are doing and express their degrees by studying ALL YEAR, and getting it done early and even taking some semesters at Nora’s uni.

So yeah I think the story just got out of hand and was too difficult for continuity and too time consuming to write. In real life for dollars, an editor would have stopped several things by saying that they constrain the story too much to allow for later developments. But I bet there wasn’t a story plan beforehand so the author did the best he could, magnificent by the way, and soldiered on.

Then his time is short due to life he publishes less and less. The story whole fun has become a millstone so he digs deep because he is a good guy and just winds it up!

I say thanks for the story, thanks for the originality and the fun and the serious and weaving in the spy stuff and then bringing a life of being the good guy doing it right, putting loyalty and loyalties as number one, then having that loyalty tested in spy interactions and his ability to keep secrets tested and having all that trust returned by everyone as being the only guy ALL SIDES trust so he becomes the only man for the job. Quite poetic.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uabout 3 years ago

Lara, Robbie biggest supporter and only sure wife is being treated poorly. It’s killing me. Also Robbie is all about trust, yet he doesn’t tell his two fiancés about the suzi issues. They could help him just by listening. Knowing that they would probably knix the Veronica root since he wouldn’t be able to give her his trademark uncanny ability to deliver.

Who will plan this years Adicted to you party? It’s been mentioned several times, even by Robbie. Suzanne, Lara, Milli and possibly Nora planed the last one. None of those people are in the state anymore.

SensualSigmaSensualSigmaover 3 years ago

Jay telling Ashley that Pepe loved her was a dick move. If one of my mates told a girl I was seeing that before I got a chance to, I would be hopping mad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
He's Baa-ack!

This has been a favorite of mine for years, and not just because of the similarity in background/career between myself and many of the characters, including the protagonist. I'm sure I've re-read the extant chapters at least a half-dozen times.

I do have to admit that the last chapter was a bit of a disappointment, as it seemed to be more of a story outline for several chapters that could have been fleshed out, but here we're back to being shown what is happening vs. told what happened, and it is satisfying.

I have a feeling that things are about to move out of parallel from me, not being "enlightened" enough emotionally to tolerate what I know I should intellectually enjoy, in male non-exclusivity amongst my lovers; but, I'm sure that won't detract from my enjoyment as you explore the realm you've created - thank you for sharing it with us!

JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 4 years ago
Tons happening, liking most of it

Ok, Suzanne broke his heart, but now he thinks he's falling in love again. He doesn't mention Lara or Nora, so I assume they are 'alreadys', but he doesn't seem to be getting that close with Chrissy. Things that make me go 'hmmmm'.

I acknowledge that I was wrong, in part, about Suzanne. She wasn't 'cheating' on Mike.

That said, she had no trouble contemplating destroying another marriage... that's pretty shitty. Given her dad's recognition (and acceptance) of this trait, it's neither new nor related to Mike, she's just has zero morals when it comes to getting what she wants. I can only be thankful that Robbie and the girls dodged a bullet when she dumped them like warm beer.


I don't know who you are trying to convince that Robbie getting cucked is not just ok, but necessary for the girls to be happy. Yourself? Us? Robbie?

You have to write the story - Your Story - your way, but I think you can guess the reaction from your readers if he ends up eating some other guys cum out of one of his lovers. Just to clarify for one reader: I'll delete my bookmark.

*cringes* Sweet, precious Chrissy indeed :(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great to see u back

I really missed this, glad your safe and still writing during these times.

PS. Hope Robby doesn't change his stance of getting cocked

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 4 years ago
A really like this story!

Having followed this story from the beginning, it's always great when a new chapter pops up in my followed stories. This chapter was a bit tough, a lot of bouncing around that seemed out of place at times. Then there's a porn movie that is the most erotic part of the chapter, even Chrissy's first girl on girl event was only a brief moment. I have high hopes that it all comes together. Thank you as always!

SlofredSlofredalmost 4 years ago

I have been reading your story since day one. I love it and continue to be pleasantly surprised when a new chapter is available. Thank you for a great story line with unlimited possibilities. 5 stars as usual.

BruceWoBruceWoalmost 4 years ago
You are back to your best

Congratulations. I had thought we had lost you. You are a great writer. Don’t forget it. You have built an amazing literary universe.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The first few chapters of this were good

Looking forward to you starting something new.

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