My Time with (Aunt) Barb & Daughter


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"Oh I know it can be done. I've seen my husband do it many times," Peggy said.

Robert opened the ladder and centered it under the burned out bulb. He started up the ladder only to realize how shakey it was. Peggy remembered that fact about the same time.

"Oh I'm sorry about this old thing but my husband refuses to get a new one till this one breaks," Peggy snickered. "I'll help steady it by holding on when you climb up and down."

Robert moved up another step and Peggy grabbed hold of the ladder behind him. He could feel how close she was to his legs as he moved on up the steps. He was only two steps away from the top of the ladder but still couldn't reach the dead bulb.

"I'm going to have to go one more step up to reach it," Robert explained.

"Wait and let me come up further and hold your legs for stability," Peggy said.

Up the ladder she climbed until her face was inches away from his knees and she grabbed his calves for support. She then indicated it was safe for him to go up the next step. He moved his foot up one step then his other and was standing perilous on the second highest step of the ladder. Peggy then came up two steps behind him and her face was now inches away from his naked ass and her arms wrapped around his thighs.

Robert could feel her hot breath blowing on his ass and her tight grip on his legs. He could also feel the blood rushing to his penis. Hoping the intense concentration on trying to remove the old bulb would distract from his growing penis.

After grasping and carefully unscrewing and removing the bulb he signaled to Peggy they could start back down the ladder. As they eased down to the floor and he handed the old bulb to Peggy he noticed she was looking down at his crotch. He then looked down and realized his penis was almost halfway erect.

He hurridley said, "Where's the new bulb, let's get that fixed for you."

Peggy's attention returned to Robert's face as he was asking her that question. "Aah—-yes let me get the new bulb, I keep them in the hall closet. I'll be right back," she said leaving the living room to retrieve the new one.

By the time Peggy returned to the living room, with the replacement bulb, Robert had managed to will his penis back to its normal flaccid state, by thinking of sad events, like the day his favorite dog died.

Climbing back up the ladder with the replacement bulb, Robert was followed by Penny close behind him. When he reached the step nearest the top he leaned out to screw the bulb in and almost lost his balance. Peggy quickly readjusted her stabilizing hold on him. She grabbed higher up his thighs, brushing his ball sack with her hands, as she did. At the same time slamming her face into the bottom of his ass crack. If anyone had been watching, it might have resembled an old comedy routine.

Peggy yelled out, "Are you ok? Have you gotten your balance back? Are you sure you're alright?"

Robert replied, "Yes I'm fine, I just lost my balance for a second, everything's ok now."

With the new bulb in place, Peggy realized where her face was in proximity to Robert's ass, moved her head back and released her grip on his upper thighs. She started back down the ladder followed closely by Robert. As soon as she got off the unstable old ladder it wobbled causing Robert to lose his balance and fall from the third step up.

He landed on his left foot which turned to the side causing his ankle to absorb most of the weight of his fall. Immediately he grabbed his ankle grimacing in pain.

To an outsider it would have looked hilarious. A naked boy sprawled out on the floor, on his back. One leg up in the air so he could grab his injured ankle.

Peggy runs over frantically asking if he was ok and what she could do to help. Robert was starting to realize that it wasn't broken. He couldn't feel any bones out of place and he could move it around, painfully, but still move it.

He told her that he thought it was just probably a strain and would be ok shortly. Peggy added, "I had an ankle strain once while playing tennis and they kept putting ice on it to keep the swelling down. I'll be right back with some ice." And she was off to the kitchen.

Robert laying there for a while tried to stand up but quickly realized it was too soon to try that.

Peggy back with the ice suggested he move to the couch so it would be more comfortable that tha hard floor. "Can you stand at all," she asked.

Robert replied, "I jus tried that and it didn't go well."

"Let me help you and maybe between the two of us we can get you up on the couch," she suggested.

They were able to work together and get Robert on the couch. Peggy elevated his left leg to rest on the back cushion of the couch. She then sat at his feet to apply the ice bag on his ankle. Not realizing the position she was seated in until she turned to face Robert. She had a close up view directly between the body legs. With his one leg propped up she could see the darkened mysterious area between his balls and his ass hole.

Robert caught her staring at his most private area and again felt his penis twitch and the blood flowing into it. In seconds he had a semi erection and it was growing exponentially. Peggy knew she should look away but was mesmerized at the growing and thickening of the young man's penis. He was nearing full blown erection.

Robert desperate to stop a full on erection pushed on his sore ankle causing him enough pain to halt the growth of his penis. This action also snapped Peggy out of her fixation on him.

Robert suggested that Peggy go back to Barbara's and get them to come over and help him back home. Peggy thought about it, looked at her watch and agreed that would probably be best. It wouldn't be long before her guest for the card games would start arriving.

Peggy whisked away headed for nextdoor to get help. Robert was finally able to relax after all the excitement of the last several minutes. He had just nodded off when he thought he heard Peggy walking into the living room.

Suddenly a voice he didn't recognize said, "What the hell is this?"

Robert looked up and saw a stranger looking down at him, he quickly covered himself with his hands saying, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Robert asked.

"I'm asking you the same thing plus, why are you lying there totally naked trying to covering yourself with your hands," the stranger quipped back.

He looked down at his crotch and observed the head of his penis and his balls were not covered by his hands.

He replied to the strange woman, "I was helping Peggy change a light bulb, I fell, looking over at the ladder, twisting my ankle plus it's none of your business why I'm naked."

Just then Peggy entered the room, " Oh Gladys, you're here early!"

"Yes, I thought I'd show up early to see if you needed any help setting up," she replied.

"I see you've met Robert," Peggy said.

"Well I've seen him but not formally met him," Gladys replied.

"Yes I understand what you mean. Robert is a friend of the family next door, you know Barbara. He's going through a lifestyle change where he is living a less complex and more basic life. In doing that he sometimes wears less clothing than others but he is completely comfortable in doing that. He shows no shame in anything he wears or doesn't wear." Peggy explained.

"Oh I see, I was just a bit confused when I walked into the room to find a naked young man here alone. And he appeared to feel shame or embarrassment when he tried to cover himself with his hands." Gladys said.

Peggy laughing said, "That's nonsense, rightRobert?"

Robert, knowing he was being put on the spot smiled and lowered his hands to reveal his penis and balls to the stranger.

Gladys remarked, "This must be an extraordinary lifestyle Robert, not to mention the savings on clothes buying and cleaning."

Peggy spoke up asking Robert how his ankle was feeling and explaining that there was nobody home at Barbara's. Robert, thinking about what to do now. Peggy's other guests would be arriving shortly, where and how could he get out of there. He removed the ice pack and tried to put some weight on his ankle but it was too painful to stand.

Robert spoke up wondering, "What next, your guests will be here soon and I'm stuck here on this couch. Do you think you two could help move me somewhere, anywhere out of here?" looking at Peggy and Gladys.

Gladys said, "I'm so sorry folks but I had back surgery less than three months and I'm not allowed to lift anything over ten pounds for a year or chance having more surgery."

Peggy added, "Oh yes that's right, I remember visiting you in the hospital. Well does anyone have any other ideas?"

Nobody said a word. They just kept looking back and forth at each other hoping someone would come up with something.

"Robert, would you be comfortable staying there on the couch?" Peggy asked.

Robert couldn't believe what he just heard. He was sitting there naked, fuck no he wouldn't be comfortable. Was she out of her mind?

Gladys spoke up, "That's right Robert, you're obviously very secure and comfortable in your state of 'undress'. All we would have to do is explain your lifestyle choices to the other women just as Peggy told me."

Robert was praying, no no no no no, please find a reason not to do that. I can't just sit here naked in front of a GROUP of strange women!

The front doorbell rang which could only mean another guest had arrived. The three of them just looked at each other. Finally after the doorbell rang again Gladys headed toward the door.

Peggy and Robert heard voices coming from the side door. It was Barbara and Crystal. They had returned home and seen the note from Peggy about what had happened and to rush over when they returned home. After discussing the details it was decided that Barbara and Crystal would help Robert back next door.

They gingerly picked him up, one on each side of him. Then slowly started walking with him to the side door. Robert looked up to see Gladys and four strange women watching his every move with their mouths agape. They were treated to a slow full view of his front and rear as they passed by on the way to the side door.

After arriving back home the two women took Robert up to his room and put him in bed. They fussed over him making sure he was ok and comfortable.

Crystal said standing up, "Dude you've been through it today. You look beat and smell beat too. Bet you didn't even have time for a shower this morning, did you?"

Not giving him time to answer she suggested a sponge bath. Not just for cleanliness but in addition it would make him feel better anyway.

Crystal went to get the water, soap and cloths from the bathroom. While Barbara ask him about the accident and how it happened and was he sure he was ok.

Crystal came back with the supplies and made a joke saying, "Ok now get undressed,"————-laughing. "Well that parts done! Ok mom you take the upper part and I'll start at the feet, deal?"

Peggy agreed and started softly washing his face. Crystal quickly washed his feet being careful to not touch his sore ankle. She worked her way up his legs getting to his upper thighs in no time flat. Her mother was still on his shoulders, taking her time and being super gentle.

Crystal was ready to clean his privates after rubbing against his ball sack while finishing his inside thighs. She lifted his penis and washed his balls moving them back and forth with the cloth. Then she wrapped the cloth around his penis and stroked it several times. Robert sprouted a full hard on by the time she stopped.

There he lay naked and fully rock hard with Barbara inches away from it. She was still carefully washing his arm and not paying any attention to anything else. She had already washed his stomach before doing his arms so she shouldn't have to go back down there.

Crystal again wrapped the cloth around his throbbing penis and stroked it furiously. Robert couldn't believe what she was doing. She was giving him a hand job just inches away from her mother. The thought of all this was too much for him and he started cumming. Crystal moved the cloth over top of it to catch his cum. He couldn't help but utter some grunting sounds. Crystal jumped in to say she had accidentally touched his injured ankle.

Barbara suddenly said, "Ok roll over on your stomach so we can wash your backside. Before she could even finish her sentence Robert was already turning over and avoiding letting Barbara see his erection and the gooey mess left from his explosion. Wow that was close, he thought.

After they finished cleaning his backside they left him alone to rest but bringing him a fresh ice bag for his ailing ankle.

With all that had happened that day he slept thru till the next morning. When he woke up there was no Crystal to be found. A huge smile flashed across his face and he took a breath of relief. Slowly standing up his ankle was sore but he could stand and walk on it! Wow he was surprised and happy about his recovery.

He then looked at the clock, it was very early, just barely daylights. Well that made sense he had gone to bed extra early after everything yesterday. He went to pee came back and laid back down wondering what today would bring.

The next thing he heard was of course Crystal making her morning rounds of terror. But what was left for her to do. Yesterday's total exposure was it, he couldn't get more naked than that.

Crystal said, "What a day we had yesterday! How many women were you naked in front of, eight maybe? What were you going for, a record?

"Ha ha, very funny Crystal," he said.

"And the daring 'bath' you had, that was fantastic," she exclaimed.

"Today's adventure is going to be the last one so it's got to be the creme de la cream," she said.

All Robert heard was, 'the last one'. He was so fucking happy. No more torcher after today, he was about to be home free!

Crystal held out her hand and said, "Here's your outfit for this morning."

Robert took the object from her, looked at it and looked back at her, "What the fuck is this!"

"Funny you asked it that way," laughing the whole time.

"It's a battery operated prostate stimulator," she answered.

"Oh I don't think so, you're dip shit crazy if you think I'm walking around all day with that thing," Robert replied.

"Oh Robert, Robert, Robert you only have to wear it to breakfast and in front of my mom. Then you can remove it and you're off the hook for the rest of the summer. The video is yours afterwards," she said.

"Are you serious, I just have to wear it the one time and this nightmare is over?" Robert asked.

"Yep that's the deal, I just want my mom to see that huge penis of yours hard just once. She's just missed seeing it a couple of times before."

They shook hands and Crystal instructed him on how to insert it. He was having problems getting it in so she took over and jammed it up his ass. He let out a screech both from pain and surprise. She clicked the remote switch to on and it started buzzing. In seconds Roberts's penis was rock hard and throbbing.

"Looks like you're ready big boy," Crystal said.

"Are you sure you want to do this to your mom?" he asked. "It just seems mean to me."

Laughing she said, "I have my reasons, believe me. Ok see you in a few minutes. Remember just saunter in like nothings different."

In about five minutes he mustered up enough courage to go downstairs. His penis still rock hard and now starting to drip. Every step he made it took big swings from side to side and bouncing up and down.

He kept looking at the floor but entered the kitchen saying, "Good morning, isn't it a wonderfuuuuuuu——————. Looking up he saw Crystal, Barbara, Gladys, Kim Val and Lynn and his mom and dad!

*in reference to the song

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I hope a chapter two is still in works even if it's taken all this time. It will be more than worth it, I know it. I think what most people wanted is to know is the reaction of all those who were present. Perhaps after hearing that Robert has start to experiment with his modest they let it slide under the pretense that that is all it is. But of course. Robert had to prove it to them but with that vibrator lodged up his ass, it will be a hard sell, eventually.

nudedude03nudedude03about 1 year agoAuthor

Hey to all those of you that want a second chapter. I’ve been trying to write chapter two for over two years now…lol. Every time I get about half way through it, it’s not coming out the way I want and I abandon it. I’ve tried several different scenarios but I’m never satisfied. I’m not giving up but this is just to let you know I hear you and I’m trying. Thanks again for all your comments and support.

rockieracoon027rockieracoon027about 1 year ago

please make a continuation of the story, there are still many good things that can happen, the story the way I am ended up very open, and left the feeling that there is still much more to tell

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I also hope that something similar happens. I just read this story and I would love to see a chapter two with this where indeed he has to stay with it in all day as his family decide to believe the story and try to live with it. But only on the idea that he doesn't break their trust by having it be something sexual. I wonder rhow he would hold on!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hope this gets a part 2,the fact he has to be there completely naked with a vibrator in could genuinely be a chapter of itself as he tries to hold it in.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A part two of this would be great. There is still so much that could happen. Especially with what happens at the end. I could imagine him staving off of an orgasm while having a meeting with his family about nudity. Would be amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please do a chapter two of this, it is fantastic how it slowly builds up to that crescendo at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Next steps

Liked the way Crystal took control. Next steps are that Crystal is filming as he enters and he immediately cums almost passing out. Since erection doesn't go away Crystal covertly hands off videoing so she can convince his mom to help him including encouraging/guiding mom's dialogue. By the time he cums again, mom has agreed to help when needed. Crystal then encourages this relationship with him continuing to be naked. Dad buys in because Crystal blows him and promises future treats. Subsequent story has Robert take control of relationship with mom and dad joining in upon seeing his wife acting this way.

L O ReinsL O Reinsover 3 years ago


Nice fantasy. Good story.

Preposterous but I like that.

Ya, get someone to proofread.

maddictmaddictalmost 4 years ago

In agreement with the other comments. A naked teen serving women at a card game, and being shaved, and doing a oncore show for the girls. Getting beat off was cool

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Please get an editor...

They met "Roberts plain" at the airport...

There are a lot of good editors here who will be happy to help you proof-read before you submit a story. Please find one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
good story

I like the premise but one thing I would change is he's shaved so not all bushy and at the end, the surprise is too much and he cum all over everyone. but still an interesting imagination

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
This was amazing.

I loved how Crystal was in control the entire time. Though its a shame we didnt see what happened at the end with the prostate vibrator as Im sure something good would have 'cum' out of it.

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