Not Quite a White Knight Bk. 03 Pt. 03


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They had heard it but did not understand, they thought it was a California saying about earthquakes. I explained about vans, Winnebagos and mobile homes. I said they should look in on their Chief, to see he was okay, and they were to relieve Marta as she needed. But she would want more private time and private activities with her father.

They smiled understanding. Mer said, "His bloodline is powerful, even in old age." Her eyes were focused below my waist. That gave me a thought.

"Have either of you been intimate with a woman?"

They were hesitant to answer. Mer said, "We were told that you might like demonstrations of such things. Our mothers could not teach us. We were going to get to that when our training ended, perhaps from Marta. But most people in the tribe don't know enough to teach such things, and some said it was too early. It is sex, right?"

Pur had to add, "It is not something we have considered with each other, not that we have a problem but..." That made sense, same-sex intimacies was not common in the tribe plus they were competing against each other.

"Have you ever had such feeling about other women? Wait, don't answer. Tell me privately some time, there is no hurry. It is not the type of thing I ask women to do, but I allow if they are so inclined. It is unusual though, today the Patron and I were talking and I admitted that virtually all of my women are that way. Okay, you have done very well for your Chief and me today. You have impressed me and both of my Grandfathers, it will not be forgotten. My Chief chose well in picking women for me. Sleep well. Help if Marta asks. You have your orders my children."

How they swelled when I said those words. It gave me some unfamiliar feelings as well. I could not see them as adults, not yet, so I saw them as children. That made them my children.

I took each into my arms for a hug and kissed them on the cheek. "I know the day is coming when we can do other things at night. I look forward to it when we are both ready for it."

Resha was assigned to my room. I was about to look for her when the Patron asked me for a short chat. He asked about "my lovers" and how I felt about them visiting "family and friends." I knew he was asking about seeing somebody in his bed, and he was expecting Belen tonight. He did not have to ask, it was a courtesy but I appreciated the consideration.

As always with him, I was clear. Belen and Marta were obviously eager for him and others. On the other hand, I would prefer exclusivity with Gracie. With Resha I had no serious objection, but he might find her a trial, as she was American with expectations and lacking in courtly deference. He laughed heartily at that. Then I mentioned that Resha and I had talked about the possibility.

With Cynthia I was hesitant, I explained how I would prefer not to on this trip, but in truth it would probably do her some good in the near future. I said we were not exclusive, I had sent Ernie to her bed and the two of them enjoyed the sin of incest and had repeated it more than once - like when Belen was enjoying my cock. He understood the diversion and would get back to that. Then I said that I was thinking of Cynthia's future, for now she needed the doc, But maybe some time in the Colony would serve her well.

"Kwool?" he asked. He had enjoyed her company at least once.

"I have not been with her yet," I said, wondering why he asked.

"I am sure she has imagined more," was his reply. "She did not ask me, but it was clear she was willing. I might see to that soon." I recalled that she flashed me. After taking Mer and Pur "as family" I did not feel good about going to the cave with any woman. (Basically it is a public spot for women to enjoy the men they bring.) But Kwool was here now, we didn't need a cave and I did not need much sleep. The Patron had one another comment on the subject. "My good friend has mentioned her, he found her very skilled and enthusiastic on top. Eve did not do me that favor very often with me. Tell you what, I will wait on her until you have tasted the fruit or have left."

I thanked him for that, I knew she would be interesting if I had an opportunity.

The Patron changed to the subject of Cynthia again. He asked if I was thinking about Cynthia spending a longer period with the colony before or after she gave birth. I said I was thinking of both, so we laid out some considerations. She would need frequent medical exams in LA for a few weeks, and she would not miss the week in late August when Pammie returned. But medically it might be an option in, say, mid-September extending into late October. In fact, she might jump at the excuse. A few weeks at the colony instead of going to school might be the excuse she needed. I was willing to bet her doc would tolerate a six weeks gap after the end of August, assuming all was well to that point. A request from her Patron would be a good reason in her own mind. During that time she would be open to his... special guidance? I said that perhaps she could visit his friend as well, once he was better. Maybe with a suggestion or two from Marta. It was a custom in the tribe for pregnant women to visit genetic relatives, as family bonding with no risk of pregnancy.

We had an understanding.

The Patron agreed I was a wise son. He would think about Cynthia's visit and leave Resha as an undecided matter for now, but we would both give it more consideration.


Chapter 22. Who Sleeps Where Tonight?

After I left the Patron, I found Resha in the living room wondering where she would sleep tonight. "What I had said about her?" she asked. She knew her body had been discussed, the old man kept looking at it during supper. She was not upset, his eyes were appreciative. Surprisingly so. Still, her past experience with older men, from her professional days, was not good. A man the Patron's age was really too old to work for the firm, we have a hard ceiling at age 55.

"The house is tight tonight. You and I are still assigned to the same room so this is where we will sleep. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to."

"So many of your women are here... including a future wife..."

"My future wife is underaged. My mother... Marta... taught me not to do that. Marta is with her father and will not leave him. Also, I invited you here so I consider you to be one of my women."

Resha smiled at the comment, she had been concerned about how I viewed her. "I thank Marta for your teachings, I wish my mother had been as wise. I understand. But all the others you know as women! Plus I know that tall indian pilot - for somebody who is half indian herself it is strange to say that - she wants to know you better. How can you think of short ordinary me, who you see at work? Plus, you have pleased me so much the last few weeks."

"Every time I see you I think of you naked in my bed enjoying pleasure. You are beautiful, yummy hot and spicy with a naughty taste... plus you are lots of fun in the shower... and other places." She blushed at that and hid her face, remembering some of the things she had done starting with a shower, things she was sure she would never like doing - or being done to her. Her hand unconsciously moved to her bottom. "Besides, do I limit myself to just one?" I said it flippantly, but suddenly the idea of having several girls was very entertaining.

"Please, don't mess with me. I showed how I would be glad to share."

"If you had your choice, alone or with me watching, which of my women would you prefer?" I asked.

"Such a question! How can you... wait, nobody has ever suggested I might have a choice. Do you mean it?"

"As a question? Yes. I'm not promising anything, I would not force you or anybody else. But yes, it is a serious question. Who do you like best? You don't have to pick just one."

She thought a bit. "I get along best with Li, in every way, she was a friend from the first day at work. At your house Cynthia and I, that night... it was so good giving to her and having her return it all. Sometimes I wish... Well, I have not had Gracie, but she is so beautiful, if she let me I would eat her up for the pure pleasure of serving her. But I am dark, and she is rich, so..."

"I happen to know that is not a problem for her."

She gave me a look at that, wondering how I could know that and what it meant. She had never seen me with anyone darker than her. "Good to know? I admit I am also attracted to the helicopter person, but my feelings, it is like she is a man, but I know she is not. I wonder what she would do?"

I recalled wondering how Gracie would react seeing me sharing a climax inside Resha. I really had to find out. So why was I waiting? Where is the fun in that? We made for the staircase. On the way we ran into Kwool, she had been checking how her helicopter was tied down. They needed a tie-down piece from the airport or they had to fabricate an alternative. When dealing with Spanish men Kwool always looked very "butch" in terms of her hair, manner, even her stance. She had just approved what the Patron's foreman had done and was on her way to see Gracie.

I switched to the tribal tongue for Kwool as I asked what was planned. She said she and Gracie would talk for a time, and Kwool hoped that, if Gracie was interested, they might play a little. She said that Gracie was the most attractive woman she had ever seen. Also, Gracie mentioned that her mother used to rent women built like Kwool for her to enjoy; typically slim, short-haired women. (The indians do not have prostitution... or money, but Kwool saw the practice in Peru.) Kwool ran her fingers through her short hair to soften the look a bit and smiled. "Is that okay with you?"

"Of course, Gracie is free to do as she pleases, and I know she has been friendly with Marta, so I guess she has acquired a taste for the tribal flesh and juices."

Kwool smiled broadly at that, she did not consider herself attractive to most Americans, so she had wondered about why Gracie was receptive to her. But if Gracie saw one-eyed disfigured Marta as attractive, and shared a bed with her, that suggested much. "They say there is no accounting for taste," Kwool said in English as she licked her lips. She was talking about both of us.

Then I glanced at Resha as I used the tribal tongue to suggest that either or both of them might come up to my room in 30 to 60 minutes from now, "if you are both really interested. Wrapping a sheet around you should be enough to move through the house after 'lights out' for the hall lights. Gracie knows the way."

"Both of us? While she is there?" she nodded to Resha. She was skeptical.

I licked my lips, which caused her to smile, and spoke in the tribal tongue. "It's complicated to explain, but maybe smart horny folks can think of something. Some one-on-one with tradeoffs are possible. Plus, this one is trained to please a woman and recently expressed an interest about you."

Kwool blushed, but she looked at Resha and was clearly interested in the idea, they would be there.

"No need to knock first," I said.

"My Jefe," she acknowledged with a big smile before we went on our own ways. It meant that I intended her and Gracie to "catch" me in the act, and join the party.

"What was that about?" Resha asked. She had become more anxious as we spoke. "I heard you mention Gracie's name and Kwool seemed very pleased about something. Are all the indians tall?"

"The indians are strictly about arranged marriage, picked by the council with an eye to avoiding inbreeding for the current couple, and those coming up. It is unwise, but breeding for height and body fitness is the second priority, right after keeping genetic distance, it is what they have always done, for a thousand years. They thought they would have to fight the Incas, and bigger was an advantage. I will change that, under me the people getting married will have a degree of choice. Such one-sided priority has a steep downside, in that unseen negative genes are carried forward. For instance, everyone in the tribe, including me, will be type 2 diabetics. Also, while there are older women, the Chief is the only man who is over 50."

"Wait... you mean they don't have any choice now?"

"No choice at all, unless a deadlocked council gives them a choice, which almost never happens. The council breeds for size because that is what their parents did, who did what their parents... you see? Up until 1960 they kept adding to the gene pool with orphans they found, but as police improved that dried up. That was the one built-in counter to a lot of problems. I will change that, even if I don't get a choice about my wives."

"That sounds wise... so of course you will. Still I feel I should thank you. Do those in the colony get a choice?"

"Yes. In the colony a couple has to have a genetic separation, so there are limits, it is something they are taught early on. Plus there was a much larger pool from the start. As for the other matter, you should know the Patron asked about your availability for his bed. Of course I would not promise your wonderful body to him without talking to you first. Are you interested? You must know that you look good to him. Do not worry about me in this, as you have pointed out I have many options here. It won't be tonight, he is with Belen."

"Belen? She is Ernie's wife and carries your child! Cynthia's mother! This is so troubling and confusing. How can..."

"Actually, Ernie and Cynthia are very happy to be together tonight, doing things you will probably teach your child not to do with his mother." She blushed at that, but saw how they might enjoy the option. I continued. "Also, I do not own Cynthia even if she carries my child. We have made no vows... Plus, you know what I say about family and sharing."

"But isn't that... like... dangerous?"

"Inbreeding is a very serious long-term health issue, but there is a loophole for every law. In this case inbreeding is not an issue when she is pregnant, is it? Or on birth control like you. We... both the tribe and the colony, consider a pregnant woman sharing herself with family as a bonding."

"I had not thought of that aspect. It was a knee-jerk reaction to incest... where incest is something your people consider from a young age. Interesting. Still..."

"They like each other, like Marta likes her father. Belen likes it because she gets to play. Plus, and this is important, Belen knows Cynthia will never steal Ernie from her. All older wives in LA have that worry in the back of their minds, they all know friends who were divorced for a newer pussy. LA men are dogs that way. Arranged marriage, incest, sexual sharing, these are things where different cultures have different ideas. Weeks ago I sent Ernie to his daughter's bed as part of the swap, he asked for it on behalf of Belen, so that was how Belen got my child. In turn I sent him to Cynthia so clearly it was okay with me. As for Belen, she is a child of the colony, so from the time she first bled until the morning after her wedding she wanted the Patron to be her first lover and maybe give her a child. That did not happen. But I am royalty in the colony, so on the night of the swap I was making something of her childhood dream come true. I tried to do a good job. Now she is enjoying more royalty and is thrilled. Speaking of the 'Real Thing' did you know the colony once sold cocaine to the US to put in their soft drink for children. It used to be legal."

Changing the subject distracted Resha. "Do you still make a cocaine drink in the colony?"

"At times we tried, but it was not really a good mix. Coke had a complex recipe that worked, we don't. Some folks make their own, but only as an occasional energy drink on a long hot day. We don't do coffee, we heard it was nasty stuff."

Resha just shook her head, these people accepted things she was sure were wrong, but they seemed very much as peace about it all.

We were at my room. I put a finger under Resha's chin and looked close into her eyes. "You must keep in mind my definition of fidelity, which means I do not share women. But I also made it clear that there is an exception for family. I am this way because as my aunt-mother raised me like this. Why should I change just because most lawyers in LA claim one set of rules for fidelity and live with organized, mandatory infidelity? I am talking about all lawyers, not just the firm, the good ones are mostly that way because of a lack of opportunity or guts." She understood, a lot of her clients in her previous life were lawyers, it got her the recommendation for our firm. "I do not know if the Patron will have time for you. But he did ask me as a first step. By our medieval rules he has the right, our laws predate political correctness. But he has never forced anyone. The next step is yours, you want to think about it. Now, do you want a shower?"


Resha was a little dazed going into the shower, but for the two of us being in a shower has a magic effect. Hands are drawn to forbidden places. Smiles came. Soon enough she got into a more sexual mood, kissing and playing, putting my hand where she wanted good feelings. At one point she was on her knees, washing and playing with my cock, studying it, when she mused aloud that the Patron was a sexy guy for his age, and clearly more of a gentlemen than "other people we knew" (meaning lawyers and her past clients). Also, she knew I hated to deny some other women of my company.

I said that whatever she decided was fine with me. "He is family."

The house was unseasonably warm tonight so we went straight to bed without bothering with the towels, like the previous party in LA. She liked it that way. "It fits, kind of primitive, very NOT a modern LA feel," she said as she presented and opened her body in my bed. Her body language clearly requested a particular form of attention. I understood, I ate her pussy her so well.

I positioned myself to pleasure her sweet slit with my tongue, I know all the good spots and she enjoyed it as I toured them one-by-one. At first it was more fun than passionate, but then her mood shifted until she asked that I stick my cock into her body. She was wet and tight, she told me later how the incest talk really got to her imagination and wound her up. I said, as I eased my cock into her, that I was in no hurry to go to sleep. She giggled and hugged her pelvis tight to mine while she squeezed me hard in her pussy. In doing that she pulled my belly against her clit and suddenly she moaned with the thrill of it. She was really a lot of fun.

I was about ten minutes into fucking Resha when Kwool opened the door and stepped in, leading Gracie. They were both giggling as they shared a single long towel (NOT the sheet I mentioned) wrapped around their torsos under their arms. It was an entertaining look that naturally drew attention to what was not covered, the towel only covered their tits, plus they were pressed together. Gracie told me later that they had encountered two fully dressed men in the hallway just before they got to my door. The men tipped their hats at the novelty of two bare beavers in the hallway and smiled with appreciation, but said nothing.

When Kwool suggested they might visit me Gracie agreed, but she wanted some fun first. She figured that, after having had me once today, she was unlikely to enjoy me inside her body a second time, so playing with Kwool was a good idea if she wanted to get off again. She did some things to see if Kwool was into it. Kwool was, switching from girlie to butch in an instant and taking charge. She ordered Gracie onto the bed, then lowered her tall body on top of Gracie. Rubbing and kissing warmed them both up. Then they got serious. They each got off a couple of times, with fingers and tongues and a lot of body rubbing together.

Then Kwool mentioned going to my room where some fresh cream filling might be available to them. Gracie was in such a hurry to get to me that they decided to go with the towel.