No Ordinary Game Ch. 10


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Sy felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up to see Tiffany standing at his side. He stared up at her in wild-eyed amazement, shocked by a scene he could have never imagined.

"Come on, Sy. Come with me," she quietly said. She took his hand and led him down the hall. Sy felt stunned and his chest ached. He had just witnessed the complete sexual domination of his wife.


They reached the upstairs master bedroom and Tiffany helped Sy undress and get into bed. She undressed and joined him.

"Hold me, Sy," she said and she wrapped her naked body against his. "That was not what you expected, was it?"

"No." His mouth was dry and it was difficult to speak.

"It never is, the first time. Maybe for you, it never will be. I watched you, you know. I watched the whole thing from behind the curtains and you were paralyzed with fear. It's nothing to be ashamed of, Sy. You love your wife and you just witnessed her ravishment at the hands of a satyr. Glenn put on a show for you, do you know that? I thought you did well to sit still."

"I did it for Mandy," he replied. He realized that wasn't entirely true. He had enjoyed parts of it until it had become too intense and his wife had revealed herself to be more sexual . . . more wanton . . . than he had ever suspected. She had done this at Sy's urging which only compounded his misery. Worse, she had deliberately excluded him to concentrate on Glenn. It felt like a betrayal.

"Glenn has a big cock, doesn't he? You didn't warn me," Sy said.

"It's nice but not huge, Sy. It's about like yours but maybe thicker. Glenn will tell you it's seven inches long but he's a quarter-inch short," she said with a little laugh. "It feels good inside of me but so does yours." She reached up to kiss him but Sy turned his head away.

"Hey, party-pooper. Kiss me," she said. She held his face and forced him to kiss her. "Last time, you forced me. I don't mind a little force, Romeo."

"I'm not in the mood, Tiff."

"I could pleasure your penis. Let me feel," she said and she reached down to find his penis.

Sy let out a resigned sigh and allowed her access. "Kinda soft, Romeo. Did watching your wife get fucked take all the lead out of your pencil?"

Sy's face burned with shame and Tiffany laughed again. "That's pretty common for first-timers. Hubby thinks it's going to be a fuck-fest and his wife sidelines him with a limp dick." She kissed him again. "You're starting to grow, Sy. I love it when a penis gets hard in my hand. Or in my mouth. May I?" Without waiting for his answer she slipped down Sy's body and took his entire still-soft penis into her mouth.

She positioned herself so Sy could watch. She caught his gaze and gently worked his cock-head and shaft with her tongue. Sy was captivated. He felt a familiar, welcome tingle in his cock and balls and the warm reassurance of blood flooding into his penis. It jolted him out of his ennui.

"Ummm," said Tiffany. She pulled back to reveal his glistening penis. "You grew fast, Sy. Filled my mouth right up. You want to take out some of your aggression on me, Sy? I'll let you. I want you to." She got out of bed and opened a drawer and removed a device with leather straps. She laid face-down on the bed and put her hands behind her.

"Slip those small loops over my wrists and the larger loops over my ankles. Then pull them tight." Sy did as she instructed and soon Tiffany was hog-tied face down on the bed. It was an aggressive act and Sy felt himself unexpectedly aroused.

She's a kinky little bitch, he thought. Maybe I am, too.

"Kiss me, Sy. Kiss me hard and give me some tongue. Fuck my mouth with your tongue. See how helpless I am?" Sy rolled her on her side and kissed her. He looked at this beautiful, older, oriental woman lying naked and bound on the bed. He tweaked her nipples and she moaned.

"Uhhh, fuck. Are you going to hurt me, Sy? You could, you know, and I couldn't stop you." She was panting. Sy resumed kissing her and explored her body. He wanted to slap her bottom but her hands and ankles blocked his path. Instead, he squeezed her asscheeks, hard.

"Yes! You want to take out some aggression on my ass?" She looked at his boner waving in her face. It was hard as a spike. "Or you could fuck my mouth. Do me as Glenn did to Mandy. He did, you know. He fucked your wife's mouth. He made her take it and she did. Now, you do it to me."

Sy pulled her face-down to the edge of the bed and placed a pillow beneath her chest. He pressed the tip of his aching penis against her closed mouth and she shook her head "no". "Uh-uh," she grunted through gritted teeth. Sy reached down to grip her right nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed. He pulled and twisted and Tiffany cried out, "Ohhh! Yeeiii!"

"Open your mouth, you little bitch. And no teeth. Make it good for me and I'll go easy on you."

"You fucking bastard! You fucking pervert!" Tiffany hissed. Sy knew they were acting together; playing roles in a play and reading lines from a script they both knew. He thought of earlier tonight when he had imagined he was watching a play. Now it was his turn to be in the play. He knelt and kissed Tiffany, hard. She was breathing hard and he felt the sweat on her cheek as he rubbed his face against hers. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back to look at her. Impulsively, he licked her face.

"You're going to suck my cock and I'm going to fuck your mouth, Tiff. You bite me? I'll whip the skin right off your ass." Tiffany had a sudden wild look in her eyes, a look of genuine fear. She struggled against her leather bindings to no effect. She was truly his captive. She opened her mouth.

Sy stood at the edge of the bed and pushed his cock deep into Tiffany's mouth. He pushed until he felt resistance and held it for a long count of five. Then he pulled out. Tiffany gasped for air and long trails of thick saliva hung from her chin. She looked up at him and tears ran down her face.

"Again," he intoned, and she willingly accepted his cock and gently sucked as he rocked back and forth. Oh! This is going to be good, he thought. Tiffany's tongue lashed his glans and her lips kept a smooth, even suction on his shaft. Tiffany knew how much suction to apply to keep his penis snuggly ensconced in her mouth while allowing it to freely slide along the slippery surfaces of her lips, tongue, and cheeks. Sy thrust slowly to savor the delicious sensations. He forgot the trauma of watching the sexual domination of his wife. His reptilian hindbrain took over and he focused solely on his penis sliding in and out of this beautiful, experienced woman's mouth.

He thrust deeper and Tiffany relaxed her throat to accept his deeper thrusts. He had been stroking her hair but now he grasped the sides of her head and dug his fingertips into her skin.

"Ohhhh," he groaned. He could feel the sap rising and feel the inevitability of an ejaculation that he knew would arrive with abrupt and devastating effect. "Yesss," he grunted. "Take it, Tiff. You're gonna swallow." He rose on his tip-toes, thrust his hip forward, and pulled her forehead firmly against his belly.

He was past the point of stopping. He fucked her mouth fully and deeply with short, hard thrusts. Time stopped and it seemed his penis swelled to enormous size. A hot torrent of lava rushed up his tube with pleasure so intense it bordered on pain. It came in waves and it seemed it would never stop.

"Arrgghh!" he shouted at the sky and his legs shook. He looked down and Tiffany was choking and gagging. She coughed on his cock and a blast of white semen shot from her nose. Sy immediately pulled back so his still-throbbing cockhead rested on her tongue. Tiffany immediately resumed sucking, gently nursing his now overly-sensitive glans and swallowing his semen.

Sy watched in amazement. This had been a cum for the ages, an experience to savor for years, the sort of thing over which wars were fought and empires won and lost. In a sudden flash, Sy saw how powerful sex could be, especially transgressive sex. It held the power of life. It could reduce a strong man to a whimpering simp and it could enslave a woman and bind her to a man as strongly as any force in nature. And like a force of nature, it could destroy.

Sy caught his breath and knelt to comfort Tiffany. She was a mess. Her beautiful long dark hair was in disarray and stuck to her wet face, and her face was streaked with tears. Her mouth hung open and drools of saliva and semen hung in strands. She was breathing heavily but she looked up at Sy and wanly smiled. Impulsively, he kissed her. He could smell her perfume and taste her salty sweat. He tasted his semen and it didn't bother him in the least.

His instinct now was to free her and console her and protect her. He reached over her back, found the quick-release slide, and loosened her bindings. She stiffly extended her arms and legs and Sy rolled her over on her back.

"Was I too rough on you, lover?" he asked, and he began kissing her lips and face. "That was fantastic."

"No, Sy. I got what I wanted. I need it like that every once in a while. Thank you, Sy. You're a natural when it comes to rough sex-play. That's twice you've rocked my world."

Sy brought Tiffany a warm washcloth and cleaned her face. He had made a mess of her and felt a mixture of pride and shame. He brought her a glass of water and she drank it all. They both used the bathroom and got back into bed to snuggle, just like a married couple.

"Can you go again tonight?" she asked, and Sy realized she was probably in need of her pleasure.

"Give me an hour and I bet I can."

"That's the nice thing about you younger guys. I'd be happy to help you get it up," she said, and she smiled at him. "You threatened to whip the skin off my ass. Have you ever whipped a woman, Sy?"

Sy blushed and appeared abashed. "No, that was just sex-talk, Tiffany."

"It was very effective. You dropped me into sub-space like a rock. You owned me and used me like a rag-doll. I loved it, no matter how messed up I look."

"You showed lots of trust, letting me tie you up like that."

"I know you better than you think, Sy. You're a kinky guy but a straight-shooter. I know I can trust you. I know you love Amanda and what you and I do is just for fun. Two friends exploring and having wild sex and all for fun. I know it's the same for Glenn and Mandy."

Sy felt a momentary twinge at the mention of his wife's name but he continued.

"You've got a sexy body, Tiffany. I've told you that before." He ran his hand over her skin and stopped to softly caress her swollen nipple. "Was I too rough?"

"No, Sy. You were perfect. You've got a talent for that. We mesh well."

"So do Glenn and Mandy. I want to be honest, Tiff. What I saw downstairs shook me."

"Well, you insisted and Mandy warned you going in. She and Glenn are special together, we can both see that. His affairs used to bother me. Glenn and I would have competing affairs to see who could out-do the other." She laughed at the thought. "I eventually got over it. Brenda used to brag to me about how well Glenn had fucked her the night before. She can be that way. She can play the bitch sometimes but we've been friends for years. Friendly rivals, maybe."

"Brenda and Mandy had a meeting at work. They kissed and made up," Sy said. He rolled on his side and faced Tiffany. He kissed her and lightly ran his hand over her body.

"I know and I'm glad," she said. "She's jealous of Amanda and I think you know that." Tiffany paused to consider whether to continue. "Do you know about Ed Avery? Amanda has told you about him, right?"

"Yes, I just found out about Mister Avery. They were lovers for a year when Amanda was in college." Sy felt uncomfortable but it seemed Tiffany had something important to say.

"He's still very fond of her. He was at your wedding, did you know that? He stayed in the background to avoid putting Amanda on the spot in front of you," Tiffany said.

"I didn't know that. How do you know Mister Avery?"

"I know a lot of people, Sy, including judges and politicians. And lawyers and business people like Ed. He still feels bad about what happened to your little friend, Jackie. I talked to Ed about her and he wants to help. He's pledged ten-thousand dollars to clear her name. Glenn and I have pledged five- thousand. You and Mandy pledge an additional five-thousand and we've got twenty thousand dollars for her legal team. I've already got the lawyers lined up. I've already made some contacts through my network of friends."

She moved closer to Sy and draped her leg over his hip. She pressed her bare pudendum again his thigh. "I think you and Amanda should visit Ed Avery," she said.

"I can understand why Mister Avery would want to help Jackie," said Sy. "Jackie worked for him and rented a room from him. And Jackie and Amanda are friends." Sy thought for a moment. "I'll bet Avery still has the hots for my wife. Maybe for Jackie, too, I don't know. But why are you and Glenn putting up five-thousand dollars?"

"It's justice, Sy. And it's good business for me. With the right preparation, this will sail through court without making a ripple. Jackie's felony conviction goes away and she gets on with her life. Maybe she gets a better job. Maybe someone has a job waiting for her. Maybe she marries Will and has a family, who knows? Favors are called in, favors granted, and campaign contributions are made . . . all of these things might happen. Maybe some old scores get settled, too. Remember, Jackie's ex-lover's ex-wife caused all this to happen in the first place. It's best if you don't ask too many questions, Sy. Just deliver the money to me. Fifty, one-hundred-dollar bills would be best. Don't expect a receipt and I can't promise results. But it's a near-sure thing."

She reached for Sy's penis and found it half-hard. "A little touch-up work and you'll be ready to fuck," she said. She slid down and took him into her mouth.

"You've got a magic mouth, Tiff. Maybe you could give Mandy some pointers," Sy said. He dropped his head back on the pillow to savor the sensations.

"Glenn is taking care of that. He'll have Mandy well-trained when you get her back," she answered.

Tiff sat up and straddled Sy's hips. She lined up his now-hard penis with her opening and settled down until he was buried deep inside her. She began to rock back and forth against his pubic bone. She established a slow, easy rhythm and looked down on her younger lover.

"Don't sell this cock short, Sy. It feels good inside of me. If Glenn and Amanda keep fucking each other, I've got dibs on you." She picked up the pace and added a circular sliding motion to her rocking.

"Uhhh. Yeah, good cock, Sy. Arch your back a little. Help me grind my clit."

Sy stared up at her dancing breasts and thick nipples. Tiffany's face was a mask of concentration. Her movements on the head of his penis were minimal and suddenly Sy had confidence he could last as long as Tiffany. He'd let Tiffany take the lead and watch her work.

"Yeah, you and Mandy should go see Ed real soon," Tiffany panted. "He'll cook for you. He's a real foodie and he has some delicious wines he'd love to share. And he's kinky, too. He tries to hide it but I know. Drink a little too much, both of you, and Ed will insist you stay overnight in Mandy's old bedroom.

"Here's what you do, Sy. Fuck Mandy in her old bedroom and leave the door ajar. Let Ed watch from the hallway like he's sneaking a peek. Pretend you don't know he's there. He'd love that. Then, about a half-hour later, send Mandy to visit Ed. Have her go to him naked as she did ten years ago. She'll fuck him and come back to you in the morning. At breakfast, pretend nothing happened. Everyone has a secret, everyone keeps up appearances, and everyone had fun. Do it, Sy. It will make the deal go down easier, I guarantee it. You love the idea, right Mister Cuckold?"

Sy was straining now. Tiffany's story had caught him by surprise and ignited a fire he knew couldn't be quenched. That familiar feeling was building again and Sy knew he couldn't hold back. "I'm gonna come pretty soon, Tiff."

"I can see it in your face, Sy. You like the idea of sending Mandy to Ed to get fucked. And Ed will deliver her a good fucking. Mandy remembers, just ask her. She'll do it and she'll love doing it." Tiffany leaned forward and rested her hands on Sy's shoulders. "It's starting, Sy. A real good one. It's coming on in slow motion. Ohhh! Feel it in my cunt? God! Come with me Sy. I want to feel you shoot!"

Sy arched his back and gasped. It was an amazing orgasm and just like Tiffany's, a slow-motion orgasm that mixed deep aches with exquisite, throbbing pleasure. Each pulse of his penis caused him to gasp and a feeling of wonderful slippery warmth spread over his shaft. When it was done, he slipped into a blissful twilight sleep. Tiffany collapsed atop him, exhausted.

Outside in the hallway, Mandy and Glenn looked at each other. She had never watched another person have sex, much less her husband. It was hot but disquieting. She didn't know how she felt about it. They walked quietly back downstairs.

"I guess I know how Sy felt watching me," she whispered to Glenn. "I hope he's not mad at me. He sure left all of a sudden. He didn't say anything, he was just gone."

"Leave them be, let them have their time together. We'll sleep on it and I'll fuck you again in the morning," Glenn whispered back.

"Am I being pimped out for ten-thousand dollars? It sure feels like it."

"No, Mandy, you're not being pimped out. You don't have to do anything. Ed pledged the money and he'll keep his word. If you go to Ed I'll be jealous but you don't belong to me. Do it if you and Sy want to. Ed would love it and it's always good to keep up old friendships. You know something else? It will drive Sy wild. He'll love it. And he'll hate it."

Amanda smiled at her lover and reached for his hand. "This is the strangest thing I've ever heard of. But if it helps Jackie? Sure, I wouldn't mind seeing Mister Avery again."


End of chapter ten. Chapter eleven is underway. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and leave a civil comment.

My thanks to Robert in The Netherlands, Maria TK, and Ringil for beta-reading and for their helpful suggestions.

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HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Whoever suggested they swap has gone off the reservation. Focus on Femdom agitprop is best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent,felt like I was either there watching or experiencing the sex they were enjoying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Best chapter yet, as an experienced cuck I finally got what I needed from this story "the watching". I would gamble the author has experienced some of this you are too spot on with the description of emotions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I think the author should come back to chapter 7th and rewrite it. What is writing now is not what he/she intends, is what messages have pushed him/her. Tenesseered, be brave, come back and let Sy follow his destiny, alone at home that night unable to not breaking the lock and the envelope, and then let him see his wife with Glenn after being properly punished. And let Amanda be the repented sadist unable to resist the lust that causes her to see Sy suffering but always sorry for what happens to him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

8 months since the last update. How many years to complete the story???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It has been a long time, Please don't give up on us. Always 5/5. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Ok, I know all opinions are subjective and I post mine with all modesty. I did not know this author and I was very attracted by the first chapters of the story and I have read all of them in a raw. Unfortunately for me, the plot twist in the 7th chapter completely derailed my interest. For my particular taste that I do not meant as better as that of anyone else, without the spice of power games, suburban couples swapping partners are rather boring. I would have preferred that while Amanda and Glenn were at the Savoy, Sy is brutally teased and abandoned alone at his home by Tiffany for a terrible night of agony, jealous extreme angst and paroxysmal arousal that cannot neither bear nor resolve. Perhaps at some point he would have break the rules by opening the envelope with the key or forcing the lock of the drinks. This or other things would have led to him watch his wife with Glenn in the famous room but tied naked and cock caged after having received his 50 lashes of even some more. Amanda would look at him with conflicting feelings, very sad and sorrow because she really loves him but extremely aroused by a growing sadism that makes her enjoys to cause him pain and humiliation, to what Sy has become an addict that wants to leave but is unable.

I must say that in this website there is a very curious bias with the characters depending on its genre. Males are overprotected from themselves and rarely receive much harm. In fact authors whose male characters are humiliated “too much” get acid criticism and the characters themselves are heavily insulted ("wim" being the most common word). On the other hand, a submissive female character is always welcomed and if is gangbanged by hundred gorillas, everybody sees as normal and a deserved by-product of her addiction to pain. I find this ridiculous and I very annoying because I like the mal characters to suffer and be addcited to this suffering and I see the rain of insults towards them and towards the authors who write about them, a deterrent, as we see in this case where the main character was updated to be "one of us", suddenly changing from femdom to boring parnters swapping and now drifts to maledom ("you will love sending her to Mr. Avery".)

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 3 years ago

Feedback: hurry the HELL Up!!


Anxiously awaiting


tennesseeredtennesseeredalmost 3 years agoAuthor

From the author: I haven't forgotten this story and I have more chapters ahead. Chapter eleven is undergoing extensive revision. I want to produce a quality product so please be patient. Thanks for the words of encouragement. Feedback is always welcome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

DON'T GIVE UP.... we need to see the end of this story. Great story 5/5.

When do we get to see some more of your work. Please. Than you

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