My Wife Dates a Senator—Alt Ending


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Regardless of the reason we were there, Bell and I had a wonderful time together. When we weren't eating, we were holding hands either above or below the table. She would touch me often on the arm or shoulder to show affection. At one point I leaned over to her and kissed her bare shoulder. She seemed to like that a lot. She put her hand on my upper thigh, leaned into to me and whispered, "If you don't fuck me at least three times tonight, I'm going to kill myself."

Finally, after some awards and acknowledgements, the senator made his speech. It was a rousing call to action along party lines. It was well-delivered in his baritone voice and he received a standing ovation from the crowd. Neither Bell nor myself stood up.

Following the speaker, the MC announced another break during which time the band would takes its place and dancing would begin. I expected action on the part of the senator soon. However, it took longer than I thought it would because, again, a number of people surrounded him and took up his time. However, he motioned to his bodyguards to clear out his well-wishers so he could mingle. And that's what he appeared to do all the while moving slowly in our direction.

The opening tune by the band was a fast dance was Don't go Breaking My Heart, originally made famous by Elton John and Keke Dee. I was a very good swing dancer and could dance for the length of the average song without ever repeating a move. Bell was great at following and I led her through a number of swirls, twirls and whirls that made her look good. When the music stopped, we were given subdued applause by other dancers and some guest seated near the dance floor.

I escorted Bell back to our table. I took this opportunity to tell Bell that I was going to get us some drinks, and that she should expect a visit from the senator very soon. The bar was crowded but even so, I took extra time before I started back for my table. As I approached, I observed that the senator was sitting in my seat, facing bell with his hand on her knee. Her ball gown was showing a lot of her curvaceous leg.

Initially, a bodyguard tried to stop me by saying that the senator was talking to a constituent and was not be disturbed. I made my point very assertively that the senator was talking with my date and I intended to sit down at my table. The bodyguard let me pass rather than make a commotion.

I walked up to the table and addressed Bell, "I have your pina colada." The senator did not acknowledge my presence. Based on prior experience in this situation, I didn't expect him to.

"Sweetheart, have you met Senator Noberto," Bell said to me.

"Not formally," I replied as I gave one drink to Bell and put the other one on the table.

Bell stood up and stepped away from her chair. The move was unexpected by Senator Asshole. "Perhaps you two would like to talk," she said.

I sat down in her chair, facing the senator. He may have been expecting me to bring up one or more political topics that he really wasn't in the mood to discuss at the moment. Rather, he was on the make and I had interfered with his seduction.

"Senator," I addressed him, "I have something I want to talk with you about."

Senator Asshole was slightly confused about what had just happened. The beautiful woman with the huge chest had just blown him off and now he was facing some individual he did not know who wanted to talk about politics. What is more, that beautiful woman was now standing behind me with one hand on my shoulder and the other hand holding her drink. She had a bemused expression on her face.

"What is it you want to talk about, Mr. Whatever-your-name-is? Make it quick." the senator said.

"Revenge. I want to talk about revenge, Senator," I said.

"What kind of revenge?" the senator asked.

"You don't remember me, do you Senator?

"What's your name," the senator asked.

"My name is Gavin, Reginold Gavin," I replied. "I'm certain you don't remember me but, perhaps, you remember my wife, Hester."

The senator had to think for a minute and was obviously not recalling Hester's name very well.

"Hester was my wife. Last year, at this very event, she was your date to the fund-raising dinner. Afterwards, you took her to your hotel room and fucked her two or three times that night. Then, you fucked her again in the morning."

"Oh, I do remember Hester. What a beautiful woman. What beautiful breasts she had. I would hope that one night with me wouldn't be something you couldn't get over. She was more than willing. In fact, she was wildly enthusiastic about being fucked with my big cock. I hope I didn't spoil her for you."

The senator chuckled out loud.

I didn't respond to his verbal jab. "Well, Senator, I wouldn't know if you spoiled her or not. I haven't had sex with her since that night. However, you did spoil my marriage and that's why I am here tonight—for revenge. You fucked my wife, now I'm going to fuck your life.

"And just how do you think you can do that. You forget, I'm a United States Senator. If you even think about hurting me, I will crush you socially, financially, and, if necessary, physically. Others have tried it before you and they are all laying in my dust."

I reached back over my head and Bell handed me a small, gift-wrapped box.

"This is for you Senator. It's the end of your life as you know it."

Senator Asshole was skeptical but he was also curious. He didn't think it was a bomb but, being careful, he motioned one of his two bodyguards over, gave the box to him, and told him to open it some distance away.

The senator turned back to me and asked, "Why are taking the trouble to identify yourself to me. You could have left that box for me anomalously. Now, I know who you are."

"Well, Senator," I said, "real revenge requires that the person who wronged me, that's you, know exactly what the revenge was for. In this case, you fucked my wife and ruined my marriage. But also, revenge has to inflict a monumental amount of retribution on the offending party, that's you again, far beyond the amount of pain caused in the first place. Something that lasts a lifetime.

At this moment, the bodyguard that opened the box returned to the table. "There's nothing in here but a thumb drive, Sir, and a piece of paper with a web address on it."

Senator Asshole was beginning to get a little disturbed at that point. "Go get a laptop," he commanded. "Find out what's on it."

The bodyguard disappeared into the crowd again.

"You should know, Mr. Gavin, that whatever it is, it won't hurt me. I've survived crucifixion in the Senate, inuendo in the press, legal actions by individuals, including women and negative ads by the opposing party for years. I've persisted because I'm a great senator and know how to manipulate the system—and people.

"As far as women are concerned. I think they are God's gift to men—and to me in particular. I have a big cock and women can't wait to have it inside of them. Most women climax as soon as I penetrate their pussies. I'm not sorry I took your wife. She was boiling in my arms even before we returned to the hotel. You are just going to have to accept the fact that...

At that moment, an excited bodyguard returned. "Senator, you have to see this. It's bad."

Senator Asshole couldn't imagine what could affect him adversely as much as his bodyguard had indicated. The senator melted into the crowd, pushing people who wanted his attention out of the way as he followed the bodyguard.

Bell reached down from behind me with both arms around my chest. She whispered in my ear, "Is it time to go?"

As we left the merriment, we walked by each of the tables and left a small box with a ribbon on it and a tag that said, "Compliments of Senator Noberto". We made certain to leave one box for every VIP at the head table.

The reader will have to imagine what Bell and I did once we returned to my townhouse. Basically, I undressed her and she undressed me. Our evening had made us euphoric and we tumbled into bed laughing and smiling until we stared into each other's eyes and became more serious. I did everything in the world to please Bell that night. At one point, she turned to me and said, "You can do anything you want to me."

I replied that I would do anything to her that she wanted me to do.

We made love in the early morning before we each showered individually. I had breakfast ready, including a mimosa, by the time Bell came downstairs. We were wondering how long it would take for the shit to hit the fan, so we had the TV tuned to a news station. It didn't take long. Fox News was the first to announce that an uncorroborated video of Senator Tom Norberto was circulating on the internet that showed him in an extremely compromising situation with a married woman. Further, statements made by Senator Norbert on the video were very incriminating.

Later that morning, MSNBC reported that the video had been analyzed by video experts. They determined that neither video software nor artificial intelligence software had been used to alter the video in any way. Furthermore, the voice of Senator Norberto was verified as his own through voice recognition software analysis.

I called Hester to tell her there was a video of Senator Asshole circulating around that she ought to watch. I said that news of the video had already reached the news services and she ought to watch what is being said. Finally, I advised her that, sooner or later, there might be reporters that want to talk with her since her date with the senator had been so public. She wasn't happy with the news.

By the time the evening news had rolled around, TV reporters were interviewing the senator's colleagues about many the senator's comments on the video. And the senator really fucked himself thanks to Wendy's ability to encourage Senator Asshole to brag about himself:

"I love women, particularly married women. I get off on humiliating their husbands and turning them into cuckholds.

"Women with huge breasts are especially appealing to me.

"Married women are easy targets. Usually, they are tired of boring sex with their husbands and are ready for my big cock for a change.

"Husbands of the married woman that I fuck are reluctant to say anything. They don't want their friends and family to know that a real man took their wives to bed.

"I know married women in every town that I have an office in that supposedly work for me, but let me fuck them after office hours.

"I once fucked the wife of a presidential candidate.

"I've even fucked the wives of some of my biggest doners and financial supporters.

"I sometimes take married women with me on junkets to foreign countries disguised as personal assistants or secretaries. They are always very grateful to be able to spend their nights with me.

"The taxpayers have no idea of how much of their money I spend on semi-official vacations. The airfare alone for me and my harem is mind-boggling.

"Doners to my campaign don't have a clue how much of their contributions are diverted for my personal use."

And on and on...

These revelations are in addition to Senator Asshole's video presentations.

His is variously shown to parade around his suite with his dick in his hand. Or, forcing his cock into the unknow lady without foreplay. Or, forcing this lady friend to suck his cock when she was obviously reluctant to do so. Or, trying to have his companion accept anal sex. Or, refusing to go down on his companion because she is dirty.


Within two weeks, Senator Asshole had to resign from the Senate. Unfortunately for him, that was only the beginning of his troubles. Multiple, official investigations into his finances were soon established. Also, many civil lawsuits by individuals, most of them by husbands, were brought against the senator.

The senator was denounced by all of his Washington colleagues to the last man. His non-political friends deserted him. Even his large family was so embarrassed by him and ashamed that he was disowned by them entirely.

Hester and I escaped any involvement with the senator's scandal almost entirely. The press had much bigger fish to fry. There were so many divorces that we were not consider important enough for even a mention in the papers or on the TV.

Hester asked me if I was responsible for any of the senator's problem. I answered, "Maybe".

Further, I believe Hester was embarrassed because she had endured almost exactly what Wendy had put up with—and then passed it off as "great sex" to her friends.

Over the next few weeks, we watch as Senator Asshole's career came to an ignominious end. He was eventually thrown out of the Senate and his title was taken away from him. He returned to our home state where he had enjoyed great respect for so many years. However, he was quickly denounced by his party and his local associates.

Lawsuits quickly depleted his bank roll and not even his generous retirement benefits as a senator were enough to keep him solvent. He soon owed several million dollars for his legal fees. His palatial home was sold to help him with his debts. He was inundated with serious threats of bodily injury and death. He apparently believed he was a hunted man because he soon disappeared completely. Some people believed that he was actually killed and buried somewhere unknown, like Jimmy Hoffa. However, an investigative reporter eventually found him selling used cars in central Florida. Apparently, his sonorous voice and his gift for gab made him good at his work. However, he had grown a beard and was going by his middle name so no one would recognize him.

Hester and I resumed our informal separation and casual relationship. It became the norm for almost two years. The kids seemed to adjust to the conditions of our separation without any long-term or deep emotional trauma. I think the time and affection we devoted to the kids separately was more than if we had stayed married.

However, I eventually fell in love again... with Kate.

Our relationship built up slowly until we realized that we wanted to be together forever. I had a great relationship with her kids and my kids loved her very much. We thought we could make a wonderful marriage together—except for the fact that I was still married to Hester. For the first time, I thought about divorce but I wasn't certain how that would affect the status quo that seemed to be working so well.

As it turned out, Hester had been seeing a man for over a year. His name was Dan Mathews and he was a mathematics teacher from her school and a parttime swim/water polo coach. Apparently, they started out as friends with benefits but, over the course of time, had developed a much deeper relationship. Hester's gentleman friend was a widower with a small son. Besides falling in love with Hester, he admitted that he wanted a family again and a mom for his child. My kids had met him and they thought he was a nice man. Eventually, I met him, too, and he did seem to be a regular guy and, obviously, very much in love with Hester. He was well aware of why Hester and I broke up but was more than confident that she would never do anything like that again. I was too.

So, Hester and I filed for dissolution of marriage. It was very straight forward and uncontested. Hester kept the house and the kids maintained their lives uninterrupted. I kept my townhouse and the lakefront property where I eventually built a four-bedroom cabin. Other assets were divided fairly.

Kate and I had a small but lavish wedding. There were maybe twenty-five friends in attendance. Of course, all my divorced ladies were there as bridesmaids with Elsie as the maid of honor. Since I didn't have a lot of men friends, I had my son act as my best man and Kate's boy as the ring bearer. Kate's daughter was our flower girl. Hester and Dan both attended the wedding. Two months later, they were married.

I was happy to be married again. I was never really cut out to be a middle-aged bachelor—even with all the benefits. I felt especially fortunate to be married to Kate. She was a beautiful woman physically and a wonderful loving companion and friend. Our only problem, if it can be referred to as a problem, was how to balance our family life. Between my kids living with Kate and me, or living with Hester and Dan, we had a lot of social juggling to do. Sometimes we all went on camping trips together. Dan and I actually became good friends. Kate and I would occasionally double date with Dan and Hester.

Regardless of the convoluted relationships that developed, we were all doing well. All the kids integrated together to form a happy, well-adjusted next generation. We all looked forward to many years of holidays, birthdays, graduations, weddings and grandchildren. What else is there?


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 22 hours ago

I'm fairly sure that no man would be able to have an end game relationship with Heather as depicted here. Don't necessarily expect a BTB but something more realistic would have improved the story.

mattenwmattenw5 days ago

The funniest comment was written by an idiotic anonymous person who complained about others who can't write but comment. Maybe he should check his brain, then he would see that there are art critics all over the world who have never painted a picture themselves but can certainly judge whether paintings are good or not.

Now we are not on the art market here, but on a completely boring porn market. Fantasy sex stories are written here. And they are read by people. And everyone who reads here has the right to give their opinion on what is written. Regardless of whether others like it or not. As long as they don't insult anyone personally, there is nothing wrong with that. Except of course by people who are close to the Republican Party. They have the right to complain about everything and to moan and shout at everyone. After all, they are idolizing a convicted criminal. So they can do that!

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

A pretty good story. But for me, not up to the quality of the original.

OOAAOOAA16 days ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

this version is much better than the original. BR93, plz ignore the ignant twats(man twats) who cant write but can criticize. Good story, pimples complaining about the wife being insane are prolly virgins still living in gramma's basement. This matches much of the arrogant self congratulatory entitled feelings/actions of the avg democrap voter but especially democrap females. rk

desecrationdesecrationabout 1 month ago

Anonymous, the point of these stories is to put into symbolic form what happens. Of course it never goes down this simply, cleanly, and clearly. It is a muddle. But at the core, the realistic muddle and the metaphorical retelling are the same thing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

An alternate ending that's longer than the entire original story?!

BabalooieBabalooieabout 2 months ago

Well done. Five gig ones.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

By writing a different ending to another's tale you seem to beg for comparison. I'm afraid I wasn't impressed but that's just my opinion. I read one of your originals and felt it was better.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The "Senator" ALWAYS needs to be destroyed! But of course I'd any suffering for the wife as she's the most to blame for violating her Vows and showing what a worthless whore she was.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

"Reg, this doesn't have to be an end to our marriage. I know you are hurting and I am so regretful that I'm the one who did this to you. Nevertheless, it was something I felt compelled to do... for me. I'm not sorry. Tom was a wonderful bed companion." Followed by this: "It was a wonderful experience for me," Hester said with a dreamy expression on her face. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I just wish I could have done it without hurting you. But I expect you to get over it because you love me. It was a onetime event and will not affect us in the long run."


That's where these stories come apart like Soviet-era dress shoes. Simply put, you can poll a million men who've divorced their wives, and I'll bet maybe two or three have heard a justification similar to this, and those were from women deep in the throes of mental illness. People do not think, speak, or act like this. Have her yell, scream, deny, lie, or make fun of her husband because that's believable. This is worse than the worst sci-fi ever written. Then, we have this line, worthy of Captain Queeg on the witness stand, Norma Desmond when the cops came for her, or when Jack Torrance was terrorizing the Overlook Hotel: "I would like you to be happy that he wanted to be seen with me, that he wanted to be with me. It was a magical night..." Passing off insanity as rational behavior as a plot device falls even lower than the old Martian Slut Ray. Then, more equally insane dialogue followed, so it's clear that Hester is batsh*t, boil-the-bunny, talking to the 'shadow people,' mad.


Either write a realistic, amoral, sociopathic/narcissistic character, or don't pass off crazy as normal behavior. It's lazy writing of the worst kind. Then, the continual, ridiculous, idiotic conversations that went on and on and on and on. You need an editor as much for the reader who has to sit through this endless verbal aggravated assault as for yourself.


Everyone but Reg, who is rock-solid perfect, unconflicted, and infallible, is a buffoonish cartoon character. The senator's dialogue when confronted in the presence of Bell is excellent... as satire. Having a perfect MC banishing imperfect clowns is poor storytelling. Nothing was ever in doubt, and we only had to wonder about just how badly Gavin would burn everyone involved. It's like using all the cheat codes in a game. There's nothing to enjoy. I didn't rate this carrion because, unlike OP and his main character, I don't believe in clubbing baby seals.

Madeira1076Madeira10762 months ago

I really don't understand how a man can be treated that way and still be friends with his wife? I do get the child aspect and also not divorcing the slut but still, to be friends.... That's a bit syfi.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Stick to your own stories because you mucked up this one worse than OP did. You did, however, ensure that you used the clichés he didn't. Sheeesh.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Hopefully Hesters new guy doesn't mind that now and then she needs some strange for variety.

And hopefully she remembers to be repentant quickly next time.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Story is well written but the plot felt weak to me. In some ways it felt like a real life solution by staying together for the kids. But overall the storyline just didn't feel "right". I've certainly read worse on here and better. I'd have to rank this as above average. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This story is ridiculous from nearly every angle. He goes home for a few days? He's OK with her coming to the BBQ, He comes to family dinner twice a weekf; et al. Come on! Get real instead of indulging in your fantasy. If you publish then you have readers. We don't ask alot--EXCEPT to not have our intelligence disrespected. We'll allow for willing suspension of disbelief but you take it over the falls. The idea he stay in the house as quadi-roomates is something that would never happen.

Treating the kids as incapable of seeing the obvious, which they have, and then pretending otherwise is selfish and delussional. By staying in the Hess some reason to belief reconciliation is possible thus prolonging the whole mess.

Even discussing anything in his personal life is truly stupid. ALL of this collectively, constitutes a cuck mindset whether ne conscious of it or not. Putting off the divorce is irrational. Yes, Hess is a narcissistic cheating, unrepentant, slut. Why then have any interaction beyond the kids?

He doesn't have to BTB to the ground but he he needs to have enough self-respect to take the emotional hit and move on.

I can give you a + for writing talent but you must have one or two other people read it to help you avoid disasters such as this story.

Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright3 months ago

What retribution, husband moved out but didn't divorce her. Still came around plus she had a FWB the whole time as well.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The author is improving. Give this story some time.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

click or clique? son and dauter or dauters?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A common, and total nonsensical theme in all these stories is so form of a conciliatory relationship. I would hope for some reality; nit necessarily BTB but a divergent course and more details on how he put his life back together. Add to that a rational and insightful look at the Exes issues as she has to deal with the disaster she created. Also, I'd love some realistic options to ending the marriage; this business of the man staying in the house us absurd. It would be heart wrenchingly painful for the man an bad for t h e kids.

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