Office Girl


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My cock felt like steel, and I could feel pre-cum dripping constantly. She was starting to finger me faster, unable to hold back the moans and groans that were escaping me. I was surprised how quiet she was being, glancing back to see her cock was rock hard and she looked ready to fuck me. I met her eyes and nodded that I was ready for her.

"Like this?" she wondered.

"The few movies I've watched, the men seemed to really enjoy this position. Particularly the amateur stuff..."

Feeling the bed move, she teased me first by rubbing her thick cock against my crack, pushing my body lower so she could fuck me properly. When she pressed the tip of her cock against me, I took a deep breath and forced myself to relax. Her left hand caressed my back as I felt her press against me. Instead of moving forced, I moved back against her.

"That's it, baby," she cooed, "That's it, just relax and let my big cock inside."

Her thick head ever so slowly spread me apart. Yes, it did hurt slightly. Yes, it was uncomfortable. But as more of her cock slid inside me, my god, did it start to feel good very quickly. "Oh fuck," I moaned as the thick head popped inside and she could slide more of her length into me, "Oh fuck yes."

"Like that, baby?" she asked, knowing she was taking her time feeding me her length.

"I do," I admitted, "There's some discomfort..."

"Just need to get used to your girlfriends' big cock, baby."

When I felt her body press into my butt, I looked back and she smiled at me. Grabbing my hips, she slowly started to thrust, and any discomfort quickly disappeared as there was no missing the fact the head of her cock was touching just the right place. My cock felt even harder with every thrust, and I knew I was going to cum without her touching me. There was still thought tiny part of my mind saying 'There's a cock inside you', but that was drowned out by another voice saying 'Yeah, but it's attached to a beautiful woman you love.' So, yeah, some people would make comments but, as she slowly thrust into me, I didn't care any longer.

"So fucking tight," she moaned, one hand moving to my lower back as she thrust a little faster.

That felt even better, glancing back to see her blue eyes and smiling face. "Fuck me, beautiful," I moaned.

So that's what she did, fucking me harder. Her skin was soon slapping against my arse, and I lowered my butt further. She leaned forward slightly, resting her hands on the bed, thrusting a little faster still. I had to reach back and stroke myself as I needed to cum. I felt her kiss my upper back a few times.

"That's it, baby. Stroke yourself and cum while your girlfriend fucks you."

"My god, I had no idea, sweetie," I moaned as I'd never felt my cock as hard as it was. And I knew I'd cum within a couple of minutes.

When she started to really fuck me, I whimpered. Never thought I'd make a sound like that. May have done once or twice during an orgasm while fucking someone, but the noises I made as she really started to drive her cock deep... Then I came and I didn't care any longer. Feeling her move forward, hot breath in my ear, she whispered, "I love you so much, baby. I'm never letting you go."

Letting go of my cock as soon as my orgasm subsided, I could now just focus on Chloe giving me a good fuck. I was surprised at how quickly I adapted to her cock being inside me, but I couldn't deny how great it felt at the same time. She was leaving soft kisses all over my neck and cheeks, her hot breath on my neck, as she was moving faster and faster, aware she was getting close to orgasm.

"Oh baby..." she moaned, "I'm gonna cum."

"In me, sweetie. I want to feel it too."

Feeling her cum in me for the first time was a weird feeling, but the sounds she was making made my heart swell and, honestly, fall in love with her even more. She kept thrusting until I didn't feel her cock throbbing anymore, but she eventually needed to stop and left her cock buried. Then I heard her sob, and her tears fall on my back. She pulled out so I could turn around, immediately taking her in my arms. I knew why she was crying, it was a big moment for us both.

"Don't let me go," she whimpered as we lay on our sides, "Please don't freak out because it was so good."

"Sweetie, I'm not going anywhere," I assured her, but the almost fear in her eyes had my heart breaking for her. I kissed her with as much passion as I could muster. "You're my girl, Chloe. I'm never letting you go."


"Hand on heart, I promise."

She slowly settled down but, giving us both half an hour, she needed me to make love to her. On her back once we'd lubed each other up and I helped get her ready otherwise, I slid inside her and I don't think anything would have wiped the smile off her face. "I love how your cock feels inside me," she whispered, "I love you so much already, Mark, I'm scared."

"I'm scared too, but it's a good scared," I whispered back as we made love.

"I'm already thinking things. Like moving in together. And getting married."

"Do you rent this place?"

She nodded and immediately smiled. "You'll have to invite me to your place soon."

"Tuesday night... And stay all week until next Monday?"

"You meant that?"

"I want you with me, Chloe."

Her lower lip trembled again before I kissed her. As we'd both cum earlier, the lovemaking lasted a good hour and more, neither of us actually bothering about an orgasm. I stopped more than once, resting inside her, and we focused on kissing and touching each other. I couldn't stop gazing at her body. In my eyes, she was just perfect. As I'd told her, it scared me how quickly I'd fallen in love with her. If it had been just after my divorce, I'd have thought it was a rebound, but I realised we simply shared a connection.

We did eventually cum and timed it so we almost came together. She giggled as I pulled out so my cum joined hers on her belly. After sharing a hot bath, Chloe leaning back against me as I spent a lot of time caressing the non-erogenous zones of her body, we ended up back in bed with Chloe cuddling into me, exchanging soft kisses, as I continued to stroke her soft skin.

Sunday was the proper day of rest. We stayed in bed until late morning, cuddling, kissing and talking. We discussed the future, aware that although it would be quick in some eyes, but although I'd had a little casual sex after my divorce, I generally only slept with a woman that I wanted to be with.

Getting out of bed in time for lunchtime, we lazed around her apartment all day. We did give into temptation and, after blowing each other, we made love on the couch before moving to the floor. Chloe told me she only liked to fuck occasionally, otherwise I'd be the one inside her. I assured her any way was okay with me.

She offered to make a roast dinner. As it wasn't particularly warm outside, I leapt at the idea, helping her around the kitchen as we got everything ready before it needed to be stuck in the oven for a couple of hours. We snuggled under a blanket as we watched the afternoon footy. She admitted to being a rugby league girl, another thing we shared in common.

Retiring to bed later that evening, feeling rather full after stuffing ourselves, I was wearing underwear while she joined me in bed, wearing a tank top and panties. Snuggling into me as always, I noticed her tears in the darkness. "What's wrong?" I wondered.

"I'm used to you being here already. Tomorrow night is going to suck."

Kissing her forehead, I pulled her closer. "You're with me on Tuesday night and all week after that."

She was quiet before I was relieved to hear her giggle. "You must think I'm a drama queen."

"Not at all. This is new for both of us, and I'll admit, the feelings are very intense."

She fell asleep before me, curled up with her head resting against my chest. I knew it was too soon to be asking her to move in, but the idea of living together didn't scare me. Falling asleep, the next thing I knew, I was being woken by soft lips against mine, slowly opening my eyes to see her smiling at me. After showering together, we had to dress for the day. I'd seen her closet already but got a good look at all the dresses she had.

"From around day three, I was picking which I thought you'd like best," she admitted.

Breakfast was simple before we headed downstairs. Not letting go of her hand until we reached my card, she gave me a concerned look. "I'm going to tell them in the morning meeting we're dating, and if anyone has an issue, they raise it today or it's not mentioned again. We'll just be as professional as always at the office," I stated.

Her face lit up and I stood there for a few seconds, just captivated as always. Arriving at work together, I parked up and took her hand as we walked to the main building. Entering the administration and managerial section, her section with Liz was where we arrived first. And, of course, Liz was already there and saw us arrive hand in hand. I ignored her as Chloe didn't hesitate in laying a soft kiss on my lips.

"See you at lunch?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Liz didn't say a word until the morning meeting. We discussed the usual topics like we did every Monday until I waited for the end of the meeting. Clearing my throat, I looked around the table. "One final order of business to head off any rumours and gossip. Yes, Chloe Simpson and I are now dating. If anyone has an issue with the GM dating one of the clerical staff, please raise your concerns now. But I won't put up with any rumours or gossip, nor any possible accusations being made at either of us. While we're here, we'll maintain our professional selves, but our private life together will remain precisely that."

Liz cleared her throat. "I'm just glad you're dating again, Mark."

"Chloe is a sweet girl, if not a little shy. But the girls rave about how nice she is," Duncan added.

"Boss, I think I can say that I don't think any of us will have a problem with it. About time you got back in the saddle, so to speak," Chris stated.

I couldn't help smiling. "Good. I'm glad the matter is already settled. Right, let's get to work."

Chloe turned up at work on Tuesday with a suitcase in the boot of her car. I moved it to mine at lunchtime and we agreed to just leave her car in the staff car park. By the Friday, I was ready to ask her to move in and I think she was ready to live with me permanently. That night, we talked about our feelings and agreed that we had to be realistic.

"My agreement runs out in four months..."

"But will you spend more time at mine?"

"I'll be with you far more often than here alone." She took my hand and rested it against her cheek, smiling as she closed her eyes. "I want a home with you, Mark."

I wanted the same thing with her too.



Three months later, she was pretty much moved in with me. We'd met each other's families. Hers adored me. Mine just loved her. Friends were interesting as she had no problem telling them she was a transwoman. She received one or two interesting questions, but all my friends accepted her. She had a couple of close friends who interrogated me hard, but I knew it was only because they loved her. Once I assured them that I was genuine how much I loved her, they loved me just as much.

Six months after she moved in with me officially, I took her out to the first place we enjoyed dinner. She didn't quite get the connection until I slid out of my seat and got down on one knee, opening the small box and showing her the engagement ring that I'd picked out. She had to cover her mouth to smother the sob ready to escape her. I didn't have a speech as she didn't need to hear flowery words about how much l loved her. I showed her how much I did every single day.

Our sex life was fantastic. We didn't really need to experiment too much, though I did love it when she dressed up for me. Within a month of our engagement, Liz was selected to move off to Head Office, Chloe interviewing and eventually being selected for Liz's old job. I had nothing to do with it, as managers were placed into roles by Head Office, but everyone was delighted for her regardless.

We married three months after our engagement. She didn't want a large wedding, just close friends and family in attendance. On our wedding night, she kept her dress on and made love to me, joking that not too any brides would be sticking their cock into their husband. I wasn't complaining as she looked as beautiful as I'd ever seen her, and riding my wife while she wore that dress only proved awkward when I needed to cum.

It's now three years since we married, and the one thing Chloe admitted to wanting more than anything was a child or children. We talked about it constantly before agreeing that it was something we both wanted, so began the process of trying to adopt. At the moment, I'm gazing across the living room at my wife, sitting on the couch, holding our two baby daughters, one in each arm. They were barely a few months old, the product of a teen mother who wasn't capable of raising them.

Chloe glanced at me, her eyes glistening, having a left a soft kiss on each of their tiny heads. "Thank you for making me a mother," she whispered.

"Thank you for making me a father," I whispered back.

Placing them down in their crib a little later, I wrapped an arm around Chloe as we gazed down at our two little bundles of joy. Kissing her on the lips, she moved hers towards my ear. "Want to take your wife to our bedroom and make love?"

"Hmmm. That does sound like a wonderful idea. Are you going to visit my office tomorrow at lunchtime?"

"When do I not? I swear the girls in the office are more than aware that I return with your cum buried in my bottom."

"No better than hosting an online meeting if you've done the same to me."

Taking her hand, I led her to our bedroom. Even at home, Chloe was always dressed beautifully. I knew she did it for me. It's the same reason I made sure I hadn't put on a pound since we got together. We never skimped on our lovemaking. If we wanted to make love, we always gave everything. Sure, we didn't every night with two babies to care for, but we always made sure to make time for each other more often than not.

Seeing my wife lying back on the bed naked, her legs spread, her cock hard and against her body, I licked my lips as she beckoned me to her with a finger. She often wore a plug nowadays, so she was ready for my cock at any time of the day. We made love for an hour, both of us enjoying a long-awaited orgasm. Morning blowjobs were not always guaranteed, and hooking up at work wasn't always possible.

Lying back in my arms later, cuddled into my side, she sighed happily. "I've made a lot of good decisions lately, but do you want to know the first good one I made? Going for the interview that got me a job working for you. My life has been wonderful ever since."

"I always said I'd never date a girl in the office. I'm glad I changed my mind on that one."

"I'll always be your office girl. I love you."

"Goodnight, sweetie."

"Goodnight, handsome."

She slept almost immediately. I lay in the darkness with a smile on my face. I knew it would come eventually, the cry of a baby through the monitor. Chloe stirred, but I kiss her forehead and told her to remain in bed.

Getting out of bed, I yawned but continued to smile. I was a husband and father before anything else. It had taken time, but I could now state confidently I was truly happy with my life. But as I'd promised myself before, the most important thing was making my wife happy. That would continue to be my goal in life until the end.

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Rapier875Rapier87528 days ago

Excellent all around !

1Martiniman1Martiniman3 months ago

This was a very sweet feel good story from start to finish. Nice and long, which I liked, although it was missing any form of drama or conflict and they connected really fast for the was Chloe was written. My critiques are very minimal tho, as I loved the story and gave it 5 Stars and will claim it is a must read. I’m now looking forward to reading more stories from UltimateSin who has found their way into my favorites. Thank you for such a great story, your efforts are appreciated.

Quaker0186Quaker01869 months ago

Another fantastic story, The right amount of detail to keep the story moving at a very good pace.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very nice

DianeRedfernDianeRedfernabout 1 year ago

Loved every word from start to finish. So tender and hot and real. xoxo, Di

Rachel77Rachel77about 1 year ago

Loved the story…wish I found my Chloe. Thank you.

ShortyMacShortyMacabout 1 year ago

Wow what an awesome story. Perfect build up and I wish I had found my own Chloe. Got to give this story 20 stars…….. Thank You.


Dreamer90Dreamer90about 1 year ago

10/10 i really love that story. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


Very Sweet und Romantique!


CountDiego4CountDiego4about 1 year ago

Beautiful love story from beginning to the end.

vanyevanyeabout 1 year ago

Very sweet and romantic. Was surprised that we didn't get a reaction comment about the ex, but it wasn't really needed.

xDarkAngel0xDarkAngel0about 1 year ago

This story was lovely, very gentle, sexy and nice build up. I might be a little biased as i go by Chloe too, but i love a happy ending. Not sure i want twins, but so happy for her. We need more Mark's in the world. Luv Chloe xx

EricaDoesNowEricaDoesNowabout 1 year ago

Wonderfully done! Thanks!

DougsLairDougsLairabout 1 year ago

Absolutely magnificent

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 1 year ago

Guess one is never too old to learn something new, I had never heard of frotting until now. Seems there was a lot of cuddling going on in the story and I like that. It's not always about the actual sexual act, just snuggling with someone you love can be very rewarding. I liked the story, thanks.

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