Na'amah - The Second Succubus


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Slowly but surely, the idols of our gods were remade in the vision of the Lesser Palaces. What were rumours of our corruption became truth, and none but a small few spoke against us. The gods had forsaken them to become cattle of the nephilim afterall, why should they care if their uncaring deities fell? At least we offered them the comfort of our bodies, rather than shallow words and texts. Now the warmth of our bodies and guidance of the 'Queen of the Lesser Palaces' was lauded across the land.

I stood watching myself before the mirror, as I often did, after having just catered to a prominent chieftain, earning our travelling temple many riches and some key influence. I had used my copious breasts to finish him and watched, in a trance, as his seed ever so slowly trickled down my chest. To me it was like a piece of art I could not tear my eyes away from, the pearly liquid against my ivory skin, leaving a reflective trail and curving as it took its course around the contours of my bosom. "Such beauty." I breathed, completely in love with my reflection.

The reflection went dark, but these my reflection remained, with mother appearing behind me. I watched her in the mirror, knowing that to look behind me would dispel the vision of her. Her hands ran down the contours of my body, her red lips leaving soft kisses along my neck. If I focused I experienced waves of pleasure trailing from her fingers, my body shivered in excitement and joy at her embrace. "Cum becomes you." she breathed like a lover into my ear.

"Yes." I agreed, her perverse words ever thrilling me, spurring me on in my whoredom. I looked at my face, having just pleasured the chieftain with all the hungry fury of a desperate prostitute my mascara had run and my lipstick was smeared. My beauty was still evident, in fact the mess was its own kind of beauty, still a deep part of me was still somewhat vexed. I took a seat at my dresser and began the lengthy work of redoing my cosmetics. I had the chieftain's second in command to see next, a Grigori who wanted my visions as guidance to usurp his former friend, if his cock was as huge as I had heard he would surely receive it.

"Daughter," mother whispered from the mirror, "I have foreseen calamity, and I know you have too."

"The world will drown." I noted, cleansing my face to begin over, I left the semne on my tits for the moment, it felt pleasing to leave it there, "Smoting the fires consuming the world. Yes, I have seen it."

"But not when. The time of the Deluge is soon, daughter."

Fear jolted me. Unlike mother, my skill with prophecy had not developed enough to gain a sense of exact time. I was about to look to her, seek guidance on how to escape it, when a knock came at the door."What?" I called irritably.

When Chedipe identified herself I bid her enter. My handmaidens were rather frenzied creatures these days, their explicit rituals and my steady diet of maddening aphrodisiacs driving them into a state of constant arousal. Chedipe glowed with the sheen of her exertions, her wet thighs revealing she was in heat. "I received a message to pass unto thee, holy one." She paused as she saw my glistening chest, her body shuddering.

Smiling, I pointed to my breasts, "Clean this up would you?"

No further encouragement needed, her tongue reverently travelled my chest, missing not a drop of the 'holy fluid'. I waited patiently for her to finish, then idly had her work between my legs whilst I completed my cosmetics. No message was more important than the perfection of my image.

When I was happy with the result I had her stand, she did, swaying as though in a daze, "Well, the message?"

"Oh, yes." She shook her head, her sense of self barely swimming in the ocean of perverse images no doubt filling her skull nowadays, "It was a man who claimed to be from Enoch, he said he served one of the Grigori there who would seek an audience with you once you are back on the road. They begged that you grant this audience for it is of the utmost import."

Various suspicions went through my mind. Unlike Chedipe, I needed no aphrodisiac and still bore a sound mind. As such various political agendas, conspiracies and possible coups came to mind. "The identity of the Grigori?"

"To be revealed only upon receiving and audience with you."

"Of course." It would not do to be rejected by me then blackmailed. But if he met with me I would be included in any such conspiracy. That political savviness alone reduced the number of possible Grigori, but left no definite figure.

Contemplating, I stood and went before the mirror, looking askance to mother. She just smiled, embraced me and slipped her fingers between my thighs. Gasping in orgasm, I decided fretting over the coming apocalypse can wait, "I want us all ready and packed as soon as I am done with my next appointment. Be sure this mysterious Enochian does not announce himself openly, I want it all conducted in secret."


It was many weeks before the mysterious Grigori decided to present himself. It was on a night when I was in a foul mood.

We had gained enough of a fortune to procure a small fleet, with my flagship being the largest, with them we sailed along the coasts, waterbound brothels docking at various port cities where I would be welcomed with great acclaim. Eventually we travelled up a wide river to the mightiest city on earth: Atlantis.

Of course I had heard of it, but no description does it justice. The city was huge, fashioned concentric rings, separated by circles of man-made rivers. The buildings there but those of Enoch to shame, in fact Enoch was a deprived hamlet in contrast. At the centre of was the towering palace where the emperor and his subjects resided. It was here the temples to there ancient gods were located also and, so my informants claimed, had a freshly built temple dedicated to holy lust, as demanded by the people with my growing influence. As such I felt it time that I visited the heart of the empire that ruled over much of the known world.

It was also here where Semyaza resided, acting much as Azazel did as advisor to the emperor. I learned he had finally won the hand of his beloved Ishtar, who had born him two sons.

With some shock, I ground my teeth as I listened to the delegation sent by the emperor who forbade me entry into the city. Sensing Semyaza's manipulations against me, I began sending secret messages for his eyes alone. I started with threats, sending a message saying how he was not so quick to turn me away before, but was met with silence. I tried suggesting a festival in his magnificent city, begging for the chance to dance, dance nothing more, for him and his people, and to delight his beautiful wife, again silence. He saw through me, but I could see through him. He knew that if he saw me in all my splendour his resolve would erode like sugar in rain.

We set up outside of the city and welcomed those who came to visit us, but I was far from satisfied. Besides, time was indeed running out. Mother threatened the Deluge approached, but proved infuriatingly vague with how I am supposed to escape it. It was as I was arguing with her that Chedipe knocked at the door, no doubt worrying that I was arguing with my reflection again and thinking my mind was failing me. She entered, proudly bearing fresh phallic tattoos across her arms, it was impossible to tell where tattoo ended and she began now, "The Enochian Grigori has arrived, holy one."

I snarled, watching my angry expression in the mirror, noted how wonderful I looked even when angry. Mother gave a look of mock fright, "About time, show him in, make it clear I am displeased."

Before Chedipe could leave, a cloaked figure strode into the bedroom, "Your displeasure is noted, my doting wife." Azazel revealed himself, pulling back his hood to spill his long dark hair. He looked past me straight to the mirror, at mother, "Ah, so that is how you got to her, traitor. I did wonder."


"You call me traitor?" Mother laughed.

I noted Chedipe looking confused, "You are dismissed." I said tersely. Then put my hands on my hips, flinging my hair back superiorly, "What do you want Azazel?"

"He sees it too, he wants to bargain with you, don't you?" Mother said.

My husband frowned, "I see her but cannot hear her. I would ask a favour of you, Na'amah. Let her take you over again, just briefly, I will dismiss her when done."

I looked at him stupidly, even my mother went silent with surprise. It was she who finally spoke, "He wants to bargain with me, not you."

That I was not the centre of his attention stung, "I can carry along any message."

"Some of what I have to say is beyond you." he replied coldly, "I would speak to her direct. If you refuse say and I'll leave now." This was clearly a painful conversation for him.

"Oh daughter, do it, do it, do it! I simply must see how this plays out."

Tutting, I clutched my hands, "Fine, but be sure she gives my body back when you are done. She was going to make me fuck animals last time you know." With that I let her drag my consciousness back to that dark place where I could but watch. Azazel helpfully just stood there unconcerned as my body convulsed on the floor, rising only when mother was sure of her control.

Mother used my face to beam at Azazel, "They are coming, you are doomed! Did you really think you would not pay for your crimes? Have you seen what you have done to this world? Famine, pestilence, depravity, cannibalism. You put my home to shame, celestial one."

"I am no Semyaza, I will not bow and beg forgiveness. It was a thankless and lonely task we were given, to watch beauty such as this and be content with our lot."

"So what do you want of simple me?"

"Nothing simple about you traitor, seek not to deceive me. I know they shall hunt to the end of time and space, my only hope of protecting my family is in offering myself freely when they come."

"Ashmedai is not yours."

Azazel winced, "Not by blood, but by knowledge and experience, he is." Save him as well as my whore wife here, and you can consider me part of your vile little family." He then brought out a box and opened it to reveal countless wax-sealed vials, "Your designs are no secret to us, depraved one, I have here a collection of samples from Grigori, nephilim, eliouds and more in the cart with my retinue. Ask not how I got them, agree to this and they are all yours."

I felt my body gain a thirst like I had never known. Salivating, I watched my hand reach out, unstopper a freezing vial and down the contents, allowing the fluid to coat my tongue. The taste was like a drop of water in the desert, the best thing I could ever hope for. I could tell mother was using my tastebuds to also analyse the authenticity and quality of the 'language of the flesh' as she called it. The better the seed, the more promising the abominations she would spawn through my or future succubi wombs. "Magnificent. Welcome to the family, step-son."

9. End of Exile

"Naamah put on her enticements and seduced her brother Tubal-Cain to lie with her. Likewise she used her allurements to arouse the lust of Lamech, and when she had coupled with her father and received his seed upon the seed of her brother, she put on wings of darkness and flew away laughing in the wickedness of her heart."

-Liber Lilith

"I was always going to save you daughter. The future has many pathways, the safest one for you meaning the end of your son." Mother sighed, her fingers exploring me again, "But a deal is a deal, you will be surprised how honest us monsters are in the Lesser Palaces, much more so than those of the celestial spheres."

"I know you are mother. So tell me the future I must follow?" I asked as I anointed myself in scented oils, preparing for my next meeting with a nephilim named Og, by all accounts a simple minded ruler that was going to thresh me half to death. He also requested a divination of me which I would give him as pillow-talk. More and more of those I had taught had begun to sense the coming calamity, and a sense of panic was starting to fill the air wherever we went. Even simple-minded Og sensed it, and sought a way to avoid it.

"My daughter, you are my pride and joy. Your training is nigh complete, there remains but one task left to complete the change."

I scowled over at her, "The change?" I could turn fully to shadow now, and travel great distances. I could fly through the air on a whimsy. I could gain and guide pathways of the future with such ease it was painful to watch them play out. Certainly I was a powerful witch, second only to mother.

"Yes dear." she said, "You will escape the Deluge by coming home, here, to the Lesser Palaces."

I blinked, I had always known that would be my fate. Eventually I would be taken there, to fuck and breed more children in the effort to bring about better creations, but now it was almost time a sense of nervousness percolated my being, "And my son?"

"Welcome also. He is to be a king here after all. You shall bear the title Princess of the Lesser Palaces, wed your son and travel the realities gaining seed for our cause. You shall open your legs to all sorts of weird and wonderful entities, does it not excite you? We shall even work together on occasion."

It did excite me, and terrify me. But for the sake of my son: anything. "What must I do?"


The change upon Enoch struck me as I and my followers approached. It seemed in joining our little family Azazel had succumbed to the influence of the Lesser Palaces also. I watched in fascination as goats were sacrificed in his name beneath statues bearing his likeness. And they say I am vain! At least when I raise statues of mother and bejewelled phalluses I give them their place over me as their 'mere' representative and recipient.

It was announced that I had been granted a pardon, with great ceremony the city gates were opened to permit me access. I entered, carried on an opulent litter gifted me by father in a parade filled with dancers, musicians and various other performers on a road littered with flower petals. The crowds welcomed back their princess with raucous cheers. I waved to my people, bathing in their adulation. I was taken to my old temple for the first time in over a century to find it reopened and more splendid than ever. Droves of worshippers crowded outside, where as the high priestess once more they awaited my speech.

Later during the feast I learned Jabal and Jubal had left Enoch to join their mother in exile. She had tried to take full blame for the assassination attempt upon me, but all knew they were involved. Father seemed the better for it, an arm wrapped around Zillah and laughing at one of her jokes. She gave me a stony look as she refilled his goblet. I had cornered her earlier and explained what I needed. Always she had been supportive of me, but this had been a stretch even for her. I had reunited with my brother earlier, could feel his semen within me, but it was not enough for my mother, nothing ever is.

So drunk he was barely able to stand, Zillah ahd one of father's closest friends guide him to his bedchamber. When gone Zillah came up to me and stroked my arm, "I always knew you would echo through the ages daughter, and I knew the cost would be high. Go, do what you must for the goddess."

I felt my true mother twitch in my head, strangely seemed to care little for the title of goddess. I knew not why, personally I thought the title would go well with myself. I excused my self from the crowd and retreated to an empty hallway, quiet save for the sputtering torches. Then I willed myself from existence, and flicked over space as fast as darkness chased by light. Neither door nor wall could stop me, least of all vigilant guards, to whom I was but a trick of the shadows. When I was corporeal once more, I was in father's room, where he lay on his bed in drunken slumber. As always, the incessant demands of my vulva pushed me on.

I carefully made my way to his bedside, sat beside him, and traced my fingers down his powerful, scarred torso. I looked at his features and noted how lines had appeared there, grey streaks now in his hair. Age was creeping unto him, and I gave thanks that time's clasping talons would be pried from me. Only as they curled around his impressive manhood did he stir with a groan. Blearily he regarded me, "Na'amah?"

I smiled, "Father.", then lowered myself and curled my tongue about his shaft. He put up a feeble resistance, but with my lips about him and the excuse of alcohol running through his veins, he soon let go. I began to ride him, but that was not father's style. He spun over to be on top of me, his hips pummelling down as a hammer to anvil. I gasped in passionate ecstasy as he filled me, his large hands crushing my breasts. I moaned aloud in joy as he released, his seed mixing with my brother's. Spent, he fell beside me, and drifted into deep slumber. Pleased, I rose and, like a wine fuelled dream I was gone, never was.

I reformed into being in my private room, where mother awaited me, "Now you are remade, daughter."

"Yes," I agreed, seeing myself as something beyond human now, something both divine and infernal.


With the deed done, I made ready to leave Enoch. I did not see father after that night, but informants from Zillah suggested he was very silent during his hangover the next day. I myself was beyond such things as shame now, and idly wondered if I could convince him and my brother to spit me. I decided it was unlikely.

I had grown an appetite for travel now and held no desire to remain in one place for so long. There was but one final bit of business to attend to, one I had looked forward to above all others.

Stomach full of butterflies, I waited as my handmaidens fastened a silk garter around one thigh, tied gems into my hair and touched up my cosmetics, then, standing in as the one giving me away, Chedipe took my arm and led me out into the gardens. I took in the scenery with surprise, the servants had outdone themselves. A path of marble led through lush gardens up to a waterfall that tumbled down into a pool. There Ashmedai waited with a small contingent of only our most trsuted friends, he was dazzling in fine silver and black trim.

Of course for one such as I there was no escaping the touch of depravity there, besides that of marrying my son. Freshly harvested that day, my priestess walked ceremoniously up to the pool and tipped bowls of semen into it whilst singing blasphemous verses. Out of that polluted water, mother took form, smiling at us both. The priestesses about us fell down in supplication at the arrival of this naked beauty, in awe of her unearthly grace. As always I was just as spellbound by her exhilarating presence.

She spoke with an imperious tone born of experience, "As Queen of the Lesser Palaces I find your marriage to the Grigori Azazel in direct contradiction to the laws set about by those of the higher spheres. As such it is with regret that I must announce your marriage null and void." She flicked back her red mane and spoke again, "Both the nephilim and eliouds are unprecedented and, as such, cannot be considered bound to those same laws. As such, it is my greatest and honour and pleasure to unite you both this glorious night." With that she took my hand and Ashmedai's, her aphrodisiac touch affecting both of us, and bound our hands together, "With the authority bestowed upon me as queen, the Lesser Palaces hereby recognise you as man and wife."

To applause, we kissed. It was a modest wedding, particularly if compared to the one I had with Azazel, but that moment is more special to me than any other.

Frightful exhalations filled the garden, I looked to the cowering priestesses and followed their gazes upwards. Just like many centuries before, the stars were falling once again. The night sky lit up with each trailing body. I looked askance to my mother, who met my gaze calmly, "The end begins."