Not Alone in the Dark


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"Vincent! Espèce de salaud!" She angrily screamed back at him, scrambling to her feet and meeting his cold gaze with a look of shock, fear, and betrayal.

"Oh, you've finally come out to play?" The nurse cried out in excitement, dashing towards Marie.

"W-wait! G-Pauline!" Marie stammered, backing away from the approaching woman and accidentally stepping onto a tentacle that promptly bound her feet together, causing her to topple over and land in one of the many puddles of cum with a splash. She wiped her eyes with her hands and glared at Vincent with such murderous intent that he was almost impressed.

Marie's angry face morphed into a cruel smile as she looked up at the nurse, apparently named Pauline, who was now practically standing over her and looking. Marie pointed behind Pauline at Vincent and was about to say something when the nurse's tentacles suddenly grabbed her face and lifted her into the air, her legs kicking back and forth.

"Oh, we are going to have SO much fun, Doctor Clément!" Pauline shouted. "Ever since I walked in on you changing in the break room I've wanted to feel your cute little breasts in my hands..." More tentacles shot out from Pauline's pussy and wrapped around Marie, forcing her into submission as the nurse used her own hands to slowly disrobe the doctor she had apparently been so fond of, savoring every article of clothing as she removed it.

Vincent didn't stick around long enough to see what happened next. This was his one window for escape and he was going to take it. Shouldering the bag full of supplies and scooping up the radio Marie had dropped, he swiftly crept towards the door.

He gave one glance back over his shoulder and saw Pauline slipping Marie's black bra up with an almost reverent air. Vincent hadn't thought much about it before, but he supposed that the doctor's breasts were probably B-cups, or maybe even A-cups. The needle-tipped tentacles approaching her hard, brown nipples would most likely change all that in a matter of time, however. Vincent ducked out into the parking lot just as Pauline began to tenderly suckle on Marie's left nipple, while filling her hand with the doctor's other pert tit. A tentacle was working its way down the back of Marie's pants as Vincent closed the door behind him, finally taking in deep breaths of the fresh afternoon air that greeted his lungs like an old friend.

"At least you will be together with your love," Vincent sighed. He looked around the empty parking lot, already prepared to duck and hide from hordes of alien creatures, but there were none, save for a single large humanoid one lumbering in the distance. Apparently the monsters preferred to keep their livestock in protected, enclosed spaces.

There was so much more he had to learn about these wondrous organisms. Why exactly had the MRI machine been so effective against them? Some sort of radio wave interference? Who was this "Queen" they kept mentioning? Was there also a king? Most importantly, what exactly was this wonder drug the tentacles produced that seemed to have cured him of his disease? And how could he get more? Several exciting theories and questions swam through his head as he stealthily slipped into the shadows of Paris, eager for the groundbreaking discoveries awaiting him.

Vincent smiled to himself as he took a long swig of tepid water from a bottle in his bag. This was the most alive he had felt since the day he was born, and he was going to make sure nothing would ever get in the way of that again. There would be no illness, no bureaucracy, no finances. Only progress. He could feel his excited heart pumping blood to his loins, and for the first time that day, he didn't fight it.


Finally. Pauline had thought her life had been made complete after her Queen welcomed her to the hive, but now that she had a chance to do the same to her once-idolized coworker, she could say she was truly happy. Pauline paid no mind to the sound of the exterior door closing behind her; she was fixated on the struggling woman in her grasp, or rather, the grasp of her adorable, symbiotic tentacle friends.

At first, she had been so terribly afraid. The mysterious creatures had descended upon the hospital in a flurry of tendrils and slime, grabbing up staff and patient alike, before performing unspeakably lewd acts with the captives. Pauline herself had been stripped practically naked and plastered to the wall behind the reception counter with her legs spread wide and held open by a sticky sludge, exposing her hairy pussy to the world.

The alien tendrils held her nude body helplessly immobile, no matter how hard she tried to wriggle free to cover her shame. Pauline had grown up ashamed of her twig-thin body and chest that barely qualified as an A-cup. Bullied relentlessly by the other girls back in public school, she had found some relief when her good grades got her into the university of her choice.

She thought her body-shaming problems would go away after landing the job at the hospital, and indeed no on there bullied her. In fact, on her first day, she was heartily welcomed by one of the senior physicians, Doctor Marie Clément, who became somewhat of a mentor for Pauline. That was when her problems began anew, however.

Pauline fell into a spiral of self-shame when comparing her feeble feminine charms to those of the buxom doctor. She often overheard the male nurses making lewd comments about Dr. Clément, who already had an attractive husband of her own. Nurses work long, difficult hours, so Pauline's love life was nonexistent, not that she had the confidence to land a man anyway.

At first, she had envied her mentor, jealous of the attention that she obliviously received. Pauline would have done anything to make the men look at her, instead. Still, she couldn't bring herself to selfishly dislike Dr. Clément, especially after recently walking in on her changing into her scrubs. Pauline had only seen her with her shirt off, but just witnessing the way Dr. Cléments perfect, full breasts jiggled and threatened to spill out of her heroically straining bra had awoken something in Pauline's.

She had gone home that night and relentlessly masturbated for over an hour, replaying the scene in her mind over and over again, using her imagination to peek behind even more layers of the doctor's clothing. After a week of this, her fingers and small vibrator just weren't enough. She had splurged a bit and ordered a fancy new dildo online, but she sadly never got a chance to use it.

A few days later, thick, cock-shaped tentacles were continuously stuffing her pussy instead. She gasped when the first rows of alien eggs were slowly pushed up into her womb, but like the other captives around her, she felt no pain. In fact, she even was coming to enjoy it, along with the delicious substance the tentacles kept feeding her. It wasn't long before she was giving birth to dozens of small writhing alien tendrils, which crawled up to her puffy pink nipples to begin hungrily sucking on her hardened peaks.

Over and over again she felt tentacles deposit eggs into her pussy, fill her with slime, and then leave her dripping and shaking while the newly inseminated spheres pulsated in her tummy. She got used to the sensation of straining to push the newborns out of her gaping cunt, and started to look forward to each birthing, making it a little competition in her head to squirt out more pussy juice and baby tentacles than the several other women being used as breeding stock around her.

It felt good to be bred. To be desired. Something she had rarely experience in life. How excited and happy she had been when she saw the first milker tentacles drop down from the fleshy ceiling above her and slowly approach her breasts. Her flat chest had simply been teased and tugged at by small feelers and the newborns before, but after a time, Pauline's eyes widened in astonishment from what she saw when looking down at her latest brood.

Pauline's once meager bosom had swollen to be several times larger. Good lord, she had tits! Real, magnificent, bouncy boobs! She had nearly shed a tear from the delight. As the suction cups of the tentacles latched around her juicy globes, she sighed happily, knowing she was able to serve her amazing, generous, extraterrestrial benefactors, even if only by being nothing more than a sack of breedable meat for them to use as they pleased.

But then one day, she suddenly felt the bonds around her slime-covered body loosen. Were they letting her go? Was she not good enough, even as an alien cumdumpster? Pauline fell to her knees and reached up to grab at the tentacles along the wall, desperately begging them to take her back, to let her serve. Then something marvelous happened. A tiny worm-like tendril fell onto her shoulder from above. Her first instinct was to swat the small critter away, but she controlled herself. If this was a gift from her gods, then she would willingly accept it.

She felt the worm crawl up her neck and into her ear, where it slowly slithered inside. Suddenly, it felt like her brain was being overloaded with pleasure. She gasped loudly and her tongue fell from her drooling mouth as her eyes rolled up into her head. Pauline was so overcome with stimulation that she couldn't even move her trembling hands to her gushing cunt in order to pleasure herself. Drool trickled down her chin and between her heaving breasts, before finally a single droplet brushed against her clit.

She exploded into an orgasm so intense that she blacked out, falling limp to the squishy floor while her exhausted body continued to twitch and squirt juices. She was awoken by a sensation of fullness and warmth. Cracking her eyes open, she noticed two things. The first were the tentacles that were emerging from within her pussy, but unlike previously, they weren't fucking her. They seemed to be moving in tandem with her as she shakily stood, as if she had grown several new arms... or penises, she thought with a grin. The second thing she noticed was the calming, buzzing noise she could hear inside her head.

It was impossible to describe clearly, but she almost felt like she could hear a melodic voice calling out to her, no, guiding for her. This was the first time she had felt the touch of The Queen, whom Pauline all at once comprehended the existence of and knew that such a mighty presence must be exalted and served beyond question. She was more than happy to oblige.

Over the next few days, she had come to learn to control the tentacles sharing her holes, though "control" was a strong word to use. She mostly just had impressions of ideas, and as if reading her thoughts, they acted. Even more than before the invasion, she was completely lost to her lust, as if she needed to gulp down a man's hot load or a woman's sweet juices daily to stay sane. She knew she was quite sane indeed, as how else would she have been able to serve The Queen so well?

Pauline followed the impulses given to her, spending her days happily assisting the tentacles in breeding and milking the other humans in the hive who had yet to accept The Queen's loving embrace. She had been so happy when others started to understand the joys of servitude, walking the heavenly halls of the hospital alongside her, but something wasn't quite right. No matter how long she searched, Pauline couldn't find Dr. Clément. She so desperately wanted to show off her new, improved body while watching the doctor being stuffed with alien eggs and cocks in every hole... or maybe even another man's cock. She dreamed of the day should could pull a throbbing, meaty shaft out of Dr. Clément's helplessly gaping pussy and have a taste of it herself.

But that day never came. As Pauline became more accustomed to the will of the hive, which was the will of The Queen, she learned how to share knowledge with others. Entering a dream-like state, she could catch glimpses of sounds, sights, and sounds that were not her own. They were fleeting and vague, but enough for her to recognize Dr. Clément's face on day. The doctor was out on the streets with a small group of people, including her husband. She wasn't serving the hive at all!

Pauline lamented in learning that her beloved mentor was lost, unable to experience the pleasures of life that The Queen had so generously granted each and every human who desired it. How could she be so blind? So selfish!? It was Pauline's turn to teach Dr. Clément, and she was sure that the doctor would return to the hospital someday, especially if certain doors and windows were left conveniently open.

Now, here Marie Clément was, dangling helplessly with her succulent tits on display only inches from Pauline's quivering lips. The pillowy-soft feeling of pressing her face deep into Dr. Clément's warm bosom was almost too much for Pauline to bear. She tried to hold herself back a bit longer, but she couldn't control herself. She greedily sucked Dr. Clément's hardening nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the sensitive nub and nibbling it with her teeth. She felt the doctor flinch and shudder from the sensation, which incensed Pauline even more.

She didn't even bother fully stripping the doctor fully nude yet, just taking the time to savor the feeling of her huge, plump, marshmallow-like boobs in her mouth and fingers, kneading the supple flesh as if making dough. The tentacles around her were a bit less patient, however, and she could feel them starting to slip beneath Dr. Cléments clothing while she played with her breasts. It was probably about time to welcome her into the hive anyhow.

Pauline stood back and grinned happily as the tendrils descended upon her old mentor, dropping the doctor's now useless glasses onto the floor. Dr. Clément's eyes darted back and forth as the appendages grabbed onto her pants and sweater, quickly tearing the garments to shreds and leaving the woman in just her unassuming black panties. Pauline took it upon herself to remove this final article of clothing, gently kissing down from Dr. Clément's nipples to her navel and then to her pubic mound as she gently peeled the thin fabric down the doctor's taut, sweaty thighs.

Dr. Clément's fluffy dark pubes tickled Pauline's nose as she happily kissed and nuzzled the downy patch of hair, letting her fingers explore between the doctor's spread legs until finally she reached that most intimate hole.

"...Oh my, what's this?" Pauline asked in surprise, withdrawing her hand and looking up at Dr. Clément. "Still dry? As a physician, you should know that lubricant is needed for easy penetration." The doctor looked down at her pleadingly and shouted some things into the tentacle covering her mouth that Pauline couldn't quite make out. It sounded like a plea for help, and Pauline knew all to well what it was the doctor wanted. "It's ok, I guess even natural beauties like you get performance anxiety, huh? That makes me feel a bit better!"

Pauline giggled and planted a wet kiss onto Dr. Clément's vulva. The nurse couldn't help but still be a tad envious of how elegantly the doctor's labia bloomed like the petals of a perfect rose. She could tell that they were craving cock, as all good breeding sluts should.

"Don't worry; I'll help you, Dr. Clément... no, Marie," Pauline murmured, stroking the doctor's quivering chin. "We are all equal under The Queen..." The tentacles holding Marie suddenly flipped her onto her back to face the ceiling, lifting her up to where dozens of the other humans were hanging, blessed to live in a never-ending state of bliss.

The doctor thrashed and screamed into her gag, but nothing she did could prevent the rain of cum and juices that continuously poured down from above onto her spread, nude body. Her heavy tits hung at the sides of her ribs from their own weight as they became slathered with slick fluids along with her face, stomach, and mound. Marie's once cute, puffy little plume of pubes was now completely matted down with a mixture of human and alien spunk that dripped down between her delicate pussy lips. Marie shivered despite the juices being warm to the touch.

Satisfied that the doctor had been sufficiently lubed, Pauline had the tentacles binding her limbs lower her back down until Marie's head was level with Pauline's pelvic region. The doctor's staring eyes were greeted with the sight of two enormous dick-shaped tentacles that were wiggling their way out of the nurse's dripping slit.

"When you accept The Queen's guidance, any pleasures you desire can be yours," Pauline said reverently, stroking one of the tentacle cocks that was emerging from within her. "I can even know what it's like for a man... and I want to share that with you..." Pauline sighed happily as she smacked her large pseudo-penis against Marie's face. Marie was expecting the pungent musk of a phallus to hit her nose, but instead a delightfully sweet aroma wafted into her nostrils. For the first time, she felt a gentle throb pulse through her clitoris.

Pauline cupped Marie's soft, glistening breasts in her hands and hefted them up to press them together, before suddenly sliding her tentacle cock between the two slippery globes.

"Ohhh yessss!" Pauline moaned happily, biting her lip in ecstasy as she began to thrust back and forth. Her meaty appendage thrust in and out of Marie's generous cleavage, making loud squelching sounds as the shaft glided along the slimy skin. Not wanting to leave the doctor out of the fun, Pauline began to firmly pinch and twist Marie's tender nipples as she titfucked her, enjoying how the doctor flinched in surprise every time she did so.

She didn't want Marie having too much fun quite yet, however. There was still the matter of how she had abandoned the hospital. Abandoned her. Sometimes you have to hurt the ones you love, and the doctor most certainly had to be punished.

A tendril covered in writhing cilia rose up between Marie's thighs, which were suddenly yanked apart by the strong tentacles wrapped around her knees and ankles. Pauline looked down to see the expression on the doctor's face once the little feelers pressed up against her sensitive womanhood, but she couldn't see past the girth of the tentacle between her own legs.

The sounds Marie started to make once the cilia busied themselves tormenting her velvety soft labia and adorable little clit almost made Pauline cum right then and there, and she could barely hear them through the tentacle gag. The tendril unwrapped itself from around the doctor's mouth, allowing the woman to loudly gasp and moan freely.

"G-G-Pauline...! Ah!" Marie cried out. "Wh-why are you doing th-this? Just l-let us go and we can help y-ohhhh merde!" She started to struggle in her binds, feeling the little tendrils between her legs expertly force her just to the edge of climax but leave her without relief.

"Help me?" Pauline replied with a baffled grin. "Doctor, I'm here to help YOU! I'm going to assist you in finally reaching your full potential: a breeding vessel for the hive! There is no greater honor a woman can have, you know?"

"Pauline snap out of it! What have they done to you!?"

"The Queen has blessed me with a perfect body and the absolute understanding that it is to be used as her tool. How could I ask for anything more?" Pauline grunted as she felt an orgasm rising within the tentacle cock sharing her senses. "I know that this is a big change, but I'm here to guide you through it. Now be a good girl and open that cute mouth of yours..." Sensing what Pauline was trying to do, Marie kept her jaw resolutely shut, but a suddenly flick to her clit from one of the feelers made her reflexively gasp.

Pauline took this window of opportunity to stuff her second tentacle cock deep down Marie's gullet, feeling her gag and tighten her esophagus around the throbbing shaft. The sensation of getting a titjob and blowjob at the same time overwhelmed Pauline's senses, pushing her into a staggering climax. She could feel the tentacles pumping their potent cum into Marie's stomach while she continued to thrust in and out of her cleavage and throat, not wanting this orgasm to ever stop.
