Once Upon a Time in London


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"Mr. Fanelli, it's your wife on line two."

"Mike, it's me Amy!"

She sounded very excited. I said nothing waiting for the bad news.

"Mike...the baby, Larissa, she yours Mike! Its 99.9% accurate. Oh god! I'm so happy! When can you come back and say hello to your daughter and hold her and kiss her...?"

I was in total shock and burst into tears.

"Mike? Mike? Are you ok? You're a father again, another girl!"

"I'm leaving as soon as I can get a flight." I replied with tears streaming down my face.

The earliest plane I could get wasn't until 10:45 pm. It was almost full, and the seat cost me full fare. I could have cared less. I was going home to see my child, my daughter.

It was well after midnight when I arrived in Philly. I found a taxi and arrived at the home I used to occupy. I called Amy's cell.

"Hey, it's me. I'm outside."

"She's sleeping but she'll be awake soon to nurse. I'll let you in."

Amy answered the door looking no worse for wear. She had a robe on over a nighty.

"Hey. Want a coffee?"

"Yeah, that'd be great."

We sat quietly at the kitchen table, not saying a word. The baby was fantastic news but I'd neither forgotten nor forgave what happened in London. Instinctively Amy knew my feelings were unchanged. Soon we heard crying and I followed Amy to the baby's room. She picked up the tiny bundle out of a crib and cradled her.

"I better breastfeed her first or she really wail."

I watched entranced as my daughter suckled.

"She's a hungry one. Loves her milk."

As she held Larissa, Amy hummed a tune, her eyes never leaving our infant daughter. Amy switched breasts and the baby went to town on the other one.

"She's beautiful Amy." I gushed.

"Yeah, she is."

Finally, the baby spit the nipple out.

"Wanna burp her Mike?"

I picked up Larissa and patted her back, waiting for the sound. It took a few minutes, but it was loud and clear. I held my precious daughter as the tears came again. I cradled her and couldn't stop staring at the miracle in my arms.

"I love you," I whispered.

Larissa's eyes were heavy, almost shut.

"I'll put her back in the crib. She'll probably sleep until the next feeding."

We went back to the kitchen and Amy made us a fresh cup of coffee on the Keurig.

Again, we sat quietly, me looking at the wall and Amy the floor.

"Amy, I..."

While I was thrilled that Larissa was my daughter, I had much to say.

"I want to get another DNA test just to be positive."

"But Mike..."

"Sorry, I'm sure she's mine but I don't want to have any questions in my mind."

"Ok, if you insist."

Amy looked a little perturbed.

"We'll need to work out logistics until my assignment in Jacksonville is complete. Unfortunately, it's going to last a few months longer than expected. I've been offered a full-time position there as head of the legal department, but I already declined. I want to come back home, to Philadelphia, my roots are here."

Amy brightened right away; I could see her face soften.

"What about us Mike?" Is there any hope?"

I pondered her question for a few moments.

"There's always hope. Technically we're still married. I haven't given Bob Simon the go ahead and I'm not sure why. One of these days..." my voice trailed off.

"Mike, I still love you a heck of a lot. I lost my head in London and I'm still in a quandary as to why. I was stupid, selfish and any other self-possessed adjective you want to add. Sometime soon, I'll re-start counseling with Dr Friedman."

There were tears in my wife's eyes.

"Amy, I'm still very hurt and angry. You trashed everything that was good in our lives, threw it all away, and for what? An affair with that jerk off who could have cared less about you? You're supposed to be an intelligent woman. What happened?" I know I said this before but were you hit with a "Martian Slut Ray" the instant you got off the plane in London?" In no time flat you spread your legs for that creep! I wonder when I'll get over this feeling of disgust. Every time I look at you my heart sinks to my feet. Wasn't I enough for you?" Unless you can come up with some better explanation than you're not sure why, then there is no hope."

Amy was softy crying with her head in her hands.

"I'm thrilled about the baby because if she'd been Derek's, there was no way under the sun, I'd have anything to do with you or his, shall we say, spawn. The faster you get back to counselling the better."

My wife sat up straighter and looked me in the eye.

"The weekends that your home, I'll make sure you have the time with Larissa. No matter what happens with us, I want her father in her life. I'll say it again, I'm sorry. If I have to say it for the rest of my life, I will. I'll do anything to make this right, anything. But I don't know what that is exactly. I hurt terribly every day for what I've done to you and the girls. I know that it's nothing compared to what you're going through, it's the harsh reality that it's my fault and mine alone. What I do know is that I love you. I've loved you since sophomore year of high school. There has never been anyone else until...Why I forgot that for three weeks is a mystery that I can't explain. I had no feelings for Derek, and I know he had none for me. Somewhere in my mind, I realized that I was just another piece of ass to him. Why that didn't stop me, I can't explain. I know this is a lame excuse, but it was entirely sexual."

By now, we were both softly crying. We'd lost something very precious and we're clueless how to re-claim it.

"Mike, to my dying day, I'll regret what I did. Whenever I think about it, when I want to relive the good parts, singing at the Abbey Road studio, performing in front of the cheering crowds, I realize it was all a fraud. All because my high school crush wanted me, my body and I willingly gave it to him. I feel like the biggest fool on the planet."

Amy stopped as the tears streamed down her face.

"I love you, Mike. I really and truly do. It's there in my heart. I pray every day that you can find it in yourself to forgive me. I know forgetting may take a lot longer, but I hope, and I pray. Your mother is the most forgiving person I've ever met. She treats me with kindness and respect that I don't deserve. We go to mass together and I find some solace from all the turmoil. I don't know what else I can say to ease your pain, except that I love you. You told me once that you don't believe I could love you and then betray you, but I do, and I will say it for as long as live."

By now, we were both emotionally drained.

"You want another coffee for the road?"

"Nah, I'm good for now."

Before I left, I very quietly went to see my daughter. I peered into the crib and stared for a long time. Amy tried to give me hug at the door, but I put my hand up to stop her. She looked utterly defeated and I left abruptly.

My life in Jacksonville was boring as hell. I was putting in twelve- and fourteen-hour days so I could fly home Friday morning. As promised Amy, brought the baby and while I'm totally self-sufficient with caring for an infant, my mother insisted on helping. It was greatly appreciated. Mom bought me a bottle warmer and most of the items needed to care for my daughter.

When I held Larissa in my arms, I had the overpowering feeling of loving something more than my own life. The second DNA test confirmed the results of the first, she was indeed my child. She had brown hair like me. Amy and Derek had blonde hair and of my daughters, Emma was a dark blonde and Melissa a light brunette.

Between working in Jacksonville, traveling, and spending time with Larissa, I was tired most of the time, but it was a happy tired. Every time I dropped her off with Amy, I was already looking forward to the next time.

My relationship with Amy could best be described as cordial. I promised to return to counselling and that made my wife happy. I'm sure because it gave her hope and in a strange way, me too.

Time flew by and one year after Larissa was born, I was back home for good. I'd missed out on so much, but I was back, and I was intent on staying. My rental expired and I found a three-bedroom townhouse closer to my old home, for logistics 'sake; just a fifteen-minute drive. Furnishing it was a nightmare, but I asked Amy and my daughters for assistance, and they were only too happy.

Even though I had my precious daughter on Wednesdays and weekends, I was lonely. I got little satisfaction from dating. My therapist recommended getting a pet. The last time I had a pet was a dog that the girls named Trixie. She died about five years ago and we never replaced her. After several visits to my ASPCA, I found a sweet female Jack Russel Terrier, a little more than a year old. She was adorable and when they took her out of her cage, we instantly bonded.

On a card above her carrier, it listed her name as Maxine. I disliked the name and knew that if I adopted her, I'd change it. Without wondering why someone would voluntarily give up a sweet little dog, I wanted to take her home. The pet tech recommended a special diet as she might have a flatulence problem. I stopped at Giant and bought the foods that were listed on her adoption papers. When I opened the car door, I was greeted by a lovable canine and a noxious odor. Soon I found out that the diet worked to certain point, and I kept plenty of air freshener on hand.

While I searched for a new name, we became inseparable. I could no more return Maxine to the pound, than voluntarily stop living. In no time, that loveable dog had me wrapped around her paw.

After a smelly interlude one evening, her name came to me in a flash, Walter. My nephew had a kid's book titled: "Walter the Farting Dog" by William Kotzwinkle. (Yes, dear readers, the book does exist and is still in print) The story is about a hound with a severe flatulence problem that saves his family from burglars. That was it! Maxine was renamed Walter. I reasoned that a dog does not know the difference between male and female gender names, only humans.

My first visit to the Veterinarian was amusing.

"What a precious little dog. And who do we have here?"


My pup had a charming personality.

'Hello Walter, I'm Dr Prescott.

Dr Prescott came highly recommended, and it was plain to see why, as Walter cozied up to her immediately.

"Any problems that you've noticed?"

Dr. Prescott was carefully examining my dog.

"Not really, just some smelly gas from time to time."

"Although not common, it does happen. A special diet will help to control that. I'll see that you get the necessary information on the way out.'

As Dr Prescott continued her examination, she got a puzzled look on her face.

"Ah...Mr. Fanelli...Walter is a female."

"Yes, I'm aware of that."

Dr Prescott was obviously mystified.

"Is there a problem, Doctor?"


"Do you think it will confuse her?"

My vet chuckled and was grinning from ear to ear.

"Not in my experience, so...Walter it is."

"On your paperwork, it states that you adopted Walter from the ASPCA. I applaud you. So many animals are needlessly destroyed every year waiting to be adopted."

"Thank You." I responded humbly.

Dr Prescott was very attractive, but her left hand sported a large expensive looking wedding ring set. Too bad because I would have asked her for a date. Without a doubt, my loneliness was making me "ballsy."

With dating prospects limited and masturbation unsatisfying, an opportunity presented itself. While Walter had a flatulence problem, she could also be obstinate, and we would have a battle of wills. I gave in much too frequently and dog obedience school seemed to be a solution.

It was there that I met Tracey. She was lean and sexy in her own way. Her dog Bruno was a Pitbull mix but very friendly. He could have easily eaten Walter in a few bites, but they got on famously. Thank God they were both spayed.

Tracey seemed amused by the dog's fraternization. They were an odd couple to say the least. We chatted amiably and by the third dog training class, I asked Tracey if she'd like to get a coffee or drink afterwards. We agreed to meet at a Starbucks close to her home. Since she lived in Royersford, I decided to drop Walter at home.

I was going to put Walter in her crate, but I swear that dog could read my mind because she got this forlorn expression on her face. How she could possibly know I was going out was a mystery to me.


Her ears pricked up in recognition of her name.

"I'm going to trust you and leave you out. Don't ruin anything, especially the new sofa."

Suddenly she was moody that I was leaving.

"I won't be long."

As I was leaving, I realized that Walter owned ME, not the other way around!

My little interlude with Tracey was fun. She was easy to talk to and I had a nice time. When I arrived home, I resolved to ask Tracey out on a full-blown date. As I walked through the breezeway into the kitchen, I saw it, chunks and pieces of fabric and stuffing. Clearly it was part of a seat cushion from my expensive sofa.

Walter was hiding on the far side of the couch peering out, looking for my reaction.


A very guilty canine walked slowly to where I was standing and slunk down with her head on her paws.

"Did you do this?" I said pointing to the destruction.

If she could have spoken, she would have said,

"Of course, it was me, you silly human, Do you see anyone else here capable of this mess?"

I picked up a very limp Walter and carried her to her crate.

"It's time out for you Missy!"

A very sad looking dog sighed in acceptance of her punishment.

While I sat at the kitchen table reviewing notes for an upcoming case, Walter heavily sighed several times. But I was not giving in and simply ignored her. When I saw that her incarceration was about an hour, I reasoned that it should be enough.

I went to free her, and a more joyous pup never existed. She leapt into my arms, licked my face, and passed some offensive gas. If that isn't love, then I don't know what love is!

I asked Tracey out for a date the very next dog training session. There was definite interest by both parties. While she was a dark brunette, I was attracted to blondes but considering the sad state of my love life, who was I to argue.

On our date we went through the usual get acquainted talk, but I noticed that Tracey was a little rough around the edges, not noticeable but subtle. She was divorced twice and childless. While she'd never been to university, she had lots of experience in the "college of hard knocks."

I gave her the watered-down version of my sad life, but the cheating spouse part really interested her.

"My two exes cheated on me." She said with sadness.

We talked some more but truthfully my interest was waning. Of course, she noticed.

"Hey, I'm not everybody's cup of tea but if you want loyal and honest, that's me. I never went to college and I'm probably not as intelligent as other folks, but I know who I am."

"Tracey, it doesn't matter to me if you went to college, or you work as an administrative assistant. I look at the person not their credentials. So far, I like what I see..."

Oh shit, did I really say that!"

"You do?" she said brightening up.

"Yes, I really do."

"You're a very interesting man, Michael." She said with a smirk.

"Thank you and you're a very interesting woman."

"Ah, I bet you say that to all yer dates." She replied bashfully.

We talked amiably for a while longer until it was clearly time to leave. I walked Tracey to her car and before I got a word out, she pulled me in for a hug and kissed me.

"Thanks for a nice evening."

Not the greatest first date but not bad. For our next date, I took Tracey to a movie and afterwards an upscale Italian restaurant. She seemed nervous.

"Hey, you, ok?"

"Yeah...I mean... this place is well...there's so much silverware."

"Ah, the key is start on the outside and work your way in, just follow my lead."

Tracey relaxed and looked at me with soulful expression.

"Thanks Michael. This is so nice of you..."

"First, call me Mike and secondly, you deserve to eat at nice place. I'm not the Olive Garden type of guy."

"I...kind of like it there but this is...they have linen napkins."

"One thing you'll notice when you eat at pricier establishments..."

Tracey looked very curious.

"The higher the price, the smaller the portions."


"Oh yes. One time I ate at a very popular French restaurant in the city and while the food was delicious, the portions were miniscule. I had to stop and get a slice of pizza on the way home."

"You're joking?"

"Nope, hey, here come our salads..."

As every course arrived the size shrank and by desert time the tiramisu while wonderful was miniscule. Coffee was served in demitasse cups.


"The food was delicious but I..."

Tracey leaned in and whispered,

"I'm still a little hungry."

We both laughed out loud.

As I drove Tracey home, she seemed much more relaxed.

"Thanks Mike, that made me feel kind of special."

"My pleasure ma'am. And Tracey, you're smiling a lot tonight. I like to make my dates happy."

At her front door, my date was all over me, hugging kissing, and groping.

"Thank you so much. Won't you come in?"

I had the distinct impression that Tracey wanted to rape me.

"I'd love to, but I have an important case coming up and I'll be working the rest of the weekend." I lied.

I wasn't ready for sex of any kind. Although she looked disappointed, Tracey was clearly appreciative.

The following week we went to a ritzy dance club with a high-priced eatery. Tracey was an excellent dancer and easily rivaled Amy. During the slow numbers, we were practically having clothed sex on the floor. Once again at her front door, she rammed her tongue down my throat and had her hand on my junk. I declined the invitation to cross the threshold, but I was weakening. We saw each other at the obedience school and the very next time,

"Mike, my complex is having a swim party next Saturday. Would you go with me?"

"At this time of year?"

"It's inside."

"Hmm...I'll have to see if I can get a sitter."

Since our dates were on Fridays, I never had that problem. My daughter Emma was home from university and agreed to sit with Larissa. Tracey was excited to go, and I took her out to dinner first, upscale of course.

"Mike, you're spoiling me."

We were at a nifty French bistro in Skippack.

"That's what I do best..."

We changed at her apartment for the pool. When Tracey walked out in her bikini my cock twitched. She was on the tall side with a lean, angular body, nicely proportioned, impressive breasts, big but not too big and a sweet bubble butt.

"Like what you see?"

"Oh yes."

"Maybe you'll get to see more later."

I was wearing a loose T with knee length Speedo trunks. When I took my T off at the pool, Tracey's eyes grew wide.

"Wow, Mike...you have...muscles."

Tracey was obviously impressed. I'd been spending extra time at the gym with a trainer and my body was lean and very muscular. We had a great time. The wine was good as was the music and the hors d'oeures were excellent. We swam and drank and swam and ate and swam some more. I was surprised when they announced last call, it was almost ten o'clock.

As soon as Tracey shut her apartment door, she was in my arms. We kissed and kissed and while she was rough, I enjoyed it, especially my penis which was steel hard. Still standing, I removed her bikini top and got an eyeful of her impressive breasts. They stood straight out from her chest and were very firm. She dragged me to her sofa, leaned back and brought my hungry mouth to her nipples. They were long cylinders with a flat top, and I suckled like a starving baby. By the time I stopped, they were rock hard. I licked down her flat belly to her bikini bottom.
