Na'amah - The Second Succubus

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Na'amah's path to becoming a succubus before the flood.
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Prologue: The Stars Fell

"And for you sinners there shall be no salvation

But upon you shall abide a curse

But for the elect there shall be light and joy and peace

And they shall inherit the earth"

-The Book of Enoch


Seven. It is a number that has been given great significance and meaning to those inclined to the most prominent scripture of this primitive age seven is a most holy number, seven days it took for all to come to be, seven days for the feast of Pesach, seven pillars supported the House of Wisdom, seven wonders are listed for the world, of which only the dull pyramids remain. Yes, seven is referred to as the number of completion and perfection.

Fitting then, that I should be of the seventh generation when counting from the cursed one, Cain. For I am Na'amah, and no woman, save perhaps one alone, has ever been as perfect in beauty and wit as I. I state this not as a crude boast but as fact, reader, these are my words and heed them well. For were it not for the prominence of my beloved mother it would be I who would reign the world of depravity, who would be the one whispering and spurring you into sensational acts to satisfy the shadow of your psyche. But think not that I dwell idle whilst She does all the manipulating, for I am the initiatrix, the whispers in the night, the wet dreams paired with nightmare, that takes your hand through the spheres of carnal terror and paralytic fear until you recognise it as home.

But enough of the now, I write this to give you the past. There are numerous clues and conflicting myths for the wise ones to learn the origins of my mother, but so few think to consider how I came to be, focused as they are upon Her. What led the Mother of Divination down the path of self-destructive harlotry? Well, ironically it is because of my skill in divination.

But I would begin my story at a feast, where I was already well on the way to my blissful damnation. My father, Lamech, the ruler of the mighty city of Enoch and the lands of Nod, had returned triumphant from some minor conflict against a rebellious clan of such meagre import that their name escapes me. They had thought to use guerilla warfare to account for their lesser numbers but failed to prepare for my father's mastery in the ways of violence. The flayed hides of their chieftains now decorated the great walls that had stood since Cain first founded the city.

Whilst the raucous merry-making went on in the great hall of the palace I was backstage, all nerves. I stood naked, with numerous attendants applying scented oils, paints and jewels. A number of them held an enormous lump of polished obsidian, what passed for a half-decent mirror in those times. I smiled as I beheld myself, it was not my looks that worried me for I had already gained the reputation for being the most beautiful woman in the world. The many worshippers who came to the temple referred to me as 'The Charmer', for my beauty lured in the masses better than any sermon.

"Remember the teachings of that old hag, slow your breathing, fear is but a barrier to greatness, heed it not." Chedipe, my oldest friend appeared, admiring me. She had already been made up, ready as one of my background dancers. Hailing from the one of the eastern kingdoms, her tanned body was painted with various serpents, covering the pale scars on her flank, with emerald eyes that did a poor job concealing her nipples and navel. A stark contrast to the sapphire stars that covered my own, complimenting my midnight hair and dark eyes.

Risking having to have my cosmetics redone, I leaned forward and kissed her. We were not lovers, but we had been together since we were but children. Assigned to me as my playmate and servant when I was but a fiery infant princess, we had played together, shared secrets together and grown up together. When it was discovered that father intended to me marry me off to some Atlantean prince, we fled together, with the indirect help of my mother, from the palace under the new moon to the grudgingly accepting arms of the high priestess. I think she would have sent me back to my furious father had my skill at divination not become clear. Recognising my visions as truth, the high priestess managed to endure the many threats and financial pressures placed on the temple by my father, until he fell into seething acceptance.

So in the temple I spent my adolescent years, learning how to dance and praise the gods, studied the various texts and performing rituals. I learned the effects of various herbs and the meditation methods required to bring about those parts of the mind locked to most. But as a princess I was forbidden from learning and practising the way of holy whoredom. Perhaps to you whose morals are so very different to those times would think me relieved. I was enraged! I wanted nothing kept secret from me, and as I watch Chedipe excel in the way of lust I explore myself in the bedchambers at night, fantasising now that my body had matured.

You understand how denying a toddler something causes them to desire it all the more, perhaps it is this that led me to become the demi-thing I am today. Lust was forbidden me where, as a princess I had always been denied nothing, as such I wanted it more than anything. Perhaps that was why, consciously unwittingly but maybe subconsciously willing, I broke the golden rule of divination. Outraged and aroused, I crept to one of the study chambers at night and, with a single candle, lit incense and filled a silver bowl with clear water to seek a vision of how to get my way. Instead of attaining answers from those aloof creatures of the higher echelons I gave a psychic shriek as my spirit suddenly plummeted into the forbidden spheres of the Lesser Palaces. The things I saw there...

"Your Reverence?"

Chedipe brought me out of my reverie, the old hag of a high priestess was gone now, that title passing over to me. Thinking back of what I saw that night had set my heart thumping and loins quivering. My anxiety rose again. I wondered to myself, would he see my twitching labia as I danced? Something stirred in the back of my mind and I felt my anxiety wash away in a wave of arousal. Let him see it! I am a holy whore and proud of it. In my mind I redesigned the various dance patterns to better display my heated state to the crowd. Let there be outrage and sensation this night! Let all lips utter my name in jealous disgust and secret yearning! Let them revere the perfect beauty that is me!

"It is time Your Reverence."

Nodding, I made my way, my handmaidens falling behind, each similarly painted to Chedipe and versed for tonight's performance. We rose to the stage, with but a heavy curtain of expensive purple separating us from the revelling crowd. As the lanterns were dimmed that noise died to hushed chatter, one of the priestesses announced that it was time to give thanks and praise to the gods for bequeathing such a fine victory to us. Related or no, it was my duty as high priestess to lead in this.

The curtain fell away, gasps arose as eyes fell upon me, admiring me. Pleased at the response, I rose my hands, stepped forwards and began giving praise toward each of the idols arrayed about the enormous hall. Huge windows opened to allow in the cool night air revealed the starlit heavens beyond. Behind me, priestesses swung braziers that filled the room with incense concocted by myself, a scent designed to stir the blood of men.

As I sang my praise, I quickly scanned the audience at their tables. I saw my step-brothers, Jabal and Jubal, watching disapprovingly as they always did. My genius brother, Tubal-Cain, stood alone in a corner, smiling at me. Eventually I saw the scowling face of my father, his two wives on either side of him. On his right was the prim and proper Adah, looking scandalised, on his left was my mother Zillah, her tits on display, refilling father's goblet and no doubt trying to quell his growing anger with soothing whispers. Likely Adah and my step-brothers would seek to exacerbate this moment, I fretted not for it was I represented the gods, not they. They acted out of jealousy, for it should have been they who held the influence of the court and the masses.

You see reader, in those days it was common for prominent men to take two wives, one was the main bride, taken out of political gain, to seal alliance, foster heirs, and the like. The other was the 'shadow-bride', taken out of pleasure but forbidden to sire children lest it bring about civil war. Apparently my mother had been father's favourite concubine, with lust growing itno something more. For reasons still unknown to me, Lamech and Zillah went against protocol and brought me and my twin brother into the world, worse for Adah, my brother's skill at forging arms and my influence made us the more popular children. Jabal may be the next in line, but it was I and Tubal-Cain the people love.

With the praise over, the drums began their beat and I ell into my dance, anklet bells tinkling. None could match me in the skill of the dance, my body moved sensuously and sinuously. We told the story of the beginning of all things, not the tale of Genesis or the cosmic explosion as you know these days, nay back then we held to the story of the great war. We danced the story of the Enuma Elish, how the annunaki took down the insane dragon god Abzu, leading to the great war between the golden annunaki and the eldritch horrors that made up the dragon goddess', Tiamat's, army.

Chedipe did wonderfully playing as Tiamat, if the crowd were dogs I would have seen them salivate at the sensuous dance representing Tiamat mating with her son Kingu to bring forth the eleven generals. Lurid comments and chortles arose as Chedipe crushed her breasts against those of the priestess playing kingu and locked lips with her.

Then I came on, the mighty Marduk, leading the final battle and slaying Tiamat and executing Kingu. In victory repose I fell to my knees then back, thighs spread toward my father to ensure he could see my aroused state. Had my mother not ben there I am sure he would have erupted then. Instead the lights dimmed as we set up the final stage, several dancers representing Kingu's corpse locked limbs, breaking away as I danced about them and rising up to reveal how we humans came to be, each one of us a fragment of a defeated god.

It ended with Marduk marrying the goddess Sarpanit, Siris, a heavy-breasted dancer was chosen for this, a rare combination. As we danced the consummation together I felt that 'something' stir in my mind once more and surged with ecstasy as inspiration took me. It was meant to end with us lying down together, instead I spun on my hip, intertwined my legs with hers and pressed my slick lower lips to hers. Siris' eyes widened in surprise, she gasped and arched her back delectably. Quickly, I did the same and froze with her, ending the performance in that beautiful pattern of entangled limbs and unabashed pleasure.

The crowd whooped and cheered when the lights on the stage were snuffed out, all save my father and Adah's side of the family that is. Still pleased, I rose, taking Siris' hand to help her up, and spread my arms rapturously to the crowd as the lights were brought back, bathing in their adulation. For a moment I felt a craving to go further, to sit down on the stage and use my fingers to pull my labia apart, to display my perfect womb to all and revel in their carnal appreciation. Recognising that the Lesser Palaces were calling to me again, I shook my head and left the stage.

Giggling excitedly, Chedipe rushed over and embraced me, "That was exquisite! That ending, you utterly enthralled the me with that. Even your step-brothers were entranced."

Laughing, I faced the mirror as my handmaidens began removing the paints and gems and redoing my long hair. I became sombre, "My father did not seem entranced." It felt strange to me then, had a part of me hoped to receive his approval? Certainly I could not deny the faint sense of disappointment. Once I was satisfied with my reflection I took Chedipe's hand, "Come, time to accept donations."

We went naked amongst the crowd, entertaining the nobles and ensuring the temple would be sufficiently funded. As the main prize I had plenty seeking to gain my attention, I gave them all polite and tantalising conversations, but kept them brief, trying to give time and attention to all there and ensure their love of me. Dutifully I went to father's table, there Zillah rose and embraced me, "That was magnificent dear." Then she whispered in my ear, "Marakesh, at the table over there, is a wealthy merchant with connections to Atlantis." She then kissed my cheek before returning to her seat.

"Yes." Father growled, giving the sour-faced Adah a cursory glance before rising, "An exemplary performance daughter, the gods are no doubt pleased." It was a well controlled response, he kept his eyes on mine, not once roving my body as the others do. It was somehow comforting and frustrating at the same time.

I nodded to him, then took my leave before it inevitably devolved into an argument. I went over to my brother, as a weaponsmith, he was pleasingly built and was surpassed by none save perhaps those from the empire to the west, but a complete introvert. Were it not for me I am certain he would be a virgin still, I went over and kissed him on the lips, not caring who saw. He smelled of oil and metal, an aroma that set my body quivering. "Did that performance please you brother?"

"Yes." he said distractedly, "I'm thinking of trying out a new process, perhaps if the air is pre-heated before channelled it will reduce fuel consumption by as much as..."

I kissed him again, "Let that brilliant mind rest awhile, tonight is a night for revelry. Would you like to come to my chamber this night?"

He gave me an apologetic smile, "Did mother point you to that Marakesh? We need his ore trade sister, the purity is like nothing I have seen before. With them I can make weapons and armour like nothing this world has ever seen before."

Tutting, I kissed him again and went on my way. I picked up a goblet of wine from the Lemurian kingdoms and, passing Marakesh, 'accidentally' spilled it over his fine chiton. The rotund man's face went red with apoplexy, then went white when he recognised who I was. "Oh I am so sorry, dear merchant, I shall have you compensated at once for my clumsiness."

"Oh that's quite all right..."

"No, no, it is not all right. Years of practising perfect balance and posture and here I am barely able to handle a bit of liquor." I made a play of staggering into him, pressing my body against his as the nobles he was speaking to discretely excused themselves. "Let me make it up to you sir, I hear you Atlanteans are gifted in many ways beside your economy and technology." I took his podgy hand and led it down between my legs.

Understanding, Marakesh raised an eyebrow, "Well, I suppose it would be poor manners not to show you talents of the greatest people on Malkuth."

Smiling, I led him out of the hall to somewhere more private, my body alight with anticipation. Some are addicted to narcotics, others alcohol, lust is my poison, a poison I delighted in destroying myself with.


Marakesh was not a particularly gifted lover, nor all that well endowed, but years of fake orgasms from women seeking his fortune made him think he was. My tongue slithered around his phallus, I easily took all of him into my mouth, slobbering him in preparation for my womb. I rode him, his portly frame not allowing for much exertion on his part, and gave a dramatic moan as he came inside me. Unlike most harlots, I did not leap up and wash the seed from me, I feared no pregnancy and had taken Silphium before the festivities to ensure as such. But when he released a vision struck me, as they often did during coitus these days.

I saw myself, afire from the waist down, I saw the sky falling, and waters crashing through nations.

Disturbed by the vision, I laid with him awhile, speaking nonsense until I preened information that would ensure the advantage in trade negotiations. Then I took my leave of the palace, taking the carriage back to the temple and lounging on my enormous bed of silken sheets and cushions, idly dining on the slices of powdered fruits on a tray beside me.

I watch my thighs, on the journey home Marakesh's seed had ran from me, rivulets of pearl decorated my flesh. As always, I was transfixed.

"Semen is the only garment befitting of thee." That guiding voice in my mind spoke, ever there, ever motherly.

I sank back to my memories again, to that night I performed my failed divination and began my fall from grace. I had done so in a state of uncleanliness, in heavy arousal, it was this that sent my spirit tumbling to the Lesser Palaces. But I did not flee as any half sane adept would have. I found myself in a world of lust, lust impossible to satiate. I stood in a city, but it was not Enoch. This city was dark, illuminated by a sickly moon, or perhaps a dying sun. It stood beside a poisonous sea and bore torturous architecture that twisted the mind to look at.

I paced through the city of twisted buildings, decorated with carvings of rapacious beasts with enormous phallus' and women in varying states of debauchery. The city had denizens, numerous denizens, they all hid in the shadows, eyeing me hungrily. Bright light was not welcome here, yet a sphere of such light surrounded me, protecting me from those horrors. An addictive thrill of terror and arousal flooded me, I almost hated the light for denying me their brutal affections. This obscene city was more beautiful to me than the stuffy higher spheres ever could be. From deeper in the city a voice came, seductive and imperious, "This way."

I followed, at first I had felt naked and vulnerable but the further I went the more the fear and excitement emboldened me. I strode like a queen, chest thrust out, hips swaying teasingly. I willed them to take me, willed them to destroy me, the protective light was reflected back at me from numerous leering eyes in the darkness. I marvelled at the lurid architecture, all made in praise of the destructive lust that filled me now. Eventually I entered a plaza were a crowd of the nightmares were gathered, but to my dismay their eyes and affections were not upon me.

At the centre, upon an altar depicting debased acts, was a woman of such beauty that I felt like an ageing crone in comparison. Her ivory thighs were spread wide, taking in monster after monster, her elegant hands reached out, pleasuring more of them as another thrust hard into her ruby rimmed mouth. Hair red hair and white skin stood out light a beacon in the dreary palette of this kingdom, drawing them to her. I could only watch in stunned horror and hunger for a time as they swarmed her, one after another. Her body glistened with their semen, I wondered if she ever tired. The only garment she bore was a dark circlet with decorative horns sprouting forth. I found myself eventually whispering to myself, "Magnificent."

As if this alerted her, a writhing creature finished and freed itself from her face. Emerald eyes fixed upon me, a perverted smile setting my heart aflutter, she spoke with a husky, warm voice, "Daughter."

Before I could respond, the trance broke, I felt my spirit slam back into my corporeal body. I jumped back with a yelp, spilling the divination bowl. I lay there awhile, catching my breath before slinking back to my bed without waking the other adepts. I got no sleep that night, terrified. I had been to the Lesser Palaces, royalty or not I was sure to be burned at the pyre. The high priestess would surely sense my tainted soul.

But over the next few days, nothing happened, they noticed not a thing. But I had changed, I began to see more into things, saw much of the dogma for the nonsense it is. Like the opening of a black lotus, something unfurled in my mind and began guiding me, teaching me, and turning the spark of arousal into a blazing inferno. One night I could stand it no longer, I rose from my bed, woke Chedipe and somehow convinced her to sneak out of the temple with me. Ever loyal to me, Chedipe removed her garments with me in an alley and we went to the busiest in we could find. We entered, playing as common whores of the street. The dark lotus bloomed in encouragement, spurring me further, I flirted with anybody and everybody, until one hairy man stinking of the tannery led me out to a urine drenched alley. I got down and beheld a phallus for the first time, I was on fire, the alien presence in my mind encouraging me. I wrapped my lips about his shaft and an instant sense of bliss filled me, I sucked and worked my head back and forth instinctively, gagging and feeling warm saliva drip onto my tits. He removed himself from me and ejaculated on my face. I gasped in delight as I lay back, feeling his semen run down me. The stranger flipped a copper coin on me and took his leave, I had never seen a denomination below gold until that moment.