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"You made up?" Noah demanded flatly.

"Sort of. Wouldn't say we're friends, but we aren't enemies."

"We have a healthy competition and bounceback thing going," Noah told Josiah. "And she's been telling me all about her new boyfriend."

"New boyfriend?" Josiah asked, successfully distracted.

"You'll meet him today," I promised, hugging him.

"You have time to talk now," Josiah noted, cocking his head as he pulled a stool out for me next to the kitchen island. "Sit. Start talking while I work. Jacintha, this is my adopted baby sister, Sutton," he called to a stunning woman who was pulling a cart in the back door.

"She cute," Jacintha scowled.

"If you say so, she's a little troll if you ask me. Too skinny, too... frail. No meat. No fun."

"Still a gentleman," I laughed. "Hello Jacintha. Jos has told me a lot about you."

"He did? What he say?"

"Something about a nubian goddess," I shrugged. "I wasn't really listening. Rarely do when he talks. What's on the menu?"

"I got tarts'n some other shit I don't normally make, but Siah said this was fancy'n shit so he sent me some recipe's right quick. You really didn't fuck her?" Jacintha demanded of Josiah.

"What's there to fuck?" Josiah asked with a curl to his lip.

"Sutton is taken," Noah offered and Jacintha finally looked at him.

Her eyebrow rose, then she looked back at me, then back at Noah. "Aight. Tha's fine then. Come on over here and help me unload this shit," she demanded of Josiah who turned and gave me a hopeful grin.

"Nice of you," I whispered to Noah.

"Don't know if I'm as beautiful as him, but tall guys are their own kind of hot and she'd assume you were into that if I spoke up. Some girls are."

"Start talking!" Josiah called loudly. "I want to hear everything!"

I looked at Josiah's back worriedly. Didn't he understand that if I told him about Mark, Jacintha would know that Noah was not my beau and she'd get pissy all over again with him?

I decided to talk around it. "We, umm, met the other night. At one of the house games. Hit it off immediately. Umm... he's a great kisser and when... when he holds me, Josiah, the world is just right. I'm not afraid of what's coming anymore. Not afraid of getting sick again, none of that. He brings a calmness and surety to me that I just don't have. You'd think, you know , the EMT would have done that and not some college guy, but... anyway. He's so incredibly smart! Smarter than me I think, and that's really attractive. I love that about him. And look. He gave me a ring! It's an antique, I think it's a family ring! He's as gone for me as I am for him."

"Holy shit, brat, that's fast. You sure?"

"Not an engagement ring, just a show that he's serious about what comes next. That he's all in and not messing with me."

"Prolly has ten more just like that at home," Jasintha mumbled, turning on the oven. "Rich playboys usin' girls who don't know no better."

"He isn't rich, and I like that about him too," I smiled.

Jacintha looked Noah over. "He look like a rich playboy to me."

Oh. Right.

"They sell name brands second hand,'' I shrugged. "Sometimes you have to look the part even if you aren't."

Jacintha looked Noah over again, then snorted. "That rolex ain't fake. Them shoes either. Them clothes is this season. I know, I been watchin' all that shit since Siah here was trifflin' wit me. Siah, what temperature for them scones?"

I blushed, looking down at the table. "Truth is, you assumed Noah was speaking for himself. My boyfriend isn't here yet and Noah was just speaking on my behalf as a friend. Mark will be here when the party starts. He's... much shorter, darker hair. Still adorable, but definitely not rich. Not at all."

"So you's trifflin' with that boy," Jacintha told me, motioning to Noah. "He know you ain't his girlfriend? He looks at you like you is."

"I'm well aware of how he feels and he's well aware of how I feel. We've come to an arrangement. I'll be his friend if he lays off. That's between us, but thanks for your interest in my happiness."

"Shiiiit, listen'a her. May as wella said 'you's the hired help, mind ya business and get back in the kitchen'."

I slid off the stool. "Josiah, if you want to talk, I'll be in my room. Tell your friend with the victim complex she's barking up the wrong tree. The last thing I need is a stranger telling me how to run my life or sticking their nose in where it isn't wanted."

Turning, I left, furious.

"SUTTON!" Josia bellowed furiously. "Stop right there and turn your skinny ass around! Jacintha you will apologize to this girl right now! Be a bitch to me all you want, but you don't get to be ugly to her, no one does! NOW!"

"I KNEW you was fuckin her!" Jacintha yelled, throwing down her potholders and moving to get in Josiah's face. "You in love wit her!"

"I DO love her! I love her with all my heart and I'd do anything to protect her! Same as you would never let anyone hurt any of your little brothers! Would you? Now you'll fucking beg her forgiveness or I won't just be upset about losing out on some pussy and playing your stupid game. We're on another fucking level now, bitch. No one talks to my family that way and lives."

Jacintha stepped back, her face going terrified. "I'm sorry," she told me, her voice breaking.

"I said ON YOUR KNEES!" Josiah yelled in her face as two men came in the back door.

Jacintha looked at them wild eyed, then dropped to her knees. "I'm sorry!"

"Jos!" I yelled. "Stop, please! Stop this? It's fine, her feelings were hurt or whatever and she was lashing out."

"She doesn't get to lash out at anyone but me," he snarled. "Especially not you!"

"Then do this for me, please? Let it go? Today of all days? I want you to meet Mark and I want it to be a good day. Please?"

He growled, but stepped back and waved the two men off. "You can fucking leave," he told Jacintha. "But you've lost my grace and that means everything. Be glad you're leaving with your fucking life. GO!"

Jacintha left and Noah put comforting hands on my shoulders. Josiah turned back to me, then his malevolent gaze went to Noah's hands, then Noah.

"Don't," I spoke up, shrugging Noah away. "I... I... You know I hate it when you act that way!" I told him, my voice breaking as I trembled and dizziness tried to take over.

His anger slid away and he looked hurt. "Sorry, brat... I just can't deal with that kind of bullshit. Not when I can stop it. You know that... shit. Don't go shutting down, it was no big deal," he spoke soothingly, coming around the island to me.

I shuffled back, right into Noah who caught my shoulders again.

Josiah stopped, his face going blank. "Understood. I fucked up, mea culpa. I'll stay over here, you go lay down until you're good. I'm sorry, brat, I know how much all that bothers you. But no one will ever disrespect you in front of me, Sutton. No one. I may not be perfect, but you'll always have that. You cool?"

"As a cucumber," I whispered unevenly.

"Ok pickle. Go lay down."

Turning, I tottered to the stairs until Noah's hand was on my shoulders to steady me. All the way to my bed, then he tucked me in, looking worried.

Giving me an awkward smile, he spoke. "Why am I suddenly feeling very lucky to be alive? He always been that scary? Who the hell is he?"

"No one you need to worry about," I whispered, holding my head as it spun. "And yeah, you are lucky. I talked him down from you more than once."



"Tell me how I can help. Here, sip this water. You taken your meds today?" he asked, then took my hand when I nodded.

Gently, he began rubbing my hand and my fingers one at a time, and it actually felt amazing. I'd never had my hand rubbed before, or even thought about that, but it felt relaxing and it helped to calm me. The dizziness faded and I lay there just letting the gentle rubbing feel good. When he switched hands, it almost put me to sleep.

"Better?" he asked finally.

"Mmm," I managed, feeling sleepy, but not dizzy exhausted. Just comfortable and muzzy sleepy.

"Good. Feel like going down? The party has started without us. Don't want you to miss it."

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up. "Where's my phone?"

"You left it on the island, it's after 4."


"I think you drifted off a little."

"Did anyone come to my door?"

"Not that I saw? Here, you have bedhead," he smiled, fixing my hair with deft fingers.

He followed me downstairs as i looked around anxiously. My phone was exactly where I left it on the counter and Josiah looked me over warily as he flipped something in a pan. "Cool?"

"As a cucumber!" I promised, giving him a reassuring smile. Then leaving back out front with my phone.

One missed message.


'Polo,' I texted back, looking in the dining room.

I saw him then, his eyes moving from the guy he was talking to and locking onto mine. He grinned at me as he kept talking and my heart melted completely.

Should I go to him, interrupt?

No, he would come to me when he was done, it would be rude to interrupt.

"That him?" Noah asked softly from behind me as I stood staring starry eyed at Mark.

"Yeah," I breathed.

"Bit short."

"I like that."

"I've seen him around. He's a junior. Kind of a kissass with the professors. He's in my Bioethics class."

"You're in Bioethics? I asked, a little surprised.

"You don't have to sound so shocked. Just because I'm also a jock doesn't mean I suddenly became stupid. I'm gonna go see if Cicely needs anything, I guess. I'm a text away if you need anything."


Mark was still grinning at me as he listened to two others talking. Slipping out his phone, he texted me.

'Meet in our heaven in 5? Wait till you see me go then follow a minute later.'

Grinning, I nodded at him and he gave me his dazzling smile.

Wandering around, I picked at a few of the snacks sitting out, drank some punch and waited. As soon as he excused himself and stepped away from the men, I barely stopped myself from running to him right there. I made myself wait as he slipped into the closet and pulled the door shut.

Circling around, I made my way there slowly, then opened the door.

His hand on my wrist made me jump and I giggled as he pulled me in, grinning down at me. Letting me go long enough to turn and shut the door, he immediately took hold of me and eased me down to a palette on the floor.

Giggling again, I snuggled in. "Whose coats are we on?"

"No idea," he whispered back before kissing me. "You look amazing. Stunning. It took every ounce of will I had not to just walk away and pick you up and haul you up to your room. God you're fucking beautiful! The ring looks good on you, the dress matches it perfectly. I'm so happy to see you, Sutton."

"You too! Should we go out and I introduce you to people?"

"We have all the time in the world for that, I need to just hold you a minute. Maybe twenty or thirty," he murmured, nuzzling my ear. "When I'm not holding you it feels like part of me is missing!"

Smiling, I bit my lower lip, feeling warm from head to toe. Pulling him close, I kissed him again, then held then there just making out with him for an eternity.

His hand sliding up my bare thigh made me realize I had my leg wrapped around him, but I wasn't afraid. I wanted this.

Reaching down, I stroked his cock through his pants and his breath caught. "Want to go up to my room?" I asked daringly.

"And no longer run the risk of getting caught?" he asked, his lips on my jaw.

Shivering from head to toe, his words thrilled me. That was a dangerous and arousing thought, doing it in here where we could be caught any moment. I felt half electrified as I stroked his cock even harder, then sat up and pushed him to his back, moving to undo his pants. Licking along the length of his fat cock, his fingers stroked my hair gently, his other hand holding my face as I kissed him and licked, then pulled the end into my mouth and sucked lightly. Using my hands I stroked as I sucked and he let out a blissful sigh.

"I fucking love you so much," he breathed, and there was almost pain in his tone. A yearning that said he ached for me as I ached for him.

Moving up, I straddled him, slowly rolling my mound over his long cock, my hands on his abs as his giant hands held my hips. Lifting up, his hands went to my underwear and ripped one side, pushing them out of the way as he pulled me back down to his cock, sliding along the length of him with my wet pussy.

"Ohh, yes," I whispered, my hands on his wrists now as he guided my hips slowly. "I love you too!" I told him, then lifted up as far as I could.

He guided himself into me and I sighed blissfully as I eased down until he was pressed painfully into my inner wall. I began riding him, his groan spurring me as I went as fast as I could without making myself dizzy.

"Oh fuck!" he moaned. "Sutton! That's right baby, right there, fuck! I love you Sutton! You're mine and I adore you!" He grated, his voice rough with emotion. "You're mine! I'm going to make you so fucking happy!"

"I am happy," I promised him, my hand over his on my breast. "I'm so happy! I'm going to make you happy too! I... ohhhhh... OOHHH! Yes, this is perfect! I love this! I love you!"

"Marry me!"


"Promise me!"


"Ohh, fuck, I'm coming!" he roared, then pulled me down on his cock as he pulsed and shot his hot cumm into me, filling me over and over again as he hissed out a breath.

Pulling me down against him to lay on his chest, he held me there, clutching me.

"Yes?" he asked, his voice choked up. "You will? That wasn'a heat of the moment thing?"

"I will," I panted, clutching his arms to me, smiling so hard my jaws ached.

"Yes," he breathed happily, repeating it. Sitting up, he hugged me to him, his softening cock still inside me. "Now," he called loudly but gently.

The light came on in the closet and I jerked away from it, hiding my eyes, then realized whatt that meant.

We weren't alone.

Turning, I looked at the door in confusion, at the back and the hand holding the light chord. Mark turned, looking over his shoulder and down at me.

Horrified, I turned and looked up at Noah, his arms around me, his cock still inside me.

"No!" I whispered, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Jeremy, tell her," Noah called softly, clutching me to him.

"I never laid a hand on you," Mark told me. "Not once. We never texted. My name is Jeremy and Noah hired me to get you in the closet that night."

"To prove to you that I'm the one," Noah said quickly as I shook my head in disbelief. "My arms, my mouth, me, Sutton. I'm the one who's been here every night, talking to you. Me. I'm your soulmate!"

"No! No, you lied to me! You... you RAPED me!" I cried, trying to pull away.

"I've done nothing you haven't asked me to do! Or in this case, you did it yourself! I only needed to show you, Sutton! I've known my whole life what you only just learned this last week. We're destined, you and I, we're soulmates!"

"No," I whispered, my head swimming.

"I love you, Sutton," he whispered, "and I will be here."

"How?" I demanded. "How?"

"Rest my love."

"Tell me how? He is short and..."

"I came to you on my knees, Sutton. It was symbolic. I would do anything for you, my beautiful girl. I love you. And you said yes. We were made for each other. Rest now, I have you. I promise."

Everything swirled into the blackness.

Opening my eyes, I stared at the monitors. Listened to the steady beep beep beep of my heart rate. Turning, I looked out the hospital window and wondered what happened.

"Well hey there beautiful!"

Smiling, I turned and looked at Justin. "What are you doing here?" I asked, hugging him back.

"Just brought someone in and came up to check on you. Nice to see you awake, they didn't tell me you woke up."

"I just woke up."

"Oh. In that case," he smiled, then hit the nurses call button. "They're going to want to know that!"

"Thanks," I managed, squeezing his hand.

"Of course. I know you hate hospitals, but the sooner mended, sooner out, right? Where's your guard?"

"My guard?"

"Big scary basketball player that's usually here, or Josiah acting all menacing suddenly. Did you know he can be really scary? Wowza. You're looking good," he offered, stepping back as a nurse came in.

Right behind her was Noah, looking stunned with a cup of coffee and a bag from the snack machine.

"Sutton! You're awake! Fucksakes, what the hell happened?" he asked, his voice anguished as he went to his knees next to me, pulling my hand out of Justins and clutching it.

"Sir," the nurse smiled at him. "I need a little room. Hello Miss, can you look at me?"

"I'll come back later, Beautiful!" Justin called, slipping out the door.

The nurse looked me over as Noah clutched my hand and then the doctor came in.

I felt a calmness settle over me as they asked me questions, Noah refusing to let my hand go through all of it. I was answering their questions by rote, but I was thinking about everything.

Every touch, every kiss, every whispered, loving word. Every text, every smile. It had been Noah. Even staying up and competing against him.


Noah Fucking Albright.

Pulling my hand closer, which meant his hand too, I looked at the ring.

"You're grammas?" I asked softly.

"We can talk about it later," he whispered, glancing at the Doctor I had interrupted, his cheeks pink.

"Your grammas?" I asked again.

"Great. Great Gramma Irene, then it was Uncle Lee's to give to his wife, but he never married. He gave it to me."

"That old?" I asked. "Probably wouldn't survive the garbage disposal."

"No," he agreed warily.

"Guess I'll have to just wear it then," I sighed.

His hand spasmed around mine and he straightened hopefully, his eyes going wide.

"Miss, can you focus a moment please, or I'll have to ask him to leave the room," the doctor told me curtly.

"Can I go?" I asked him, ignoring the other comment.

"No, not yet. Not until we get you squared away and have talked to you."


"The cancer growing in you."

I should have panicked then, but I just turned and looked at Noah.

"We'll get through it," he told me resolutely.

"I know," I smiled. "My parents?"

"In the cafeteria, eating. I'll text them."

"Let them eat. You're here, that's all I need," I told him, pulling his hand close.

Moving up, he eased into the bed next to me and pulled me almost onto him as the doctor began talking to me again. With him holding me through all of it, I wasn't afraid this time.

I'd found the other half of myself and I wasn't going anywhere yet.

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lolololitalolololita8 months ago

that was the weirdest fucking story i've read on this site hahahaha

aposmeraposmerover 1 year ago

Every woman should have a Noah in her life. I feel sorry for him. At one point I had to doubly check the title of the story because he was relegated to the back of the story. The end clarified my doubts though. Great story.

Auri22Auri22almost 2 years ago

Reread it again awaiting your new story. I love Noah so much. ♥

Dolly_Dummy_Thicc_ThiccDolly_Dummy_Thicc_Thiccalmost 2 years ago

I missed a night of sleep to read this and it was well worth it. It's very well written and it was deliciously long. I do highly recommend it. But it does have a few drawbacks that ultimately sink its score down, and if these choices were changed the story would have been perfect.

I'm going to ramble now on things I didn’t enjoy so pardon me. I’m not trying to much mean here just want to give some constructive criticism and feedback. It may contain spoilers so please don't read if you'd like to avoid that.

-ok first off, the fl is a massive cunt, she is even called so in the story multiple times, but I feel she never truly reflects enough on her past behavior, and also never gets knocked down a peg whi h she do rightfully deserves. she isn't entirely despicable, she can be emphasized with and understood by the reader. But that isn't enough to actually enjoy her as the main character. She is supposed to be highly intelligent yet she held with her some absolutely petty and childish beliefs making me question her intelligence constantly. I understand that she was supposed to be reluctant, but really it should have been dialed back a bit, because most of the time she came off as condescending and mean-spirited with no redeeming qualities. Especially in the way she treats Noah, its honestly abusive I understand her weirded out feelings from the very stalkerish pursuit of her, but I feel she also should have given him more of a chance? Like of course no one is entitled to q chance, but he had been nothing but loving to her, and even when she figured out, he had never truly tried to be her enemy, that it was only a facade to quell her one sided hatred, she still proceeds to treat him like shit. So, in the end I would have liked to see her start to have some feelings of her own towards him, it didn't have to be love. But appreciation at least. I honestly felt so bad for Noah to the point where I honestly did not understand his devoted love for her, and even started hoping they wouldn't get together, and Noah would find someone more deserving of his passionate love, and sutton Would have realized that she made a mistake. The only reason I even wanted them together is because of just how empathetic I felt towards Noah. I'd honestly kill for a bf like him, so passionately obsessed with me that I know he'd never betra, and so caring but never violent to me…-ahem.

-Justin Justin Justin. I don't hate him, he was a cool and sweet dude, but at times I felt he was overstepping his boundaries. Noah never tried harming them so hi calling the cops and trying to push her to get a restraining order was a bit of a turn off.. I understand his concern, but he really should have asked, if she wanted the cops involved she would have mentioned it right. I also feel having his sisters pry into her business was also not it. It felt too much like he had been invading her privacy. the whole relationship honestly just felt unbelievably rushed. It would have be really cool if she had realized she was just rushing into this relationship to blind herself from Noah's feelings and I would have liked to go more into depth about that, but in the end it just didn't happen, and it would have made all the difference. Also him mentioning his ex at all during his and suttons first time together? Mega yikes.

-In agreement with most other comments the nerdy convos between Sutton and Justin were absolutely insurable I'm sorry. They just went on for far far too long. I understand it was meant to show how much they had in common, but covering every single Fandom they are in was a bit too much and unnecessary for us the reader.

-the whole sex ring sorority brothel thing was weird. I get that there needs to be hanky panky to keep us horny degenerates happy, but the issue is that it's never really explained why Noah orchestrated it to be like this. It was a good concept, I just feel it just needed more explanation to it

-another explanation we needed and never got was Cecily's involvement as Noah's watchdog and conspirator for sutton. A lot of stuff can be inferred but I'm dumb, I want it spelt out for me. The x rated pics of sutton, Noah mentioned a woman sent them to him he claimed. Ig the chick in hs who lived across the street maybe, butt he thing is Noah said the girl was under the impression he hated sutton? Sure he could have been lying and he could have taken them. But why say that of all things. I might have missed it in in sleep depraved state but I'm certain It was never further explained. but it can be assumed it would be Cecily right? But why tho? This amongst other things did not add up properly. We never learned what Noah said to her that made her turn hate towards sutton in the first chapter. We never learned while Cecily was so upset that Sutton didn't wear the dress to the game that Noah got her. All things I would have liked an explanations for.. Cecily was dumb as rocks but she seemed to be helping Noah out with sutton. We also never got any good fucking scenes between her and Noah, its not fair that sutton got to have all the fun. Would have loved him maybe fucking Cecily but saying Suttons name. Tasty smut and drama

- the ending fell kinda flat,, and didnt have the satisfying conclusion I think this story truly deserved. In fact I found myself questioning if the event of the story were mostly a dream, because the way it was written just made and seem like so. It's rather odd for Justin and Josiah to be OK with Noah's presence too, like they think he's dangerous to sutton so why would they let him near her at the hospital. Unless sutton mentioned them being together now. Which makes it further seem like we missed something and like this has all been just a dream. Justin would also be hurt about Suttons relationship with Noah, even if they're breakup was mutual. He still sounded hopeful when he said they could meet up in the future.

-lastly, and this really has no actual effect on the story mind you it's just a personal gripe of mine, why is the only black character in the whole story talking in such a stereotypical matter. I get you maybe wanted to portray her as ghetto, but with no other poc characters existing it just comes off as distasteful

All and all I hope my criticisms help your writings in the future and don't discourage you or anything. I really liked your story. You wrote Noah so well as lovestruck obsessive but caring and sweet stalker. Honestly what a dreamboat. Would really love to see more stories like this one. It really kept my interest story wise and pleasure wise, an overall good blend.

vazkor13vazkor13about 2 years ago

Really well written..but the MC is NOT loveable, I just don't care for her

ToxicFetishToxicFetishabout 2 years ago

I looooved this story

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 2 years ago

Very long but very enjoyable story that I couldn't put down (and even included multiple Firefly references!), following a well-plotted, circuitous path to the conclusion that was very close to what I expected. The darkness and the silhouette were great touches. Sutton was a very interesting character and Noah's protection showed his continued interest almost from the start, but both seemed more than a little on the psycho side at times, him with his obsession and her with her hatred of him. These were well explained before the story ended. I'm sending a PM with one other point. In the end, it was longer than I'd have preferred and the ending was good but bittersweet but it was well worth the read. Best wishes in the contest.

MadelynHazeMadelynHazeover 2 years ago

I loved this story so much, but honestly felt the ending was so rushed. You had me so hooked reading this series, but I ended up feeling so disappointed at the end. I was hoping for more scenes with Sutton and Noah, especially since she went from, "You raped me!" to accepting him as her soulmate right after. Regardless, though, I am hoping you win the V-Day contest. You also have another fan of your stories.

brilliantDummybrilliantDummyover 2 years ago

Very well written and worth reading, but I hated the ending.

Keptogether4usKeptogether4usover 2 years ago

Your my fav writer great characters beautifully flowing stories stay within context

Great editing .

The story line of the hated guy whose soul has kindled a love with an unwilling sickly female seems to ruin thru many of your tales .

I wonder if its a life related pain that rumbles within you. If so i pray for your health and happiness . Your a wonderful story teller that allows us to join in on your ventures and I thank you for that ...please continue to pen to paper

Northpacific2017Northpacific2017over 2 years ago

Wow, just wow, deep really deep. Sad cancer caught up again.

Hooked_on_SmutHooked_on_Smutover 2 years ago

@Gab - Thank you for responding and clarifying. Much appreciated. I can now stop thinking maybe I accidentally skipped a section.

Also, I don't quite agree with the other reader who commented you should write a "heroine that's not white, short, and skinny". I think it's almost like your trademark and it's amazing. Most writers can't pull that off or parts of the stories seem forced or repetitive. You manage to do it successfully every time. I always smile and love the part where the girl gets asked how old she is or others thinking she is still a child. It subconciously cemented the feeling that I'm reading your work. Also, it almost feels like you have principals or a reason to do that, and you stick to it. The other one is most of your MCs have long reddish or auburn or curly hair.

It sometimes felt a little off when the girl is tall (eg. Imogen/Going Home), but I try to ignore it after the double-take and continue reading. Either way, they're great stories.

Wish you all the best with the contest.

Oh, and congratulations on The Verse (it has made it to Hall of Fame and for quite a long time now.)

gabthewritergabthewriterover 2 years agoAuthor

@Hooked, it doesn't really go into what his family is or does exactly, but the picture is painted that it is crime, and lucrative since he has a new car every time you see him. It definitely isn't the restaurant business he had thought he was going to take over when he was called back home. (yes, he was kept in the dark about it until he was needed, his father was going to let him follow his dreams as long as he could first.)

gabthewritergabthewriterover 2 years agoAuthor

@Deep, he was kidding around.

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