Paradise Island Pt. 01

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A man arrives on a tropical island, with destiny beckoning.
17.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/09/2021
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Face down in the sand. Delirium seemed to be taking him over. He was weak. No strength to speak of. He heard water crashing onto land and he figured he must be on a beach of some kind.

How am I on a beach?! How did I get here? Where is here?

He couldn't move too much, but he could slightly adjust his head and open his eyes. Blurry images flooded his eyes as he would expect just coming back to his senses, but the longer they were open; they were not getting any clearer. It was at that moment he realized it.

I don't have my contacts or my glasses!!

He could make out a vast expanse of water but could not see any other land in distance. He struggled to crane his head around to what he imagined to be the land side. He was still exhausted.

Why am I so tired?

He tried several times to lift up his whole body up to no avail. There was no pain or ache. Nothing felt broken. Just a complete lack of energy. With all of the might he could muster, he gently lifted his head just enough so that he could crane it to the right. As he was moving his head, he could feel his chin scraping the sand. It was very fine. Not course at all really as he had always expected when he went to the beach. Just as he was about to set his head down, he heard a rustling noise in the distance.

I'm not alone out here.

His mind started moving quickly at this point apparently unrestrained from the energy void that the rest of his body was suffering.

Was it an animal? Was it a dangerous one? Is it just someone out for a walk? Could they help? Would they?!

He turned his head fully and it slammed onto the sand. He could make out trees and bushes but saw no sign of any civilization. It looked more like a forest then a jungle to him. Shapes then seemed to be emerging from the dense foliage.

Whatever it is, it knows I'm here now.

Once the figure emerged, he could see two shapes not one. He could see that they were people given that they were walking on two legs and saw that they had human shapes.

Maybe they're coming to help me.

He tried to summon all the energy he could to try and stand up to wave to them.


I need to make sure that I have their attention.

Calling for help was the only thing he could think to do now. Whether or not they were friendly, he knew he would be stuck on this beach for a while with help of some kind. He was out of options. He could not get off this beach under his own power.

I need to call out to them.

He again tried to marshal up all the energy he could so that he could project his voice as far as possible.


The sound could barely be registered as more than a whisper really and he knew it. Feeling slightly pathetic in this instance was an understatement. Regardless of the decibel level, the figures were now definitely moving toward him. Their speed seemed to increase now as he guessed they figured out he was in trouble. They were still at least 100 yards away.

I guess I'm saved. I hope...

He could now make out more of the figures moving rapidly toward him. He saw that it was definitely two people and could tell that they were both women; their shoulders and the shape of their hips gave that away. He also started to come to the belief that they were both naked, which puzzled him. Before he could have an abundance of thoughts on this, they were upon him.


They were speaking in a language that he quickly realized wasn't English.

Where the hell am I?!

He thought it could possibly be Greek, but he really wasn't sure.


That was all that he could muster but knew that it was louder than the first noise he had made. He made a calculation in his head that "Help" could be understood regardless of the dominant language of the region.

"Oh English!"

He was stunned & grateful all at the same time. It had been the taller of the two who had said it. She was still fuzzy to the eyes, but he could make out her black hair going all the way down to her hip. Her breasts were slender, no larger than a B cup he guessed; but properly proportioned going down to her well-rounded hips.

"Are you hurt?!"

Her accent sounded American from what he could tell. He again summoned his voice to his command to talk, but again barely a whisper escaped.

"I......can't move...."

Even if their faces were still a little fuzzy to him, he could see that that their faces showed grave concern. While the graveness gave him some pause, he at least felt more confident that he was not in danger from them.

"Sani! Help me carry him!!" the tall woman said excitedly.

Immediately, the other woman was at his side and together they started to lift me up. He could tell immediately that lifting him was no great strain to either of them and indeed, seemed to do it with relative ease. While he wasn't exactly fat, he was heavier than they were certainly; but they showed no signs of strain. With one arm around each of their shoulders, they all started moving. His feet were dangling on the ground, making contact with the sand every few steps or so.

He could now see more detail of the shorter woman who was apparently named Sani that had been more distant at first. She did not look at all like the taller woman as she was definitely a few inches shorter and with a much different and whiter complexion. While the taller woman seemed more Hawaiian or Polynesian, Sani seemed more European or even Irish to his eyes with flowing red hair, a narrower set of hips, and far more full and ample breasts.

She certainly doesn't look like a Sani.

He could also now confirm that both were completely nude from head to toe.

No shoes? How do they not burn their feet?! Why am I even thinking about this now? You're dying you idiot and they are helping!

He began to figure that he was on some sort of nude beach or resort and left it at that. They had now moved into the trees and the woman started gaining speed. Green blurs were going by his head very rapidly now.

These girls must be in great shape to be moving this fast, while carrying me.

They now were approaching what looked to be structures. From what he could tell, they didn't seem to be more than simple huts or cottages. No hard-standing structures. The girls seemed to be approaching another person now who had seen them moving. By now having seen the other 2 women carrying him, he quickly deduced that this person was also a woman and also quite naked. She looked similar to the taller of the 2 women carrying him except a little broader built. The women slowed as she approached.


She appeared to yell something in a foreign language that she couldn't quite understand. It sounded very similar to the language the 2 women had used in approaching him earlier. The shorter woman responded.

"We found him on the beach calling for help! He seems very disoriented and hurt. We must get him to the waters!"

The woman bent down to him and looked at him straight in the eye. He struggled but managed to look up at her as well. She was very pretty up close but noticed that she had a scowl on her face. As soon as full eye contact was made, her face immediately changed from one of unhappiness to one of intense concern as well as sympathy.

"We must hurry. Come!"

The woman then picked him up with ease into her arms and they all began running. Since he was now off his feet, he felt his body go loose and yet he was also disoriented. He felt his head as heavy as ever and practically upside down. He saw other figures emerging from the structures nearby. He thought that they were women too, but truly couldn't make out anything. He now noticed they were heading downhill somewhat. Suddenly, they were inside a structure that resembled a cave. He could feel the dampness in the air.

There must be water somewhere nearby.

The woman laid him down on the ground. She then started to give instructions.

"Sani! Go get the Matron and bring her here! Let her know what has happened. Alaria, help me get his coverings off and get him in!"

The shorter woman ran out of the cave, and he started feeling tugged at. His shoes and socks were now off, and they were yanking his pants off as well.

They must be trying to see if I have any visible injuries. I'd kind of like to know that myself.

His shirt and undergarments were then removed, and he was as naked as they were. He seemed to them somewhat pale but found no apparent injuries. They did notice that he was starting to pass out. The woman who had carried him noticed and quickly propped his head up so he could see her.

"You must stay awake! We are going to get you in the waters. They will heal you."

He thought that sounded strange.

Wouldn't a hospital be a better idea?

At that moment two more people came in. He recognized one as the shorter of the two women that helped him off the beach. The other woman was someone new and he couldn't make her out at all. The two women noticed her, and both immediately stood and seemed to bow their heads.

"Matron," they both said at once.

"What has happened and why are you speaking English?"

The woman who had carried him replied, "Sani and Alaria found this man on the beach helpless. He seemed to have no strength, so they brought him here."

"You brought a man to our sacred waters?! Have you no sense?!"

"We did not know what else to do with him, Matron. He needed help."

The Matron pondered for a moment and looked closely at the man. He couldn't see it, but she had a scowl on her face that was more severe than that of the woman who had carried him at first. She leaned in for a closer look and allowed him a closer look at her.

She was of medium height and of darker complexion then the other 3 women. Halle Berryesque it seemed. She had a curvy figure, but not one sign of excess fat at all. She must have had at least E cup breasts if not larger, but not one sign of sagging that he could tell.

She looked him over close with the same scowl she'd had from the start. She then looked straight at his eyes. He saw hers were a deep brown. As soon as she saw his blue, her face changed instantly to one of surprise. She immediately retreated with the look of shock and almost curiosity. Then she saw he was wearing a ring on his right hand. She stood up in shock.

"You said you found him on the beach?! Was it the northern beach?!"

Sani then spoke puzzlingly, "Yes, Matron. We found him wearing the coverings over there."

"And he had no injuries except for exhaustion?"

Alaria spoke, "None that we could see, Matron."

The Matron looked at the clothes on the ground and saw the ring that had come from his hand. She was stunned. The look of shock was apparent to all but the man. She then issued immediate orders.

"We need to get him in the water immediately! This man must live!!"

That's a relief.

The Matron herself moved to help get him into the water. The water was warm to the touch and felt extraordinarily soothing. The Matron then spoke to him for the first time.

"Just relax. The waters will help to heal and regain your strength. You will sleep for a while. Do not worry."

He started sinking more of his body into the water and started feeling very drowsy.

The matron stood up and looked at the other women.

"Watch over this man and make sure he is well attended. Once the waters have performed their art, get him to a bed so he can rest."

"Matron, who is this man?"

He was almost completely out of consciousness now, but he could swear that he heard her say, "The prophesy..."


His eyes opened slowly. He noticed immediately that he was no longer in the waters that he had been placed in. He felt support under his head and realized it had to be a pillow. He felt softness surrounding him and he realized that he was in a bed. His eyes began to focus, and he saw that he was in a bedroom of some kind. The light was pouring in from the outside and he realized it was an open-air room with no doors or windows. As his eyes focused more, he realized something that immediately startled him.

I can see perfectly!!!

He quickly realized that he was not wearing contact lenses of any kind.

How is this possible?!

He looked around the room and quickly saw the woman identified as Alaria looking at him and smiling. She was still as nude as she was previously. He could now see her clearly and saw that there was no flaw in the woman physically. Not a wrinkle or an ounce of fat anywhere. No blemish or scar. She then called out.

"Matron! He is awake!"

The Matron then entered the room, nude as well like Alaria. She also smiled and looked him over. He then noticed that he was still nude himself, only the sheet on the bed was covering him.

"Be calm," the Matron cautioned. "You still may feel weak, even after the waters."

He then realized that he had strength back, not full strength; but certainly, more than he had previously.

"What happened?" he inquired.

Alaria spoke up, "The waters healed and restored you. You should feel perfectly well by nightfall."

He pondered at this. Had a doctor seen him? What was in that water?

"But my eyes?! How the hell can I see so clearly?!"

The Matron and Alaria smiled at each other realizing that he had poor eyesight previously. They seemed unsurprised by this development in his eyes.

"The waters heal all ailments and handicaps. Your eyesight is a part of that."

He then quickly looked at his right hand. He had a burn mark there from an accident when he was 10 and noticed that it as well had vanished. Like it had never happened.

"But.... how is that possible?! I had a mark on my hand that'd been there for years and now it's like new!"

The Matron smiled again, "The waters here have always had these abilities. Our people have used them to maintain ourselves. The effects do not last longer than a month or so, which is why we need to return to the waters to rejuvenate. It heals injuries and helps soothe the mind. Can you tell us who you are now?"

"Matthew. Matthew Connally."

They smiled at each other again as they realized that the waters had indeed done their part.

The Matron rose, "Welcome Matthew, I am the Matron. This is Alaria. Welcome to our home!"

"Thank you," he managed to get out. "Thank you for saving me."

"You are most welcome, Matthew. You are the first visitor we have had in a long time. Do you know what has happened?"

He now felt like they were pressing for information.

They want answers and I don't have any to give them. I hope honesty really is the best policy.

"I have no idea. The last thing I remember is going to sleep in my bed and then I woke up on your beach. I know that's probably not the answer you were hoping for, but it's the absolute truth. I have no idea where I am or how I got here. Do you know how I got here?"

The Matron saw the sincerity in his eyes and voice. She had long ago learned to know when she was being told the truth and when people were dealing falsely with her.

He was telling the truth! Again, the legend....

"We are currently doing a search to see if there was a wreck of any kind near the island. Can you tell us where you are from?"


"Where is that?" Alaria asked.

"Indiana," Matthew said with an 'obvious' tone. The two women still looked at him confused. "The US?"

The Matron now knew where Matthew was talking about, but she still looked somewhat taken aback by this. Again, she saw no deception from him.

"You have then traveled quite a long way. This island is in the middle of what you call the Pacific Ocean."

The Pacific Ocean!! I've never even been to the West Coast, let alone a Pacific island! I don't even have a passport.

Both women saw the concern on his face. He truly had no idea how he got here. He got his wits about him and asked what he thought was a sensible question.

"Can you contact the American embassy and let them know I'm here?"

Both women were surprised at the question. He was going to need more information to understand what was going on.

The Matron gave him an uneasy look, "There are no embassies on the island. This is not a known or recognized island by anyone."

An unknown island?! How?! There are GPS satellites! If they are cut off from the rest of the world, how the hell can they speak English?!

They could both see the questions pouring over his face. They could see the concern and anxiety flooding him. Alaria moved quickly to try and calm him. She moved closer to him, sat on the bed and clasped his hand into hers.

"I can see you are overcome right now. Please know that you are safe and free from harm. Take a few deep breaths."

He did as she requested. He breathed in and out deeply to try and quiet his mind. It had the desired effect on him, but he still had many questions. He began to speak and tried to do so as slow and calm as possible.

"So, I'm on an inhabited, uncharted island in the middle of the Pacific and no knows how I got here from Midwest?"

The Matron realized he was trying to calm himself while still searching for answers. Quite frankly, she was surprised he was this calm. She thought better of mentioning what she really thought was going on for the time being.

He's overwhelmed enough as it is.

"Yes. We are not yet sure how you got here either. But please know that we will discover this together. We will do all we can to help you. Please try not to worry."

He regained some of his senses and began the questions again.

"If this island is unknown and no one comes here, how is it that you speak English so well? Have others been here?"

The Matron realized quickly that this man was by no means stupid. He was not going to be satisfied by the half answers she had prepared. She needed this man's trust and now had endeavor to earn it.

"We are able to speak many languages here. While we may seem like a simple island, which we are we also do have the ability to see the outside world and learn about it. That includes other languages and knowledge about the world outside of here. We will show this to you later once you are fully recovered."

Sani then entered the room. She like the Matron and Alaria seemed absolutely flawless as well in looks.

That's some water.

"Matron, we found nothing anywhere around the island. No boats, rafts, or evidence of any craft. There is nothing!"

Her face seemed to match both the Matron and Alaria. They seemed stunned by this realization. Matthew no less so but realized something.

They really don't know how I got here!

Alaria then leaned in toward the Matron and spoke ever so softly, "Matron, this also is the legend..."

Matthew had heard this before. He remembered just before passing out in the water them talking about a prophesy. Now he wanted some answers.

"Legend? What legend? Do you know what's going on?!"

They all looked at him pensively. They knew they would have to tell him something, but how much should they tell him. The Matron decided she needed a deeper discussion between them all.

"Please excuse us for a short time. I promise you we will uncover what is occurring."

All three gorgeous women then exited the room leaving Matthew perplexed and more than a little anxious.

They know something!


They stood away far enough from the hut so that Matthew couldn't possibly hear how many of them were gathered outside or what they were saying. Even if the waters had improved his hearing, they were safe as they would all speak their native tongue. A few other women now joined them. They had heard about what had happened and were now asking the same questions as all the others.