Not Quite a White Knight Bk. 03 Pt. 03


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Then Ernie surprised me when he doubled down and wondered about the chance for a three-way sharing his wife. She blushed more because she had suggested that idea to him during the flight. After watching me open up their daughter's virgin ass with an audience the idea had been percolating for both of them, they had reached the point where a double penetration seemed like it could be made to work, and they were both curious to at least try it.

I was willing to consider it when we got back, but I mentioned that my dance card was going to be pretty full while I was down here, not counting what other surprises my grandfathers had planned. Also, I looked at Belen's body when I reminded them that at home, I had many devices "that would look so good with her on... showing what she carried..." Belen swooned at the comment, it was something they had talked around but never said directly. From their reactions I am sure they both imagined the use of specific toys in my playroom, like the horse. "Besides, more people are living in my home these days, so we might have an audience... maybe even some audience participation."

Belen turned bright red at the thought, she was imagining herself naked, showing herself obviously pregnant, perhaps blindfolded and dripping from several men she did not know yet, while others including one or both of her daughters watched her fucked on the horse or one of my other machines. Perhaps she would not be the only pregnant woman fucked by a crowd on such a night. It was quite a thought, and I knew that with it she would drag her husband into bed as soon as possible. However, that would not be today, since it would not be respectful of the Patron.

She was going to be sparking with good feelings all day.

To keep the sex-talk focus of the conversation going I remind them both that they had to conserve themselves for tonight. "We would not want anybody short-changed." Ernie noticed that my comment included his bed-partner in the statement.

They turned the conversation to Pammie and probed my interest in her. With Cynthia her interest in "a night with the prince" was obvious from when she was much younger. But they both told me they were not sure of their youngest daughter, who had never mentioned such a fantasy. Pammie had not been told any of the baby news yet, it really did not fit in a phone conversation. She would get the whole story in a family meeting when she got back from Portland in late August.

Belen was sure that Pammie and Tonto were "being good" in Portland, practicing self-control would be good for them. But it terms of my involvement with Pammie, they had to wonder if she was thinking I might open her up, then give her to Tonto.

Belen brought up the idea of a "first night" with an experienced lover for their younger daughter if she was going to marry. I agreed that Pammie had never had the focus on me or the tradition that Cynthia had always shown. I was not ruling anything out, but maybe it was best if Pammie and somebody she picked learned things on their own. LA was a different culture, and presented different options than the colony, or Spain on 400 years ago. They would probably go to college together. I had to be aware of that, conversations with young people were an important step in forming policy. I did mention that Pammie had already talked to me, briefly, about the "first night" idea. At the time she was curious but very much noncommittal about her desire, she did not try in any way to tempt or entice me but did not dissuade me either. She was very mature about things, they should be proud of both daughters.

I also said I was not sure that the "first night" tradition, which was intended to educate both the woman and the man, should continue as young people learned more about the modern world, and experimented with their bodies at a younger age. Future children born in the colony had to interact more with the world, and sexual morality was part of the world they would be exposed to. They would be tempted and each generation had to understand that. In fact, that was the subject of a conversation I would have with Bente before next weekend, when she was to be married to Tango.


Chapter 19. Resha Meets Reality

The Hacienda

Friday July 11, Afternoon

After that I made up a plate of food and took it to my room where Resha was finally waking up. I had to say that Resha looked especially attractive - ball-grabbing attractive - naked in my bed with her bedroom eyes, disheveled hair, and none of the waterproof makeup which she had to wear at work. Perhaps it reflected the time I spent in the colony and the tribe before I was 18, but I really found women more attractive without makeup. She blushed, but actually she looked so good in bed I just had to undress, climb into bed with her, then cover her warm flesh with delicious kisses. We cuddled for a time, my holding her close made her feel less anxious about being in a strange home an unimaginable distance from her child.

Eventually she was tempted by the plate of food so I fed it to her in bed. The fresh picked fruits and veggies I selected delighted her, and in that setting she was able to talk to me more naturally, instead of the slightly submissive tone she always took naturally in LA.

I talked to Resha about Cynthia, who she had seen briefly between the airport and the bedroom. She and Cynthia had made an intimate connection, including spending a full night sleeping together, the weekend at my house after the explosion. Now she wanted to know if I was okay about her "being friendly" with Cynthia here. I was fine with it, plus I wanted to introduce her to some others as well.

I also mentioned that, because she was so beautiful and exotic, the Patron might wish some time with her. She had seen him when she arrived but had not been introduced, from what she described he was walking with a "strangely enticing one-eyed woman."

I explained that Marta was my mother's sister who took over as my mother when I suckled at her breast as an infant. I mentioned it was a habit I still had, she had been my first lover and was intimate with both grandfathers and me whenever she had the chance. "She had the Patron last night, and is with her father right now. I have to wait my turn."

Resha was not sure how to take my words, because I could not be serious. She slid around the subject. "Why didn't she get married? I mean, if she is the Chief's daughter, in a tribe where women rule, I would think she had lots of good options to find a man."

I explained that Marta had been married, in fact she got a man she loved, which was rare on the mountain where all marriages are arranged by the council. She became a widow a few months after her marriage. "In the tribe women do have powers, but even the Chief's daughter has to marry the man the council selects. Fortunately, the council found it reasonable to match Marta with her love of a lifetime." She was heartbroken when he died in an accident, doubly crushed because he had not yet given her a child. She considered suicide, killing herself at the same spot so she could find him in the afterlife - that is their faith. Only the duty to her younger sister, my mother, kept her alive. "Her husband was Qwit's brother, their faces look so much alike that Qwit is Marta's favorite lover... after me, of course."

"But I thought Samantha was thinking of getting married to Qwit. Will that take him from Marta?"

"Marta, I and Qwit were intimate with Samantha, often together. Marta took Sam in one summer a decade ago. You know Samantha is very broad minded, that summer changed her mind in terms of sharing love. All three of them might move into my house sometime in the future."

"Well, you do have plenty of room. You will probably have to put a schedule up, to show where you are sleeping each night."

"Maybe a spinner would be more appropriate."

She had a good laugh at that and agreed. "You could even have slots for multiples... and maybe very friendly guests?" That last was a little hopeful.

That got me talking about what my life had been since I landed. While Resha had been sleeping since she arrived at the house, I had met one of my brides and, perhaps, a threat on the Chief's life. I also let Gracie see my face for the first time. Resha had heard Gracie's name before, but I really did not want to get into that.

Next Resha wanted to backtrack to the idea of the Patron spending time with her. "Do you mean, like, conversation? Or naked-doing-stuff time?"

"You are very attractive so only the press of activities could keep him from wanting intimate time with you. You look so good he has already noticed you."

"What if I don't want to do that?"

"We are a long way from LA. The Patron is the ruler here, he does not get turned down when he makes an invitation. Now, if you are really opposed I could dissuade him, but I would have to talk to him before he expresses his interest to you. As a matter of form he is not turned down. Is that really what you want? Also, think about what his desire says about you. Recall the party in LA, what you said about being my slut, and what I said about sharing with family."

As a girl raised in LA these were ideas Resha never considered. She had to think about that, it laid some very basic feelings out in the open. In the end she decided that she did not want me to intercede. She had been a regular prostitute. She was here as a bachelor party whore. Being a slut for the Patron was a promotion. I was the only man she had sex with this year, and she knew I was not going to be exclusive with anybody on this trip. Before the trip she had talked to Nia who had been with the Patron, she praised him as a lover. Plus, she knew I was flexible when it came to my women and my family. So she was content, if my Grandfather asked she would consider it a compliment, project a positive attitude, seek to give him pleasure and show a generous heart as her faith commanded.

Next I asked if she wanted another room. She said that even if I was not here all night or every night, if it was okay with me she wanted to be in my room no matter what I was doing. "I like being your baggage," she said with a grin. Even if I brought company and she had to sleep on the floor. She thought for a moment. "In fact, I would rather sleep on the floor while you were with other people here, instead of being alone all night while you were off with somebody else."

We had to laugh when I mentioned Mer and Pur also wanted to sleep on my floor. Of course, they were underage and would not be invited. Resha also mentioned the idea of a relief pitcher in baseball.

"For me, or the women I am with?" I teased.

But we both knew her answer. "Good relief pitchers can go short or long... I am very flexible."

After eating it was siesta time, and in the tropics that has an appeal. So we took our siesta together. Resha was so nice to sleep with.


After the siesta I said I would give Resha a tour. We started at the top of the hacienda, where we had a view of the village and the countryside. Then we made our way down to the living room and the lounge on the first floor. Ernie and Belen were talking to Cynthia and Gracie, so I introduced Resha. Cynthia grabbed Resha in a hug and gave her a hot kiss, adding that the pair had spent a night together in Cynthia's bed the weekend after the explosion. "But we didn't get much sleep."

Resha blushed at such a demonstration because it was Cynthia's parents. Such a thing was not likely to be said in her house.

Cynthia added a few words about her parents and Gracie. She said I "rescued" Gracie from something terrible, but gave no specifics beyond "horrible."

Resha had not seen Gracie before, she was stunned at how beautiful Gracie was in every way. Gracie returned the favor, she said Resha was beautiful and exotic. Then Gracie praised Resha because she had gotten her figure back after her child. "I hope I am so blessed."

Before Resha could ask what that meant I made it clear I wanted to spend quality time with each of my girls - it was what I desired.

Gracie wondered where Marta was, I explained she flew up the mountain to see her ill father, that things were touch and go for a time.

In my own mind I assumed that Marta and Gracie had me penciled in for most nights. Since they were in adjacent rooms, and had become closer during Gracie's stay in Detroit, they were likely to have me shuttle between them on occasion. Since Cynthia hated sleeping alone, she had already opened the door to joining Resha when I was not in my room. Cynthia's thoughtfulness in making that suggestion, welcoming what she had to see as a rival for my time, actually made my cold monster's heart feel a little bit better. I told myself it benefitted me by keeping them both busy, and where I could find them.

Of course it would lead to them ganging up on me for the next 20 years, but that was part of the deal we make when we keep multiple woman, isn't it? I'm sure I read that someplace.

Resha was surprised to hear Cynthia express an intimate lesbian invitation in front of her own parents. The whole idea required a change in thinking about things.

I had to wonder, based on what I said to the Patron, if he might have his own ideas regarding Cynthia's future - perhaps something longer than this week. After the way Cynthia's mother always talked about where she grew up, I had no doubt that Cynthia would want to experience some elements of life in the colony. Since she was pregnant she had probably written off the next school year. She would want to see Pammie face-to-face at the end of August, and she needed her medical visits. But maybe things could work out along useful lines for all.

When Resha and Cynthia were together the girl talk might go well into the night. They really had made a connection, more than just a sex connection, that night in Cynthia's bed. Perhaps Cynthia was lonely for Pammie and had found somebody she could relate to in her sister's place... a girl who 'felt her age' but was already a mother. She had a relationship with Abril, but that was slanted in Abril's favor, it was the way she was.

I said it was possible that I might drop in on them as long as I knew where they both were. We had done some two-on-one things the weekend after the explosion. Filling one up sounded like a good plan to both. Cynthia said that Resha was beautiful enough that she didn't need beauty sleep, "she was yummy in the middle of the day or the middle of the night."

Resha blushed and thanked her for the compliment, especially since it was made in front of Cynthia's parents. Resha knew that her own mother would not take such a comment calmly. From her reaction I guessed that Cynthia was the first woman Resha had woken up with, enjoyed pleasure with, and then went back to sleep with.

Cynthia mentioned that she needed practice waking up at night for somebody who wanted her nipples. "You must know, don't babies often look for mama's nipples in the middle of the night? Some practice might be a good idea."

That comment surprised Resha, and she blushed thinking it was a reference to her, but then she got this curious look.

"What is this talk of a baby? Mine nursed for a long time, but we have stopped that. With my job is is not possible. Is somebody else having a child?"

So Cynthia told Resha the big secret, that she was pregnant with my child, because she had tricked me. Then she mentioned her mother and Gracie were both blessed the same way, within weeks of each other. In fact, I had been in bed with Gracie and Cynthia just a little while ago.

Resha was stunned with surprise, the first words out of her mouth were to me. "Maybe you and I need a talk about the meaning of the word 'slut'." Then she suddenly felt 'unworthy' as she realized what she said and who she was talking to.

I was actually impressed that she was comfortable enough with me to say such a thing. I pulled her in for a hug and a passionate kiss, and said that I understood her reaction. But to me, "slut" was not a negative term, and it should not be to her either. Men call women "sluts" to put them down for mistakes they have made picking worthless men, but it is the worthless men who are at faulty, laying their traps with praise, false promises and their own insecurities. So many men cannot support their children, and perhaps the world would be better without them. On the other hand, my children and their mothers - all of them - would be well supported. I would let Cynthia explain specific circumstances. But I did admit to being generous with my cock, and said that all my wives would accept that as a fact of life. It was part of being selected.

My loving support of the three during their unexpected pregnancy blew Resha's mind, because it was so far from her own experience, where boys ran from pregnant women like they were poison. I had told her my basic position after the bachelor party in LA, but hearing it in the abstract and being confronted by reality were two different things. Then Resha realized that the third woman pregnant, Belen, was Cynthia's mother, so she wondered at how they were all chatting and being affectionate in Ernie's presence. In her mind a divorce had to be coming.

I would let Cynthia tell Resha about the taboo sins she enjoyed with her father.

Then I mentioned that I had just learned these particular facts of life earlier today, after arriving here. "My Grandfathers both like surprises," I said. "I thought meeting my new wife-to-be on the mountain was the big news for the week. But the Patron was pleased to surprise me with the facts about this trio, just to see the look on my face. I guess I made it worthwhile. He swore them all to secrecy beforehand."

"Wait, did you say you met your wife? Is she going to get pregnant too?"

"Not yet, she is underage, and I am very strict about such things, as my mother taught me. So it will be some years before I impregnate them. Still, it is what everybody expects me to do, in fact you might say it is why my parents married."

We spent a few minutes talking about how Ernie and I both enjoyed Belen's company, although as yet it was never at the same time - yet. "If we did, would you like to watch?" I asked Resha.

Up to that point, Resha knew we were on a trip, and that some things were not like LA. But that comment was so outside her experience she was suddenly overwhelmed by a different reality. Suddenly she needed to be sure that the reality she left was still there waiting for her.

"I need to hear my child's voice. Is that... possible?"

Ernie offered her his sat-phone like it was a cell, he could not have made a bigger impression if he had told her it was, "in the Rolls parked outside."

Resha accepted the phone like a great treasure. I led her to a private space outside and left her to make her call in privacy. I stayed with her for the start of the call to make sure she got through.

She really just needed to say hello to her child and hear his noises to convince herself that her own reality still existed, and would be there when I took her back home. It helped that the time zones were close. Also, she told her mother that she was being treated like a celebrity. Like Monte Carlo. "A prince brought me lunch, and the lord wants to talk to me! Maybe do other things. It is wonderful... maybe I could live here... yes, with you too. No traffic, no pollution, NO CRIME... it is hard to imagine. What do you mean, primitive? This house is newer than the one we live in. Yes mother, they have running water and electricity. We will talk, please put my darling on again... It's Mamma... goo goo to you too. Say Mamma... YES! That's my boy. I love you much..."

In a few minutes Resha was back, her spirit refortified, and her attitude improved. She might also have been more comfortable with things as they were. Maybe some carnal interest by the Patron would bring her closer to a reality where men were nicer to their women, Nia said he was quite a gentleman.
