All Comments on 'No Questions Asked Pt. 03'

by Choppedliver

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  • 233 Comments (Page 2)
Publius68Publius689 months ago

Okay, I'll be blunt. This was more compelling than enjoyable. Not bad, just what it is.

I don't know what drove you to write this, but I'm betting you felt driven to write it. That's a good thing.

What I like to write, and usually to read, are fun, happy times. This was not that. But I was never not going to finish it after halfway through the first chapter.

Your writing isn't perfect, but it has that most important quality: You never took me out of the story with your language.

Go write YOUR next story. For this reader, I'd rather it be more fun. But you are the writer. My only advice is you will get better scores if you add some more bow-chicka-wow-wow. I'm betting you do that well.

cyendreycyendrey9 months ago

Ok(ish), but I’m struggling to give this entire series three stars muchless the needless chapters. One story would have covered this entire story and kept a good pace of progression while elimnating a lot of froth that didn’t progress the story. A good editor would have advised this in tightening the flow up, IMO. I get that the author has all this background detail in their head, but if you want to know if it needs to be in the story, shelve it for a couple of months and read it again cold. I doubt half or more would have survived just this basic self edit. IMO - YMMV

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker9 months ago

I'm not sure. The lady obviously has issues, and he husband is a stand-up guy. But is she serious? and is he too forgiving?? 2 stars, because I like his style but not his substance. But do you BTB for what she did, or how she did it? Frustrating. is there more?? I don't know. I don't know if I want to know.


Rocky62Rocky629 months ago

Well, what did she pay to find out she aint bi? Too damn much and turned her marriage into a shit show in the meantime. Hit a club, kiss a girl and maybe youll like it maybe you wont. Cost=a couple drinks

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy9 months ago

Glad it's over with!


studebakerhawkstudebakerhawk9 months ago

Seems like much ado about nothing. She already knew to view attractive men as a potential threat to her marriage. If she’s bi, she just has to expand that view to include attractive women.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Poor codependent fool.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

tiresome read with lots of nothing happening

Barkinbeast2010Barkinbeast20109 months ago

Well alls well that ends well. I think it was clear from the beginning what she was going away for. Great news she discovered she’s ‘fixed’ her problem.

Though in reality I don’t think things would have been so easily mended once she came home though, yes, she no longer worried she likes women. Husband is relieved it wasn’t bad news like he thought.

BUT.. she did put him through this whole thing, not far off mental and emotional abuse. The secrets, lies, the whole ‘ I want a weekend away and I want you to grant it but I cannot tell you we’re I’m going or what I’m doing’ thing.

She said it was so he wouldn’t be hurt or fear the worst but her plan and actions caused this and more but she went ahead and did it.

Lies, secrecy, betrayal (potential betrayal even) hanging over his head all affected his sleep, eating, work to probably and his quality of like.

For them to both effectively leap back into ‘normal’ life without any bitterness, suspicion or anger / annoyance didn’t seem right or realistic.

Also, I have to ask two things.

1) what had she packed in the damn case to take away with her that she was so determined he shouldn’t see? As it all came out it was going to be tests and if that failed a night with a ‘professional’, a sec therapist who would she’d spend a night with as a final test. So, what had she packed that would hurt him and she wanted to hide from him??? That wasn’t resolved as why would she need anything - toys, lingerie for such a professional ‘test’

Do these sort of sex therapists exist and do they actually do stuff like this?

2) And this to me would be something I’d ask straight out after finding out about the psychiatrist, counsellors, the facility and the ‘professional. Why didn’t he ask for a contact number to speak with said psychiatrist? To make sure it was all above board as set out

They knew she was married but went along with this plan without his knowledge, surely a professional psychiatrist especially one married with kids herself would have insisted the husband was consulted and agreed with it rather than risk damaging the marriage by pushing it through without his knowledge and consent - they were actually encouraging her to sleep with someone else. Is that ethical? And wouldn’t it leave them open to action by the husband if the marriage failed due to encouraging her to sleep with a sex therapist.

Also said sex therapist, granted sleeps with others herself while married, is married and must have ethics would she agree to all this happening without husbands support?

Good story, ending a little too easy but still good.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great story. 5+ Stars

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

rules of grammar don't apply to conversation.

great work, don't sell your talent short compared to other solid writers here!

and keep the stories coming, thanks for this one!


BSreaderBSreader9 months ago

Premise of the story was scatchy the story kept going in circles. Thanks for trying it was valiant effort.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Bea is a cake eater - She wants a hall-pass to "find her nature" and still keep the marriage. Its the typical falsehood that bi-sexual people should be given leeway or flexibility in the whole notion of monogamy in a committed relationship just because they're bi-sexual. Its was also rather ridiculous that Bea's "need" to resolve her bi-sexually somehow trumped Dave's need to have a faithful wife. Attraction to other people while in a committed relationship is a given. Responsible adults choose NOT to act upon attractions to other people because they've in a committed relationship and they because value the emotional well-being of their relationship partner. Typical notion that males are expected to sacrifice their needs, desires and expectations in favor of the female. Dave and Bea's is an unhealthy relationship with questionable relationship boundaries and certainly lacking in Relationship reciprocity.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Chapter 4

Bea overthinks Dave's preference for blonds to the point of driving herself to the looney bin or suicide.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is so confused in so many ways that one doesn’t know where to start. But that’s all right, because the exercise wouldn’t be worth it. The couple will have a wonderful future without regard to gender or desire. They will talk each other to death.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

As someone who has dated several bi women over the years, this is borderline biphobic. Bisexuality (and pan & demi, for that matter) does not affect a person's ability to make or keep a commitment to a relationship. The notion that bisexuality would need to be managed to remain in a relationship is a clear indication that you have not bothered to examine any of the research regarding your topic.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Concerning writing and grammar rules: When writing exposition, adhere to them. That's your framework, the square corner, the solid foundation of your work. When writing dialogue, "Well, people don't never talk that way, do they? Complete sentences? Nah, not always." I think the late great Elmore Leonard wrote the best dialogue of the modern era. Scores of his books were made into films because his stories and characters were so well-written and unique. A writing coach told me to read his work, paying close attention to his dialogue. It's true. You don't hear the kind of dialogue you read in these stories. First, he set up his dialogue with vivid scenes and placed that dialogue into a context where it was not necessary to have the characters explain everything. Also, Leonard's dialogue is compact, concise, and flows naturally. His secret was to read your work aloud (also a great editing technique). That's because when we read silently, we bypass the decoding-speech-hearing-perception loop. The eye-brain-perception process of silent reading fills in missing words and missing letters, as well as reading incorrect words the way you meant them to be written. That's why these things jump out in other people's works or in our own work when we've stepped away for a few days.


I liked this story, but it took a while to get it all out there. By making sure we followed you through your characters, you led us on a merry chase. This puts off some people, but for a good story, I can power through it. There's the key: in most wordy pieces on this site, the story, the mystery, the characters, and plots are not enough to keep me engaged.


Like me, you need a good, aggressive editor. Yes, Elmore Leonard used an editor, because he was a notorious over-writer, and you can see that in some of his early work. The masters of compact writing were the old pulp writers who churned out 170-180 page works of fiction every two weeks on manual typewriters. They banged out a rough draft followed by a clean copy on carbon, the master of which went to their publisher. The legendary Orrie Hitt wrote one per week at his kitchen table. These men and women lived in the crucible of writing-to-eat, so there was no prospect of over-writing because the economies of the pulp paperback demanded prescribed work of only a certain length and no more because the book sold for 25 cents. Reading their work is better than any writing class you can take. Now, with electronic publishing, words are cheap, and commercially and non-commercially, writing suffers. Start reading (partial list): Leonard, James M. Cain, Orrie Hitt (the master of 'spicy fiction'), Richard Deming, Charles Willeford, Ed Lacey, William Campbell Gault, Chalmers Green, Henry Kane, Robert Colby, and Talmadge Powell. Some of these were part of the Tampa Mafia, a group of pulp writers whose partying and bacchanalia lifestyle fueled their prolific writing. Reading is the best way to learn writing, and these authors were the masters of entertaining and profitable writing. The crap published in the "literary press" ends up where it does because nobody reads it. Defer, instead, to what sells/sold and emulate that.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Started with a lot of promise but the silliness overcame it. Just no way to imagine this happening in real life.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I'll admit, I found it really hard at first to get into your style of writing, it sometimes feels less like reading a story, and more like eavesdropping on a conversation, but eventually I got into the hang of it, and realised how original it was. It's a great way of revealing your characters, and an interestinh way to drive the plot. The downside is that its done such a good job at exposing your characters, that I honestly hate them. Dave, well, I think he's doing the best he can given the situation, but he's an idiot on taking everything on faith. He has no proof, except the word of a proven liar, of what was going to, and what did happened in Houston. Even if she was telling the truth about why she needed to go, he now only has ber word of what the resolution was. She says she turned down the surrogate and remained faithful, but she's a proven liar, how can he trust her? He's in a bad situation with no way to win, but he's an idiot. As for Bea? Well I honestly think shes certifiable. She needs psychiatric help, and now just for a weekend. The issue isn't that she might be bisexual, or even that she might be struggling with monogamy, the issue is she's a sociopath. She loves Dave, apparently, but has spent a week, absolutely shredding apart his self worth with mind games before abandoning him for a week end so she could "find herself". She then came back to him, spun him a tale he has no way of knowing is true, and convinced him to take her back. She's a sociopath playing with her food, and now knows that shes broken him to the poiny he'll never leave her. You have a distinctive writing style, andna good story, but my god do I hate your characters. 4*

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Just another limp dick husband that takes it up the ass and doesn't even flinch.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You and Caviagurl should get together and write a story. You both seem to enjoy and get off on making your male characters ball less wimps.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

If you write more stories please make them longer. Add tons and tons of useless filler. Pointless and repetitive dialog.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Absolute "NO" from me. Would never had taken place. Way too many in this field that are selfish and actually cause more issues then were there in the beginning as they exacerbate the situation to create even bigger problems.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

There's A saying he sure like to here himself talk. Repeating over and over is the same thing . 2 page story drug out for 3 repeatedly chapters saying the same thing over and over!

hermie55hermie559 months ago

I gave the first two chapters 5 stars. I found not only great story to read, but also good writing!!

the good writing is still in the final chapter, but the ending was disappoint. I can't explain why.

AgroundagainAgroundagain9 months ago

Loved all the dialogue. A great plot with a ditzy wife and a confused husband.

DrPopeDrPope9 months ago

Nope …. This was simply too repetitive and yet again .., people don’t have conversations like this !

I still suspect everything you do is written with AI ….

oldtwitoldtwit9 months ago

Oh I had a quick look below at the "oh it wouldn’t happen like that, people don’t have conversations like that " etc. but it’s a story, get over it, much as I loved the first two parts, this wasn’t nearly as good, the plot was good but it just went out with a pop , no bang, just a damp squib.

GamblnluckGamblnluck9 months ago

@anonymous who signed T_J_Y, why don;t you use your username. You obviously have studied writing. I was surprised you even mentioned Charles Willeford. Hardly anybody knows who he is or rather was. His novel "Cockfighter' was one of my favorites. His characters made the story. His forte was the 'anti-hero', a guy who had few virtues and was actually an asshole, but you liked him anyway.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Too long, too many repeats. They both say the same thing over and over. Should have been in the 750 word challenge

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Well it was convoluted, nonsensical, uninteresting and it took me a week , in fits and starts, to read Section 3 of Part 3. My brain was just not up to this disjointed story. I didn't rate it. It was a 1 or 5 , who knows.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Another utterly irrational, psycho cheating-cuck tale, ended with a very negative response from the readers. Always the same ingredients: a psycho slut wife, an idiot cuck husband and the unbelievable RAAC in the end. Not to speak about the little 90% of psychobabble. So, once again, nothing new.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

If your female MC was overthinking, this was overwriting. By order of magnitude. This somewhat uninteresting story could have been written in 3 pages max.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Why all the wives in these psycho tales behave like they were mentally ill ? And why all the husbands always behaves like submissive sheeps ? And why 1 million words to justify a simple cheating behaviour from the wife and a simple cuck behaviour from the husband ?

oldmanbill69oldmanbill699 months ago

I have read all your stories and you use more words than any other writer.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I'm sorry, but your entire concept is hogwash. I know a *lot* of bisexual people, and I can tell you that it's not one or the other. A person who is bi is attracted to people from both sexes, and who they choose to be with as a partner is based on the person, not their gender. The idea that if she determined that she was in fact bi, that she would no longer want to be partnered with her husband, is absolutely absurd. And finding that she actually isn't sexually attracted to women, certainly doesn't mean that she's 'fixed'. The entire story was based on the ridiculous premise that if she was actually sexually attracted to women also,then she could no longer be attracted to men, or her husband. That's both ignorant, and stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Dave is about to have it all! He must have been aware that the hot woman he married was a bit dizzy. Now, at the end of this ordeal, he finds that he's going to be with a hot, dizzy, blonde, just his type, who's going to drain him to the last drop. All's well that ends well. And going forward, since they both like the same type of woman he can get to try out the threesome they have already discussed and she has approved. The only small adjustment that needs to be made is that she will not be one of the blondes. Her presence might make his journey of discovery invalid since, with her involved, he won't know if his nature is to be enjoy group sex generally or just group sex with her involved. Maybe he can try it both ways. "Better with her or without her?" as the question goes. Best two out of 3 just to be sure? Hopefully he finds his true nature. If not, maybe more than 2 blondes are needed, after all life is one ongoing quest. "to thyne own self be true" is Shakespeare's advice. 5*s for a fun series. You have a very inventive imagination. Please favour us with more of your creativity in the future.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

@ Anonymous: "The woman is irrational and the man is weak." But surely isn't that the whole point of the story? Looney people do looney things, speak illogically, interminably

and repetitively, so that the extended dialogue in this story is a pretty fair representation of reality. The plot arc maybe not so much. I'm not sure if the C of E is still making saints, but perhaps in a few hundred years Dave will be up for canonization. Let's hope he gets his Martyr's crown.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This took way too long to come to the conclusion it would have in the first chapter

TreesthreeTreesthree9 months ago

I never respond to stories on here but I barely got past page 1 on this part. Dude count your losses and run for the hills this bitch is batshit crazy, I couldn't imagine how fked up her off sprig will be. Good job nice imagination but I know several people as self absorbed and manipulating as this crazy bitch. It's always I love you BUT like I said good job on the insanity part.

TnicollTnicoll9 months ago

So, I guess now Dave only needs to worry about his wife cheating on him with guys?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I tried to stay with this story, but after reading part of the first page of chapter 3 I threw In the towel. The same old psychobabble. I guess from comments she went, came back and they're still together. Don't care.

My real problem with this story is the basic premise, that she wants to be 100% there for her husband whom she "loves" but feels that her attraction to women detracts from that 100%. News flash "WE'RE ALL HUMAN". There isn't anyone, alive or dead, who hasn't come across someone and said to themselves "Man, if I wasn't married, in a committed relationship, etc. I'd..." and you can fill in the rest. 100% commitment isn't never being attracted to someone other than your significant other but when you come upon that tempting other, saying to yourself (and meaning it) "I'm not missing out on something better; I'm going home to something better". That's 100% commitment. The quack psychiatrist she is going to see should be focusing on that, not on testing her to death. And what happens if Bea finds out she likes lesbian sex, is she going to 'Pray the gay away'. People are who they are but they do have a free will to choose they're actions.

This author is talented but (at least from this story) needs to be reined in IMHO. Unfortunately, this story doesn't want to make me read anything else this author has submitted. So little time and so many other stories out there to read.

2 stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Underwhelming. A very bizarre and juvenile plot.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Can’t decide if this story was like Groundhog Day, the same thing over and over. Or, Seinfeld. A series about nothing.

The whole premise was ridiculous. The unfortunate part is the author is a very good writer.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You could have literally read page 1 of Part 1 then skipped to page 3 of Part 3 and not missed anything by ignoring the 18,000 words in between!

Rw43Rw439 months ago


That's my conclusion, too.


In fact, this couple has set the precedent that she is entitled to a few drinks, kisses and breast play before deciding who can crank her up better than her husband.


That's why I say this whole discussion is not about her nature; it's about her making excuses for her self-doubt. And if her husband really loves her (like they both said incessantly in many different manners) he needs to prevent their marriage from being undermined by her insisting on expressing her doubts.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades9 months ago

Story seemed interesting, but by the end it was a lot of blah, blah, blah. Thanks for your writing.

Tx77TumbleweedTx77Tumbleweed9 months ago

By the end, Bea’s drivel had worn me out. There was a good story in there that got written to death. Her husband should be up for sainthood the second he dies. I had high hopes for a time, but sadly this was a 3 at completion.

YouamiYouami9 months ago

Choppedliver, I have to be honest and tell you that I agree with Tumbleweed's comment below. The wife's constant stream of babbling narcissism (I,I, me me, my feelings etc) was the literary version of Chinese water torture: drip, drip, drip. I'm surprised the hubby didn't relish the chance to get some blessed peace and quiet with her gone. What would be the wife's reactions if hubby was similiarly conflicted about attraction to other men? Do we seriously believe the wife would accept his need to test the water so to speak? Not bloody likely. Still, the counsellors and psychiatrists and sex surrogates will continue to reap big dollars from folks.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Is this even a story. When people give ratings, there should be some redeeming feature about it. There is none in this. Too bad there is not a rating lower than 1.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Wow, talk about over thinking something so stupid. Bea needs a hobby, or a job. Way too much repetitive dialog basically saying the same thing. It's a bad thing when the reader starts skimming and skipping...1*

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I live in chicago and want to go to florida. First im gonna go to st louis, then topeka on over to des moines out yo san diego over to baltimore then down to daytona. That is how this dumpster fire felt

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I generally love longer stories, but one was 80 percent waffling about and 20 percent substance. Could have condensed it into 2 chapters instead of stretching it into 3.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please enlist the help of an editor. Your stories a interesting but have excessive and circular dialogue that detracts from the reader’s enjoyment.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Ultimately she wanted a hall pass. Hubby acquiesced. When the time comes, will she reciprocate without a mental breakdown?

GardenshedGardenshed9 months ago

I enjoyed the story, the way it’s written it gets you into the characters head. The dialogue is very repetitive, but that is how real life is. The ending even though it is happy, it’s a bit of a letdown. Then again realizing this, that is real life.

Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What delightful revelations from her past the wife is trying to sell to her hubby (well, to us, respectively). That is, she fucked with four men and one "quasi-lesbian" (because, most likely, the attraction of that friend is more like a hidden grudge against all the guys and attracting Bea's neighbor to the "girls' team" - just out of hatred for penises, and not because of nature or attraction. Then Bea met and fell head over heels in love with her beloved husband. And suddenly, out of the blue, Madame decides that she is-possibly-bisexual? Seriously? In the place of the husband, it would be necessary to bend the little wife over the table, lift her skirt, bare her ass and pull the belt out of her trousers - whip her ass thoroughly, until it turns red... And after that - to fuck her crazy pussy hard! Then - gently print out her anal cherry, slowly massaging and rubbing the healing ointment into her flushed, after the execution, buttocks. Something like that... Otherwise, the husband will lose his wife...

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian9 months ago

I think OP realizes he's a bit long-winded. THAT can be fixed with practice, self-discipline, and an editor who edits rather than edifies. What cannot be fixed are the problems many "writers" on this site have: an inability to create a coherent plot; an inability to improve/learn; an inability to create characters who evolve with the story; and people with no imagination. There are too many FREE writing tools in the form of websites, videos, dictionaries, grammar programs, etc.


So, as you complain about his plot, what the characters did, the characters' mental states, and how the plotline unfolded, ask yourself, "Could I have done better?" If the answer is 'yes' or even a tentative, 'maybe' then I encourage you to have at it. For what you're paying to read, you're getting incredible value for your dollar or pound or Euro or goat. Hell, instead of complaining, leave some positive feedback. That's all the payment anyone publishing here really needs.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What's with her trying to figure out if she's bi? By her own account she was so involved in her lesbian relationship that she was trying to figure out how to break the news to her parents. Having her throw up now when she touches another woman's boobs is just ridiculous. Go for the threesome Dave, there's a bit of strange there for each of you.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Once again: really good writer, but really bad tales.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Groundhog day. Glad it ended.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I was ready to divorce her at the beginning with all the needless suspense she created. The whole premise was ridiculous for a person who was supposably in love and committed to her husband. I'm not buying it.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Are you not feeling well?. Normally this would have been 7 pages of wash rinse and repeat. Its nice to see you shaving it down a bit. Youre still sticking with the cuck/martyr hubby routine. Who knows how to expound on every feeling to the nth degree ,but rolls over and actually enables his wife to cheat. Maybe the next story will shake it up and theyll have a backbone.

XluckyleeXluckylee9 months ago

This story is stupid, when you get married, you don't stop desiring other people, you just don't act on those desires. It should not matter if your desires are for someone of the opposite sex or the same sex. Cheating is cheating. 2 stars from Xluckylee

Asterisk42Asterisk429 months ago

Well, that was some bullshit.

"If you really love me, you'll let me sleep with a woman, so I know I don't really want one..."

I feel like we need someone to FTDS the shit out of this, because he just laid down and took it. Who tf cares that she was in a medical setting...

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The fact that she is a ditz and doesn't ever tell the plain truth dancing around "lying by omission" makes me feel that they probably had a male "therapist" there, as scientists you would have both a male and female for testing, kiss her, now kiss him, how did they differ? Which did you feel more sexually aroused by? Scientists use bass lines otherwise your tests are meaningless, either way it was adultery, and he was a cuck, though I was waiting for her to admit to the presence of a male whom after rejecting "not being turned on by" the female, she confirmed her heterosexuality by fcking him "the male tester" , I mean she was there to commit adultery and her husband had "given his blessing" as far as her ditzy ass was concerned. That would have been more realistic and in tune with the characters, and what happens next year when she thinks she might "need" a bigger dick?

LechemanLecheman9 months ago

Struth, you stirred up the readers with this story!

Hmm I always feel that Hall Passes are a death hand to a marriage as it blows fidelity out the window, forever.

In today's society, marriages are already under incredible strain from a multitude of outside influences yet alone with a partner seeking something wild or unusual.

This story entertained a twisted direction where the author managed to bring it back from the brink.


shadrachtshadracht8 months ago

Poor pacing, and nothing to show any healing whatsoever for the trauma and damage that she did to Dave, who she purportedly loves.


Here's a clue - people who are bisexual still have monogamous relationships. Just because you're attracted to someone else doesn't give you the right to go find out if they'd be more fun / compatible / what you want than your partner. She was a horrible person, and I honestly don't know how he just springs back from this as accepts her back with no issues.

MapleMilkMapleMilk8 months ago

I kept reading through the melodramatic garbage, hoping for some revelation that would redeem the story. Instead it just got worse. I waited until I'd read all three chapters to score the story. 1 star.

DrPopeDrPope8 months ago

Ok can we just leave it at that ? Frankly I don’t think you’re a very good writer… that’s a shame because you do have some interesting ideas … but gosh you know how to fuck it all up with the actual writing…. It’s not that it’s just not good but that it’s actively bad. You need to step away and read some articles about writing and take special notice about writing dialog and pacing narratives.

Schwanze1Schwanze18 months ago

Someone commented "Some people like nutcases as partners." True. Had a fishing buddy like that. Couldn't pick a woman for shit. They were all good looking and great in bed, to hear him tell it, but...

First one had been molested by a pastor as a child. Made her crazy as a bedbug and an absolute nympho. Second one turned out to be a closet meth head. Also a nympho. Third one was the best. She was merely a gold digger and trapped him with a kid. His whole family was genius but on crazy meds crazy. Big wealthy family and he was easily the most sane of the whole group. To him, crazy was normal. Said he wouldn't know how to deal with a woman who was sweet and kind.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A good story but much too long to get anywhere. Too much repetition in all the parts. Started with her not wanting to tell her hubby anything but, by the 2nd chapter, did.

Insofar as starting “well” on a sentence, I’ve never heard that.

For the attempt & thought in the writing, 4 stars. Get an editor to help you. Bob

slowhand21slowhand218 months ago

She needs to seek counseling. She is a neurotic basket case. What happens when she gets another obsession/compulsion like shopping till they’re bankrupt or getting DP’d by two ten-inch cocks?!? Didn’t matter whether she was lesbian or bi. All that mattered was her faithfulness to him and their vows. If she can’t do that whether it’s strange cock or pussy then fuck right off.

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0358 months ago

Ridiculously long and repetitive.

Not worth the time to read.

enderlocke77enderlocke778 months ago

Never heard of "well" I heard of "and" not being the first word in a sentence. But yeah in dialog that isn't a "rule"

This story was 3 chapters too long could have been one chapter with 4to5 pages

enderlocke77enderlocke778 months ago

Going to go ahead and call this an alternate universe. Lol A gay test, interesting. A smart person would have figured it out before dragging someone into their mental illness

enderlocke77enderlocke778 months ago

Rofl yay she is fixed. Oh god this one was really dumb

BuzzCzarBuzzCzar8 months ago

Miket044 put it perfectly "I'm afraid I'll cheat on my husband so let me go cheat on my husband as a way to prove to myself that I would never cheat on my husband."

It took 3 chapters of mind-numbing repetition winnowed down and that's all that there was, just that one stupid thought. I like longer stories that build to a climax. Looking for them is how I found this one but writing lots and lots of words doesn't necessarily make a good story. This is a prime example of that fact.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

RUBBISH..Find a new hobby

DeanofMeanDeanofMean8 months ago

Dave is a damn sight more forgiving than I would be, mind you, I wouldn't hook up with a crazy lady. An intriguing tale but...

oksideshow859419oksideshow8594198 months ago

I liked it and I didn't like it IDK 🙈🙉🙊

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19818 months ago

As another reader in chapter 2 called it and as deanofmean said dave is way more forgvin than I would or most men would be she lied she kept lying she destroyed the trust you can't get that back cause you never know when it is the truth or another lie that's the end of any relationship not just a marriage

BarbaroisBarbarois8 months ago

Thank you for this story. I enjoyed it, and I was eager to read each new paragraph.

Personal notes, not criticisms just my own opinion, I don't know what I would have done in his shoes. Everything she did was so neurotic and poorly thought out, though well intentioned. But in his shoes, I think the neurotic behavior and unwillingness to talk to me from the beginning would have killed me. I would have had a hard time. The not trusting for obvious reasons, and the neurotic behavior just makes me mad and unendingly frustrated.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A married sex therapist... Isn't that an oxymoron? Or illegal or immoral? Oh yes, at least the last. It makes it all better that the sex therapist was married; so she cheated with a serial cheater. A joke of a story.

rbloch66rbloch668 months ago

That was brutally painful. I have no doubt that a situation like that could have been prevented if the lines of communication were fully open.

rbloch66rbloch668 months ago

Wow!! The comment section sure got explosive. I think you did as good of a job writing this as anyone else might have: the proof being, that if it had been poorly written, then the emotion wouldn’t have come through. Being an emotionally loaded topic, I’m not really surprised at the varied negative responses. So, this is a story of a husband and wife who truly love each other. I believe that her concern was genuine regarding a possibility of not being his 100%. I get it. She was proactive in trying to deal with the situation, in a way that wouldn’t be as painful for him, even though it caused a lot of turmoil. Realistically, I don’t think there is a ‘good’ way to deal with type of issue. I do believe her intentions were pure, and to his credit, he really listened to her enough to understand her inner conflict. - Honestly, I would be flattered if someone were that committed to me.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The first two chapters were talking in circles around the problem until she came clean. Which is what she should have done in the first place.

Let's put this in a similar but different light..... what if her concern is that she might be a size queen and needed to find out.

Talk to her shrink, do tests and the. Cheer just as a final exam.

See how stupid this scenario is.

c24jc24j8 months ago

The recent Anonymous underscores earlier points nicely. Gee a test to find out if she's a size queen. Hey, how about a test to find out if she prefers dark-haired to light-hair, or hairy vs. almost hairless. Maybe he needs to be tested . . . he might be attracted to men, or to intersex individuals. He might have a strong attraction to size A cups . . . or only size double-D. Gee, he needs to be tested to be sure. Wow, one could have such tests for the rest of one's life.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Kudos for a different approach to the cheating wife. Way too much dialog and repetitive dancing around the subject. Too drawn out. Most of chapter 2 was excessive. Seems both husband and wife were a bit neurotic. The next story will be her obsession that she is not her husband's next type!

Still, entertaining.


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What a complete, loonngg, terrible waste of time!

HighBrowHighBrow8 months ago

There is no "well" rule because there are no rules.

AllNigherAllNigher8 months ago

God why did I read the last chapter? So nuts. Why the fuck would any of this happen? But if it did why wouldn't he go with her? That still makes no sense even if this was really somehow necessary and not just get way out getting some playtime under her belt... so he now gets to test whether or not he like Asian girls more than her by test fucking a hot Asian teen in front of the psychiatrist right? And video take it for posterity

rruymannrruymann8 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Absolutely no way I'd stay with that woman. She good as said that if it'd worked out with the woman in Huston Dave would have been yesterday's dinner.

Not only that but she cruelly and unnecessarily caused mental pain by not being honest and transparent at the begining. Not to mention that she must have believed she was living a lie throughout her whole marriage.

It would be easier to get over and forgive a sexual affair than it would be to stay married to Bea.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The crux of the problem with this story is that in trying to be clever with the 'hall pass' trope, it forgot that a small idea doesn't make for a whole story and in trying to stretch it to fit it created more problems than it fixed. Which also turned out to be far more overwhelming than the initial 'clever idea'.

The 'hall pass' trope is generally predicated upon the idea that for the 'cheater' it's just sex, with no possible damage to the relationship... But sadly this story makes it almost certain that it was a potential break point on the side of the cheater.

The trope is fun because we see the bat shit crazy partner trying to justify something that they believe has no value beyond 'fun', while the hubby gets all emotional and bent out of shape trying to suggest that it's not just that but a marriage ending event. It doesn't work when the 'cheater' might actually just walk off into the sunset. For the story to work the 'cheater' needs to be the one losing out over a little 'fun'.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Was, of time....too long to get to story and too stupid. Not one would stay with a person who plays this type of fage with their life nor love this way.

orion2bear2orion2bear28 months ago

Ifshe were bi itwould still be cheating and most women wouldn't need battery of tests she would have known

JackInYerBoxJackInYerBox7 months ago

I personally like the Hemingway style of writing - never use 2 words when 1 will do. The author clearly favors the Tolstoy style - never use 2 words when you can stretch it to 10. This is why For Whom the Bell Tolls is about 450 pages while War and Peace, with no more meat to its story is about 1300 pages. It's also why FWTBT is a pleasure to read while W&P is excruciating to read. This story is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. It could have been told in 1 chapter of 3 or 4 pages.

The wife is clearly a sadomasochistic loon. She spends half or more of the story tormenting her husband for no reason. She ultimately told him where she wanted to go and why. So why was it necessary to torment and torture him first? Why the locked suitcase left for hubby to find? Since it played no other part in the story, one can only assume she was just using it as another way to needlessy torment the husband.

So what if she finds other women attractive? She almost certainly finds other men attractive, yet somehow manages to not commit adultery with any of them. Why would it be different with women?

The whole concept of "I need to cheat on my husband to find out if I can be faithful to him" goes beyond stupidity into the realm of insanity.

Now, tell me about how my opinion is meaningless because I have written no stories of my own. Then I can point out I have never built my own TV, but I can still tell when the picture is shitty. I have never built my own car, but I can still tell when it's running rough and missing. So, shove that bullshit response where it's never sunny.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Oh wow you need help!!!!

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I started reading on Literotica in 2013 after a small case of what was supposed to be terminal cancer. I had a lot of chemo, radiation, and surgery. Yet (obviously) here we are. My body had been though the ringer and simply didn't function in all sorts of ways. I married my hi...