Nate and Kaya Ch. 01


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"Fine. I got turned on, is that what you want to hear?" she huffed.

"Yeah, it is, thanks," Nate said triumphantly. "So what was it?" he asked.

"What was what?"

"What was it that got you going so much?"

"THAT I am not telling you."

"Why not? C'mon! Just tell me!"

"No, because then you'll know exactly what to do to get me to do that," she eyed the hamper, "again."

"Huh, I see. So, what, was it all the talk about how you were a late bloomer to the bean flicking gang?" he teased. Kaya's expression remained the same. "Or maybe it was talking about how long I've been masturbating? Or how much I masturbate?" he teased again. Kaya's pupils dilated a bit. Nate was on to something, he knew. "Or maybe, just maybe, it was your big brother's hand touching your leg?"

Kaya's lips turned inward, sealing her mouth shut. She did not need this right now. She was already on edge!

"Holy fuck, Ky! That's it, isn't it?!" Nate exclaimed.

"Nate. I am warning you. Shut. The. Fuck. Up." she said very carefully.

Nate crossed the distance between them, standing right in front of Kaya. He leaned into her right ear slightly. "I mean, do you want me to help you rub one out? Finish the job?" he said as he smiled.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up, Nate." she silently said. "I'm already on edge and could cum any minute."

Nate leaned back quickly and stared at her face. "Jesus, you're serious." Kaya nodded.

"Well, now's not really the time," he said. "But maybe tonight we could help each other out?" Nate raised his eyebrows slightly while looking at Kaya.

"What? Help each other out how? Like fuck each other?" Kaya asked incredulously.

"God, no, Ky! I mean, you know, maybe just give each other...a helping hand?"

Kaya's expression melted into a big smile. "That kind of sounds kinda hot," she said. "You know I could use it. And if we're doing it together, we wouldn't feel bad about it," she mused. "BUT. We would need to set some ground rules."

"Totally agree," Nate replied.

"Like, it has to be totally dark, so we can't see each other." Nate nodded his agreement. "And only over the underwear stuff. No direct contact."

Nate's face did not immediately agree with that. "We can give it a try and see, but I'm not sure how that would be any fun for either of us. I might as well use my own hand and actually be able to touch my dick."

Kaya considered this for a moment. "Okay, good point. We can have direct contact. But we keep our underwear on. Just reach inside."

Nate nodded. "Deal."


They shook on it. Then Nate left Kaya's room and went back to his own. He had a raging hard on, but couldn't do anything about it. Not just yet.


Dinner time came and went with the whole family eating together. After dinner was finished, Nate and Kaya's mom said she would clean up the kitchen if each of them would take a twin and get them in the shower.

So Nate and Kaya took the twins upstairs to different bathrooms, started the water for them, and let them shower for twenty minutes. After Kaya had gotten her younger sibling in the shower, she came into the bathroom where Nate was. Their other younger sibling was already behind the curtain in the shower.

"I'm so excited for tonight," Kaya whispered in Nate's ear. Nate smiled from ear to ear. He simply nodded and mouthed "me, too" to Kaya. "No, I'm like really excited," Kaya continued. "See, check it out."

Kaya then moved her left leg to the side and pulled the fabric of her exercise shorts taut. Within the folds of the nylon fabric, right under where her pussy would be, Nate could see a dark spot. Kaya was wet again and had soaked part of her shorts.

Nate's mouth dropped open as he readjusted himself to accommodate his fast rising erection. He motioned to Kaya asking if he could feel the spot. She nodded excitedly. Nate slowly moved his hand to Kaya's crotch lightly rubbing the wet spot. He could feel the outer part of her vagina through the fabric. He then brought his fingers to his nose and inhaled deeply. Even with the lightest of touches on her shorts, Nate could smell Kaya's pussy. Kaya stood there and smiled.

With the shower timer nearing its end, Kaya left the bathroom to go check on the other sibling. The timer went off and Nate shut off the water and prompted his sibling out of the shower, covering him with a fresh, dry towel. It was then he heard "HEY! You jerk!" coming from the other bathroom. It was Kaya's voice.

Nate turned and saw Kaya coming down the hallway, the front of her tank top soaked from their brother hugging her before she could get him in a towel. Nate laughed to himself and continued drying his sibling. He got both of the twins tucked into bed, and then went downstairs. His parents and Kaya were sitting in the family room watching a TV show.

"Thanks for getting them down, sweetie," his mother said.

"No problem." Nate responded. As he did, he moved over to the couch and sat down next to Kaya. He noticed she had changed clothes, now in an even more revealing tank top and a pair of pajama shorts. He very much doubted she had any panties on underneath those, either.

After about 45 minutes or so, both of their parents rose from their chairs and said their good nights to Nate and Kaya. Nate noted it was a little early for his parents to be turning in, which meant that they were going to have some "adult time" before they went to bed. Funny, he thought, I guess we won't be the only ones doing some of that tonight.

After about 30 more minutes, and sure that their parents were not coming back downstairs, Nate and Kaya shut off the TV, got up, and went downstairs. They both quietly brushed their teeth and then each one of them took turns using the bathroom. When Kaya was finished, she popped her head into Nate's room.

"Meet me in like 5 minutes?" she asked.

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Okay, great. Oh, and don't wear a shirt." She moved off toward her room and Nate noted the rolled up towel under her right arm. He changed into pajama shorts of his own, not wearing any boxers under them, and tossed his shirt in the laundry hamper. He caught his reflection in the mirror quickly as he retreated from his closet. There was absolutely no hiding the pulsing erection he had right now.

After checking the time, he quietly left his room, shutting the door behind him, and tapped on Kaya's door. "Come in," she responded. He opened the door to find a very dim light on, and Kaya sitting up in her bed with her covers over her lower half.

"C'mere," she said and patted the unoccupied side of the bed. She smiled intently at Nate.

Nate padded across the carpet, trying not to let on too bad that he was extremely hard. He lifted the covers and climbed into bed next to Kaya. Then he realized why she had been holding a towel. It was spread out on top of the bed sheet, under both of them. Kaya leaned over and turned off the lamp on her bedside table.

Nate inched closer to Kaya as she did the same. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips. His lips tasted fresh and warm. Nate responded in kind, slightly opening his mouth. Kaya's tongue darted in and played with his for a second. Both let out a slight moan as they kissed. "So how do you want to do this?" she whispered as they broke their kiss.

"Uhm, well, I can do you first, if you want," Nate said. "You'll just need to show me where to go to make it the best for you. The only reference I have is watching porn." He could see Kaya smile in the dark and giggle a little.

"Yeah, I can help with that," she said. She nudged Nate to move over just a bit in the bed, and then positioned herself in the middle of the towel. "Give me your hand."

Nate propped himself up on his left side and moved his right hand over to Kaya. She took his hand, hers on top, and moved it to her stomach, directly over her belly button. Nate felt her spread her legs apart under the sheets. He could tell she was breathing heavily. Slowly, she guided his hand down to the elastic of her pajama shorts. She manipulated the waistband with two of her fingers and continued their slow decent toward her waiting pussy.

Nate could feel his hand pass over a small, soft, mound of pubic hair. Then, a moment later, the tips of his fingers came in contact with the hood of his sister's pussy. My god, he thought, I'm really doing this. I'm going to touch my first pussy. And it's my sister's pussy!

Kaya continued to sink his hand down until his fingertips were almost touching her perineum and his hand was covering her lips. "Now," she whispered, "dip your middle finger into me to make it wet. Then start rubbing my pussy up and down. I'll tell you when to start playing with my clit, okay?" Nate nodded.

He did as he was told, first slowly moving his middle finger until it found her love hole, and inserted his finger. It felt heavenly. Warm, wet, smooth, and pulsing with life. He backed his finger out slightly and then put more in. Kaya moaned in agreement.

"Do that again a couple of times," she commanded. Nate did as he was asked, slowly retreating his finger and sliding it back into her pussy. He then transitioned into rubbing her pussy lips up and down with his middle and pointer fingers, moistening the entire vagina. Not that it really needed it, thought Nate. He did that for a few moments, sometimes stopping to put his finger back in his sister, all the while he could hear Kaya's moans increase and body movements telling him he was doing well.

"Okay, now start rubbing the hood slowly until you find my little bean," she said. Nate started making movements more toward the top of her pussy, while also starting to splay her lips with his fingers to better find the clit. Something he had picked up watching porn.

Soon enough, he was at the hood of her, and started rubbing in a circular pattern. The hood started to give way and when Kaya let out a loud moan and started breathing more heavily, he knew he had found the spot. He kept rubbing in a consistent pattern, slowly at first, but building speed.

All of a sudden, Kaya whispered in his ear. "Go faster. Yes, yes, faster. UUUUUGGGHHHH..." she trailed off. "Keep going, Natey, I'm close."

In another moment, Kaya's hips bucked and she grabbed hold of Nate's hand, plunging his middle and pointer fingers into her hole. "I'm CUMMMMIINNNNG," she breathed into his ear. Her hips kept bucking and Nate suddenly felt the walls of her pussy clamping down on his two fingers. He felt her pussy pulse three, maybe four times, as her orgasm rode through her body.

Then, all of a sudden, Kaya was still. Her pussy relaxed around his fingers and she took her hand away from his, allowing him to withdraw his fingers from her pussy and his hand from her shorts. He brought his fingers to his face, smelled them, and then put them in his mouth, sucking off all of his sister's juices.

"That was so fucking hot," Kaya said. "Oh, my gawd, Natey. I've never cum that hard before. That was amazing." Nate just smiled at her.

"My pleasure. Anytime."

Kaya took another moment to calm her body down before pushing Nate flat on the bed and propping herself up on her side next to him. "Your turn," she smiled.

"Do you need me to guide you some first?" Nate asked.

"Maybe, but let's just wait and see. I've done a little bit of...let's call it research...since I started diddling myself," Kaya smirked.

Nate chuckled to himself. "Okay, if you say so."

Kaya leaned in closer to her brother and put her hand on his stomach, feeling his abs. Then she slowly slid her hand down his body, under the waistband of his shorts, and immediately felt Nate's erection over her hand. She rubbed his pubic hair a little before moving her hand down to cup his balls and slide it back up his shaft, feeling his engorged urethra.

Kaya took her pointer finger, touching the top of his penis, feeling the precum that was still on the tip. She took that and started massaging the glans of his penis with the lubrication, slowly making her way farther down his shaft with wetness. Nate sucked in a sharp breath as she did this and moaned slightly.

Satisfied with the level of lubrication, Kaya gripped Nate's penis in the middle of his shaft and began moving her hand up and down while slightly twisting the skin with each stroke. The pool of precum on his stomach provided extra lube for her thumb to slide over the head of his dick before sliding back down.

"Damn, Ky, that feels SO good," Nate breathed.

"Better than when you do it?" she asked. She smiled and he did the same.

"Way better!"

Kaya started to increase her speed as she jacked him, noticing that his breathing rate was also increasing. She loosened the grip of her three lower fingers, while slightly increasing the grip of the ring made with her thumb and pointer finger, paying more attention to massaging his glans and the tip of his dick.

"I'm gonna cum," Nate blurted out.

Not one second later, as Kaya was jacking and twisting her hand back down his shaft, she felt Nate's cock harden even more as his ball sack tightened, and then began spurting hot cum from his pee hole.

She felt his urethra pulsate as the cum came in one, two, three, four, five spurts. As she felt his orgasm subside, she loosened her grip on his cock and pulled it free from his boxers. She brought her hand to her mouth and ran her tongue along the inside of her thumb and pointer finger, tasing his precum and cum.

"Holy shit, Ky. Holy shit!" Nate said breathlessly.

"Was it good?" Kaya asked.

"Oh, god, that was more than good. That was life changing!"

Kaya giggled in the dark. "Okay, we better clean up. Why don't you go take a quick shower and then I'll follow?"

"Good idea," he said. Nate carefully got out of Kaya's bed, being sure not to drip any semen on her sheets. He crossed the hallway to the bathroom quickly and turned on the shower. After he was done, he dried and wrapped the towel around his waist, moving to his bedroom. He heard the bathroom door shut and the shower turn back on.

Nate fell into bed naked, exhausted from that experience. That was so much fun, he thought to himself, but I definitely want to see more of her in the light. And with that thought, Nate drifted off to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story, very plausible, liked the pretense.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Geez, in 2023 how can anyone not know that pee does not come from the vagina, its the urethra.

akindman22015akindman2201510 months ago

Nicely done and looking forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Looking forward to reading more

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Love it - MORE PLEASE !

Tokyo_TenguTokyo_Tengu10 months ago

Nice start. I am looking forward to reading more of this series.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great start! I like the relationship so far. I wouldn't have minded it running a little longer, but no real complaints. Look forward to the pair continuing their exploration!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Plausible, and nothing outlandish, simply a sibling attraction to one another, without any grammatical errors (the latter is a true pleasure).

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nice start. I look forward to seeing how this grows as they explore further.

CcatoneCcatone10 months ago

Great, a story refects fairly real brother and sister. I have a sister who loved embarrassing, close to freaking me with shame.. She was A few years old. Tall slender strong, looking like a woman basketball player, lived on a ranch, I had been living in town attending community college and high-school for 4 years, we rarely seen each other, especially the my last classes. I graduated mid terms. My s scholarship didn't start until in August. I had a growth spurt I was no longer the skinny teenager, at 5'8", 150lb. The night back on the ranch, my sister was to be going to town with her girlfriend's. I am 6'2" 185)lb. I only being seen by my aunt and uncle that lived in town. It was around 5:00 pm my other to aunts, uncle and grandmother, I remember walking looking to hug my grandmother and aunts they had loved like I was their son. I remember looking at who was going to hug first, my aunts began screaming, oh my, God over. I realized I had grown some but school and college ate up my idle time. This went on for few minutes, I am setting right next to my Grandmother. My sister comes out of her room, so my little brother comes home, my aunts said, he's not little boy cowgirl. When I stood up I realized that I was taller than my sister Cindy. I saw her look of surprises in her facial expression, she hugs very tight little Bro, no big Bro. All of us talking back and forth, but my sister isn't saying a lot just questions about small things. All the sudden she says "Marvin come to town with me and my girlfriend's. We are going dancing" . I said I don't know how to dance. My aunts and Grandmother agreed, I noticed the disappointment in their faces. That night was crazy, I made a fool of myself for a while, it was the first of many things that I experienced, her girlfriends were grinding on me which at first I was pulling away because was getting a hard on. Finally, Cindy and were dancing, and said"Bro, I know these girls as much as they are my friends, as a sister I wouldn't want one them date you your education is much more important than a quick breeding, I say that because it's the truth I don't want you to get hurt. I find you a woman that is wild in the bed, a good cook, model wife, and make a great mother. I know several girls and some real hot college women and few women in their late 20s to 30s. That will be your FUCK BUDDY,"first time I had heard that before. True to her word I was getting so much different sex all of these women were were calling so much in the evening and while was with some one. I finally ask Cindy to slow down me going out. I noticed how Cindy talked my aunts quizzing me about my dating. Cindy says, " to my aunts," look I'm thinking about grooming to be an as escorts, but first Iam going to have to get some acre accurate information and measurements so far he has close to a 5 star rating. I know you gals want to know. They giggled covering their mouths." Cindy get come on bro we have to chart a few things, in her bedroom and closed the door OK drop your pants," I am embarrassed but I do, I am half hard, telling me hold it out now, she measures, then cloth measuring tape across saying it out over 5" around loud." Be still while I get you hard. (my first time oral), I am nervous about doing this, I close to cumming she pulls off and measure saying 9" + length. Marvin don't get hung up anyone until you get established in your profession. Please take that as serious as possible they are plenty of women looking for a man like you. Many want you as a trophy and you are that. You don't want what our mother and father were like they abandoned us. Our aunts and grandmother will tell you that. Remember from today on in public I am going do you a favor and call you Lil bro. For a while to stop the gossip.

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