Once a Slut Ch. 06


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Sarah loved Tippy's smell, taste and the feel of her soft pussy on her mouth. She wet her fingers and explored inside for that magic location that felt so good on herself. Tippy grabbed her head and pulled her in hard, rubbing her pussy all over Sarah's face and finally exploded shooting out a little honey into her friend's mouth.

Tippy complimented her, "That was so good. Are you sure this is your first time?"

Sarah was very happy that she had made her oldest friend feel so good. If Tippy's orgasm had been as good as Sarah's it must have been wonderful. Sarah was exhausted. They cuddled for a while, then Tippy said, "I should be getting back. Kate will be worried if she wakes up and I am not there." She dressed, gave Sarah another kiss and headed out. Sarah went to bed and fell asleep basking in the post orgasmic love.

Tippy got quietly back into bed with Kate unnoticed.

Tippy went down to the restaurant at 8:45 while Kate took a shower. She asked for a table for 4 and a carafe of coffee. Nika and Matt joined her at 9:01. She hugged them both whispering to Matt, "Are you alright?"

Matt grinned and said, "never better."

They drank their coffee waiting for Kate. Once Kate arrived about 9:05 Tippy began the inquisition. "I don't want this to be an inquisition or pry but what happened to you two last night. Matt couldn't get the grin of his face. Nika jumped in with, "It was marvelous darling. Matt fucked my brains out then after a nap he did a first rate job of punishing me for my numerous transgressions. This morning was great, we were almost late because it took me a while to suck the third load out of him. I had to stick my finger up his.."

Tippy interrupted, "Nika I love you like a sister, but this is just weird, I don't need those details in my head. Can you please leave some things to my imagination?" Kate almost spit coffee over the whole table. She ended up choking instead.

Tippy continued, "Did you both do what I asked?" they both nodded. "Matt, did she explain this was a one-time deal" they both nodded. They both had these secret little smiles that she found disturbing. "What is so funny?"

"Just the fact that you think you can order either of us to follow your rules, your orders." Matt explained.

Kate almost lost it again, "Tippy. Matt's right. This den mother side to you doesn't really work."

Tippy broke down, "Enough shit has happened this weekend, I can't take anymore." She sobbed.

Nika, then said, "Sorry sis, we were not trying to stress you, just being young having fun and trying to enjoy life to its fullest. Oh, and one more thing. I kept our room for tonight too. We want to make the best of the time we have together, will you two survive without me, or we could have an orgy, or Kate, you could join us."

Tippy mumbled, "Nika please stop, Mattie can you please make her stop?"

Nika was starting to feel bad for needling her friend but couldn't pass up on one more dig, "Mattie, dear will you please pass the sugar. Their food order arrived, and things settled down. Matt attacked his breakfast with elan, and Kate couldn't resist one more comment, "She really did wear you out didn't she?"

Tippy moaned, "Stop, please stop, I knew coming here was a bad idea."

Everyone in chorus said, "Don't be that way."

Nika and Matt left together and Kate and Tippy were left to find something to do. "Would you mind if I went to see my mother?" she asked Kate.

Kate said, "How could I mind? I would think you were a monster if you didn't see your mother while you were here."

They pulled up in front of her childhood home and her mother was sitting on the porch in a rocker in the shade. The yellow tinge to her skin was obvious as they walked up from the Street. Her mother brightened once she realized who it was. And called out in a weak voice "Tiffy, my best girl!"

As Tippy mounted the stairs the frail woman stood, and they embraced. Tippy introduced her good friend Kate.

"Tiffy why are you here? Are you here to marry that nice boy Bret?"

"No, Mama. I came for the fourth to celebrate Mattie's birthday, sorry I'm late."

Kate asked, "She calls you Tiffy? I thought you hated that name?"

Mama said, "Tiffy is her name and I will always call her that, not Tippy after the woman in the awful movie the birds. It scared the piss out of her when she was little. I will never understand why she would call herself after a woman who would remind her of getting her eyes pecked out by crows."

Kate said, "Makes sense to me. Sorry to speak out of turn Ma'am."

"Oh, for heaven's sakes child call me Maxine."

"I will Maxine."

"Mama, you look awful. Are you sick, is it your liver?"

"Tiffy, you were always the smart one. After he took you to school that nice boy Bret took me to the doctor. They told me my liver was failing, I couldn't get a transplant unless I stopped drinking, I tried to slow down but never completely stopped. Now I am dying, Bret took me to the doctor again last month, The doctor told me I only had 2 months tops. I am so glad you came to see me. You are the only one who knows. Why didn't you marry Bret? I always hoped you two would give me grandbabies before.., you know. You thought I didn't know what you were doing in your bedroom, I knew. Such a nice boy."

"Mama, I had to go away to school he found someone else while I was away."

"Tiffy, you were always too smart, too driven to succeed. You let your brain get in the way of your happiness. You should have stayed home and married that boy."

"I know mama, I should have."

"Can you help me to my bed? I need a nap."

They helped the frail woman to her bed, Kate said, "It was a pleasure to meet you Maxine and shook her small cool hand."

When they got outside Tippy collapsed into Kate's arms a sobbing mess. "I have done so many things wrong, why am I like this? So many things I can't fix."

Kate petted her hair and hugged her, "You have done more right than wrong. Don't be so hard on yourself."

"I have to see Matt! Get Nika on the phone!"

"Sweetie are you busy?" Kate heard a slap in the background then Nika giggled and she though she heard Matt say something like. 'Take that you whore' followed by another smack. Tippy needs to talk to Matt can you two be at our room at 6:00 PM?"

"Great! See you later. It's a good thing you had me call." Kate said to Tippy.

Tippy took Kate back to the hotel and told her, "I am going for a drive, I need to think." She went directly to see Liz.

"Liz? My Mom is sick and hasn't much time left. If anything happens to her can you look after Matt? I understand it is a huge imposition, but I live so far away now."

"Nonsense, Dear, Matt is Bret's brother now, Dan loved him like a second son, he is part of the family. You know you will always be too."

Not wanting to spend the next hour crying on Liz' shoulder. Tippy thanked her, hugged her, and then left and drove off.

She got back at 5:30 and had a couple of drinks at the hotel bar. When she got up to the room everyone was waiting for her. Kate already knew what had happened, so she saw no reason to freeze Nika out. She didn't want to, but she had to start so she dove in.

"Matt, mom has been keeping secrets."

Matt broke into a grin and quipped, "I'm adopted and not really your brother so it's Ok for the 4 of us to have group sex?"

"Funny, not funny. I am serious. Mom is dying. It's her liver, she only has about a month left."

Nika's hands went to her face, and she sobbed. Matt said, "What! How could I not know this?"

"it's her liver, you didn't notice because the changes to her skin color have been so gradual. She's a crafty old bird. She has been having Bret take her to the doctor. Since he is not a relative, he has no right to ask any questions." With Kate's help she relayed the conversation with mom, leaving out the parts about Bret, marriage and grandbabies.

When she was done Matt sat there in stunned silence. Then he asked, "Is anyone hungry? Want to get a drink? I do." All three women rolled their eyes.

Down at the restaurant they had a light meal and plenty of alcohol. Nika dragged Matt off to their room before he got too drunk.

Kate and Tippy sat a while longer talking. "Should I call Bret and thank him for all he has done? I don't know what to do."

"What if the skank answers? What if he asks you to stay and you fold? How will we get home tomorrow?"

Kate took Tippy's hand and said softly, "I have a better idea. I am awake now. Let's do 68, you can owe ME one."

"That sounds great, let's settle our tab and get out of here. Nika is probably coaxing round two out of my little brother by now, we are way behind." Tippy suggested.

Kate smiled thinking that's the spirit.

Tippy was wrong about that. Upstairs, Nika was taking care of Matt, not as the boy toy of the weekend but as someone who she deeply cared about who needed all that she had to give. They took a steaming hot shower together washing each other and playing. Enjoying having the most sensitive parts of their bodies pampered with tenderness and love. When they dried off Nika had Matt lay down on the bed face down. She grabbed a small bottle of lotion provided with the hotel toiletries and gave him a massage. She had training so she knew what to do.

Matt said, "That feels so good, Nika I..." She put her finger on his lips.

"Shhh. You enjoy, let me talk. I know you love me. I saw the thunderbolt hit you. I felt it too. I know you have a lot to process right now, but since we are leaving tomorrow, I need to explain some things to you. The three of us are courtesans, I prefer that term because it is far less pejorative than prostitute, hooker, slut, whore or even Escort all of which apply depending on who you talk to. We have sex with people for money, we sell our bodies. The three of us are more fortunate than most because what we have to sell has great value to people who want the best and can afford to pay for it."

"It is a good life, we live well. We enjoy more of the luxury that life has to offer than the average person will ever experience. The downside is that our society looks down on us unless you are someone who really wants to fuck us. Because of this, I have not had a strong emotional relationship with anyone since I was your age. I love your sister, I love Kate. That just happened organically because of our unique personalities and fortunate circumstances. I am happy with my life now, but I have been hurt in the past. I know the pain of a failed relationship; I see it in your sister's eyes whenever she thinks of Bret. I can't read minds but one of the traits that makes for a great courtesan is empathy. I know Tippy, I know her fears and desires. Sometimes I think I know her better than she knows herself."

"What I am trying to say is. I know you love me, and I love you. But I can't offer you the life of sunshine and babies that you must want for a future with me. All I have to offer is today, right now. My heart is yours, I will keep in touch, see you when I can, but I am afraid we have no glorious future together. Do you want me to leave? Or do you want me to fuck your brains out one more time? I will do whatever you ask."

During this monologue she had rubbed his back, his legs and as she asked that last question, she was stroking his ass crack and tickling his balls.

Matt tilted up his pelvis to give her better access and groaned, "I love you, don't leave me."

"Didn't you hear anything I said?"

"I did, I understand. I don't like it that you are leaving tomorrow. I love you and I want you now. Don't go until you must."

Nika bent down and licked his balls. From there it was just a short distance to his anus. Matt groaned as she swirled her tongue around his fresh clean butt hole. He seemed to really enjoy it when she stuck her tongue in his ass.

"Turn over babe."

With Matt on his back, she teased his cock head with her tongue than she slid her mouth down his shaft. She moved her body so she could sit on his face where he eagerly applied his newly perfected cunnilingus skills. Nika moaned from the pleasure given with love. Matt tried not to think about her leaving in the morning and took her advice to live in the moment.

As his scrotum started to get tight, she sat up and mounted him. "Mattie, fuck me and give me everything you have I want a big load to take home with me! I know this is against Tippy's rules. You will have to punish me after."

Thwack! Matt could just reach her ass for a spank. With that Nika rotated 180 on his cock to reverse cowgirl and presented her lovely ass cheeks for a spanking. Thwack! Thwack! This made Nika cum and thrash on his cock. Since he was already close from the BJ, Matt groaned out his orgasm as her pussy pulsed around his cock sending spurt after spurt deep into her womb. When she could see and focus on the world again, she smiled, got off him sucked him clean of all their delicious, combined stickiness. Then she slid into his arms and cuddled.

In a few minutes his regular breathing and light snoring told her he was asleep. Sleep was the best thing for him now, his brain had much to process. She slipped away to the bathroom to pee clinching her vaginal muscles on the way so none of his precious essence leaked out of her. As she peed, she had to loosen her grip and some of him leaked out. She salvaged it with her fingers and painted her lips with some and licked up the rest. Returning to her sleeping lover she texted Tippy asking what is the latest we can leave tomorrow. Checkout is at 11. What do you say we have brunch at 11 and hit the road at Noon.

Tippy and Kate showered together again. Kate always liked paying attention to Tippy's golden mound of blonde pubes, Tippy would trim it but never shave it bare, never ever. When it was clean and dry, it would puff out like a golden cloud. A few of her gentlemen preferred her not to wear panties because panties flattened the beautiful cloud that was her bush, going bottomless in just a kimono or short robe made her feel extra sexy. Feeling cool air on her pussy and the hungry look on her lover's faces always make her pulse quicken. Being desired was one of her personal thrills, it never got old. Out of 100 blowjobs she might remember 10. She never forgot a look of desire. She loved the need to have her, she loved giving in to that need.

She and Kate had made love dozens of times, had a dozen threesomes and the occasional orgy, but there was still something special about their coupling. The only other relationship that was on this level had been her and Bret. That relationship and its loss had been life changing for her. When he threw her away, for a long time she thought she misjudged him and that he wasn't the man she thought he was. Recent events reminded her of the kind, caring, thoughtful man she had fallen in love with. She couldn't understand why he had withheld those blessings from her. Maybe someday she would understand. Enough worrying over the past. She needed something to recharge her soul, to give her the strength to continue. Her evening with Sarah had been good but the news about her mother put her back quite a bit.

Kate was here, not Bret not Richard not any other lover from her past. Kate.

She wore a hotel robe after their shower. She lay on the bed waiting for Kate to finish and join her. She poofed up the cloud and gently closed her robe. Kate came in and stood at the end of the bed and asked, "How are you feeling sweetie?"

"Better. I am over the shock and working through the guilt. I am sure Mattie feels as bad or worse than I do."

Kate asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Tippy parted her legs a bit and pulled the sides of the robe to expose herself. The look of desire on Kate's face was exactly what she needed. As Kate crawled toward her on the bed she opened herself even more and said, "A good tongue lashing would make me feel better and maybe an orgasm or four."

Kate moved on her and buried her nose in Tippy's honey garden and sighed. "I know we have done this dozens of times, but your smell still makes my heart race." Those words and Kate's breath on her pussy made Tippy's heart race.

"Forget that 68 bullshit, I want your pussy on my face. I need to smell you, taste you, bury my tongue in you and then suck on your clit." Kate eagerly complied.

They licked and sucked and pushed each other's buttons. As they came almost simultaneously, Tippy wrapped her arms around Kate's waist and pulled her close mashing Kate's bucking pelvis on to her face so Kate couldn't get away while she continued to suck her lover's clit through both their orgasms.

When Kate could again talk, she moaned, "Shit that was good. Why haven't you used that move on me before?"

"I never thought of it before, it just felt right."

"It felt great that's how it felt. There you go again, always giving as good or better than you get, this was supposed to be all about you."

"Kate, you know me well enough by now. Don't you know that when I give, I get? That is why I always loved giving blowjobs. I can't count how many men I have made happy. I may not remember them all, but I do know I always did my best."

Tippy's phone buzzed on the nightstand, and she replied, 11 works for us.

Kate delivered 3 more orgasms to her friend with a combination of anal play, fingers, toys, and her skilled tongue. They eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning Kate ran out for Coffee and they packed first and then relaxed and lounged until it was checkout time they got a table for 4 at the restaurant at exactly 11. Still no sign of the other two.

Author's note. This was part 6 of what will end up being a 10 to 12 part series. Do you have a favorite character you want more of?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

cuz u asked, I will tell you a little of what I hope you might include in future writings, but, I am late to this party, reading long after you started and you have written way past where I am yet reading, so maybe my suggestions will prompt even more than the story-lines you intended pursuing. firstly, the intrigue with Richard as the sales rep in Asia, and your profile saying you have a desire for Asians, makes me expect and hope for some storyline that picks up on Nika working three continents with the group enjoying Asia. secondly, the tie in with Sara sort of has me expecting and hoping she does join the biz, but, also, no problem if she becomes the happy wife to Matt while they share lives with Nika. thirdly, you redeemed Bret by having him taking Maxine to the doctor visits without any rewards, and, that made for a biggest of all catch on liking how you turned the story from one where I dreaded bad things and kept expecting to shut down reading until now you have made positive turns for every character without leaving the space where you are creating everything.

Antares260Antares260almost 2 years ago

Whoa I love this series! Just realized how recent. Love all the characters plenty of room to move. Please want more!

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