Organism X Ch. 15


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Megan shivered as her belly grew even larger.

"I don't think you will. You see, my baby is almost fully baked, and he's going to need a host when he comes out."

Fresh horror pierced Wendy's heart. She knew she would end up like her teammates. She was resigned to that fate. However, Megan was now presenting her with something worse. Wendy watched as the skin of Megan's belly stretched outwards as if something were trying to break free of its confinement.

"Just put a worm inside of me and be done with it."

"No, that's boring. Besides, I thought you wanted to be captain. It'll be hard to be in charge of this team as a normal sister. This is a big new pool of talent, after all!"

Chloe Montrose's sweet songbird voice called out in a soft, forlorn moan. Then, abruptly, the girl's voice deepened, becoming harsh and husky, just like the amazon's. Wendy didn't look. She couldn't bear to see what the sweet freshman was becoming.

By now, a crowd had formed around Wendy and Megan. Wendy's teammates watched her through glowing, predatory eyes, showing no trace of their former humanity.

Megan shivered again and her belly swelled even more. Wendy could see a menacing shadow against the glowing red flesh. By now, Megan looked more than pregnant. She looked close to bursting.

"The last time I was pregnant, the result was Felicia. She didn't used to be that big. Hell, she was smaller than you. Then she grew, just like your little friend is growing. My current baby makes the last one seem like an earthworm. It talks to me. It's actually fucking smart, would you believe it? It wants you so fucking bad!"

Megan turned to address the growing crowd.

"Welcome, Bailey College Hornettes. Welcome to the sisterhood! I can see that you are all starting to adjust to the changes. I know it all comes as a shock at first, but soon you'll come to enjoy your new selves. Being a sister is an incredible privilege. We are the next step in human evolution!"

A cascade of moans rose from the assembled hornettes. Hands fondled breasts and fingers played with pussies. Girls kissed deeply and sucked on each other's tits. The cheerleading team was rapidly devolving into an lesbian orgy.

"You will love being sisters, I can see it already! When you were human, you were a team. Now you must become something deeper. Like I said, we are a sisterhood. We work in unison to achieve one singular goal: to infect and evolve every last woman we can get our hands on!"

Mira Jeffords, who had been listening to Megan's speech with rapt attention, groaned when she heard these words. A long, slender appendage erupted from between the girl's juicy ass cheeks with a loud shlick! The long alien tail blossomed along three equidistant cracks on its tip, exposing several thinner tendrils, all of which dripped glowing green slime from their bulbous tips as they flailed about to taste the fresh air for the first time.

Jackie Yang grabbed hold of Mira's prehensile organ and stroked it like a family pet, causing the ebony goddess to howl in uncontrollable pleasure.

Wendy's vision blurred with tears. What happened to my teammates? I used to love these girls, now I don't even recognize them.

"I see some of you have already fully embraced your new nature! Wonderful! I am proud of each and every one of you. You have all taken an incredible step forward today! All of you, save for one."

All eyes fell on Wendy. There were hisses and growls. Wendy couldn't believe how far these girls had fallen in the span of an hour.

Megan looked Wendy directly in the eyes, "I want to turn you. I want to give you to my baby to do with as it pleases. Still, turning you now feels too easy. It just isn't right. I'll give you one chance. I'm going to get off of you and let you stand up. You can try to limp out the door. I won't stop you and the ones who came with me won't stop you. What your former teammates do...that's a different question."

With surprising grace, Megan rolled off of Wendy and onto her back. Her belly was disgustingly bloated at this point, and pulsing with wickedness.

Wendy stumbled to her feet and looked to her teammates. They had to still be in there, somewhere, right?

"Guys, I'm sorry about what happened to you. This never should have happened. Please, if you let me go, I will get help. We can fix this."

Almost two dozen cold, hungry green eyes stared back at Wendy. She tried to stumble towards the door and groaned as the pain shot up her leg. As she moved, the crowd closed in on her.

"Please let me go, guys. I'm begging you!"

On the floor, Megan groaned and a wet noise emanated from her vagina. It would not be long before her "baby" was born.

The former hornettes stepped closer, looking Wendy up and down as if she were a piece of meat.

"Please, please, please don't do this," Wendy begged.

Closer and closer the hornettes came. Wendy wondered if she could make a break for it. Her ankle was hurt badly, but with enough adrenaline she might be able to ignore the pain. At this point, it seemed like her only option. Still, she had to play the fool and beg for mercy a little longer.

"Guys, we're a team! Teammates don't hurt each other! Please, I'm begging you with all my--" Wendy turned and sprinted for the door.

The pain was immense, but the fear was greater. For a moment, Wendy could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe, just maybe, she would make it out of this.

As Wendy ran towards the door, she suddenly heard something coming up behind her.

Thud thud thud thud thud!

A blurry shape dashed in front of Wendy and a moment later she was flying backwards. She landed in a heap, her ankle twisting horribly as she made impact. Wendy screamed as the pain took over. She felt like a wounded animal facing its last moments.

Behind Wendy, Megan was screaming and gibbering as something large emerged from her nether regions. In front of her loomed a tall, toned figure.

Wendy's vision cleared and she gasped in shock. At the beginning of practice, Chloe Montrose had been a short little thing who was barely a hundred pounds. No more. The new Chloe was six feet tall with well defined arms and legs, and washboard abs. The girl moaned in her deep, dark new voice as the veins on her body flared. Biceps bulged, thighs thickened, abs stretched against pale skin. Chloe's transformation had slowed, but it was nowhere near finished.

The look in Chloe Montrose's eyes was indescribable. It was primal and hideous, lacking any and all sympathy.

"Why?!" Wendy screamed. "Why would you do that?! After everything I've done for you, you stab me in the back?"

Chloe shook her head, "this needs to happen. It feels amazing, Wendy! Oh fuck, I can't wait to see what you become!"

Something hissed and slid across the floor in Wendy's direction. She turned and saw a horror beyond imagination. A black and red worm the size of a dog worked its way towards the girl. The worm took one look at Wendy and roared, revealing a large, gaping hole in its bulbous head.

"Fuck me," Wendy Terrence whimpered -- these were her last words as a human being.

Slimy tentacles emerged from deep inside the worm. They rocketed from its mouth and seized Wendy's ankles and wrists, dragging her towards its gaping maw. As Wendy was pulled closer, more tendrils emerged, squirming under shorts and finding her vulnerable pussy and ass hole.

Wendy screamed, but this did nothing to dissuade the wicked beast, which responded by shaving a thick tentacle into her mouth to silence her. The mouth of the creature stretched wide to encompass Wendy's body. The corrupted hornettes watched as the sweet all-american blonde was consumed. The worm finally closed around Wendy's head, encasing the girl to form an ink black cocoon.

Megan Jensen shambled to her feet and patted her rapidly shrinking belly. Then she skipped like a child over to the slimy alien cocoon and rubbed it gently.

"Sleep, my little caterpillar. When you wake up, you'll have wings!" She whispered. "Ladies, grab whatever clothes you can find. It's time to move out!"

Megan pointed at Felicia Owens and Chloe Montrose, "Carry this back to our place, and try not to draw attention to yourselves."


"Oh my God, are you drunk?" Emmy Bellisario said angrily as she caught Nina Kota stumbling towards the locker room. "I've looked all over campus for you, you know that right?"

Emmy jabbed an accusatory finger at Nina, who stared at her in shock for several seconds.

"Nuh-no, Imma...imma...not drunk. It's jus mah head. It really fuggin hurts."

Emmy noticed the mud stains on Nina's clothes, the cuts and bruises on her arms and face. The girl smelled like an outhouse. The wreck of a girl swayed back and forth for a little bit before tumbling forward, coming to rest against Emmy's chest.

Nina smelled horrible, but she didn't smell like alcohol.

"You're definitely not drunk. What happened to you?"

"Issa long long story. No time. Need to save the team. Sumthin real bad about to happen."

"Nina, practice ended more than an hour ago."

The girl's dark brown eyes widened to a comical degree. Suddenly, fresh energy flooded back into Nina's body.

"An hour ago?! Oh God no, we might be too late."

"Too late for what? You aren't making sense!"

Nina didn't listen. She pushed Emmy away and started dashing down the hall, swaying back and forth dangerously, as if she were about to fall over at any given moment. Emmy rolled her eyes and watched her best friend run away. There was clearly something very wrong about one member of the team. The question was what? A concussion? Drugs?

Emmy followed Nina into the locker room, expecting to find nothing out of the ordinary. She was running through her next steps (the campus clinic? Public safety? 911?) when the smell hit her. It was a scent -- an intoxicating scent that made her brain flutter.

Kneeling in the center of the room was Nina. She sobbed quietly to herself. Surrounding her was the most profoundly disgusting mess Emmy had ever seen. Green slime coated huge swaths of the floor. Gory bits of torn black and green flesh dotted the room. There were piles of ripped fabric here and there.

"What the fuck?"

Nina turned to Emmy, tears dripping from her eyes, and said one phrase that would haunt Emmy.

"We're too late. They're gone."


Jon described the place as an auxiliary kitchen. It was a surprisingly large space in the basement of Jamieson Hall. The school only used the kitchen when it needed catering done. There were few appliances and fewer utensils, but plenty of counter space, which was exactly what they needed.

Immediately, Professor Pierce began to unpack hooking up machines and unloading beakers, all the while humming to herself as if she didn't have a care in the world.

Jon stood at the periphery, keeping his distance from everyone else. He was nothing if not servile.

Bethany quietly seethed to herself and watched the boy like a hawk.

"If he tries anything, we'll be there to put a stop to it," Jessie tried to comfort the girl.

"What if this is a trap? What if he calls them all here?"

"It hasn't happened yet."

"We don't have a lot of room for error. What happens if even one of us gets infected?"

Jessie warily eyed Mellisa Takizawa and wondered if it had already happened. Melissa didn't show signs of infection. She was still chubby and awkward on the outside. It was the inside Jessie worried about. The girl had come the closest of any of them to getting turned and her mind clearly wasn't all there. Then there was the explosion in the lab to consider.

"Look, we all know the risks, but that doesn't mean this second chance isn't worth it."

"I guess we've switched sides," Bethany shrugged. "Now you want to stay and I can't think of anything but running. It's silly, I want this. I want to help Ellie and save the school, but I can't think straight with him around."

"Look, I know you're pissed," Jessie began.

"It's not just that. Sure, I hate him, but that doesn't matter. Jessie, I'm scared. He can't be trusted, but we have to put our faith in him. We have to put our faith in Professor Pierce, but she doesn't take any of this seriously. We have to put faith in ourselves, but all we've done is fail. I can't fight this sense of impending doom."

Jessie tried to find something nice and inspirational to say, but nothing came to mind. With each passing minute, the situation on campus got worse. They were bound to hit a tipping point somewhere down the line. What if it was already too late?


They moved in a pack. Two dozen unnaturally beautiful girls sauntered across campus, eyeing their untainted classmates like fine cutlets. Everyone they passed took notice. It was hard to miss girls with such bodacious curves and bubbly breasts. Pouting lips and flowing hair. Plump behinds that sashayed as they walked. The beauty of the sisters was hypnotic, drawing eyes and locking them into place.

At the head of the pack marched a voluptuous brunette carrying a wicked gleam in her eyes. Megan Jensen could feel the dominos falling. Victory was close at hand.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Love the story so far. But I've a few questions. Did you forget about the infected girls: Lilly (who was captured by some goverment agency) Erin (who fought hard against Megan to not be transformed) and Drew (the girl who walked in on Erin fucking her boyfriend while Megan watched and she was left to transform in the room while her boyfriend was very weak but still alive) I think with so many infections you kinda lost track of a few women who are also already infected but I haven't seen them since chapter 6 or 7

KaefermannKaefermann2 months ago

Cannot wait to see what happens to Wendy.

FelHarperFelHarper2 months ago

Coming from a fellow erotica author, this is hands down the best erotic horror series on Literotica. I hope you feel inspired to continue.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Please write more chapters!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Hey, I hope you're ok. Please come back and finish your story, it's really good, and I'm sure many people are gonna be delighted when you publish the next one :)

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I hope you come back to continue this story someday it truly is fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Is this ever getting updated again?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Incredible! Can't wait to find out what Mira's tail does and what kind of mutations are in store for Wendy. Fingers crossed for a pov in her cocoon as she experiences her body change and grow new organs/appendages/whatever!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

In my opinion, this is the best story I have read on this site in the 11 years I have been on the site. It will be interesting to see how you end this excellent story. My only complaint is that you started several story threads and have done nothing more with them. Like the female agent and her team. all the eggs in Felicia's room, what happened to Erin after she drained the 3 paramilitary guys. how the college is hiding the deaths of over 30-40 plus male coeds, and how can people not notice the physical changes in so many girls? I am really looking forward to how you will end this excellent story. Also, what happened to Lily after she was captured? Will Professor Pierce be able to recreate the cure? Will Elle now go after Bethany? What will Wendy become after she emerges from the cocoon? Will her new form put Felicia to shame? I cannot wait for the next chapter. You said you were going to end "Mummified Remains" in 2-3 chapters. I cannot you ending "Orgasm" in much less than 5-6 chapters and that is pushing it. I hope you do not take as long between chapters as you did with 14 and 15.

MrKnightlyWriterMrKnightlyWriterover 1 year ago

Ahhhh a perfect perfect chapter do wish there was someone I was hiding in one the locker forced to watch the horror maybe a perverted guy ready to take pics but ended up seeing somthing so much worst, one who saw everything and becomes a ally of the crew teaming with Nina and such, knowing what happen and the threat each girl has, Megan thinking she won completely unaware someone else was there and who saw it all, her overconfidence being some kind of down fall but still a. Great chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is one of my top 5 stories. I just had to force myself to give each chapter 5-stars. When this story does end, it is going to be interesting. Does the sisterhood convert all the females at the college or due they get taken out by the female agent and her team? I have aways felt the Haley's powerful psychic power along with her mother's will have a major part in combating the sisterhood. Like what happened to the female agent and her team? What happened to Erin? What happened to Lucy after she was captured? What happened to all the parasite cocoons in Felicia's room? We know one hatched and Megan found it in the hall looking for a host. Does Melesia give in to Emily's mind control and become one of the sisters? With the adding of the 2 female professors, the cheerleader team, and the group from the female dorm, the sisterhood should stand at 30-40+. Will they continue to expand at a rapid rate? The male population at the college are in in dire threat of not being used for food. How has the college been able to hide the deaths of the of the 8 male students a secret from their parents? The one I feel sorry for is Felicia. She fought the change for so long even killing one of her parasites. I am surprised that Megan as not birthed another red parasite after seeing how it changed Felicia? Please keep the story going because I really want to see how you end it. I await new chapters on your other story "Mummified Remains". I liked the 3rd story you started also. I want to know what the lady is going to do with all those lustful souls she inhaled? Will the demoness return to guide her and tell what to do with all those souls? You are an excellent writer who has an excellent grasp of character development and story development. Keep up the excellent work. Senior Chief Hospitalman

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another great chapter, glad to finally see the cocoon transformation scene that you’ve mentioned since way back. Can’t wait to see what becomes of Wendy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wonderful as always! Thank you for all your work.

negrodamu5negrodamu5over 1 year ago

Nice, you got it out! Like the other chapters, I really enjoyed it. I hope that the subsequent chapters won't be as much of a pain to write if you plan to continue.

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